I H mY COuniryn;i*u wouiu na>i Li from any British officer, sit • tfRSi the same relief which it tunatelv '" my Powcr to oxt;MI rfrioubtfld ttal insimilstrciriminstew- T counlrymoit would havft roc* iv- .situat,sd as was for* i.l to Iho pllicersand boat's crew of his m*jp*tymb ship Prometheus, so unjustly defamed i avail myself of (his occasion to a^- gure your lordship, that in the case in question my feelings concurred with what I considered to he my duty, and that I receive with great sensibility your very Buttering approbation of what I have done. The money advanced by rrte for file relief of the British ollicers and seamen detained here,amounts to one hundred dollar-*, which, if agreeable to your lordship, I will settle with Mr. &- Ponnel. With very great conwdcration and respect, I have the honor to be your lordship's most obedient, humble &er- vant. • t - WILLIAM SEUUUBEL On the ?8th of August Treaties ol Peace were signed by the i)ey with his Mijesty^*and with his Majesty the King of the Netherlands. • On the same day also was signed an additional artiele or declaration for th<* abolition of Christian slavery, to the fol'owiflg effect :, ^Declaration of his Mo«t Serene High¬ ness, Omar, Bashaw, Doy and Go¬ vernor of the Warlike City and Ki'K^dom of Algiers, mad-> -wid cou- • eluded *ith thf Right ttouorabh Ed-vard Baron Lord K\ mouth, Knight Gra-.d Cro oi th«* »VI -*J Hon^arabte Military Order of th • Batn. Adnini of £u? 151 '*? ^(['lad- loijof hi* Rrtta*mic M:*)*" 'ty1 Fl *'lt, and Command t in '-hief of hi- -aid lfajf«fyt' lib a d voxels mp!->}- ed *»i th^ M -ditt'Tnuean. IN ;;n-id'*ration of the dr.p Inter¬ est mfci|*fe?t*«d by hi llo>al Hignm** th- rdnce fb'gpntoT fiitiHand, forth*1 t ■ vination of Christian siar.^ry, hi-* Hvrne^s (ho 0 \ of A'-.'ier*. in toK<*H of n sincere d*—ir" (o maintain :nvh>-. la. - hfc frU'ndly "rvinrv u tilth Great £"*iin., and to maintain his amicable d: ,)o*iti::: and high ifc^pwt toward tbo powcj of Rtiropc; doc'nrc* , H»*'t iuj tneev . t of future war with any Eu* topean i ower, not any of tliP primmer* *ha!i tie eotv Lmccl t-a •dftYPry* but treat¬ ed with all humanity, as prisoner-, ol Ift'fcl • *ll#}1 r> :c,ti\<yrlx •••, r llf» Mff»'d . f>C- r>ordii*§ to Knrctjiemi pmrrieo, in lik ■ cae>,and that ;»t tnc termination ol bo jlUtiCS Un»y d»U b»' r.'stor-d to th'M- TO^pectiv" countries without mu- ««ni ! and the praefic? of condemning som ; ana uw i Ch-htian prisoner * «f war to 4K T> i. h-ivby formally a.id for ever re- llouiieed. pone in duplicate, in the warlike City of Ali?5**ts« in th- pr>m*uc" ol Al.i.iilsty God, th • SPth day! of A-uuvt, in tiwyarof J.«su- CluiM I Biff, and th s year of H win, ll23l, and the Gtli &*) of th'- moon Signal. (TjrDij'. S a'.) ■VdniJral -vh\ Co- *»»il i In* /Si*ped) !• .vi:>Ou*;I.L (L i, Ov M*m:nnzsd «f til Ad.ninil, (Sii;:«rd) Jo<. Gkimes, S. t:.tary. Tin- Wy al o, in presence ol" lii'iDi- Tai, 'ipoIo.^/M ro the Rrhi-h C>usij! for th'^K-v-oual r—'mint which l«»! be-Mi ;r o-vd upo'» hhn darin^t'i • lutf tloIWialfofhla Maj-.fy, to ovctaln.* lhatthp Mippi>rtors rolU>winj» uw\- i,. h vurnrd us-d by Dame Cathcrjuc AnnPrvo:-t, *.v;dow of th? said late Lbu'tennnt General Sir Georgo Pre. T*wf, during !i >r widowhi od, rir. u Oi! "itherf.id': a grenadier cfth? 16th (or iii'dfoicl^hire) Ki^imeut of Foot. eae<i sup porting a banner, i hat on th** dextc side inscribed West indies, ia«d thai '•n t!ic sini t. r Canada :M and that tit. said supporters, together with the mot- I to*** SrfvutuM Chieri" may also b [ borne by Sir George I^rrto.^t, B:ironet. ?oti and h'*;r of the hnifl late Lieuten¬ ant General, and by tits successors in the -aiu dignity of a Baronet : provi¬ ded th^ same be first duly exempHii-d according to the laws of arms, and re¬ corded in th" Herald's Office. And his Royal Highness hath been also pleased to command, that the said concession and especial mark of th royal favour be registered iu4ds Majes¬ ty's College of Arms. AVcC- York. Nov. VI. Gloomy prospect in EtigIitntL-~£be Br'n' h barque II&?tcquin7 Capfc. Ro- . aji'iv d at this port yesterday, in l2S day.from Liverpool. Ou th-- lL2th of Oct. she lay at the Dock at Liwrpooi. without a nta^t standing, and hi owr\ respect total y nnflt for sea, and rhu 14th (having, in tlie wiean time h*t n completely rigged and ballasted) sin l**ft the harbor under tow 'of a Steam- Boat, and sai!e,d for tiii* port.. mn was selected, onAceonufcof h-r being a fa.-t sailer, and despatched t% this place, witi», it Sn ?aid. important Com¬ mercial information. We have iv ith- ei papery nor letters ; but we under- ^tand.audwc b?li^ve correctly, Chat th-> following is the amount of her in- teuigence.—The Gentlemen, win- des¬ patched the Harlequin, had arccrt-/ i- cd from the moat authentic sourer-, that in consequence of the luavy and lon-r continued rains,thew>Seat harvc t rt»roughontEngten#ijWOut4 not yield mors than half of the cu-temary quan¬ tity. Wheat had aln-ady risen t<» #r#- teen sMIKngs sterling per 7U pound-, and fiourto sixty.five shillings per bar¬ rel. No Huubt remained -that all th*' ports of J1"uglarid would be op-ivd for the importation of foreign br.'adsCutr-', on the 1 .t of November inst. • « IMffax, Oct. 35. Yesterday, at two o'clock, his Kx- celieucy Lieut uant-(ienerai the Ri^lit l!-.no r^bti* GvoacK RarJ ol Oalnou- mi-,(-i. C ii. iauduUai the kiu^\»fc»'jiipa3 wbore he wa> rcecited by Maj. Gener¬ al Smyth. Maj r tl *neral Ainnlie, the ConmiandantjUie StalFot th 'Garrison. iS:c. and conducted to the Council [Chamber ; when LU Lordship t. ok the usual State Oath-, in presence r?f iiiy Majr-rfy's Council—a-' Liveter.anl Go- v-entor and Ccrnmand r in Chief of hi. Majisty'- Vr vir.eeofi^ovaScotraand it"-0<po[ivh*r.cf.es, 6cc. -e ; irrr " S^Jinnd <** r $\v pr^t^ */i( nof our co:nt:»^rco along the Spanish shore*-. ExtraCl °fa k'tc from d g&rtfimon tn i\civ Orleans to his friendin Baltimore, dated September 29. u P. !^.— his with finccrc regret 1 have to iuitorm you, thai lince writing the foropotf^B we 'MVt* had a moll alaimiug and di(ir«.ffinK lire, which commenced in l!.c new Aflcoi'bly Room, >nd extended fTimedi:""1)' to the Nfw-Theaue, which together w^hth-te entire a.-d principal fquares* fronting on Royal-liieet, have been c tire'7 confumrd—and had not the wie'1 fortunately lulled, at leaft one l,alf of ■•ur city would have (hared the " In4 such WRMif.,1 roirs!—h"t%n^aif-at 4?" Doo»: My rr^anN \6M friends at the ttcetti '* nnd the faurJ* LEAH. * Creeks, it isprosmred. COREESPOXDT5NTS. u A Briton" is ree-ived, but WP think bis remarks too severe for pub¬ lication. tame fai« if fcif&iHKitj December 7, 1S1(>. 'The R'%p°rt of the Schooner Comet's being 1°'^ av pnWisIied in ourla^t, lia*-- ap arc bappy to state, been contradic¬ ted. 'Tli? Sehorw** jManj, of Onve^o. Capt. trovvbriv'.^r, IVum the C*cn6WTf bound lor ^densbnrgh^freiglitcdwitli about ^00 h*rr*te of Plccr nud Tork. •truck on ^ rock, in a ir^l^, la-t Tue- dav\ a^ *•'«• False Ducks.— Soon after h'*-tr.:i'k the Captain and fhr^e men w *nt a horciu a boat, iwiving two men on bo,vd; ivho tvcrstak?n off jester- day b\ Capt. Mosi-M-, of the schooner i9l~arii--'ln>'i of • III- Port, feogrfft t witl; the C^a5i!,s tru:;k *ic. at th« im;-ii- nent ip^ °f W life.—We ar-iinformed b\ a PA?sf%P^3 vrho went on shop; with fV* Captain,that he is now in tii Bay rt^Q'diite, endeavonrtnfl to pro- cur? tA'1^ *° satP a5 much of the prc- l^^rtv W '} liir^ a^ possible.—If i» fcar- .-(! h^'-vrT. that by this time she is a WINU& ORO< 'MY STO RE* TjHE fuVfeib t has juft received, and ofFc-ra for fale, at his Store in the Market Place-, (lately occnpieJ by Mr. Duncan ^uAiuneer] a iele&ion of 7^ como! wrec k. It v.33 reported here, on Wednesday nighH^tj Hiatthe schoonerPerf*Cap¬ tain, Simpson, of this J'ort. was or. -bore *t the Ducks ; in consequence cf -, hiv'h, it i* duo to the Xnv» t.» stat-\ that CtommodoreSir llobert flail, with hi ciuract^ristlc hvmaTiity, immedi¬ ately t>rder«d a Government Schooner, which had been laid up for the winter, to he rigged, which war- ccmplettd by ciijht o'clock on Thursdaj morning, and she actually beat up against a hea¬ vy • » nearly av far as Snake Island, (then -ijnalj were made from the Dock Vai'! >>" her to return, it having been disco* red that the lJcrt had arrived til i' u rt. G-ROCERXBS % Which will be foXd very reafonable. ALKX s NDER MacLEOD. Kingston id Dec. 1816. 27W4 N B. A Confignmem of SAD¬ DLERY, SHOES,'fc& for falelow. For Sale, \T the Store of Mr John Duncnn, . oppofite the Mavket Place, 8cc Pairs Glove*-, fit for the prefent fcaU»n» i Trunk beft Englllh made Uoota, jull arrived, to be fold very cbd2p* 4 E.cgant P-ifT.t^e Lamps, 4 Do. WViung Dcfic** A large colJcQii 11 o: beautiful . Engravings. The whole will bri'tld vcty ch-ap — The Engravings will be e^pofed in ihc Auftion Room every day. 27 Kingston, 5/A Da. 1816. ANTED fV the ufe of Hi* M^'U'sSM., r.nd VdTcl at ihU Pott, a tepp'y «»f Ve-.re'^M■-■* t'fjr oue jreyr from the i*l Ji liStrf nrxl. ir, fjch q ;3nritie9 of thr fojlotnatj kinds *<* mny be f)0tn time to time demanded, viz : — Ouioiifi per lb. Greens or Cabbage per il>. Potatoes per !W. Any perfon 6t perfora willing to enter into a Coiuracl.tor ftlpplying tiie abovo Vegetables, aie req,nettedto dcliv- ,-v~ cd Tenders for the Lme into this office on or before the 24th mfr. ^f^er w .;*h day no Pender wd! ue received. Suretic? will be requireJ for the due perf "nnaace of the C*>ntraft (iigqedj j. marks, ytgent Vicluatter. Victualling Office, Kingftoo, U. C. jrh D-cerrher, 1816. ZJ FOR HIS MA ar: 5 5KJIVJCE, 1,000 VordsoJT Pim-TE "woojs, Of a ^ood mercHantabte q'l^i.-.v 10 bfcdefivered tn the Barrack Deoait neat at XINGSTON, during the WMtt feafon. Tender^ rriM be received at this ofScc until the 20th December. Cowm'fj'innt Of/ire* * Kinnfim, 'rh D:e.. 18 16. 27 Thelln^iim October Mail arrived at Halifax on the 1 2th Nit'Wttfou. t,b We undrrlland. that' on Thurfday laft, H n. W B CoUTTMAKi and John Llltcher, Efor. Ifft this city for Fort William. Thef- jrcntllemen have been appointed commiffioniTr** by his Excel¬ lency th* eovn nor in Ouef,to iiivellit;ate AKaluta wa hrcd en his L-rr'-'skip'-j, the uuphafdi.t occurremce^ which have I -ivi!^ the forth, ?.iid also 0.1 Sfts Ian-j, taken place between t!he Hudlon's Bay ii 1. so driven t;ie Sing's Wharf; and ihe iv. r1ji were lined on either >ide with th-: Xroopi of the Garrison. * »• i Compai y. and t!'t Mo tth Weil Co.rpar.y, (at th-4 Red River S..ttlcmcut and at Fort William, Montreal Herald. L. Lewis, T\ /TO ■» P rclpeftfuliy informs the La jLVX die? of Kingtton, an: tnc public in general, that lie lias received by tlu lace arrival* at Quebec, and ate now rea¬ dy for infpectioOj at the Store late occu¬ pied by Meff"*. M* Donald 6c Jonca, Main btieet hcfolloiving articles, which wil! be fold eheap for Caih nly. Elegant Swaitidown Muffs and Tip¬ pets, Waterloo Seal flcm l'ur Caps for Ladies and Gentlemen with Goid banu and Regency Tufleta, alio Seal /km for Geutlcmen'.s Great Coat Collars ano Coffh, and a variety of other Fui*. Real Merino P< l>irt Cioih$, b/lk Vel¬ vets in every colour—a large hilorlincnt (•f S.attins and Sarinctti and Ribbons, Irjft 1-innens, Patent ioom Sbirtink, all kinds of MuduiK and Lenoa—a cjnan- tity of Thread Laces, Gbld rrimming- and J affels, Waddiiit for Linings of J'c- liir-.:, and many other at tides too tedi¬ ous to mention. M. B. Ii -urs of bufinefa fiom ten &. NOTICE TS hei- by given ■ has feale I Tenders 1_ will he received 3' the NavU St(-'e- kee-er'« OiSce on th;' 3 1 P January i-eJCt, for the Tr ;f rt of fixates From La Chine t^ KiV.gft'on during the J$kn% «- Cionofl8l7—to meotiou the rate per Ton. Naval Y'ird. KinvJ!fint Hth December\ 1816. zj ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------,--------------, Nava! Hospitals Kingston. L\ 6. 4lA December, 1« 16. NOT1CL i» hereby ^iven that*Ten^ den, will be receive i ^t the Agent's Offictfg from any ; erfon or perfons who may be willing to contract to fupoly r'*:t Nuval Hoipiiai at King don with the Ondetmentioned articles, uf;d as Diet foi the Tatients viduallcd theteiiu Soft Bread, Bee1,, Mutton, or\e;i!, . 1 at. until q Kingston. p. m. UlL- ' iSt6. 7 1 sDi. 1 Iran act on* and hv n.tj'o paid 10 tne Can ul a notn of t!.r •-t'^T.r. ».'. dcl'.ars a- arwi:ttWf»t5on kVirtVprcdalioii cwm- «n'ti'-d on hrs rcsidi^ci* aiVr his imprl" »c:micnt. I I Lo\no*\ FTT- ?. M?'v:gv rn*\ost r The late Si K; IViih U<ifl.bti>t. 4, 1810. His Royal Hr^hcesp \\\- IYmc Ur¬ gent, taking into hU royal considerati¬ on the distiti^ui-!i*d mtvicps of th«* late Lieutenant (moral Sir &w*»* ^revest, Bart, daring a !^n;r port:»d m constant active rmploym^nt :u -it.:at:- Exirint ofdlc^i'rfr&m lAthcckfyitt-) dull d AiMretH'be-y 8. u 1 have observed hi :.;V'-ral pnperi an account <>i" a •* idoody a'J'mr" on Grand ;\f' nan between the I'lugiuh and tjits AniLricau h-hermen. lean SHSuf* yitu, sir, that th'* s^tory vvfts not besxel iiu thi- niacR until4t ea-r.o to us thro* I the m'-dium ol the papers, alttimigU Bcarrely a da) pa e- t • i."*f ><»me one iy not ri^re Iron; Gjand >1 i»an. Since I saw theaccoun* 1 have cciivcncduitli tliOiC who live ii*orc- and they knew ! nothing of \t. h i* of the panic har- j actcr of the -lory of th** Kngli^h hating j >';-i.>.cd all the American property ii» 1 »:•« iiuarter. \ on in'nv Ii^a'^ur-d thai 1 ilw. editors and Coi&o-l.r-ll keepers who circatato tho^c ndiculons storitfs do not enhance tiieir credit 10- discornjneut or love ci truth/*' The above p^ntle^en have pifTcd tltrough thi - place on tLheir route to Tort! William. ' D ' rawing. r v T 9 i'ii \Kt.l>TON. N Another tear rtteuvur*—Capt. (Ira? 3V the island of Martinique in 180'J : also in Kucccssfuliy oppa inc. vtiih a small garrison, the attack madte in 1S05 by a numerous French fcrc\ upon the Island of Dominica, then und'-r hi*? government ; and white Gowuor Ge¬ neral and Commander in Ci.hl Ot tin* British Province^ in No.-rh America, in the defencf of Canada T^r-'ist *h- re¬ peated ittvasion^ pri*v:ouvly att'»cyptjd liy the American I onv durinu fl-« t^i**! ■war; a d hh Iloyal |i»srfv:;*<3 b inr desirous of cvim in-; in an ' !> '^'ia! ni-t",- ner, the sense which his Rwya-J il^h- ness entertains of fhnve - Ttfices, b-, confrrrin^ upon hi*, family 1 in- *!n-< me¬ morial of his Mipsty** r . X1 '.'■ «r, hath bem ^l;a%t%d. in to. uu^ue a;id . .1 1 mforiuedbv Capt. EL thai he had pre- vn.iviy sp,«f.en a flpnni^h vc^s'-l, s*'p- po ed to be bound to Hamnna. having dispatches on board. The captain o' the dhuatoh ?'••el, informed Captain kti^ieYs, that the Spanish gnr. rnment ita<' declared war against the United S:ate;>. BO?«TG>M*Tor, t& Tbf Crngreni !n;ate, Capt. Morris sa'iUd lrc:n this port, on Samrdaj \v<- u>.- ♦... Gulrb of M \:co The Chijfr- pa/a. wvunderstand, will proceed 1*. ih sa;:>'- statiui. a< so/ n as *&$ \* G&Att.tl*h,tC //710?S. TO Ml COUSiy JEMIMA. Kivg.ton, 3'0th Nov. 1816. M^r.- -fcniiina our tVinteir'a.fliiiuscni^nt bv^un \\\. Kiep-.JMi tatltUrllRv 'hut tlolirniid fun ; l^i-iiiip'i' vcroa^sembletfl eacb Bcaaai*deacb Belle To J.t-u on their Caneh^ a* WAtkXn'.s ir»tel, uid hi'TTv's !o:.g ioo:a ne'er beheld svicli a M^iit, And > dancM wy dear girl, the whole of Us* i!ot Srgi^aud FiUicli»ib»m,,d In bowls on each And ofT«'a, yon tnuv gUCss, we hail c<5n*iile-ra- ble, My di( ^vas preparing t^e whole of the writ, V. Ilicb v\;.-seiu bv my Aunt from the/or/j»/m7c . Creek,, ,\ prettier pat tenutfu ney*»rconld hi? on, Mi*s ***** declared, aiie.^e'i- just come fion Hritain, With her MSter, whose k^ile occupation and trade is, To rliapo^eofhcrnotfon^Und fashion ih*3 ladies, Si j MamiMa.evcrtrMitj- omefuoh-b pretence, Deelwed tltat the inmiu^ s Wa9 too much ex- \n uee, Vov.'d it Y.a»*Q*. thewa> t>r foiki to gel rich, Aiidshe*drcn»:«'l Pappa^oreturn tosi- Pifrks But Pappa wore the Ko^v- on his bosom thai uJ^ht, Andhr.?a/"donht«dearl:uioSir! with delight, > datic'd :lear Jenima, u^h hiio—you know ^ Ah ! I ueVrean believe tut he's constant & ' It' thtreV \irtue ia Kc.g] and vabur in /?.« . J 1 I I ti d up. br fid n ,..u'- , ia aii» Morpi In Hi*-' 4 n the cuuuuauu 01 u «it] I. 3. ^ .ii » iv IV13 cou3id-vau*c !;.v.\ :ji!-y arid politriic a^pear'd at the ball. Via-line *n*v<*r.nm*%ai y\ remark ofVmall, AuddtenwitU .vhui gra*v did he pour out the T.-a. First belling my M^thr r. an^ .n,.n helping me, Mamma, luglrij? piea*u vi \{\x my tt>ver?;>atieii- tioll. Is detemiluV " Espenc^,- nc>r farther to And>0t< s"d deriarw >trco !-,(, Vi\^a 0f tn-. I'.Ji, Hia( the Ofti pBw^rji p«0atfi grc best after all. I Vdien <: a Jcaiima, I mjM na!^ away, lncOviirnsE/iigouic;,^.,^^^,. ^/-^ A SCHOOL will he opened at ih- *"* School Houfe in Kingfton on Wednellay the I lth iuft. where will be taugbt, by the Ibbfcribtr, OiiNAAlBNTAL, NATNRALtiiSTORY, HUMAN L^GUUB, ARain'ECTTRE, LANDSCAPE, PLOTTiNU, mid PERSPECTIVE RAW On Wednesday and Batu»day luteruo-ns, at Half a Dollar per LefTon, and half a dollar entrance. Private Tuition at one Dollar pel Leffon, and one Dollar en¬ trance, by D. A. &DKINS. Ktmston, Dee. 8r 18 r 6, 27 GOOD i iU3.. ii&Et? 1 THE fubfciiber informs hi'« f lend* and the public, that he keeps c»»n- iiantly on haiid, at his Cellar, under the office of D. Walbburn, Ef^. good Beef, st a very low price, at any hour in the day, by the huudtcd weight or linailer quantity. ALSO* , Vegetables of aimed every description^ together with Eggff, FowU and Butter, all of which will be fold for Cafh only. JOHN YOUNG. Kinoflon* December 5,1816. 2 71 f Onions Cabbage, P dittoes* BnUf bu|gar, Fowls* Fartt£tiVai$ Utaytje fcaowjilrrapol»ca* |tion at iht. aiH>v,- Oficc - 1* - - " =de- rick ; where f^ated render* wTi b re* euived for *ur: idling in* h 'j 1 .i.tities o* the above arfctclts * duli be required -ai- ly for oae year, viz : from lit Jai uary tO 3 l II Drc. 1817. The Tei dcrs mufl be fc-4ed aed mar- Iced ' Tendersfoi Victualing the Naval 1 Holr>ital/> No Tenders will be received a^er the 24 h i-i(lanl. J. MAPKS, ^fW. 1 27W4 Nolice. THE fubfcrlber having er.jra^ed to fupply the Garrifon at Ibw Polt with Peafe and Straw forthi- feafon, he then f.ire informs the Public that he will commrnce recciveinc the above art:c'e3 from thi* date, at his Store, adjoining tin-White rVar Tavern. EDWARD BAHNETT. Kinglli.n, 6th Dec. 1816. 27 CH AVE into the eocJpfnre nf PH. J D LY, ohonf.be fir(! of Septem¬ ber hft, a Bay HORSE— The owner can have him by proving po?crty aod payi'g chi'fjftt* Frncst To\Vht December 2 % 1816. ij * Taken Up ON Thurfday the aitt Nov. ib.ut feven mi'e^ befow KingAon, neit Li>g illutd, a BATTEAU ; an*3 r,a : hur>day the 2^th, a SKIFF. cWo aihore on Long Jllmd The w:»rrs are re^ueded to piovc property, y^y charges and take thern away. O: IVER THIBQDO. Kingjhmi Dec 3, jSi6. 2? w For Sale, o N reafonablc terms, a likely E-iy Hotfe. good for (he Saddle d Harnefs. for which good Wood will be received in pavment, u> he delivcied any jtime between ihi and «.exr J-vc —£n quire ^t tUh Oflicc. Dec. 5, 18*6. For Salt**. /ft DOUBLE Sltigh (sred Hi .1) Wat and Haroe--. \\\ good order.—- t nature at thi* Office. Dec 5, 1? 16 2^ BLANK i5 i ' B«i-l>t. i»U For bHic .it ihia 0*accr