B Samuel 8Aaw% EOS leave to inform hi* Friend* an.l * the Public fa general, that h-- ha- ji*'l recci"'d and WW offcr« Ear fale, a* Uia Store, art elegant aflortment of HARDWARE ,- il'TLEHY, Dirid from the Birmingham and Bhefc !i«!- r-'nn-.it Tories, which he will dd- pof.-of IVh L-i'.lc tiv Retail, at reduced price* ; an^on^ which are tlie follow in?: Carpenter's Beach ajidMuntdmg Piancs, Ckfflcb f Sorts* ; Tmng Suoan* and ^r Bevel?. Band True* Povrtail, S*ft, Mill, ^;c«r.-lit, ar;d iv.^-hole Saws; Qlcft, Oii-board, Drawer, Trunk, Stock, Door. Mortice and Pad POETRY. The App&ntiQn. TWAS fxlence S9 the riling rnocn With clouds had vetl'dhcr light ; Toe clock (truck twelve, when lo ! lfaw A very cklHifif fight. KtkgstoSj November 0, 1816. * * m * - • * • ■ » * * Lo. ,Vc Ship and po kct Cotnpafles, Glaciers Hfng c. tifa?l f'-r.Ss Braf**nd Iron ; S ddlery a;id Hamtfa trimmings of all dr!.-i:H;o:v ; Taivl.im, <Y\£ and Hiding Whips ; D '. Thongs nod ! aflie* ; i?cft Plated atirTftraft CatHle flicks, I>b« Cruet* of 4 S 5 Glafies, Britr?' ay Metal Teapots; Watch-.n..k_r'r? aiul fcwrllei '3 P!ver$, N*ppe «, Files, SlTCA1 olate5v&c» f. v/li'Vi" Pie;*c", Mi'oi-b-It:, Powder- FU&sa'id ft'di'-t rnow'ds; Lock.- f r Fowling piece ; Bleu k .J.i SUttce-pan* and 'fejuketiles; Kam*les & iponti to do d.». Tir.'r.:i)\ kivcts& a Ire of Sorts 1 G>-1d foaV >*% various fixes ; G'id Krftni and Frying i3ans, T.d.le and Dcfcrt Knives & Fork3 ; Do Carvers with Forks ; Wnod Screws aflbrted ; F-jreao Trimming*, i^rtaV.c Deilc do. Bed Cap*?, Screws and Keys ; 4I M. Cd, rod, 14c], l6d, i8d, 2od, 2-<tJ and jod Nail* ; White ^A Black Lend, Frufibn B'ne« Sprmiih Brown, Red ;.;id Yellow PJur ;— Boiled Enjjlilh Oil, &c, fte &c. Widen in addition to.lua former Slock! xrP! rorm tl.c inert e^rr-pct afiorunent evt r o'Tereu fit-i";;l^ in this ;>kcc. Fair pp a fvow-ball was its face, L J!;. iciJc* i: hair ; For mantle it *pu ar'd to me A fliett of ice to wear. Though fel-iom ^iv^n to ilarrn, rfaith PH not difler.ible, My teeth all ehatter'd iu my head, And every joint did tremble. At lafl I cryed, ** Pray who arc yon, 4\nd whitHtr do you gO ? Me thought the pha -torn thus replied— " My name i-» Sally Snow : My frtther is the Northern Wind, My mother** name "'a-* Water* Old Parfon Winter -uarnVd them, And 1*01 their hopeful daughtei ! I have ?. lover, Jackey Fiolt, My c'ad the match condemns ; LNe run fr -m home to 1 rsfbt to me^t FOR J//i: K1\CsW.\ CA-V.T2E. I pr»rcrivc thai a ireent occurn-u.co at Sack. < • JTarbor, rolalivo to a Brit- ish Deserter, hasocvu U ntdJN-menrv.s- papcr staffinttMtts and remark*! tending ta&xcttt- a d**src»* of >cnsibilltY between British subjects und Aaioiicaueit*2en5s especially between the people of Caxia- da and t\w JSrat-1 tot Ncv/-Vork, atid more parttcvlurly the inhabitant °'. Jvingftonaiid risekcft'sltarbor. J liavc no knowledge oi ihe clreuraKtanees but what isderivedfrom fhosopnblications. An auonyrr.ous camrounlcation v\ thv * -"bjret was first published io ane of •mr Amevicfin piipers, Rtathig thai a British Deserter passed through Sack-j iTnmouts have nol thought prop. 1 -t's liarbor, and was soon pursued b^ three armod Kn§ii>h officers,irho over¬ took and scenred him ai Henderson : iiui. thai \\h\U* t!ie 0flieer* wen* eon- i»> I Mv lover on the Tiiam^ L ftrtpt M!fs S.vhv (0 her dii'courfe, This anfwer iu.t to call m» 1 ^ IvSPFCTFULLY informs his , fripjidiand the public in general, that lie ba« jii'S ifiecjvcd a very CjCgant :' Hit? tcj j #Hi t 9 GoldftjjdSilvertiaichc*, (Parent Leav-I er n! plan ) — Mi.lleal InArusientB of ftll deferfpnoufi, ftK'Ii as Double FIa^ei-| ot-, Clnnomts, Fintes, c":c Ladies work Boxes, plaud Crcttvt*, d.>. Caodteflirk^ do. SttolTerh and Tr*ys« do. Sa*t Cellar*. an' Toaft Racks, Ivory bundled Knives a* d T ik>m fcits with Carvers, Patent C .k S."H*\v.; Siher, Giif and Steel PtirfvSi Silver and P'nteJ Fifh Ki.ivef, do. BotUT K;.ivcr., do Spoons. Silver, Gilt and otter Snuff li-'xci, Razors. Sn'T-... Pt-n Kntvcs, Clocks, Fiihinjr T^ckJlp, Bagtra*y»mon Boardsi Cheflmvin, Dice, 51}ver, t'ortoife S!*.ell a:-d Steel Spccktacley, and a Mtinber W Other ar- ti'c.e too no.tivroug tn mention, which he will fell cheap for c^H\. N. P. Alfo—4boc excellent mi' y iUJP il' 9 Wholefale and Retail. Watchcfi ai»d Clocks repaired and clca*- ne<! I-! (he hell manner, a..d warranted. Kingston* Aug* ty% 1Sif>, n// 1\ /S" R. Editor, as I have for a lore; J. fJL linieufl'cied tor fa?e a VahiaSk Xcael '{ Landj and no one as yet, has crr.e frvvaidio purchaftf, I wii! now flate it 2t half the real valu»°, v/eich is as foil.wa: £ * </■ The 8:0 acre** in the town-"J fhip -f Lougliborought at > 400 o o iO/"per aM*c. J 30o acres in Htidgerford, 220 o o The Mills and Land at 4J^o o o H f hope if John and you ums«« Your union wont be lasting ! B.-:vh> if youfhould marry hfm, Y»>u never Would do well, 0& 1 For I know jackcy F*oft to be A very slippery fellow ! Slie fat her down before the Gre, My wonder now incaeafej, Fw (he 1 took to be .1 maid, Now tumbled into pjeeea t For <* air, thin air " did Hamlets ^.ofl, His form at sock*cr**w ba<rrr; Cut vvli'at i faw and now deferibe, Rcfolv'd itfeU-—SO watci ! acting Uieir prisoni pback to Kings* j t^n, a ntirnl)flrof Miip»carpiMru»rs a,id J tber citizens of Sa*'k« Ts Harbor in-! tsrfcrod and cfiVi led his cscap.-. j fnyour In*! Kingston Cinzerte, ir i-j <Mli;'ia!!y -taf d, (hat rinrc trcre oulyl two GrltUh of.iivrs : that lliuj vvero] •■\ut over, by the c<»Bkmaiidipg offiecrj Jtlieir Kegimeiit. not arm. d, nor^ithj > view of tvi?Ju£ a deserter, but ns ;>n-j ■i(i uiiulcMncn. in pursuit »f a villain j ,f fish domlniorrs. I This principle of ftniVnuO p"*"1 eom* men law Is adopted by the State of Xcw-Vork. Single Magrsiate*, if. contmen with the higher courts and in¬ dividual citizens* are bound bj it: aiul eonscqaently^ cannot oificially ta.hr notice of an) offi nces3 chrtl or miitta- ry7 committed on the British side o the line ofnaUtmal jnrisdiction ; ttoi can any individual here, without i = i Gurringa pergonal liability, tob»fha' Hon and iodietment, arrest a person fr >uch an offence* It might in somo cas^s serve tlv cane af justice if tlw courts in each nation were auth< rWed to fake cogni- eanceof crimittalacts done in the oth¬ er : tsoocialh so Ihras to arrestcrim*| inals and Send tbum from one side fo the other for trial ; but (he two j;or- t make -eh an arrangement: attd per¬ haps it vjou'd iii practice be attended with move;'^»ls t»i*lli benefits. If the ri<:*.;i't!.ite; vsiiO \va* applltfld *o in th»; late instance, demaud •«! and leceired te.^s U,v issuing a warrant. which lie; knew could in f legaiij' be cxcctttcdi bt: mai drscne Ihe censure thrown 011 him forelirontrry and du- plirit/. Bui it issnorG prcbuble tiou Jte acted uihUt the samv nti^ta&e7 as the o.hc.M- making the applicati w . It is not uncommon bore, ** Uatever it mni be in Canada, fur a Justice ef tin* Peace tn bt»a« litHc arittfaluten witl Guineas cacli, P. P. the Distance) Horses currying tT„/;i KPtghis* Mr. Goldfrap's Chesnut Horse Jt^/j /j./^r*deb\ Mr. Kirk; divs?, pur, pie ,Iack( I, White Sleeves, Purple and Vi hitc Cap.......*......... *21 % ('apt. Tp'deiinick's Grey Hone tJ~t\otgfcr9 rede by himself ; dies?, (.itch Jacket, Vellow Sleeves, Black ('apt. De!a Hay'sJja) liors? Shaw* roc/:, v dv by Sir. Massey ; dtcss. Grceu Jatfct, White Sleeve?, Black Cap......*............. 3 disti • • • * * # 4 ■ * • « 4 1 r. Match for T;ventyGuineaspp. C«ce roiitiflftir Course—Catch izcfght$* ?tir. Jlarber's Bav Marc Flirt* iode by himself : dress, Purple Jacket, White Sle'-vrs. Purple Cup.......I I Mr. DoTenport'aBayGaClowayCr/fti rodebj Mr. Spon?, Blue Jackets Red Sleeves, !i!uo aj.d Red Cap.... | dht. ■ * a * * 1 * * « » ■ ■ • « who had robbed his ma tcr : and iluil !j j!v v/i-n-'eof la.*.";-; :i>Uitarj men. JtlR- fhey applied, hi a regular i..anncr, ro n Jjtice.s net being gont'rally professica! civil r.ta^i^rr.te (piling rljo rccjui; d ! i/u\_*.o^. WJtbou! knowing this raa- fees) in o'rder to tne culprit's bciu;! .istrat-'. ir:yfiv; s. ot i)\> paiticular? of lonniiittctitopri^nuinjh'i c^nfttUnct j 111* COmhiCt*. I siiall m-irhor excolpalc thiltthe JiHcricUil ^r^<:ofU,tif!K'J'\;^s/-\y.^rctuu\\:\\m him ; ::or .-il! 1 justify a /// hi/ Ihe nfi'rtuicr. Such nn rpplicati- I amb for rescuing a prii«naer in a rict- 011, Ccvitiuul\, conl«Jyi>e no rt*H^ouable|| c us manner, ins* ad of the to^al mean-. I mbraje. tt ira* respectful tothi au-jiefdNchai.;..'ov ilabeas Corpus- My v-riry here : but, ii it wa a pn.e:u-j only nhjec+j in Ibiscommimicatiou, U WANTlvD FOH IliS MAJESTY'S ^ERVKU 1000 Ci'ncfs (YfFLOUii, 300 Bushrls (4 OATS, jjLW BROOMS. To he dc live led whslft th; Navigation s Open. ALSO, ?000 Btntdfca of STR \W,& [QUO Uashclw ©f PBJSfE, Ii* the earlcy part r.f the Winter, Tcudi-r^ fin the above wdl be received I at this i fEce, c.n'.i! the 1 j Noven ber. Cnwn'uaoriti! Q/ff.d Kingston^ \J!Nbvernkr [316. 22 w2 CURRIER'S OIL, 5 Barrels. r\ Barrels Currier's Oil juft received and for fale by J0NM ABBOT & Co Kingston. 03. 31,1816. ZiWj Cheap JVooIcr GOODS. . THE fubfevibcrfl have just received, by the late an'ivals from their Manu&fturing Koufe, in large quantity of iHJPEUi-UNE ft SECOND to^uard ycur readies a^atn5t (he un- fatarsWe iniprr«iocs3 wliicii mi#ht be r'veited, rcp'eiiu^ flte laws, authnri- ties and pct/plo of (his st".te? or of til(> ! ntird ^uii-v. n . a ration, Ir, an « rro- ;-Hvj,>icH'i:l the tntiisiictiou alluded f Tlv; rriP'-^nfafionpujlid.ril in vour | ja., *i « w;ii'lotVs with u ma 1 kin^ ilju. 1 i England, a Broad Cloth Khirtt on. '-r\ 2;. Udies'Pelice CLOTHS and CASSIMS11ES, COSSISTIMG OV :— Blur, Black, VVaterbo, Bot- 'Jc GreeRj Brown and Mixture BroacLClotbs ; Brown, French Gray, Drab, and eotot'd Pelisse Qoths ; Black, Blue atwl Mixture Dorib-e Mili'cl C^^^'miercs. Which they now offer for fale at the AMOS ANSLEY. Store of Mess. s. Thomson & DtTLOR, :f> 2tw6{jv<ry low for cafiu JERRY WHITEHEAD & Co. K?7>oston, \nth /iugust, itf 16. II ,«l ti011 for the oiioi; ••■• roaimstfrdalKiii^- lou, i^ was frtmdi d on a miappr: h. i?- i:.o:i of iiie law ol'iuiMCtr-, bs irbli h a erihii |Hi|)'tra(ed withui a liriii-h t- r- riro:) cannot b \ ^'ini-lieil, or enqnlr d into, in lite Stale •■! Ncw-Yoik- 'i'he 'nws of 1 hi- Stat*. Cjlil ::.kr« iu> co^!ii- 'anc-whcicv.-r <o .mi) art rcnimitted, r*r cliaj'gi'd 10 h-i - !»'. :i roniaiifti d, hi Canada, iu viola'i^n ■ ■ »1>" «;iv, ^ oJ \ <-• 1 J'roTiitce. tfa (nagistiak' ui %tck«*t*&-i Hiirb^r, upon sn 'h a wMnplnjnt, ai-j ! nipt* d !o i.oiim tt the perron o com- ............r..........._........... [>'uin. d 01'io Miicn. bis ^nv;iu( for j jdi::I!) *\\\\ er:i;;» ; and ha\e (i:d":tvor r.'ia* pnrp.-io v;:i< ilh-^al and %oiil: •••id | d to pvatitot*-it, by {ft? rculajiaiiuN an aetual arro-r a'^'d i:»>oti-e»".'r.iMif i:n, d.-jrif would r.-ii i1 r flfi? H ilii*tH»tl*i Mi rtvfl as tRr roinptainii nt- llahid to an •ut'on forfalso impri-i'im:»:■;:!. CoiiKUii any Kn: i*.j. f.av, \ 1 v or .fudge, and hcwHl in brtn ^oi> •;•-:. f!;\ i- a w<-U known prim (tnff oftln. law of Rn£land« So mnj;i5-Mra(v lo London, rj<tr the hl^h.- t (".nil; of \\ ,-mnon ? -r ilalh l...s autliorit) t »jiiuiJ«!i, or i.-x, ar imprison a jh-i>oo (for an offi wv ni- Ic^cdto hnVfi been a nnon.-d ).y hhn io Paris, ngaiuM <h«! laws of t'raiHv. !? !;;i'-cv'ii b"'*n donhfed wbcflicrac?- rJl action for dama^f ■- for an as aalt and batter? in Franc* 1 <"«»» be so^uim- ul in an Krulish (-• *rt : bc(!au«c-a9 ;h Lord Manslicld ;iid. >n gxTingiiib nni- 'lion, itir;vo!vosa l)r. "i'h ofrjic p'*a;#o. against the Ring of PVtn*c^, a oneMion wltich can bo jndicia'Jy cousitlap'd •! \\ here but in the eour<> of that king¬ dom. At common law, a.-'^ committed on lit.Mii^hsta.s wtro n* ^ to^ni/ablo in the r aim ofUnglancl. fr^mtlic n?ccvsitv Garrison Stakes— i tventy Guineas each, P. P. Itc/tSy o,icc mundthefiourse, Catch !V"ight. Sir, Johnson's Grey Horse /f./;.7;, rotie by iVfr. .Ma^cy; dress, Orange Jacket, Orange Sleeves and Orange Cap......-............. - | bolO'd. Capt- Nolan's !5a\ Ilom-tWe*, rode 'bjr Mr. Kirk; dress, l*i:rp1e Juckbt, \\ liitG SIgcVCS. I atpl$ and While Ci'P. IJI1(1 Mr. Jobb's Bay Mare.V'//;//, redehy iMr.Sponir: dress. Blue Jacket, Red Sleeves, Blue and RedCap. I 2 | 3 I 3 Cspt. Tr^Icnnldc's Bay Hans Jes* t,7/, rod'1 i>y Iiimself: dr. ss, BUck Jacket, Yeiiow Sleeve? andJMack C&p. fl|2-|2 * « • Match, ones nr.r.ul ikecourse, 20 Guineas, P. P. Lhu!. fo!. Kvan-s Ch«ntrt Horfifl Jtimnrtfy w»dr by Mr. Crcialt: n... ! I Wv. "Whit-VPnrk Baylicrso Gal* 'ov.a'. iV//o> o'// Pw/ff, rfidu b\ M'- * i > (»M V. . • • #..........■......... * (J3*Thf p^-ons wl;o wen- good e* Uw -ton-■•*<" thv t--o mtiaiiS c- tiro j „nUKh toonf, rUio Gnrdon oftlie Edit- t.i—'r«;!!fe-/st j;:.:-: >!.• inwirtircs to r<-- ,n.,% (V( WoJucmIbv nb;hr ia.-t. and !aks nprtvai good nilin's and durable therefrom f;mr la^e Drum head CAP iwttrftrfh id this Fentimont 1 our- jJAf.M^ if rsexwcUrd will brg»»d «- 5 TOO O C Sixty TOWN LOTS, in the village of Wellington, r.t /:zo each f ot. lierc »ivon on the subject. ■■jay*—— ^'/'.v ^'/* v -V<//'-'/ < ' *v' 'tttiihe «SV«w- / </■// o///;;- Miutatid hhirict Sdwvi Sivtc: >{, i have Hir» p!«aK,jfe ti tCijnainf von, .'•»r tin ini"r">;Hi-;: of the I'roMdonl R?:d fVti t* ..s :i;' t.a. .vluiland iJistrietdebtjoi Sovietv, 'ha* i ':iv.- t:ii. dav reecivi-d !*» «■»*< I'hnrb"- v\ ':!:!.<w, M-q,the fiiim of f.'^O i."ur:*: nc#,. b» !»i;ii'f proceeds cfn Lecture on botany, d« ;•» red by h»n: f'*r th" benefit oftlie Ai id baud District School Society. I ww. v'!r. fcr. 11 C.TliO \l{\% Treasure/ ? Si, D. S. S •fcpfctt, 1816, Tins day appoint, d for tbe KTXCS^ VOX !t.\('rs. !>"!:«- rotnarkabiy line. and tn:'Course l.\ exceiloutorder, the meeting wa- aftendt-d with a numerous offhe case, however^ screral Miitntos, assembly,and fh<> Stand uas PrAwded nongli to call and fettle for thorn, (^ thev.an*perfectly ucl! knov.r.) u.m- out fnrthpr infitethnii mid ffifS M'/.^t sHvo- r.iu!olhrr> fronblo.—\'V rvally • did nor thiufe ///'■/// guilty of such an act, ('•:>• etaily ihc oncv.litch was I >rc* \fttcttd.—Thn Dvgi wq picsurno, uas J '-ikon Jiloi^ ji^ ji Hjnt-yiUird.:—'I iiiahinlj ivm j>r'.. ,;»ir uj!i be s'liHcicnt. BE fnbfcriber begs ie-ive lo inform I the Puolii, t!r.t he keeps cnllant- Jy !'or lale* .t In; (ho,*, (lign nf the Boot Z? W»fif») BclIvH'e, Upper Leather, Sole Leather ; and Boots and Shoes, for which country produce, green hides, or C»fh# will be received in payment. He will alfo cittnwncc the Tanning Bofinefa the biginoin)* of March next, when he will Tan on fllare^j or as the parties may I 2 J Wit) ' MACCAGVPURDY. UclhiHc, (MySt Creek) OS. t$, 1816. _ 1 m , BLANK BAIL BO* DS. and SHERIFF* SALES, iter sale at rhia Oilicc. agree. Wanted^ T MMEDlATELY.asan Apprentice I to the Watch Making Bufinefs, a fmart aiti« t.ari, from 13 to t6 years of a^c. Ap.plv to the fubferibcr. [ COVERT. Kinsfton, Oft. 18, 1816. aotf Rags ! Rags ! Cash and the highest price paid for CLE ,iN COTTON AND LINEN R G AI THIS OFFICE. [mssed by the British rarlianieiir. hat; extended the COgnkifi«!« *'f tl\& Riijj- li>h court* to casesafishig on tii:* sea*, without the limits tsf tli« appropriate j'jrisdictlonof any n:<fion ; Ivf nut io cases accruing nitiiin the jurisdiction 01 n foreign r;ovrntm?'n*. {jetwecn several Sf-its* or Provinces und.Tonc ^mreral grfjteiwifriictlii^ -i'1- v -nmcil. it is com^'*1*!;. previ(letl3 not ihi t a criminal irWJ ,,(" W«l in one Sfaf^orl'rovincc for ;t crime Comnrh- tt-a in anotli'-r, but '!'::, 'l(i mny be (rai^miited from Uu one, in which he is found, to another rfl w Mcli thi' crime i< charged f.> have been mimnitt^l Flic constitution of l'*° l-*nitrd ^.-»tt v contains-an express ^vision to thai rffectamong the -e*^»a!Srafe^ Be¬ tween Bngtund, Scot>'»nd and Ireland. Mirh transmission" tn.^c place: and I kare tmdersto ul toitn,>} arn «utlif*rt- sed between tho sevef'*' Brirish Ameri¬ can Provinces. Bn' between ivvde- piMident nations ther !s MO aitthorit) for such reciprocal stfnvndcr of crin- inals, unless founded wp^nexpresstrea* t). In the treaty of l~^- bef*reon the United States an^ GtiBi iJrkahi7l( wa-s.sfipulated. that ;r»y Person reg«- larly charged with ig&ifto w forger) in cither nation, and M^S f°™d in the (lur, should upon a/>{^'1":tit n of (he proper national aattfr*r^>"i ^L* delivered op fori rial. XJtcstfp11'**'011 oxteiuled to none but these two* crimes : -and it i- 1 nttroly omilted in tPn Tn-atics at pre- tontin force. Si twrf-^'?w of i»- Iions is thu only rulr <>» ril'-ir suljjod between the LT«Ucd ^t?.tcsapdtfce Jlri- v.ifii a largeparty offnshif^nahle^. Itwas allotted t!i:i* the running wbs never better. t*ve Uoracs « »>?e,ffen?r,il- ly fpeaking:, v.ell inatchwl, and wpw» rode in a «t\!o nldom witnessed by .j Aninti urs of U.M-o ;';irin:;. jj Mis Kxrelloncy I.icntonnnt Corem- jorCtonE aird suite, aetvimpainied by I Major (u tit'Mi Wir>ov, honored the meeti«g w itli theri prest ncr,;u»do\-iiTcs- rsed thsMiivivi s higiil> pleased with the days nmnvment. Ti:c arrangements VALUE OF REPUTATION. The JMlnwing eloquent tiu'fion on roe vnh-c of reputation is extracted from ! the fp.*cch cf Charles Philips, F.fq at the Curl lio-ife of Halway, Ireland, on ]{] of April i;ift in a cafe of libel en ihe Rtv. C. O. Mullti;, a Catholic clergyg an * ^f*« *■ What damage^ then3 can ytna givr ? II atn c utrnt to leave t\.c defendant's crime? alto^eth< r out of the quefHon, b'Jt can von recompence. the fufteiins^ *>f • o-T chent ? Who {hall eflirrnt; the ccft 0 ) rteelefs reputation—that tatprr£| ' wlii* h jjives this human drof< its **nr- nncv. wfthrmt which we Hand dtfj.iTecI, iticbafed, •depreciated? WIio fliail I repair ic injured ! Who enn Pedcem :t JJofl ? Oh well and truly doc* the ; feat [philof&pher of pr-etrv cfteem theworld*! wealth as u trafh" in the companion / j without h po!d 1 as no value—birih, na .diftindtioo—tlation, no dignity—beany •no clnrm—sr^e, no reverence—Or, [(hcold 1 not rather fay, without it every "treafurc iittpoversfiies, every j;r«cc de- jforms, every dignity degrades, and ail stile arts, end decorations, and accomphfh* rinenta of liTe, ftand like \the bearon porr. I IIP I ' Lulit^s of the Garrison gave a dance in the evening to a seh-et parii. KINGSTON RACES, Rtmm Tu^tlcy Oc. 29^ IS16. Sweep Stakes—TVn Guineas each, P. P. Ileafw once rnundA ffiul ttfarfin% 'rom the D'stancjy Horses carry!.1$ equal weights* Mr. Campbell's Bay Bonn Ontnrfo% rode by Mr, Ma^ey; dress, Orange inck.-t and Up.............| 3 j'2 Mr. rimpsou's Hav Horse Ahcrcrom- '/,v, rule by Capt. Tredentiick ; uvess Blue Jacket, Lllae Sleeves and Cap. I J I ! Lt. Co!. Cock burn namos Raj IXor^c Alias, rode i)> Mr. Rirk ; die' ;, l>!uc Jiukef, U"dSI«evi's and Gap.. ) *j • * • - * * ■ fiiend 10 j;reet—no home to harbcar him ; the "oyage of hi* life hec^rpe» a j->yUfn pent, and in t!ie tnidft of al arrbinoncan achieve, or avarice arr.als1, or rapacity plunder, he tofTes on the' fo-.o-e, n buoyant ptflilence!—But let me not degrade into felllfhnef^ of iiHi- M'ina! fiijcty or individual expofuic this univerfal principle ; it teflffies an bielfin*, a more ennobling origin ; it ii ilu's. I which ei n&eratmg the humble circle c f Ithe earth, will at all times extend hfclf J co thr circumference of the horizon—^ {which nerves the arm of the patiiot to ; lave his country—wKIeh lii>-l:ts the larrp J of the i-lii!oiojihei U)%mi*nd man—which, ir it doe* rtOi inpire, viill y^i i:ivi;;"rate, [the martyr 'o merit fmmortalliy—-.hicL, when o.'.e world's agony is pafRJi ami the glory of another h» dawni'*^! wiil prompt the ;:rophet, ever, in his ehariot o( tire, and in hi vilion i*f Heaven 10 r .hcvpioith tat invoking *!'t manrk u£bk hJSGBTO^ bT^ES—fiileCil memory ! • I. 1 I ' ' 90 95