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Kingston Gazette, August 31, 1816, p. 4

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NEW (?00t)S. OF almoll every* efcrtption juft rece red .u;d (.!!'.•; ed fnr fate on term UW uk>{1 arrfsmmcdrttfiiif, by PETER WETSJEL. -//ruling which are a'vcrv cxtenfiveaf fcrtmcul .»f Dry Goods ; T :>• - "' v ■• *:<Tortment of SUks & Ribbons ; Ladies' bonnets ; Gentlemen s & Boys" ...ATS. Fr*fti Teas, Loaf and Mufc .vado Su- gar, Hag, Ladies* Twill, and Paper To- baecnj Serf a, Rappe, and Macoboy Snn& Oli! Jamaica Spirits, Cogniac Bran- dy, Holland Gin, S:'rub, Peppermint, Port and French Wine CrVfee, Chocolate, CringCf, /tfllfpice, Ground Pepper, MulTard. Nutmegs, C- -v"vc. Cinnamon, Cunants Raifins, Figs, Pd.i.d Starch, Fi*» Blue. Powder 2nd Shot. Corn anu rtaii Z?toontM. -Wmd^vr Gte*s and Putty. -A -s ferexv ,-fugttre* Steelyards, Sho- VPifii Frying Paiss, Iron ar:d Sffcl ; ^d a-** to' cANaila; 8J and iod Wrought Tog *r her with a <r.-neral afToitment of Hard and Hollow W A R J do/.. Cnve-lele. 13G hi. Wortfe.i H fc, 12 dor. OHM filk Hat Covers, 3 d r/.. Locking GlulTc«- of various &yx*>- an \ "f a fuperior quality, 30 Bbk Vhrh Pork, 200 Ins. Hog's Lird, ^00 Gallons raw and boil'd Lirtfeed Oil 2oo Pr* Men's j2?>)at8 of different qua¬ il' e*. 5-0 do do Shies, 100 do Lad-.es' Bo-^ts, JOO do do Shoes, IOOO do Children's Hoot* & Shoes. . Cn f Skins, Upner Leather, Harnefs -L^i'.hur. and SoV I -sthcr. ALSO, 98 Bufliels Corn, '30 B.>ls, Srroos Beer, Oats and Flower. KingilOH, March 15, 1816. For Sale, Or to Let, For one or more years, a very valuable Grist aiid Saw MILL, Tn good repair, filiated at Thin low Sc immediate'yby the town of Eclievide. For particulars, and to treat for the fame apply to Thomas Coleman, Eiq. the pro¬ prietor. Several Town Water Lots upon the banktof the River Moira, for fate. A good Miller and Sawyer wanted. Belleville. August^ 23, 1816. GROCERIES. ' I ^HF fubfci ibers having commenced bufinefs ill the Grocery Line, either vvholtfnle or retail in this place, where they will do their utmost to Yupply the public on the most reafonab.e terms. Torhalce SF M^J.eod. Kingston, 30th May, 1816. 52 NEW G0Of»S Notice. T _1 HE fuhferibers to the U. C. Book Society, are informed that Mr. Samuel Merrill lias taken the Bo<>ks and T*act belonging tn the Society, and thofe who wifh ro take* their dividend of ! books for the laft" year a*:d fubferibe to- ward-- importing more books for another year, are requefted to al! without delay at Mr. MerriPa Store for that purpofe* By Order of the Prefnhnl. Kingllon, Auguft \ 1816. 9 rHE fubferiber he; jutt received an DOW ofibrafoi laic, an cxteiiiivcai. well chofen afTortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, and Hardware. Atmx A well chofen Attbrtment of MEDICINE. The whole of which w.'ll be fold at the lowest prices forcafi or country pro duce. E\VD. J. HfNDFRSON. Kingston, 26 Januarj iS%6 10 Samite? $\w ••t Wool Caiavng. THE fubfcribei hasorefted a Card fog Machine h S\ a mile north cf Mr. MlGi.in'3 Mill on Collin's Cretk, in r'hetowi.fln'pof lving«t"ii, and has it ::ow in complete orH'r f,r Carding Wool. All pcrion* wh> will favor htm with their cu'tom may >e allured of hav¬ ing their work done wJl- P. ice, 6d. pet lb. r [ FITCH. Kingston* June 8//;, 1 < > 6. 2tf 42 tf Notice. "l^HE fubferiber refpeflfw^ty mform9 I hi friend and the pubHc rhat hei& Rbou* 0 euiiit{ a Store in front of 'he new ina ket houfe. where'he will do BUSINESS on COMMISSION Will buy and fell, Store. &? Forward GOODS Ut* or down ike River9 V/ill take in any orders of any descripti¬ on in tl'at line of bufinefs- N B Perfons defirous of committing ^O'diirnmcnt^ to his charge, may kr :nv th.~ rates of Morale and c 'mr.-'flion by •caiang at the newcomniiffi ■ llo*e- JOHN DUNCAN. Kingston, Dec. 30, 1815. 7 uft received and for file at this Office, 30 MAMS WRAPPING PA PE R. A QUANTITY OF Writing Paper, Of Quality No. 2, 11 R'-am-i Writing Port No. 2, 9 ditfi ditto uncut. P-t5>iic Notice. '"PHE fi.bfcriber has commenced run- i NY Merfon wining to contract for .~JL eiccti ig a building, intended for a ■ School House, ; iay fee the plan aod learn the paiticu- ! ars by applying feo 1 JOHN STOUGHTON, Kingston, \ "tth slugust, 18 \ 6- u Adyertisenient- " f ^*HE fubfertber offers for faU the following Lots of Lands. Lots No. 14 tj, 17. 18, 2c. and 261 in the Qthconccffion of the towi;(hip <*f Thttrlowr. No. 4, in the 8:h coneefllon of Hun¬ tingdon. No. 9, Fn the toih coneeffiofl or Row- den. N<. ji, Eaft half, 2d conccflion of Sidney 2C3o acre** in the 4th a-id coo in the] 6th conceffioD -fthe Gore between lir- eft Town and Firderickfhurgh N-> iSand 19 in the 8th ton.- (H in of Murray N<-. 34 a*-£'35 in th- 4th conccflion of' the townfhip ofVatJjfharu ALSO, Thr^e Town Lots Jn the tnwn of Kiogston, of ortt iifth of ar acre p«eh« Wm. CRAWFORD Fredericksbnrgh, z6<h June, 1816. 4 T>EG.'i I'aveti' iufurtti h\ i«» ■ " * \he Public in gtnt } -iw* [>« jull rvceiv d and m&t Oltc - t I a't, 15 S ore,art e:c^ant ctf t^..' o' 11MI DWARF Di ia from the 3i nitigham and f J •hid Manufdftorv*, which h- will aofeofWh IrWe «r Rrai!, atn:d^ • rices ; amony which are rhefol^'W»ti Carpenter^ Benrh andMoulding Phw« :h'iLl?.-f Sorta ; !y 'g Squares jnJ T Bevels, siaud, Tenon, iWctail, Safti Mil1 CrofTcut, and Key-hole Saw,; Chcft, Cupboard, Drawer, Trunk Stock, Door, Mortice and Pa- j I o<ks ; I Ship and Pocket CompafTej, Glazic^l Diamond ; Hinges of all f .rts, 3r*fs and Iron ; Saddlery and Hai'Ucfa trimmings of a dckri'ption : Tandnm, Gig and Riding Whips ; D* . Thtiiign and Laihcs ; B-it P'ated afid Braf- Candleilicks, Do- Cruets of 4 & 5 Glades, Britranny Metal Teapots ; Watch-maker's and Jeweller's Plver Mippeo, Files, Screw-plates. &c- F' «r!t-»g Pieces, Shot-belt^, Powder- Flailc a«id Bullet moulds; 1 e-.k. r r Fnwiin^ piece- ; !Uuk tin Sauce-pans a-dTca k..rtles; Handles & fpoitts tu d<i do. Tinman^ RiVcts Sz wiic of Sort6 ; G'dd (caie* of vu'ious li^c^ ; Gndlroa and Frying J'aus, table ijnd Dcfei! Knives £: Forks; i/O C!a:vcr& vvi\h Fo ks ; r Wiod Screws afft.rtcd ; « Bureau Trimmings P stable Defic do. acres of impmved land. Tin- pvmif- i Bed Cap*, St»ewa and Keys ; are well lituated for a fomer, >cr-lnnt, {4<!» 60. 8d, icd, 140', r6t!, i8d, 2od, II ysw *ror g. c ■■■.. >:■• iJjit h« hasfetupa^ ri»w! '".....*®V oTCrimahe, »J} rlmen *^ Dry Goods ASD Noti ce HPO be fold or rented, ?s may br agreed * upon, that well Mown va*H**bh farm, lot No 1 1 and tK Weft half of Lot No. 10 ;n the fir' eonceflirtB of Additional FrcdeiickiHtgh, t'irpther d frame Jfaufe and Barn - huiit a Whaif. nnd a large St0vC eiviagand Forwarding Good* to Wit goo good Meadow*, and rw< Orchards there- on, and about one hundred and fWrty or Innkeeper For fuiv'KT particulars apply t.» the fuhfcribefi tf l^> D. V/aih- burn, Efq. in Kfngrlon. Michael Coylb. KiiU'fl^n. 2o,,( ^t h ^l^ r?.r ft* R ^35 Reward, i)[ 7 HERE AS on the worning fthc 5th in(L a man rry name of RI CffJRD E. BARKER, tan away I from Prefc tt. Upper Canada, with ab- f out ICCO dollars, the p»ope?ty of the fubfetiber. Any perfon or perfong who] will apprehend and fecure the faid Rich¬ ard E BcrL-r'j lo that he may be bro't to jiilliec. fliall receive the above reward by applying to the fubferiber at Prefcott, Upper Canada. He is a man about twenty fix yeaps of age. five f et fix inches htgh* frelh \ complexion, li^lit hair, blue eyes, round vif.ge, head a little bald—at the time he made his efcapC his clothes weje a black coot and pauta'oons, ftriped waiftcat, & long b 'Ots. It is to be hoped that eve¬ ry exertion will be made for the fecuring of fuch a cha rafter. /1MAS/1 WOOD Prescotty U C. June 8/i, 1^16- c FOR SAi ; *._" N reafouable tern* Let No. 22, in tic cj» GmeetHon. No- 2 " > in the C fj Concession, axd Lot No. co, in the i \ih Concession. The wUole being in tit Towi'li!^ ->f Lansdown, m the distucTt of JohnOown. For pirticiurs enqnii, :,t the office of ALLAN MGLE4K Ff7 Kingston, August 2 K. 181 5- \z AN away from the f-jbk'nbe^ on SundiTylaft, an indented appro) tic. by tht -,mc af Benjamin U'uls.— All [/erf")* art, hereby hrbid harbori g or truftinrj him on my account, as I Wtli not pay any debt- rh«C he may contiac'l lafret this dare,—Whoever will return jfaidb^y to the fubfciiber, flsail deceive •the ahove reward, but no cltaage** paid. SIMCOE WRIGHT. Kingston, Augujl 13. 1 h 16. Xlmn Mr, chants or Trades mm, ; T AVINGthefr Bonfcs inarrear,Jind . 1 wifhin.. to get them made up, will hear of a perfo.l ready to complete them by applying ar rhis ofFice. Kingston, j r/h AugnA 1816. it 1 2 3d and 30H Nail? White and Black Lead, PridHan Blue, Spanifli !>inwn, Red and Yellow Points ;— Boiferi fct^liOi Oil, Ac. &c. &c. Which in addition to hi* firmer Stock will form the null complete aflorlmtm evir offered fi»i fate in thia place. iMngHon, August 1 o, 1 b'16. ioff K." BAKNETT, UN Lis removal to Europe, ^ffcis for fak that valuable and mod excel¬ lent (land, the The Howfehold Furniture and othei F.qu'pigr Juiiahle in thai line o« bnh- j tref*, will be foid at Auction on the 24th 'iuflant. Thofe who may have demand: ag;.?nil him, will exhibit their accounts prevniUr to th*t date ; «u-d ihofe indebted to Irm a<e requefted to arrange their account. without delay. Kings/on. S//j Augujl, [816. \Otj FOR SALE, yu^vuu AppIy at this 0{5ce# KtngUnn, 17th May, 1816. 11 A LONG LEASE, on mode¬ rate terms, may be had of an extenfive building lot. nearly an acre, in the vicin¬ ity of Kingfton ;—also ftvcral Lots rf j one. two or three fifths of an acre each, may be had on eafy terms, either ov long leales or fale.— Appfyio Mr. Mill's—april 20. 4^tf Iron and Steel; With a General dffortmei t of HARD WAUE, Glass $ Crockery WARE. A!! of which he will tell, wholefaleanj .ctail on th- moil rel.-nable rerm< «# has alf........ *"or rect my part of^thc DIdridt of Ner^Sik a.'d to receive a. d forward anv kind of Voduce to any pert of Lake Ontario.- hofc who may pleafe tn (end Goods or Produce to hi. care may depend on the Lfreateil care and attention being na;d:o them, and on the moll reafoiablc term All kinds of produce will be taken for payment, eidui fr Goods or Storage. Cafh will not be lefuicd, but no cudil given. James RiczARDSoy^en. Pe'r",-Ifl,- |firh fnlv, 1816. 7*6 Midland District, \ V r Y virtue of 2 To IVit: j OWRIT of EX- ECUTION iffued out of His Majdty'i Court of King's bench, holdiag civil plea.^, m and for the Midland DiftriS a- forefald, at the fuit vf John Kirby ofthc I town of Kingfbn, fn the J'aid Diftrifl, merchant againfl theland.-and lei.amenis which were©* William -rftkmfon. of'he fame place Tanner, deceafed, at the time of hid death fn the hands and cuftodypf Richard Caitwri^ht, John Fergulonr Uicfafihi Stickleand Mary Stickle, Ei- ecutor.s and Executrix, of the laid Will- ram Atkfnfon deceafed, to me diredcd, 1 have (cized and t;iken in execution. aJ belnngin^r to the did WILLIAM AT- KINSON, deccaltd, at the time of hii death in the Iiaudaand cuftody of Ricfr «rd Cartwrighe, John Fergufon, Nichf1 A\l \ ™ttl«* ** the faid |SH 2t, 2 fion of f 23 and 24, in tit fomh'*'*o ^:.adm,afulemcnt,2Coa,,Sn7^ 9*3% wet Gaining J«Wer» at ay office »n the t<.wnotK,Po ,t T?(r r r"y °f OCTOBER dS ""Cl'-rke and P'a« the conditio„5 Mewl] be made know,,. "8of t kari.es Stuart, 5^ar And ev«ry pcrfon or f ^ claims on tj,e above drf ., iav'»? Id fnr Stage Dwga Waggon F'oni Kin^lion, t» Erncfl Town village, daiiv ; to leave B Olcott's tavern, at Kfatjfton, every moining, at fix t'clock, an1 L'turn the fame Evening To com- itte ice m Monday, the firft day of July. I* ., accommolation will be afforded tu ;^iTrngera and ba^ga^e. SAMUEL PURnr. *"-ng:ton% '7u'y I 3, 1816. $ iFrapping I nf a LARGE an. foi Sale at this OfBi °aper if a LARGE and Excclleot Quality, ^""ice F>LAN:^ BAIL BO DS. and SM.■■■ IFF* SALES, 1L Hi rayed, I^ROM the the town of Kingfton, ah- * out ti\ wetka ago, a Young COW, of the following deferiptJon,—Snrall iize—color, dark red, with a white fdee, and white fpots down her back—fore feet white—fhort horns ; and is now with calf. Any pcrfon that will return her to the Printer, cr give information where ftie can b< found (hall he handfomc- ly rewarded ; and any pcrfon found keep- in; her after the date of this advertife- ment will be prolecuted for fo doing. Kingston, July 5, 1816. 5 PACKET. THE Schooner Perfevercnce, J G. Parker, Mafiei, will continue to run as a Tackti from Kingfton to Sack ets Harbor. Majf if) 18x6 $£ Jujt pvbltfjcd, and for fale at thh Office, Price 1 A. nieUFEandDYINGSPEirCH of JOSEPH BEflR; j Who was cxcc.ved at Kingston cn Mon 'ay. the 4th day of .Septemher, t8ie, w the murder of Mary Bevir, his daughter. STOLEN OR S RTl^^ "pWO Mares one of which i; a jet black, three yew old, with a fcai ttp- on her left hind fetlfick, the other is'a bay, with a white ftripe in her f< rehead, two white hind feet, with afcar upon her left thigh, 9 yeais Old. Whoever will give Information Concerning them, fij that the owner may get them/hall have ten Dollars Regard. John N. Woodcock. Frtdcrickjlurgl) June ijth iJJifi. $rn$ Rags ! Rags ! Cash and the highest price paid for GLEAN COTTON AND LINEN RAGs AT THIS OFFICE. ! c200 i FOR SALE, Gaits, linseed O 1 L. J0HNS4FINKLE. Ktn-ttor, July IC, I8l6, 6,fl NOTICE. , npHS ftibfcribers refpeftfully inform J ■ the Merchants, Traders and the public in gener.il, that thty have entered inic co partnerihip, and have opened an Miction room in fiont of the New Mar¬ ket, in : he back oart cf the boufe be- I w\ a I in Kingfton,foi a number of years, they {expeft by thei- Bttift attention and cor-I reclnefs, th.t they will have the custom of tlie place in future to encourage ti;e. new firm. John Barley, ! .." John Du*ca»\\ ' Auctioneers. Kingston* tvh April, 1816. N. B. The da v.- of au&iona are fix«-d on Tuefday and Frioay. 7 LOST—On Thurfday Evening lad. fomewhere about the Ooah two Leafed, running from Government t-> Stephen Fail field, and releafed from the faid Fairfield ro me ; alio. a.Contracl between Daniel Phelps and the fubferi her, concerning a Saw Mill. Whoever wiil retmn faid papers to the fubferiber. fliall receive a reward of Four Dollars. Thomas Parks. Kingston, April ifi, 18 16. 46 Jon-- to the I'ale thereof. Sheriff's of a, May 6, 1816. ' # BLANK DEEDS and MEMO: RIALS, for fale at this Office, For Sale, A quantity of Oak fukablc for Staves and ;>are Timber within a tea- Enable d:sEa.,c-e of the water leading »ec. i«ijS r or ^ VALUABLE Farm, with boi». mgi also larrre improvements thr» on, favorably fiu.ated within 28 mCs of king. ton. Perfons defirous of W ejiafing to inq„fre of the P.imer. ftur-slon, J„ly 10. t8re. . r if For Sate, ONE ELEGANT SHBEBOA«D, •> Ban-els BUTTEH,and^ aOdo. CIDEIl & VINEGAR. Etiqwre at the Sf>rc formerly occu- P'tdhyS. BART LET. ..Ki»£tiM, singtifl 11, )81 r>. 11 .»3 Blank Summonses ^or the District Cour,S) tm ialc at this Oilice. I R LAIR'S Sermons, Porte.il' Ew- 1 denccs, the Canadian Viiitor, bound 01 fingle, together with 1 yal van'ety of ufeful Bo.-ks and Trifle fa ymirr people, for Sale at this Office ;- where accefs may be had to a final!"'" culat.'i)>. Library, three limes a week, «-n moderate terms, auguft 1. igj§.

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