b& will* fe»e pnrMcular'ty. The jgtj, tr.r* ampin' !hni auIwaY, r^tT.-., &c. The 17th th^es th? c-inrtiiutfon oi gnir- crninent. The 18th exv'amc, more in deuil.thc legifhtu/e.the different bran¬ ches of the provincial parliament, their yclativepowers, the members, their qea- iilicatiunc, eteeti'ins, proceeding*, Stc The 19th deferihss th* **ec»«fve. The 20rh, the judiciary and the importance of reports of the court of L£ing*fl Bench. The £ift mentions the lawful m>*ney of the province* compared with llevli'iir, and dollarSj and the ftandard rate wf gold and {liver-coin. I he teveiHie and t:-ixe$ arc thefabjede of the 22,';. The 23d de¬ fences the organia,'!* ••an of tllfi mritia. The 24th treats of commerce. The 05th, of the Hate «»f religion and ecejeli- a.iieal eltablifhnent* and inir.itutiuntf. In the 26th. the prcfefi »n and placHce of law are detailed In the 27th, phy-j fie and fe.rgery. The 28th rtfo-otHj nades and a pp.civile* lhip*« The fob ] jefts of the 29th, are invpriionmet.t fafi debts, infolwnt laws--, and liability of tan 11 for debt?. The 30 h, recites the law* for the gradual abuitti->n of tl »very Che I 31(1, gives information relorr.ti.ig the! price of land, and f:nco*ir%gpeOiQ(}i to f; t- tkrs. The $2d, the itate of learning.] The 33d flcetche* the chara&er, man-; rers and cuftoms of the inhabitants.' S >me changes, which haw taken place- fine* the body of the worfe win written,* art :idded in the appendix. The nvapl ftivws the lunation of the fever-il town-' fhip-, with their name , and a general! V'ew of the Province, and the adjacent 1 partly! Lower Canada and the United Ton at Philadelphia, the following infor¬ mation : 41 The republican army of the pro¬ vince of Vera Cruz, under the command of gen. Victoria laid fcige, on the 18th July lafl, to the cities of Cordova and Ori7..:bj, which weie then on the eve of furrendering. The commander in chtci of the republican troops ol the province [•if Puebla Tel an, was ci'.dcav ring by forced marches to occupy the potts of Guanacualcos, which was without means of defence. Gin- Badamante had be-;n victorious over the royal ills a often as he had met them, and was purfuieg them with all hatte. Gen. Am d..nda, commander in chit f of the interior provinces, tor the royahlls, had filicn back with the few foices under his older.*, *»n Mouterry, vbe capital of the new king Jo;n ot Leon, in conference of the republicans haying occupied the port ut Matagorda, where th-.y had fortified thcmfclves, and where ihcy were daily augmenting their Rrengrh, Subfecjueivt to the poilelhon ot that port ha* been the evacuation of St. Ant >nia de B xar, ..-apitiil of th« province . f 'I\xas. which wos ganifoned by the regiirenrt of lillrcnu'idura, i«0< c*C the nvdt famous co.p* ol the royal party. 44 The republican ar y < .r ne north they orders, taffy would toon give b good j account of the Done. What fer.iations this outrage may -xcitc at Wafhington City, we know not, but are confident that the public voice will loudly demand, atonement for 1): past, and security for the future 1 or ivarr NEW-ORLEANS, Sept. 12. 1 The Spaniard? have at laft committed an outrage upon the United Slates which leaves no alternative between immediate *\\d ample redrefs and difgrace. Tin- United States fchoorrer Firebrand, of 6 *un?* commanded by lieut. Cunningham, has been fired,upon, without provocation, by 3 Spanilh corvettes, wherebv an American fearoan was killed. We heav not been able to learn in what pattofthe Gulph of Mexico the Dons found an opportunity of thu- fignalizing their va- I lor; but it is certain that though the Firebrand had the American colors flying, (he efcaped total ddlrudlion only by fuperior 1 ailing. Efficacy of cotton applied to burns* y c. Accident, the fruitful fource of many valuable difc.werie^ in medicine, tirli gave rife to the ulc of cotton as an application I to Icalds and burn*, and, in fuel, in many - fcafca of locai inflarnmatian, attended i^, fo«- tiie preiVnt, tinder the command of jj AVlll, grent preternatural heat. It ha Coi. Peirc, during the absence of Gen. 1 ^en urej m tticfecafej etnpi.icaily for i Tojedo, who ia now in tlu I JntU I StutCd , coniiderablc time, to the ;nauitclt relief o as a Stares. The (ketches are written- with gt candour and apparent tetrad to eorrett*; nefc and truth. They cont in a nafs. of information, v:.lt:able in itfclf and in-; terdtin^ to ^Oiericafl, a? weh as Canada, an readers The Wrtfk is cakuhred t^ j correct popular errors a . ___________.. I on bulinefsof moment, and wh-fe j re jj t^ Offerings o' the patient ; but no at- fence with the army u impatiently |j :enipt, as fat s I can learn, to explain i*o deiireo. '. nwdvs operandi has yet been made. 44 The rcpreferrtaii*es who are to:' The Showing cs\- *€i from the New- compofc the next Coagrefa arc named by yu L Mcdica^ Reo^ltory, vol. i. p I J the people, ana by the pr&ut tin.ev.iw '3767, throw* lome light on thi^ fubjetl, mt' iKVc °P"ned their feiuon—It afforded.;:., ;UC exi.crin.e t it contains evince* an great plcafure to fee the joy and en [{attraction puffefled lyy the cotton (ot thufiafca which pervaded the Mexicans ,j cai: vjCj ,», the matter of heat ; the fud- weie various UkectfTes of Wafhmctonj correct sopular errors and preindiccs ! — , ,. ,- , , , °. . r A- r r> :«.. r,-„ t» and Frank, in, which the people carried tefpeftinc an extenfive Province, renue 1 ai a » r r v ** lh a" *■ , . -, «n thcir niocehions. accompanied with red memorable by the tote war, ana be-. -n »5C,r F • r' - ' • ...M-^a.-J mnf.c and foniia, allegorical ot the COnung even day morr important to Jie «»"»•«; b > 6 >g every aay i?i*»tt ih»j Britiih nati-.n. and to the ITmteJ States hut whofe rca' ft--tc is very i.r.prrfccV.y j known, and: :n many refjirc^g nifrC} rs fcntedand mifilBdtf»,5*«od.,*« _ . 0»Thofe who are difpofed to »;#-] ferine for thl-work, are i-furmed, that. there is a Subfcripti ". Paoerat the Pn«-j tinp Office in KipgS^n, where t he book's | Will be delivered t-. fubi'crib-ra at the A\-' bai y price of two dollars and a h;df, with *he addition cf iha I-np >ft Duty only. V»> aw happv to inform She puoiic, tha. since tuc'?v/rn* Dp^v }*»« Mn.torGoncra\c:.t::vdu;^l:stumv fiflirt, tho fol^tofC VM CMm* hwol fc,vn wteWbhnl iu Lov.-.M-tud rjpwr; <:n;;ada. We mtfrOn t- rct-n;s ot tae l>o-t Masters, as fer -s wo vsc r.iiorm- ;.iiu^!or....Ve»r.-. Jh-. & &»»n :?;...io,>. M&WUk............Wr. Paui C»:a^ijra. Township nf n.iMav<l (be*') ifwen BrocKvtlloanii ?erA> ..?» BckcflrW- •^piia fay. ) 1 tvrrl; vpo-; Tw.........M' • T>- n^-rnj-.; tlntilmv, (Bav oO»eii:^i.. Mr. v W ••*?*. 'p niinsia<..............JWivU Hail, .-u.. O Jaishj...........Wait*™ Crou-i«i. K-q,; Lifug Ptlnt,.iJii I»**« i^ri.)......Mr. "<v;-. Thren PoM 0[i'.ri-> ar^ esUbli^iod below dnebce^andivi* m;'W f^ul i*i*|J tn cottiemplatiott to V<-'"(1 ?- Couri^ on the day* of election. A perfon who•! den abitraction of which from the af- waa witiiefd to this interefling fcene fays, | j fljeted part is, no don'*, the caufe erf the thit in the province of Valadolid there I j great relief experience.? (,n \U application. .•1 m r ttt n • M ° tr a *■ - 1 r •* Vir. Van Marum, inpenntendent or the iylcrian inftitutu/n at Haerletr., hae difcovcred that a pi<te of phofphorus,! j J wrapped in a little c^ton, aud placed under the receive-- 0f an air pump, inflames fpontaneoi.fly when the air is ex- haufted Co a certain degree, and conti¬ nues to bum till il i< ex ha ufted. It is lingular that this com^0|ijon fli^uld com¬ mence and continue n.rjfiec| to a degree that would immediately cxtinguifh any other burning matciidi, Mf.Van Marum explains this phenomc.Ionf by fuppoiing that the cotton |^t furround> the phofphoros (f^rapi.cC0f phoi"phorus| placed !*<• fimiltr eircM|nftance9 but n t. occanon. ■* Between Walhington aud Franklin, fome carried the rcfemblance of the Gen. Cur.* Saiga* the lirit who had the glory j and coutagc to raise the (landard of;1 liberty, who w is afterwards made prlluoer, and (hot by the ciuel 6pauiard3 at the age of 70. *4 Never has the Mexican caufe i pre fen ted lofdvonrable en afpr&# Thei next Cougrefj, formedof men of influence, will remove all tln.fc difficulties, which, uiuil Uie pi*eteut m > • tut, ii.i\ c p . j.i.vj j that rapid prog re fs which wa. looked tor' tn a revolution created by the unanimousI end expref- will ot the people. j %4 The immeufe ivCntircCn which our; beautiful country contains, will hence-1 forth be adminil!e:ed by a government, which, unriung the public coulidcncc, w 1]t give a new impulfe, and will cauls i'ac.t t-. be ie.i by the phylicul a:id moral Cuatitie& of the icpnbuo. w 'J^lie next campaign will be an ohj <5V of liv\Iy irtterert to ait m> n who are really lovers o!" the lacred tights f r>U*canity ; i'. wili couiph tc tin e.iumJpvion of th it line country from the oppr*]ive uand 1 dilpoul.n. The inhabitants wf Mexico Wlil hCXtSatci be cindilcd to v»t:oy and .auicipute eq-.ally, the prec. >us gilt-* ved in khifl city yof.crday fio.n cot JefTn^j the commanding officer at New- Oi leans, announcing th* capture of the United States fchooner Firebrand, licit Cunningham, by a Spanilh fipiadion, off the coait of Mexico. Lieut. Cunning¬ ham was put on board a merchant vclfeb and had arrived at New-Orleans. Col. j-iTup's letter does not communicate any re^ii .is for thl> hodi'v <\€l alleged by the :paniard(|, nor any other particulars. The next mail will probably furiiiih them. CHARLESTON, Oft. 3. Dreadful Hurricane in the H'nl Indies Captain Reid# arrived ycilcrday from Dundee, inform-, that on the zoth of September, inlat 3 1, z,\s 101163, he fpoke a Danifli brig 14 days fi.»m c»t. Croix fur Copenhagen, the captain of which give him information that about ttie 2d of September, a fcofl tremendous hur¬ ricane was expeiienccd :\t St. Croix and •nher Weft India lfjands ; thai about Cof/i/ofvrsxrls were I'ntt ; that he was on Jhore a» ii- commtneemtnt, and hU brig was blown out to {ca, where flic rcuipinrd for three rJayfi ; that a vcfTel was difpat hed in f<aich ot her, which fortunately fell in with and brought her in. Captuia R. could obtain no further particulars. PHILADELPHIA, OR 10. Suphof'd hombavdjpetil of //'liters- Captain Evans, of tn-. ihip ftun*Mana, arrived at this poit Lift evening, in 65 daysfiom Leghorn, informs, tluit on the 15th and 16th rf Auj;uft, he heard a heavy cannoading in the direction of Algiers, and fu;-p"frd it to he 1 oid Ex- mouth's fleet bombarding that city, jscx-Vork- Oct, 7. On Monday b:*t, the Honourable, Chartes Bag< t? M* lady. General Sir Frederick and Lady Hobinson, Mr. Baker, the Uriti-h Come! Gem.rai, and \ a number ol resp^c able citi/ens were r*ntert ained by the British Consul ar a dinurr, where ail the deli¬ cacies of the treason and the ehczcest wines wore amply provided• A citl* jdetw to tho worthy rfgteeos of tlita cft- pital, by means'of tn*- prrserrt b:.I!et'n which shall bo published in the rm .t solemn maimer, end copies of it p- vi* J in all the most public places of the ri- ty and suburbs. And as this da^, a bitter one for tyrants lik* in nome d..- ^rep unto that on which Corf, l b.ir t his shrp'ijWiMi the magnanimous tr-'>- iution to learn to his companions no nU rernative but victory, will excite de¬ monstrations of tiie purest joy on the part of t^e ciri/mfi. exalted ui lar^t tn the glorr of belonging to a free state, the latenrss o! the present roo«iTerit n^t admtitiug of an immediate display of all the p< tnp due to tho a lebratlou "f the majesty of so memorable an event, Ui" Government make? known that a=r- tcr to niivht there will he for t»n cays cou-eculivi [j- an ll!uniinatio:i oi tnc Palace of It' rcMdenco.and ol thrtown hous^. leaving it at the option of the in- habiUtntfi of this eminent city tn escr- ri^e their own pleasure asto e.^jual de¬ monstrations by Some tokens that may announce their real satisfaction,and in the mean time fetes ere preparing suit¬ able to the happy occasion* not forget- tins the tribute to PrtrvkTence ol the tnostheartfelt thanks. In the Fortress f bueriOc Ayres, the 19th day oi" July, biO. MlXGlTX DE IrtTSOYTV, Fit wei^co Antonio deF^calACA- Manui.l Okucat>o, Secretary ^^ to tjju C mro. of Gov'frw EPITJPH& The following curious iufcripuon was obferved on a grave done recently pl?.ced in Doncaflcr church yard ;— Thefc two yonths were by misfortune fur^ounded 1 One died ofhi?» wouid^ sad the other was drowned. Another of a fi^ilar chararH'-r fu inferibed on a tomb ttonl at Martha's Vineyard : Tohn and Lvr1*af That l.velv pair! A Wbrie kSl'd ifr* And sh: lie** here ! o 1 zen who was prefout nb>t*rv?d with pleasure that his E^vlb-ncy Mr. Ba- ^-ot begged luave to ill) a bttmpi r toosl to " The United States, and pr«<p 'v'- ii/ fnihem ;M which \vu= drank by nj party that might, with oua or two ex-' cept"ions,bc called Bngl5»h, with marks of evident plra tire ind appTObationJ T'nis isas it *hootd be : \ve are now af' euvelopea wijth lotion, does not mliamcj (j peace,—wl^ th-n fhoiflll ntn prai;im- accumutatei ,he calo iciu its iinnediatej neighborhou^d, while, at the fame time, the exhaia I(>uS vvhicli pholporus in Icoiillantly giving out, when expoled to j the air, can hio longer rile, on account of itsraiity ; u>n(j t|lu3 the temperatuic is elevated to t he degree at which phofpho- ruh combine with i^zygen of the atiuas- jphere, a.id uflmvj.ation take* place" From tL Bdston CtntinelofOtt. 9 • From France—latest.—Tliebrig Gov Carver, Cap!. D< ttii, arrive! hercyed?r . d.iy ti.un lii^vre. Wc are .*-;aiu iac!;.cd : ht« niul friendly fo^lin^R bo wore i \-M\- vatcd ? Why slionld not our r.iti/cn? meet thc-e - mtimcnts with correspond- K1 CUSTOM AMATKUR THE A TR E. ON MONDAY EVENING, The 2S//J Oat Will be Tprrfentel the Comedy of T, '-.o Mi^fikesrifaNiirlit iitg warmth ? twice a week to S«aut,»n, during v lit- tcr. These eslibU-^Trioiits cannot \:r.\ o- j promoting the ptospjiity of the rouu-j try, aud nothing ^ inuki*'d l)v;t ^ood read-' to have thea muk.piieJ 0^1 tho (uo FlOviiiCeS. ^ j 3L:;!*c<d Herald* to the poll; Is of a tiier-d Pi Tra^lntetl for fht &ttkU*are Patriot. * Uufa'Os Avuts. July %2-\ l«lo. tNDKPENDE'XCE. The most excellent, the commission of government ofth? sttfttC :— Whereas, under d»7e cf t!i'- 9th in- ?tant. the mo-1 excellent, tiie director. has communicated the very importau* resolution, to wit: The sovereign cotiigrwof the Uni- wi'h which uatine ha« favoured ihem.' A **&eei of war* tuitL he Dorrs. liv a gentle f-rt" iron lire I3a!izc, we ! learn that the United cUa;ca fc'ir. Fhre- brand* mounting pguns,and Ci-mmand- eJ by lieut. Gumrragh^n, while off the . ba-izcafcw oay, ui.ee, was ii.ed on by a ! "«? or llte armed force were d;uly SpanWifloapcf w«r(auoth« vefTcl of] taking pbee. HBUKtf \ Extracts J row ike A.'-- )'or k iL-ruldu October 12, 1816. To which wilt be added the Farce of V'ES on no D-oi-Btobc opened at ^IX, perform¬ ance io commence at SEVhN. TICKETS to be procured at Mr. Macaulay's. No Money to be taken at the dotJr, or Children admitted. _ ~ CAUTION. 9 Thavtnff been reprefimted to the Mz- I* 1 rnvinj r.ren rej: il. jor General com day ot Lowfj igih (feaft of St. Louis) was celcbrau,\ the 25th rluguli with ;rcat fphndu,- aaj tVlfiviry- *n all tae nations of Europe reduc- l wai in tuffipauy) and one of ;hc evi w of the riieoraud kit ltd. Lieut* Cunningham iiimediateiy returned ihe tii,-, and the ;Spiniv.vds made off. It was announced f^nie time fi-noe th?t a f'null fqna .r n was fittir^ out at the Havana, to go a.-aintt the Carthagenian onvatce\>,cr. ifingoffthat port r.nd in From New Qrhum ~C.ptain Fowler of the brig Wavr^n, from few Orleatu.. informs, that the day before he fai.ed,; the Uniud States fehooner, Firebrand," thcOtdf, Thecaptain.*;encral of Cuba, lieut. Cuninuham.cymmpndc^ arrived in di^rrfa, having been attacked 5 days before, by two Spa nil, ;;uu-b'i«.^ ufT the Coaft of Maxico ; had one of her men killed. The Rtwtrftiofrifiu had taken j j 0f y)Q lollJi> ?(i,d pierced for 22 guns; oflrVffion of and cfrabhflied a Court of | lftc ^,jg Reindeer, of 38; PARIS, Aurr- 7.4- The trinls. 0f the naitors included in the decree of July 1815, aud w.'ri are in mmanding, that varv ions pe>fori4 have lately cut Tiiiber 01 the Kiuft'n land, on Point Henry, and arc Rill in the habit of doing fo : Public n< tice 15 hereby £iven, that ^-y pt'fon or perfons, fo ciffending fo* the future, will he profecuted to the ON —6fi The august tribunal of the nation has this day sanctioned bj the unani¬ mous acclamation of ull 11n* representa¬ tives of the United Provinces, in con* gross assembled a the independence of! thfl country from the tloniiuation of th° kin^S of Spain audit metropolis. This important news is enrnrounicated to vour exceUfiwey for vr, ir information and catbfactton, and to be published in n.oft rtgoWf of the law. Hd. J3r/. Kingston* \ rrth Oa. 1816 3 2tmt I bting furcifted with the means by the merci«auts of Mav-na, had purchafed for that object, three former American privateers, via ; the (hip Young Wafp, Adtflhalty at the &n« pari of Matagorda, j in the Gulph of Maxico. A prize fchooncr arrived at the fotiZE the d^y of our failing. Several rich pf&eftadl bem wade, and regularly .ondemr.cd at, Matagorda—oue wotth 5oo,ooodidlar-. I I Jlfjxho.—The edit tY* of the Mercantik Adveaifer we-e veuerdrry favored with; t ran flat ion ofthstM^wtng tsttercKing Hii irtil;^cnce from Mexico. I'he fact he e Hated of the re^oluuonlft* having taken paff.-fitnn of Matagorda, is con-; firmed by the report of capt. Fowkr, fto-n Mew Orltaiifi. « Hm F-xcellcncy D.">n J To Manuel de Berrera, minifter plenipotentiaryTmm the republican government of Mexico to the Unite 1 Statea, his communicated, Uiiderdstrrtf 24th AwgUtl ia'r, Worn th- port cf Mataij-xda, tp a rafpcftable per- tons, and pierced" foi ZQ guns; and tiie ichr. Chafleur, 275 t.ms, and 18 ports—all remarkably fi«tf faIi failing vcOels. Thcic wcie t> be joii-cd by an old falhioned Spanilh floop of war and a brig then in thut port, and probably failed about th middle of Auguft. li is iikeiy one of this fquadron that has £j groifly o-traged the nation, by ftring <-n ha flag, a";i (hedding cb* blood I of out gallant .eamen in theii own waters. This Wc trull will be the ialt on the jong Hit of our grievances* from the rr.ifaabc big ts who govern Spain; cltcir ihumchil conduct at Valparaiso, at Fayal, at the two Ca.th-.geuas at Cadiz, and in many oiher place:, and on nu x;c;oua ..ccalion:., will ere long receive tiie chaltiknKnt it lo juftly meiitsp f.oai out brave tailors and L)Uliers. gtaat' a.- is '.lie United States fquadron J nowontuislLuou, we think, that, had! fnft. at MenjZi between two parlies of Auftrians aii.{ ^ruffians in camion there, j They fned Ujl0n ^^ ((lh-r, and fewra! j were killed an<j WOUIH!ed. before the >h;cer3 ct-ulu fUpprtffs the riot. PARIS, Aug 26. Ydlerday, ^eing the featt of St Louis, rfis Majetty feccjvej a!; tbc authorities, ftaffofiicera, ^Ct ;n the hall of the throne. Wewmarkeq, with plcafure, that Hi* Maje'ly api)earcj ;n perfect, health. In iheaf:ern'on y8 Majelly walked into the heart cf c;ty, to' ribub the ieft.vity enjhycdbv all ciafTes of his fubjt&s. ; PARIS, Aug. ?5 All accout>8 a^ree tint in the memory of no man lr.;ng% ha. there been a iVafon fo cold—the;. 0bfervethtre has been no Summer. ^4 ;U| however, is the fertility ofoor tod,th,?crop8 wgj be tolcrabiy guciil. Hice. ^.c< arc not rcCo-nmended 10 oe lent- fsjoue of the bankruptcies which have u(!ccn pj„cc jn England and America, havfc rcached here." I! From the Vpfad fnifttigMCtTt 03. 8. Spanjfl b%jjfitj9^£i ictior was rccei- President. dice ffiurmno Ttoedo* V'n-c President. Jose Mariano Serrano^ 0 Secretary, Juan Jose Pasyo, Deouiv St-c'v. 1 communlcotc it to your excellency rhrtyou may cause th!> happy event to be solemnly puhllshv-d and ceU-bratod. :md that you m.i) tntn&mit your orders to that eh- ;'t, to all the towns and au- thoririe- of that province. God pre¬ serve yout exc^llencj fbrraany years. Tucvtnan, July 9,1816. JtTAN MARTIK Dy. PiTYRKmov. S*LVL-«TKR 11 \\Z Vii^ lW" - Tothe M*r&t Excellent, ike Director ad interim^ Bueitos Ajjn tf. jNLmv then fore,, and hi the effeslr.a of the most perfect joy, at an cvn: louged rorhycTcry Amenran bvvt. since the Provinces wearied with wenr- ing lor three centuries the chiins cf i'e- .liiuular oppression.resoived to br--ak them, obliterating by the most heroic actions, the remembrancer their pas¬ sed humiliation, the Government joins vrith a common accord In c a ataiica- tiag the forgoing withoul a uoment's NOTICE. S^TR'WED from the fubferiber SI ^ the Village of Kingftcn, the lall of Auguftt of the fhfl of September !afl,- two COWS,of the following dlfcripti- on, viz :—The one of a large fize, red and white—fpeckled—mohMy red, wiib a while (tripe ifi the (zee. The other a middling fize'd icd Cow. w\h a d?r?< face. They were about eight years old, B^ih pave milk when they went away. Whoever will return frid Cow* to the owner, or give information, fn that they may be found, fliall be generoufly reward- A. W. BROWN. Kingfton, Oft 20, 1816. 21 5 STOLEN Oi? STUAMvVX 6 ^UT of the Pa dure of Samuel Pur* \ w dvi about two months ago, a dark Uy HORSE, fifteen hands high, 'even or eight years old, black mane and tad. with a large while Har in his rcrchr-ad.- lf fttayed the fubferfttr wili pay a' a- fonable charges*to any peribo who will return him, or if ftolen any peilon that will difcovcr the thief ot thieves, and wdl give foch information as fhail h* ul ro cr efr ConvtcS;on,(hr«ll receive a re ward of FOR* rr DOLLARS. [AMES ROBINSON. Kingflon/Oa 26, 1816. 2« For Sale, THE We t half of lot number nin«*t«*cn in ihe fccond concefltoa'ofthe towa- |(bip of KJogftoi -p. ly t.« lltt Printer. Kingston, J^i 19, ibij. 5 f\