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Kingston Gazette, November 23, 1816, p. 1

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{SATUUi>A;2. November .3, 18H] KINGSTON %m (VOLUME VI.------No. 25] «s GA Kingston, Upper Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars per Annum. ceies NEW GOOJIS. HE Subscribers have imported direct from London, Man- chcfccr. Blr'Mi.:*i;am and Glasgow, &c. an extcniive aiforment of every fpcci of Merchandize Callable to the Upper Canada Market. The Goods have been fetectcd with care and purchafed for Cafh, ai>d will be difpof;d of, either by Wholefa'c or Retail, on the oieft reafonable terns. Under the different beads oS Liquors, Groceries* Hardwares, Clothes, Flannels, Haherdash- erj/n Hosiery and Carpeting, Stationary\ Crockerj/ k GLASSWARE, CORD¬ AGE, Sec. fee. They would enumerate the following articles, viz New J¥holes ale STORE. TWJHE fubferiber having commenced JL Commidioii bnGncfs, in the Store formerly occupied by Mr. Patrick Smyth, front Street—Informs his friends and the public, that he has received a num¬ ber of confignmciits confiltii'g of Su¬ perfine and comm •'> Cloths, Caffimeres. Goatingfi, Flannels Pelice cluthv, Bom- Ka7ette« of al] eofov* ; a great variety of j Ct it -n Gods, a very elegant aiToitmciu of Silks Sattiiu, Ribbon* and Cotton Laces hlk hat ;r:!e*;, hnces cotton and worccOed holicry. Nails, Sheet Iron, Window G'afft, Iron, Steel, Shot, and a very good affiiriment ot HARDWARE, a few Liquors and Groceries, and !.j:- on the way rrntn Montreal ; c«ui Qtiebe--, Vervbeft Port, } L. P. Madeira, ( &*#*>* ftp. Fine old brown Sherry, ( Wm bb' LP. SL. M fcne.iif, ? Hibhert's bed Brown Stout by the Calk or Dozen, Brandy, Gin, &c. &c. &c. Teas ; Sugars, Loaf and Mufcovado ; Coffee ; Sauce? of every defection, Loch fine Herrings bv the Ki v;; Pe^rl Barley ; Mullard Soap & Candles by the box ; Scotch Oat meal, Paiutsand Oils aflortcu— Crawley and Bliftered 6tee!. Swedes I- ron aflbrtcd. Duck, Pigeon and Snipe Shot. Nails 6c Spike* of all forts, Tin Plateaiid Sheet Iron, Jjyfog pans, Spades and Shovels, Huliow Ware—Hair, Ch*R* whitewash > Scrubbing, Horfe, Shoe, and Ta¬ ble Brumes Knivtj and ForkeaalTorted,— Penknives, Sailors, Spoons, Razors, Shaving Cafe*; ..Lutk-., Tllii^ra, Rn^J, TI-immt-i-Q, Fih-s. Gimbktfl, &c. Sec. See. Conts and Shoes— ikeeds, Corduroys, Stripes, Cottons, r» i ot • .: ,- . «•* ci, .«* I wh/eh W'H ke here in a very few daYi c*o Brown, Qtwhitrg* ShitU"g*nd Sheet | * > insr Linen* | Laces, Cambricl", PAtAAGJLb UK UOJDO, Cheeks, Bombazetts, Mi»ffi»ft» I Kingston, July 26, if*& Shawls, Dimities, Tapes, Bobbin ; ! Veilings, Sattins, Ribbons, bik. ; S«'k H:»»tJkvicliief» . ; Navy £:u., Black G-ay and faihtonable I Si-'jerfirie Broad Clothes and Cas- ; fitpcres : Ladies' ^rri Grntlemen'* Gl< ves and I Mullet}, CarpitiJig ol vuiious p«t. ; te»nd ; An aSortmeiitof Sch.olbroks and Sta- ; t:\::.ary.— ; Glaf« ware and C«"tkrry by the Crate ; or calk, and packed to fu;t Coaiv ; try Shops. ' Gentlemen'* proof Btf^wr Mat?; t&enh • youths' and B;-y's Ca-r.el bait and ; plated do. Men'-. Willow Hats. ; ! -idles' i' Giilh' Beavertriu.'-i Bonnets. ; White! Red, Yellow and Blue Fhvneis, I and Greer, broad Baize. 1 2- to 3 { Point Blanket—Counter panes, ; ~Bed Tick. &c. &c. t Jhfira;;e fln<< Wharf'*ee at the custom- ; ary prices and Co.nuufliou liuftnefb exe- ' cuted at the ufual rue. JOHN KIRBY &Co. 8 conultingof Trunks of London mide fuperfine Coats. Pantaloons, Fine Shoei, ph»ed harn U—a vatiety of CWto'a and Vv\o!!en GOODS, Furrs ; and a few crates and Hogfixcads aiT-ned Crockrry and GlalV Ware, ail which will be fold low, at wholefale only. also,—for fate a Farm, containing IOC acre"., within two mil^s of Kingftun, and a town l«>i three tenths of an acre in a good fituatipn. Liberal advances made on anv kind of property depofired for fale. Having co'tve .ient ftone Stores on the Dock, he wiil be happy to receive and forward proper')* up tr.r Lak" cr (town the River, or to any part of the States* Boa^« to forward any quaariiT of Pr.»- j duce wil! be funofhed on (hori notice, and all orders Hli\\y attended to. S'lJTH B-1R7LET. Ki-gfton. nov. 9. iXifj. 23* f Landsjor S Li/* C) Price of advertifing in the Uui.ette. j fin HE fnbfcribers ♦■efpcflfully Inform St*lince and under, tfG full iafcriioii, | L_ theii frieri and 1/3 ecery fubfequent. . Ten lines and under. 3/4 fit 11 Infer- tion, and i/8 every lablc^uent. Ten lines and upw.nds aJ. per line firft inferti-jn, and %d. per lint every fuc- Cfcding infertion. Advertifcments unaccompanied with -written dircftlons ar* iufcrted till forbid, aid cbarg-d accoT^^gly. ___ Auctioneering. THE fubferiber retain* hi* fi«cer€ and hearty thanks to his friends (ndtiW public in general, for the nnny 1 and Trimmings for Great Ctfts ; i fro: ds and the public in ge¬ neral that they have recived an addition to their ufual fuoply, coniilting of a ge¬ neral affi»rttnentof DRY GOODS, HARDWARE: Double and Qngle Stovet, Iron Bar?, St<cl and Wheel Boxes, Ladies and Mffn% S^oc-, A complete affortment of new faflt- ione? T-adiCjand Gc'tlemui's Fur Caps favours he hac received from them for thcte fixteen yeard pt:st ; and informs them, that he has recommenced bufinefs again for himfelf. Any grntlemBn wifh- ingto difpofe of any property, will be waited upon at their own quarters, or at Mi. 1). Brown's Tavern, {Venting the Maiket Placti ; and* ne affuree thwfc gentlemen who (lull pleafeto favor him with their custom, tiiat they fnal! have nooccafion to call twice for tr.eir Mon¬ ey. N B. TUESDAY. THURSD.IT andS^TURDAT.are his regular due- tion Days JOHNDARLEY, tfuSicneer* Kingston, 4th ficpt. tSs 16. 14 For Sale, A VALUABLE Farm, with bulld- 'no9 a'**° 'arge improvements tlicre- on, favorably fuuated within 28 miles of King-ton. Perfon6 dcfirotis of pur- chafing to inquire of the Pi inter. kingston^ July IO, iftlfc j if Blank Deeds and Memorials, For fale at this Ofnce. For Sale, 'THE West half of lot number nineteen in the fecond concefGon of the town- fc'P of Kingfton. Apply to the Piiuter. Kingston, July 10, 181-5. 5 tf. Blank Sunwonfcs, Subpoe¬ nas and Executions, lor tbe Court of RequeOs, for Sale at % Office* i Two elegant Dining Setts, With a variety *f other articles ton) lengthy to enumerate, which wi)l be fold | cheao fo: cafli. MONTEAU & St. GERMAIN. the late Hvnorablt Mr, Chief JvJHcc ALLCOLK- Lot No. 8 in the 1 (I concern m, town- Ihip of Yolk and home Ditlrict, con- taining ICO acre6. I Lot. No. 19 in t!i. :flco!iceffi..n,town- I flop of Yo.k and h mt ci-liici, contais- ii^g too acrtt. Lot No. 3 Edi fi«!e Y ^nng ft reel, Ifiwn(hi;» of Y* rk ho:ne dilliitt conta:n- tng 190 acres. { ot No. 16, 2d c$nccflion, rowidiip i^f York, \\mvi ditfii&conr'g soo acres. L--t No. 2A. 3! co:'.l -.fit •■' town-hip v f Y til, home diiiiia cont'^ ZOO acres. Lot No 35'*<f^™fhi,u —N« 54 55 ad do. k pjefa^g —No i*\ 19 ytndo 1 Lots No. 1 3 13 i 4 16 1 7 18 and the E-dtrrn inofl pa'* rrf loi No. 19, in the towufllio of Scott and home dittridt ro,;- 600 tnrntuc 1200 acres. Kingston* $d03. fS 16. 18! To Le t TlIIE upper part of .that Hbufe fit- u.tte.l in front of the Market, for i a fmail private faailly ; ali«-, BUbling for I a horfe. For particulars apoly to the fiibfenber* J.DUNCAN. Who has on hand from IC60 to 1300 Pairs of Worsted Stockings, Fit foi thfl army, which will be fold cheap for cafh only- J- ** Kingsun, jlbSept* i?i6. 14 Straj/ed, FROM a Pasture one mile and a half from Kingflon, (Mr. Beach's Tavern,) about the laft of Auguft, a Bay Horse, Four years old, dark man: and tail, one white hind hoof and a fmall white fpot in hi, forehead. Whoever will return laid horfe, of give Information where hr may be found, (ball be well rewarded, & all necelL'V charges paid by SILAS MATE- Lotb No. i© 1 i 12 13 north fide of Simcne place, and No. 18 & 19 fouth fide of RuiTel fqnare, in th« t--.wn of York, containing | acre each is 3 acies. Lots No 2 in the 2d concelhon No 1 in th« 3d conceffion Nu. 6 3c 7 in-tire 4th concefiloti, townjhip of Binbrook, did rift of Niagara containing 2.100 acres- L< t o' block No 1 in rhe 2d contef- ! fio^ nfthe townmip of Binbrook, Dili rifl of Niagara containing icoo acres. Broken lot3 No 24 & 25 in the 3d conceffion of North Crolhy, diftiicl of Johuftown containing 300 acres. Lots No. 18 & in hi the cjtli concef¬ fion, broken lots No. iS »x ly, S.h co:i- cclTion South Crofiby dill rift of Johnfton, containing 6co acrts. Broken lots Ns, 25 26 4 27—4th No. 24 & 25 and broken lots No. 26 & 27—51I1 conceffion, North Crofby dif- trift of John ft own eontaininrr^oo acre?. For which good and fuff;:ient Titles arc now ready to h$ given by the fub¬ feriber. A & s o, Lots No. 1617^ 13 In the 4th con¬ ceffion of Pelham, containing 334 acree. WILLIAM ALLAN. York, Nov. 2, lS• 6. ZX—3mo THE fubferibero ;0form the Inhab¬ itants of Kingfton and its "icitiity, 'that they will pay h,r good HOUSE ASHES, Nine Pence per FJuftcl, a> d prov*dB means to lake them from thew .-eipeftive Houfeb once every two weeks, CtMrie* Short & Co. September ij, iSig. 15 \CUAXLES SHORT $ Co. """EG 1 eave to inform their friends and the public, that thry bavejufl received and now offer fur lale, at their Store fronting the Market, an afTortment DRY GOODS, Graemes, Crockery, ficc. fyc* A »:WG WHICH A.RE Superfine and low prie'd Broad Cloths, whiie, yellow and red Flannels, green Baize, fancy Veftlngs, filk a id woolen do. white jilting, Bombazetts aflat ted j colors, Calicoes, Ginghams, white and j black Cambtick, Dimity, Cotton Shir¬ ting, Irilh Linen, Gentlemen's white cotton and black worried Hole, L-dics do. do. Ladies Kid and Morocco Shoes, Mens Lamb's WV>ol Stockings, filk and (■-•oto:i BjacC3vBarc*:ona riandk<vchtefi, j ittk Sh.nvin, India Ban dan noes, Ladies EH and filk Glover, Gentkmens Bea¬ ver and filk do. Satin filk Tinbantj I'hread Foe ting. Thread and Cotton Lace, fewing filk and T^vtd. li'k Velvet, ilibbon.1, fi'.k Shawls, black fi'tk Fhncn- ttne, figured Sarcenets. &c &c. &c. ALSO, Hyf>R and Green Tea, Spirits, P:>rt and TtuerilFe Wine, MufcQvado and Loaf Sugar, Raifms. Pepper, Mufturd,Coffee, StCi ■'kc. which they will fell cheap fur Cafh, or fhnri approved credit Kingston^ Sept. 13,1816. f c J^'2o lie ward. '. ^/"HEREAS on the morning of the cth inll. a man bv name of Rt GUARD E. BARKER, ran away ivoux Picfci.tt, Upper Canada, with ab- oii: toco dollars, the property of the fubferiber. Any perfon or perfutia who will apprehend and fecore the faiJ Rich ard E Barter^ lo that he may be bro't to judice, fhall receive the above reward by applying to the fubferiber at Prcfcott, VT j--».*' ?......<1<». He i^ a mag about twenty fix years of age, five f<x fix inches high, hc(h complexion, light hair, blue eyes, round vif.*gc, head a little bald—at the time he made hii efcape his clothes weie a black coat and p.:n?a\>uns, ftiiped waiftcoat, & lo.ig boot... Jt i»;o be hoped that eve¬ ry exertion will be made for the fccuring t.l fuch a character. AMASA WOOD. Prcscdt. U. C. June 8;i, 1816. 5 i *________i—._—— ■ ■ JAMfSd U HANNA, fVaich \faker and Jciccl/ery O ESPECTFULLY Informs Ins H\. friends and th< public iugiuerai, thai iie has jull teccivtd a very eicgUUt •.iT^rt'"ent of JEWELET, Gnld and Silver V\ arches, ( Patent L-rav. cr and plane)—Muficai IiiUruuients of all descriptions, fnch as Double Fbgcl- et--, Clarionets, liiites, &c. Ladies work Boxes, Plated Crcwctn, do. Candlelticks do. Snuffers and frays, ^ Salt Cellars andToall Racks, Ivory handled Knives and Forks in fettsv-irh CawctS, Patent Cnrfe Scicws ; Silver, Gi't and Steel Purfcs. Silver and Plated Fiih Knives, do. Butter Knives, do. Spoons, Silver, Gilt, and other Snuff B»xes, Razors. Sctflbrii Pen Knives, Ciocks Fifihing Tackle, Baggaroroon Boaid», Chefiineu, Dice, Silver, Tortoilc Shell and Steel Spccktacles, and a number of other ar¬ ticles tco nu.r.crousto mention, which he will fell cheap for ca(h. N. B. AIf»—fome excellent 8MUFF, Wholelaic and R el ail. Watches and Clocks rcpnired and clta- ned in the bed manner, and warranted. Kingston* Aug. 17, loirt. utf NEW GOODS. \"-HE fubferiber has just received and A now offers for fale, an extenfivc and well chofen aifortmeot of Dry Goods, Groceries, and Hardware. slLSO, A well chofen AiTortntent of MEDICINE. The whole of which will be fold at the lowest prices for calh or Country pro¬ duce, Ewd. J. Henderson. Kingston, 26 January r8i6. 13 -For Sale, BY the fubferibers, 40 BOXES FINE Yellow Soap, CHEAP for Cajh. Thomson & Djstlor, Kingston, July I, 1816. 5*f Notice. THE Board for examining into the claims of pf-rfoni entitled to Mi¬ litia Peuiioiis, will affttnblc at the Court Huufe iu Kingfton, on the fecond ( Monday in November next,a!t ten o clo*.k lio the forenoon, and contiuue to afTcin- ble at the fame place on the fecond Man* day in eveiy month, whilft neceifarv, .if which ail perfonb concerned arc requclted to take notice. ( JOHN FERGUSON, Col H. M. Senior AUtitia Officer in tbc Midland Disiria. BLAIR'S Seraions, Porteus' Ev^ deuces, the Canadian Vifltor, boniid ot fiugle*. together with a great ! variety of ufefui Bocks and Tradb,ft|( y.'uug people, for Silc at *h'» Office ; — where acceft msy be had to a fa'.Ll! cir-» culatin>* Library, three times a week, O tii-ioerate terms. auguli i, i8iC. % Spruce Beer, !' \^ mo^ any <J,:an*'lv' can he had a; t * the CELLAR under the Auclicr; Room of Mr. Charles Short. JOHN YOUNG. P. S. All persons who are in dchted to him. are requelled to call witiv- out delay, and fettle their accounts. Kingston, July J, I 81 6. 5 PACKET. THE Schooner Perfeverence, j. G. Parker, Matter, will continue tu run as a Packc; from King (Ion to Sack' ets Harbor. May 15, IS16 50 uft received and for fale. if. this Office, A QUANTITY OF Writing Paper, Of Quality No. 2, 1 x Reams Writing Poll No. 2, g ditto ditto »incut. I ii A T a meeting of the inhabitants of /~\ the Town of iMlviiie, on Thurf- day the 1 7th day of Oclober. iSirt, fr the put pole of electing Trudeea and a Secretary to the public lchool of the faid town—liie following perfons were nom¬ inated, «z: l!L Refolved—That Mr. John Hub¬ bard be appointed Secretary to tbe (aid fchoul, 2d. Refolved—That Wam M'N.bb, Esq Mr- John llcyucldt, Mr. John Taylor, be appointed'Ft uiUes. 3d. Refdvcd—That M-. Memy H. Anfley, he teachet to the fuid School, jNo. HUBBARD, Sta* tary to the BdvUle School NOTICE. \[*[* prrfons having any detrandi agatntl the Eflate of the late ELIPHALE'T ADAMS, ot Marys- burgh, deceaftd, are hereby retjtieflfd, 'o produce their rhiim^ duly authentica¬ ted,—alfoall prrfms iudfibtcd to the *atd Eflate are hereby reqireiled to makx? immediate payment to SIMEON WASHBURN, ASing Executor. Haflowdlj 12th Nov. ?816 2<f-f Rags ! Rags 1 Cash and the highest prise pan:, for CLE AN COTTON AND LINEN R A G AT TIUS OFFIC

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