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Kingston Gazette, September 7, 1816, p. 3

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fcad htik adopted by the ttover^mrnr, Jo concert with thee unman ier of the fof- ccfl. »n^ the jre,lt'ral W|jtl<wcG and a£h*t- ty of the refioVnt Majriilmea fn thofe parts where the difturhances principally prevailed, no effeftual progu-fshad bce;» made towards the reftorntion of tranqu? IJty ; that the fame fpirit of outrage and tendency to unlawful c rmbination, (liii txilled in m3ny. part* of the counties of Weltmeath, Rofcommon. »nd the adjtiin- ingdirtri&3$ and that the reports, then recently received from the counties of j Tippcraryi LimcrLkjKilkenny, and the King's County, had produced repeated in (lances of a during and fyflcnatic viola¬ tion of the law. fi.) It is wcl! known, that one of the ftmbinations existing in thsfc an J other neigh* touring counties, derived the name of Car¬ ders from the nature of the torture wth ■which the objeSs of its vengeance w:rc Vh fitedrttnd which consisted in th: laceration of their bodies with a -wool <ard9 or fame Jimilar instrument. ' £Tobe Concluded next week.3 * il ! I London, June 20. LOUlSXVlil. Extract of a genuine Liter from French Nvbtcman, daicd^ PariwMnj G.I Sin. # The best answers j c.?n give to questions about Louis XVIII. is to r. - late, as nearly as possible, his own re- toarifo, atan audience with which 1 was honoured last week, after my return from an e^ile of <2-l years. To my con¬ gratulations on His Majesty's restora¬ tion, he said, " My friend, I wear indeed the crown of my .ancestors, but it is charted into a Crown of Thorns, the pang* ©f ivkich are only known to, a- they are onlj felt by its unfortunate bearer. The rocst abused of my predecessors have Bpen praised for some ^ood traits, while [ am !■*Atnod without mercy by every one. though it is the study of my life'to £c H'thinj but what inv C**lispicjicrt ifcp- proi&iUfjut and praiseworthy. If i select my counsellors amo:^ th? revo- lutionisfs, because I think them be..; acquainted with the present statu of franco I am reproach**! by the Il*yai- ista with worse than ingr»J.itudr:—[f i aPP<;'mta Royaiit eomicil, th" Kcrolti- tior.ists create an a!ar:i by icfnsing stu: ofan intention to sul.vrt sh- (v.ns'itu-i *MMU If i h.^ve a wut'-d iii'iv -frv. M*ji P*8£&Ht, their jealousy fetid disunion leave hie no quiet ; r.ud to thwart each other, they ditpfav O'ther an inrfimpVi SftVjtJftfcj \n i #»m.».*,.—*......»ijr;y»«.i. V-' viu^iViirm bolt -fin the ndi,pon of my ancestors, I only do my ibtty Hi oh*nw V1V4 strictly Us ptcn pis; but having so¬ lemnly promised* reli^on toleration. I aNo leave nil my wlwwt* a full liber¬ ty of.con<riencef VV- !l. tb^t'ntJwlira therefore suspect me of intfd*>lit\. whih* the protectants represent *n<* as n sop^r*- stilious bigot—Though I am unable (<> satisfy af once all the sufferers in m> cause.by the R.velntior. all are im¬ patient for immediate reward : those whom J can remunerate blame me for Dot doing enough. vthilft the other pre¬ tenders hold mc out. both as nr-jtisl and unfeeling. If I think any particular tnerit deserves particular distinction, favouritism in the general crj : while* when [ disregard some innflptitcd claims I am accused either of envy, ignorance, or neglect- My situation is ,<»( less un¬ fortunate with re.'ja'd to foreigners.— Russia ha< one id.>aofgev'M'!iin-j Kra.ice England has another. - Austria (litters feam both, and Prussia differs- from Ihr three other allies. When therefore I please one I am 6ure to displease the other, and I am «■- ! qually .to-rmentod witll their projects and humbled by th^ir menaces ami pre¬ tensions* From Rome and Madrid I am reproached for not introducing re¬ ligious intolerance : while I am libel¬ led in England and America for not ad¬ mitting democratic licentiousness un¬ der the name of-liberty, and nnti-socinl « doctrines under the name of liberty of the press. If I punish a traitor 1 ami styled a merciless tyrr.nt, if I pardon j hirr I am ridiculed as a trembling im¬ becile. Had 1 pardoned the three En¬ glishmen, other foreigners would have reproached me with partiality to Eng¬ land ; "while the French ana English ( factions would have asserted, that frar and not clemency \yas my motive. E- ▼cn in my own family, opinions are <1i- Tide-1 gbout my public acts, some of my I relatives seem to think, that 1 sway too much like a successor of a revolution- i ary upstart ; while, on the other hand, the Duke of 0-------a:»d lis .party ap¬ pear discontented, because t do not go¬ vern enough like a revolutionary iwtur- ! pep. After these lamentable facte you ; cannot doubt of my sincerity when Ij affirm, that 1 long for the moment when < lay Creator will retake this my crown ; j haft tverc tn h!s eyeft, And his -whole ••(ujutouaneo bespol. a grief whTi euist have been so much the more poig¬ nant, ai policy mu t generally reqnir Hs concealment. am convinced tin »jood Prince, would never have reign¬ ed so lon£, had ho not considered it as •i duty Providence has imposed on hi. i by his pirth." Londov, July 8. Several arrangements are in courseo ?roxre*is, w ith a view to establish a res- oeitahle naval force upon the lakes or (^oada. Sir Robert Hall;, an officer of distinguished merit, wiio was late!> connnissioiur of the naval yard of Que¬ bec, i> appointed to the command ■•: the vessels upon thy Lakes. Their pre¬ sent force eo'ns'e ted of—T^cumsehschr. lAewi H. K^nt ; Tagus. Schooner. Lt. Hambly ; Star Capt. Herbert, acting : Newash schooner, Capt. W. LJourchier, ncting: Nctley, 10, Lient. H.F. Speu- «r; Montnr.1- Capt. Ewd. Collier: Kingston, c2i, Capt. W. K. W. Owen ; »nd Huron, Lieut. J. Jacksnh. Th' *t.. Lawrence, S8 : Burlington, 74: Charwell, l2i ; and Chubb cottor, are af pre-ent in ordinary. Several officers* und a number of seamen, will proceed* short!) to the Station-* Of Bonaparte. u It is not true that General Bcrtrand *a.i iigned his intuition to flick hy th^ fiirt unes of his fallen mailer ; he had ex- ;;r<fTcd a wifhto return to Europe at the expiration of a year, for which period only, he fays, he pledged hi.ufclf ip re¬ main with Bonaparte. It wasCXpe&ed, in coufcquence, when the Havana fai'ed, that he would be fent to the Cnpe of Good Hope, in the Pheaton, for Lotd ChailcsSometftt to provide him a paliage to Europe* lt h a known faft, that the j behavior of Bonaparte towards Madame Bert rand has always been marked with chat mfcnivve coarfenefs and alpeiity* fo eafily excited in him by dependent-, Uuon any dMct>vc»y cf their defe&ioo in attachment to his per Too or fervice. General Gnr;»nn did ooi tign the paper] which p'c'>:;rt' hir.i ro ft?y' vvich Bona- hartged tHe third, *ft<!r h(5lng deprived qA his orders. KINGSTON, Sef'TEMBEII 4, I M 0. w i IBs Excellency SirJomq C; Sheu- i.uooki:, his Ladf? <iie Lady of Cora- lis^ary General Robinson, and lli> -Excellency's suite? arrived in town this ;ay, at 12 o'clo*'^ (nm the L'pper ■>artof this Privinfe. On disembarking om on board the Montreal, a >.alate >f 17 guns was fi!<,(l from that ship. ERROR ( ORRECTED. We mentioned In our paper of the 24tli ult. that the *' New Town, formcr- I) dJstinguisltcd bY ^ name of Myers9 Creek, at the River Moira, was now called Belleville, ^c**' ^rc were under the supposition,^^ the very pleasant sisuationof thai f<'*\n, that its name was deived from the French ; bvt we have since been, inforr^d, thxrt it has been given the name o; BELf-f iLLb:- in honor ^•f Lady Gore,vat the request and petition of a gr'-tt number of the in¬ habitants of that town, and the town¬ ship of Thurlow/ i mm t The Barn and out houses, the pro¬ perty of Thomas Men-it, Esquire, High Sheriff of thi \ Di-trict, were wilfully set | on fire, on the \\'\SM of the IGth inst. develops. I hn^rs.^ri k \*4t6t, r/hf!- d.'!»tialv from London, whicn mentinns, u That beinu wh|| adtruainted with ** ^***and ******* Members of the Uritisli Cabinet, ihey tr.ld me. that n call T>f the Cabinet wa*- ordered en th 10th infant, (June) in which it was declared, by some of them, that Great Britain had no right *o detain the per- sou of Gen. Bonaparte : that he had delivered hinwlf up tn (Jnat Britain? as a prisoner of war, and relied upon their protection ; and that, upon peace being established, his person ':nght to be held sacred ; and that Great IJrit- aiu of course, must release him. A 'lum¬ ber of arguments were made use rf pro. and cen. but it f.nally was decided, that as a private individual, the nation had no right, and ought not, to detain his person ; hot, that he "be allowed to re¬ tire to what place he thought proper, out of the bounds of the British Empire, or her Allies. So, my dear Sir. short¬ ly you will hear, that the former terror I of Europe has been relea-ed from du- I ranee rile—and 1 hf pe, shortly t> hear from you, that be has arrived, and lan¬ ded on fair Freedom's Isle—but, take care of him ; he ma), perhaps, intrigue too deep/* ' J I . ■ ■ . Ufmr< t ■ i LEO j Th-ri- . f.ECTUBES----------- be dvlivcrd L.t».. and nine :n t.St \,\, ■ i \\\e.n i'n the 1*37 f luki. . agv-.-d Upon. Tl r p, !i, retrace w-ill b- •' h -:-are<-- Yy x 1 'A • In speaking of the late dWurbanc (*« in En-Jand, the Liverpool Advertiser thus remarks :—-fc We are concerned to learn thai in addition to the distur¬ bances in the eastern di-tricts of the Executed according t; the <):'>.<\ . arid undi. iht fuperiotendence c cele1 rated I)r. Tho^ton, o'".] - tf£o»m The Leflures will commence thi&ev,- ni^g, at 7 o'clock Trek' ts of ad million for the ccurfe or evening may be had at the I.tctu e R^?ora before the comn enccmeirt of the Lcc- lure. Price cf tickets fcrthe !e* ure, ^i:>:o ----------------------* r the evwxin^ 0.-5:0 P. S. C. W. hopes 1 hat thofe in The whole of his* heat and hay baryest wa< consumed, t,"g"thcrwith Carriages, j j kingdom, some dangerous tumults have Sheep, Sec. kc. The loss is estimated I h:teiy hwki n out in the south-west ; at 1000 Dollars. A reward of live Hundred Dollars i« off'red to '■ A1'}' person or persons who will give sue* information ns will iead to the convi.tion of the offender or offenders."—St. Dmids Spec. ii dkietiy in the seat of the superfine cloth manufactures, hi that quartvr thedi*- trcSSj we believe, has long been urgent hut Hsthe\ have filwai ? been noted for j their orderly habits, we have not expec- led any public disturbances. They have, 6fCi av.se, bee^n quirk ly put down ; for York, Aug. 14. !! these Uhiorlueate persons mu.t knew-. w I We are happy to hear of the arrival; rf the Honorable W. D. Powell at Lit* ' erpobl on the 7th June. The party of ferl Silkhk'a people,, under Mr. Miles Mc Donell, was met j when within a diy maicb of the Red River !>y fome tndian.s who reported that zr\ afTaif haotaken place between a and oe;J t to be made sensible, that no- tb?ng is^ to be remedied by a violation 1 f tht1 lawsa and thai men never succeed who trj by fiueh mcaus to redress their ov»n gri<;vanees." Mnfi^cmUpdrlsberatidn, winch «ta ^tUp^^ofthtfiaardf. about 40 in nnm- at allappiiivcd by Bo^partc, though"htv 2"ld t;,c "cr«ols of the "udion'* I EMIGRATION. V.*. have »ict exactly added up the r.e ua*re dnring his captiVitV, until after 1 * • 1 rt . en » j* t> ■ p 8- ' *- J P5it7 of the ^«//rA, about 40 in mini- amouiit of fl.p passensetf from Europe, L Ibersidtl.c Serwntsof the Hudfon** j wh" •,|"■•'■ «vat;li'-d New Yi'rk, Phila- Z?S£&ato »«7.iirhii'm^trsj 3^«ww^^ f that t<uu.\ Jrfijjj*b»>^h>■ w<kdm; boj t.) confider trc^f-K-es v bek^ rwnt' »"**a Wn ***&* *},° wilb J^J*'1*" **«*■« oot be far from VelA'd Vv th/" ! r -V- cVv Ml nwrlj the wholr rf hi. p,rty of 28 per- *e truth when we ■**** then, at are Stt'iss arrived nt Philadelphia, vie Holland—the rest arc from Ireland] Kiitdand and Prance. 'Hie rurr-iit of emigration io theXJ- -| w:»x\i S, vie . Iu»s been very strong f(.i a>i six months: but pidgin 5 from what »«e in the liviti h and other foreign towards him Boannt« folk's of all! l-ow w?as cnt.-fT. his campaigns frequently, except that Thr Fnri bnk k and parly, was how- of V/arcrloo s and when that m e i» W adwnciflgt c &e Red Rivet by way ., ..:^„j *iw. »-r« r :. : :.......:.ut„ ,*, ' of the Pittirie o" CUuns. noticed, the -ofs *«f it i* i*ivanably jtt-Sj ttibuu'd by htm to a trcafunable pa.iic J| The Tiritifh Pj<liameut h u-c addresed the Pinee Regent. req;;eOing him to canfc to he prce.'u'med in all t»e W I. Iflande Uiv Royal Hi^hn (pa difpleafure at the daring infurre&io" ; tn uudecive ihe blacks where they have Crroficotw! I impreffioils ; and enjoin on the CeT> „*al j ' Q tJ E B Tj C, By an arrival in the United Sta:<« Loud •n pa'.«i> ha«C bttft receive,! there 1 C» the Jth Jnly induf.ve. The Duke-f Wellington h;id arrived in London.— Parliament «-a* prorogurdnn the 3d July. It wil1 be teen by the Prince Regent'* w •-1 v ! Au.l.ormesto carry into cff.d\ ev.ry;« Spec, b on hat m&n, flwf the met! mealnietopTonMtethemor^ rtvil and I; friendly mderffwduw continue to e» religious rmprovement aj well m the » beuveen the^gr«it powers of Enwpe. comfort and hapnm .s of the uc^roe.9, LrrJ E»mouth was about returning and to make every neccfr.-.ty jmrnfiona- iwithafittt to the Meditemmeaa with g-mil any violation of the laws againQ Jl hrfli^SSomk it was thought, lu chaBIz the Slave Trade. - - Ijthofe Bffrb^y oowcrs whofrrecentinfults ;and cruelties have excited fo much hi- Paris, J'dy 1. Peli£»nier, o*je ot the 28 eonfn;r-.tor«, i! dignntion* Several of. the Rioters in England has minted in Court, that b ha? h&* C*A\aA been evented, and from the ilroi^ communicate tn the King, fa^H which {• meafuresthjjt have b?en adopted, it was mm fave France; but h- «JU conunn:.!-; j h«uOd that tranquillity would be main- care them only to the KingW porfon. tahed mail p3rts of the country where CJiaaL j a difpofuion to commit execfles had ,, . ^ H flw-wa itfelf ft U lamentable to obferve. HALIFAX July 16. FXliC-'TlON. . Yefterctay Michael M'Grath and Charles Devret, whofe trial will be found in another pait of this paper, were ex-. ecutci. The melancholy event wa° rendered peculiarly diftreffing ;—the halter by which Devret was fufptndcd b»"cke, and the unhappy man fell to the ground without fuffcring any material injury Another rope was procured, and a quarter paft three o'clock he aga-n afceuded the fc3tf'>ld, apparently very much agitated ; and was launched into eternity about an h-uirand twenty min¬ utes after the partner of his crime. M'Gvath appeared penitent, but Devret perferved in affcrting his innocence to the laft, with the ut noft hardihood. papers. v,e can eou-ider if as baVdl) be gun. The people are preparing, in majn places, io leave their country by ui'i;-:ihorhoods or parishes, as U wn*. and ill the new world to possess and I'Hjny the ri'uiid.- of their youth, by set- titiig together*" Can. Cmtr. Movrur.Ar. A.ug. 31. The citizens of ihe western pr-.r* of the State of ?fe\V York continue to prnk 'vifh confidence of the comple- 'iei' of a Grand Canal from Lake Krie fotlie Hudson. The t'ommisMoner-, agentSj &c. couiinu^ to report favour¬ ably. VVlufthtT they succeed or not, we hope they will $<* o far as to stimu- I late the people of this country to im- I prov." some of the natural ad\uutaj;es ^iven us hy the St. Lawrence* i __........_____. ____ _ Ji/'.V/vA IViL—A late London Ma;;- that this Jifooiition ftill pervades great j j AXiae caya :— i'ranee- ittirigiua with multitudes nf people, who unfort-.inprely | j' »' -" Rwssia balances all : Austria conceive thfii note and difordcrs will re |iMtop*s* all licve them Horn the unavoidable prcffiire of the tlmey. ■ ' The spring of this year l;as b?en as unfavorablp'to t;.c productior.s of the earth in ni<.nv- parts t.i Kurope as ir v. as 1 here, and \\\ almost every other section of Noith America- They complain nf frosts and suows in June, and a con- fmne.nc" rf c„ld wether, whereby vegetation Was ueariy arrested. ^Wc learn fhat Sir CIoudon Dhum- r.toND has arrived in England, having made (he passage from Quebec in 22 days. Piu ia p*cnver:> all i-r>nnnrk lose* ail : Snellen duues a f i*p;dn is dcspijied hy all: America re- can<s ail : Turkc) starts at all : Eng¬ land of course, protects all : lint if a superior power h?d not pity on all : Old Xiek had carriod offall ! ro FV"-ii Horrid!—A late Paris paper savs : —The Criminal Court ^f Istria con- •demnM to the penalty of death, the Ca- rate of O^po, Tonia/, and two of his accomplices, for hating assassinated (he widow Gilmia, aged 30, who had qiv- en up her property to the said Toroaz, j on condition of his providing for her maintenance. If re-ults from the de¬ tail* of his trial, that TomflZ had prom¬ ised 300 llorinsto Zebro and Zuppino to murder thi* unhappy widow, and 'hat uhil^ they, by a succession of blows, wer.^consummating this horrible or Thorns, by exch^eln}! my Throne; cri.no, the priest, dressed m his sacra- ,i» this-palacoof t!»eThuUterics for my 'M&\ ftabits, with one hand gave the torn:, in the abbey of St. Dennis." i I benediction to th<- y.ct.m, exhorting her kt p«....-__ .1..:. 1.-1. .• ... .1: vi„;nt._ i itn difl aril, and width the other excited *J » Dutlng the whole tii.1.- tli- Majes- i jto die well, and with the other exetfed thus CTJutaecaded spc^ng to /me,, I the zeal of faei murdewrs. He was n Cn.\nr.K*TON, August 9. NAP01 j|.i0y (^0N-Ai>\hiE, C(;".ll.\rt TO AMEttlCV. Extract <>J „ fetftir from a gentleman in hewYitri^ dated August 9, to Iris friend '■>, tys Cii„. ' Peak ^ik—\>y {v,;s j;av. j expect, you have rs.ai\ iU, a"crount, in the Ihid- MmWMg, concerning General Bona- parte, vrhc^ln the Editor tells vou, at rhcendof^tale, "it is not'true." rt.-ly wpoi, jfi my fr-1Pndi something more is in ^^itr.tion than you arc aware . \ve had two French general.;, and ufteen ..th,.r 0fftctiV3i all confidents nf Booapu t<N ar..iTt.d in this city, late¬ ly ; nearly ai| 0f t|lcm ]iave W(Mlt Up \Vh"r Sira'r"-lJoats- The Editor ofthe \\bigj hj»o]WS gj0ry tiian he chooses to fci thisto\vn,on Monday evening last, by Arthur Giffbrd* \\m\* Mr. Roiibi£t SrANioN ofthe (oinn.is^ariat Dnpart* ! ve.cnt. to Miss l'*u\\- is D. SeAii'oun. A Small Rin-. with three KEYE* attached to it, was picked up a feu 'dayssince,oppoMii* io the Comfni&sarial jOliice. The owner can find them by appl;. ing at this Offitfe. Sr-pffrmber 7, 1S1H. n To Let, THE upper part of that Houfe fit- uated in front of the Mat*ket, for a fmall private family ; alfo, (tabling for ahr>rfe. For particular* apply to the i fubferiber. J. DUNCAN Who has on hand from 1000 to 1500 Paii-s of Worsted Stockings, Fit for the army* which will be fold cheap for calh only. r J. D- Kingtian, jib Sept. i8u6. 14 power and trust- will, br the h preftice, evince that thej ate willing ro c-ntiibute a'l in their power rr^ kfudU the. g^eaci of fciencr irto a flan/ in thir> import" ant" art ofihe Bririfh Dominion^ Kingston* Sept. 7, I Si 6. . I 4 PAIN TIN OT Mr WENTWOK I H.r...Ke< known that he has removed his painting;! to thi Library Room in the Coutt Hou!\*, where f<»r the flv it time he ?eJrain-, ia Etingston»he will continue to paint Likenesses, in Portrait, Miniature & Profile. C^ Mr. W. —Refpeafu'ly m«1to ihc Ladies and Gentlemen to call if they have no other motive but cnticfity,— at the fan^c :me he earnestly f licit?* ail thofe that want Good '..iKEtfESSfca, to make an early application. Kingston, Sept. 7, 1816. I4WI Vuctioneerinir. rHE fubferiber retums h& (tnccre and hearty thanks to hi» f ienda and the public in general, for ti* mmy favours he hac received from thrcti for theft fixtecn yean* past ; and info m$ them, that he has recommenced bufincli again £>r him&lf. Any gentleman w.fil¬ ing to difpofe of any pn.prrty, will he waited upon at their own quarters, or at Mr WalkerN Hotel ; and he affirea th' fe gentlemen who (h -'f piealr c< fa¬ vor him wiih their cu>loml that they lhall have no occafion to call twice for their Mon-y. JOHN DARLEY, Auctioneer. Kingston, 4th sept. 1816. 14 Chair Shop. THE fubferiherfi having removed ro their new fhop, would inform the public that they wTl endeavor in futiire to keep on hand all kinds of CHAIRS, SETTEES, &c." in their line. Ornamental Pjintinjr, Gilding and Varnifhing done wiih neatne&j Glafa cut t.t any fliape required. Also—boiled Linked oil for fale by ihe Barrel or fmaller quantity—P^'ns ready prepared for ufe, and all diredious for ufing them Gratis C. HATCH, 4 Co. Sept. 6 I4tf Strav Horse. COME into the inclofure ofthe fub¬ feriber on the 26th of August, 21 (mall bay Horfe, with three white feet, a star in his forehead, and his mane trim- ed off. The owner is requeoted to prove property, pay charges and take him a- JOHN CANNON. Kingston, 6th Sent- 1816 '4*3 Notice. A Board of Militia Officer*, oppoint- . ^ ed by His Excellency the Li'-,w tecant Gove nor, to examine into and re¬ port upon the claims for military pen» fions, of the widows andchildien, whole Hu(b nis or Fathers, may baVedied from diftafc contracted wliilil on adunl fervKe, will again afie:rble at the 'Court Hmifc in Kintrlton 0:1 the Monday next pre¬ ceding the crxt General Quarter feffiona^ at ten o'clock in the forenoon* JOHN' FERGUSON, " TIM'Y. THOMSON, ARCH. MCDONELL. To all Concerned. Kingston* ijl Sept. 1816. it 1 TAKEN up adrift on Fri- day the 30th Aug. la^t, oppofite Mi*- lisfaugua battery, a SKIFF* almost ntw. The owner can hive it by apply¬ ing to Nathan Chkrky, at Blo.k houfe No one. r Kingston, Seft. 6, tSl6 %+*$

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