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Kingston Gazette, October 19, 1816, p. 3

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Kingston. October 1 \ iblb. • * • » • * * Fon the Kingston GaZZ^TB* It has been suggested, and tfte Sug¬ gestion has circulated through varfoti*! newspapers, that tho boundary line be-' twecn the British Canadian Terrimn and (he United States, from Couiwcl ORt river to the river St. Lawrence, fo wit. t'ne forty fifth decree of Latitude, will be found, upon :ih accurate investi* gation by the Commissioner.-', to far) from the line adopted in piactiee, and vill run so far north of it. a, to leave, within the States of Vermont and 5fc* York, a tract of land, equal to sixteen townships, heretofore coratdfttt d to be within the Province of Lrwi»r Canada. I know not upon what ground tits con- jeettii* Is founded. It U probably no- ihing ;r..ire than a Van key Guess. No astronomical ofH5f*rvittIoti* are stated to hare been mad-.*, f'or the ascertainment of the latitude- C«nrh**?«y none can l\D\'i>been Braids uncforpwo ; authority. as the Commi-sionciN .have noi yrl mot¬ to execute that srtL'te of tha {.* ?*#_v. li is not improbable^ however, thai the true line may vary, in for«-» piac.es. from that which has V*-n &vj*p* c 1 to Jbe the line, and whfch has b***n prar- tistdnrj as such. Alan) lot? and i'r.ni or parts of farms, .may be transferred from cae jurisdiction to the other, if that should b" the ca^e, it is to be h> ped that the tit! - don* v:l f«vnn either government while .ti*a.d Jh* actual pos- iession, will b • confrmtd. Jiofwifk- standing the cs.auua or national iuri*- diction. Such a c nfirowti'n) U recom¬ mended by both policy and juv;!cv. Audit i* a^tonisiii'i^; that the treat) St Irtto ft*ie elecnondr tricf, without beinrf aid to b? incorpora' d. This nominal incorporation oftvro Counties, not into one, but two Countlfes, as they were he-fore, is an awk* ard novelty, which produces little other effect than to oc¬ casion the writing of both names, in¬ stead of one, in the addition of a per¬ son, 6r the description of a lot of land, r* anj* TbWOShip of either of the couu- ]n respect to their representation WeR. bi Parliament, as these two Couhtie* 'ire enthled to two Representatives, it would be a avingof travel and expenoe tn real accommodation, both to candi¬ d-tit** & electors to separate the t«o coun tics,&allow each ofthem to elect 1 mem¬ ber. This would simplify the process of election. It would bo an improve¬ ment in tuto&or point of view. The electors of each County must bo more pei T-*; My acfjavnted with their own can- didains, and therefore better able to jrd^fi of their qualiiications and merits, than those of » larger district, if th" inhabitants of the two counties were of (his opinion.and would generally unite i*i a petition to the Legislature on the •'ubi^ct, they might probably beindnU gad with a separation* This hint is submitted to {h*nt COO 'deration, bv o.ie who i'n- ho persona* interest in the question, hyi teconselivu* e-flitfng A Fb'vv^ to both Counties. Th*» follow *i0jK e\ «ac* fion Ihr School \et, \\Z* omiUort in f'r iw v td ;eh jva- f'aiiileri •'*, atei pubovbH in the f«ay,w in June last, Yurfey Sep/. 7. 1816. KrJrucf from the School Art. Fr the Kltizitra D^irH g&OQ, 'sbMethirtg towards Impairing his lo*s. Accordingly a paper was circulated to recHve the ndmes of subscribers and the amount of tnonry subscribed. Such as could not advance money thought it no less on act of benevolence to contri¬ bute their services towards the erecti¬ on of another house. A day was ap¬ pointed upon which they assembled, each provide d with tools requisite for carrvfog on the work, proceeded to the woods and commenced felling timberat 8 in the inoruing.—Some Avere em¬ ployed hewutgj some framing, while o- fhers were carting it to the spot, which .vas distant five miles, and by G, p. m. a liaiicl.om;. iiouse frame was erected on the ground where the former luul stood, composed of materials which (he same day were standing trees. Bo$i. Dai I j Adv. 4;>_« 9}r, -t hn,i fe ^dSortf to |j j , tA^A<tfR*A* ^ mi Joseph "Bonaparte,—This man, it is known, has fixed his residence on a moderate property at Bcrdeutown? N. J., worth 16 or 18,000 Dollars, lie teems determined to conform to the manners of our country. I saw el | \lr. Say re, of whom he purchased t|e farm :—he said, when Mr. Bonaparte came to take po^^e^sion of that place, he was called out from dinner, and found him busily engaged with his own hands unloading the furniture be had frroo^h&i S**ineflung was said about sending for ether hands : but he said no, e^ry body worked in this country. hall. American* furrr yotJ, that oil the 2*>th ..It. \\\r fott on the A^palachicola in Eatl Florida, defended by ioo negtoes and^ Choflaw^; and codterntng about 200 woihen and children, was complctly dcflmyed. I have the honour to euclofe you the names ot the negroes taken, and at prefent in confinement at this por*t who fay they belong to citizens in the (late of Georgia. 1 have given the chiefs d;ie£tion* to have cveiy negro that comes into the nation, taken and delivered up to the commanding < fficer at this post, at fort Gaines," Tlie Inarer of this letter, reports that the fort thus captured on the Cjpuinlh territory, was the receptacle of runaway Slaves, a.id hdstU& Indians : and before lie invested it, it had been attack cd by a patty of Indiens under M'Inlofll ; that Colbfial C. was aided in the ex¬ pedition with three gun-buato from New Orleans. Uluilc, Shark and Porpohe.—A While was a f w days *-inre harpo-ned xcUlrh sunt of £v.\X) shall. ',c tlixlrityird |.|in * r>sp-ct harbor, lie had b:H*n i ha- | /•/ the folio-zing wanner, fhcti htosni^\ sed into »hoal water bv a sharjv who * °.'i00* there* t\ to that part of thc\ vmlikewi«f taken. The Shark w*<- f the] IS JVrt in length, a-irl had five rotvs of f.-, t.i—a small porpoise w;rs takim out <f nis be!i», Tviid a baiTel of oil extract¬ ed oorniii.' Liver. J*nrt$w{yuth Oracle. ie case' win &«Vtu-r.j Vted part <>f(hcc<^> ; y tjaf^.m^ This unaccountable omission is a ^M'i%\^tm!in n^^ ^^^ <*ut fe<*t in the Treaty, upon irs own price*- pie. a principle generally ad^pfrd h i i;e tu i Hn «■ He tirx/hol villctgS o n t h r j fi> KrOuse p*'< viticd al:ar;s» that in the adjustment of clashing boe;idanu< betwt-en the British A meiitMiiColcn;^ ■ hefo.-the establishm jntof the V\\\ States4and bvtwe^n the -uxeral Slates, since their Indepeodence. If bona fide grant- from the C»x*WIU of land supposed to b? within I ho t r-'- ! vinee of Lower Canada, a*, d ah'-olutcly known to be within ;tr. artua? jAtriidic- lion ; or similar grant-* from t:w Srate- of V»^rmont, of land1 considered at tu. time to b(* within thai S*«it°. ahouM h; a iw'm ruuutog *>l in" ••»" oi <»..'• » ., be nnlliUed, and thr |Jiopr ,;iv-t- is e- jijctitfi fmm th".ir pe--se ions, surh a Involution oflUles wmtld **%r\t» fori- chisdi-watiKfactioo, and wowld in reali¬ ty h>- m\ net 'f gro'S national injustice. If to avoid su.-ii :njn-i;-e. the »ov- fiunrnt should andertake to indemni¬ fy their respective g:*ai»tM'x*, for their grants thus render* d void, it could fcotbe effected without threat diihculty expence and di^^oute^t. 0;» pne side of the line, the d::Tic;:lty might be en- hanc vl by a doubt, whether the indem¬ nification ought to be made b\ tlu- State, which made the defeated tyrant?. and to which the land vacated on their side of the line would inure, or by the United State:? in their nanoviul capa«- tv. through wlioge interference, by way of Treaty, the State giants \>t*re set aside. It would be much more ea.-v and satisfactory to confirm ali grants made before the Treaty by the power in actual possession. Indeed, without any act of coufi rnia- tion, much might be >aid in favour ot the le^al validity of such a grant from the government having in fact at the time, the undistarbed possession and jurisdiction of the land granted. Cpon the broad principle of political justice, the decision Ott$hi to be, that a title so derived is good and valid. How far thequestiou maybe affected in affirma¬ tive ar negative, by the express provi¬ sion of the Treaty, ratifying such grants in the controverted islands, and its total silenc°-as to similar grants ad- jacentto oterpar's of the line, must be left to the proper authorities to decide. CAMDEN. wxelhe Bisfrki of rtinptru sfimi be From the New Brunftuick* N. jf. Timts. Remarhalh Occurrence.—Some days fince, an inhabitant wf this city»who wai onbufinei5 in Pil'cataway, tied his hoife near a bee b'tve, at a houfe uf a fiutner, while he went fome didance in a field to view cattle. The bits commenced a warfare on the hoife, when the alarm being given by blowing a horn from the J h ufe, the owner of the horfe returned! writh every expedition, and fiwd the j bee* ft tiled in fwaims and covering the] head and neck of the h^rfe ; the agonies j of the aoble animal (and he was a noble; one of the kind) are defciibed as truly) piteous ; he had given up retHLaace, and j Hood mooonlefs, with his head bowed 1 [down to hi; hoof:—all attempts to ref- cue him proved unavailing, the bee? at¬ tacking with fury every peifon who ap- proacheJ -' when at length the horfc was relieved by the killing of the bees, he furvived only a few hours. It u truiy afloi.ifhi: g, when we contemplate the victory over fo formidable an animal a? the horfe, by fuch an apparently i ifignif- irarni *oe hu a fwarm of bees ; ito.:>»ht, __. ,.-.. « - i - however, to prove a caution againft the rheenclofcdjaanextiaa ofalet- ^;ce of ,ymg horfea in the vicinity terteeetveti September 21, by an erm j o^ ui-.y^ , Th'e publi- ire iaformS^ t|^ f Lafaeastrran Schdol will cornencc 6; »w Academy in the. *illagfc, oA Mnod^f next, undfcr the fuperintendencfc of Mr. Yourig, from A\hzuy.—t>latuburghpap* WUOOPISG pOUGM. Many families 'ate afflicted with the fahoopitig cough ; the fallowing infallible cure ban been publifhed :—Dill' ivC a fcruple of fait of tartar in a gill . I wa>r» add 10-grains c.f cochineal very finely powdered;fweeten thir with finefugsr j yon m-iy give to an infant th-; fourth (-art ot a table fpooncul 4 times a »iay j to a child of 2 or 3 years of ape half a lpr.oi.ful, and horn a years and upwards a Ipoeuful may be taken. Drunkennessexpelg reason, drowns the memory, di-.tempers the booy, di- miui^he^ strength, bfiaraes the blood, causes internal, external, and inCUfa^ ble Mounds, is a witch to the sen *»> a devi! to the soul, a th'u I otHc pre, the beggar's eompanien,a wih\ w ey L:iiildren'- sorrow, the picture ol a beasti and sell murderer, whodrinfc t clller:», good health j and robs himself of hi own. Wafhin^ton, Sept. 26, 1816. Mffirj. Gal's and SeciM* Choofe a wife, as you would a knife-** look to th.j temper—a*d lei bervirtue be fo pure that the breath of (lander cannot fully it. tidte over t<> the iret&tircr of fit*' saiJ SFfOT l)iitr;rl, the s:rmo; r ;tu> nkcre-\ in &pprt*pritfh't* /o he applied la ///-*, t in theeoo^v prorisi'jjis of ti<fc A>t. I ** On Sentday. t!ie fjth of May lail, r,s the pticlt of' 'he paiiih of Drumiidly, ofCl avail, was cC!tibrattn!? 1 I • II i in ilic ' jtureht a nnmher of Orange* i cnf<i, with arrfivs, rtifhed iutothrChu ch, | . ..and fr d upo«i thec<»»ij»rc}jr»tMH- Thcyj rheAw-rM<arwarrb?n!ly employed][kiHcd the pti^H ^ hid RtimenH on the] ♦n rendering Niagara cm oi Ui^ ' altar, and «lfu killed youi brothet - If m^e-t lortn 6..0S in the Tidied *is«trs. On the land side tha^ niv "\- •piidlng th« w^rk> by Rtrntsg rndoubt" : mdou tho rif.'r fhry t\rn t a<trncfhv2 .1 yo»u tKother -----, ^<>ri ii'ir..be.'« Or the Coucrecatioii be li .ei. men, w6m*n and eltihlien. The remainder of -them that was nor Li'l^-l nvdc thetrarl y»efs to the ma-/iftrates f.»r| 1-uwcr Lanailj, and peihaps in North Ameiiea, us whole length i, 29$ feet by 22 in K*--fl'*ih and coufuts of t ao auhes fa one of which ia the Draw Uridgc of 30 leer in "length, the Span or Diametti < t ihs largest Arch in 35 feet, the whole jisofthe workmanfhip of Mr. j B. L'ld akd, and i^ Li id to reflect much credit upon him ai an ingenious and cmeipii- A valuable Hill of Potrtfoes.—A gentleman in town, in di&d"£a iiill o( 1 otaties in his garden, in pickitig tnem up, found a II in ska in the centre of the hill DIED, On Wednesday, the IGth in=t. aftei> a Ions ft|ld distressing illness, Ghsoacs . IJakti.et, son of Mr. George Smith, of liii.s town, a very promising Cliild, a^ed I b months and v28 day?. f 11 iHE fubferiber has received iy th _1L lalelt arrivals, a general afloitmcn °f GROCERIES AND re m ivingfoaiferie almost e\nn with lh<> lj;ftiCe : but -their reply was, to £0 offi ..ak-r. which they property caI! laanne fora damned fo of papiil rafeals ; itwaa f-.t.:.cations. Whrther 'U^ w*&* tbeOwftcffl^ d«*y. '^ thev mu:dcr. ■fdefeHreororti.Mce, have,---,!, ri etoj rf mTf «« 4 yoi, far they would! vasp'cim in tort George, hv 1.91m.i| t$# the tn««efl Orangeman^ word oret.-ml to determine; hut -.vc ai |&o6aer thaattiey would take refptch- creu.hly informed that the <JrirUb Com- j! hlcr} piil>8 r,at|,. * raaudaut has lat-Jy bee-me vert ! ___ particular about the spot '.vhere every boat is to land, and had prohibited ijiitlsh citizens from am1 rtn^ tltcttt- -elves at shooting or tehini/ on certain parts of the com//ton heath, which had ill ways in times ofpeaze been as free to them as the air they breathed. In (Quebec Tehgrapb.) On M ndiy night laft a robbery wa. committed at the fhop "f Mi Derome, watcii-'n^ker, «:car the New, Market. ri he thieves had by tome n cans forced the v.ind'W fhutter and fucccedeJ in ronsecpteuce of this *:der of the Com- .-naru'.ant. Thomas ilacey, lssq. and a ^n'.! of the !lou'*rab!o \\'\\. Dickson, have been put into conlinement, for amusing themselves on the sacr.d grGtmd vf the public 1:1 a time oj piofiur.d Mace ! S\ e s/,on expect further particulars respecting this disagreeable occurrence. Montreal Herald. Tdghtuiftg —A lloek of shoep, 180in number, the property of Mr. li ».«kc«ly, of lUiigwort'hy Farm, on the borders of Dartmoor* were left in a held all we'd on Monday evening, the Kth iust. and early on the following morning sixty- two of them were found lying dead, killed by lightning • their eyes were forced from their sockets, and their Communication. bodies appt**tt»d as in a state of putre- Therearcin the Midland Dfrtrtc! faction- The Hocks of many other far- two Counties which are dMinre!:;.e I J jfl^.rs hi the nrijjhhourhood suffered 80- from other counties by i-i.<ir r^yin of description, not cnljHn common con- iracts, and deeds of transfer from one individual to another hut also in grants from the Crown. They are styled the Incorporated (not County, but) Coun¬ ties of Lenox and Addinutcn : net one County with a double • ante, but two Counties still. The) have distiii.t re¬ gisters of deeds ; they are distinrtalso, in the organization of their Militia ; the oidy distinctions of any consequence tiow appertaining to GrtontioRi It is true they compose one district for the election of Representatives. Cut that is not peculiar to them. There are v- Kral iastanccs oi'Uvo counties united vereiy, and it is supposed that not less- than 400 sheep have been destroyed. Such was the violence of the storm, thai a great number of large trees were root¬ ed up, and the branches of others shiv¬ ered to pieces.— London paper. Mr. Seth Kimball, of Blue Hill, (Hancock Co.) in May last, had Lib house, furniture, &c. consumed by lire, and a numerous family left desti¬ tute of a home, and many of them de¬ prived of wearing apparel. JIis nis- furt uue awakened the warm* t feeling? of svmpathy ami commiseration in bh neighbours. wh« were disposed, as it W Frnm thf hieti'luryhorl Herald, P"/irript — By a !euer recei\td* in towo (lafi evening) jodi Sc t. fr-^m Eaftjtorti if appears, that an Eng^Tfl) fleet has jufi arrived there confiding of or.e 50 gun fh >. two 3^ gui; frigates, t gun brfp; and ? Hoap ot war. That A- m<- ican pn;p-"»y ot every deferipti -n i& yJiawt/, and true the people a»"e tailchig of nothing but War. RLMARK. If'here U aay foundation for tee :; bove report of a -rior; to force, we pre-1 fume it relates to feme local irregulari- titsin treffjiaffingBpon the fiflieries, ?f- ter being cautioned to deilil, and with which, as fiPC have ab'lained from claim- iner any right by treaty, we cannot in- termedlc. The caule of oontrovcily is not nat.\ ..<;]. From toe Ea/l Indies.—Captain Ban¬ croft, of the brfg Ellen Dou^lafs, who has armed at Doflon, from Calcutta, in¬ forms that a re|)ort had arrived at Mad ras on the 9th of May, from Europe, via FianLfort, and the Gulf, that a wai |w>^ld probably take place between Eng- laud and Amew'ca, on account of the Floridas. In confequence of which, iniurance to America immediately rofe to 16 and 20 per cent. ; ard brig Saun* ders, Alhbridge, of Philadelphia, who was lying at Tranquebar, for freight from Madras, urotlld probably be detain ed until further advicea were received from Europe. The Ellen Douglafs h via Madras anil Tranquebar, 140 day? from the laft port. [removing oneot th" panes of glaf.c, and ff«t eif undillurbed with 13 filvcr watches, ^ rcwa'd of 25 dollarfi ha? been r.ffercd for dctedion of the offen¬ ders.— fyfofitreal Herald 0< 0.5 A SouTiiEirx War. The Goyernor of Georgia has recci ved 3n officia1 Account of the late capture of the fort of Appalachicola, in EaP Foiil.t. It ia from U. Col. Clinch A'reahrage• ly was exhibited at Sachet's Harbor, a few days fmce, before a large company of fpcflators. Attached to a (bow bill of a wire can#rr, appeared an cdvertitL—cnt of an Italian fuilor, who promiied tr> :*hibit wuodeiful fVatPj fuch a; the foeftators hai never btfoie fceo- Curiofity attiatSed a very full houfe. After the full had perfoimed his part of i!ie cnievtaiomcut, the failor entered, called lor a blanket and pillow, and laid hinvfelfdown upon tlie floor. All eyes were turned towards him in anxiouR cxpediation, when he drew from his! bofcm apillo), clapped the muzzle to hi? ear, and blew out bis brums ! This clofed ti;*: eatertainment.—Alb Argus. RALEIGH, N. ('. SkPT, IS. Riley Fitzpatrick was fentfneed to be hanged for Horfe stealing t and a petition for a pardon was presented to the gover- I nor, which was granted, in confideraiion of the dtfproporfim of punifhment to the crime, and the youth of the criminal. But ala«> ! his humanity was exerted in vaia.—Although he defpatched the mrfTenger with authcriiy to make ail pCi!ible expedition by changing borfes, the prifonet was executed two hours before the pardon could reach him ! in A ovth Caroline horse stealing is punished with death, whilst the murder of a negro is punished merely bj/ line and imprisonment! Cobiifti»ig E»f ihr followirig articles v:/ 1 Tea and Snga^j 1'obacco and Snuff, Pepper and Alfpice, Cloves and Cir,namonB Almond.-, .md R^.ifins, Starch and Fig Llue, Scotch barley, Jamaica Spirits, Cogniae Brandy, Holland G*in, Shrub and Peppermint Wi.ies, &c. &c. Befl London Pickles in boxen ajforteu or by the bt^ttle. Ketchup and Sauces of all kind* do, CROCK EH Y I GLAm WARE, And London Muftard in pint andhalT pint bottle8. ALSO, A quantity "f Ready Made CJL OTHMSs And jhi the prefent tiroo will not ad¬ mit of any credit, hei(. determined ;o dif- pufe of the whole foi Sterling coll- JOHN DUNCAN. Kiugflon, 19th 061. : 816 20wt T custorfrarj* oa ewailar.ocensiow; to do and dat^i, l# Ca'np Crawford, Aug A correfpondent of the New-yoik Courier enquires whether an oil mi^ht fi"t be ex:raAed fr m a zuhomens tun^uts which would impart perpetual morion to machine, by oiling the wheels wiih it I Slacks m ith in 5*. 1HE fubferiber refpeftfnlly informs the public that (he has employed Mechanics to carry on the BLACKSMITH BUSINESS, In ali it* various branches, with a few doors of Capt. Henrv MurnevV Anv perfon or perfoos wifhing » fi.-»or her with their cuflom, in the BTacRftnithing Line, may rely on having their work done on the fhortelt notice, and on rea- fonable terms. FRANCES LANDRICUIM. Kingfton, I 9th Oft. 1816 2OW3 Wan ted j IMMEDIATELY^* an Apprentice to the Watch Making Bafinef** 2 Imart active La\ from 1310 i6yeaisof age. Apply to the fubferiber. J COVERT. Kingdom Oct. 18. 1816. * zui Strayed, j^lROM Kingit.m,a!iSht Bay Horfe, JL beiween 13 and 14 hand- high, hud on a Bridle* and Saddle. Whoever will return the fame to Mi. Coy'a, ar *hc on of the Fiddle, will be hkudlonuly f - :he:r :ro bl--. ew irdcv Kfojlvn, Q3t 8,i9i«. E2Ci\v

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