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Kingston Gazette, August 31, 1816, p. 3

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ff.w ktter Thftnornim? Thr in'i ?c ol" the r*h r .. ** VVr »iv • Try l ■ tow that the . Jjkcttbc f»on ic Vved ft n Ao.ir'i ° where ttnft? is wholly >\ a Itatid from New Yo k ft»t*4, tftfet the} (inlry is nearly lv ltr.pl, thai th- D^rtercircuitfnjj med ■ u Ivih deprecia¬ ted I" fome in,la,,ci's 25 Pur c™'> bcljw Liters tram Spam rdlude i«> a conn nuation of failures Vhr.,,,h th, preva IcncrufcomtncTCMl dnl.-ls, which it n excecied will oicre-ifi-. On the afdjulyi Parliament was j.ro t»u-cd t» Aojto* *+• rhs &eg*it, in tnc Exchequer. The ret-eat of the Earl of fivernooi i« o.rafioocd, we un- Idetftand, by hi*. 1 eQfig htalib ; his . hy- il 11 firtan* having advifed him to t»y the be«- \ j ;i fit uftta fpa water*. We fl*J1 know, in w fcJHfpecch f^orn 'he liuoBeon the orca fionf trwnfcfl them for the Intrrett t ><-y have taken in the marriage of Lt d.iu.:h ! «cr ma ■, and the liberal pnmfion they hive Icfor }ur.—-announces that. Ik ban m image I ay of two, in what heterogeneous nanner the new adminiftrati.in is to be comp'ifed —Morn ubron London, July 3. Lo'd Byron hat Gx«d ou a refidence m ttie environs of Geneva M'jto for the new Cuflom-Houfe, in j Fnames !lre«t, now nearly finished. %i SatrcatOtht memory of departed Com mens n Letters from Eivpt £»ivc alarming sc- coOnt-eofth" ravages iu that country. by an epidemic plague. (ten. Marchand his been tried befori i\\t Hill council -»f war, an:l acquitted. One of she papers contradicts a report tb"* N d be*n circulated ot a camp, to confiii or 8o,ojo wen being about CO be formed lu-the victn'ty oi PeteHbiirgh. Pbe arrival at the latter capital of two aH-de camps fro i* Sweden, one of the &.!«#, and the other of the Crown Prince* may perhaps give rife to fome uoinieal I peculation. given »he royal confe-t to the ut ihc Prineefb ivwy and the Duk<j 01 Gloucerter,—and dec-ares that tin re i. apnlpcA of a contm.ianceof r e p-. tC« I foelTential to the intcreftfl of all nations ! Paris, July t—Th. Ruffian tro.»>- < Nancy have received orders t' nvnvh to\ Maube% where the Ruffian* are con- cenuating their forces. Mailhul S ch~: i ■and General Colbert, wh 1 a geared a| court yefterday, are eKprft d t-> have immediate command. The wait of mo- fit-y, however, renders the Trench levic extremely flow. By a private letter we lein that a houfe has bizn taken -it Toe. lirz for J th? King of Pruffia, and thjt there is Q11 other fiiundatioij for the meeting of the crowned heads, b.it thi» citcnroltanct. The Lady of General Sir Robert Wllfon being danger.utfly i-.di.pofed, wel j'j rc,'d by the Bifhop of Oxford. arc affured that the Geueial has obiainec! \ \ J'»^ before tw: ihe fivi-Ag of capfthn peimiffi-m to go tothe honfe in wfricnjIaonuURced the arrival of the Prince Re-. file rcfides no H'vi°g his parole of hen r h"nl- anJ at (wo hi* Royal Highness jlente cdt!)eHoafe, with iii^ ufnal Hate, bWor4of flats borne by the Dike rvfPERlAL PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF IJ0RD8—Theshas Hy 2. This being the di.y of the prorojja lion of Par'iiiiiient the do »r were npen- i<] at rwelv:* o'c'ock, and moft o( the thofe which regard the 'pleuduir nnd dignity of rhe Utro lie, j.-d the happiaef- of the Royal Houle wlbich rdgnfl over us. Impri lred with tlhese fentimenu, W< have e'»leavored, by a new arrange¬ ment of t!v -vil i.ill,t > fepcate thofe revenues which are fjjee iaUy affigncd to ihefuppoitof the R^yal Stare, placing 'hem henceforth beyond 'he reach of any c ntingeut charges, whic h more properly belong to other and different branches n the public fcrvice; ^<".d in the fame fpirit of loyal and affc&lOttale attach¬ ment we have hallcdf with heartfelt latufaftion, the aufpicroua marriage, by which the paternal choice of your Royal L-iighneft has gratified the univerfal wiflieti oftlie Natioo, and has adopted into the family of our f»vereign an il- luftrioos Piince, whose high qualities have aheady endeared him to the people amon^ft whom he has fixed the future deftiniea of his life-. Thefe, Sir, are the ohje&s to which 0 ix thoughts and labours have been '.htefiy direSed : and for completing tlv grants which it is our fpacial duty ami privilege to prove, we now prefent to your Royal Ii-ghnefsa Bill) intituled, »■« Ah A for granting to his Majellv a certain fi f-om caife- oFa trmonrurv nature, and wh eh a ;n \t fail ;.» be roaterlally relieved by the progs clave im--oVc "cm of public credit, and bv the reduction #hich hag already taken place in the burdAfls of the people. Ti.-jn the Lord Chancellor, by the Prince Regent's command, laid— A fy Lordi and Gi ntlemen, It is the will and plea (We of his R'»y;il Htghnefu th*.' Prince Regent,ac¬ ting in the name and on bet jlf of hi< majefty, tir.t thsrf Pa li.imcnt be pro- rogued to Saturday, the 14th day of Auguft next, to be then here holiien ; and this Puiliaii.ent is accordingly pro¬ rogued 10 Saturday the 24th day of Aug. IKXt. "-. Kingston. A.U6ust3L ISI6. We ob rrT- in the Spectator of Aug 16, publHnu ih St. Pavids, that the. . (litor has di-covrn (1 thi»t either the compositor of hhe Gfl/etteor rhclje- ^Lsluture ha.ve om\ttcd to insert in tin* ^rliOt»l Ait, the District *>f Niagara j We luer.iiojj* for the gratification of t!» %et tor granting ioni*raaje«y icotmd l„ara^ Jcj>GE,Jfc$t tHc said Art «n- fu.li out of ttw Coofolidatcd nu;d oi mm] j..,,.v:i fripitd, and that it was Great Britain, and to? applying certain hifctrtiiJ according to the copy. monies therein mentioned for the fervict j of the vcar 1816, and for further ap¬ propriating the lonp'ys granted in tlu* Scffimof Parliament ;" to which 15i.l» sopy, His E\c iloiicy Sir Jons C. Shkr- nii;;u: r.. tr»d »'t'i', nrriv. (I in To»n tnis inoj'jiiuit,fi ;m Lower Canada. ]iev\a a c!as9 *•( tha UicVvi I • - ■ ■ -- :■: ,'n r;.: d v.t; dil ps on* * k-r. to w • ii] - i 'o r*"i!i! r ('^•'•.nn'rt'i Jttfiial I p-'ctahlv • ti-fy. \& ■ il f allude to, " mU . I practice thai evi '•* W»r^. .■*.' v tr »ujyr Lujuor. on S daj • v- ■ \% cription of iiwiridi - ^ . - '• ' . them ; wher. by t: tiixn ; ! J :U -\ :iig9 vice ot r-v r^ ki.'i, 'vii- .ad ighnngarcown patiuv>turTi -b t.vr i to take place on 1 -.' ■ • = ■ <:i: day, • ^ imy t.n.»r day. M bat *!... 1 ... inay!K'\vh\ throe -v:;> ;■'^ n„: - ^ prevail*! cannot iricth >"'■ H h - •ver -tr.'v— iqje v- v i-<. i-bl-j rh -' I ro llW.it be i>rra! r"'»' =■ ■ or r- %ii. OH the pp ft of the ;\Ia.i (la-e.-, = i',- liea *-f thi- Toivh* * ^ Bcin^ »n a':..o-t per£ Ct str :t this placa, thi.-. lingular p: : a< urprised mo cxi r»'..:r-ly ; atl •: i & ^rcat annoyanctj, n 1 nly to roy;-&lf, but aU" to n nun bej ct ; .i:t\*»-n?n who appeti to resioe af a 1 mn.—«iuiv. o;: ^ iiulay, neither c< r^for! »» rftuici Uto Jje had, when it :s pariicuhi:'. *'d;'d. This irregularity is mo t-f.v • ; iohi- bited in all Tow us .ice. i>. til- I.-', er i:r;-vince, and in all other ccur.me* vvhich 1 have seen. 1 remain, with rcip; ct, Sir, rem1; :no>r tr\.,\, ji Frirtidio Harmony 8; py r&tt* K;tig«to '. Stth Am: i-r. r • ! that he will not have the honle, ExtrcSs from tie London Courier of July sth. Paris July z —General Marchand has been tried before the firlt couiic'l of war.? d acq-MUeJ. >\ eonfideral^e rx- peditionis preparing at GojiftatiiihOple. It i- nppHrd tr he cU ii -e-1 agau It tftc J>cy of Alters, who has long difreg^rd ed the autiic-rhy of the Grand Seign«» R-me, June 15 —Oin cu:it ic in a deJicte pofitu.n wi'b r&fetA to i';at \A £noi:ind. The affairs of th- Irfftl^Ca- tholics are cale-i^t^d to exeire % hv/ly intcrcll ; and. 11 inci-iiui Utfurij w% Uu*i 0 real advantage i' not dirpleaflng the Err-lito government. Sr-ples 'fum 16 — Yclhrday the Mi- ri(\tM of Foreign • ITaiis, it is faiit, read diftwu-hei f'om the P'ince Regent of EnglBlid relative to tta. prompt unnny j pfvhe embodied trowp*, and the Lvjinjj j cff.amco toman the Hiips of war whwh are preparing to put t. lea to crCtfe ag- aiutt the Barb&ry pintei. LosnoH, June 20. _ _ Ii is with pain we fabO"! the Itttd.i- geace to our readers A •» roiifluCteoi the chiilliins at tto-n, a pott towu in Itit- Wl in the Nled.'.icr\u7c;.n, ZOO '.rjier. craft of \lgier*. About 700 m;;ii»e», belong j iii<y to the crews of the c(,r:.i fiifctttg boat Under Eno-lilh and French colours, land- edon afcenfion day to i>o »o ehu-ch, when a great BO^feer of armed Ttn-ki and Bedouins broke into the church, and j be^an to kill all within it. S-.r^y ibrfcj pira'wwil no tosher be permitted to tu j ligue the pat'ence of manktiul :ne if Wellington, and attended by the Vlarqui- of Cliolmondtly, the Marquv. ot Winchefter, Lord Gwvd'V, &c< -5c.'. The Prince R« ^er»t b- ing seated ou he throne, Sir ThoniT- Tyrwhitt, Oen-1 tiemen Dftier of rTie Ba-k Rod, wa«] lent to require the tt'.enda cc of the1 Common*. Shortly •forwirdi the Speak?*' and a Treat nan.bei of Members, came to the Bar. The Speaker- on prefent In 5 'lie Ap- o..tia'i <» i*.itt luldi'. fI..ii tin P1U1C1 :\e »ent a*. rol!ov\*, : — ftlay ItfiSsjsr yuisr Psyal Hlgbrirfi% At the dole &f a l.b uricui k-'Tto*, we, his M .jvRy'u m»»il faithful C'>nUrxo,.i$, attend np.nl your R--.yal Hi jbnets with uitrcuuchi 5in.j \S\\\ uf Supply During thecoutfe ofourvlelibcrr.ti n wc have, in obedience to yom R« yal Hi^lidn ii's comauds, t-x.nni.ied vaito»ia "reauea and Convemii ns wh-ch hav bctn laid hetoi. u?. We have the**.- f-cti the iranqoiiiry of Europe re-eilabll ; (bed upoj the ba£i of legitimate \i ■'• ni- inent, by the f*.ne pr» fidi *g council which plumed rfiebold, provideni arid co.'nMrriv.live mtafuies comtnen cm in eanalbai,the ga^s light btUy DyoUs rronih. -i* June, there was nea.ly ioo,coo divaree bill.and ia few other bills. ^ Cl0np6 |i3:;c.nC)| ;n tfa vJcioity of the H^s Rcyal High.reft the Prince fcttE** Capital, and that thev were iiegcit drhveted the following Speeh! frcgUCBiiy reviewed by the "' from the tr rone :— \i My Lord: and Qenlkmcn, I cannot cloic- this fellion o-c Parii.rnent t; tnpcroi j -ihxMidtr> accompanied by the hereditary Prince of Grange\ Alont. Cour. without again axtreili-1\ my de;n regret at the continuance i^f his MiJdtyV lamented istdifpnficioni J The cord/.'! intereft which you have J inauifeiled in t're happy event of the swr-1 rtage of my daughter, the Prrnccfa Charlotte, with the Prince of Saxe- Coboutg, .ind the liberal provi'ions which you hvvc made forth*.ir ciiabli'hment, afFord be additional proaf of your af¬ fectionate attachment to his Majcliy'a ::e:i.:i an 1 /:"..", <■• \ demands my | wai n.cll aekaowlcilgmer^t. 1 have the pleafuJe '() acqnaint you, thai I have given the r^yaj c!f,nt to at rriagc baween His Maiefty^dauffhtei, [i, t>n tjiePiiuceU Mary m<\ x\>x l>uke -.fj| Laumuv. j Gi.irce ter jand I am p^fuaJcd th.ttl this *s$8l will be h.i-ir-^ gr.aiiViug U Hi ni-i Maj.fty^B fnfcjeti • The -ff ■ Th." I).*l' frigate i^ p/pp^ring to takr S:r liob :i ilt ! and miic,-, 10 Quebec. Lie it appoiutv'd to command ou thu Lakes, Cap-Lookjer Uhis Cuptain. aud Li. Brace his lla.; Lieuttnaut. ib. The Roflklo pupiis mention that a St am iv-at of 200 ton has been lauu- i'hi d upon the water<of lake Ontaio, bclong'in^ to a Mu. (.iiAtiu-s Smitji and a.■.^•■ciafes of Atban). it is stated that the Xew-^orfe legislature refused |fygiuntau act of incorporation t«» the builder-* up at tho principle that it voul.l bavn a tendency to facilitate tue •oimi) i.atii»n oih r.mcs> down Hit- Sr. liofloity Augitfl 14. Arrived h;re this momiuw, bru£ Wd ot ihcir rcf:»l rt:o 1 to the let in* <»f 'he UcaiticS wliicti 1 a'.- j iiuunced to you at the iopenin& of the fc- [Gon, p-/0ii. \c the continuance uf tliai peace to ufien-tlal to tie intcrcll or' all na- ; he negotiations at Cha^tmoat, m;.!u ed| j ti .n- of tne w.rl.l- G.m.x.u,: t.f :!.?.. Hwnfr if Cwn.njns* 1 thank y>u i-r ihe i upj/iica wi >J\\ you h 'C n ran led f m Ok U vke of the yr The »ff.ir&»t4 w-ii...»j 1 have received .' i;,m H my, Clongh, 5y day'i from of the pacific and friendly difpofrtHHuif.U^it.yj, ( \:,,r.) (/Cft two (hi;»-, (he lue powers cnrMg;-d in the la e wa , and;) A:tas I (;ln,..oH'..r New York— the only .eciite ;i.- i r'.ably * in ihcC<nii'ief: at Viah*ai a*xJcom« ievd by t!»e pei-re «d Pai!a. We have iet.3f| j.dfo, the wile and generous p')li- y '>> x>"-\\ Allivd Powers, ivhu, difclaimifig alljlaud iarti ieufi'ilc d\V. ben u^'al .ff.as y * v.Ji.'ci. may be cvpcSiv^ t vefuu i.«m ) r.TiNrw XorJE—tne only \fren;:au vellels in port. Sp-tkc, July ^j blij J din an I Hannah, 'f p- ol, 56 Jay, fi ,fl Bclfaft for N.w York. Pas- enger«, M. dcficHeivrr,* in the cabin, •>nd iu the iterate zg men, women and children, * A general belief fa current here this morning, ttwt tWa gentWman is no iefs a pir!/»"-.e thin the Celebrated M'rihal tiOVtT Dik-r of l)afm:itia. In one of llhe^ate&Lo don ;j*per , received here To besr>:dal Fab- lie AuctfO:i, On WEDSmUJJt IU \0ih din of September In tfv Markt-t square, a' Kinrflon, Five valuable En^ii'h HOR5ES, the p-ope ty »f Olii.er; wlio have lately left King lion. /lug. 31. Wan ted, FOR THE USE OF HIS M\JESTY's forces A" kis pos" 150,000 Weight »f Go d Merchantable BISCUIT, Delivered in b.tg> t 1 contain 112 p6on$ tach. -^ The parties will be required to guar¬ anty this fupply keeping in g'od order for the fpace of twelve months fro;n the diHK of delivery* Tenders wid be received at 'his office until the 24th September next; but no prooofat will be notired which do* not [offer the moft fati-fael.it-y fecarityfor the I performance of fuch ftipulatrom as nay. be entered into- Commissariat Office^ Kias*Hon% 12 22 j August, i^t6. Bij Auction, ONWE:;Nl£.D \\ m t, :ift inftant, and fbliowm^ Jat . till the whole is difpofed of, at the !u' lau bers* Stores, the remainder -.f their •lander, Efq. Co*»oo s^»=»« j (without date, which, we think, fttuA be the 4th u!t.) *o reai admixal car C \ - Penrofe. at Malta. We have further to add. thac by a veffel jull calM from SofTon in Sadinia. Mr. W R Brown, Britffli vice conful in this pl.;ce, reteivod a d.fpatchfrom the vice conlnl of 'he above town, dated 8tli uit. dating he- had received news from Algiers on the -fame day, that a great number of coral j! ""J*1"! b.,l° Sitting boat* hid arrived there, wliieh f|«~*f™* had made their efcapefrom Bona, wiicr-. i^cAi of dtfmembu-tnaf the gre^airl { , _ _ ..........^^^w^ ^^., ^.ny ...(t ,nc.eo: Monarchy of F.anee, ha« .i«nMthe :«!..i..; !; km of aiaiung proviiiuii) «;..|r«dayi, ,1,-r, I .ibtlrve the foiSowiug eoutenttdto adop: lueh p:-^-..-*L^ »y]fui th^t.. « way caUmi^v^ feai^nKit jlj^ragrsph, which is no doubt, roent to oce.fo.c:.a9 ^i,;ht rfF.^ui!!;. p-vU^x htf(|pobie- cwht. 11 ..tp'y Unto eeniteiuaa : — h'^'Ii ' - ntbBfnifli Min -r c■■■ntradiAuhe cportof :he failing of MailL^l Sot:k for America and lays tne pcrfou ruppofed to haveb^en him was a Mono. D'id\sr% who !ud been urtpiifoned at Parts feveral months, aud wasf*t at liberty on conoi* J t: >m th?" he would have the country.'* There *•■ a giury a> to whcthci he is Souk or not. He puts up at the Ex¬ change G'jffec-Houle, and exhibit* him- fvif in the Rciding Room, &C. without the lcatl reiervc. Wm. durdick Stock l>adf In our domcilic concerns the preatj jthat uovatijg fcinbe w*%«tmgoumy part and fudden tranfi'iu 1 fiom rf (l.ttc of ex- ! to give full euect to ih ,fc arrangements tended v\ i'faiv to o'n prefcul u^Uati in ; 1 he ;ruvi.ioi J'strw.ve aiadc h>r con- has uccefTnilv moiled many fmou3;|f-Jidan"ng the rrveuue-%>f Great Britain evils and drSicOtoics, tv which we have \. and lrelaad, will, I 0 abt not, b* pu- not faiUd to apply nui moft a-xiou^ at- [duftive of the tiap^.cil coofeq.aenvc>, in edition. To the diihvflV, pf the cementing and advaneb^ ^ imcivlL ol agriculture imeiva. we hive rendered! the United Kinjjdom ":„d rauit .(Tud Lurh immed:a:e relief aceouW bcJevded, howiiia alio thai iL-.-v may daitv decreafc^ j muci' .0 iu [lenccoftime- For the bcneiii ot Com* ■ ■ r l .1 n«A«.ii a wttf rt+' ma*ca;f &nd ibe general convenience ot & 1 it feems, that on the 2§d uli. a body 01 » fi . 1 r .1 t» . t ;n\ r« .I;,*..., l.j.t rattka or his Gaiety a iu..]^as, a na. about Aococt the luvkilu io."tie»y (ho 11 j * .. ■* $ ! revolted—had fallen upon all the chris¬ tians on fhore, whom they cut 6o^'\\ ; and, it isfsid, thnt rhcy did not, in thei' f fury, fpaie even the vice tenia!* of the) [WWW °- Enropcan nations The fubft^nr.c oi1 this news is confirmed by a d ipatch from the French Confix! at Leghorn, who received the depofiti n *A one ot the j fuv»iti"ve^ of his nation from Bona, trar.fmitted it to thi' Freach tbuio) tliib place. We are, & c i GA£TO, DRACO & WALSH. Agents to LJoy Coiuagc has hem provided : and m vari¬ ous ways by pofiiiwe enattmcats 0/ e h4ve dew-teJ 1C1 in preparatory inquiries v% our labours to the gen¬ eral imp overrent of the condition ot th-: people, theit relief, »d their Jinftrtt&ion. In fettling otir Hnaudal 1, rangefficnts, the Expenditure *or the :nrvic^ of wait Civil and Military f ^ * 1 "I an addition d pro d of tlu' conilaut di*- poStipn of I?a!iianv.nt v0 relieve the diifi- |cu»tic-.and promote loc weltave of lre- la»d« My Lords aniiQtuiUmWi The nu.tf'.ires to vrkj^j \\xmt been j under the neceSity of rvlorting, for the fupprtluon uf 1 hole turn llfiana dihjrders J which had u:'foitunau.]y CCc0rred in feme parts of the kingdom, have been productive of the mofi i-'utary effedts. I deeply 1..meat the continuance of that prciTure a;;J dtlire£| which the cir- IcumfUnctsot Lhe co nt..yf at ^c {:|0f- •of fo long a war, !ia,vc m5aVotdabl,V The Crown Prince of Swedon has seHf an A-«Ti>-«£*s8d»n* to the Court ol flontC (lennnn i'nucc to a-!, the h»nd • f>onu> «icrinan 1 rincrss foe his .son O-ear. Tills i* ol rour*MJ ^ pcliilcal1 :»an<:.'uvrr to &t>curi5 Ih;* Sourish Crown tne ir.ondof thi" rirruutlottcs. ;o .'d*i." eliabmh*nenfc* baa been co.didered, with^| [entailed 00 many claffes 0(\x[$ Majeity^b London, June 29. Tor feveral day? paft a report hr.s bc:n current iu the political clicks, lha' the Earl of IJverpoo] is about to rcl:'.- hU frnarion as firtt Lord of the Treafury, reference 10 the pcctifiary rrtources the y-ar ; and amoi.^tl the moftrnpor- Utit ..f oui meal'ures. as sdfeding the jo.nt ;nte:cRnof Great Britan and [,e- iai.d i • the law which we have paflcd fov leonfiilidttiig the Revenues < [. -irtioi:- ■ f ihe United Kingdom. <ir, in the midft of all our fubj An. »* If 1 rvn. [ttc 1 -.re aiC none in winch this Wlii,, -J i-np-naiu concerns, done ^V:^^^^:^-"^^'^'in,£re* ilo,,liiv"" l,r"lli bc foa'4 **> j 1 feel fully perfuad-:d, however, tkat j after :he many ievere t.Lls w!ljch t)1(.y have undergone, in th.. courfc 0f the Arduous contct! in whic^ wc navtf been of both I engaged, and th«* ultimate jToccc& which ha at e d dthwglQrK*u^au(iperfcverillg exen;or-s»I may rely wau p;rfect Con- ! BJenee on their public fpi nt and [oll{lade in fultaining thole dt% ltfcB ^;ci, yc anlcn I-onoon. June l2j. Yeftcrday morni:ig arrived at Ports- mouth the Meditteirant'an fleet, under the command of Lord Exmouth, con- lifting of f:x fail of ihe line, two frigates, and three bri^s, forming the whole of our navy on the war eftabliihment, ex¬ cept the Pilot floop of war, on that fta- tioOi in i ra will be lold without rcferve to clofe the concern, coufifiiug of fuperfiue. fine and coaife Cloths and Caffimer-s, wriit- a-.d clorcd Flannel:, 200 Flannel Shirts Dimity, Chintzes^nd Colicocp, a ci.f of lrifli l.iuen, Bomba/tttev Gingharng, IMn'rtings, Scotch ^heeUngn, Brown .Hollondflj white Cottons, 6-4 Checks ami Snipes, Leuos, Mull'n- and C 1 n- brtcs, lnlh P,lins, Silk and Cotton bluwU, men's 3c women's Cotton H-'e, j Fiik and Cotton Gloves, black Lace (Veils, a quantity of rich filk'lW— '..., mens and women's fine Fhoes & Boots I a few men's and women's Fur Cap^of J a superior kind, tabic Knives & Forks, ' with an aflTortment of Stationary, Hardware and Crockery, Csc. ALSO, Jamaica Spirit*, Co^mae Biandy, Wf.e, Peppermint and Fhr b, Tea, Uaifins, Currants, Pepper, Al'.fpice. Fo;!;,.v*c. Fale to commene: at 4 o'clock P. M. 1 each day. Wm. M'Lc-Rn & Co. Kingston, \bth duguj% \816. it A 1:0c—A late Philadelphia papei nays—on Monday evwiing a man for a i\agcr,at VaoxhalI Gardens, eai ihrcr li/.'o jjlnsncs ice cream and dianh three half gi!'..- of brand \ in ten minutiS. ; Von tnl Kixusros Gazette* Mu. r.oiron, SIR, it is with no small concern that 1 i>crcu\c t.tui the moiaU of a certain ii Notice. - \ Board of Militia OfL-era, oppofnt- ed by His Excellency :he Ueiu tenant Governor, to examine into and re- port upon the claimfe for rniUtvry pen- lions, of the widows and children, whole k.utbandf 01 Fathers, may hav- dn d t%m dilealc contracted whdlt on actual le-vicet will aflTeroble^t the-Court 1 Qoufe in Kingfton on Thurfday the Fifth day of Sepumnerncsc, at ten o'clock iu the forenoon. JOHN cFERGUSOM* (id Senior OJIcrr in the Midland Oisttjg. To JI Concerned Kittfsteo, }±>l *i/£u:t: iSffi.

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