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Kingston Gazette, September 28, 1816, p. 1

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- „._,_ fc_ — * v*. y, • [SATURDAY.. Septrmpf.r S8, 1816.] KIN G [VOLUME VI, •No, 17.] Kingston, Upper Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES—Price Fo.ur Dollars per Bantv c^Tsi^MOErsasaa; iVJE/r GOODS. J] HE Subscribers have imported direct from London, Man- rficftcr, Birmingham and Glasgow, flfcc. an extcniivc aflortmei.c of every fpctic* •f Merchandize fuitable to the Upper Canada Market The Goods have been (elected vviih care and purchased for Cafh* and will be flifpnfed of, either by Wholefale or Retail, ou the CQoffi reufonable terms. Under the different heads of Liquors, Groceries^ Hardwares, Clothes. Flannels, Haberdash¬ ery, Hosier}/ and Carpeting, Stationary, Crocker?/ & GLASSWARE, CORD¬ AGE, &c. &c- They would enumerate the fdiowiflg articles., viz : Very Left Port, "\ \ Brown, Q7.n:ibi?"g, Shifting and Sheet L. P. Madeira, ( WTNF^ ■ in* i--nen8 ". I.aies, Csnn»>nok», Sp. Fine old hrovn Sherry, (* WMI** ; Veflfngs Sattfns, RiMWti*, b^k LP&L M.'Teneuff, 1 ; SS& HandfeerdinR : Hibbert's brft Brown Stout by the | Navy BV, Black Gray and faMiinable Call; or Dozen, * Superfine Broad Clothe* and Gas Brandy, Giflj &c. &c. &c. ; fimcrcs. Teas ; Sugars, Loaf and Mufcovado ; '. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Glovei and Coffee ; Saucer of every defcrfpttoO, Loch tine Hewingfl by the JI-"iXi Pearl B-irley ; Milliard Soap & Candles by the b *x ; Scotch Oat meal, Paint* and Oil? aflhrted— Crawley and ttlifter.-d Steel. Swedes I- ron affirted. Deck. Pigeon and Snfce Shot. Nails % Spikes of a!l fortS; Tin Plate and Sheet Iron, Frylu^pans, Spades and Shovels, ; Roficiy, Carpeting (.f various p«t I ten** \ An aff irtmcnt of Schoolbooks and Sta- 1 ti'iiary — ; G-afa ware and Oockery by the Crate I or cafk, and oackc.i lo fuit Coun- ! try Shops. I Gentlemen** proof Beaver HnN: Men'* I youths' a(>d B y's Caa*d hr.ir aud plated do ti&en** WiT.w Hat?. A P. 13;)' nc-. Scrubbing, Horfe, Shoe, a-id Ta¬ ble Br>ifiieH Police Rules and Regulations, bi/ order oj the Magistrates in Gen* eral Quarter Sessions of the Peace, held at Kingston. 1st. THE Street cf Kingston arc to he Turnpiked, the Statute Labor of the Town, or a certain proportion of it, to be appropriated to that purpose* 2d. Foot paths of eight feet to be left each side of the street, six Gael of which is to be peved ^vith Hat stoiics? and sound post-, planted at the corners, and at certain equal distances along 'he street il necessary : the cxpencc- to be defrayed out of the rates (o be levied for that purpose on the inhabi¬ tants. 3d. No Wood, Timber, Stone or •iiiei materktuj *• h* laid in the streets J except for immediate buiidhi^s, and (hen only on the tides, leaving tho cen-l Ere free, and the surplus tob" remev'd, as sor ii as the bu;!(!in^ is fini-h^d, on Hollow Ware—HaiV, c.oih.whitewalh, ; Ladies'& GirV Bc*v*rtrtna ! White, Rrdi Yellow md Blue Flannel, ; and Qreeu broad Baize. Knives and ForkcsafTort-d,— Penknives. '. 2 to $\ Point Blankets—Ceunter ?TOC8, Seniors, Spoons, Razor-, Shaving C»Ie«j '. Bed Tick ?:?. &c. — Lock** Hi'icr*. Saws. H*><n.i:tk'5» '. Storage a •*! Wharfage -it the cullom- FHcj, Gimlveti, &c. &fc. &c. ■ ary price* and Comwiflioi: Bufineffi exe-1 Bo-ts an J Sh'-es— • cuted atlheufnl rite Nankeens. Cordmovs. Striper.. C"ttnnsf ; JOT^M KTRPV & Co. Ch'tk*, Eomhay."t»s, M'dhi.i, ; Kingston, July i(jt lb>0. 0 Shawls, DJmitiet,*T»p^« BrtHrn'n ; ' Price of' adverlyit.£ in the (fazeftg. Six lines ai;l under, z/C Grfl infertlon, and lyj every fubfequetit. Ten lines and under, 3/4 firft infer. lion, and l/b* every fnbfeijucnt. Ten line*) and upward**, 4/. per li-ic firfl ii.f^riiin* and 2d. per Ua< every fuc- ceedfng infertion- A.dvertife>nent8 unaecninpatried with Written direSioiiS are inl_iicd till forbid, and eharged accordingly. the.penally ct iv,'»rfy Nhi'lin_.%.N -1th. Jfo K*ro-uood ic be pi?ed ir •!*.L* streets, nor empty CfitfJtSj ca t * or boxes, rebbi>h or \>\\h of aii> kind to, Ih* left or Ihrov. v. in* ■ the r'rf.?" e\-J ( pr to be itsmediately rvmrv* d en the! pciially ct'lin thillin^s, and il'iKl cai-j nii\ awny in f rty*eight hours, the fat* ."'-THim -»f nvr> bhiiUngs. 5th. Cans and Carriages left in the •treets, shall be avra:;^?d alcnu die sides in a regular manner on the ptmaliv »if live ^hillitigs. I 6th. i\. pemoi) shall race or run bpr*t':: in the strict on penalty of ¥'i\~ ■ . iiillin^s. Notice. A Board *«f Militia Ofii -erf, oppomt- ed by His Excellency Lhe Lieu¬ tenant Govcin«^r#io examine into f d re port upon the claims for military ren- fions, of the widows and cbildien, whole Hufhands or Fathers, may httVf di «1 from dif<afecontracted whilll on adtial levice, wPI-again offemble at the Court Houfe in Kin^rftoij o<\ the Monh-y nrxr pre- ceding the next General OnarterfeiSonff, at ten o'clock in ih** f->t\;oon. [OKM FEKGUSON, TIM'Y THOMSON, ARC1L MC^ONELL. To all Concerned. Kingston, \J Sspt. 1816. Tc/teap St'fks. L LEW IS, begs .r.vft rcfpe&fui- • ly to infoim the inhabitants of Kinglton and its vicinity, th t he has jnfl imported dirccl from London, the fid- towing articles, which will be f.»'d at lower prices than ever was offered before * . • 1 in tni* town. Rich twill'd and figured Sarfneis ; rich white and colonr'd Satins; Merino Crapes far Drcfies 5 nVh woikrd Col¬ lars and Tippets; real French Cambiic worked Caps for children, Alfo—Frock Bodies j a cafcof the j molt fafluonable Straw Bonnels. Trimmed with new Trinming. 150 Mens and I$»t/$ Common HATS. A large afTortment of Mecklin and Val- lenciene 1*4 CMS. A few fine plain and worked Muflins, Merino MnTe Cloth, 'he ve»v befl col- onred fiik Velvets ; a'fo, fiik Fringes for ttimming Dreffe«, Ribb >n% &c. &c. The above will be ready for infper- tion on Monday nrxt. September i6, at Mr. BROWN's Boarding Houfe, next door to Mr. Patrick Smyth's Store, Main Street. N. B. Hoiiy of bufinefs from Ten un¬ til Four o'clock. Kingston, Sept 13, I 816. IJtf BLANK BAIL BONDS, and SHERIFF'S SALES, For sale at this Oilicc. Till. Every inhabitant householder •hall havooneoriwo bidders, to asccr:?1 to the roof of hk bouse, aud th? fame luimb.-r on tlio roof in pr* portion to the size of lhe bouse, en the penalty '.f Five shillings fororei-y negjret, Sth. f« etPI'J Lasr» rtiK-ro ;i chimney <ha!l take lire, tho occupier of the noose shall pay a, fi,lu 0f Forty shil¬ lings. litn. Ereirj StoTp-pipn carried fliwf partitions wr tho roof oj bouses, sliallj ft8?6 a spa... of six in* Jnr.- In Iwivn ihn .».;.. ftiicl sv.od, with :d:..ft iron or fin ..jonndit, crm the'ptmojy of Ten shi!- Ihlg* foreii.h iff nee. lOtil. i\o> per on shall b» «M; wrd to build chwrniys cf wood and rtuy, on penalty mt fort) shillingG, and b. obSr^cdto p-uil ittb.wn. 1Mb. Kv.-ry Hog rnnning in the streets shaii! be impounded and tho. pc- tialty impj'..'od :i0iv**abiy to thfi S(cM- >.te. AuctioneeriBr. 12fll. Tfcs Butchers are allowed uti: the fuvt of VI'?y 1817 t6 rem'-re 'in iririMngk'tev-hovisescat of tov.n :—| that a for that period, bnirhen who T5HE fnlbriber re:oris hi- fincftei' ilp^j:'^""id killin-\« jMiMHhe t-un. andheuity ilMt4a to \m Heisd.v|J*aflr«J « nno of l^rts ;hi!lii-s for anv'.tli,'public in r.-ncra!, forte nmrv I i (*Tta7:.*«** ^ *M1 SokUl. favours he ha tviie.^i!, for t.ic w. mv received fn -n tnrm for l.;;i». TiueClffk ^f the Market4mvl Mjy Auction.. WILL be foid at theC immi'flarlat HTntRg Storr, on TUESDAY, lhe 8:h OCTOBER, at 12 o'clock, * , 832 Gallons of WHITE WINE. Kingston, I uh Sept. 1816. 1? f ff^HEfubfcriber returns his befl thanks _S_ to hir» cuftomcrs (or part favours, aud would inform them that he has i.'ken Mr. Confulrr WiUislon as a partner in the SADDLING & HARNESS BUSINESS. Ke parricularly requefte all perfonp in- debt.-d to him to make immediate pay- mci t ; and tbofe who have any demands agafnll him aredefired tw prefeni them for payment bclbre the fn il day of OcVber. A. METCALF. Kingston, S<pt. 21, 13 i 6. 16x\*3 thefe fixceen jtan p8*t ; and info.ms jj :';uv itVJ W»*fcM hoii.-e su.'pt cr,nj them, that he ha* rccorci'M?i«CCd bufiods again for htmfelf. At.v ^rutljmaitwilh- ing t-- difpofc of any prtrprrty, will be waited upon pt then- own c]"?.rterp, or at Mi. D. Brftwn'b Tavern, fronting the Mnktt Place; zni he afTures thofc jrc tlcmeo who fi. it] pfrafe t« favor hlrti wftll their custom, rha: tl.cy (hall have no orcafion to call twice for their Mon¬ ey. M 8 TUESDJtTi Tf/URSD/H' and SJTURDsiT.are his rtgular Auc¬ tion Days JOHN DARLEY, Aunhmer. K'n^ton, 4th «ept. i8r6. 14 no t-uoon, a;n(j abo -ee that the spacc- nnd.Tthe eVes of the mark t to b- k'fpt i'h;?.n ai-d evcrv person refusing to remove lilth and dirt which (hex may have Caused, shall pay a line (if r i\ - shillings. Nth. A:;iv person offendmg agnin*1 the ahovfl ruffes and rbgulEttonsmyy.be prosecuted fecfore anyone ofthe Com¬ missioners a,ron:nted by the Act. /\nd, If convictrtt on fhe oath of one credi¬ ble witness^ or on bi- o\tn confession : -f the penalty shRH not be immediate!-*! paid, Ihcysfeil bo Inieci, io'cetheru-fi. H*« costsaiyg charges, by distress and | sale of ihfl Orders? goods and chattels by Wairant under tho hand and seal of anyone f>f*%esajd Commissioners; one half of tbep^a^ty to ^o to the inform¬ er : the. oth.,-T half to the Tretisurer of the District^ for (ne use 0f the town. Allan macLkan, CVk.' of the Peace. Kingston^ Sept. 21,1816. 1 fas4 groceries. T biifinefs ir r.-ribers, having commenced n the Grocery Line, either whoUfak or retail ;n thio p|ace) whcre ll.ey w,ll do, the;r utm0,t to r ] th(. puolic on the. mo5t reafonsbk terms. ToR,PAh,CE gjf M'Lzod. Kingrton, jchMay, 1O16. J2 Blank j)eeds and . Memorials, 11 For %Ie at this Office. 11 POETRY. ■1 * • • • « The following admirable stanzas are * copied from Maxwkt.i.'s roems :— 11KS0LUTI0X. I pay to my heart, it i< time To leave off thy folHiffS at last; Forpa^t is thy nourishing prime, Thy flourishing prime—it is past ! And '.hangVlare tne ianrifnl ski:**-, Once rosy with Love aAd IXire, You .star, and the?e shadow* H;at rise: They say it is time to retire ! Love charm'd me awhile tr>her boTver As blooming n^ bower could be, "Where beauty with magical power, Sat smiling—ton lovely for me. T ga/.M en her languishing eye* And felt the wild throb of her ■\ brwt; U\xi .die i.:ff nxe, she left me to sigh, And what had become of my rest? Next pfea.soresefluc'd withhersong,| I£l r son4 was ;no sweet for my car, Unheeding I mix'd with her thnntg, Too merry (o tllinlc or to fear. F«". i'trp, and I drank of her b/*wL iSoi Iviie.w w'.^.i was lurking within ; 'Twasmadr.ess, 'twas death to my s.,ul : The chalice ».va? poi-on'd with sin. Then FaoteWetv her trumpet aloud. And rnv hcaii beat to arms at the " sound ; And 1 ru-h'd with the daring and proud, . Till, my brows with her laurels g w r:^ erov.n'd. Ii.;l sad was the wreath that 1 won, l'\u \i f-ver'd my tempi c? wlth.paiu; I felt tiiat my heart uns undone, And I Mined lor sweet slumbers again. M. MOLALITY. From the Ptaftxburgh Republican. nEFLKCTiors, On the utdiiy 6f ohwrviag the Sabbath. "TUT, neglect, not to say contempt, of th:>; important dirty, is a melaneunljr proof of the irreliioon mul diepratity of morals, ^hich in tton "uuenee OJ it irnil'nveryd;j\ become more • rrralert. Evftry ingenious ^nd Mfcciittg mind will *»hrii k with abhoW'Bce from the prflfar.ati'»n of that, so.*'! portion of time which lhe Great Croator hath set npnr, for himself, bul widen wa» lutfin* d"d far our own comfort and wivaofagCj !lx^!i a. U resperts tiie present and fe- i'Mc life. Those who are uniform, in the observance of i!»is day, consider it a* a jewel of a great price, infinitely to ■ rich to ador.t the sooty broM of not and mtempeiance, ort i bftisarrriAceaat the fhrinfi of empty pleasure, cr frivo- lons anitTieinenl. When ihey look back on (b6 chei|tir.rrd path thej have trod, or forward to the labyrinth yet in view. Ac Sabb;i*h n]>pears like jiromi- ! neat mound* of delight- cb». up and do c-M'at- d bj the goardiati of tin ir wav .for the n lief a.;d gratiucati«n ofthe weary iV;U* .------here they lay d mvh the ' b'lrdeti of temporal carea that depress j thinntbroogh rhe w^ek; pud in the mirror cf "aith look beyond the doskj limits cf Kn*c, a::d there behold ill p\r» Spective, all (hat the. heart of man ran conceive, or seraphic tongues describe of happiiress in store fer them. Thus I iniitually refreshed from time to time, •Vy-io on rejoicing, unhurt by the j .vhtps and rtings witii which the tie d- Irss tinyeller is t^rmerted, who despi- siiiL' the t;ra. ious light hcaVen most wiU linjsly ca t* in hi* way, wanders on in jdnridi^s, liable every moment to turn- M- -d *if lind(-pab>s^ 6f error wnici yav.ns aJ e\ery step to reci'ive him Jt can hirdly ad'mi. of a donfct, rJiaf t!m>? j who r r.iv,^ i„ gjvfi due artendancn to [diwiMMbiivirson iho Sabbath, and thus do poll it of il3 horinrs, will s/ld, m through theweekhe divwed to at- R»'t religion nowforr.d jne astray, AP hiu^elclaud fthttinjr wIlli aire, Sin*. rai'M me at once as I by, And sav\l me fr^m erne) Dospair. lC.i! qoi« this dark ralferj of Woe!" Sift sa;d witii a wbtspcr of kve, HI yon would Rehappi below, SelyouRlieartupoa iteav'n above." jjfc-nd 'o the duties ofroligion, esitresu r.iTx-we*! ! n^w yc pa^ions of earth ! L| p^e*s ihemsclves, or far' its advance Too little^ too base form) he=»'<! [Ifncnt in others. The imperfect mnri- Velii;*- led me a 4r?y from tr.x birth : f* U tcmofori *u now to depart. 1 have wasted the (afrcst sod best Oi t!i'!iours mat my Maker had tfWn ; Thre. oh 1 let me hn«baud th*? rest!— Ilcncefortb I BfO on'y to iieav'n. *ns..7I- From the Pa*riot and Patrol. Let Sf'W? and I'Vifrpaiiat fhe same end t'fihif liof&f and ail iitibe HelL Xjr'lyyo -pr-.tmrr. who-** »>■« m-ini-'fl wife Hi|.»jT*1 MM'U r.-Md, qCc tv»/li hi in foi lift*. ner in vhidi this da) is Icepl i^} P;nnv aUq icnorantly conclude that if thev "* Phrrw. fa* !\ on*- nmrnh'e -o stnrriy and .»na«i. Tru'.'i!<r rmifofhl^vO'iia^r ill** rope of !i^ '.ir*.. Ti.rn iii<nvon;>oi' houey,**swcci Molly,n hcj said, j For a mninhhad not p*a-ied ^incc thcpartic ' n W Sweet M'il! lollie Hr*. ftf i!ir«,it:i#s-*P*p*iir,"" \r. poon^ he sftid i( u»a«- Uoll) w*a there. " i\(».» <tra» dona thai wpe ilnn hiint;sovor(hc rot-/,- "P"awhardtfrl,wcriej»Ned, "you don't draw hardesottgh" Still hacker siic drew, but how hard was the case, Tho'shcp'tH'iliiand Cnith'd il.il still fcejMita pl.iC". V C*on»q roa.id to the front novy sweet Mnll;, v.illi WA, u Draw seiltlv now love, for 'tis coming you I So gently fllPy drew, end Che mpfl suon wn* sprnwlinLr. Lt Now UnVbave hereafter one way in OUT haul¬ ing. " !f onward, while pacing th^Janrney oflife, " \oa pull pgafOSt Med, or Ned pulls a^ain.-i wife, , "The ropeof contention will a.1 ways hang o'rr ns, w TliertfVn-Uiiin^ bu( dibrord and jarring before us; " P.iii let us forever, as time rolls along. " \udtarCS& ve\:iti^us;uoundu-i may throng. %% Whatever the tide be, ihe wind or thV weath¬ er, '• Rotti eboow (he same end, and both pull to- g/iher." A dSs/jroportioned Marriage,—An .;!<! genlleman of 84, bavins; taken to ihe altar a young damsel of shout 15, the clergyman said to him—41 The font! is ftt the other end of the Church." «• What do I want with the font ?" said theoldff«titlen>an. " Oh ! I beg your pardon," said the Clerical wit/ " I thought yon had brought this child to be christened!" a fee ;*nv.» ntt d. but il N ?t\\\ \r** reprehen- ible than open!} fo^eloct it f'»r a day of unhallowed pleasure. Were this hocking innr-vatim of Dicine ri^hl de- rlaredly discounfuaoced p by every friend of Christianity, it would soon I iron i«to di-cicdit: for by constantly j arte ching the reprehension due to an rril, it \vill soon be made a-hamed of itself. Indeed, would fhe violations of rlii^ inportant command only fake the trouble to make ttrnst estimate of the pleasure and pain resulting from this Indal^eoce, (av every other improper one.) tlwy would find ihe aggregate vast-) on the side of pain. Tiie c: s'ill small voice of conscience" will be heard amld-f the loudest roar of folly, and is ev; r mingling trail in the cup of unlawful pleasures, whocc'cuer* vati.i^; f.'mes have a tendency to render the mind obnoxious to ihe assaults of fear. l*»rror. aud remorse, fhe never fai- ! linsj attendants of wilful disobedience : —Not tlm- the son of virtue, who, lirm in his adherence to even/ call of duty, Ihids pleasure often resultingfvom pain- Death hlm«elfin his approaches to bin, diverted ef his terrnrs^a°sumcs the garb of friendship, and is welcomed with a > smile. Willi sweet serenity of soul he beholds the most dreadful depredations of ihe howling tempest : can hear un- np;nlled the li^htnin^s c;a*-h, " and v.aml secure amid the wrcch of faiiiug worlds." Andsnall till* day. the preriniri h*»nnrf hraren, •• lli*n\i'n nil lavish of >;ian«:"^i'i • m man," Vugrfllefiil ir.nn.whn^rori s^inehlewin^firen, Nor !u*i if.- ih.- worth of UjueVcontracted -|'an ; ■Vho ni." ih-^ prodigal,can wafflj i*nrt« \ irmerr. mntl *vn!,iHli yfmniOi'lal store, \flieUilebf lwinder'vaw'f *!*** :i:*i*n»*r !•• b;» -n*« I til rou.-"d h\ deaihiht! wak- Nfi'slc*'! i.oiuore! Say, «liiiM this (lai .Ibf pn^'Mjnw r*c*!^h*H, |*'iii rwi f'tui rarlli-bo^n o»»». «■*'■ '-!|..- snol!me« »l* !..*! ill .III ■!«■ ; *,i'll. di.i--— ■•:«. >r g-i'-l To pl.-a-oiv, .u-tii' ^, -nun stuivs the criuic?

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