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Kingston Gazette, September 21, 1816, p. 3

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Urrv,\ > iry i :'■'• • syji ' roUit,r, wire* ' ti ' '..- dh ; £•» '.1 w-fof i: "'}* »d.'i:"ed ijhi^ a* Ghr.: . flticwc NT.it■!■• .aid a«"d P i-i^non. w-h (rrfiilcd to li rve indei the Ufitrjwr ; and ilv'e ^re M.-nc'-y. win fat- fa hi> rro;k chamber of Pe-n and Si;.:'e . vh ■ A(o efpoufed the taufe oi" lio a- parte. . Thefe paperR are mo^than cdTr.ion- ly interciting We n.ake the following cxtmft'" f"'om thi'm : «' Paris July fj.—Monl'.enr the Count d* Artoia and the DuV.e !e Bern Tccei^cd, to-dny, from the hand of ihr Kh«J« the Grand Cordon of the Legion. of Honor. M Private letters announce, that Gen. Savey ;-nd L'd'.c.Tand have left S'nyr na F t Ferfia. Their ulterior defies are rot k'lowi. -Th~ brother pf Gcneia! Lallemand has been for two months pa<l iti America. "Colone* *1agnier has been acq .itted by the Council of War -:t '.-ai taiiie* 4 Smyrna. June 12 — The French Cao' h R n lerie has j'lll arrived here after inving 'ten forced to than i hi hi* fiiip. The brave OifL-er having ma with t\f-i piratrs had . l*i.art cn^a^e- mcn\ but ii-.Abeinjr 3ble to Attend bun fe'if longer, he threw himfeif into a ftttall j Tvint with his crew, and in fpite "f the cr;emy'i fire, tfcaped. He faved all his money. *4 SpfzzSA* July 3.—Twoveflco he-1 longing to the Enelifh fquachon have put "into on* port i" otdcrto omchufr ai' the Bmmunition that could be f*ippli«*d tu them, and alfo old iron. An jflnp '■tint j expedition, to be undertaken by a!i the J Powers ;#f Italv nuitel to England. *k J Enuch fpttfc^n of It can only he riir etc; \ agai~.it the Barlnry States, and the, Italian* will fi^ht well in fb*t code, f .r Qvery one fhudders with in-.u;roi!uon at Hie name of"the Barbary Corfu?:s. London, July 20. THE WtVPHSR. The contmrnnce of the prf-t'rnt rerv MnfafonaMe weather has [ _?n atterdedi with thr moft baneful effccls in vaiioiif \ pnr?« or |he country. Such a;* inclement fnmmer i* fc*fcelY rvnen cered hy the old?ft inh tbirants of Lop-! rloiiori's environs The hav towards? the Fouthem counties hr-.s broi fo much ; i::jniei by the iaeefFin: fA? :!nt lfav\ Only a't^rnative left to the pro^rsctrtr 1- to o-iimTt if into donjr fc»r manurf The clover :ikrw!fc has futlaincd eqi:a darner*.' v/ith the bay, and has been made : fir f-iine tif^r or" Tue iffX^dM, vultatton from Hoivcs ;'.-:ded to rlml fevere dillrefs to v.'hiVh tl»; count.'y in, Oihenviir ivduce.h lias iiif.iud 111:0 the j runds n< tir pciffc g^ncraJly the grcatC'l | »pi)>chent"ion and alarm It is now to ! b-- feared that not -my the clover and buy I vill rKM<fuVncc the \\\ cfTr^n of the. weather. Hut thai the corn will alio he VrpsMTT.fc*. Net R.—fyf&ttfte£ttM' m sftrrlv -<| from ^* . sconfirnt Hisae- ( .--inf\nf iiH'.cii' ad l Rcenr»s which t*m| Mi-, cthffr^inthc • ight of iho I7rii Ml II p "'j-n- that tho nhappy I'rotesta r nP Again per.secnt^d with the groat •tiry*: disc persons lifirm that the tw¬ in wnssotiudfcd nt SUmfiSj and tin- tlieiieighhouringpeasantry,armed with * .-k" oud vpftd^K) cattte in rtumbci i':'h the horrible cry of " Vivk Lk Sr. .Mt:m:i.MY !" to join in the a»as<;in:i- »10S it: the town. Gonerni la Garde, | how^TCr, to whom the Protestants ar- uud«*r the greatest obligations, succeed- od, by lus wisdom and firmness, in re- foringttranqiHHty. Jt i> positive!v af« .irmetl in Paris, that it ha beeft resclv- '[ in the Cauncil of the Ministors. to briiur. iu i:cr the notorious Trestai!- lon- who u"isarrested«o;nemonths ago. but set at libc-ly, and that orders to that eti'^ct ui"e seat to iVi-mos. [Haarlem Co rant, Not. 16.] Vhmttn Not. 11.—The National flyrtrd* of St. Mamert,Tou^Monle/au Mir Monroe/.a!, proceeded the 7th of ♦Ms n»- nth in the road fcoiri NIsmes to pi'r^onitbelr boraagQ to the Duke d'An- •;:;ulemc. In traversing on their way fhc territory of Calo?<soi» they shouted i Vivn hv. Roi ; A d\;J t.ES Bova- 'vviitls." The inhabitnnt* of Cnlcis- • 'mi bf*lievi«g 'horn clve^ Insulted by rhe*e demonstrations of joy, shouted 0:1 Mioir ;ide» u A ba- lt. !inirvA\ns: thi- >vi*lling on your return mc sl>nlI hav.* more than oOO.M T 3 national gaarcfe, o.) their return in the evening, having d »msnded to bo lodged at Caloisson. Iveause it was r.i^ht. and they cnu-d or ivturn to theirConv»Tiii;:cs* n, tumult ■ttttigtl) in which oue of them, named vlarcel of Montpezal, wiw killed by a ruu 'Uctadiot* aad another national guard was daurro-isly wound* d ir. the thigh. ;i«?Oonas this ev^p.t was known aj Si nm, ScJC-Hum of tha tr^^ps of the iMir, and a brigade of ppMidannwie set out ittih? r.iaciit between the 7th and sth t-^ put a rf«ip (o the disorder. (Sight •t-I'viruials who u-^re poinl-'dout as ffti» principles in this nJfray, were arrested tnd conveyed Jo tht? orison of Ni^nvs. Some* troops now at CaloisKon, both to maintain order, and to guarantee the hhabitantP from the vengeance which then Uhbounn*Communes would 0- h.M-vvisr- taki! for the death of the Roy- •\)ht who has b-"u killed. Brtfsrj.s. Nov. 17.—Tht Ora d ,:o.jvo; of pistares and other articles b"Hnt*i!i£ to B'dii'im. <hU> n 1>T'k from r.i. .Mu.--.uini •»: PaiUs a in fed on tin I5th oi; the fr -ntiors of oifr kingdom. ♦ nuntuli'i'.Hy i';w. onn.;" ihig was di-- silnyiHl vpin ili« fir>l cwtiage, amidt r'peaJ dcri^sof-- LmrgUve tho king oftn? 27etln ria-ttd 11' from eke boUa&on >>f i^iittotml (Jtiards i'ormiog escort- air1 hy^fhe inhnbitanta, who locked rn will alfohe \imr\{ Mtlrs to see the train pis taken it h*fo Ms hmd to m« him- fCT?ouflv injured l>y the heavy rins which: .'his siirht, says an aye-witness, had Utdf income uBwcuro nook of the t-lau<l. out to Canada lia« greatly nib*] sided, jVItHlCr1 !•• -,'U.i.g r.tor. .^ entiiui, rtnd tli i\ isaj»|)dfou(- a .i vivl* g confidence anton^ ie coiii.iKMcial tiisscso^socie¬ ty. The tunds have improved lonr'y oi:e per rent ; consols which were yesterday 62 7-8 •ire to-day 6'i 5-8 A mail from Pland^rs arrived ast nifflit and accounts from ^laitiJ, are said to have beeviffe- cived at Frankfort of a oifisaa- cre of ciiristians(English French and Spanish) at Tunis, on the rirst of Juno. We trust and br¬ ieve there k no foundation fcr this intelligence, and that iT v/il! be found to relate only- to i'M atrocities committed at l\iui», vvhich have for some time been known in tins country. NsfP+TiHlK* S pf* 9. Rurr.our of Bonaparte's escape,—ft Kill be recollected^ that the nnnourt 'chick we published on SaturH'tv. xzus rcrrii'rd at sea from a bchaon r haund to Norfolk- The schooner nr i:rd at Norfolk f>n the "id inst. The Gifitaf** ot: his arrival* communicated the !'ol- l.n\zin<rpariH'ul'ir?, (instatedin the N:r- fdl; Beacon of the 4th :— " Captain Henry Brown*of the -ohr. Clari?cu« arrived h*=-re on Mo; <iis pvc* « * nine, in 15 day** pasna^o from i*Iarlinr irpe—reports, that jurt as he suUed (20th August) A vessel arrh •< tirer-' iV^m liarbadoe?, bringing papers of that p'ace, which announced the arri¬ val thefe of a British man of war, with fhc highly impoitant intelligence thai Bonapnrtp had exeapedjrom &L III"* nai—Captain Brown left por» so iin-- mcdiatolv offer the arrival of the news, that he was unable to obtain a paptr. He states further, in coroboration A ih'» report, tliat several merchants of Martinique had received letters stating j thr F.ame fact." The Norfolk Herald of ths same day, after stattug the report, adds the following hv was of refutation :— u neshall on' y yay tlint we conc"ivr Uach an event impossible without the connivance of iIk- British ^o^ •rnmet»t, which is entirely out of fhc question : ihf report, nererithcless, U not destitute offonr.dation. at^d we sunped will 1)^* found to crrtilt'-nilr a «.»*>\ i( \\ hi* h ca[)t. fhttton tCfavft on !iis arr. /-iI le'i ■ si nhort timeMiiuv from i-iv.%rj ' !;e rcreiTCtl Inniin !i h East IndUaman that had touched o* Si. Helena. H.ial nhiclu fron'i its ev- tr&m^iinprohaihilttv was taken no no- lice of. to wW : t\\r)i Hona^'irto Stir? /ake servic v ^Jlt J An arrival at Bontdtl gives dates to t!ie 23d July inclusive, batciteihgi Mice is not vcrv i mi - porbint. The Dnkc oi'Giou- e'egtet was untied iii wedlock to 5icr R. II. the Princess \!arv .nthe22d. HisHoyal Hf,;i» uess required no supply of money tVom the parliament to support bis dignity ; ilia own ['ortune being a sp!e. b.-rd Ex- •nontii was reauy to ^aij for the Mediterranean with a formida¬ ble Force to chastise the AJg-erinrs, fflsd ether Plralfcs in that cuai Ler. . r- nis arr»7ni h'-n Llvvrpe ;!, widrh ; the coot, of an Rnj{- havc Fallen Should ilie p't.vit w« j fpenther* continnc, the qurn vrs.ll incvj- j fably hi fold, and the eiT cl< of loch a] calannty and at fnch ^ tiirc cannot be l otherwife than rutaons t) t^e farmer;,: ^rndrven to t!»e pcoulc at Urge, T:ie , weather, it wousd fccra, ■*• noc un&a-i fonahle i:i this country only ; f <r we find I si Svvrden nnd manv udlcr J>ar* it has; been equally nnhvouraV.li I '- dtSC'Cnt i part' of Sweden pravvrs .i c oITcad »»p in ! the nou-hes daily to the Deity fra favourable change. We may ad.!, tint ths weather continues had •:"!! ov*,r the routine■-•: ['fae*fituatumof /-/rnciisa is alfo extraordinrry h t!u*refpcCl. S'sn:cthmg rra'i) ^raiin in it ; th-*se e- flirm-^uK carriages containing a4 th; nia-.t. rpiecos af the Kl.-ni-:h school Ij j,}™ fEroidayiy fher * 4owl> proecediiix alnng the high road, I CCss of rock«!!—Sow, i( is quite lik arrcripd2dbvthel>rnvc mrriortwhn |«iaf cfuriiat, 1ms concpftimeat, an Ulni had [nnd uehody cfould (oil \\li;:t hnd hr- I cor.'ie of him, Avh«»:i. after Rr-:tTf!iinq for flu-v found liim in n to. -It hrrua; thorn hark. <o their mtiitro soil. had ?n appcarancixof triumph and <li r— «;itv. and seam to say that the Belgians iver? again become «i nation. The con-j ^ ^--.yi; f:> r.rrivo t0-<lay, the 17th, at tirainc te Oomte. and to-morrow it will ■?nlcr the walls of iirus els. might have be*u taken up thv.- h< r?capcd, and before the truth >va ! n:.\\n (lie main of war before ro«*ntion- f Erped/'i7»»vw i ravcllt'// ^'.—The facility and (von 'invuf traro!Hn*:.p-'-drccd b\ 'Jin inlrodiictiouof sjr-am boats into *<ur waters is tltfitfer of surpri^v and f'lici- (Li'ior.. Rocte^ that lormcrly required tVPfrfefi to trawl. nr.MinM pcrfotmrd in ih'Mt as manv days, with infmiteh snfre pas€ and less cxp^ncc. We have Irrard the remark often mad'u thai cf"arn b -nt- bttc*brought E*few«Vorkt^ •.vithin t!iir* v i..ii;*-of Albany ; and that J \\\? wholesale business of oi:m" Tehant ha* dt'cr?afed in a ratfa proportioTtablr to ftp docr/a-v cfd! ta»uv—the l»u\cr- finding little inci iiTeiiience or delay hi coing t,> th« former to make their pur- ilia-l:S. Tiii* f<Ah trin^ statemfenl rifdlfitahccs litre, frxp'wrs and time of travelling, frotn Philadelphia t*» (Quebec, uill ftilh rilu^nate our remark, and may bo oi .'-v to the traveller. EjWfKf. Hours, Miles. From Philadelphia to iNi'w- Vi»rk, hv ^eam-I>oats and Mac**i *a\ dollari, No .-'»•;)!* to Alhan% bvstram- boat. \lhanv {<: VsT-'irhall. hy sta- % K, fa v1 .*; !o!!-. o.\ji. Bfe«< S dollars Whiteball t» St. Jobn's, o -loa-n-hf.:!'. s;. .TolinV.o SIor»r«*al, Mo;.' -al io %acbect S>j stt"a:n- boat, MX: Thn*a person may ti^v.-l 700 mile< inn little more th:i;i fr.ttr t}*J<y »f art i**pence <.f lifty dollars^ or abot seven cent4 per mile, andaleirp Comfoitablj oa tile way- rJ*he arrival and dep&f- tnre of tlv ^taze^ and »team-bo«»m ar« •o arranv; d thai the ;t!) Vi» rcte may pi" pM-r'-..-m. ci in about five find a half |*-",(V"Ssv • rfay*. and thtf Iraveller tar¬ ry G Lours i'\ A"M-V-*rk. 9 honrs \u .'■:;-a:v. 10 at Wiiitrhnll r.:ul f> fit l.I-n- tnetXK Such expclli<:on in t:.w.-!!i :«: ■• f believe cannol !>•• eqie'lfd in nnj other country on the glnb^« j Alhunu Argus* 10 7 s 0 3 13 24 IS 55 4 or, 160 70 150 :*7 10 21 is'" 47 ItJS (539 I i p."-'-" VT- i t'Qficc Iin!c* and Rc^i^al'f-^, hi;o>>!.roftkx' ^lagi-vat?* in /»':;;- I ?-"..v-)../■->. SlW- IT. %rittxffrom F.vs! tr.d.—Th<viast sai- Hn.s* 'ship Nrxfot\ Ci -t. S;«rlin.-% arri¬ ved this (hy ii> :U d >yw ir -r\ Liv.-p^ol. To thepollts ait -ition ofCapt.Stcr- ^ Wo i rod ?,ir. Thorn-on. (i pas^en^eron ', lho.ird) the editor* of til** L'ftattftrci(t/\ iAJvt'PtUcf ar" tndcbtrd tor London j pnp"M>: to AlhJ- Jd, inolu^iv*, and L";v- .. might iiave- sailed for Barbad *e«." j| <\ 'rf Quarter i*\,*$h)lt& of the Pjace^ .-........................I...... V.Tan-pib d ^ Statin* Uhorofth« ci-_. it it i y-f IVv-w.«tr; - J:i nronorHon of ;t, to I BpvUssi-i.!., July rg. Th^ rrenci* government proceed i;5 o^an»Ki*njtandfncreafing its a^my. It xvasn.zdckaown on t*ie ^;h tj the a^- fenibled tr 'O - at Lifle, that the reg <mer*t of cftirdffiers, dragoons, and ches- 1 cfpvnd pipers tot*:-* saTie due. feuri. were to he tnsrrase.*] v/iih one } L»>rd ExMlOllth sai'»C<l fcOfDEI fqoadf'vn ndh Each leMnawntt) |prtrt?.mouth. on Ins expedition leeton is alio to have a np\v battalion, j ., ., t l ,. Thr m«;rmr.« for the v my «f rccup- |t« Alters on tie rtlnrmne of lion arc kept confian*"y HIM, and the it .fcrvicein ihi* icfpeft i> performed with j in soiV.e of the Loivion papers. extraordinary punctuality. •5 * 1.(0 Algiers on tUe rtmrning the-^jtti of July. If is stated Si;- Rqbftit Hall and Cap1 L^hlier, ivB Jne Uoyo) Ncvy. arrived in townon Viomlnvla?t. T:ie\ were«aluied b\ the &.;; shipping' at the Navy \ ard. 0// ffiavdfi0 lust the »iP» Srt:.4M liovr FRO'XTBNJVarrived in th; iwrb'sr from Ernest 7V.;\-?. ACfird^erj //;/* r// ////» Kwg*$ n."c fV$iarfy (f.r- 'iwrlji J. hors'nh's^ Etfj.J mailing for Hamburgh, July !C Exfrafi of a letter from Faris of july t. Sit Sydney Smyth proceeds in hi- philanthropic exertions far the abolition of Chriflian fiavery in Africa. He has poblilhed another letter from a correfpon- dent at Algiers, in which among other things, it i» Hated, that the firfl nego¬ tiations wltli the co-mrundnpt of th<- DlUch fqnadron were hrok - n off, becaufc j that on his arriyal in the Med- itterrancanj Iiis iordsiitp \fouU l>e joined bv t!te Duth and Am- criean squadrons. We presume hov>ever, that this statement, at [ieasl m far a« it relates to the j Asncrican squadron, wili prove to have been entirely incorrect. It is said that a wither reduc¬ tion is contemplated in the Bri- ucr Machinery. land was united to France ; that the Dry had provided large prcfen:s for the Porte, to keep the latter in good humour; that the whole military force of Algiers did not exceed 8ooo men, &c. LoNim*- July %?• On Thnr^uay next f he Conrt nill S<* "mto mourning -?or tnr Q icon of Porta* gil. On the rtr^t of An-nM t\\*- mon»- Btng will hnchaug.'dj and ou the (ourtJi ©f the ^aaic nioiitit it nill tcra^^a'.e. the Dutch fefufed all the n.rc,,, rf K.^ ^g C-stablishment. ^oieforthefimc dnrmR wb.ch Hol-| Thc N,ij)au| xyQi% m mi% terminated in March iast Thc treaty of p<*ace between the British government ami I lie 11a- j jail of Nepaul was ratified en the 4th of thai month. London. Aug 3. The alarm in this city res- pteling the armanients ^'Oing From thc ZhjKtrcul UvralU Sept. 14. Last week some of our Journals stated that the Earl of Seikuk liad made prisoners, the lion. W m. M*Gi!!ivray, and other viirtnetvi of the "North, \Vent Company at Fort Wi.ham. Subsequent informaton couiirms the rep-ut, upon which we shall at present raake no com¬ ment. Wo are sorry to learn that a ruiuor is in circulation, stating that a canoe had been upset, on LaUe Superior, a few leaguesabttvc the f-rl-s of St. Maryland that Mr. Kenneth \M<enzie, a partner of the North YVesi Coivpany, and 1 or 8 otherpers^nt, perulicd. Two of the bodies, it W said, were fount I. v*,..;ir. - ' *: pmporHon of it, to beaepropriatt'd "> thaflburpese. 2d! Toot paths of right foot to br l<*\'t each A,y' $tthe«froeta **'^ fcel of irh:"tj.ls tobr jtavpd ^tth 3a1 5top.^. ■!:.n -'iMid [• ■■:.-!■ ptan< ,: n-t f"*.- eoninis, n;;dat certain equal c!i*&i;H*69 along til., ^(p-'t if necessary ". tiusexpencfi^ t^ b'x d 'frnyi-d o?;t of the rstfW to he l.'vird for thatpiirp saonthe i'liinbi- ^d. ?vo Wai^L Tioihpr. Sione or r.thcrTnnt^t:nts to ho h •! in the rtr"*jts Hum forca,.. i.. i.v-. 10th. No p-rson shall be ;i,i vV ,1 to build chimneys of word aod ^ . oi pena !) of Knrfj shillings, and hi obliged fo pullitdc\rn. II!.1.. ,,\ »y iio^ running \-\ fhc Rtreet> *?ril I impognd id and Mif pe¬ nalty Jrrfp. agreeably to t»: • Stat¬ ute. isth. Thfi. Ratchers are a'l'-w-d until the first of May if 17 to reraorff theifMAn ntor-houpps rvjl f tmvii:— that a.t if that period, bwtchen ^vhd hall be found hiilii:-' srithia the town, rfwllpayi l-ner- r^i*. -hilling for everyScrfstheshAl foltitf. uth. TheCJeri cf t&c Marketshall have the market hcu,e swept erery1 af^rrtoon, and also see that tUfe spacer under the eres of the nrfrket to b k'[A 1 \ th and everv per on rofuMii lh remove tilth and dirt w?»;ch fhov r.ay lura caused, shall pa) a fine 01 1 tfh* Any person ofF-Mid'nij ogair:^? the abc;ve rales and resalatinns mat be prosecuted before anyone eftbeOm* mi'Mo-vrs appoint;ilb-. the A<rf. A'id, if convicted on the oath of one credi¬ ble witness cr on hj own confession : Ifthepenalty shad! not be imm^dtad iy paid, tht-y-hni| b" L'v'kmI, fcgdtherwiifa the i:<wtsaad cl^ar^es, h) distress and ate oftbeeift'-ndert'1 good, and eliatt :« by Wkrrsni under the bMxxi and • ?al of any one ofQio^aid Commnsionprs: one half oftheponalt) (o go to thc inform- •r; iho ahvr haifto the Xrca^arer of • h s I)i strict^ for ih/* crff of tb** town. Government Sale, "^ trf--L be Ibid bv pirbKe m&iovT % T at the CommiiTariat Stores at KLingstonj on rCESDAYjheSH'Qet. IS1G, Large quantities of Blankets, Clothing, and Field Equipment^ And amongst which 'he foW'^cng are more particularly defcribedt Soldiers Great i oats, Do. Trov/scrsj- Blankets, Haversacks, Caaip Kettles, Tents, different description?, Pistols, Bill Hooks, Axes, Shovels, Spades^ Oii C!oth.s3 SJieeting^ Knapsacks, Car.ndsan MocMitiS; The fair to begin at 1 x o'clock on each day, and to continue until the \rho!e v.il! be difpofed of Payment to be made on the tdelfvcrV of the ariicle« fro.n the King's Stores Khi+stoTt, 20th Srpt. 1816. 26 Midland Disfriti, 1 t r:*K f. C^irrt o£ to wit: y JL Genfr-d Quar¬ ter SefTt'iosoFthe Peace for t!ti« J n*t.i..% will be ho*den at the Court Houfe u the town of K.(Ogaton,"on Tuefday the Sth day • . Oftobcr.at the hour of ten oVock in ti'ic fo'.tnoon : Therefore, all JufticcS of the Pc?!'*e, Coroners, Con(lv'ib!e&, ?rd al! other Pesce ofnee-p, as vreH ac thniV tJi;:t hnv« any hu&i&fs to trsnfeft at Ixid wept for irntnediate boWmjri, and poort, an-hw*y required totaken^ice CIIa RLEG'STL ART, 5/W^: Skrffis Office* Sept. zo, . *6 t^ *;v Frw* aiid t:i*» surplus to be r^ra< #wl as soon R$thp bnilding is (in;-htMl3 on H10 penalty oftw«:rt) rtiiliinjia. •}^h. Mo Firo-woou (o be piVd in the street*-.nor empfyrasks. ca-i:> or boxos, rubbish or lillii Of any Kind to ■ bo left or thrown into Hie streets ex- cpf tot^c immediately removed on tiic penalty of five shillingH, and if not car¬ ried away in forty-eight hpar33 the fi;r- rjin>um of iiv<- shillings. fth. Carts and (.'arnijes !r*f( in t'i« strr('ts, shall be arranged alon* the sides U\ a reglaT manner on the penalty of five shillings* fifh. No person shall raco rr r»*n horses in the street on pesialt} of Five vhsllin"-. 7th. livery inhabitant householder shall have, otfe or two ladders, to asretld to the roof ofhis hoiwe, and the same [ number on the roof in pi'^p^rtion ro ! the size of tlie house, en the p •;""'} .>f Five shillings forevory ne^lact [ f"|'lMEfobferiberretufna btbeft Ebanfec ; _W_ to hi- cnilomers for p?il ftivo r\ I and would inrorrr them that he has taken! Mr. Confidtf fflillhtoh asa partner iurLe SADDLING & HARNESS BUSINESS. » ; On Just gainrdav EvGBtBS T-Tp particularly requefls ai! perfons in- drbte ! ro him to m?fce immediate pay* meet ; and thofe who have any dcrrizn^9 ageinft him ?.rc defired to prefent them fc payment before the fit It day ^Oftohcr. A. N'liiGALF. Kingston* Stft. 2 X, 1 £ 16. 1 '-n-^ .i Pocket Book, CdNTAl\TI#VOpapera»doaWc M the owner, ha-, been obiaine-itroT; ,^n Indian.— I'he ownrrmav have it b* 8th. In eveiy case where a chimno^* paying for this a it$rrt>firntnt anH -1' shall take tire, the oeeij/.. r oft': | money paid the I ^ianf^r jfiving it nn. .caseshall paja iuu of Fort* ih:l-j j Arny w Vfr, ^f^.

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