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Kingston Gazette, October 12, 1816, p. 4

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Wanted for His MAJESTY'S SERVICE, 1,000 Bushels PEASE, 500 Bushels Oafs 20 Tons HA Y. || rwRLES SHOUTk Co. \ ^>EG leave to inform chejr friend* | )} and the public, that they havejlift received and now offer lor lale, at their Store fronting the Market* an aflbrtment nV L Cheap Sulks. LEWIS, begs moll rcfpeafwl- ly to inform* tu£ inhabitants o: w ill be The whole to be delivered into the Cornmiflariat Magazines at Kingston, by the earliest practicable period- Vi nders foi the above fupply received at this office. Cwii.ussariat Ofice. 13 Kingston* t\th June, i 816. New Goods. THE Sobfcribers, having received by thr late arrival? 3 offer for falcon th- h.Will terms for cafh at their Stores j fa Kingilon, either wholefale or retail. Dotbe. m------J •-'■■'—'«• K rfcymere8| Fl tnoels, Boml-azettsJ B wnbazenes, Men & Women's Hfi-ry, In'fh Linens, Papers, Toweling, Sattin?t Ln* elVings, Bine and white di¬ agonal SarfnetSj Levantine Silks, Ribbon*, Laces, Footings Ginghams, Lace Veil-, Silk Shawls, Silk and Leather G • ves, Wellington and Berlin Webs, V?'+h a variety of ether articles in the JDri/ Goods ALSO, Ja nalca Spirit^ Mufcovado and 7o Line. Cogntae Brandy, i- .'land L*mj Bdl Port, S ^ ill. She*ry and Mldeiia Wines, P:- oermrnt, Shr*ib, Mol-ifTe«, Loaf Su^ar, Prongs, Railing, Aim T..'8# Bar'ey, PfD'-er, AMf.iice, and [nditfO. dm » Groceries, Crockery, be. $fc. AMONG WHN H ARE Superfine aid low pric*d Broad Clothe, while, yellow and red Flannels, green Baize, fancy Veilings, fiik and woolen do. white Quiltins, Bombazetts alToited colors, Calicoes, Ginghams, white and black Cambrick, Dimity, Cotton Shir¬ ting, Iridi Linen, Gemlemen's white cotton and black worfted Hole, Ladks do do. Ladies Kid and Morocco Shoes, Mens Lamb's Wool Stockings, (ilk and coiton Btaces,Bare;tOBS Handkerchiefs, ■ filk Shawls. India Bandann^es, Ladies Kid and filk Glove;-, Gentlemens Bea¬ ver and 61k do. Satin filk Turban?, Thread Fooling, Thread and Cotton I Lace,fewing filk and Twill, fiik Velvet, Ribbon-., fiik Shawls, black filk Floren¬ tine, figured Sarcenets kc &c. &c. ALSO, Hyfon and Green Tea, Sniuts, Port and Tenerifie Wine, Mincovado and 1 oaf . Sugar, Raifins, Pepner. Muftyrd, Coffee, j I 8cCb Sec. which they will fell cheap fori Cafh, or fhi-rt approved credit. Kingston* Sept. 13,1816. 15 Chair Shop. FHE fubfcrib&m having removed to their rev/ fn p, w.-ndd inform the public t!tat they w:ii endeavor in future to keep '»n hand all kiiidis of CHAIRS, SETTEES, &c. Jtl their Hue. Ornaments! Fainting, Gilding aiid Vamiflwiig done with n-atnel-. Glala cut to any ftnper;'qurcd. Also—bo fled Lin feed oi' for fele by the barrel or fmallei quantity—Paints icady prepared for t;fc, and all litre&ions For UUiJg them Gratis EGS "a^e to inform hi- F-'cnd* and th* Public in general, that he has Kingtton and its vici'iit) f ilti,t u* has jufll j jnfi received and now offers for fate, a: Ins Stwgj a" e'egant afT;>rtaicnt of HARD WARE % CUTLEKF, Drift from the Birmingham and Shef¬ field Manufactories, which he will Hil- Unported dire£l from I hudon, the Vol- lowiug articles, which w\\\ be fold £r. lower prices than ever w43 offered before in this town. ^ Bleb twilpd end fibred Garfnets ; | rich white and coloured Satins; Merino Cranes for Dreffes ; ;\~h worked Col¬ lars and Tippets ; real french Cambric worked Cap. for children, Af[k—-Frock Bodies . a cafe of the mo!l fnfliionablc Straw Bonnets, Trimmed with new Trimming. 150 Mem mid Bom Common ! I A T 8. A large aflbrtment of Meek!in and Val- lenc'-ne A few rinc pl«tu and worked Muflinp, Merino PeliiTe Cloth, th^ very bell col¬ oured filk Velvets ; 3H1 , filk Fringes for trimming DrefTc-, Ribb'-nh, &c-Sec. The above will be r^ady for infper- "on on Monday next, September 16, at Mr. BROWN'S Boarding Honft, next door to Mr. Patrick Smyth's Store, Main Street. N. B. Hours of bufintfb from Ten 11 n tii Four o'clock* Kingston* Sept. 13, 1S16. I5tf Walter MrCu' itfe Ssf Co. ICfngffon, 19th Jttly, 1816. J\otice. THE fobferiber refp^ctfully Inform his friend uzd the public thathei.HJ a! 'Jtn u eniiig a Stop-in front of the new mi'krt houfe, where he wii do BUSINESS on COMMISSION Wii 1 buy and fell, Store & Forward Scot. 6 C. HATCH, & Co. i4tf i GOODS Uh or dewn the River, Wi'1 take in any orders of any defcripti on in 'I at Hoc of-bnfin fs. N. B Perfona delirous.- f committing ponfigiments to bis charge, rnav ki. *w th-.■ nte-* of flora jje and comrniffion by €"«i'ir>£ at the nevrom-ntfli *• ftore JOHN DUNCAN. Kwgfton, Dec 30, i#i$. 7 Jsfi received and for falc at this Office, A QUANTITY OF Writing Paper^ Or Qualiry No. 2, it Reams Writing p0ft \To, 2, j 9 ditto, dirio uncut. ~T7Ti ■ j a not 1 * * j Member of th College of bur* geons, London, AM) LICTVCrD CY HIS BXCELXjEXCT TII£ GOVERVOft IV CHIEF TO rK.U'T!CP. PHYSIC, SURGERY *.vs MlDlllFEHY, TAKES the liberty to inform the Pubiic that he hns moved from iAv. Patrick Smyth's lioafe to '^efTrs. J"H\s k FrNRLES, where all calls in In- unc will be immediately attended to. M 15. Families and othera may be fupplied with fma!l quantities of genuine DRUGS and Patent MEDICINES. Kingston, \$th /lit£*tfi% 1S16. it For Sale, O' h> t'jrl. For one or more year?, a very valuable Grist air! Haw MILL j Th good repair, bloated at Th«fV"var S, immediately by the town of Believi.le. Fv>r particulars, and to treat for the fame apply to Tboroas Coleman, tfq. the pro¬ prietor. SeveralTowi W-.ter L. u npon the hank of the River Moira, forfa'e. A rrool Miilrrad Sawyer waited Bcile*i>i!!c* <tugt*st% 23.18*6. 12 NEW GOODS. "* HE fubferiber has just received and now offers fn fale, an txtenfive and well cbofcn aifoi tmcnt of Dry Goods, Groceries, and Hardware. JLSOt A welt chofen Aiiortment of MEDICINE* Tlu whole cf which Will be fold ai ihc lowest prices for call* '"" country pro duce. Ewd. J. Hi ndfrson. pofeof Whr>Iefa!e or Retail, at reduced prices { among which are the following: Carpenter's Bench and Moulding Planes, Chiffehf Sorts ; Trying Squares and T Bevels,* Hand' Tenon^ Dovetail, Safe, Mill, CrolTcut, and Key-hole Saws; Cheft, Cuoboard, Drawer, Trunk, Stock, Door, Mortice and Pad- Locks ; Ship and Pocket CompafTes, Glaziers Diamond* ; Hinges of all f*r:« Brafs and Iron ; Saddlery and Harntfa trimmings of all defenptionfl ; Tandum, Gig and Riding Whips ; D ■ Thongs and Lathes ; BA\ Plated and Brafs Candlellicks, Do. CrneN of 4 & 5 Glafles, ! Brittonny Metal Teapots; Watch-m.iker": and Jeweller's Plyers, Nipper*!,Fifes, Screw-plates, &c. Fi wlfog Pieces. Shot-belt*, Powder- Plafks a id Bullet moulds; Lock*for Fowling-piece*; Block fin S?uce-pans a-;d Tea-kettles ; Handles 8c fpouts to do do. Tinman's Rivets & wire of Sorts ; Gold (ca?€& of various fizes ; G'iJ Iron- and Frying Pans* Table and He'ert Krivefi & Forks ; Do Carve.-* with Fotks ; W'-od Screws afTotted ; Bureau Trimming*-, Portable Defk do. Bed Caps Screws and Keys ; 4d, 6d. 8d, tod, 144, i6d, i8d, 2od, a8d and ^cd Nails ; White and Black Lead, PrufTian Blue, ( Spam'fh Brown, Red and Yellow Pivfnt«;— Boiled Engli* OH,&c &c. &c. Whit h in addition to his former Stock will fotm the moll complete affbrtrnent ever offered P»rfele in this place. Kingston9 August 10, 1816. rotf Cheap Woolen g a od a THS fttbfc liber- hive jn-t ^-r. *-. e!, hV the late arrivals from their Manufacturing Houfe, in Eng'aaj, a iaige quantity of SUFERF1NE & SECOND Broad Cloths; Ladies' Peiice CLOTHS and CASSIMERES, CONSIS'IMO of :—r Blue, Black, Wytenoo, Bot¬ tle Green, Brown and Mixture Broad Cloths ; Brown, French Gray, Drab, and coior'd Pelisse Cloths ; Black, Blue and Mixture Dotib-e Miird Cassinieres. Which they now offer for fale at the Store of Messrs. Thomson & Detlox> very low for cafh. JERRY WHITEHEAD & Co. Kingston, fjih j/ugust, 1816. IJ Jonas Abbot, RESPEO ['FULLY tender, his thanks to his customers for their liberal fupport in Mercantile tranfac^ion3 ■fince he came to this place, and infr-rnn ihtm that he has n< w commenced bi»G- nefe with Mr. Thomas S. Vvhitareki under the firm of JONAS ABBOT & Co. And are now receiving a very genera) affortmenr of Fancy 8( Staple Kingston. 2& Jani'arv ' ^ T \ TO Strayed, Noth o e. THE fubferiber to the U. C, Rnnk Society, are informed that Mr SamuelMtrriltha« t>k-n the Bo^ks and Taa belonging t. the Society, and thofe who wiih 'o tak their dividend of books Ux thelafl year and fithfmbe to- ward? importing more brvofc* for anothei yrar, are requeued ro aV with »ut delay at Mr. McrnTs Store fr»- tli.it.purpofe. By Order of the PrcJlthlU Kingllon, Auguil I iS|<>. 9 .4? 25 Reward. S^ROM mtK Kk^'tefeh °" 'Jw 9'b .JL infi a dnk bay Mare, afattl f-.-Wf- teen h.mds high, a white flripe town her forehead, qcfte narrow an bernofe, her upper lip almofl all white fmc white fpotson her off fide juft below tie fa'id*e, very fcjuare built and Well let. Wiirev- ci will bring hei to Mr. Mutlias Badg- ly, (hall be well paid for their i-ouole. K.ngflon. Sept. 27, Ifc 1 6. I7wa JAMKS G. KANNA* Watch Mfrfm> mid Jeweller\ T| ESPiXTFULLY informs hi, f V friends and the pubiic in general, that he has juft received a very elegant aflbrtment of 1 1 1 FOR SALE, Kj N reafonabJe terms. Lot No. 22, intheph Conation, No. 23, in the 6tb Cmesshnt Lot No. 20, in the 11 th Cat cession. The whole being in the Tavnfhlp of '.aiedown. in the dfstiift of jniiWlnwn. Foi' partirhirs enquire at tiu ofSce of ALL/IN MCLEjfH. Efq ) Kingston* August 2S, i8r$. 12 JBWEJ.RT, G«»I<1 and S'lver Watches, [Patent Leav¬ er and plane) — Mulical lii'l'*"menis of all defcriptJm**, Inch 3S Double Flagel* et-. Clarionets, Ffnte«, &c. Ladies wo-k Boxes, P'atcd Crewel?, do. CnndMHeks j do. Snuffers and Tr?vs. Ao. Salt Cellars ! and Toafl Racka, Fvnry bandied Knfye: I jand Fork^pi fettswith Carvers, P.-tcnt t Well adapted to this Market; which have ! been felcftert by one of the Partners from the lateft arrivals at Quebec and Mori. tresl, and purchafed for ready money, They flatter ihemfelves th* ir puicha- fes have beej fuch as will enable thfm 10 fell their Goods as low as th» fe who have imported direct from Europe. Tlu* ntrietest attention will be paid to customers, and goods fold at a vt.y mo¬ derate advance* - Kingstm% yl August* 1816. P S. J. Abbot !x:v.l' ahot-ttor* move to Montreal, rcquefte th-fe who have demands against him, to exlv'^tt them ; and thofe wha are indeVt.l v> Mm, to make payment. Cork Screw* ; Silver and Steel For Sale,# ^^HE We^t half of lor number nineteen in .he fee »nd conce-li ;n of the town- fhip of iCingftoo. Apnly to the Printer • Kingston* ffufy 10, 181-y. 5 tf. 1 GROCERIES. HE fubfciibers, having commenced | bufjuefs in the Grocery Line, either whoitfale or retail in this pLcc, where they will do their utmost to fu'.^ply the fttiblic on the m«>st reafonable terms. ToJtHAKtCE isf M*l>E0D. Kingston, ^otb May, 1816. 52 Hank Deeds and Memorials 1 \ \T HERE A S on the morning of the 5th inft. a xan byname of R/. CHARD E. BARKER, ran away from P.cfc- tt, ITpper Canada, wi't'ti ab¬ out fooo dollars, the property of the fubferiber. Any petfon or perfona who wii I apprehend and fecure the (aid Rich aidE. Barter, fo that he may be bro't to juftiee, (hall receive the above reward by applying to the fubferiber at Prefcott, Upper Canada, He is a man about twenty fix year- of age, five f et fix inches high, ftefli complexion, light hair, blue eyes, round vif-ge, head a little bald—at the time he made his cfcape his cl-thes weie a black coat and pantaloons, ftriped waiftcoat, & long b..ots. It is to be hoped that e»e- ry exi-rtmn will be made for the fecuntm of fuch a chnrafter AM ASA WOOD. Prescotl, U C. June Sfi, 18 U. ; / Rags ! Rags. Cash and the highest p;ice paid for CLEAN COTTON AND JJNEN R «■ G AT THIS OFFICE. inri ;L lnblciibriN inJurm the lihab- Jl itants of Kin^fton a;id its vicinity, that they will pay for good HOUSE ASHES, Nine Pence per Bufhel, and provide means to take them from their refpeitive Houfes once every two weeks. Charles Short & Co. September 13, I 8 t 6- Tf Blank Surnrno/isesll lor the District Courts, fbt bale at this Oiijce. For Sale, BY the fubferibers, 40 BOX!- S FINE Yellow Soap, CHEAP for Cafi. Thomson & Di-tlor. Kingston, July I, 1816. 51 f To be Sold, 8cc acres of land in the tdwnfcip of Loughborough* 200 acres in the townfhip of Hun- gerfbid. A Saw Mil] and Griit-Mill with two dweliiiig houfes, out houfeP, (tables &c. with 400 acres of land, a c\ftwn Jeafe, »" the townfhip of Pittfburgh; ALSO, A number of valuable Tov*n I-oU In the village of Wellington, for terms, apply to AMOS Al/SLEr. Kingston, July Jf ISI6. 5 Pwrfep. Silver and Filled F-'fh Kn>ve=, do. Butter.K-uvea, do Spoon?, Silver. Gi't, and other Snuff B«*xe^ R.a/'T<. Settlor6, Pen Kriivesj Clocks, Fifhiig Tackle, Baggammon Board!, ChefTmen. Dice, Silver,"TortoHe Shcii and Steel Specitaclcp, and a nurber of Other ar¬ ticles too numerous to mention, which he will fp'l cheap fore !h. N. B. Aifo—fome excellent SNUFF, WboIefaWaiid Retnih Watches and Clocks repaired and clea¬ ned i" the bed manner. a'id was ranted. Kingston* Aug. 17, ?Si6. }itf LOST, -4 ROM the Paftureof Mr. Jethro t ^ Jackfon, a COW, a Rrddifli htindie colour, white fpots en her fore¬ head, red & white belly, one buck horn, p*rt of one ear <-iT. She f3 rtv/ milk and three years old. Whoever will re¬ turn thr fame to the fubferiber, fhall re¬ ceive the reward of FOUR Dollar*. JOHN SCOTT. Kingflon Aug. 16 (816. i! 1 Four foot LATHS. • ■•. BLANK BAIL BO:-PS, and SHERIFFS SAI.KvS. For saJc at rjiis Ollicc. H FOR SALE, 30,000 Apply at this OiSce. Knigftoii, 17th May, 1816. 11 Spruce Beer, OF mod any quantity, can be had at the CELLAR under the Audio.. Room of Mr. Charles Short. JOHN YOUNG. P. S. All persons who are in-1 Idcbted to him, are req.iefted to.ca.'l w.'th- ,out dtlay, and fettle their accounts. Kir&ton, Juiy 5> 1816. 5 PACKET. ~ THE Schooner Pcrfcverehce, ] G. Parkkr, Maftet, will continue to rm. aj a Packet from ftjfa to Sack ets riai nor. j MitllindD:stn8t\ HY vir^JC of c To ivit: j l ;winr ©f ex. ECUTiON fffwed out of Hi, -^-(ly'a Court of Kind's bench, hol4ir£ civil pica.-, in and for the Midland DilHfta* f refold, at the fuit of John Kirby «-fthe town of King Hon, in the fan] Dilrrifi, ' -rterchant. again fl the lauds and tenufent* which were of William y/;k;nfoit, of ihe (amc place Tanner, deetafed,at the time of his death in the handfl and Cuftody of Kicbarcl Cartwright^ John Fer^ufon, Nicholas Slick.'caud wary Stickle, Ex- (ccutors and Exeeufcnx, of cl*e faid Will- j iiim Atkinfon deceaied, to me dire^cd, I havefeized and taken m execution, as belonging to the &id W1LS.LAM AT- K1NSON, dtceafed,at the time ufhai deal bin iiie band'i and cuftody of Rich¬ ard Cartwrigbr, John Fergufou, NicHo^ las Stickles, arrl Ma;y Stickle?, U.:cciu tors and ExecujiJx of the aid Wiliiani Atkinfon, dectaf-.d, lota nnu.her tt)9 ?o, 2fj 22. 25 and 24, ii. the fou;t!i enures- fion of the towninipof Sidney, contJintng by admeafuremfnt 1200 acres be the fesn^ more cr lefe. Now 1 do hereby pive no- tice that the fa:d lots or parcels of land will be fold and adjudged to-t're b'fffceft bidder, at my office in the tewn of Kinej* j.'lon, on WEDNESDAY \\x SIX !TEENTH dzy of OCTOC£Rnextf at TEN of the c-ock in the forenoon, at which time and place the conditions «f fale will be made known. _ Charles Stuart, Sheriff,'- And every perfon or perfons havfnd claims on the above described lots of land and premifes, by mortgage 0: o'hes right or incumbrance, are hereby advef- tifed ro flime notice to the faiO Sheriff, dC his office in the town of Kingilon, previ¬ ous to the fale thereof. Shrift office, May 6, 1S16. 4 For Sale, A VALUABLE Farm, witi butU- VOm al^o large improvements tb«W- on, favorably fitoatfcd within z8 miles of King-ton. Perfons defiroufl of fut chafing to inquire of the Pi inter. hin-zston. Jnh TO, fStC- f tf ]pj LAIK'S Sermons, Porrcus* Kvi- drnccs, the Canadian Vifnor, hoiiKdor fiujrle, t^rrether with a $TC9t variety of ufeful Bor.ks and Trnfts. for fOUfig people, for Sal^at tin's Office :— where accefs rmy be bad to a fm*JI ch- culating Lihfaiy, three times a week, on mederate terms. ,. auguil 1, i8r6- .

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