!"? 4 ■ ! hii;>. \\<- tin M(|.*<mtn J/onnAoi'd. Mr. Ualrotiv forth. Th,l#y *'*flw* '! llOttll the gflwh'll (oytiior for ii irly half* Rlilp, and as iffrnt iwir|>G>i*lj tos ■« this ono- gr •'.( m;in> 1 is^i'd «:T(*rv pfloi'l iii -ny p*»\\ ! (otlitOW m^rlf in hU way, so walk"• down the ganfCil after thftito. When lh.-y turned, Napoleon &aw m\ and adwdAlr. BiU'omewho I was. IJ-iu^ informed I *vas an djficrr Ik^ongiiig loi thciIatc>Ii;|»Jj-».sOisas,\vhov/as«*alki.^ behind *ith i»»; *>'1* wC vv«1s d.> ii <i o introduce me, and i had tin* honor t-l n low bow from Bowiap'irt:*. Lai Gi-ssa* and Mr. Balcom * being both UlU'OV^r- ed,l was obliged to follow thru- tfcxam* pit',allliouzh (lie sail was buflira£ hot, by irhidi i g<»i a bad h^ad-aclio. iVI % interview was short, aud what pu->M d was u 'ftHy as fallows :— "Napoleon. How old are you Mr. » ■ i »? Aits. 27 years. N. Arc you married ? No. N. How mai.y years have you been at ffa ?—twelve year?. N. You arc arc a young man to ht in fo large a (hip a* the Newcastle ; pray how many tone does (he carry ?—Fifteen hundred and thirty five. N. What metal does fhc carry ?—. Our long guns are 2jf-pouadrrs» and our carronsdes 42 poundeis, Mvn JJicu ! exclaimed Napoleon. N. Were you ever on board the French Egyptien.ie I ordered to be bull?. —Yes. N. Where \? (lie now ?—She is at Plymouth m a receiving fhip. N. Is file as laijre as the Newcaftle I No,not quite fo Urge ; the Newcaftle is 5opuns, the Egyptienne IB only 48. N. Do you think if the Egypt!'- nne nadguna on Ijc-r gangways as you have, andfhe fame "weight of metal, yon could 1 lake her ?—Yes, in 15 minute*. The : M-Emprror fnrugged up his shoulders and laughed. N. What chance then would you I **'c with a French 74 gun (hip ?~If it! wa* blowing hard, fo as to prevent her °P*ning her lower deck ports, we would la*e her, not uthet wife. N* Very good. How long do yon j think you would be in taking one of the ' "argre 38 gun frigates ?—Do you nuan French ? Napoleon fmi!cd and faid, 44 No, American." in about ten min- Wea. Napoleon laughed very heartily, a[»d faid, Adieu ! and went to his car- " We art- badly fuj)plicd with provis¬ ions here. The arrival- from the Capes are but Wdom, and the duty is very la- hori.>us. There is a fhip -m each lide of the ifland, conftautly cruihng,and guard- b'Jiti. rr gf»»110 tlir* Rf* of & hatv-fy upon the ii 11 B«ICj and suffered g vally by Ihe * plosion of a hell «n uoard of bar, • nieh commuuicafrd to some loose powd-T : she is«atd to have loht be- !'v*n»n fit) and 70 moo b* * his accident nTcme7 but (his ionuppicious Csrcam- f-Hticif o«;lv prornpf* d her gallant Ad- miral(Mi!ue)toscnd to I-ord !5vraoulh r> assure his Lordship, that, although t!ic Ini])reguablemightsiak9«he should H.evf*r aurnud'T. \¥him the action had continued a- boot throe hours^ Lord ISxmoath* tbre- s^i*in^ th."1 result, telegraphed the word 4; / {fallible^' which was r*»ceivt'd with threp cheery Mid jptve fresh vigour to the efforts of our lai>. Lord Rxmouth returned from hi-. glorious tx\p<diiionon Thursday after¬ noon : when, affaTSftloting ins ila^ a^ I usviuK theffarrison further fired three ! ^nlvos of 83 guns each from the North (Salutingand Europa batteries. liord Bxinouth received a graze in (he cheek l>y a grape •-hot earl) in tin action, and I118 coat was literally torn from his body by splinteriJ. it is computed that seven hundred pieces of Orctoancp wtsre brought into actiou by the Ai^riues alone, to the lire of which the British and Dutch squadrons were exposed for more than nine successive hours. .! : Milne iX-i4 rarfed to the i*ank lie How holda at the lafl general Naval Promotion and wa3 appointed to the Halifax Itali¬ an, where he was about to proceed when •ideredto fecund Lord Exmouth, pre¬ vious to his departure acrof* the Atlan¬ tic. London,Sept. 21. A Hamburgh Mail ha« arrived, Willi papers 1o the 11th inft. The difpute between the King of Wirtomberg and the AfTemhlvof the Stairs heco'mes ev¬ ery day more feriuus, and the entire dif- folution of the latter is apprehended- Sept. 27—The rumour of an accom¬ modation between the King of Naples and the United States appear to have been premature Letters from Naples 6f the 5th inft. (late that the American fquadron remained (lill in the Bay, Mr. Pmkney appeared for many days to have been very urgent to bring the negocia- tions to a clofc ; but the Coutt of Na¬ ples did not appear at all to accede to htfl demands. Path. Sept. 15 The Englifh Captain Brifeanc, flag captain of Lord Exmonth, paffed thro' Paris on'Cbutfday. on his way to Lon don, with all fpecd, with defpatches. On bit road, he «a*t fome very intcTcrtmg details of the battle of Algirrs, wlr'ch wasrxtremely fanguinary. Hklordfblp was wounded in the cheek, and received j afVrious contffion in the leg. Admiral Milne was alfo wounded, as was the cap¬ tain of the Superb, dungooufly. It i< not true, as was at firft averted, diatrhe Engiiihdifcmbaiked and to'k pofltfffionofthe batteries. It was thc|j;1ran w?tho»st eonflagration of the Algerwe fleet which I i>Iau(l v- w\t\fa decided the capitulation. The townm» (!i(. Amentans not entirely bombarded; the veflcl* j bourhood f v.hiclvcar.iedthcconjrreve rockets not having arrised in time f-r the battle. The Algciincs Fought with a fuiy and rage inexprcfilble. the Dcy, in a f-nall open boat, went daring the battle to ev¬ ery part of the batteries and encouraged the caunoniers. His foldicas gave low ftinuts at his approach, and kilfed Ins robes withrefpect. It H thouoht, that London* Sept ^0. Among thA p°r?ons most anxious for the success of L'Md.Exmoutii's attacl:: '•v*re doubtless the British consul, the midshipmen and party taken at th? gate, and the rest of the prisoners con- Sned in the Barbarian*' dungeons ! Had if failed, their ^ heads1 assuranc" was but frail/1 and nothing can be con- ci'iw'd more interesting thmi their *t- untion, listening to the tremenduous cannonade which wasto giv^ti Europe seenrity or disgrace, to ilieir counti y victory or defeat, to themselves liberty i or death. M^jor General D;1 Walterille and famUy hdTo arrived from Canada, af Osbom's Hotel, Adelplii. tjopntch*^ hnysfe been received from C^pt, Tuekey, of the Congo, dated the I lth of April, firm Porta Praya, all ip high Spirits, and not a an on the iek ii*t. Captain Tuckoy expected to reacii th,k riYt'f Congo about the mid¬ dle of May ; and it so, we nu<y espeet Mime interesting intelligence irom that ijuartcr in the course of the present month. Lord hfcTrcsKmt1 has, tt r> n poi^u, b.'en made Commander in Chid <>f th** Portugal troopMj to act independent of lh" H'^cticy. lie has hid an estate given h'nn in Portugal, Worth 12,000 dollars per annum; li«« been paid all| Ii'in arrears of service money, and aU hisI pxpence's at Rio. The Uitte island of Lampedosaj it 110* s-^em^, would satisfy the Ameri- The Englifh September Mail arrived 3t Quebec on the 19th ioftant. ■ I.ofs of the Schooner Comet.— It is re¬ potted, and we fear too true, that the Schoo ier Comet*, Capt. Warner, and Owned by Mr. A- G. Gofs, of this town, which has failed a^ a Packet from tb.U port to the head of the Lake, has been lately wrecked ne.nr Burlington Pay, and every perfon on board periihed, there being a number of pafTengcrs, except three, the Captain, a woman, and 3 fai lor.—.We hope foon to have the partic¬ ulars of this diftreffing occurrence. eo* and strangled. Hid nnkmv then Tent oil more a new governor, and on the -d all was quiet ; and the event which for a time alarmed all the poffeflbra of Frauk- cn property,ftenicdtocxcite very little at- tention. The only reafon for this frtrnma ry proceeding h laid to be, that the governor had of late become very pow¬ er ful- Prcrogatidh of Parliament.—The R e- gent held a c«>uncil un Monday fe'mght at Carlton houfe, at which a proclamati on received the royal fan&mn and figna- ture for a further prorogation of parlia¬ ment till the 2d or January nest. Extract of a tetter from St. Dominjo* dated Sfh October. Ci Privateers a"r Jilting out in every port heres tct/h Ituenos* Mtn->>arettrt. tmd I'~e7itzi'e-"wv vomMissions—Thejf 1 are in general superior vessels* zsci! anttetly and arc manned t\y Drilist. and Americans. " General Mina% nephew of the e.eltrbrated Huerillu IrrivrtiL has come to Purt-ait-Prinee from the (J. States. I'e arrived in a bemttifntship^ aveont- hiaaiedby two brigs^ zcith K000 stand of artveS) mnmnvltion^fieUtpieccs^ cVc. Sic* A number of Fre^eM officers arc embarking from America to join th> I'ld'-pendeii's" important but utooub-enMy wui ui - .or. c 11 flur.ice on RnSfc ,jCJ . ^.^i(j€r- tht,ir very low rates M ing MONTREAL November ii?. E\RTl[Qi;\ Ci On Saturday lad aSoi!t fiv- :rinri;^ afier noon sfeverertiock of a; l.'anh- i^.ke was felt over this city and vieini*- Ft was accompanied with a rucbl! v t oife during l?x or tight fecouds. It wa* a'fd f':lt at William Henry [.rec'i'-y zt he fame time in two flioi kz+ according to the following Communicator t "The duration of the two fhoeks* "including the intcval, was efli: iat*'d at about five feconds." *^^ ANOTHER E/1RTrl§>U/iK£. This morning, at 20 minutes pail o\ anothei (mart (hock of an Earthqi-ake was experienced in this city, accompanied Uy ahlffir.g noife. Its duration was dfuppofed to be about 50 teconda. Such ^ was its violence, that i"t made the ftoves, g.affi and china-ware rattle, * Marshal Sonth has urrhedai Haiti- lit ore^ front An slerdam^ under the assumed name of General Riajjer. Lafl Evening wc received our legular file of New-York papers up to the 20th ■ inflant, from which we have made the fol¬ lowing extract. LONDON, Oa 12. A paper of this morning fays-----•«• " There appears very ftfong probability that our ports will be thrown open on the 15th of next month, for the free im port of foreign wheat ; and in till likeli¬ hood cats will be above the average price, I and be alfo admitted. One beneficial cileft will refill! from tfeg opening of the ports ; it will ;.fM COftfcacrcCj give em¬ ployment for the fhippn-.g, a;,J probably open a vent for Brruh manufa&uied go&Ak Is 0 c»&cttd>at<^ that 130,coo quarters of foreign %vheal arr already under the King's loc!^, waiting the e- vent of the averages 01,, the icth. ^ Adrcadful fire btok:c out at Condan- tinoplc on the 15th o,f Auguft, which dillroyed 1 200 oonTes .>md 300O QufH and magazines. The JaniM;ffaV;e3) jt j9 faid, did^not difplay thtir ufual alacrity in extingni(hing the fla^e^ The palace raos for their claims up-^n Naples, [of their late favonte Juffuf Aga, v;a. This hftS a good harbor, a,id U so farj j theouly buHding in th..-dellroycdquarter which remaineJ ur.Iiiju)VCjB Government Contrailt—\^ extraordi- Neiu York* Nov. 16. Mr. V/huhjvis I.rtf'trcs wi(lcommence tills evebitig —Since he left the city he has vifited the provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, a:id in thole place:* haa received a vety liberal patronage. Mr. W. we undetdar.d, now comes forward with fcveral very extenfive works to af- fiS Lira in his Lcflures on the Science of Botany. P< rhajw no man has a flrtrnger defire to lerve the caufe of hu manity, than Mi. Whillow. We have noticed in the pu* lie prints that he has Lc£lured in New-York, New-Haven, Albany* King don and Montreal, for the benefit of charitable iuftitutions. Gen. Beetrand.—The Georgetown Messenger announces theariival of thi^ Gentlema'i, at the feat of Government ; and adds the following :—" It is r«m- ored, that this officer is the one felccied by the prefident, under a vote paffed at tlie fate :efiion of congrefs, for a high and important fetvice in the cngincet department Fie U well known in Eu iopr as an officer of extraordinary rollitary I talents and knowledge, and of great ex- perionce. He rofe, folely by hut genius and mciit, to the rank of "vicjoi General in the fei vi.e nf Nepoleon^ and be was one of theey.empjror's aids in the fatal battle of Water! >o. He is one of the many eminently fcientilie men who have been railed in the polytechnic fchooh" DIED, In this town, on Thurfday mt rning lad, Mr. Willard Parkkr, formeily irom the Stater, aged abmn 2t. KINGSTON AMATEUR THEATRE. ON MONDAY EVENING, £%e-2d ofDecember, Will be reprcfented the Comedy of The Bust/ Botfj/. To which will b«.* added the favourife Farce of THE GHOST. Doors to be opened at MIX, perform¬ ance to commence at SEVEN o'Clock. Tickets to be had at Mr. Macaulay's. No Money to be taken at the door, or Children admitted. N. B- It is rtqueded. that every perfon going to the Amateur Theatie, jwil goto the Box for which thcii tickets (are numbered : thofe who a£l contrary to this ude, will fubject themfe!vc3#to he removed. Wan led Iinin»'t!ialciv. TO purchafe, or rent, a PEW, or SEAT, in the Church at thi* place.—Apply to Lieut. Col. FosTfcR, desirable for them ; but it \^ incapable of cultivation, and \> used by the Nea¬ politan GovrnrvM**, if we do nol W?*» tuke. solely as a place of banishment tor nimiuaW. The ir value of it will. however, not govern their conduct as to it-» surreiidt r. tor the Court of Na¬ ples well kuow that they are under tie.' protection, of the Allies, and nicy not r-'ciive a new power in the M ditt rr.:- their con-e'vt. Th" i 50 miles of Tunis, hut 't. \fjjmant General. 2611^3 nary Fenfation was cxc:;te(i |n the city on Saturday, at the propyl rnade bv gov- ernmrnt to cont.-a. i-r ^coc tierces of Poik and 500c tierce^ 0f hef ; but it Riould be recclleded that, formerly the Ameiicauri Luppaed pr.-v;ficns to the I Weft India Iflands, h-caufc thfy could afford 10 «'o it on cheaper terms, *ha.i could be obtained in England. Now proviiiona in America Er^ ;:t the -,'te <>f are not nice as to Iteigh- j.J^Jg 5 5s. per band, wilen the fame kind dif- d id Eivraef of /t lifter from m officer on board his Majesty's ship Queen Char- fotte. An?.*!*. " Our hearts wcr»> trclygratiS -d, ^ our hard work rewarded, last evening by seeing the teasels and boats that wore left coming off crowded with slaves set free. Such heartfelt should in England By our advices from Naples via "tiTe" En«li(h fleet, w»,ich has fuffe.ed \ \ of joy and tlunkfgmng £™ ^P™ morning the money (3S2.000 dollar,) is telling over, being the ranfum money g° dawiages. A report is current in England, that the Ex Generals Savary and Lallemand, I are at £' 3 IOs. The fei-cnce of price, together with the p»>li- cy of Applying our cu\unicsi fr0m home, mav account tor toe ^ropofed contract of Government. our Eia-ice, we find that although the A- merican fquadron had quitted the bay, the fttbjra in difpnte ::vas nnt finally ad- justed. It wan fuppcr^]^ howeVvr, that r QUIWKm. the negociation was biOUght to a clofe. ( It was pretty clearly Understood tint the American ambalsudo-^ f^j,. Pinknry, had notfttcceedrf in 1,,Q object, and tint inoihimf wouldne d':r)^ ;0 tj-,e wny uf hrt<zu Orleans. Oct. 14. We learn bv I he armed fohoomr Con- ilitulion, lately from Margtievita, ih::t General Marganut, an Englifnman by birth, and General Saliblcite, command- i «g two div'll.^n-of the Republicans, un derG'neml Bolivar, hid obtained conh- derahle advantages over the RoyaHfte, and h)df>rced a jnudtion with General Bermudas. Of all the Patriots who have I he ret., fore made Inad againft the Royal- ! ids in that quarter* he i- the only one who J command;, a rdi ettable force. General BolUvar himfelf was on his return to the iuV of Margin rira, whither he had font order;- to General* Manratn and Piare to forrp ajunfiton with G-ene^ ill Mondcz, whi'e he was advance^ t afTnme the 1 ummand. On the iisth September, the captain of the Conftitution fpoke a Dutch ves- fcl from Curacoa for Jamaica, which in¬ formed him that the Patriots had taken Kingston, Nov. ztjt :Sl6» — MONTREAL Air Furnace. JOSEPH WUGH& Co. |2l5EG leave to announce to the Pay- ilJJ lie, that they have commenced the bufinefs of Founders, On &eJr property,foot of ihe Qn<f>cc Suburbs imn>ed»atfly adjoining the Ship* Yard of Meffrs. Hart Logan & C«. where they will furnirti Mill Calli-ig? oi all dcf«riptions, agreeable to !r.ch orders as they may receive,—Alio, Blacksmith's work of every kind executed with ntat- nefs and difpatch, MoKlreal, Nov. 11, 1R10. N. B. Cam given for old Metal, deliv¬ ered a: the Works—fay at the rate df X'5 per ton, 3nd for old Bnifs 4d, and Copper 6d per lb. 26 Philrtdelplw, Nov. 13. \Ve iinderflaud that t'l: DaftkoS, i Ruffian miuifter to this govfratnenr, has ' been recalled by his fovereign. We h?--: S not heard of any ^ariictilar rcai^n far this chung« in :hs RufSan diplomacy. spkuo.isly, than on the day of the -27tii of August before Algiers.—Amongst many brilliant trials illustrative of these qualities in our Countrymen, we select, the following. O.i the Queen Charlotte taking her station «t the distance of 45 yards from the Mohmead battery, and before a shot was litcd from her, a number of Moors, attracted by curiosity, came down to the water's edge in front of her tronrmduous broa<!s:de. Lord Rxmontb, with a feelieg of humat«ity evor attendant on true courage, before he directed the ship to open her lire, waved his hat to these incautious per¬ sons, d -siring them to get under cover of thoir works. The ImpreguaWe was dreadfully ex- riod." . . ., I Rear Admiral Milne, who fo ably fnpported Lord Exmonth, as fecond in command, in the Impregnable, wh>ch fuffcred fo fe»erely from the fire of the Alperirtes, is a native of Edinburgh,— On the commencement of v;ar with France, at the Revolution, he wa* LtCO. tenant on board the Blanchfr.g.te, winch after a dreadful and fewrc action, captu- i red the French frigate La Pique, m the 'Weft Indies. On that occafion the bo om of both Ihipo were fo Mattered by (hot when the La Pique (truck, that none of them could float, when L:eu- tenant Milne leaped overboaro, folWed by his dog, and fwarn to the French in gate with the BrWfa colours, which he from Constantinople, haw^ec bn*rf the high admiral eaptijjn Bafilivy t; Tt:r- k<y. By its app«ar^ce the vthaU >/. y was thrown rnto conf (..fjn . ^lU w|ien the governor went on board tc pay bit refpcSfi to the Bafhav ^ vje WM Juf0i mrd that he h id come to (>;Cr.:,re ^c „fua'. tribute from ihe g^ni sign-r, and that he had five thonfand ,roop3 W|d| himf for the purpofc oi b:\-.^n^ t0 ru-brn;T|lU1 3 neighbouring PnVfrll0r, who had not done his duty. FI-s hsfltsMr requested ihe governor to provul qoartcr8 ;n the city for his tior>p?.w.;f;h wM Dccen|i ii.glydtuie : an J tac Governor, with 23 member? oi t(»e g"Cni ncnt^ ^^ Wcm on board on the .»a, ^j.^- t[ic whole Bcston, Nov 1 I. There hg* Ven for fosr.v. d»y« « t-> mo-.rofa fcrioas nmto^er0aud|»g l<»j iwcen our govrmincnt and \hc R.yl! •' rr.?nJfteT. On tbttfuHjtd a friend \m handrl M the fuUowfnK «ttr?f» -r a In¬ ter from ;• moll refpecViblc houfe hi New- , dated NVv. 6 : — Wc have it from the mod undoubt¬ ed Mlfcorilv ***** fr that the Ruffian r-'.uifVr in this cuuntrjrhas n< Ecd onr gov?r«mcnt| that h« fimfti-m aic at an end. ut»d Lhat he fball leave the country as foon a*. Ii- can «*nange his Yo " CAME Into the c*clofureofthe fub- fcribfr, about ten days ago, a iike- ;ly red COW, with a brockle face, and j (hurt tail. The owner n dcfired to prore property, pay charges, and take her away. JOHN CANNON. Kingst/mi Nov* 28, 1816. 26^3 WANTED, For lib Majesty's Service, l ,000 Cords of FIRE-WOOD, Of a /rood merchantable quality, to be delivered to tb? Barrack department at Points Kouiy and I\t\Jjrick during the •vituer fcafoii* Tprtdeis wt!l be received at this office until the tst of December next. CoTMfijffltriat Office* -S iXingsfotit 2zJ Nov. 1816. 1- s af fairs. 1 , '.\' i,» Riit, h re ours, wn cu »^ •*■■ "*------ . . wrn.it un »»ii^.^ S;,Stlv MM *» Admiral | were immediately put ■„ jroRS>or bchca(, j « This decifion in lllC refelt of a v> ~ - ciation between Mr. Daftkoff and i>ur government relative t*i the arreS fome time finceof the Roflinn conful genera forarrimfna! offence committed at P faddphja. *• Tbia information may not have a: JUST received and for fale ai this Of¬ fice, price i/S, Pveths *n his Do* mc••'■■ Cirat">sf>?Kces+hy 1-ord Byrcn.— With the Star of tht Legion of Honour, and other Pucrn* ; to whvh is prefixed, The Life of the Noble Author. Nov. z*. 26 PKHOUSON'S mpr»ved Table f.vh' vaWof Cia:as of Gold Coit>»«vei' 01 ynder weight f For Sale at ihu Office