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Kingston Gazette, December 28, 1816, p. 4

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MTLTTIA PENSION AGENT'S OFMCfc-tW, tftft &pfa»fef, 1816. NOTICE is hereby given by the General Agent for the Payment of Militia Provinci;,| Pensions, pursuant to the directions con- fSitteti i» flw Sefcntfi Section of the Militia Pension Act, passed in the last Session of the Legislature, that having received the Sum of Six Thousand Fiv Humltt'd Pounds, ft* the purpose of paying the said Pensions for the period up to the 31st of December ii(-vt, the same are now in Course of Payment. admitted, and of those, also who Claim to be admitted, as MilitiaPinsionersef /'- Name of Pensioner. Rank, FLoghncnl °r Des¬ cription of Semce to which belonged. Action or Place where wounded, &c. Time when woun dcd. Period for which Pension is due. From To TUua (t. Simons James Klrby William Jarvie. John McDonell Thomas Eraser Jcim McGregor Thoma> S:nitli JI envy Rnttan George Rfcer-on Jforte? MrGir^or Panic! McPo.'tp:! Robert Kirkpatrick Donald MeDearmid James fcc'iArd-on Rido»n Richardson Richard Drake William IJucU Virhael "iTjimc Tiioma- 5Qccrthora Reuben A! .va»\] A ulreHv Kennedy Tiioma-- ccr* is John Bunnell John 'Vrtraud John Shelve tVMliam Maltlmcrc Jo :ii Conn?!! Jo epb SJic|>ard T):i\;A T.eiuor Sanu*?l Wiers tyoree Campbell Joncpli Waca&n Jacob Snyder Gfftiries Mr-KhUMn FVqnhar KkBeaH A.iM-oiiy Ribblc Ri.ii i.r'l; M-Krn/.ie tfy\] Brown LaurMin McDaa^al Jaioes Crow ford Ardt*»lana Fcrnnatn Peaceoif RbotcUter B*yiMeC>u.inea'j Sv. ;il. P. O-JlleS Jara^J ^ i-'.^n J&met Graham Latyrvoe* Forraf r-M»»h r*owt*ji Sa v-l No-'on F.»riir/er Avery Stephen i*a Utv A»:.h-*y BorLma1 .?r...>^ A. M-illsc Rleofcrd ll*»n I * Major Major Captain do do do Lieutenant do do d* do do ■ Ensign Lieutenant Master** Mate Al i:i-i\.(i>iKiri Serjeant do Private do do do do do Bugler Private do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Serjfeani Tnva'e 2d York, now Isl Gore 2d Lin. and In. Militia Incorporated do do Kent Volunteer* I Si. SlO:II)OUt I«i:e Second York Incorporated 1st Norfolk Kent Volunteers Incorporated Second Lincoln l>t Glengary Provincial Marine do Second Norfolk 1st Leeds Second Etfex in Norfolk 2d Norfolk 3d York (late) 1st Sronnont 2d \orfork lnco'iunatcd dj do do 3d \ork(laie) 5th Linij'.u Second do , N do Ui do Incorporated 2d (flougsry 1st ■Sleii..;*ry .Seconal Lincoln l>t GlensrafV Kent Volunteers do do Kfl Leeda Isl Essex do 2d Norfolk 3d Lincoln do do 3d York (late) Ui Voifolk do 2d Le. 2't Lincoln M York ilafe) In('"jM»rated lo -I Lundy's Lane Fort Erie & Lun- dy*8 Lane York Lundy's Lane do Iioug Woods OffdeiibUiirfh Lundv"- Lane do Fort 13) ic River Thames l.undv's Lane CJiippaua Ocdei:>burgh Oswego River HaWin Ston31 Creek, L. E Ojtlensburgh River Raisin Tort Erie do Qacei^toii Ogdrnshurgli Fort l.nc Niagara Frontier Loody's Lane do do York Qucenston ('hipj.awa I'oit George si. David's " Luik!>> Lane Near Cornwall Ogdctisbiirgh C'hippawa Accident on Duty l»ng Woods do River Thamea (wiiiuauo:|ue Mor.^uaga River Raisin •Malcolm'.*. Mills Black (lock do do Queenston Mftlrnlmli Mills F«ji I rie Act■itli'ilt 00 Only do York Cro« Roads For! Brie s?o July isu 2 Dec LS13andi 25 Julv I8I4J 27 April 181.^ 25 July LSU do do* 4 March 1811 22 1-Vb. 1813 23 July 1314 do 28 Nov. I HIS 9 July ISI4 25Juh ISI! 5Jul/lS14 9SCV4>. 1SI3 GM;;v ISI4 32 January 1813 12 Nov. IMS S8 Feb. WIS do January 1813 27 Nov. IS 12 23 Nov. ISI2 13 October tttlS 22 IVI). 1813 28 Nov. 1812 8 October 1814 25 July 1814 do. do. Amouut of Pen¬ sion, Province Cnri'\v. Dollars at 5.v. Newr Goods. npHE Snbfcribers, having icccived bv -*- the late arrivals, offer, for falcon the Towed terrm for ca(h at their Storei in Kingfton, either wholefale or retail. £. D. 1 January 2 Dec. I Januarv I January fttflti 1812 1815 1810 — 14 — 16 — 15 do. — Hi °7 \nril ISIS ISnct. 1818 5 Inh 1*14 27 Ma\ 1M3 22 jwij |j$U W Julv Ik|4 10 Nov. 1813 22 l\)>. IS 13 5 J;-!y 181 i 28 Oct. 1818 4 March Hfl4 do. do. Wulv <lo. 21 Sept. is 12 PAl.jf. i!:r. 22 Jan. VWJ 6 Not. tfl S 30Di>c ISI3 do. do. LJOei. ISIS Oov. Mil !H\OV. :M2 26 January Win 5 Seji'. tut. 27 April do. J* Oef. do. 12 \-.r -i im; 25 July I January do. rsxov. —i5 I January —16 do/ yJuly —14 25 do. 5 rio. 22 February —13 G May —11 22 Jamian —W S3 Febv. — Ifi 9 May 22 Ji:Iv ■ 1 Jauuai y do. do. do. do. (1.). I J illy I January I July is Fein. I Jannan do. t.7 May S2 July I January flo. 22 Frby. 5 JaK *-> . »cf. 4 March do. n Julv 21 Sept. *• Ati^h i 22 Januarv i. 30 i). c. rio. «!o. !7Nm. o do. Si ;%o>. -15 —1(> —15 —10 —15 —16 —N — 16 —18 —14 — 10 do. — U — ii do. — 12 do. —tS — i( — ,.* '! 31 iK'cr. do. do. do. do. • do do. do. do. Aoy do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do- do. do. da do. do. do. do. do. do. do, iio. do. do. do. do. do. '!-•>. do. do. do. jo. »!e. do, fill. do. <U». do, do. !o. So. 1810 do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. rio. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. da. do. d.i. d... do. do. do. do. <!o. cfa. do. do. do. do, dm do. no. do. d.. do. do. <lo. do. do. do. 20 81 40 20 48 20 20 22 20 20 49 48 49 77 53 78 17 S2 28 20 20 *0 10 20 20 80 20 JO 17 60 20 7i 48 20 20 11 19 ♦>.1 5fi a J 4^ >5 8? 7« (10 <i() 42 ^:> 81 73 80 Ti 04 47 12 10 i2 i5 i5 I 3 t7 18 iM 8^ n 4 7: 42 n 84 '4 o i8 18 i 17 ii 12 i2 r2 ir is |7 I 2 2 2 0 i ?7 12 9 i2 IS i5 s MM ^- o 2 2 *% 1 a* ,0* Cloths. Kerfeymeres, Flannels, Bomha/etts, Bombazenes, Men Sc Women's Hofxery, Irilh Linens, Diapers, Toweling, Sattin*, Lutcftrin^g. Blue and white di- agonal Sat fneta, Levantine Silks, Ribbon a. Laces, Footing, Gingham*, Lace Veils, Silk Shawls, Silk and Leather. Gloves, Wellington and Berlin Webs, With a variety of other articles in the Drj/ Goods Line. ALSO, Jamaica Spirits, Mufcova.lo and Copniac Bnndy, Holland Gin, Bed Port, Spaniihf Sherry and Madeira Wines, Pepperment, Shrub, MolaiTe**, Loaf Sugar, Teas, Prunes, Ratlins Almond3, Barley, Pepper, Allfpice, and Indigo. Walter McCu1\jffe&Co. Kingston, 19th July, 1816.______7 0 M 1 F'r-iic/er A..-.y flo ja LOWS Awitl.-iit on Duly ■*« Januarj WI.1 KB .l.ia.iarv —W .1.. H„ 7s ■> ?j A.:.U - r.,rl,M>l «].. S,| \ ,„k i Into) York 27 April H„. -" ^ ;,.il «L' £" " - , f, .ts..i--i \. m-.Uji Sfi^rVanl In.....•■ormed CroaRoads 8 0a. .1... •«>.-t. do ■„' • '[ '; "'i JJicohvH H-.M I'riva ■> I do Fort Brie ' l'.;\.r.t|s|: j i'i \.ip. _,'t ^ Jj"" 47 3 "' LtS'L'qjtlol'Zx and Orphan Cluldrea (ulmUted m UiLilla Peuswuers yre-dou* to tlie Ai. aus»:,-il. /.:-. )<\r, ; shoving lite, s am dwta nirJ, in «,/..„-«- * ,7 ..." ________________________________________________yf D, amber. 1 SI ■;. rw /?/;• w the Sums i>«,e 1,,-cu ,Yt*n» >'•■ ' W*am*l* Eta -l.v/ ^„rwhp*^ I ,^;5S52SSSS h*taMi,iiia! l3SStl> LH«nta^n^^, ^0^!i-^^i^r^i;.......•»«-■ ,^,777 ■-----------------------------------------1____________...... i__________! "■•l-n-'-'l. I________&C. _________ _____ _J I,,,,,, , T~ 'ri'l-.<""r.r'V- Mane v.vJ.'Hm* Bwndj.........I Uw«'« Ron* ........... Cauioin I n,, i.».,-a Soar r'nrt Mrfgs 4 TvK "ft; ~ T===^::::^=;=!r-Tv-----------' tw'|a«,<5«. !!n,ri.~ WalJcr................ Fdwanl Walker........... do Incorpoia-wl !..:! Kric iVV.-, , • '.'« '" ^ 3l Oa«. Ibl6 SA f gi MartJHT*fi<»th................ JosboaBooth.............. do Addition CwnlCy Sjort ~.« ' • '"' _"-' '" i° 80 >?..,rv C.rn.il................. John CorroU.............. do Oxford (a-wil'v J 41. . "■" "■ (l" 4" Mane Vadflini* Pond\ Slarrip! Walker.......... Manftrr* Sfloth............ Nancy («»rn»il... \i iir Tiroey.........^... 8m annah McDohcII........... j^erii ha Detlor............... J\'.ue Hadirhon............... C n\f R**n'me............... }.r-ie« v Morrav...............I r.i-Mlieliiro^.VlI..............j KH ...;iVt;i Wiight..............f Chart** Wnzhi La'iren'r Romn Edward Walker Joshna Booth........ John C'or^sll George Tnrney Chrfctnpher HcDonell ... John Del lor............ f'.err^ BatUchon........ Pa-enl K-a i?ne......... Oamel Miirrav......... Ctjor^i* Coffhcll Captain do do do do Lieutenant K:iM£ii Pri\ii.*e .... » * * • * Sh ao Tovlor..................I Robrri Taylor . Alr«'t3re: BaMido.............. Joseph Bavtldo, M.:cv Adams —................j S;;m;:el \daw? .. \a don Peer...................j Stephen »Ver ... y. \?\ nianebel'e ... }folMiah Forsv'h.......... >aiKv Wltkervou......... Nane> fiendennen........ # M\ am:e Smith........... Catharine WoWVoni........ ClilldrmoT....................| Childof............ Pniulof rftMUi......# ■ ■ ■ ■ • # ^ * # • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • ■ »* * • • ■ th'.Idrenof.................... Children of........~.......... Lewis BlaocheUe .fames Forsylh....... Jacob ^Vilkerfnn..... Adam Clrndcnom.... Chaocv Saiiih............. Philip Wolf: urn___. .'....... Ma*Ma* Sanndera........... .'mm MeSraih.........'____ William Cameron.......... Martin McCleUan.......... Captain ..... _. Timothy S.V inner........... —- Cluidren of...........*.......I Thomas Smith.............________ Children nf...................I John FIender*hoh ..........________ 1 J It.-. J..WA rncoruoraicd Addition Oiiord Second Iiineoli do Third Vork S.M'onM K:-ex First ICs^cvx Tl.inl York Firs! I.iiK'oln I do Second Lincoln do do do do do do First Norfolk r'it-;t Oxford incorporated Firsrt York l!uor|»ora'#'d Firsf Lincoln do Second do Th-rd >ork K'f'l' Lincoln Casual Cy CttNitalty Chippatva do York River Wnsm do York Liuidx's J.ane Fori (ienrffc Cliipji.iua do do do do do do Fori Erie Vccident do. ai Kingston York Fort F.rie Fori George do . CIiipjKiwa Quecnston Queen<ton heights ■o ,V;.v TSf.S 07 0,1. —i.s V/ ^^. .-Tj do «7 April —r3 A .Ian. do do a? April do S.'i.Julv M Ma'v S July do do do do do do , 2S Nov. 5 Nov. 27 April £4 Sent, S7 May do 5 July i'» Oct. is S.pi, —rl —IS - il do do do do do do —t* - Il —•:* do -i4 -13 do 11 do .* Aiaj 1 Jan. do do do do 1 .Inly ^iJ-ilv 22 da'ii. 1 .Ian. do do rio do do do do do do dii do I J r IM.) i"> r'i do do *—1 > —i~i do di do do do do do do do VI lv Fan«arv do 00 do do do 1 duly —••» do do t Jan. « —10 do do do do To Si Di^r, im'V do do do do do do do do do do do do do do rio do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do ' do do do do do do do do do do do do do do (Jo do do do do do do do do do do 3:i 20 40 20 20 CO 10 Is 20 20 20 SO 20 20 20 20 W M 20 20 10 20 '?0 m so 20 20 20 iVew Stage. 7 flTHE fubferiber propofci to run a Jl. STjIGE b'tween Kingfton and Yoilctue entiling winter ; to coniine;.ce the fir ft Monday after the flashing will offiWy admit—to leave Kingrllon every 4ond2y rr.nrning, and York every Thuif- tiay morning. The fubferiber hopes, by his unremitted exertions for the ac¬ commodation of travellers, and Lne fafety of their baggage, to merit the patronage of the Public. SAMUEL PUR Dr. Kingston, 08 9. 1816. 19:f |^OUND, on the th ore of Long 1(1- SJ and, en Su< day t!ie 8:h in(t. lis Barrels of FLOUR.—The owner c*n have it on application, and by paying the neccfiary charges* Wm. hadley; LEWIS MOSliLR. » Long fflund, Dec. 10,1^16. zftwt. i5 1 NOTICE. ALL peribns hrviug any rlemandis againfl the Edate of the late EL1PII/1LET AD/IMS$ of Maiya- burgh, deccafed, are hereby requetlc^ r -'T, r rW'fcw indebted to the •am Efloifl arc- hereby requcileJ to mrke immediate payment to &IMEON WASH3URN, H.il.rW-«n, iatf,Nov. ,816. Midland District, 24-tf a r:5^**I RY v;rt,,t' °^ r« Wit : j JtJWRIT of E Y Court of Kta& ben.h, huld;,.. cfv: Name of WHow, &c. J\ami* *v Uajik of l>rc'f*'i-ed Hu-diand, &e. Name. I Raok. .Name of (inardian of Jtegiaieni tonhich Orphan Children. S11.-OII Duller Catharine Ilaincr DoroiV^ May I-.l./ab- tli Dennis Bari>a"a T*«aJ Caiharine Ti-al Barbara Bn.wn t'a.aarinc Uock Mary Coon Marj Clark Mary Va.iderhaneck Ma y Grat'i VAoy Wolfe 1 1,'eii.r hoyer Ha ';i.m Clendmnen So,. i:a Uolner Harid Uatner J-.M^abcri Weaver Pheb? Warner ftaroarine Newkirk Anna Johnston Caii>0i'ine Limbnrncr Phehe Adair Tasej Balm Chi'd: en of .- Children of Children of Caildrcu of Children of < hildren cf Clu'dren of Cuildrcn of Children of Child, n of Children of Children of..... L'.icr?tia Slew art Maria Rabbce Nancj Lottndge Barbara Kin^ F.lu.abein Hull Ma £ar»t Vansieklc Children of..... Widow Mills Martha Hcbrrt Widow or Cioldren of .. ■ ■ ■ » * - 9 * Slow \_Lrron Exctjptul^ Jo'm*o:i Be tier fieorg** Hainer ' John May Joseph Dennis Lauraitee Teal Zachariah Teal Isaac Brown JoImi Rock John Coon John Clark Cons. Vanderbaneck IMieiia'l RrH*l Con rod Wolfe Man in Bo\er rVbner CWndinnen /arhariiih Hainer flown ijainer Francin Weaver Michael Warner Benjamin New kirk John J ihnston Alexander Eintfnunef John Adair Jacob Balm Ca-per Sluifell Jobn Shokleton Johh ffallipot Ga^liam Conger William DtMtnis John Sinith Jonathan (iriHiu Chailee Stevenson I<a;u: Walker Lewis Boughncr Abraliam Aere Samuel Nunn Enoch Stuart John 1'.. Ilabbee John Lottridgc George King KialiHall Da\idVansiekle John Stuart Solomon Wills Beelej Heberl Pierre Cababicre 1 Lt. Col. Ueut Lieutenant Private deceased belong-j ed. Time of Dert'a^e. _ < (By what ooariU'enot Tor wl.,eh IVn-ion t> Ithr n idotv iyci------------------------------------ Serjeant Pri>ate Serjeant Private John Benncr Senr. John Warren PnerTrtimbie Lav\ renee Jennings Marah Dpcicstedcr George adann Smith Griffin Anna Votings William Walker HeU-uor Chambers Robert NHles Charlotte Acre Captain Lieutenaot Private 1 Serjeant Private Sarah Banghart Courth Lincoln First do do Third Lincoln do do Second York Third Liucolu Stcoud do do do First do do do do do do do do do Fourth do do do Second Lincoln Third do do Second do do do First do Fourth do do do do do do Militia Arliller> Artillery Driver Fifth Lincoln Second ^ ork Incorporated Mil. Fifth Lincoln do Second \ork Fifth Lincoln Incorporated i.) t3 do r8 do i3 ri I Dee. i8i2 X \<n »»i .J,»«i 9 Jao. l7do id p*c 1 d*» "2 Jart 4!)ce rS M-*»eh vi 1" TVe vi i() fio do 9M \pr,l.:j 2o c>c«. ri (>Ofi- do 1 d(v r De**". 18 IV-c. 2 tio 6 J3V. 14 IV<4. 9 fio 3 fio i3 4o so o". 8 \<vv. 4 <do 'i4 <<1« 30 ,do 1 Detf recommended. I From To due* Amount, IVov. ('un'y. I Didlair* at nis. 1 Uee. ihi'J S2 \ov. H Nov. rl do IS do r4 12 do i:i do do do 14 do do do do do I ^ Niagara Dibtrid 01 ,rao. 9 jan. n do r0 Dec* t do 2 .tan. 4 rw t4 ri i5 r3 do r'2 do r.i l2 ts hfaeehtd r7 Dec. i*2 rO do do 20 April tJ i9 M'>'cl' IS 20 .do do 00 V.ov. S0jdV>« 3i Di*r- 30 NV,V 5 jhisy SON.Vv. ou wk!b. L ri r3 il do 12 do do l.{ 12 do do do r2 do i.t 12 do rl 12 13 r J District of Gore w n r u . „. . . I incorporated 2S IV'11- «•» N..B. Cabasierc Died m Captiv i.y as a Prisoner of War in ftjfc Catttd 8ta!ei EDWA1U) MacMAII©*^ G'tmeral*Ag* 25 Oct. 2 Feb. 6 Oct. 15 Nov. I do 13 Nov. 1 D.-c. 13 Aug. II lo Ore. 12 do fan. 14 Dee 9 do 3 do 13 do 25Aife. 14 20 Oct. 12 8 \ov. do 4 do 14 do :*:; do I Dec do ID March 13 20 do 29 Nov. 12 .'11 Dee. do SOJune 13 31 Dec. 12 30 Nov. do 5 July 14 30 \ov. ?2 2SFeb. 15 :i\ the. Lst-a do do do do do do do du do do do do do do do d<» do d*1 do do do di do di do dc do d< do di do dt do dc do d« do du dO d0 'So du do do do do do do do do do do iU> do do da do do do oo do do do do do do 6 A pleas, in am) for tiic Midland DtstriS-a- forefcid at lltefuit of ALEXANDER AULDJO, of the tw.fhip of Marys. burgb, in the faiJ Districi, yeoman, afr^in^t the lands and tenements of PHILIP SWJTZER, of the tow* fliipand Distrift aforeffii'J, yeoman, to me directed i I have fcized arij taken in execution, a* belonging to the (aid PHILIP SWITZEKi the South¬ westerly half of Lot number l on the Southeasterly fide of S^Uthwe^t, or Prince Edward's Uny, in the /aid town- (hip of Maiyfljurgh, which fold Lot of land fa butted and bounded, or may be otherwife fannon as follows, that is to fay, commencing in front on the laid J3iy, in the lirrit between Lots nui her i and 2, and at the westerly angle of the fafd Lot ; then South 46 degtcea East, J of chains 27 links, more or Ids, to the lands granted to Caut John Allan ; then North 44 degrees East, 9 chains 50 links, more or Ie&, to the centre of the faid Lot ; tln-ii North 46 degrees West, 105 chains, 27 links, more or lei's, lr* South We>t. or Piince Edivards Bay; then Sooibeffy along the waters edge oi the laid Bay, to the place of beginning being partly culrfvi'tod, with «ill (he h»ul- ding-s thereon creeled, CO0tainn'<J by gdmeafiiretnent 100 acres, be the lam- more or lefs.—Now I do hereby give Notice, that the aforefaid Lot anci premffes will be fold and adjudge to the .behest bidder, at my office in the town of Kington; on WEDNESDAY, the 18th day of DECEMBER next, at ro ot rhe clock in the forenoon, at which 'time and place the conditions of faie will be made kn^wn. CHARLES STUART, Sberjfi And every per/on or perions having claims on the above defcrijed Lot ot* land and pre ruffes, by mortgage or other rit;ht or incumbrance, are hereby adver- lifed to give notice to the fiid Jhcrfft, at his Office, in rhe town of Kingston, piivious fo the fale thereof. Sheriff 'j Qffic*f Qaober IZ4 iSi6- "9 i% nifor Paying Militia Pension-as z+l/i or lcbriiary next. Shcr-JJ s 0JI r. Pre. r7, ,8«6. i

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