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Kingston Gazette, September 21, 1816, p. 2

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mem FOREIGN. • t • • • • ■ - > . • • > ■ « » I t ]an '• and houor*. The Lacedemonians ex •• 'fed ifaeittfsWei willing to receive j thcrnuron their >*n terms, and theyj vrr*e irrdnced to thi° 36 veil from Other 1 co >fi.>ei.>ti •-., ;••= bvcaofe the Tyndari }x had (■»}}*><] in i»ie \r«y«v. They accord- Jnplv -i^.T-'fed the ' Vnyrc among hem, afPrfn. -I ifomlairi* and diftribtited tbejn am ng their tribes. The Mi»ysc in tv um parted withilie w-imen wh--*m hey ha' brought from l.emnos, and eoo-j ne&cd themfelves in marriage with enh.-rs. _ I " In a very fhort time thefe Vfinyre b^ca^cdi^miriiiihed for their intemper¬ ance, nuking themfelves not only nan^ous from their ambition, but od""U* by their vice* Thr- Lacedemon¬ ians conceived their enotmities worthy of d;nrh, and a.'cordi rgty cad them hto pr|mi. !ti-ro be remarked that this wfmt; j'::fl:cl cip;tal puoffhmenta by fligb*, nevr by d-*y. When things ve>v in t\ is Situation, the wives of the piif n'-s \v!u were natives of the coun ?rv a d the daughters uf the principal Citizens f 'licited pc-mifiion to vifit their huihand- in confinement. As no ftr*; .1 j-i n wa f. if peeled, this was gran'.cd. Tlv v\;v:s nf the Minyas accordingly ertt'T-! the pri'on, and exchanged drfs- .7vS 'v:>'; il. ::r husbands. By ills artltjk %ihfy 'Jf -'.v/ thaf escape and again tsoh j fsfige on ififiittt Tuyr-fiT " J Ii i> more th»n probable, that thet lovely madams Ltrrataie nevsr heard cfj vrfun wii d^-e by ihofc wives of old si j&iid ••*' io irii'. is it trnt th-re is nething r,~v, .,, ,i-^the fan —JAfbejbe* the btw- bands in dying to Mount TaygeUls, wctej afidcil hv io.re fu:h gf^erovis fpirr.s a** J3vucC| Hutchmfm sed Wilfnr, does ©vtnyptar- If they were, the coinci¬ dence -vould be ftil! more 'complete If! fee!; had beca the fa£if I do n<'-t believe thai r i countrymen of 1 eonidas and p3u; \ »Ub would have punifhed them as | cri-ittix* h is certain that the Athe- piaw aded on a different principle to var-^ die man i:i whefc bofom the dove HYDROPHOBIA. ^t Urdina, in FniiH, a poor manj living under the frightful torture? of the! •-?yd-oph.>li-% was cured with fome ihv hU of vi .-ear, given him by miitake inftead of an tber p wion. A Phyfician of P- a g.-t i-tdligtnce of tb'a event at U ima, and tried the fame remedy upon a p.iffent at the hofpual. adminiilering t" him a pound tfl vinegar in the rnornlng. another at noon, and a third ai fiin-fet, and the man was fpecdily an^ pcrfe&!y cured i ro,i THE KlSGSTdS &JZBTT& v I T> the Members of ike niOVlNClAL PARLIAMENT. Gks■,rf^v/;.v, \ privatr* individurd, un- known to iwo t o( yo.u begs leare t- address you on a subjr«'t ofgeacr .'oiicfni, in which he feels no other than a oornmwn interest. It b no'-v mcr.' thaM six moths sin:■■- ■ iv last ^ssion of t\\^ l/^gislat tp clos- -d. Bsit the nets passed ai tiiaf scfsioti n;i' \ bo.Ih vo, not \vt oubliMird. Thoso .'v*s tmlrss s!veial'> limited a* tefhrir •.-:-»monr\"tne:;f, wnit into eHVcr, a> .j*-,',;i at tli'- cIom* of H»e session.------- \\ Hat proTsftj<*o had bocn nvdo for tI}C;r'pubncatio;u or who e duty it is ro «ec it df>*ic- J know n-t; nor ho«j|^ a smalt:! io a lupror circle, or commu¬ nity, until ii heC«l»B3 euifcflj i" a whole Town or Provinro. S^jj lecftl pecultaritiGS of language Iiavi flirnish- cd many subjects of criticism aud sat¬ ire. Thus the haliitual and almost pro- nufCQons itso of the word u ±ne$s" in New Rutland, l*aa Ion,; hern a stand¬ ing theme of Aatirieal remark. in almost every place, trnv*||rrs oh- serve some rant phra-ie ^ouen»iiv U ed. without being noticed by people ac- Ctjnfomed to it. [n Kingston5 for in- -tae.ee, there is one, v. hieh, \\\\ot pecu¬ liar to this tmvn, la consider: t b) ob« serving travellcrsto be more ^rcvalctlt herethao in other places. i*t is the phrase, u nuu knoze" which i. ottered and echoed in;! repcatftd by n?tnost ev- ory one, ar.d form-:, ir.il'od. a ven coivid'M'nblo proportion of t|t» narra- tire style of some c^eies. [t i-: as "".rrent in conv T-atloii. forsuall talk. as copper coin W forsTrall clungo in trade. Ne matter Vhat tlie topic is : nSMO.t every sentence is iflfertardod ivith thla f-iv.-nte phnue. ]\ r^latins a pkeeof fresh news, which the nar- rritor is sensible you uever lk»ard be- fores he will fcUyou, **$&n Icwm** and, as he proceeds, feeep i^p»aiing, at] nlrhost evciv breath, 6fc ymi fcnottJ* " j/on know Sir." When I wtfd " <d- mostf C"rr,i brculh" \ vXpV* .d m\- LONDON, JUiy l6. An article from PetcHbtitgh llatw, that the Ruffian Cnnt had concSaded a| Treaty of Alliance with the United] State* of America, one of the article* of j which it 13 faid, guaranteesto d«.former the pofieffioti of two port", in the pjci&c Ocean. If the latter part of ihe hVe- meut nreans any tiling, wc fuppofe it rowU allude to fome facilities or privileges gran¬ ted to Ruffii on the part of the Amen can territory. The Emperor of Ruffi-i is gone to Pe- terhoiT. Iiifi lumimrr lefidence : it is his intention to vifit the fleet at Con&adt. Moic Ma iras Papers have arrived from the end of October lafl to the end of Ja- j nuary. From the affemb'ement of an! army at Elichporc, and of the Britiilij contiiigfrnts at the courts of Poonab and ; Hj'drabad at JeOlna* ferfous holii'ities would feem t<» he expected frufti fome part of the Vhh-atta States ; for thefe armament* coi^d not be intended to co¬ operate with that under Sir D. Ochter- lony, ntt ihe Nr-rth-Easi frontier^ Sinking Fund.—A paper has been p-inte.1 by order of the Houfe of Com. nions, which contains the certiticare and declaration of die C»>mmifl|oners for the rediiQionoftfce N:-»ticna! Debt, ftattng the amount of Ciipitnl (lock purchafed or transferred up t" the 14th of J;ine, 1816 Capital deck, total amount 3fc8i539*3j°A los-' 7^*—Awouot -^ Funded Debt by and prior to 3 jth Geo Pom fhtpiofwa/. fn \\$ {n^t cy or Lout? the Fourteenth' nwalpaft, er, :'ic Barter) corfairs iofeftrdthc life diterraaoao, £'<d drew on them th? ven* peance of th-v* mooarch. It wa* 01 r... e. CLIO. ro*'k P *. I muft add to my letter otif* i ether *;woi3tJc-o It i: t!;c firft ftanza of; J.H.-lUron'j. beautiful little piece on tna-J c rr.-.' ! avalette. Let Edi.iburgh ciitics o'erwhelm, with their praifes Tlitfir Malane de Stael, and theJr fam'd 1/KphmTe, Like 1 m*tcof at beft, proud phiiof >phy blazes An i -he fa!>e of a wit is as brittle aa Bot thtefhigVthe beam and unfading t* e ';»'eiiaot Of -hv torch, wedded love I and it never ha vet fihoi c v ;th luflre m ire holy, more pure or m -.r* t n ' r. Than it died* 00 il.c name of the fair Leva ctte. AN ESCAPE SJ/rtiJiZr to that of Lavalelft* "When C vades, king of Ptrfi?, was Jarnrtfoned by hi" fobjefts, \r\ ennfe queore <f the odious uft he made of his a»ih • i'y, 1 lie queen carried htm what* Cvcs he flood in need if. but without Obtaining permifTon to fee him. The e f5 tr» f y whom he was guarded, hav¬ ing c nveived a paflton for Iier, gave her leave to write to her husband. She then Jequ* fled that ASe rr;ij;ht be allowed to vifit him, but the jailer to thi* favor at¬ tache.1 certain conditions. The queen inflamed her husband, who defired her j to fl :rer ^ ;:affion which might be of f» much utility to them both. Sir r:t tad, Obtained hn interview, in which Cavade.*- learned thnt a f.iiti.ful friend, named Sefufc*,l>ad ii. readtnefsa body ofguardaa vho as fo n a« he fhotlld make his clcape. vrcoSd accompany him whercvef he ir.i^ht think proper* In corrfequence flfthi precaution the OfeeflEiry meafurcs brinjr cencetted, the queen dreffed her- fe!f in the kiug'a cloihes, and the latter cfcaped inihedref- of a female. The qusep revalued a prifouer, and w^s treated ralh*r with Ceverfty than clem clky.—London Paper* A n:<w way to Breai Tottng Hot's*;- A refpr&nola farmer In the county of M: idlefix, had a y finvj borfe, which it %';■* nliou'.-ht impofubie for him to hrcifc Cj tue carriage. Aftei trying nil the mem* which could be d< vifed without tiled, he thouohi of the following finiM-lar method ; he loaded a fled with rails, fnfficient for iwo oxen to draw, fct ..•laced it in a ploughed field,- aoout 300 yards from a piece of rich grafg land, and pur his hr.rfe to it, pulled off the triple, and told him to draw h to the gmftor ttarvo." The horfe rcfolutely jefiifed to draw for three days ; but on Xh fourth heftaner], looked back( aud then ftirttd again, until he reached th- fp&j W&erc he began to feed f this he cnrrhl :— r wc~iut wait for nn op-j oorturdiy of i-nd;ng the acts. la otlfr .,. yenrc, rlo, t!: printing oTthi'Slit' "itrs ef the year !:avhoen» rmctimus de- -:i -*r-l. Williotii, however, ffoin«haeT* 1 to f r-ner tvn~K< lot US C tasider tiic ■Kvschf rendition cf the I:ri-rinee.— n»c*ru an? no means of harnin^ what th 3 U\\\:- -.~r. Erarj prof vional! men c'mu'I i.ifiTm u*i. Law i« a Rci- €ucecliflicuil c?"tfgh to fcs andcTttoodj in its':; t fctul of pro'.nuUath-n. But ./.ihonl any publicatjou t»»-r 11. ourStat- ! ulr* Bf} inn more ^hj?r*i -)nab!o -tate,| jin thi; re-pect thin thi floman edicts, I ■ndtfr some of-tlic-ir Einp toi-. \\ inch,l though ro^uii'-il to be formallyntiHlbh- • edj were written in smnll lettors, aod j pr" t d t:p. or. pillars, so hi;h as f.« be illegible to passengers. Thai mode of ptiblishing, ov rather of concealing 'lie imperial edicts has always bucn rep- • 1.«ii d, hh Ia> Miiiie crifeHy. And is] •or any unrea-cnab!*:delr. v in promid-' caUn^the lawMj equally injurious, a!*' thougli wot if-f;*iiti ■nnlly cruel ? So\ ;)_M><mi.; petmittod to plead igooraoccf oU!n»r common of htatut" law, in! ;iv«! r>r cw»ninal eases. This maxim.; however h-rd in sor.-.e instances* i-> in-1 d:-pensibl2 : for. if such ignorance. ■\en« to excuse any traosgr#$^ioDfi. or* nullify orvryouy bari^tiin,there '.vould b: no end to excoses ; the law could; lever be carried info execution, and there would be little seeurily in eon-1 tracts. Uhdi r this necessary maxim,' then, of juri-prudenec, the inhabitants j of the Province arc, for 613 month*, and hov much longer f know not. ub-. j:*ctd t .• the operation of laws, rffect- iTig their proper;/, their rights,, aud perhaps their Ktos, without J any moans of tnoiring whattho<*e lawpj arc. Is this right ? 1« itliist, as it re-' !f 0 litth? (r.e tron^lr^as «il!app arijjj1- c* r4; 284^1^7,773/ 175.7^!.— ointhefonowir»^circumstante* forill'^hu? making the excef.^ redeemed of wi h to keep stritfly with in <h- bound-11*4 3^**556/. tz% n]d.and of annual of truth. A few weekc a&os I hud a Jjtntercft 139c/ 6i. jd. — In30year« from hot with an intimate friend, that lids 1 trie firft cliabifliment by Mr. Pit'., in fashionable expression wi :i'f! be re- T78& there ha* been redeemed %>{ the penfr-d as rd'ie.i a; once a min ,(e in a j' Debt, above ^oS. rco.ooc/. of Capital company of ladies and g^ntle^en, &*-j Rock ; ;md of inicrtlt, 9,337,000/ pec*>d to ?ii""t. that evmir-. My\ The fiWy report, that the world is to friend- who had ft pencil tn 1 > pock-(jhe at at» end on Weduefd.y next, hax r. undertook fa mack the avmb^r off he^n circulated at Paris as well as Lon- times for cue hour. Up'»n - "jntinir j (dan* and every other j>aitofth_- contl up his murks, whi '"• Me n tird. they anv 1 nt;.d to ij!J>--.-v( n cv.tY. ^o tha' 1 frif4 ray bs>t. tvh*»flit*r tlwi is tin- usual avera;;c rtfe. o:i co^nroon occa- sionfi, fam unabl* ti rlncide. ff fh# readorwill take the tf.mbte cf lu*i»J in^iui account, in som« ciu-'.r. of hi* own arjuainiMtv, he can form an <?*•• timate fw hem^if. & stronger fvom C'.nnc^ticiit, upon his antral iinthi» fo.vn. not lon^sinrc- netlt Trie repot had its origin in tiie appearance 1 fthc (on ;*t preteot ha^luy fome fpot* upon it- I)n; . Thefe fpots, ■Ywaajfaid, announced the fperdy *rx- tinftion of tf:is Inrriiarv. and con'Vj qnent'V tiie end of the world. Dot idle a** litis rumour i$, wr fee with rain that it has been attended with a fatui tff- fc# in this country. Onu poor aea tore has been driven mad by it, aud put an end to ber exigence. <Il«f occ^fron that a young man, named Barnard Remud, who had newel feived on fea, and whole genius the great C,,* bcrt had drawn from obfeorky proj. f. edtolhe Council the couitrueliofl of B(.mb vcflai«f to aft again ft v/lgi^rs.— The propnfition was at firfl tidiculcda bat tb.e Kiog encouraged the young cnl ffinecr* and picparations being made, he was feot out with the celebrated Da Qjene. to fuperintend tl^ performance o| iiirt i.wn fuggedicn. Th<- cnterpri?.c comoileti'ly fuccceded ; Renaud wai honored for his de!lruft:ve invention ;-^ and the //'ererinei fent deputies to Vcr. failles, to fnlicit pardon and peace. y/liie of (clegraphsis ercdti g on the French coaft: ; and, it h faiJ, in private letter?, that, fecMStlyj means are taking to increale the army. The Funds have advanced f/ith'n tlirfe few dayK ubio:it one per cent: tiie roon. ey market is improved ; neffdelation J, in coufeqoerjce, moreeafily elTedcrd ; and generally, we hope, there is a returning confidence amt'Ujj the mercantile clafTes offocieiy. \ A fcries of 40 National Medals, coni mcrrtor^'ive of the triumphs and a.-lifei- rnents of British valoi during the kit: war, <*rc preparing. We 8re happy to fay her Royal High- nefs the Priticef^Charlotte wa> Co much better ydlcrday, 23 to go out in her car¬ nage, accompanied by Prince Le^puid. There wi'i be fonje advancement in the Peerage, and a fmall batch (f n» Peers, before the hdxt mectjOg ofFllfr incut. The Duke of Clarence i« reeovcrrd from his indifoc.fuion. and came to Loo- don jrcfterday Vi pay his rcfpecls to the Prince Recent- The folhiwmg coxrtparauve receipt fbrthe quarter ending J"'y5 2 S 15 and 1S1 Si has been publifh^d : — Excilc—July 5,1815 £%4S6ti$o 1816 3,03s. 8o: Coftoms—July 5, i3i; t»ot">.37>r 7^7 '47 lucidents—July 5, iSt 5 3*$X*-V° 1816 3,020 ?tf nWycivU, th: cnn?rnmc.Urd i/^ell « Paris, J^y tr..— \n QB*gt of much.p.ave- :.tJ ttt^.iW| ...1. | Cuiraflic-- arrcft^d in th.: C'n ouf'el ai beingdtspo«t'd 10 HMMilHrnvii,').;irr;r^OfTrc;,wl,o held ahufivfi l»n after licann*; a prvti't mth'wlinm h '|;»cv*e in rtJpcCl to the perfon of the vras con vermin. say, as 11 ual, k v rul [\ K'ws f:mn*» ^1!"" "vv, .;-.' nprhdlikr a * i»-| I = A French fin'o has ^t'-red the tune homebrew Ymt^H "Sir, ll«-T port of MarfciHe? 5 <V-c of the Batba- p.-plc of Con;.(.ctjcutj it is fm^ ,KtVl. :!..;3n.g fHpte* had cii.-fjd her frnm Ttu.i- thennmcol !)■ ;,tJ pr,.n{. w«!l i:,!';.rr.:-. ti Sindinia* but dediued tl'.e piif fun Surr.ps—Jjly 5, iSiy 1816 1,042,307 *.vh-n (h* herded the white Sag-. <; I;i fpitc rf »hc had weather, whi h has c^ntinuei for fome vreeKs, the re¬ ports frr-W t!.e c^unt'T of::r n-> feai * for .. \... 'd? I>ok Wtjtm Kd; bud ffwuwwo don'.' btmriwrv! tiling a.- you .rrn1 fo Mi].po^. J.-V' my parr, Iron tcnf.ss i doti'l k.mn I Mallei wluit}SUTS8v [ do." ili.sfV: nd J apolo^iNed; ^nd. for-o^yal Reiitaii- {thehanr*ft s cornfiaa not fuflcred, an I ee-, caatiddf^ avoidr-d th- coippii- n..ntan phx«l« : b.-t scon related in¬ to htehabTtoal ^odeof vxpns i.m :— when b^ttc»\Trsiiathana srippo4og he mcanttoboiu,„jt.a!. cr,.„ KC.W^ an<] angrily rotort d; « fgwc-i i m n*i such a qb^c*! ^. vo" fake rne(t> b<*. bv your pre-..*fii& h, tellinir mo. m m'y tb <4 The KinR has named f >»!•• r*f-*he National Guards of Ly.:na, Cheva'.eiv oftlie Legion of Honor, for their ac¬ tivity during the Lite affair at G>cno hie. » Itf' Libert Gallatin, MfnMer Ple- nfpotentiary of the United States, hu> liudrr such circumstanced. Hence a iiabitoiVvision* of inoxeeution of laws,! insubordination (o authority, and di^-1 respect for government. 1 ^ i would not impute blame to the La-! gfekture, or any otfa r department of Government. i-V^m causes unknown to me.the delay, however anfortttoat •, ~; h? accidental, or perhaps inerita- Ue. If if bs really impracticable to hate the Statutes annually printed and dis- tribut-d at an earlier period ef the /ear, it is seriously recommendad to ;>oiir eon«id'jration, whether, upon moral as well *< political principles. there should not be a ciau*o inserted in e.Tch net, sosponding itr. operation ■uifil a day so remote as fe> admit an in* termediate publication of the act. In the exercise of that right, which, in a freft ^ovrrnmeut, erorv subject enjoys of expressing with candour and decency, his senfimvnts on a matter of public-concern, these hints arc respect- fuliysubmitt'-d, by, Gentlemen, your unknown, fdkw subject and humble servant, caudex Fan the KtxasTox Gazxttz. that rhe^iuh-.ian did nor mean toaf. fn nt iiim, but nu'f [.^^ ;u tiiaf 1>rir_ ticu'.ar phrase, to iill Dp Irs ceuver.a- thing more ««Mulble to sav. f swniwH him. J thonghl dlj.jrnfi',': and thrtftho gentleman, of m horn hehiwlriitortaittcd such a succession of opinions, was .1 man of tfood sense, lltvral cdttcafhm. & onal&efe-d p-d!Mvss, but h.d,:ni>i- beda habitof CA'pressttin, which was common throughout ihe f<ron. ^ Jtj s:vms, th.Mi, said the y;.ukev, by ^|-m you now tell me, li.ai vW KinrJ..u folks f*y, Mj^i Xv/^:^" they mmn ao mere than Jack Tar does by sayhs *« Damn my ey«S,w though he really intended no such thi.w. \\'ht.u { „'n home, aud tell our Connecticut p"o- ple, what a que*.r fimUog <>f talking I o i u hare in Kingston. Every person is apt to have certain words and phrases, which, from acci¬ dent at first, and afterwards from the ore; of habit, he uses and repeats. without noticing the frequency of the I guess thev'll ash/' Gentle reader, before weprononnce snntenet* of ri.;.cule upon this rfra»jp?r, lor his Vnnl yism, let us consider whether his gfj la ««f passing i- \n r?_ ality more ridiculous than our. *f kno&ing, whi.c!i appeared to hlui so *iueera fashioiu of tajkin?, ADDISON. Blank Deeds and Memorials, For Tulle at this 0£cc qua pears thar our Couit does not wffn to be a mere fpectator of ihe event* which ere about to occur in //fries. An article from Napier i^tes that a fquadronof the pirntes were ettaefced by a Napolt'tHii fiup'of the hue and two frigates, and were defeated. One of the Rp.rba*-y corfairs was fenk brfjrc Cnlct:a- •/difpatcli from the Bntifh Vice Con- ful at Trapant, in Sictiy, gives fome fur¬ ther particulars of the maffacrc at Bona. It appears that this mailacre iva^pcrpe- tratcd, not by an unknown mob, f^ut bv a part of ihe regular military force, which maneuvered, upon a public fig- pal, (a as to fecure the v;iti.r.c. Tiie reafon pnbliciy alfigned for it wasi that j the Dcy had made a treaty, by which he gave up the (taple traffic of the country —that in prizes and Have*. Can we expect that any treaty tending to the fame object will be obferved ? Hfc Royal Highncfa the Duke of Cambridge U arrived in town frorri Han¬ over, lr io irnderftood tltat the mar. |ri?^e of the Princcf3 Mary with the I Duke of Gloucester Was delay. I till his i arrival, ihcrr being a particular and af- | fec^ionate attachment, between the roy¬ al brother and lifter; It is a remarkable hiftor»eal fitQ, that '/Jgierft, again ft which fuch formidable prep bou Januorig are now* making fa our har- | rS IV«4 the firft town that cxj.eri-! enced the dreadful effects of bombard- T r;.l deficiency for a qr. 2>.' jv. -28 Sf. Chaatry, Sculptor,and Mr. \Vy. 'tt, both r- ■ k calls'of Mr. Shcriden^ face, in plaifer of Paris, ftortlv ?fterh;g drafh. That .f Mr. Chantry is for, burf!, to be executed by ordvr of (fie coavx ittcf of Dniry Lane Theatre. The quantity of filver currency mvr in ci culniian, i« truly aiionifhiag; £v. ery reta.'lc. and banker is fibfolutely op- prefftl With it. W€lat*^ho!y accounts are rccievd from all parts of the Continut, 1 f ^ unufual wetnef* of the feafon ; bfprop, erty, in Ci>nfcqnrnce, fw<pt .-way hr tnundation ; r-nd frretrievab'y vhw done to the vir.cyards and ce>rn crniw.— In fever?! of the piovicces in Knll-jfl.* the rich gri& lands are all under w.-tes and fcarcityand high prices aii ear.ml- ".v apprehend 'd and dreaded. \ lea * from Prankfbft, dated June 3**, ;»iVj thr follo^ving rel ifioa of rhe devaluing effects of a ftorm on the 28th !—M A tremenduous hurricane can fed noil ex- ceiTive niva t« nw'ar Vibbel, three leagoo from Frankfoit ; the rcofs ia fomeph- ces were torn fiom the houf-s, fome ^oiidingfi were entirely dettroycdi a-A above 4C0 fruit trees tdrn du bv the roots. The bail lay two feci high iii the Irretts and /lelds. It was f) dark that it was neceflary to light candies__ The continued rai.i in the nttffhborhockl does vnft damage. The new mown li?» 13 rotting1 on the ground; anJ paid* wc foon have dry weather, the Ratirtirqr corn ii likely to (hare the fame fate* lie vines look well, but cannot b! /f.;'t fur4 want of warmth. All the riv-.r* ai.d Ilreams are fu fwelled, thct many roilfa cannot work. The oldeft people r!o not remember the Maine fo high Nr (ticll a long continuance as this feafon. Th* confeqtiancc of alllhis i^increafingdear- uefs of ptovifions." London, July 19. The Paris papers of Mond:; anc Tucfday lafl. are arrived. Twelve of the netf Marlhals, among whom arc Moc- cey, Juurdan, Mortier, M^cdondd, (>'• dinot, Sucliet, Gouvion, St. Cyr, and Kellcrman, tool; rhe oath of allegiance before hi* Majefty, hft Sunday, in h» Gabinet council Thn oath enjoins then to prcferve flrict difcipline in the arm* —an examination into the rnndurW the MiHtaiy—-and the preventionnt-'Mf kind of oppreffion or inolejlation to the people. The collection of perfon:^e» who went through with tfai» ccrtmou/

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