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Kingston Gazette, December 7, 1816, p. 2

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I fair* !-o Dheherged Soldier*. •; v- Mttfat^enec; f he grea? Iisgouvc ■■j. nieiiee a* well a* attempted Imi oli- ; 11 «rt5»jp from 5oWtew daily claim- , ;J Cr.^i its"of Land asthsf" ticrrents in V- »t and Lower Ciu-ida, although i tfitv haw iti esa«w: inftanceti been dis-j barged from the 'ftrmfe upwards of a v-=r ; His EkccIIhicv lb* • lovernor in fcWefnnd Cnmtoafldc* of the Forces is »,lex<V»J to ffi«« tnia Public Notice to all poncirrned/Tha: no Djtckarged Soldier will be rec-Ivcd as a ifctlcr who does nof c: r.e forward on or before the Firjt ou >f .Vv/rO' iSfIRa and brinS wilh j tu -V t.ific^y ration* fopporlcd by prA* fc, why lie did not at an earlier peri- t»l av*l! htnfctf of the bounty of Gov. trm». :it. Ifl c: faring his grant ofl and, \r. 4nc lime, under the exilliug rcgu- iut:>ng 7'/; ft F.rrU nat's Canunand, (Si net!) C. MYERS, g«<n*r tfrfftrGencraTs QJks% \ *~.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------—' -' ■'---------- Cheap Woolen GOODS. HE fub'feribers have ju*l received) bv ihv late arrivals from their MamtfaQttring Hcufe, in l'..ig!anJf a large quantity of bOi'K&FiNB & SECOND Broad Cloths ; Ladle*' Pelire CLOTHS and C-ASSIMEUES, consisting rv :— • Isln?, Black, Waterloo, Bot¬ tle Given, Brown and Mixture Broad Ciotl's ; Brown, French Cray, Drub, and cotar'd Pelisse Colli-* ; Black, Blue an.I Mixture Double Mili'U Casskneres, Which i!i- y now offer for fate at the Stare of Messrs Thomson & Detlor, V. V I 'W for C^fll. JERRY WMITEHE \D 8e Co. Kinvslon* intb dvgtist% i8lo. ii poetry. • 9 » ft ■ • • • t m t • • i Tll£ SCO LPINO WIFE. (Let r«>rcy trumpet* Wow their fiercest bla*t! l*Cl voll/f> pour from guns of ©very Ca \ ; bflt Jt 'ims and conk> their loudest notes throw forth. A'Tompanitui by a pale ihaS blows aue north; Lst M'i-v -ailo'» cur c and rant anrt roar; l*H wa'vbnum Ivllow a id lei drunkardssnore; li-i rr/o thrive "r.ni tgilittiivluttdlyvtpultl; Ijptfrlffhten'd wu'tv: scream,!*1! children bawl: bet blacksmiths, biii cions,wnite the burning steel; I>t cataract* descend, lei thunders] peal: Vet only listen, an •! I'M Inv mv life, Anove trJs dreadful d n you'll hear mywifci RBPARTEB. / ■ > T RIRS Syhia <o a reveMinl Jean, What reason can be given, Sf»ice marriage i» a holy tbiftg, That thpre am non« in he*iT«*n There are no women, he replied. She quick icturn- the jest— Women there are. but 1 am afraid They cannot find $ priest. A we!] bred man never gives himfelf the liberty to fpeak ill of women* much Vi's to rail at*aii>ft marriage, which was Cod's tu\i Or'iuancej confi.med by Clniifs (\.([ miricle. ChapeL rmm tmb sPSCTJT&S' ^NIAGARA luViLK SOCIETY. 1 ADDRESS, Of the Reverenft ftonr.iiT Jddisos. The Ilililr Socic^ 0f Niagara, when they br* the p^ronage .!n(t S\mm\ of all serious and Clilighl ned e|,rir,tiai|S, think proper (o «taie, Ibal i Irsolfl objeel is lo promote the citculaiionof the lh,iv Scriptures as extensive¬ ly a^ poftiMe. Foi 'this purpose tlu'y have lliougntilbe^tmcohneci tbonisclves with ihe BriiDi and Foreign Ribie Society. This no- |iI^e5ial>H?hmcutnftsbej;iin In Loudon about i«e!ve year- ap>, and ,ts efforts and s«CCe« bavea-toni-hedlhe uorJd. Its prand design h to till tlie cai'th Midi th* knov.!ed*e of the Lord as water covej* ihe s«»a. In pr<i>cc«2Hin of this glorious intention they anntmlly expend a princeJy inco»*e- Th *yhave traasfatcd the Seripl^res Loioalm^-t all'lane tajresnnderhea- ven,and dispersed ihem where chrbfians can be found to reada-vi aupreclaie the iiu'stijia- hl.-t;ift. It Ua tac.rr.ifbon.'s! triiuopb lo-ev- eiy-"ubjeei of !»»** l.nned KinsJoBi *"»> belodd :'ir p-o'"i pr*%-i'ji.iii€ i,ee of his parent nation. Thr Lord,of !iO:-t> «^a- jvith them, and tires have been sr:ar!v i detrimental in preserving the lde>Nin--ot'eiviti:.tvernine!it in the nation* of Europe; but it i a. canae <*? imt-'b higiier exKiiatv»n.io%o*« uielight of revelation beun) ing from tbes-amegn-a'people to enh^'nen a benighted wond ; u««;i»crv? ilie tree of lifr* \\!io—leaveaie for •»».* !ieali.<sof the nation^. plaub d by ihein in the remotest deeerfs <»t* the orth. maklne; tliem rejoice and blo^oai like 'IXcTOrtfl t«M'i* ibe fi/.m-ui.) of talvaltOU un- Sam uel Skan\ fit SOS Uwt* tn inform His Friefldfl and ^ thr Pi»b!u* in general, that he bus juil received aa-J iiuw offers f»r fale, at lijs ;v«>re, ai elc^aul afTortmerit of BABnWAME ;<■ ( 'JTLEiiY, t)hi$t fro'W the Binnfnjjham and Sh;*f- Cil],\ M..nuf.'<^ovit., which he will <Kf- prj{< of vVh-»]:fale or Retail, at reduced prices ; streong which are the following: Ciioc'tcr's Bench afldMaulding Flancsj ChhTebi f Sorts ; Ttying Squares and T Bevels, Hand, Tei>on, Dovetail, Safh, Mill, CroiTcut, and Key-hole Saw?-; Chcft, Clipboard, Drawer, Trunk, Stock, Door, Mortice and Had Lock* ; Snip ami Pocket Co^pm?^, Glaziers Din apnds ; Hinges of all fox:s, Drafsaud Iron ; | Saddlery and Harpefa trimmings of all defcriptions ; TanJotn, Gig and Riding Whips ; * Da, Thongs and Lathci ; BA\ piated and Srafs CandleiliefcB, Do. Cruets of 4 & 5 G!aff*e» BritT-»ny Metal Teapot* \ V/atcb m;.!icr'.s and Jeweller^ Flyers, Nipper*, Files, Screw plates, &c. fowltng Pieces, Sbot*bcIUi Powdcr> ' Flaficti and B'tiltct m«mlda ; Lock. f.T Fowling yk*e* ; Block tin Sauce-pains and Tea-kettles; JiarkHee Se fpoawtoSo do. Tinman's R:vet» 5c vvite o/3oTts j Gold I'ca'ci of varioii.8firefi ; Grid Irons and Frying Pan?. Table and Dt?!ert Knives & Forts; Do Carvers wiin Fo»ksj Vvr. od Screw's afl'.rted ; Bureau 'Pfirfltnin^, Portable Dcflc do. 15-^J Caps, St-".vs and Keys ; Ad, 63, 8d, ioK E4dj i6d, Tod, 2od, 28d and jod Nails ; Willie and Black Lead, PruCcn B'ue, Spannh Brown, Red and Yellow Points;— Boilod Englifh OP.&c. &c. &c. vVi.ich in addition tohia f *iroer Stock \v\,\ for-n ilie in-il complete affoitment ever offered for falc in this place. /dngsiortj August to, iSi5. loif THE hinabiiants of Kiitgfton ar^ defned to receive the thank** of the Britifl) Mrthodift Socie¬ ty, for the rofpcQ which th-. y have man- ifcfled in fubferibing their namev for tbt purpofe of building a Chapel in th« town, for the Icknn vrorlhipof God.— They are moreover informed that a piece of ground is now purchafed of Mr R. Richatdfon, fitnate nesrthe Norili Garc —and that the Chapel will be erected on the fame, as foon as the weather v\iil permit. The Society would alfo ob- feive that notvvithllandjiig the liberal icy which has beetl manifefted, yet ih? do¬ nations now fubfeubeei will fall cri.llJc rably (hort of paying for the fame—hence Ihotild any gentleman, in or out ofiown, who have not been wai'edon in behalf f)f it, feel difpefed to riiill, their dona tionswill be thankfully received by Mr. Neil Mel.eod, King ft on, cr Mr Wm. Dcnn, Point-Frederick, who arc ap¬ pointed TrulKej?. N B Propr>fal<* will be reeeived, by Thomas Catteuck,.: i .Vlcifrs Torrance 3c M* l-cod, Mcrrhants of this plaCfc for putting up, and fiuifliing the out fide, I itfiutffc'jy ail materials, Size 46 by 36, [Two Story high. X5W3 Wan tedi rMNfEDlAT£LY,aHan Apprentice to the Watch Making Bufincfs, a fmart active 1.ad, Fiom 13 to \G years oi age. Apply to the fubictibtr. J-COVERT. Kingrton, Och 18, 18x6. 2otf j AC TJST received and for fale at this 01 ficci price iy*S, Poems on his Do¬ me-tic Circumstances, by Lord Byron.— vVltfa the Star vf the Legion of Honour, and other Pojms ; to which is prefixed, The ZJfe of the Noble Author. Nov. 28. 26 FERGUSON'S Improved Table of the value of Grains of Gold Coin, over or under weight, For Sale zt this Office. c A ME into the enciofureofthe fub fciibcr, about ten days ago, a like¬ ly ieu COW, with a biocklc face, and fhoit tail. The (iwnet isdefired to prove property, pay charges, and take her awa r JOHN CANNON. Kingston. Nov. 2ft, i 8 16. 2Co;3 Wan ted, ACO'itrart Ft the coiivcyance of HisMajeHy's MAILS tnwc* a v/cekiron: King ft on to York, commen¬ cing in January next Any perfon, de- fir*«tttof obtaining it, is requeilcl to fend In., jiropofds without delay tu this of- f.re, addreffedto the P-it MaUct Gene¬ ral at Montreal, Rating hUlowed terms, pn i 'he fecuriiy w.ich can be given for ibr' dne perfomiance cf bin engagements. Wanted Immediately, TO purchafe, or rent, a FEW, or SEAT, in the Church at this place—Apply to Lieut. Col. Foster, AlVt. rVdjutant General. Kingston*Nov. 2y, :Si6. 26^*3 MONTREAL Air Furnace. pus? offi<:e, \ Km?tw iQil/Oj. 1816.J iptf J m JOSEPH LOUGH & Co. EG leave to-announce to the Pub¬ lic, that they have commenced the bufiofifa of Founders, On their property, toot irf the Quebec Suburbs, immediately adjoining the Ship Yaid of Meffrs. Hart Logan & Co. where they will furnifh Mill Callings of all defcriptions, agreeable to Inch order3 a" they may receive,—Alfo. Blarkfmith's woik "f etery kind executed with aeat- nefe and difpatch. Montreal, Nov. 11, 1S16. N- B. Cafh given for old Metal, deliv¬ ered at the Works—fay at the rate of £S--PC) ,on» ' J for old iiraii 4df and Copper 6ci per Jb.. 26 I ealedvond its saluta.y*tn»ana directed uvfiovi ■iiron*ii barren andile-olate plaees ffh*le ih* .hri^!% millions, tliaJ ivereready 10 parish, are liniii"! i«i drink, niihont mnney and wlinowl /rice. \f in" ?anu" tuiM', this wond. riV.l sneir- \ wa- I'nip1 * ed in fluui-u:^ ho kiiowle»lt,c uj revelation uirouphthe ttliule inliahitedeanli, .•v.-rv ['(^mI)U* car." was Ulken to aupplj the |>rrknaj wants of th ■ ncor in even* part of thr Biitiih prrrpire. Titeir bonnty was liberaJl^ »d'ried tn tills distant Province, b»t mrety we ran liavenowi^h to lessen those fund- whiri: arceinjilnyd with tndl ni^oom a"d beiievu- Ifncf, in advanruip tho hoj>f»iue^*of mankind, [ SVebavenn poor, except uSn^e few u;:han;)\ wretches, u* i>e tbnnd in every town, whom oi.\ t^v lia^ovcrsaken in t!ie vile habits of dronken- nc#s idleness and profligacy. Tiie httniblest |j!»ottrer, who has mnrel worth,can easily pur- cha^rhi- Bible,SO \\%-\l i-«ndn»tr\ paid ip .his happy Province, andhe will ja*lzeit the more from theplea*ii*ff eonsciousn«?> »»i irrvirs hi> Iind at iti-: own proper r:i-t. Hi hie a-oci2*n»;- .\Uieb will hr promoted in everj di^iMon of tl>» i>i-;r;'-t» when* a parish M'hooi i> u b« enfab- ii-!:. :*., u ill pla.'c the varied Volume of tiudl within the irarli of cvefA on:", ai.d at less 11 mi - he Lmttfon price. Biand IVoivard then, ye who dictrngiil^h«'ilyoio'r^!vi <,a>Uu( bwive de- lendiTf of yonr coumrvV i»ghl . Ci«»d grea'h preserved yon, and vc#ur ;».ii!jM,!.- -.■. )\Uc t if -hrv 111>\ leonun^lua v. :l], a :;i i)Aco;nhj£ ac- o'Mintrd ui'h !:'»•. wortl, v.i'i.-.i isahlr to malt*- ,on ni^iMinio .-aha1 •>:'- lli'-Minplo man in >•* *r\onr\o;.iii have ln*eu injured by th« si.-r. rsevetifUn con^agfeMifromspreatliiii; by pur- cfcaMBf; the sacreil» it'«ini» taw *vwy ciiilu, ..;.d .*ii<-o'!in^" ilu in lo wiM'ia e the prcCiOVSgift. DrunStenafss is a prevailing vice among ifte ! ■v-erordiT", in miv! '*nmmi<nitie5, and where t'i • m«':»n« of thm ' !• ■* indiOjr«»nee »!«• "'a-ilv pmrtirr.lif'»•.• j.e ,, . ri d fIliUmp.nv will uaii SriW>"W^^*w'f«n!hrntingroCH becoaw'WHo iu-r of BiWea»fl .jaijo^cnd purcha fi the in.. I> l?ook«:ih -±ti\ i::;.a|,jcwi ..:,(o be .fJielneil bytts fbctrv.a:'.(,n|lj:aujnn.(.(,jH ihou^ rANih! rec ivea . i;T 4r<rrc 110,1; thev **M«W loathe their lono.,. rvn...r?, aud tUrn their r. -. 1 intotlio n« ot n uv xitewtM of ipaoianc^ and vice mil di- p_M,ar ^hrn -rte,artul ngate- fliiMiessImH aruv v/.ih healing n hi> irin*s a5 I'M- barh^nl nipl; orr diwraed before tl -• uri- eni beams of dav ltvm wi>/l lo imitate rh« wiM-ainl poo.! iff ylt%1'y ^rca, ^r,.,n country, \ou will form *i-V~:n:nn* f„r |he exeel]em pn;po--orr!rcu)r.ini:J,,t.xft,l1siu.ivaMlo..ii,;r rheword of <",.,. ',n „l0 r;nitfd Kliiftdom, eiir.-uan>olall ^-r.ominaiiniis unite, and all do&aC54 from ilie 5riT,r» 10 the pea^ant^ co-op t- at- with the mo Innimated zeal, in promotiiu: ISie^at ^votk '■•i|,irruc*iii(;;Mitl *;forini;i{r ;!ii' world; Nearly «] tne klugdortftof eJiW-'.— Etom.aud their Wonarcb* lia.c follon- .1 *r'^r «lorion-s eimnple jt ^{\i0 highest ellorf oiae- uevole jicc that ». r euea^d tl»c aiteatiou o\ iuT.lt, and it ib a^vei^a11yf5ponsed wiib a zeal inspired by a -• -i>..ril] conviction of it** fiutoi ♦■ Importance. Hi-\c y0nT "duniuishrdlieaiiV verornnaotofir defi»"'lo-<pher-;, and behold howtoechrtstm j God can bring good out of t*v.:. The halel'ij ,-jiw-; of your detestable bia- phetnj was Hearty ;nni»ifested In the Ci>nvul>i- onsthal lafelj ditraetedtbce4viliy,fd nation^ and thai kingJiM^ Lnpaiiicnlar, from wbenee jvroqeeded thed^mg Uefc which subverted lo:h the altar and thettironv,has been •' nvfpt with ihe besom of detraction." li is Uu- Lord's Jo:r.'%and it is Uar.iiionsin 'hcsijlo of all rite I inhabitants nf tl- christian w"«rw, n ho shew ii^ir nhh-:n-urrfti rnudelit}' bv Uniting in the BUhJimecuurt 10 -on.bn;e Uievarious kingdom.- Of the wejrld mlu mr i:,rai kn ^dmaoi our Lord ami his Chtist: it i t|w vr0rk ot God aid i ivili prosper in bfe Pandf. The smoking !!a.\ -■ball uoibee(nei^hei!, bsn the small spark o; faith -sliu.I burst rmo a ilaaw. Tbo grain oi nusiard sred shall become a tree, and the birds of the air -hall lo4?e amm r the branches, At a meerin^ 1. tru .^d^ to fte general eircu- laiionoftWhol> Sc-tptarcs^hcld ui the Church at.\iaira:a.in Cppovi'arada, tlw* *f Novem¬ ber T»J6, Rov. Sn. AddivoU in the «.*.iair; 1 Was Rroived. I. That the object and Constitnti&1 of iho British and roreifii Bible Sw^ioly, have the cordial approbai mi of t!u- meeting. IS. That a Society be formed, to be called, the * Auxiliary 'Bible Socieiy of Jfiaffara," for ihepHrpo^eofeo-iipcra.ii<^v\'i:h the British and Foreign Bible hori-.-ty, in promoting the distri- buiion of the llolj Seripiures both ar home ami abroad. III. That th<- Bibles and Testament* to bo circulated bv ibis Society, be procured from the depositories of thcPareni EustUuHon. IV. That all persons snb-cribiax one Gui¬ nea per Annum, or ten Guineas at oac time, dmll be Member* Oftllfe Society. \'. That the busine&s of this Sodc^y shall be coefWiedhy a President, Vice-President, a Treasurer, SecceiaVy, and a Comcuttee consist¬ ing in the llr^t instance, of the MajtUtrate*, and BriiiMi Officersivhohave eacoiuaged this In- sdtntion by becoming Meuibei>, and ;!iut nine rtembi rsofi!ii> Comntltie be a Quorum. \ 1. Tb->» the Committee shall meet on the iir?i day of every Quarter Sessions of the Peace a', the place w her:- the Sosion i • held, or often' eron mhiic dav to be fixed by tben&rlveg, VII. That every member of the Committee, and parttattarlj the hUeutratcs, do e.\ert ihrm-eUesinsidiciiine'-ubscnptionH from the InbabllajjUiat^virre-^c^tiYencighL-oiu^rouds , J tanvcjlout the DWfS."!. \ I'M That tbernmiutt^? r^nert the una* of location todiret tibe Master of^vcry Pa¬ rish School in Ihw nuirlc. loexamn. bl « ma- n% of the InhaluMuis, where !»" i^aelw^ are 1;: possession of mblet a.id BntaJjwi*. and m ori the -anie to thi (ommitiee.f.n^ Mint a Bible As¬ sociation be pron.o,.-d wherjviT titer*- w « School, even? Member of wlnrhAall hUbieribo anuarier-doilanexeiv Montll)^ npna ds, a- shali beagretl upon by ihcGiustUtienl Avoca¬ tion; ihenwnevMi-aS-ed lobe hud nm m the purchaseof Bibles and T^tameuts, mm m* Depository of ibis Smiely, at prune co>t, lor ihe use of the Bubscribers. • IX. That the mlc* ,;nd re^tlattons of th* Bible Association he pui into the band- m tin Master of every Pari*b School, by ihe* ticere- tary of this Society on his bun* appointed lo track by lb*- Hoard of l'.dncation. \. Thai the v.inde of ihe g'ibscrlption?, ard Donations rereived by this ftietfty, pha^l be from time to rime remitted, afterdeduciing in¬ cidental expellees, 10 the Parent Institution, with arcqool ihat tneywillscwd out Kng- li^h Bible> and Testaments of every sort, sw 1.,-ar totheamonni oftheium remitted05 they hall think proper, for there i= rva <m toapprr- h'ni thn' a la:p;' majority of the back settlers a*v without ttie Sarred \ olunu*. XI. That no Member of this Society, avail biuiM If of the privilejce ofpureliasiag Bible* or Teiamen:sai n d in d price., ami thai from the eaij c.rCura-ianee> of the industrious p'»ar. nnthiugis wanted frorathe Funds of the Parent la titucion. Ml. That a general Meetfrig of the Sub¬ scribers be h'dd ai the Court llou>'\ or plac;* hvhcrelhe \iajri 1 rate* meet in General Q*iar- :rr Sessions on the second Tue-day of April in ach vear,wheu the accounts shall be pr**<eni- vlrtiflK foliUTirufftl ^'*^!jr«pee, v/tiict ii is- sntd, has fjirtn ^atlsfadtioa to \^ tM-.'ole.-------T\ .-rkrrcn hav^ h*./>* .. (i e ed.lhV proceeding* ot 'tin pa-l your seated, a »<*w CJommiueeapputined, the Treasurer cho¬ sen, and a rejio-t ar;re.ul upon lobeprillted un- der the directum ufihe Conunittee, and circu¬ lated amor.e the Membery, XIII. That in the torma.ion of the new Committee, those Members who have been u.-e- fr.i, and taoat frequently attended the meeting t Uie Committe:', shall be re-el'jriMe for tlie n-uiug\ear( ami that tlte nwsnber may be li¬ mited ai the ne\t general meeting io be held on lb-* ••voud Tne-dav of Apri1. XIV. The Committee shall appoint all Ofli- cers, except the Treasurer ; and all special ge¬ neral nieeti"^, by pjivliig due notice in some i-nldic Now paper, and (he Pro-iden*, Vice- Prevident*, Treasurer aud Secretary shall be constdered, ex officio, SUembers of the Coni- miit". XV. Tliat at all merJin^, (he President, or in bUab-euce, the \'ioc-i1re'idenl first upor ihe list, tlien present* and in tho aWnee of all Virc-1're ident-, the Trea nrer, aodin hi^ob- seuce, «ueh Member as hall l>^ voted for thai purjio*i\ shall preside ai the lAeotine. XVI. *lia'if;i'» A'l\i»i:l»T' Rihle Soi'iety be c:dahli"hed ;ii the Sem wf (Jovernmenl En thit Pros nice fur flo- put) ore of co-operating with the lu'itish and rorrism Bibl'e So<i'*iy, previ- Oiia •'< the^eneral-in*-i Jim; in April next, then this hall become a branch1 of t'al Society, and *;'„bji *l losueh rntw a"d ».■,fl,,Maiioji*a.\areiisn- aiiv tuinpred i»y tlraneh S. ^ u*^. XVII. Ti at Hi« l>eelleiuv Ihe Li-uit. Go- veroorofihi* Provineo, be biuinMy requested inlK-eoini Pa*ion,his llo/or the Chief Juttice, Presiden!,nud that rba 1 tdd Odeers ot HI* Maj<i\NUM!U M(.;:»mi>ni, leather wirh any oii:er Held * M»ic-.i u-ho uiasben ifter become \leuiherc, mid Ihe M.mbl. V,-mhci>f>Jf ihe Ij;- romui^^rtrmherp th^rryr, be Vii *-I*reidenN ; •hat Mr.SjimiapTOn he'lrea-nrer.and I-.nsijcn tVmti^liy, With Regiment, ^ecui.ny for the en-uiu|; ye:!'. \ V 111. Thai annual Subscriptions and Do- unliotH be: tt\\ 1 -liter: d in'o and 'hat lhe\ be receivedbj the T:ea urer, and the principal Me; -ban:: in me Dl-tric*. XIX. Thit the<r Re.-oh")0°-. be published in the K pen a tor. and a eonj of them, signed bv: ibe Chairman*-(lansmitted 10 the President of '!;.• B.iilsh and Pon*lcn Bible Society. SW5SRE1K icaa: --..***^ 9S3C! FOREIGN. • ••••- a • p * • * Received at the Ojfiec <;/ the N. lark Evetuni? Post- LONDON. Oct. 7. Notwithstanding the Infe reverses, vvr hear, from tcry authentic ^onrccs, that thfi contest between Spain and her colonies is likely to become more s+ri- cus than ever. Our ministers mu.st, erelong, make their option between thr friendship of Ferdinand find the eommeree of South America. Tiie po¬ licy of the United Stated and the course of events will not allow us to retain both, if we aspire to thr* honour of purse bearer aita adviser of his Catho¬ lic Majesty, we must renouuee the pro- f:t of nil ro'nmorcial intercourse With his revolted dominions. Our ministry as is usual with them, will ptobably prefer the smiles and compliments of a legitimate Bourbon to the real and substantial interests of Great Britain and h^r commerce* Perhaps British ireasure is to be expended for the pur¬ pose of enabling Ferdinand to exclude our manufactures from America ns he has done from Spanish markets. A re¬ monstrance from Ihe great nobility and placemen against such flagrant impoli¬ cy would do more to relieve V\e manu¬ factures than twenty subscriptions. LONDON, Oct. 12. The Dey of Algiers, it would ap- pear, by the French papers, saems to be very angry that it should be suppo¬ sed he has been conquered by the late British expedition, which gave him so exquisite a lesson of English fighting. Jle has addressed himself to his people, and with as much modesty as truth, has said to them "No, we have not been conquered ;" and insinuated that there, hftd been treachery in his army which had proved fatal to him. Re¬ solved to avenge himself on the guilty, or those he has though fit to single out as such, he has not failed to I * !^Cn his character by having thorn boh, aded, without allowing them to urge any thing in their defence. From all ac¬ counts, many of Us officer* h*ve fallen |MM-pW\-—Workmen have been ern. jilowd from day to day in repairing the'daroagp^ *u>ta*ned by the fortified fions a d it Is stated in a short time all the tnischii f which was don<? bj th| English expedition will be no more felt nor remembered. The kind of braving the storm which baa visited Alaiers may answev some temporary and dastardly object; but' tt will not do awny the fact that proud and utxtait Atgerines hive received 1 Id w f> >m which tltcy will never reco, vcr to tarry on the wanton and piratic, al conduct which has been so lone 1 disgrace to human nature, and which has at last called for the sifjnal punish, meni which the English expedition hat so justly bes-ovvr^d u|>on it. On Saturday last, a young man as* ecnde.d the lofty steeple of St. Niche ' las1 Church, Bristol, for the purpose of taking down the weather cock, to re¬ pair its defects. The simplicity r.fthe scaffolding which he made use "of, exci^ ted admiration.—It consisted of (wo poles, retried out from two of tbeaper. tures about midway up the: steeple, al cross which two planks were laid, and from thence he ascended by a ladder, confined to the steeple by spiral rope* The most perilous part of the perform¬ ance was a leap which he was actually obliged to make, from the top of the 'adder, to catch hold of the iron cross- Had he failed !—But ho succeeded^ and seatiag himself astride, took offthe cock, which be wared over his head io triumph two or fhree times, and then descended with hi* prize. GLASGOW, Oct. 15. The reader will have much satisfac¬ tion in remarking) from official disclo¬ sures, that the revenue during the last quarter has not been Romaterially inw paired as might have been apprehended from the embarrassment* of trade. The produce of the consolidated fund for throe months, ending on the 10th Oc¬ tober, was ^10,160,000; leaving a surplus, alter defraying the charge, or £M ,010,000. There was a diminution in the customs of £315*000 compared with the seme period of last year. For the rest of ihe items, the deficiencies of some were, made good by the excels w others. The excise fell short £\ 10,000 and the stamp* £200,000, bit flgj were about compensated by jplfi(),flw iu the incidents,andX'130,000 on H» account. The whole abatement of thi 1J77ijOOO : but there were £2^G.00Q more war duties last year ; so that the real decay of the consolidated revenue 's not £550,000. The charge iv X^'75.000 less this year, arising froa h n (Uict.ion of I>ank dividends. The war taves have in the sanr&qatfe terfallcn 6ff£3^l$000i The \\^u enbgaofthem/Ittax, and the post* ponemerttof la^tyear's income tax to February, account for this defalcatioa. Lord Exmouth to William Shale>ft (Copy.) Queen Charlotte, Ray of Alg'^rj Second Sept. IST6. Sr.i—Mr. M>Donfiel having stated to me your extreme kindness and atten* tion to him during the period of his cruel confinement by the Dey of Al¬ giers, I feel it to be no ifiore my inch* nation than my duty, as commander ia chief of this fleet, to convey to you, iQ the name of my nation, as ifeell asindi* vidually, my sincere acknowledgment* for this proof of your friendly disposU tion. I am also-fully aware of tfie extent of j our humanity towards the officers and men of his majesty's ship Prpme* theus, who were so unjustly detained, and thrown into chains, by this fcrori- ous chief, iuasmurh as you not only clothed them, but furnished them with money to relieve th-e cravings of hum ger. Such acts of humane generosity ought not to be unrecorded, particular¬ ly when they were exercised at the risk of your personal safety ; and it will be a gratification to me, tobrin^this. cir¬ cumstance before the view of hisrinjes* tj's government in tiie light it merits. 1 must request you will do me tl.e favour to inform me of the expense you have been at, in alleviating the suffer- ingsof my distressed countrymen,inov der that 1 may repay you—and I shall at all times be ready to acknowledge to your country this act 0/ bencro- Iwiice. ? 1 have the honor to be, &c,&c EXMOUTH. William Shalcr to Lord Exmouth* (Copy.) ConsulatC'Gt'twral qfthe U> 5- Algiers, 2rf Sept* W& Sir—I have the honour toack;:ow!r edge th:: receipt of the letter whicfl your lordship did me the-honourtoau- dress me this morning. My regard for Mr. M'Donnel ** sufficient to call into activity evetf thing within my j3owrr, to serf* n!lD and hh lamil^ in the critical "tuatiuB

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