MILTTIA PENSION AGEN^g OFFICE-Y«m:. IStk September, Ifltfc us required h$ Latc^ up to the 3Ut of Dec *mbcr% ISiG. Name of Pensioner. Rank. Roiriniont or Des¬ cription of Service to which belonged. Action or Place where wounded. Sec. Tintp vrbco wounded. ■rioil for which Pen Tlbis ft. Simons Jame Kirov V. i!!Vm Jarvie J tltll ^W'DOIH'II Thoma* Fraier John NfcGr*gO* Fhuin l.niney jTi;oma« Smith _ lie;.}-, 1? -Ian Gca-ge Ri er>ojB Jitfnc ■'..' (hv&n Dat-ie! ^!-n. .-,-.l *Br ,;((. M-O-a Miid J.l"l»' '.'.r'n..1 mi j;..!> • 'ftlehar&oo R>: n ; ;>.«ue T»ii ,: :t-i Slraiitne T" 0 >i s-iv-i-liorfl 1t\%(ttv u \\ larJ A idnui Kcuiiedy T«;i'-a-Sn-ws" Jul;:. Boflucit Jo.v 'Vviraml J' S lye ^ .<■»•. MahirDoxc Joj-r Cowell J.i • ..'■ v;r;j;n ll^ P:rH Tt&lfifir SatltuH W« rs £"(••.; l '.pnilhcH Jim , ;. V. '.wo:: J ;i." :.- *;. ■ ';.-r CfW, if •' Kwnon F. o't' .ir -\ieB>-an A ilhoi \ tl;{iM£ RoJ:,r;"k Mclv'n^ie N>*1 Hrm? J.; leblfn Mcfroi'gal J^;,i-s CraMfurd A' • 'lacs ra'r.hajrt $"*• > w»b Huv rlli'.T '■Bayl «>e (Vic" rail S'vain l\ Curta ■?:*. Ma irn Ja ■•:•• Oraham j-.»i•. -!•• i-v-ray Ci Powell Ehrnr - \\-rf %•*■:'• i p^het J\u! *v. Rorluftd J.: )U'8 \. vitillit R;ei.....I Hall iM V ork, now 1st Gore 2d Lin. aad In. Militia Incorporated do do Kent Volunteers l*i Siormont Late Second V ork hn'ortjoraicd IS( Norfolk Kffit Volunteers Incorporated Second Lincoln 1st Glcacary Provincial Marine do Second Norfolk Ld Leeds Second EsseS |h( Norfolk 5J Norfolk 3d Yor£(iate) 1st Stonaoat £d Norfolk Incorporated do do do 3d York (late) 5!i Lincoln Second do lit do 1 d do Incorporated 2d Gh'iiirary 1st 'ilcn^ary Second Lincoln I -t Gl^ngarv Kent Volunteers do do *d l.'cds ht Essex do 2d Norfolk .'M ttineoln do do 3d >o«k(lati») 1st Vprfolk do ji! f.r«*d< 2<i Ltncnln Sil Foric <ial") Incorporated dn Lundy'a Lane Port Erie & Lun-> dy'S Lane J York ^ Lundy'a Lane do Long Wood? Ocdeushurffh LundvV. I^ine do Fort laie - River Thames LundyV Lane Gbippawa Ogdensliurgh Ofiiworo River Itai*;in Srony Cre.'k, L. E. OcdensbuvgD Riv«r Raiiiu Fori Erie do Qnrenrtcn O^densbai^b Fort Erie Niagara i-nmiicr Luttdy'b Lane do do York f^oeenston C'h:p;an\a Fori Georee Si. Da;id's Lniuly's Lane Near Cornwall Ogdensbucgb Chippawa Accident <>n Dnty LoiiS WoOoS do River Thame* (uL'.tiiauoque Mongvaga River. RaMn Malcolm^ Mills Black Rock do do Qurerrion Mat.*-d; *% Mills For. Uric Accidea! or: Duty do ToA C;o - Roads Tort Erie do 1813 1814 1*12 I8U 2d dn!> i?ii 5))e«. la)2and) v."> dt,\s i^ljj 27 A^rll 1813 23 Jnlj 1814 do 4 AUreh 22 IV I,. 25 J«h fJo 28 Nov. 9 .Ldv ?:> Juic mn 5 Jul* ISI4 S-M'eV 1813 G UayltfM 22.lawai-%v 1818 12 \»\. IH13 &¥& lol;i do Ja.i ia; y Irfl / vi Sun, Ial2 2ld N<". 1812 !30ctW)er i.sI-2 22 Feb 1813 2SNox.LsP> y Octo;.-i 1814 25 Jul* iyii do¬ do. 2? Apr! 131-*? rs-oct wi2 6 jith rni4 2?-AU|f uia 22 Jul.- 1«I4 V*> JlIM )Ml| 10 \o." 1813 £2 Fell ini^ 5 I -*i i 23 0ct.tSl3 4>larei 181 J do do. 9July do. 21 S-ipt lblK2 9 ing. d». 22 Jais I^lS (i No.. k*\4 &) Dim-, (.-.ij do. do l??Oi-». *.-:i2 6 Vov. Ml J 2S Nov.;-<!5 ?9Jait3v^ L8L1 5 S";>i. fiq! 57 April do. S Oct. o... t3Au£ti%t is) 4 L/ >f of Widow ami Orphan admitted us Militia P&tsionertprevious to the Ad. passed in IMn - \ho- ~L-'i\\ Z r ~~\ THlifubfcrmerhaPK.'.n,, 1f lateft arrivals, fc general affort ' GROCEI AND :. IQUOB i «runuary ^ Dee. 1 January I January V5 .July I January do. IS Nov. I January do. 9.Inly 26 do. 5 do. 22 February —IJ 6 Way — u S?2 Janoary —\:i 28 leby ^\a ;) May 22Jniy Jamtary do. do. do. do. do. 1 July 1 January J Jnlv IK Fepy, I Janaai.y o. May 22 July I January do. 22 Feby. 5 Jnlv Coufiftfng of the following artieivj Tea and Sugar, Tobacco and Snuff, Pepper and Alfpice^ C!ovc9 and Cinnam »n, Almonds and Rallir.s, Starch and Fig Blue, Scotch Barley, Jamaica Spirits, Cogniac Brandy, * Holland Gin, ■ ■ Shrub and Peppermint, ' Wines, &c. Sec. Bell. London Pickles in boxes aTortcJ or by the bottle. Ketchup and Sauces of all kinds do. CROCKERY $ GLASS WARE, ^ And London Muftard in pint ?nd half pint bodies. ALSO, A quaiuity ex Reach/ Made' TIIESt And as the prefent time> will not ad¬ mit of any credit, heis dr:e;r.v;ncd to di{- pole of the whole for Sterling colt JOHN DUNCAN. Kingfton, rg:h Od. i8i6- ?owl . New Goods. nnHE S'ibfciibcrs, having received br .the late anivals, offer for faleoo the loweft terms for cafh at thn'r SfiM in King (ton, either wholcfale or retail Bine and wliiiedi* agonal 5aifncl% of December, lSlfi, m ftttmth* \ ,-> ,, • ,v,-,? nturntti '«<// ;// advance to the JUf Name of V»"=Jo^f &C Nsmr «f T»Tt*» Ha band or FailiiTnf Orphan CiiiI'Iivmi. | Haiikin.Mili.ia. Lanre/iie Hondy I'd ward Walker K.t • *-'a-IrJn-r bynd* ........ ^. •:;■•• Booth................J Jodbua Booh......... Kaitc\ f> coll................. John Corroll......... At. l\rney..................! <:"oiir(' Tarnry....... & a..o*i. AicDontJl............j Christopher AleDoncll . JcrO:ba Dr l*.r................I John Dh\ot.......... /.••re- Badtrhnu................I PSorf* Ha/lichon..... (tepmieiil io nbich be h"lo*i"'v|. Action hi wo-cii kii -d,|Tim- of D.cca- &c • * * • * • • * • # * » ■ * C"C!'i* Keavuie............. F- ;n)r •> Murray............ IV a ..•:!, Torudl........... Mi- t»^tl| \>.i;iit........... .Earn'. TVnior............. War^arel i^nstido......... RJn .. Ad..m ............. Lvd»a ^V'T...... •May PJip.rhr'u- . liit.nmi' for.-yh .. Na:i% Wilkerxiu .. N.ine) Cl^idenuen. MVraunc Smith____ XTa ha '.no V.olfrum. ^ni'ti^nof........ Chili! of.................. Childof...................... Chrldi**n or................... Cbi9drcnof.................... C'-liMr.-o of ... Cfc 1 I wnf.... - * # • ■ • • * ■ « * • • ■ . i ■ • • ■ ( • « Faecal flrainue .. Daotel -Mnivay .. Georg* Cogflell -. Charle? Wrighl .. Rolvr Taylor ... Jo rph Basiido... Samuel Alnm St'jdirn 0rcr........ L'-vms BlaneaMte .... J amen Fornytb....... JacoJ) Wilk/r-on..... A cam ClendrBuen.... Chanej Smith....... PbiHp WoHVr.m..... Ma h.a- Saunders — Jn:> McOrarh....... William Cameron...... Martin MrClellao...... Ttmntbv SKinn'T.. T.'iojna^Smi'h------ Jo*in M":i !rr !iol - k npraifl do do do Lieutenant Lnsigo Private • • i ___ * * • ■ • ■ V Captain * * ■ r ir-( i k*-*'x [iirnrporaied Addir.gton Oxford ;it*<:o,id liinco!. do Tii i rd Voik Second llacx Frr*l Eaacat Third YorJt Fir-i Lincoln do Second Lincoln do do do do do do First Norfolk Firsi Oxford incorporated First Vo-k Iniorporaiod First Lincoln do Second do Third York Tif I Inrolij Nws Fort M'urs Foi t Eric (\i-;i;»lly (-a-i'ul' v I Cjilppatva do York River Ra in do Xoi k Ltuidy*fl Lane Fort nr-nrjre Cinjipawa do |lVviod;;n \;!neh FcilMili ! l*ro. cW'y. Cloths, Kerfeymeres, Flannels, P>omt)azetts, Bomhazencs, Men ^ Women's H>-fi:'ry, Irifli Linens, DiapeiR, To\ve!ingf SattiR», LuteiMngs, Levantine Silks* Ribbons, Laces, Footing* Ginghams, Lace Veils, Silk Shawls, ' Silk and LcatI* Gloves We!I:nptcin and Berlin Webs, ' rl idOKS awrl 0 do do do do For! Erie Accident do. ai Kingston York Fort Frio Fort George do Chinpawn. Ooeen! tea Queen«ton heisn(» ' \ma ,^;d:utud^MilfliaP.^,rr^(^Ci iUf. h'r^mdat Statute passed into* Yew Name of Widow, &c. *iin-.» «v itanivoj uecra;ed mh &atUi-ve. W-th a vawety of other article* in the Drj/ Goods Lint* ALSO, J3mr.:ca Spirit*, Mufrovado anfl Cop;ninc Bnndy, HmIIiuuI Giiii Brft Fort, ^nanifh, Sherry and Madeha WinC9, Pe; percent, Shrub, MolaCFefl, Loaf Sugar, TBI Prunes, RarfirH, Abr -nd?, Barley, Pepper, AHfnice, and Indigo. Midland Districtr To Wl T : }M I St*-an Beiiej Catharine JIainer I>orolhy May l:!i?abi,!li Dennis 5ar!*a.aT«*al i.athrMieTeal Sa'bnrihc Rodi ftjar* Coon Mi.iV Hark Slarj Vanderhancck Warv Ova*.R F.l-v Wolfe f. •*i;,T Bo\ i-r Ifaana-' Clendinr.ea Sophia Hainrr litrir; lla.ncr Eli>abcth Weaver Ph.-h.^ WarO'T ^a-harine N.-v»kirk ma Johnson ftwliaiiuc XA abi'rntr Piiebe Adair X&ey Balm Cnildreoof .. .. <*htidr<*Q of .. Children of .. C'dldrenof .. .. Children of .. Children of Children of C'l.ldn n of Cnslrfrcn of Childr n of CT^ldrenof CliiHi"'! of -. Lucretia Stewart ?-a'ia Habbce Nanej U^und^e Barbara Kii»g El^abrtb Hull S5^par«t Vanpickle Clnh'^DOf ■ » • * • • >ame. Joiinson Hurler Georg? Haiaer John May .?o cph Dennis Launutcc Tea] Zacharfak Teal I ;: IG Brow n J-* in Roek John Coon Joofl Clark Cons. Vaudiibanei-Ic Mtdh-ul Graw Conrod Waife Maiiiu Boyer Abaer Clendinneo ZaclianaSi Ifuiner David Hainer Frnn^i* Weaver MieJiacl Warner Kcnjauiin Newkirk John Johnston Alexander F,imhorn<*r John Adair Jacob l*alm Ca^pJr ShufeR John SliakLton ' Jo!»n(ia!lipot (riiihain CoriscT \\ illiam ij< nnis John Snii'h Jonathan Griffin Cbarlee St»^vi»!iSon l^aa<- VNalk'r Lr-wis Boughner Abraham acre Samuel >'niiii Kr.oeh Siuarf John U. Rahhrc John Louridge George Kii.g Kiah mil DavidVaoti'klc Jn(rn Si Man •Soiomoir Mills Be l"\ ll"h"rl Rank. Name ot Wuardjao of Orphan Children. .' 81 'i, as ior a# L'. (ol. Lieut, Lieutenant Private (Rtigtm^n! to which Tini-of I deceased o<!oag-i Decease !ed- _L ____ n» wte* f:"?c o -<• v «■ r rttcd. -•>■ wjiai Bnmlfi ^..-.. roi M; ;eh PcMon •- dtie, kifto?^, Pr»»»f. CiiiV** Serjeant Private i Serjeant Private John Banner Senr. John Warren P«erTnnnbl« Lawrence Jcnninga Sarah Oork-icder George Adams Smith Grihiii Anna Yonng? William Walker HeJenor Chambers Robert NeMrs Chai-lotte Acre Vidov Mills l^farMia Heb*»rf „. . ^ .. ., .. \Vi»low or C. Irenof .. Pierre Caba-icr^ 21^12 Captain Lieo tenant Private S-rjeanl Pi •\utc Sarah Banrfiart Fourth Lioroin Fir?t do do Third Lincoln to Second 1 ork Third Uncoin Second do do do First do do do do do do do do do Fourth do do do Second Lincoln Third do do Serond do do do Flr;t do Fourth do do do do do do Militia trtlller Artillery Drxvei ■( Pifiii Lincoln Second \ ork Incorporated Mil. Fifth Lino* do Second York Fifih Lincoln Iin'orporafed 1 liCC. ;M' vJ Nov ri fc \ r>v |2 :: Jan, i/> »Ja«; iS ;* do do jfi Ow • i2 i do do | t Jan i:j I 4!k-c i2 I i* March T'i I |1 O.t 1*2 j1 i*> do ito 20 Api ril |3 i 85 Oct ri tf .,vn'v. i.j *-OoL do r > Nov. rl r do do tf do r-> t Dec, .lo vi Airg il rT' Dec. i2 v? do do (< J in. ;3 il Dec. i2 u. do do .1 do do i;«' do da ga An*. ri fJJ Oi-L IS « Nov. do 4 do do il do do 3ti do do 1 Ore. do !<* Maid u3 y/» do do SP Nov. 3J l>ec d.> 9(i jiuic »3 Sf* '>' e. !*j .S/y Nov <lo 3 jwly Jl 90 ^ov. |2 ^? Feb. pi the U jdow SrcJ-------------------------.____________ rwfonrrei»de<U From j ",\> 1 I s lire, iniv i" si 7i*ix »■»« l) •i- • -i. .x. i 13 i.i do rtti 13 i2 Nia^rra District i i nn '2 ■;.i L District of Gore v n ,, , , ^ i in or 'orafe i m. auw« ^wmapthig^..;,!.......,.,„■ War iiv lhl. rilill.(iy.at0, tDWARD MacM^IOxV, General Agentji,r r 2?Xov. il 8!.o\. r.' *>i Jan. «> .ran. ii do III 0'*e. 1 do 2 Jan. 4 l)ee. i^ M::.clii3 I? l)t c. »y lf» do do 540 \|irll i.> 25 Oct. ili 2 Fr|>. <* (>e». ia Nov. i do 13 Nov. 1 Oer. 13 \U£. I! 18 Dee. | 2 2 do 'to <> Jan. l> 11 I.Vc. \> 0 do do 3 do do 1S do do « ^ne. il SO Oct. 12 ft Nev. do 4 do 14 do 30 lo 1 Deo. do 1°- March 13 20 do 2'»>Jov. 13 81 U;T. SOlUUfi 31 Dee. 30 Nov. ft .inly SQ.VftV. 28 It I. do di do d» do d. do du H ii nil do do do do do do do !o do do do •io do do .!o do do do do do do do Io do do do do do do do do do Io do .'o -!o do <h do II do 82 do n j no , «; do hi do • i ^2IT5 ^fiZ»/« Pensioners. Wazt&r Mc.Cui\'2FFEi5> Co. K fog Hon, 19th July, 1816. 9 Y virtue of ECUTIOM HHiVd out of H»s Majesty) Court of King's bench, bolJing civj! p!ea^. in and for the Midland I)i>tn"cl a- f irgfaid at the iuit of ALEX.\NDEK \lIl.OJO. of the tfcwnfiup ^fMaryft- bunrJl) in the faM Distrid, yeoman, H^afn&t the lands and tvnemti.U d PHJLIP SWITZER, of :he town- fh:p and DistrrS afonfiid, yeo nan. t« me dfrer^ed : I liave ftized and tak--« in execution, ss belonging ro the hli PHIiJP SWITZKR, the South. westerly ha-fof Lot number t on t!x Southearieily fiJ<^ of Southwest, o# Prl.iCfi Kdward's Bay, in the !z'd toivn* (hip oi Maiyfborght which Lid Lot of land t* batted and bounded, cr may be wherwift kttooo as follows, that k)% !°iy. commencing in front on the faid Bav,, in tlie lii it between Lots number 1 ai«t 2. and at the westerly angle of the Itwj L.-t ; then South 4G degrees East, icj I'hsiine 27 Ittiksi more or lef?, to m !andagranted to Capt. Joli:i i\Uan ; then* North 44 degrees Ea^, 9 chains $o 11 oka, more or leis, to the centre oftlu fiid Lot s then North 46degrees Wot, IOJ chain*, 27 links, more ot Irf^, trf* Souih West, or Piincc Edwaicis bijr then Southerly along the wateraedgeof ihc faid Bay, to tiic place rf* bcgiDWOCT being partly cultivated, with all the Ixnii-^ dings thereon erected, containing by- adineafurenient ico acres, be the lanid wore or left. — Now I do hereby gidff Notice, that the aforefaid Lot and-* ■ premifes will be Ibid and adjudge to the*r [highest bidder, at my ofiice in tiie to ten * of Kfognton, on WEDNESDAY the " tStfi day of DECEMBER, .ext, a< to of rhc clock in thtf forenoon, at which ' time and p?rce the coudiiions-of fale tm » 'je made known. CHAKLES ST-UART, ^^t And every pcrforv or pctlbns havti" claims on the above defcri->ed Lot of land and premifes, by mortgage or o?l»^r right or incumbrance, are heichy advei -j tiled to give notice \o rhc (Hjdw^bcrirJ at life Olaetf in the t"wj? of Ivin^^t^nJ urivious to the fn!e tlv reof. Skrif* Office Othher X 79 I 8 16. 10