LsATUUlUY, November fc, lSl&] TON _L- GA ■ , « ■ ■ c » [VOLUME VI.------No.V2] TT Kingston, Upper Canada—Printed and Published by STF.PIiEN MILKS.—Price Four Dollars per Annum. ;#+?W.±k NEW GOODS. I HE Subscribers have imported direct from London, Man cheftcr, Birminghanj and Glasgow, &c. an extcuiiveafTorcmewt of every of Nferchandixe Uiitab!e to the Upper Canada Ma-ke' The Goods hs 1 He oood* have bvcrt ideaefl mm care m& pwchafvd for Cafc, and will be Qifpnfcd of, ci'Jier hy WhoMaU .»r Retail, on the moft reliable !e- m>. Under the different heads of Liquors, Groceries, Hardwares, Clolkes, Flannels. *g-1 llaoeraash- erj/, Hosiery and Carpeting, Stationary, Crockery k GLASSWARE, CORD¬ AGE, kc kc. They would enumerate the vllowing articles viz : CAUTION. IT having been represented to the Ma ;..»• General commnndi;i£, that va<i oaioesfofta have lately cut Timber on tat King"* la; d, on Point Henry, and ai« .rill in the habit of doin^ fo : Fnbtic n .tie: u hereby given, that a y j.c-1 n Kir perlons, f, nfleuding for •r-:. Jufiie, will be profecuteu to the ut- mo 11 rigour or the tuv. lid* £>rs. King-Jtr. 1 i\.'J> 08, iXi6 j 2 nr. i &> l i >Y*it%Hiig hze d t.. Lo'A' wen a dsi!; ' crown, oz):-D^rJZ» ^nuti• g ana -Sheet \ c , .?,. . . ., L* 'R '.YSD tVom iiie f'.bfcnber >t ■ •:e Village o' lsinr*iiott, the Satl if *- I'/tift, -r the iiiit C>»., .J7 :—The oni ol n '.jr^e fi/e |-.». aid .vhitc—i .;k»e&« . it'.y r<rd, wkh a WJ Ue llnuc i.. the Kite. I ht* oilier ;i 03 oe;jcer; bci la.i. OvV6, i t;i io.'o'A'in- tiiicn^ii £ Linen*,: i..atc5, Can.buck:, , i r, rt • ., . • ° J ° ■• e ... . Lit :J li,,*n ii "'Vc mi-fc when 'hey went aw;-. citmgs battiob, Kit/boiw, b.-tt j „... ^ p ■, ' ■i lJ h ■ » ,• . ! vvftio, vcr viil retain i-"d L-ow^ to tie .k ttandkcrchitta : . r . . . . » iNi ». ^ , < a.- Lt-i l-wv*.r, or .iivt nif r.Tation, fothat the\ Vervbcfi Port, L. P. Madeira, f nrTxn?o • *ni Sp. Fin^ old brown Sherry, ( WlWfcfc . y; L P. & L M- Tene:i(F. \ t $u*> <. iu .^^.s^.*.- . . . . , . ,- , , Hibben'$ heft Brown Stout by the *Navy fiSnt, Bkck Gm Md fcAfataUri !iV*?^ia?**^^ A\that *? Gaflc or Do>:eiu i Sui-eniuc Ikoad Clothu and G* ! JJ» N **"* ** bt •"»* rt"'var-' ; fur.eie^. jl ' llvadie*1 and 'Gentlemen's Glows and; ,,. ^ft Q , Hofey, Carprtitrg < f va,.W pat | ^giion, O.Uo, 1816. zi 3 Brandy, Gin, &c. &c. &c. Teas- ; Pui^ara, Loaf ani Mufc^vado ; G'See ; Sancw nfrvery defeription, Loch line Herrings by the Kv-g ; Pearl Biirlcy ; M'u'lard Soap & Cm.dles by the h:;X ; Scotch Gat meal, Paint* and Oils affined— •Ciawlcy mi iiliiier.^ St-fit* SmidtSB I- Ton alTwrTed. Duet Pigeon and Snioc S1,,H. NmU x ^.Jkvs uf all fo.-ts, Tin Plat? tad Slvet Iron, l:r>*i.^/ pans, Spades ami ShoveUi Hollow Wa>e—Hai»tCb^h,wl,;tew;.nu Scr«bbrhrj, Horle, Shoe, aid Ta¬ ble Ernfhes Knlm and Forkesafforted,—Peofenfve-?'rs, Sp-iiiiiR, Raz >rs, .Sh*v;nr Caici; — I ock«, 'lii.^-.-r.. Saw-*, Hammers, Fi!r;, G; ubiets, &c- Sec. &c. Boats and Sh- t.;— ?VV'i'k':*'■*- ^o--d,j'07c S'rvies, Cottnp^, Chnks, Boi«ba*et*a, Muilins, Shawl*, Dimiti'*-, Vap»* Bohtiiri ; A, W. BROWN. iAMtLES SllORT % Co. jO)EG leave to inform their friends JfiJI and the public, that they have jut! 1'.-reived and now offer for laic, at their Store fronting the Market, an atfortrutnt DRY G-OOIDS, 'J'rocerii i, ( rorla-njy ^c. .'^r. a;vion<; which &re Superfine and b>w priced Broad Cloths, vvMte, yellow and red FLumel^, green :5*.izp. fancy Vnliogs, filk a'»d wooten d*>. white Quilting, Boini>azetta aflbr^ed ^tiiors, Calicoes, Gin^hao**, white and black Carr.btick, Ditni y, Colton Shir¬ ting, Ii-iili Linen, Geutiemen*! white cotton and bLck worited Hofe, Ladies ■'o do. Lndiea Kid aud Morocco Shcca, Wens Laml/ti Wo^l Stockings, lilk and ;o'tor, Diai:es,Bare- -;ona Handkerchiefs, j iilSc Sh'wl;, India 3aiubn;». e;-, L<idies Kid and (ilk G'ove*. Gemlerneiis Baa* ver a id iilk do. Satin filk Twbana, rkrwd Fc; itingi Thread and Cotton .'•'■e, fe^ iu;r filfc ;?nd Twill, filk Vr'.vet, iviibona, filk Shawl?, ba.k filk Flojcn- llMj, figured SarcenvU. See. &c. &c. ALSO, rlyf n and Ore^-n i\i. Spirits, Port and r.penife Wine, Mu!cov?do and Loaf Sugar, Raifins, E*epper. Maltard, Coffc, 5c- Sec. which they will fell cheap f-»r Caflv, or Pa.-rt approved credit- Kingston, Stpt. 13, 18*6. 15 I Point Bi3F kctfi—Counter panes,;' and Green broad Baize. 2 to 3 B-dTi k. xc. *c Storage aad Whatfcije :>t the c»i(lom-j arj prices and ConimiffioTi BuIukIh eat- j | cutrd ar the ^Hial rite. JOHN KIR BY & Co. { I\i?i£:tort July 26,'6- 1 & £?'- fuel- information as {hall lead to their co.tvi"t::»n, ;h-ll e'eivcaiev avd .>f frOli- TV DOLLslXS. J ;Mi:S ROBINSON. Kingfton, Oft. 26, 1816. 2 1 For Sale, Pr«a of advert*/:-'-:? in th Gaztlfa Six lines an^wder, 2/0 lirll insertion, and l/J every fuoieqnent. Ten'lines and spider* 3/4 fi'-'ft infer- tion, md 1/8 every fubfequcnt. ^ ( Ten lines and upwards 4'*;- ??r "ne ' firft iu&rli»»i and 2J. pex line every 1uc- ceedin^ rnfertion. -Advertii*ernents unaccompanied with writ*on divefliona are inferted till fo<t»id, and charged accordingly. { I j "HE Wet hulfnfloit imrnbei nineteen in she lecond concielTi.*n of liie *ovmi p'S iHE fubfciHwtfl "efoeclfuliv inform j j ilup of lifi gaw« Ap.. Jy f.> the Printis 1 their friend* .>'id ^? p/.-'ie in '/e- 1 nera! that they ha-- reeei\ e 1 an additum ' to the!'- ttfual fupp'y, cwififting of a ge- i net a afT-rtmrnt of Kingston. J**h i^> 1S15. 5t-f DRY GOODS, HARDWARE: Wanted 1 A » wee »M - Auctioneering. f^lHE fuWcriber fbtuins bli tt^eevc and hearty thanks to his friends T D-- uhie and fingle Stove:. Lou Par.^, Strcl and Wheel Boxes, Ladi-'s and Mm's Slioes, coMrafl f r iHu- ronveyance r.f HfeMajcftyf* MJIL8'fxfa*n\ From KiAgfton to, York, comrncn clog in Janoary next ,vnv pcrfun, d*: firoiis -:f obtutnin • it, irs requcftcl to fend j hi* propvfalfl Without delay to lhi> of-" F.ce, addrefled to the V> [\ Maitci Gene¬ ral at Montreal, ftiuisijg hlVhrwell ter.n , Chair Shop. 2^HE fubferifaen having removed to Jl their new frop, wuuld inloun U.C j-nblic that thev will endeavor in future l'.> keep on hand ail kinds of CHAIRS, SETFEE3,&& ii' 1 hen hue. Oniamental Panting, Gilding and V.<rniih:.:jr done with ncatuefs. Glau out to any fli.ipe required. Also—boiled Linfad oil for fale by rhe Barrel or fmallei qironthy—Paint* for ufing them Gratis C. HATCH, & Co. Sept. 6 141F Fof Or utile in Lei, I ..nJ the fi-citriiy wliiv-u can \w givc-.i For ] 1 ihc- due pcif.ivmniKC • ..'his eiigHgemcnij-. an (the public in gefterrl, tor the m^ny fevours he ha« received from them for th-.'fe fixteen yean past ; and informs them, that he ha* recommenced brfir.efs again for hi«"felf. Any ^tntle'nan vviflt- ing t difpofe of any property. wtM be —~ ' . \: uie »me pcti.iiiiiAiie^ ■ .. U»» CHgdg* A complete allort.T-»i or DSW tiiin-. pQSTQFJPfCB 1 toned LwfteiandtGc^9ieu\Fur Ca}»dj ^-^ io/A<5fl ,-.:.> f OMd Trimming • tor G»cat Coats j °_________________________ ! QTT New Stage Two elegant Dining Setts* ._„-.,,, -K t* ... . linnHEfuaicnbw Vi.oyaf.-s to run a With 1 variety of other arnck-s toeij X Sr^G'S beti^.H Ku,efto:i ancj lengthy t-> enomerere, which will be fold I y..-ik t!ic enfni >g wi:nvr . t0 cMuuieoec waited upon at their nwo q-iariers, or at j c|!ea,. f0r cafll. ,.he firil V3 .d.iy after ibe iliolrn ■ ;viU Mr. D. Br,w ,'s Tavern, fronting the | MONJEAU & St. GERMAIN. | ofiiWv ^..-t^.o la„c ICi.^on'v.-.y Maiket Place; and he afW chafe I ffingtim,3dG&. i8i«. 18 Mond^Vraomlag,nnUVuik.very rhivf- gentlemeo who (hill pit ale to favor lum . with their custom, that they fliall have , ;, To Let, and S/ITVRDJT, an b» regular Auc- a ^ ^.^ ^^ . ^^ fli^ing foy For one ->r mori- year-, a very valuable Grist aad Saw MILL, In gc^od repair, fit tinted at Thurlow v imnuuiateJyby the town of Belleville. :or paiiiciii pn, and co treat fo< the fame apply to Thomas Coleman, E'.cj. the pro¬ prietor. Several Town Water L«tfl "pon the tKtnfeofthe Ricr Moira, for faV. A jr:>o i Miller ar»d Sawyer ivanted- J? 25 He ward. nooccafion to cail twice for thtir Mon- dav morni-ir fh ■ eintued cxviti 1 ftibferiber h -pr-. I clun« Tor ih-' ic-! ft'on Days JOHN D ARLEY, AuBtonecr. Kino[si.;n, 4th fept. \ 8 i 6._______14 Mrs. Lam hie^ RESPECTFULLY he.a* leave to inform the Ladies and Gentle* men of Kingfton *nd its vici.vty, th:it ehc has imported from Londt-n, and is now felling at Mr. Barrctta Store, ad- icining the Wliite Bear tavern, a variety of Fancy Goods, fuluhle for the ftafon, vhvh will be fold on the moft rtalona- ble verms. Kbgtlon, z6th Sept. 1816. i;tf ah*.,i(e. For particulars apply to the fubieribw. J.DUNCAN. . Who has or. hand from 1000 to 1300 Pairs of Worsted Stockings, Fit foi the army, which will be fold cheap for calh only. J. D- K'mgsten* 7th Stpt* 1816. I4 A ror Sale, VALUABLE Farm, with build- injr? ata> large irnprovcmcni&there- on, favorably filiated within 28 miies of Kingston* Perfens dvfirous of pur- chafiny t<» inqntre of the Punter, Kingston^ jru>y 1 c, 1815. Strayed, a - "TO ROM a Pasture one mile *nd 1? hatf'ftem Kino-Aon, (Mr. be3ch's| 'avern,) about iV.e latl cf Auguft, a ijv if is nn cemffiod..ii ;n of :rav'-li^(.i;a./d the i«Ut- I ftf then ha/g-ibc, U r,..^.i-_ t<l42 a.rj]: ^c | t of the PubiiC. SJMUfT PURDT. \ • tGngstoth 05. 9. t fc 6. Bj6J UEREA3 on tliJtr.orrting r.f the ' * 5th inft. a rp-,11 hy name of Rl CliARU £. BARKMR) ran away »rom Preicf»tt, Upper Canada, with ab- oi.t iccc do', the pjpperty of the •ibfctibtr At y perfon o»- pcrfons who will apprehend and fccure the faid Rich- wd Ii barker* i'» that he may l>e bio't ! to jtiltfee. {hall receive the above reward VjlL : I by applying to tlie fnbfcrjhrr at Prcfcott, ToitudNCB y M'Leod. Kingston, 30th Mcrj TSl 6. 52 Norive. L Bay, Blank Deeds and Mcmtirials, ' For tele a: tfowi "Ofittie\ I Foyr yeers old, dark tr.a-.c ind tail, one J tf j white hind In -of and a fmall white fpot in bh VVhotfvct will return faid hoifr, or give information wbere h< may be f.und, Sicll be wel rewarded, & a'.l nccetfary charges paid by oil.AS MAY. KirSttsnt Cw'. 4. »3sftk lS J. '-pHEfubfcribeiK :. lhe tj. C. Book JL Society, are i|;formed that Mi Bemud Merrlh !>a« tnk^, xUt. £yWu% Vi„; i'.act. bei-mging to the ,c;()C;ely, d.„ tbofc mho wifli to tafc lne;, dividend of books for (be laO yea. ,,,d fuhrclibe tt. ward, impo'iinji mow t- ok* for aaotbci year, are re^iteflcdto ~z)> Witb«utdeJ^ at Mr. M.nil's Store f ,rt|nt BWpofc ' kinglloti, Aug-i!t !,>,!(-,. 9 .oat and [):inta!oons, ft.tijtCr"^ wai!tc<>at, Sc ior.g boots. It is to be hofied that eve- iy exertion will be made for the lecuring •t lucli a character. AM'ASA WOOD Pracott, U. C. Jane R/A, LSI6. 5 ■I Blank Summo^^ Subpce , aad £xecuul)nSj for t\,L Court ol R^uettSjfor gaic a, this Oiiit^ ^jfliiil iublcrihers inform iuc lnh..b- JL itanta of Kingfton and its vicinity, they will pay for gorid HQU&K A0HE8, \Tine Pence per Buihtl, Rttd provide seans to lake them from their refpv&ive . follies once every two weeks. Chat U * Short & Co. Scptit-ihcr 13, 1816. *5 •)lank Summons^. cr the District Courts, k bale it tiiiii Oikce* Remedy for lhe Tooth Ache A fheet cf writing paper, burnsd in a clean white plate will produce a yellow- ilKoit, which oil is to be locked up by a fmaB piece of clear, cotton and placed itt oruuthe Loth afr,c;eJ for ,2 0I- ,. rmnatet. In the moft diftreffiDp cafe, remedy has been known to g,\c im¬ mediate relief. Chinese method0/Mending China. Take a piece of fluw gjafs, beat it ;nto a fine p.wdcr, and grio^ it well with the .vh.te of an egg, and it jom- china ivnhout nwcting fo that 1.0 an ra„ bre,k it .0 the lame pi* e, You are to obftrve that the compofition is to "be ground extremely line on a psinter'a Itone. NEW GOODS. I - KE fabferibcr ha^ -ecc:" -ed anrf I now offer*fc, laic, ac sxtcniiveaud- wel! cnofen aflort neut uf Dry Goods, Groceries, and Hardware. ALSO, A weU chofen Airortmeat of. MEDICINE; Thf whole of which will be fold S? the lowest prices forcath or country prr* duce. ' r Ewd. J. HENnr.RsoN. King-tor^CJannarv 1816. to For Safe, 15V fie iubicrii era, 40 BOXES FINE Yellow Soap, Thomson & Detlor. KittgHon. JJy\, \H\6 5tf Nou ce. *l"^HE Board for examining into th* JL claims of p rions eutirjed :o Mi. litia Penfionf, will alTemhlc at the Court Houfe in Kii)gfton, an tfa« fecond Monday in NovCmbci ne>:i,at ten o'cJock in the foien^>n, and continue to afT-m- Wtf at 1 lie fame piece on the fccoird Mo* Aiy i.^ every month, whilll ncccflary; of vrHchall perfona concerned arc rcaudtoj to trikc pottce- JOHN FERGUSON, Col If tf, Senior MiJiiia Officer In tht M/Utnul Dutria. Kingston* Gdoler io, 1816. m LAIR'S Sermon*, Poneus* Evi- y^j dence$, the Canadian VifUor, bo'Jfcdoi fiugle, together with n gteat .avicty of ufeful Bfh ka and Traft^, for young people for S ilc at this Office ;-* ivhere accefs may be had to a fmall cir# ..uiatin>> Library, three timttt a week, on moderate terms, auguft 1, 1816. x) B LOST, r?ROM the Pattureoi Mr. Jcthro L Jackftm, a COW. a ReddHh i>)indlc colour, white ipot< on !»ei f-rc, red 3c white belly, one bock born, part fif one ear *»fT. She is new mi'fc •nd three years old. Whoeve* will rc- turn the fame to tlie lubferiber. fliail rc* :eive tht reward of FOUR D«'-l'ar^ JOHN' SCf IT- Kfngfton Aug. 16 1816. ri Spruce Beer, iT molt any qu^ntitj -.....* ' . - at P the CELLAR uorfer the Auaion Oflft uf Jftf, Chtirlcs Short. JOHN YOTNG. P. S. All personf whosrem- ^t-.i' to hirn, are requtfte'1 tu<a "i with- 1 -'.--by, ard fettle their accounts, i>tn$ston9July J, I$t<5. 5 ^~ PACKET. ll'S-h oner Pcrfi- e J. "ikk'r, Mallei, wil. . ontm to- . ".'.-u.-.-. . .. Iban^rtou to a to 1 bof, S*>