Wanted for His MAjEsrra SERVICE, 1,000 Bushels PEASE, 500 Bushels Oats, W Tons IIA F. The whole to be delivered into the Comriufrartat Magazines at Kington, "■»v the cartiest practicable period. Tenders for the above fupply will be eteived at this office* Commissariat Office, I 3 Kingston, 2±th 'jane, 1816. New Goods. For Sale, Or to Let, For one or more years, a very valuable Grist ami Saw MILL, In jjnod repair, fimated at Thurlow Sc immediately by the town of Beltcville. For particular^ and to treat for the fame apnlv to Thomas Coleman, Efq. the pro- pnetor. Several Town Water Lots upon the bank * of the River Moira, for fa!e. A good Miller and Sawyer wanted St Hevilk,August, 23, 1 816. 12 TH E Subfcribers, having received by the late arrival;*, offer for falc -*n be Weft let msfor £afli at their Stores :r\ Kingtlon, cither wholefale or retail Cloths. K 'rfryrneresj Fh-nnels, Flomtaxette, Bnmhazenes, Men & Women's Hofisry, Irifh Linens, Dfapers, Toweling, Sattfnj, Luteltrings, Blue and white di¬ agonal Sarfnets, Levantine Silks, Ribbons, Laces, Footing, Ginghams, Lace Veils, Siik Shawls, Silk and Leather G^'vcs, Wclllilfftnn and Berlin Webs, With a va-iety of other article* in the Di-y Goods Line. ALSO, Jamaica Spirit", • Mufeovado and GROCERIES. T"*HE fuWfiher*, hwing commenced bufinefs in the Or eery Line, either vrholcfole or retail in this place, where they will do their utmost to fupply the public On the most renfnnahle, term3. TORRANCR & Mif.E0D. Kingston, 30th May 1816. S2 Notice. THE fubferibers to the U, C. Book Society, are informed that Mr. Samuel Man-ill lias taken the Rooks and Tvaft belonging ti\ the Society, and thole who wife to takv their djv« !er>d of books for the I&8 year and ftttlf r?b* to wards ioipoi tine more bunk • fo^ariother year, crc requeued to "al! without delay at iVlr. XfrfrJl's Store For that purpole. gji Orckr of the Prejhknt. Kingtton, Auguft 1 1816. 9 NFW GOODS, rpIfE fiibfcribtrt has. just received and J now offers for falc, an extc.ffive and frell ch"fcn aflbrtment of Dry Goods, Groceries, and Hardware. AISO, A wet) chofen AJlortmcnt or MEDICINE. The whole of which will h£ fold at the lowest prices forcafh or country pro¬ duce. Ewo. J. Henderson, JLlogstoM26JaB«ary tSi6- JfO Samuel Shaw, |I Cheap Woolen _____ • r __ls- it. \*^A* ir4 i £~y 4~\ 'f\ T\ Ql Wool - > • (ardtng* THE fubferibrt has eiecled a Card illg Machine Lslf a mile north cf Mr. M'GmVs M9\ on Collin'* Cr. k, in thctuWnihipof Ki"gqton, and has it now in complete ord r for Carding Wo'-'l. 4 ! perfon« who will fevor him nth their custom may be afTurcd ofhav- their work ddf*** well, Pri-e, 6d. pe- lb- p.j F.yrcH. Kingston, June ft& * * 16. 2tf ing T Notice.- O be fold or rented, a? may be agreed .'oi/inae Bnndy, H rtUtid Gin, St a Port, Spanifh, Sherry and Madeira Wines, Pe-per-nent, Sli'ub. Mol-fe-:, I oaf Sugar, Teas Prune** Raifins, Aim >nds, Barney, Pepper, Allfpice, and Indiiro. 1 - Walter McCu. jffe Iff Co. Ltngfton, 19th July, 1816. Notice. •^jT^HE fnbfcriber refpofifully informs \ hi friends and i'ie public that he it about opeoiug a Store in front of the new rtwrkc* houfe, where he will do BUoLVKSS on COMMISSION Will buy and fell, Store & Forward GOODS Up or down the River, Will take in any orders of any defcripti On in t^at line uf bufinefs N. ti Perfons de(3roU3of committing; coi.tioiiment* to hh charge, may know the rates of (lomge and corn million by calling- at. the newcrnnmifli n ftore. JOHN DUNCAN. Kinp'fton, Dc»c. 30, 18/5"- 7 Juil received and for fale at thi Office, A QUANTITY OF Writing Paper, ■ Of OualiLy No. 2, i t Reams Writing Poft No. 2, __9 "'-To dirto uncut. Public Notice. ""J^HE fubferiber has commenced run- ispon, that ve'l koown valpable farm, U.t No xi avd the Weft half of [ o. No- 10 lu t've firft concclfion of Additional Fr^j<'Kksburgh, together with a g^'>d fr?*1^ Houfe and Earn, good Meadows nr' rW) Orchards there- on, and about pde hundred and forty acres of improved land- The premiiU are well fitnatcd ftrf a farmer, merchant. or Innkeeper F«r further particulars apply Ui the fubferiber, or to D. Wafli- burn, Ef.j. in King^ti. TVJIC^AFL COVI.E. Advertisement. HE f»bfcliber o.Ters for fale the following J Z o/6i o/* Lands. Lou No. 14, !J, 17. i3. 25 and 26 in the gth conc.ffi m of the town {Kip <»f TliU.h/W. No 4, in the 8th conceffion of Hun- •.in^dou. No. 9, in the 10th cone\(fion of Row den. No. 31. £a(l half, zd coQCeffion of Sidney b 200 acre*- in the 4th a,(d COO in the 6ih concefHv^n of the Got** between Er- nefl Town and Ftrderiekfbu ph. No 10 and 19 in the 8th conceffi >n of* L0{ J^0m 20, in fhc 1 I / M"rr'y , I (The whole beine i1 t^ No. ^4 and jj j-q thr 4th conceffion of the town (hip of Vanrhan. ALSO, Three Town Lots in the t-*wn of Kingston, of one fifth of an ace each. Wm CRAWFORD Fredericksb'i?gh, 26:h June, \ii16. 4 23, tn ike 6th Ccncessio?iy FOR SALE, \J N rcaforabj* **nnx9 Lot No, 2*2, in the tfh Concession.. No. lb Concession. Townfliip r.f, I.ansrlown, in tli'. rljt'ttirt of Johnfl**vrn-, For partidurs fenqnrfe at the office of ALt.AN MCI E/N. Bfq- Kingston^ Angtut 281 i8j?« i* EOS leave to inform his fifafk zrJ %i the Pubiic in general, that l.e h.vs jtdl received and now offers for fale, a* his Stor^. an eJirgwit rfTortrnent of HARDWARE ^ CUTLERY. : Bin'S from the Birmingham and Shef¬ field Mamrfa&ories, which he ^-il! dir- pofe of Whrlefale or Retail, at reduced pried ; among which are the following : Carpeoier*e Bench and Moulding Planes, Chifids of Sorts ; Trying Squares and T Bevels, Hand, Tenon, Dovetail, SaQl, Mill, j ' CroiTd.it, 2"d Key-hole Saws ; Chert, Cupboard, Drawer, Trvnk, Stock, Door, Mortice and Pad- Locks; Ship and Pocket CompaiTes, Glaziers Diamonds ; Hinjjea of all forts, Brafs and Iron ; Saddlery and Harneft trimmings of all ddcriptionr; Tanunm, Gig and Riding Whips ; Do. Thongs and La (he* ; Btfi Plated and Hraf* Candletlicks, Do. CmetK of 4 ft 5 GlaITefl| Brittanny Metal Tcaoot3 ; Watch-maker'p and Jewt ller's Plyeri. J N>pperaf File-, Screw n'ates, &c. F'-vling Pieces, Shot-belts, PowJer- Flaiks and Bullet moulds ; L«ek fnr Fow'iirg pieces ; . 151' ck tin Satice-pav3 a:id Tea-kettles ; Handles & fpoutstodo do. * Til mail's Kivet3& wire of Sorts ; Gold iro'iev of varioiia fize» Crr|d IroBfl and Frying Pans, i able 2nd Defert Knives Sc Forks; Do Carvers with Foik^; W-^od Screws fifTorted ; Bureau TrfmmingA, Portable De/k do. Bed Ca;)e, Screws and Keys ; 4d, 6d. 8d, ic!, ud, 16J, i8d, 2od, 28<I and aod Nails ; Wl.it and PI ck Lead, Pr-jfTnn B'ue, Spp.r-.ifli Rrr.wn, Red and Yei'ow Paint? ;— Boi'e.i Rn^'.id, Oil, Sec. ^c. Sec. V\ Inch in addition to his firmer Stock will form the moti complete aflbrtmept ever r/rered for &le in this place. Kings/on, sfugust 1 o, 1 8 1 6. lOif GOODS, THE Jubfcn'bero have just received by the late arrivals from thcij Manufacturing Houfe, in England 4 large quantity of SUPEKF1NE & SECOND Broad Cloths; Ladies' Peiice CLOTHS mi CASsr-asR&g, CONSISUMG OF :---- Blue, Biatk, Waterloo, BoU t!e Green, Brown and Mixtum Bivzd tlotfis ; Brown, Frencli Gray, Drab, and co'or'd Pelisse Cioths; Black, Blue and ^fixture Double tVfUTd C:\fisi mores. Which they now offer for fn:e at the Store of Messrs. Thomson & Dstior, i very low for cam. JERRY WHITEHEAD Si Co. Kingston, \"th Augml, 1816. It » Jonas Abbot, Q KSPECTFULLY unAm «*« t\. thanks to :iis cutlomel* for t/icir liberal Hipp rt in Mercantile tranftftlOM ftncehe came to this place, and \f\mm them that he has now commenced bufi¬ nefs with Mr; Thomas S. VVhitakeii under the firm of JONAS ABBOT & Co. And are now receiving a very general aiTorfmem of Fancy Sc Staph £3 .i, £ n,.-cja Stage Waggon fVom KiWfton, to Erneft T -wn village, daily j ro leave B- Olcott's tavern, at Sfngfton, every morning, at fix o'clock, and return ihe iame ci'enrng. To com¬ mence on Monday, the firtt day of July. £vc.y accommodation Will be afforded tn paflcngers and bagf^.ge. i SAMUEL PURDT. Kingston, July 13. 1816. 5 iYlK. ; iAl^llALjT ' Member of ihe College of Stir- $ genua, London, ANO tl0E5Ci:O BY HIS KXCFJXENCT the oyvLuvon j>* cm::r TO rRACTICE PHYSIC, SURGERY axd MIDWWKR Y, Ty^.KEvS the liberty to inform the Prolic lhar he has moved from Mr. Patrick Smyth's houfe to Meflb« Johns Si Finklks, where all calls in hi line wil1 be immediately attended to. H B. Families and others may be KuppSiVd with limall quantities of genuine JO HUGS ^tid Parent MEDICINES. Kingston, 15/A Augujt^ 1816- 11 tjIFHEREAS on the morning of the 5fh in (t. a'"an byname of RI CHARD E* BARKER, ran away frum Picfc tt, Upper Canada, witb ab¬ out i000 dollars, the property of the fubferiber. Any per ion or perfong who wiil"apprehend and iceure the laid Rich¬ ard M Barltr-, fo that he taay be bro*t to juftice. (hail receive the above revjgrd by applying to the fubferiber at Prcfcott, j Ujrper Canada. He is a mdn about twenty fix years of age, five f^et fix inches hie;h, frtlh complexion, ligh; haif, blue eyes, round vifige, head a little bald—at the time he made his cfcaoe his clothes were a bl.tck ■ coat and pantaloons, ftn'ped waiftcrjat, Si 1 long b.ots. It is to be hoped that eve- | ry eXerttOA will be made for the fecurinj/ of fucb a character. A MAS A irOOD. Prescot^'U. C. June 8//s ISI6. 5 I Merchants or Trwfcsjmn. C T A VINO tlleir Boolt^ in 3rrear, and. ! J wiftring ro ^ct them made up, will hear (-fa perfoii *eadv to complete them b 3ppiyjt>^ at ibis twice. KingsJutii 1 5//- Au$itjl} 1816. t r Rags ! Rags ! Cash and tlie hig'ie.st price paid for CLEAN COT I ON AND LINEN R G S AT THIS OFFICE. Strafed, J7ROM the the town of Elggfton. ab- * out fix weeks ago, a Young COW, of :he following defcriptioo.—Small fize—color, dark red, witba white f.ice, arid white fpots down her back—fore feet white—fiiort horns ; and is now with calf. Any perfonthat will return her tn the Printer, or give information where fhe can be found (hall he hundfome- ly rewarded ; and any perfud found keep¬ ing her after the date of this advertise¬ ment will be profecuted for fo doing. Kingston, July 5, 1816. 5 Blank Summonses For the District Courts, for Sale at this Office. T For Sale, HE Wet half of loi number nineteen 11 >h? fct'oad conccfllon of the town- of K, 4 l* Kir%U'jn> vuvV io^ Itfij «3 Apply to the Printer r For Sale, A quantify of Oat fuirable fo. Stave, and f^uare Timb-r within a rea- lonable distance of the water leading into the Bay of Qninty. For particular!, any perfon or pcifoiis wiftiing to purchale Will plrafe t.. call at thib Office or at Mr .M--.'h Vallier's Houfe. FOR SALE, 200 Gaits. Unseed O I L. JOHNS* Fi&JKLE. Kingston, July \ a, J 8 I & 6tf For Sale, BY the fubfcribers, 40 BOXES FINE Ye!low Soap, CHEAP for Co/!,. Thomson k Detlor. Kingston, 'Ju!\ I, IS 16. 51 f To be Sold, 800 acres of la id in the townfhip of Loughborough. 200 acres in ihe townfhip of Hun. get ford. A Saw Mil! avJ Grill-MfH with two dwelling houfe.s ,>ut huofes, (tables, &c. with 400 acres <*f land, a'crown leafe in the townfhip t4 ritrfburgh. ALSO, A number pf valuable Town Lots in the village of Wellington. For terms, apply to AMOS ANSLET. Kingston, July $9 I8l6. { JAMES a ilANNA, Watch Maker and Jeweller, P ESPFCT1TULLY informs hit t\. friends and the public in general, ! aif-M't^-cnt <'t i JWWWKMH., ! Gold and Siiver^areh'P, (Parent . e?»' jer and plane)—Mofieal Inftriim<ntfl of J all t'efcriptinns, fnch as Double Ffcige'- \et9t Clarionets, Flutes» $te* Ladies ivprk 15oxes- Plated Crewets, do. Cr.ndIe'licks do. Snuffers and Trays, do. Salt Cellars! and Toad hacks. Ivory handled Knivet and Forks in fettS with Carvers, Paten; Cork Screws / Silver, G:'t and Steel Purfee, Silver and Plated Fifh Knives, ;do. Butter Knives, do. Spoons, Silver, Giit. ^nd orher Snuff* IWc:, Rcsors. SciKbr>, Pen Knives, Clocks, Fifliing Taekle. Rafj^a-nmon Boards Chcffinen, (Dice, silver, Tortoife Shell and Steel Spcrfctacl«;s, and a number of other ar¬ ticles too nu.ner^us to mention, which he will fell cheap for cafii. N. B. Alio—fome excellent &*NVFF? Wholefalean*i Retail. Wafrhcs and Clucks repaired and clea¬ ned in the heft manner, and warranted, Kingston* Aug. 17, 1G16. n/ 5 Well adapt"! to this Mtfrkotj '"hichiwrt been feledted by one of the Partners fri'ffl the larefl arrivals at Quebec and ^fo> trenl, and purchafed for ready money- They flatter themfelven their purtha- fes have been, fuch 3S will enable tJicffl 10 fell their Goods as low a« fh fc wlw have imported direct from Europe The strictest attention will be paidtt customers, and goods fold at a very row derate advance. Kingston} ^d August* tSi6, P. S. J. Abbot being abolition- move ro Montreal, requeih rhafc •*• Bjem; and thofe u-ho are *,£** Inm, to make payment. t0 <dJDistri8t\ ryy virtue oH 9 Win I OWRIT ofi-v Midland Distria, T, ECUTION i/Tudl out of Hw'm^v Court of King's bench, hoidiJ 21 pleas, in a.,d for the Midland Dift^, Forefau!. at the (iiftof John Kirhy :<,\' town of A: own of Aingiton, in the fald DiftriQ icrcnarit, againft the bwdsond teHameS Av.ch were of William ^ikinfo^ of (ft. fame place Tanner, deceafed, at th> ol his n v. LOST, PACKET. I HE Schooner Perfeverence, I. C. Parker, Nfiftet, will routinue to run as a Packet from Kiogfton to Sack ets Harbor. May if, iSlOi |7 ROM the Paftureef Mr. J,thro 1 ^ jackfofl, a COW, a Reddiffi brindle colour, white f->ot< en her fore¬ head, red c? white belly, one buck horn, part of one ear off. She is new miik and three years old. Whoever will re¬ turn the fame to the fubferiber. fliail re- eeive the nward of FOUR Dollars. JOHN SCOTT. Kingflun Aug. l6 l8l6. ti FORSALEJ 6V- a ^"?!y at tlm Office. K.ir.gfton, 17tb May, 1816. u A LONGLEAaE,o9mode- ■ ate terms, may be had of an extcnfive bu.ldmfflnt nearly an acre, in the vicin- tty of Kinjrfton 9—amo Avcral Lots of one. two or three fifths of an acre each, may be had on eafy term*, either on long leafes or falc___ Apply ,o Mr. Miks.-^r\\ 2o. 46tf fo Spruce JBeer, f^\ F moft any quantity, can be Had »t V ./ the CELLAR under the Auction Room of Mr. Charla Short. JOHN YOUNG. o utdelav ll,m: ?«r«iucfled tocall wal^- 0«t delay, a.^d fettle their acCoul;tfi. li ecutors and Executrix, of the faid Will.' tarn Atkmfon deceufed, to tee dire&4 I hayefeued and token fa execution", 2t belonging to the faid WILLIAM AT KINSON, dtceafed.at the time ofhi," death in the hands and euflody of R;^ ord Cartwright, John Ferg^foiJ, N&* «as Stickles, and Mary Stickles, ESeCu. tors and Executrix of the faid William Atkmfon, deceafed, IotKiinmber 10,20 2r, 22. 23 and 24, in the fourth con'ces-' Hon of the townfln'pof Sidney, containing by admeafurement 1200 acres be thrfami more or k-fs. Now 1 do hereby give no- tice that tlie faid lots or parcels of land V'ill be fold and adjudged to the higheft bidder, at my office w the town o( King, flon, on WEDNESDAY the SIX- TEENTH d.17 of OCTOBER next, at TEN of the clock in the forenoon, at which time and place the conditions if fale will be made known. Charles Stuart, Sheriff. Ami every perfon or perfons having claims on the above defenbed lots of land and premifes, by mortgage orpther right or incumbrance, are hereby acher- tiied to give notice to ifw faid Siieriff, at his office in the town of Ku.gflon, previ- 011s to the fale thereof. Sheriff's office, May 6, 1816. 4' For Sale, . A VALUABLE Farm, wJ:hbuM. i"gs also lar^e foiprovementstlwrt- on, favorably fituatc-d within 28'miley of Kinrr-ton. Perfon;; drfirous of pur- chafing to inquire of the Printer. Kingston, July 10, r^rc- 5jf BLATR'S Sermons Ported Ew dences, the Canadian Vilitor, bound of finale, together with a (T^at variety of ufeful Boolcfl and Tracb.^f young people, for- Sale at this Office J— where accefs may be \\?A to a fm-H cu- culating Library, three timcj a week, on moderate terms. • augutl i, iSii. 9'