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Kingston Gazette, December 28, 1816, p. 3

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Mm!'! (*„!**find .'jRrortTvrr.' nevnrpo bail, Oi-orhann-M, in ||u.ir icMpers, tli*V,-e IhiUi dailfirg tr.iul. Having answer** yourltoes, which I ser no wit in, My parting a<lvic<- fc, rPtwrn now to tt> inain, Wlicre, |»rrha|K yon may Iran., what yo;i say will* somuch^all, flint1 'ho old rounlry pmul<* archil after all.' Where, instead of attending to affair* of the nation, Vou may raakesilly rhymes your soleoccupa-. lion ; Bn» at present quit acrapincr,o'- aping to stiii)C« In a place where .«o main areskilvd in the line Clear off. if you can, !bat inveterate iich. And stick,mv 50tKUir.1r.orr close toyoar pitr.fi. By the way tiitt you take Laying four to a doz¬ en, Seems raJthOf far fetch'd, for the house of vny • cousin. And then you continue some more of your rani. M"'uh no o'h *r view, but tormenting fc my aunt.' Having plagued the old eat, you next lca>ellu* kitt-n. Miss something or o'.her "jtet c.»mc out from Dritfttiii ;** Whose beauty lies hid under mystical stars^ Like ll I.ealiV" papa—pitched in as old >-/>an\ ONibl'noiv here, some sign we'll allow, /VUho* you don't fashion your stars like the plough* Klse perhaps had it struck you, the thought to compare This pretty young M—U—r io the great bear ; Or. Roaieo like, when you ga/M up :o Heaven, Have planttd out new systems from each of the seven: Thus mine'd up in pieces—then suppose her to! dro;i, ' In a shower of Frrtfhnsonrtj, fit for the shop— Which bright fall of wit might have caused such a runp)is> If not more pitclfd bat tie* 'tvrixt square and the compass. Totherdav when I qwes*ion*d that nice girl,; Miss----------- . To the bay did rhe point, where yon waringi F'ag blue is* With tears in her eyesj a^d a sigh that would say dkl— But a sobintevmpted—perhaps the word M Le¬ ah." Now-surelv there's something in language that tells, In the tear drop that falls on the bosom thai swells, I Juu-as true as ilie Compas*—where woman's thought dwell*. ilethink *oo I hear, Miss BriUania's young: brother, With a lol of proud notions pick'd Up from air fftvfi-f r. M:ho" "lis u\\ foiiune to keep fancy stores, I can sport as bi£&4 lace as >o»r irrfcal-------. One partirg l'u*e wioic, and then I'll ^ay ' hang v»u." As its fcjjce .vorth my while any longer to ?!*;•£ you, when you dance upon nothing— the girls will h- Cl«t That the men shant be spoil* d by a pattern so bad. Sjino vie/); Of W5kind, are warning. G<*T knows, Torr.zAr such old batchelors turn out their At the Game time dispatch them from .inder the Rose. ??,9 ftVi 1* f of words nor much time *o cojrmoivl. Thusai once we'll wind np wuh an tfirUiaiuj; hand— AVho irw i hw i ow suVcr:.bo hi:n>df tnfly vout friend. Y FN PASSANT. (To be continued.) 1 humble rauk Can bate no tlairn, but Miat Id which his miseries wihy onlitU* liim. I am sure, however, he has Wretchedly miscalculated. I Kium none of you personal l}"i but I hare no doubt 1 nm addressing mew who will not prostrate their consciences before privilege or i>ovrer—who will remem¬ ber (hat there is a nobility above birth, vxvH a> wealth bfeyond riches ; who will feel that as in the eye of that God to whose aid they have appealed, there is not the minutest difference between tho rag and the robe—so in the con- f-mplption of that law which consti¬ tutes our boast, guilt can have no pro¬ tection, or innocence no tyrant—men w ho will have pride in proving, that the noblest adage of our noble consti¬ tution is not an illusive shadow—and that the peasant's cottage, roofed b> straw and tenanted by poverty, stand as inviolate from a!l invasion as the mansion of the monarch. My client's name, gentlemen, is Connaghton—and when I have given you his name you have almost all his history. To cultivate the path of ho¬ nest industry comprises, in one line— u the short and simple annals of the poor." This ha;; been hi- humb10 but honourable occupation. It matters lit¬ tle with what artificial n. things chance may distinguish the name, or decorate the p-Tson—the child of lowly life, with Virtue for his ha;ulrnaid, holds as proud a tide a? the highest—as rich an inher¬ itance a- the wealthiest. Well has the Foetof your own country, said it,— Princes and Lords may flourish or may fea>, A breath can make them,a* a breath has mud*; Ski a brave peasantry, their country's pnd<\ When once destroyed can never be supplied. For all the virtues which adora the peasantry—which can render humble life respited, or give the highest sta¬ tions their most permanent distinction, my client stands conspi/ur *»• An hun¬ dred years of sad vici-sit ide have roll¬ ed away since the little farm on m fetch he lives, received his family—and du¬ ring all that time not one accusation has disgraced—not < ne crime has sul¬ lied it. The same spot has seen hi {rjraiidnre and his parent pass av\ai from this w-rld. and the village memr- r_v records their m orth, and tlio rUEtic teor hallows their resting placo. Af- terall, when lift's inocketi'1^ shall va¬ nish fr«*rn before u> and the heart that I now beats in the proudest bc-.om h.M -, j shall mould runconscious be. «alh it<{ kindred clay, art ranne-ter^cta noUK*rj iu( uunieut, or genius compose a perer P-o-.*', ric.—Such, ecntlnneiu was al- in* st the only inhrritnncc with wloeh ni) ciieui entered the world.—He did not disgrace it—his you*h9 his man¬ hood, !iis a^e, up to tliii n.om< at, hav. passed wiihout a hl'^ruish,and he now fcWms lh»t cncliunted liim—-bu< her youth, her bfnuty* *hc smile of her iu- uo.euee, and the piety of her toil, but inflamed a brutal nnd licentious Iusl. 'hat should have blushed itself dvaj in such a presence. W hat cared lie for the. consequences of his gratification —There was -No honour, bo relenting 'mtlr. To paiiit the parentV fondling o'er the child, Thcu^ie.v rhe ruin'dmaid, and her distraction wild ! Whet thought he of the home he was to desolate!—what thought he of the liappiness !:a was to plunder ?—Hi- ieflNual rapine parsed not to contem¬ plate the speaking picture of the cot¬ tage ruin—the blighted hope—the bro¬ ken heart—the parent's agony—*and last and most withering in the woeful ■;roup, the wretihed victim herself starvingou the sin of a promiscuous prostitution, & at length, perhaps with her own hand, anticipating (he more tedious murder of Us diseases! He need not, if I an instructed rightly, have tortured his fctiej for the miserable ronsoquenrcs of h^pe bereft, and ex¬ pectation plundered. Through no ve¬ ry distant v;:.ta. he tnight have seen the l-iia of deserted iovcl'iu, ss weeping -■•ver the worthle—w\s.s of his worldly I expiation, and u.:r:v.r.g him that as I there ivi re cm tit'. could atrnc, so ,es, t:o repent;'nee there were sufferings neither wealth nor time nor absence c,;uld alii viate.*-H lii*- raemoiyshould fail bin.—if he ?bould deny the picture —no man can fc-!! him half so etlicient-' ly as th-! venerable advocate he has <o iudiitii'iuly selected, that a cae might arise, whei'e, though the energy of ua~ tive Virtue should defy the -poiiatiou .if the p r on—still crushed affection] ought leave an inSietioh on the mind, perhaps ie*s deadlv. but certainly not !cs^' indelible. I turn from the subject j with an indignation which tortures me into br« vity—1 turn to the agents b) which Hiitf contanii nation was effected- i a!mo-t blu: ii lo name tlum—yet <!. u:y \\e;e WOftftj ct' their vocation. They were no other than a menial ser- var.t of Mr- Dillon, and a ba-e. abati- doncd. : rotii^ato rul'.ian, a brother in law of trud.vob'd wean*, herself, whoso be tin! i;>p< te.e* ho bribed into subser- rii ney 1- It does ty&flu as if by such a <pJ •<:li-..n be wai th tertfiined !o de-rade the (ligui.; . I" the ton*ter, while he vio¬ lated the hncimpithes of the man, by ev.i mi rely a;»0*4ntl3lg With his cwn j - -ivant, hut bv ih.«vii; A« v1"71'^. -It ■ :utis of .-octal iflH llitj mlothi.' *IMA- ("d sewer of ids enjo.ynent. Sedec*d . by *uctl iu"*tr miei;i into :i km public , house in Alhlone. the unhappy girl !, T.rd)\v;th"ut v^piuion. their mercj- [narv panc^yrk cntUie defendant, whv*n [tolli r nma/Vmeut, lliut no dmbt arecr-|| though in the first induce such an e- vent was impossible, sts.U ,n *i,nt: itwas fir from being improiubh^that many men from such motives forge;* altogeth¬ er the difference of station—t.V^' M«- Dillon's own family had already lirov- < d every obstacle migh! yield to ^" all-pmverful passion, and induce hi;."' to make ber his wife who had reposed an affectionate credulity on his honor! Such were the subtle artifices to which he stooped. Do not imagine, howev-| ;r, that she yieldsimmvdiatel) and im¬ plicitly to their persuasions ; 1 should scarcely wonder if she ditl. Every day shews us the rich, the powerful and the educated, bowing before the spell of ambition or avarice, or passion, to the sacrifice of their honor, their country and their souls ; what wonder then, if a poor ignorant pea-ant girl had at once sunk before the united potency of such temptations. But she did not.— Many and many a time the truth- which had been inculcated b) h"r a- doring parents rose up in arm—and it was not until after various interviews and repeated artifices and uniting eff- orts, that she yielded her faith, her lame, aud her fortunes to the di posal of her seducer. Alas ! ala^ ! How lit¬ tle did she -oppose that a moment wa- to come m hen every hope denouuced7 and every expectation dashed, he was io fling her fir vcrv subsistence on the charity or th* crimes of the world she had renounced for him ? Hew litth* did - kc reflect that in her humble station, Unso!led and sinless, she might look down upon the elevation to which vice would raise her! Yet. even were it a throne I say she mi^ht look down on it. There is not on this earth a lovii- Crvision—there is not for the skies a more aunelic candidate than a young modestmaidm. rob*-*' in cba>tit^—no matter what its habitation., whether it be the palace or-the hut, K So dear to heaven is saintly chastity, Thai ichen a soul is found sincerely so, Athoilsand liveried'nngtts ln:>key her. DrtvinvJ'ur off each thing of sin and On toe tf£* of the 24th joftant. the I Grocery Shop ■ f Mr. Elian Dtihna<*c, ! in the Maiket Place, was broken opdtf, and property to the amount of abo-it fifty pounds tak.-n out|Confiftingof fine Coots, Butter, Tobacco and Scgarn, Pipes, , Gloves, befidei a number of va. Whit luabl e papers, Hydrographh; Office, A"/,vGsto.v, Date & course of the Wind. Barom¬ eter. rouie- I 1 ., r-.Grea-l . i I Pat , treat- mom-". <■»'<' . .t 1.....■VilSK. 20th Dec. S. W. 29,737 30 2fi 339 21st, N. East. 30,132 12 5 369 22d, S. Wpst 30,206 1(5 34l 23d, W»y.& N'y. Ilpavy. 30,310 39 361 241 h S. West, 25t5 X. tliickfog and ruin. 26fh__ m.n.e. Rain. 30,057 29,935 44 36 41 37 352 85? 29,804 11 31 760 And i.t '•"<<»■ dream of solemn vision Tell her of things that no gross ear can /«■«/•, TiUnftMHversv&Uhhementykabitantt ileitin to cad a beam on the outfzartl Died, In this City, on Thursday, flte 26th Inst, after a lingering and painful ill¬ ness, CHARLF3 STL'AU F, Esqoira, for many years Sheriff of the Midland Di: tilet; aged 34 years- ; shape, The unpolluted ten pie of (he mind. And turns it by degrees to the soul's ess,-'ir.r% Till all hi rifttds immortal"----------- (Concluded in ourwxt ) FEMALE GLUTTONY. S?r John Carr. in his interfiling toui throne h Holland, informs us of a woi A CARD. THE Rubfcribcrs tender their moil cordial thanke to Sir RoerrT Hall, for difpaccbing the Schooner Nctley to the relief of the Schooner Mary, at. foon as it whs known that fhe wag (handed on a Shoal near die false ducks. They cannot leave Kin gfton without thus publickly !><-:t:nff the very great obligations they fee! under to the Mag- iftratefl ami other refpeftable inhabitants of this place, for the a!r:ftance they have rendered us in rccoveun? the property that was thrown overboard iroir. the Iviary, after ihc Itruck. ELTSHA ELY. STANLY BAGG- Kingston* D?e. 27, 1816. IV s Tuom A ConK PArr.n,Sept. 27. ROSCOMMON ASSIZES. Gonnasfhton, vs. Dillon. Seduetion^~'X\\e. fellow in- is a enr- tect report of the admirable speech 1 delivered by Mr. Phillip-, on this ocea- j >. •asscd mthant a l)!-n.isl». md be now |Jto hi r ftow^xntuit, liiut no a mi:t accor- j ^ ^ ^ ^ a ^^^ of Co,0 who tanclr confessedly the head of th.; lit- diaS to f&irprenouw arran^-mGnt, ^m wd, vc,rcil ;, twtlve wliagcs and .....".•n.,P>dandjo:nd't|1.Mr company Wr0te five cbfficaHv,befides exceTling to tboosiwt.. you, sieatiemim, w-to J 3CC,: llfh.;cn, thcn known. j Hei appetite and her death, which wa In this ca«e I a"m one of the counsel, for thtsplaiiitM; whohas diiecied mc| in*»xn!ain to vou the wrongs for which*, 1 ;,"/ "". , .. , ,. ... loexP J . ,- ..; ,mVM.,i;.n their virtuous eliilaren-ilie rcjorcng pa- nfvourhands, he so *c;ts rcoarauon.- ,J ..,.*"' „ at )our iidim ? -a-sic1 rents their youth renewed—thwagc J* nrmears to rae a case which merits- J . ' tievilhirein which ho livec. Ahout fivc-aad-20 years ago he married the &%K j tcr id ;» highly respectableRotaan Ca- thclic Clergyman5 by whom he had a faintly of seven children, whom they educated in the principles of moral ii} and religion! and who, until thed-fen- dant*^ interference, were the pride of their humble horn0, and the charm or the consolation of its vici^itodes. In ! f:r«t p'rus'-d this paw^jge in my brief. • Uluniril frommc witth a contemp^^ou^ < jOCeafionvd My her gluttony, were dill She died from an eating (piders.— lady was Maria *- -rr---/ much consideration, as well from tlie novelty of its appearance atnongvt us, as from the circumstances by which it is attended. Nor *>m I ashamed to say. that in my mind, not the Kast in«- terestin^ of those circumstances is th** poverty 01 Che man who has made this appeal tv> uu:—few are the consolations which soothe—hard must be the heart which does not feel for hhn. lie is, gentleman, a man of lowly birth and humble station—with little wealth, but from the labours of his hands—w;th no rank "but the-integrity of his character ■—with no recreation but in the circle of his home—and with no ambition but, when his days are full, to leave that little circle the inheritance of an honest name> and the treasure of a good man's memoiy. Far inferior, in¬ deed, is he in this respect to his foa tu* aate antagonist. He, on the contrary, is amply either blessed or cursed with those qualifications which enable man to adorn ordisgrace the society in which he lives—He is, 1 under fand,the repre¬ sentative of an honourable name—th? relative of a distinguished family—the supposed heir to their YirtttC.^thelndisp- utable inheritor of their V'ches. fie has been for many years a resident of your county, and has had the advantages of ; collecting round him all those recollec- ' tions, which, springing from the scenes of school-boy association, or from the more matured enjoyment of the man, crowd as it were unconsciously to the heart, and cling with a venii! partiali¬ ty to the companion and (he friend. -So impres ed, in truth, has he been with those advantages, that, surpassing the usual expences of a trial, he ha; select¬ ed a tribunal where he vaimy hopes such considerations will hcv. weight, and where he well known e ■ jlient's made happy—their days of labour be¬ came holidays in ticir smile—Rntt*if the hard ofafllictiou pressed on t^m, _ ^ » h m fe a d V • pci'dciiiy. VVoal ! I exclaimed, rantl.Urpo.Mbl- r [, i tints 1 am * Iff^**^,? cupicfl ? Is thi- thi" omployment of the j|8tnotman n.i'f ral/f ari-ti>r.rav;y *iat yet Bltgpr* in <iti< d-vutr-d cowptry ?—Am 1 to Had t!i-in, art in th*- pursuit of useful j QUEBEC, Decemlfcr 14- A Kite- from Rivir Oi'elle rcprefents r-nd t:»-.n, art ,n tn«- purs.m «,. u-,u.,. d;fl ffn/l lt;.u. ,<f thc in that st-i^ce—not in tbe cucoaragement of;;»««»"f»• - J . atte or MfkufCiiM—notintlicrolielol!lf"*in. \l fant o! ,BrLa": * .r,^r< rt]f.,or....rnu..ii .. &ntatii«nha«beeii ir.adctoh»3 Excellency anmpc.Tcnrh.-dt^nnt^-no ,n th, , -^ • q- f on the tMg&i thehar.dofatliictio.. preyed on tV-m, an inpr,vcnrh-d fvnntry —no r 1.. "' !|t,,t Grvfrnor ;n Chief on the fobje-a, ♦hrj Ia«kod on their little ones, and P'ouu traiyh of anv'«nsucco-;tui nin no 1 , 0nderttand haslionianely ordered their mourning end.d. 1 cannoi paint the glorious host of feeling3—the joy— the lore—tJie hope—the pride—th** blended paradise of rich emotions with which the God of Nature fill- the fa¬ ther's heart when he beholds his child in all its filial loveliness.when the vision of his iufancy risesas It were re-ani¬ mate before him. and a divine vanity exaggerates every trifle into some mys¬ terious omen, which shall smooth his aged wrinkles, and make hic grave a . inonuriTent of honour! I cannot de- j scribe them—bat, if there be a parent on the Jury he will comprehend me. It is stated to me, that of all his chil¬ dren, there were none more likely to excite such feelings in the plaintiff than the unfortunate subject of the present action—she was hi* favourite daughter, and she did not shame his preference* Vou shall find most satisfactorily that siie was without stain or imputation— an aid and a blessing to her parents, and an example to her younger sisters, who looked up to her for instruction.— She took a pleasure in assisting in the industry of their home, and it was at a neighbouring market where she went to dispose of the little produce of that industry, that she attracted the notice .of the defendant. Indeed such a situ- •ationwas not without its interest—a young female in. the bloom of her at¬ tractions, exerting her faculties in a parent's sewice, is an object lovely in the eye of God, and oue would sup¬ pose estimable in the eye of mankind. Far differ* i.t, howrvcr, were the sensa¬ tions she excited En the defendant. lie saw her arrayed, as he confesses, in proud rrarcn o nWM»r»u «- - ,, who we lIIlderlUnd has !lUmauay ordered k» -**■ ^^^^^JJSE [I. f.iPply .f l»,ovifiOD8 for the relief of the page of waylike mvmortality, ctesmng.»••« ^r1 its iron crown from, guilty greatness «wtow«, ______ .orftc'diog frtfdomN laurd with the! .„ I blood of the dvpet \ B.;t a:n I to Imd j „.„S>U,, ^Y" , ,,r ,„ tVm itmUl dronkon panders and zor-\\Fromthe MUkd^leJowmaL'of Nov 29. Irepfvd s«»v«, debauching the »nno-j Major I..uh...... i»n o. the juqge, CMiceofvilhice life, and cvonamid the; ;vri'e? to a fn-nd in this place, that a stews of the tavewi, collecting or crc-( 'lequtfitiofi has been mad.- by the general ati.-thc matrriaU nf the brothel ! I !• i rov«T.«nent nn the governor or the Gentlemen, I am still unwilling to be- ; MifGfippi territtory for twelve hoadred lien it. and with all the sincerity of infantry, the whole of the cavaoy and Mr.l)ii!oifsadvor?t-, i do .nlr. at;ou riflemen,and a company of artillery, to to rri^ct it altoSfthi r, if it be not mb-. be held in readinrfu to march at a mo- Istantrated bv the Wiimpeachable cor-itment** warning. Ekh likely W pros- roboration of an oat I,. As 1 an. in- ; j*a of a mputrc with Spam haaoccaft. strurted, l..-diduot; at this time, al- -oned the adoption of this precautionary arm his victim by any direct communi¬ cation of his parpohfi ; he saw that she j •• wangood as she Has fair," and that; a prematuredisflosorewouMbtttalarm, m h-'r virtue into an impossibility of vio- TTTlOR the ferv.ee of the Store-ker-per lation. His :ir.ttetit,s, however, acted • JT General's Department, to be dcl.- to admiration. Th:-V produced some, ■ vered at EjngBon, as loon as practicable, rrille which he had \\.ft for her dispo-i - **-*•*• mcafure. Wanted, uperfine, $ Fine FL O UR, For Sale by PATRICK SMYTH. Kingston, Dec. 27, 18 I 6. ^Ctf Drawing. A SCHOOL will he opened at the » School Houle in Kinr-fl.in on Wcdncfday the nth in ft. where will be taught, by the fubfenber, t>iiNAviENTAL, NATNK AX/HISTORY, HUMAN FIGURE, AIU'lUT^CTTUE, LANDSCAPE, PLOTTING, and PERSPECTIVE DRAWING, On Wcdncfday and Satuiday afternoons, at Half a Dollar per Le(Tonf and half a dollar entrance. Private Tuition atone Dollar per Leflbn, and one Dollar en¬ trance, by D. A. ADKINS- Kingsfoftt T)n. 6, 1816. 27 NOTICE, S herebv given that fealed Tenders __ wiH be received at the Naval Store- keeper'* Office 011 the 31ft January next, for the Tmnfport of Stores from La Chine to Kinglion during the Naviga¬ tion of.817—to mention the rate per 1 on. Naval Tardy K:nj?Jlonf 4//; December^ \ fi 16. 37 1 m they declared \\* had long frit f°r CoTntnin^riat Office, Kingston* 2f>, Deo. 1S16. ofll 3&f\ her a sinVno atfafhRseat— as a proof, rhat it na« prre*o'-> urged the iuod-. cMy \vi»h which at a (:rst interview, el¬ evated above her as |,, vvns9 he avoid- ed its disclosure— \vhen ?he pressed thoro»duo^of 'he Expectation which couid .rioue ;;;duco (i,M to consent to jiJiailj nu..., -■ »~.», ----- - his addresses, the) assured her thatn thrown over hoard from the Scho ner MnrVjwill have the goodi.cfs to deliver Notice. UN Y Pcrfo.19 who may have ooltftfd .any flour, or Pork, that w^ »Mt, PhiUVjw hf*e iUbidrd (6a\crdictof J-5.W0 obt«h.< ** -u Ih? I lU. Caiwav A>si/«^ «i-' ^inst Hie4rfe»daHWa* \\u- ,»it of Mis« WitJ ?on,a verj hrautUi.l i. ll(j inH'ie-ti;:c \oiinpt 1 !3-.i>,fx a breach of rn%icp„rmarriage. >|r. 1 j WnifWius whOflOJ ry-ariod for Mr. DiUpii.I 1 ua> ijiv VmI oil's a»i^»- j..jt^aiioi !umi 01) lUe' occuuoii altuded tw¬ it to Mr. John EHcrLeL who is autho vi^d to receive and pay charges on the fame. , «.,, EC.IRHA ELY. STANLY BAGC. Kingston, Dtc. 27, i816; JO iv / For Sale, ON reafonabie terms, a likely Bay Horfe, good for the Saddle or Hdtnef& For which g'-od Wood will be received i" payment, to be delivered any time between ibis and next June.— en¬ quire at this Office. Dec. 5,1816. nnHIS >fl to give notice to all people I conceded, that my wife, Polly Lamb, h»>bceui' rforetimeJpafl fq an- dcrinjj my pr-prny away , this i^ to wive notice, that any perlon or perlcis who lUail puichalc any propniy.ortn.il her on mv account, (hall W pndecuted to the utn.ott rigot ot rht kw, DANIEL LAMB. Kin$stan,Dtc.$v 1S16. 2$*\>

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