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Kingston Gazette, November 9, 1816, p. 1

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&&*&&&&&»: i * >T :>v '* ™-3k [bA'iUiiBAY, NovEMur.n :>, 1BI6.] r^snp ^_ T> jl 45 •* S n ml [VOLUME VI.------No. 23.] In Kingston, Upper Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.— Prici; Four Dollars per Annum. *'j"Wp -v ':.■■'-'. '*..",C*r*iasi5afc3r* i,v mw oa ^ ■* =>_ * > i£4 #B#F GOODS. J HE Subscribers have imported direct from London, Man- chefter, Birmingham and G1acgow, &c an ntenfive afToitmer.t of every fpecics of (vierc'nandize iuitabie to the Upper Canada bfarfeet* The Goods have beea '.elected with care and purchafed for Cafe, and will be difpofed of, either by Whoklale or Retail, on the. molt reasonable teims. -Under the different heads of Liquors, Groceries, Hardwares, Clothes, Flannels, Ilaherdash- crj/, Hosier}/ and Carpeting, Stationary/, Crockery k GLASSWARE, CORD¬ AGE, &e. &c. They would enumerate tl*e follow!nor articles, viz : Very bfift Port, I.. P. Madeira, 1 WINES. I Brown, Qznaburg, Shivri g and Sheet ! ing Linen:; ; Lace?, Cambruk«, Sn Fin- oW brown Sherry, F ■?******» . Veiling., Satttn?, Ribbons, b'k LP-ftL v*. Tencnff, •' Silk Haudkerchhrfi : Humbert's fcrfl Bown Stout by the ; Navy t5inv, Black Gray and fafbigtiahhr Cnfl< or Doz-«. I Suwcnhie Broad Clothes and Css- Brar.dy, Gin, &c. &c. &c. ' ; fimeres Te?.s ; Sugars, Loaf ad Mufco-aflo ; : Ladies' i^nd Gcrtlemen's Gloves an-; CAUTION. IT having been reprcfenied to the Ma¬ jor General commanding, that vari¬ ous pe.fons have lately cat Timber on the King's land, on Point Henry, and are (till in the habit of doing fo : Public notice is hereby given, that any peifon or perfon3. fu offending for the future, will be prefecuted to the ut- molt r-gour of the law. Hd S^s. Kingston, \ zuh OS. i8i6 j" 2imi sT, Coffee ; Sauces nfevery t$ef\r"ptittt>j Loeh fiue HfftnngR by the Rrei JPcarl B-triey ; Muflard Soap & Candles by the box ; Scotch Oat meal, Paint-? and Oib afT rt.d — Crawley and Sintered Steel. S-wfa I- ran aflbrted. Dr.cV Pi£":n a^d Smne Shot Nafcft Bailee* of 41 forts, Tin Pl^e W Sheet I-on. Frying pans, Spades jnd Shovel*, Hollow Wart* — HKirj,G!'^h,wh-£ew»fh, Scrohhlnjr, Hovfe, Shoe, and far* b'e Brumes Knoeeaiid Forces alTort-d.— Penknives. SdiTcrs, Spoons, Rr.z nr ,Shaving Crfe-; -Lock-. Hinge*- Saw*, H^mtner3. Hofie'y, Carpeting f various pat- tenifl An afP rt-nentof Seholb oka and Sta¬ tionary — G af? ware .•*1o Cr-'tkerv bv the Cnte or cr.llc, and packed to lull Coun NOTICE. *TRAY£Dfrooa the fubferiber at he Village of Eingiton, the lafl of Augullf or the iirlt of September lalt. two COWS, of thr (following difcripti- on, viz. :—The one U a large fize, red a».d white—fpeckled—rnoftly red, with a while flripe in the :<ce. Thv other a middling fize'd red Cow, wuh a dark fifce. 1 h.ry wcie -".outei^ht yrar^ olo. i Q. th gave mi'k wtw ihey went aw..y Whoever will return fcid C »ws to tfrc <'Avner, or give iuh*r jaiion, i • that ihey may be found, (b ill U geneioufly reward ed A. W. BROWN. Kmgfton. Oct 20,1816. 21 % STOLI \0\'STHAYtiJD, fXOTrfik* Pa Jure of Samuel Pur- V.* -Jy. abuut tw months a^O, a dark bay HOKSF, fiitc?qhandslugh, icv<n OL r -r tlttiit vcars o-.i. .iavik mane and tail, t'V oho*>s, . , ,r> » - 1- * - .- r . . ^ ., * , r r, t» v \0 , I with a large white v^r ,n Ins toreheaJ . Oentlemc iV prm.f Denver nar-: \un\«|] ., »- r,r ., ... * , , n » o- u jiP- Ittnyul tne ttib!v::ber will piy alt re. * VutithH5 a-itl B -v's La- el h'-:r :\.d L.; u . .. K ; .,t '^ . . m. ', ,,7-i» -, . M loriahu- charges* to At,v *.erloa w 10 will KC> Fii.-i, Gfnb'ctBj &c. c'ic. Bo t*: and Shoes — JJankecns, Cord«ioy«. Stupes, Ctitton*, Checks B01nba7.cn*;, MutliiUi Shawb, pitmti s Tafirs plate;! do Men" Willow iiats. ; r.adieB1 & Qnh* Beaver trim*J Bouneu*J ; W !><•. Red. Yellow %nd R\m Ranncls, I and Ontrn broad B^.ize. ". 2 to 3-I- Point Blanket—Counterpanes, : B-dTitk. fee, fire, I Storage and Wharf..'.' rt the cuftom- ; ary prurfR and ComnnlTioM BuIiikIs exe- , CUt'v'd ai the utUal \ oc JOHN KIRBY Sc Co. ; Kingston% July 26, iH*6 S ! able- charges*to a„y j.erfon who wi return him, or if hV.^n atiy perfoU to ■' will Jifcover the'hi'fo» *hieves, and w.li eiv^ fuch h formation ns fliail lead 10 their ec'^:d" >n.lh.ii! revive arc A'ard ai A^i? rr dollars. JAMES ROBINSON. KineiKw, Oct |6, 1816. 21 p.oNbin ; Six'ines afldunder, 2/Bfirll iuienion, and 1/3 every fobfeqnent. . T-c;i hnes and under. 3/*.;. firfl infer- Cion, and \f6 every fubfequtnt. Ten lines and upw .ids, 4^/. per line firfl inferlioii, and zd. per line every fuc- tcdi'ij? iiifertion. Atlvetifen^entfi onaccompaeicJ wuh •written direftions are infertedtill Forbid, and charged accordingly. Auciioueerhi.^. THE fnhforibcr re^Vtms hi- li^ccre and hearty th^Uo to hi1' f'iends and the public in general, for the many favours he hac received from them for thtTe fixfeen y^ar^ part ; and infoin-.s thc,¥i, that he has recornnienceo buiinefa again f r hintfelf. Any 3ei.uc.a1an w;{h* injj t » difpofe of any property wi*l be "Waited UUOp it 'heir ow:i qua'tc^, o^ at Mr. D. Brovv.'s Tavern, fynt'ng the Market Place; and ;;e nfT'.res th- re gentlemen ivholhall t>l«"afet« favor bin r/irh tb«if cu>tom, that they fliall have nooceaOon to call twice for their Mon¬ ey. A7. & TUFSn.'fT. THURSDAY mnd SATURDAY , are his regular Auc¬ tion /).:>v- JOHN DARKEY, Auctioneer. KinfgAtmt|4,th «£pt< ifytft i.f y j ^HE fnbfcrtbera "efpe&futty inform 3 their friends and the pub'iv in ge¬ neral that they hav* received an aduiti.m to their i.ru-d fupply, coflUfttng of a ge¬ nera* ?>fT rim. nr of DRY GOODS, HARDWARE: For Sale- CHAtiLUS SHOUT $ Co. EG 1 cave to infoun il.eir friend'* •and the public, that they have jail received and now offer for (ale, at their Store fronting the Market, an alfortment 'ibmY goods, (Jrocerit's, Crockery^ &c. $$c. among Which are Superfine and low prie'd Broad Cloths, white, yellow and red Flannels, green Baize, fancy Veilings, (ilk a*id woolen do. white Quilting, B.'iubazetr? afT-ntcd colors, Calicoes, GinQhams, white and black Cambtick, Dirr.ity, Cotton %Shir- tinj, In'fh Linen, Gentlemen's white cotton and black worfted Hole, Ladies do do. L:;Jies Kid and Morocco Shoe3, Mens Lamb's Wool Stockings, filfc and cot con Btaces/Barcefona Handkerchiefs, ilk Shawl»i India Bandannoea, Ladies Kid and fi'k G'ovt-i, Getrlemens Bea¬ ver and filk do. Satin fiik Turbans, Thread Footing, Thread and Cotton I^re/lewirig !'»lk and T*vifi fi!k V'-ive1., Ribbon^ Glk Shawls, b kIc filk Floicn- tine, tigureJ Sarcei ets 5cc Sec. &c. ALSO, EJyfon and Ore- n Tea, Sjiiir^, P^rt and Ttnerfffe Wine, Mulcovado and loaf Sugar, Ratlins, Pep er. Muilard,Coffcff, &c. &c« which t. 1 y wiil fell theap for C»(h, or fhort ";p<..vcd credit. Kingston) $c;-t. 15, 1816. 15 Chair Shop. T"*HE Cubfcribers having removed »o i their new (h"p, w»n»W i lonn the public that they will endeavor in future • o keep on hand all kinds of CM AIRS, bETVKES, &c. in their line. Or; amenta! Painting, Gilding atid Varnifhhgdone with neatne&- Gals cur to any (hape required- Also—boiled! Lfnfeed ojl for fale by ■.', >-» NEW GOODS. npHE fubferiber ha^just received an^i JL now offers for falc, au exteoiivc and veil chofen aflbrtmeut of Drv Gdodsj Groceries, 7 and Hardwar A'ISO, A well c'.ofen Affortment'of MEDICINE. The whole of which will be fold 36 ic iowot prices forcarti or cocntry pro- nee. EwD. J. FEND, RSdN. Kingston,26January i8»6. 10 ------------------------------------------------------------.------------------------^______-*-^ For Sale, BY the 'ubu-rihers, 4o BOXES FINE 7k ti JllC Veil )vv Soapj CHEAP for Cajb. Thomson* & Detlor. Kingston. July 1,1&16. Wis,', A t,T rHEWci half of lot number nineteen in the tee >nd concciTi >n of the *ow" fhip of Ki gfton. Ap:>ly to the Printer Kingston. $uh «©> tH15. 5 t; Wanted, \ contract f-r the conveyance 0! Hi-- Ni^j fty'» MAILS twice a TCtk from Kingfton to York, c.-mtnen- Sng in January next Any perfon, Je- 'ir. ubnf obtaining it, is nquelled tc fend R Mrs. LaniMe^ ESPECTFULLV be;;:, fes* to inform the Ladies and Gc.tle- ff'cn of Kir.gflon and its ••,e>.n*.ry, that she has imported from Loud* n» zt.-3 i* now filing at Mr. 15ar-iefs St'-re, z.d D ubU and angle Stoves, Iron Bars, St-el and Wheel Boxes, Ladies and Mrn% Shnci, A complete affottrTsent of new fafli- ioned Ladiesind Ol" tlem-rn'^ Fur Caps] and Tiimmiug fji Great Coatfl ; Two elegant Dinii?^ Setts, Willi 3 variety >f otr*^i arti;,J3 too lengthy to enumerate, vt? ich will be fold che-"1 * fo» cafti rVEONJE VD & St- GERMAIN. Kingston. $d Oil. \ >< 16. 18 j To Let, fglHE upper partv>f that Hoofe St- _B. oared in front f the Maiket, foi a Email ptfcate family ; alf ,t II ;l.iioT for ahorf.'. For particuiari apply to the fubferiber. J. DUNCAN. Who has on hand from IO00 to il*M Fairs of Worsted Stockings, Fit for the armv, which will be fold ,:!^ piopofos without delwy 10 this of- llce. addrelTedto the ?M\ Maile. Gene- rd at Montreal, fisting hirtloweft teim , nd the Lcuvity \v.-?ch - an be given for 'he due o*-rf r ma nee i>f Ui> engagement*. &OSTOFFJCR. \ otbOS 1S16 J Kingston I !9 New Stage* toinincr the White Bear t-.xrn.^ van-'y *. , f « v in ct r* j r • * • r • c ' cheap *or cam -ivv J. 1^ of I'ancv UrOOds, lUHi'Oli tt?r trw tr?« -n. . r. j 0; 0 / winch will be fold on the molt real.ma- rt _______________^^_ **S1HE fubferiber pro^ofc* to run ^ S_ STAGE between Kingtt^n and fork the enfuiug winter; to commence l!n tirit Monday after lt*e flvjghtng will !- *llib:y admit—-o leave Kingllon every vlonday •n-srmnp, and Y«»ik tvery rhtut- 4ay marni.ig. The fubferiber hi^pes, Mv his wirewiwed cxe:U■>»« for the ,,-c- '■ mxod ri-m of travellers, and the lafety !l-f tl-.eh baggage, t:- merit the patronage '4 the Public. SAMUEL PURDT. Kingston, Od 9- j8_i6.___________i_9[f_ GROCERIES, pKt filbfcriberSj having commenced * bnllneLir the Grocery Line, either ^ htildal^ or retail in this place, wher« *hey wdl do iheir utmost to fupply the ^'.tblic-on the most reafonnble terms. Kingstor.j 30thMay, 1816. 52 iia rr*.-.'\ 'a p-a'k-i qirmTUy—Pii"t teady prepared fui ufc. and ail direction* for «Eng them Gratis C. HATCH, & Co. Sept. 6 _________i4if For Sale, Or (u L \ For one ^r more years, a very valuable Grist and Saw MILL, In {rood rep vir. Glutted at Thinlow St inunediate'yby 'he town of P>e «evi le. Foi ;*-irticu::.r^ and to treat for the iame i|)wly to Thomas CoJcn.au, lil'q- the pro¬ prietor . Several Town Water Lat^ upon the banks of tiic River Moira, for fale. A good Miller and S.nvyer wanted Btticvilk August\ 2 3, ; S i 6. 12 P.25 Reward. IS01ice, T^ HE Board for examining Into the J, clahna of perftma c titled o -U- ■ * * mia Panlinui, wiil aflimble at ihe Court "Houfc in K.ir»i»ft .n, 4>n chcTecnvd Monday in November ntx'.at ten o'clock in iht Mten n. and conti ue t> eff-m- \> '■ at ihe fame ; —ce op the ccui* * ^1onv day in cVery month, whi!il itetcffarjf, «f tvhich all ptrfons couceraed arc reqnofte^ t»» rak« nctice. JOHN FE^GUOM, Co! ff. If. Senior Mi/'iia Officer in the M'uHand Dt>iri3m QLAIIt'S Sermons Ported Cvl- LJ d> nre^. tiie Canadian Vilitor, bo»:>d Qi fi-'^le, together with a t'reat varietj of ufeful Bo ks ai 3 T? ft-, for yr-pi»g pcno'.e-for R;iir at tliuOfitCC ;— vnere SCCef1 nay be had to ;. fr.:.il cit- . ul-'tinq; Lfbrary, three time a week, on moderate terw**- auguS i» i?16 q LOST, '. XTHEKEAS on the morning ',f t eth inlt. l: m:»n by name of R r?ROM thePaftureof Mr. jthro 1 j J-.ion, a. CUYV, a K.tddi(h hrindlt eoloor, white t\«>u i-n h< r f.vrje- head, red 6c white belly, --nc buck r.-rv. part of one ear &ff« She is n* w oiiifc ttul three yearsoid. Whoever will re** turn the fame to. the fnbfcril>ej (had te> eciwe the r.ward of FuUK. Dollars. JOHN SCOTT. Kingdon Aug. 16 l£l& ti CHARD E. r. ble term?. tingflon, 26th Sept. 1816. For V * l3 A Vy/LUADLE Farm, with build- ^"^ ings also Ian»e imprnv-ments there¬ on, favorably fitnated within ?8 QTiles of King ton. Perfons defuous of . nr< chaGng to iriqnirc of the Printer. Kingston 1 July to, i8tc. 5 tf Strayed* ^RO%i ;i Pasture one mile ^nri a I Blank Deeds and Memorials, For h\c at th.s Oilke. JLi half from Ki:'e<lon. (Mr. Br-ch's Tavern,) ilioul :he lalt uf Awguli, a Bay Horse, Four yearp <ld, dark mane and nil, one white hind hrofand 1 final1 white foot in hi forehead. Whoever will return fai' hurt, 01 jiivi information where Ik miry be f un:, fh .1' be we 1 e warded, 8( ail :.c\ elf y ch ji#je ;>• i ' by No fie .V rHE fubferibers to the U. C. Book Society, are informed that Mr. 'tamuel Ma rill has taken the Books and , raol< belonging to the Society, and ,'lofe who ft*ifh to take their dividend of < :Isk f >r the lull year and fubferibe to .•.rdb import in 5 more h'<oks for another Lar, are rcqnciled to cal! without delay 4\ Mr. Merril'B Store forthat purpofe. By Order oftk PrefidenL Kingftoo, Au^uft 1 1S16. 5 I -------------------------------■--------.------------ Blank Sammonfes, Subpoe l}ja and Executions, for the the Rl BARKER* ran away \x\ Pieic^tt, Oppei Canada, wish ab- ont (oco 1^0 l:irs, the piopetty of the I fubferiber. Any perfon or petfong who I will iO',«rehrnd anJ fecure the laid Rich ard £• Barter* to that he may be b-o t to juftieci (had receive the above reward by applying to the fabferibt-r zt Prefcott, Upper Can..da. He i^ a man ahouL twenty fix years of aye, five Let ii:; inches high, frelh co'.rplexi'jn, bght hair, blue eyes, round vifage, head a little bald—at rhe ticu lie made his clcapc his cL»thc3 weic a black coat and paula'uons fttipfcd ^aiilca** & long boot?*. It is to be hoped that eve¬ ry exertion will btS made for the fecuring of inch a character. A MAS A WOOD Prescott, U. C. Juht %th> 1816, <; inruce Seer* i \ F molt any qu intity, can be huJ a« y f the CELLAR ui\.ler the Auction Ileum of Mr. Charles Short. JOHN YOUNG. P. S. All persons who arc io- iibted to him. are requeued to call with¬ out 'May, m.d fertlr their accounts. Kingston^ 'July 5,1816. 5 * Kingston, Oct. 4, 18 Uf* .-• V .StaAY. '•'.ourt ot R?qustts,for *ialc a: is |[Lhis Oflicc. rflfiHK fubferibers iulonn the l..h.»b- Jl_ itanta of Kinjflon and iis vicinity, ^hat they v ill pay fur g-od MOUSE ashes, Mine Pence per BuQiel, and provide means to take them from their rcipective Houlcs once every two weeks. Charles Short & Co. September 13, 1816. 15 Blank Summonses For ilic District Courts, for bale at this Oflio. PACKET. \ HE Schooner Ferfeverence^ J. jG. Parker, Mallei, w'dl continue vo run a- a Packet from Kinafton to Sack- ets Barbor- May 15, 18 i 6 50 aft received and for fale at this Office, A QUANTITY OF Writing: PaOer. Of Quality No. 2, 1 i Reams Writing Poll No. z\ 9 ditto dirto uucul. A LL per'ons having claims ;«gamft / jL the Ellate-f J»hu Wrier, latt of lviiu:ilon, dec^afed, »*e reqnell^l 10 Iprefent ih. m to th- fat.lcilvr duly au¬ thenticated, for pav ment ; and all woo frtdebted t.. laid euVe, trc Jcfircd tc :ike payment imincdiit.lv. P. j FITCH; KinvilvTi) OS. 2$, i c1 i 0. 22«3«. tri >n

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