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Kingston Gazette, August 17, 1816, p. 4

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NEW GOODS. OF almoll every t •fcrfpnon jaft rcce: ved and rf&ted tot fele on term* • •: moll accotnmodtitiHg;, by m rER WE'fSEL. s!n\*ng which are r. very extenfiveaf- ;0i tmrnt of . Dry Goods; Together with a choice affortment of Silks & Ribbons; Ladies' Bonnets ; Gentlemen s & Boys' FJ \ To. FrelbTea* Losfand &fttfc«*ado Su- gar, Plug, Ladies' Twift and Paper To¬ bacco; Scotch, Rappe, and Macoboy Snuffs. Old Jamaica Spirits, CoffPiac Bran¬ dy, Holland Grin, Shrub, Prppermint, Port and French Wine. C.'ofee, Chocolate, Ginger, All(pkcf Ground Pepper, MuAardi NutnjegSj Cloves, Cini'-'m-'n, Cmmm, Ramus, Figs, Poland Starch, Fij Biue. Po-*der and Shot. Corn and Kair £rooms. Window G!afs.and Putty. Ax*-* fcrew //uguc.>, Steelyards, Sho* ?el% Frying Pans lion and Steel ;.4> ant] rod cut Nails j"8J and i-l Wrought NMla. Together with a srencral aflorrment of //zraf and JJoilozv A g doz. Coverlets, i$6d /. Wo.flcd H.fe. 1*2 dozOil'diVk Hat Covers, 3 A z. Looking Glair-i, of various S&CS, aftJ nffl fuperioi quality. 30 Bi)lS. Mrf- Pork, 200 lbs. Hnjj's Lard, soo Gallons raw and boiPd Linfced OIL 2^0 Prs Men's Z?>ots of different qua- r-,o do do Shies, 2 co do LadlcV Boots, . 500 do do Shoes, ICOO do Children's Boots & ^hoes. Caif Skin*, Uppcj Leather, Harnufs L'.atln-r. and Sole Leather. ALSO, §8 P'ufliels Corn, 50 Bbls, Strong Beer, Oats and Flower. Kingston, March 15, !$'£& 4=t^ Notice. THE fnbfcriber refpea fully informs hi* friend? and the public ihat he i» about opening a Store in front ot 'he new market houfe, where he will do BUSINESS on COMMISSION Will buy and fell, Store & Forward GOODS Up or doivn the River, Will take in any orders of any defcripti 00 In that line of bufiiufs. N. D Perfon* defirousof committing confijrament^ to his charge* may know :h«- r?tca of Horagc and coQiraiffion by calling at the newcommifii •«» ftore- JOHN DUNCAN. Kingfton, Dec. 30, 1815. j aft rece»ved and for fale at this Office, O RE/JMS WRAPPING PAPM. A QUANTITY OF Writing Paper, Of Quality No. 2, 21 Reams Writing Poft NTo. 2# V J. Covert, HAS juft received, Dircdi from Lon- don, and oilers for fale the fol- '"iiEtrEJLM F. Geld Seals and lieyea, Coloured and plain Bar and Finger Rings, fuch as Amcthyft, Em- raid, Topaz, Garnet and Ruby, Red and White Carneliau, Coral, and Imitation Dimonds, Penal and Imitation Garnet—Steel Purfcs, Gilt Chains, Seals and Keyes. Also—For fale, one Gold Pattcnt leaver Watch, made by Haskell, Liver- pool. Kingston, Augnjl 3, 1S j 6. 9W4 G ROCERIES. T^HE iubf-iibcrs, having commenced *- bufinefs in the Grocery Line, either whole fale or retail in this place, where they will do rhcir utmost to fupply l'ie public on the most reasonable terms* TORRAXCE £<f M'LEOD. Kingston, joth May, 1816. S2 Notice. THE fubfcribcrs to the IT. C. Book S.-ciety, are informed that Mr. Samuel Merrill has taken the Books and Tract belonging to the Society, and thole who Vbifli ro take their dividend of books for the la.'t year and fubferibe to¬ wards importing more book* for another year, arc requeued to cat- Without delay at Mr. Menil's Store for that purpofe. By Order of the PrcjlLnt. Kingfton, Auguft 1 1S; 6- 9 WHEREAS Francoid, my wife \\>% left my bed and board, without any juit eaule 01 lenfon ; This i-* .herefore to forbid ail perfona harbouring or truiting her on my account as I w " not pay a •; debts that the may contract after thi^ date. his JAMES-M CARDINAL, mark. ' Kingston, July 27, 1816. _____9W3__ .Adverlisemeiit4 HE fubfcrlber offers for fate the NEW GOODS. I1 HE fubferiber has ju»t received and now offers fot fale,*an cxtenfive and well chofen aiTortme.it of Dry Goods, Groceries, and Hardware. JLSO, A well chofen Aflbrtment of MEDICINE. The whole of which will be fold at the lowest prices forcafli or country pro ducc. Exv-d. J. Henderson. Kingston, 26 January 1S16 10 Wool Carding. THE fubferiber has ticfted a Card¬ ing Machine half a rnile north of Mr. M'Gnin's Mill on Collin's Cretk, in the townfhip of Kingston and has it now in complete order for Carding Wool. All pcrfons who will favor him With their custom may be affurcd of hav¬ ing their work done well. Pi ice, 6d. per lb. p. j FITCH. Kingston* June S//', 1 8 1 &• 2tf T Notice. 0 he fold or rented, as mj be agreed upon, that well km'*" va^able followi g 1 Lots of Lands. Lots No. 14. rj, T7. 18, 25 3"d 26 in the gthconccflion of the t« wi.fliip uf Tliurluw. No 4» in the 8th conceffion of Hun- farm, lot No I t and the Well half of Lot No. 10 in the 6rft conceffion of Additional Ficl.-ri. \t!>ingh, trgeiher with a good fame Ho«fe an<l Bam, good Meadows, and two O^hardfi there- on, and about one hundr ' and forty acres of improved land. The premifes I are well fitiiated for a farn^N merchant, or lanfccepCT For forth** particular- apply t- the fnbforihcr, cr |C D. Wafn- burn, Efq.in Kingfion* MlCJTAEL COYLE. Kintr^-n. ?of, F.l. rrtf* t&r tingdoo* No. tj, in the loth enccflion o' Row den. No. 31, Eatt half, id conceffion of Sidney. 200 acres in the 4th a-id eco in the 6\}\ conceffion ofthe Got** b-iween Er neft Town and Fr*'der!ckfbiirgh. N-> i Sand 19 in the 8th conceflion of | Murray. | No. 34 and 35 in the 4th conceffion of the townlhip of \angrnn. ALSO, Three Town Lots in the t~>wn of Kingston, of one fifth of an a-rc each* Wm. CRAWFORD. Fred^ricksb'ugh, 26ih Tune, 1816 4 ^25 Reward. \\ ditto ditto uncut. Public Notice. 'T'HE fubferiber has commenced run- * ning a Stage Waggon From K'-.^ilou, to Err.s-A Ti-wu village, daiiy ; to leave B. 01 colt's tavern, ai Kingfton, -very morning, at fix o'clock, and return the fame evening. To com¬ mence *>n MonJ.iy. the ilrft day of July. .Every accommodation will be afforded to pdrengcrs and baggage, SAMUEL PURDY. Kingston^ July 13, 18!6. j Wrapping Paper Of a LARGE and Excellent Onajity, for Sa:eat fhis Office BLANK. BAIL BONDS, and For sale at thL Office. * HERE AS on the morning ofthe 5th inft. a man bv name of RJ CHARD E. BARKER, ran away from Prcfcott, t-pper Canada, with ab¬ out toco dollars, the property of t.he iuLferiber. Any perfon or p«'ifo. 3 who wi!i apprehend and fecure the laid Rich¬ ard E Bartert fo that he may be bio'ti to juft;-c. fh::!l receive the above reuarJ by applying to the fubferiber at Pfcf^ott, Upper Canada* He is a man about twenty fix year> of age, five feet fix inches high, ficfli complexion, light hair, blue eyes, round vifege, head a little bald—at the time he made his efcapc his cl thes wen a b'ack coat ?.nd pantaloons, ftriped waiftcoat, & long boots- It :s to be hoped that eve¬ ry exertion will be made for the fecuringj of fuch a character. AMASA WOOD. Prescoa, If. C. June M, 1816. I FOR 3AL& V/N reafonable terrt»< Lot No. 22, in the pJ) Concession, No. 23, in the Gib Concession, Lot No. 20, in the i \tl> Concersicn. Tl.c whole bcTJjr m tlic IWnflvo of Lanidowir. in i'i. . ijjj^rifi of John^'nviL Votptfticton pnupire »t the office of ALIAS Merely. Efy Kingston, Jir, ,„f z8) ,;<, 9. ,2 x H U R L b W" M ILLS, %r Sale. \ ve,T va)":al.!e Oriil-Mfll for Sale, • * w\v li !.a , :|l({ l)in]crgo„e a thoro' repair upon the t;^r,.vcmc,rt „f Bevel Geer. Such a -.[j.j,^ ?Wpetty is Crl- dnm to be met v ;tll . ;, v>.;;, h(, jtffpofcd of by the owner ;n c„nfeqiienoe nf m,,-. canik arrangement., . far autkulm and 10 trt-ai for :he hm^ a ,y t() Tho. Mfl»Coi.EMAH, ^:f(, ,jlc prt,pifet0f : he alio offers for l-]e f(,verai t"0.vn water lots, upon tie brik, ofthe (iver MoiVa J roan who wcll undcrliaiujs co„. duaing Carding Machines, and can keep accounts v. ;„ et wf,h , Samuel Skate, BEGS leave CO inf»rn his Friends and the Public .:n general, that ht has jufl received aiid now oflera for falc, at liic Store, an elegant aflbrtmeiit of HARDWARE # cl;tlery\ Dirifl from the Birmingham and Slief- field Manufactories, which he will dif- pofeof Wholefale or Retail, at reduced prices ; amcup which are the following : Carnenttr.'s Bench and Moulding Planes, Chiffels ;.f Sorts ; Trying Squares and T Bevels, Hand. Tenon, Dovetail, Salh, Mill, CrofTcut, and Key-hole Saws; Chcft, Cupboard, Drawer, Trunk, Stock, Door, Mortice and Pad- Locks- ; Rings of all forts. Brafs and Iron ; Saddlery and Harntfs trimmings of all defcription* ; Tandum, Gig and Riding Whips ; Du. Thongs and 1-afiies ; #eft Plated and Brafs Candiedicks, Do. Cruets of 4 & 5 GlafTcs, Britranny Metal Teapots ; Watch-maker's and Jeweller's Plycrs, Nippers, Tiles, Screw-plates, &c. Fowling Pieces, Shot-belts, Powder- Flafk.and Bullet moulds; T f)ek- fur Fowling.pieces $ Blccfe tin Saucepans and Tca-kettles; Handles & fpotits to do do. Tinman's Rivets & wire of Sorts ; Gold icalea of tartons ft/cs ; G'i^l Iron* and Frying Pans, Table and De.ert Knives k Forks; Do Carvers with Fotks; Wood Screws affbrted ; Bureau Trimmings, Portable Defk do. Bed Caps, Screws and Keys ; 4'!, 6d. 8d, tod, 14'!, t6d, i8d, 2od, 28 i and $od Nails ; White and Black Lead. Pri.flnn Blue, Spnrifh Brown, Red and Yellow Paints;— Boiled Euglifh O:!, &c i:c. &c« Which in a(i;iiti()ii toMs former Stock wid form the rru.it complete alfortment ever offered f<-r fale in this place. Kingston. August 10, 1 H16. ictf E7B a em jet I NEfV STORE. rj *H E SubTcriber take- this opportuni- A tv of acquainting bis fried** nd the public that he has fet up a STORE iq tire townlhip of Cramahe, near the Fuftjne J lie Bay, where he pn 1 ofes t« keep eonftantlyon hand, 3 general af- fort men t of Dry Goods Groceries, Iron and Steel; With a General aflurtment of HARD WARE, Glass Sf Crockery WARE. All of which he will fell, wholefaleand retail on the moll rea(onab!e terms. He has alfo built a Wharf, and a hrge Store for receiving and Forwarding Goods to any part ofthe Dt'Hrid of New-Cafile, and to receive and forward any kind of Produce to any part of Lake Ontario.—- Thofe who rr.ay pleafe to fend Goods or Produce to hi* care may depend on the greateft caie and attention being pa:d to them, and on the rroft readable term?. All kinds of produce will be taken for payment, cither for Goods or Storage. Cafh will not betefufed, but no credit given. James RiCNARDsoN^Sen. Prefquelfle. 18th July, j816. 7*6" T. cn- a>uraRe«oen.t on application as -Cove. A f,-t of new Carcjj war;cd ac ab(We> 7 huelow, MarcK ,3, , 816. 4?// ^ 1 ^^^mr «^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ■ -rw^—- 7¥ t*Mfad ar.dfor falc ai this '■'•ffice: Price if3. i he LlFEanj j DYING SPE ECU 01 JOS.- P[-J UliVl!< ; Who was execu«,.d at Kingston en Mon day the 4th d,v of September, 1S15. fur the murde:ot- Ma,y BeW ^ daughter. ("*iN lus removal to Europe, ofFers fof JP falc that valuable and moll excel¬ lent Qand, the H hitc j}ear Tavern. The Houfehold Furniture and other i^WUljwm ^tiiiUhkc iH'i rWw« iij u «*iu^i J uef, will be fold at Au&iou on the 24th vMbnt. Tnofewlv> may have demarids againii [hJm, wiil exhibit "their accounts previous to th. t r'are ; and thofe indebted to him aic requefted t(j a 1 range their accounts without deh*y. Kin*tton% M6 dvgvfo l&l6. lOif FOR SALE, • Four foot LATHS.' ^0,000 Apply ^thJa onice. Kingfton, 17th May, 1816. ii ~A LONGlHaSE, on mode- rate terms, mav l>e had of an e:cte;:five bntiding lot, nearly an acre, in the vicin¬ ity of Kingfton ;—also feveral Lots of one, two or three fifths of an acre each, mny be had on caly terms, either on l^ttJg Icaies or fulc.— Apply to Mr, Miles.—apri! 20. ^6tf Strayed, L ROM the the town of Kingfton, ab- * out fix week? ago, a Young COW, of the following defcription.—Small fue—color, dark red, with a whitef.ee, and white fpots down her back—fore feet white—fhort horns ; and is now with calf. Any perfon that will return her U) the Printer, or give information whcie Ate can be found mall he handfome- ly rewarded ; and any perfon found keep¬ ing her afatr the dale of this advertife- ment will be profecuteJ for fo doing. Kingston( July 5, lb* 16. e PACKET. fHE Schooner Perfevcrcncc, J G. Parker, Mailer, will continue to run as a Packet (rem Kiugflon to Sack CtS Hatbor. STOLEN OR SI RAYED, pVv'O Mares one 0f which h a m black, threeyfarsold, v.ith a fwrnp. on her left hind fetWk, the othei i- a hay, w.rh a wiui.. ftr;pe ;„ her f.,Rhead) two wh.te hind feet> w;t|, afcar „ h(>r left thigh, 9 y<„.s Old. Whoever will g.ve Informant Concerning them, f„ that the owner May g« than (hall have ten Dollars R&Vard. „ , . ,. ,'»,1,N" N. Woodcock. Fredcndjburgh, Julle , ^ i S r 6. I 3m3 R ags i ! Rags! Cash and tin highest price paid for CLEAN COTTOL' AND LINEN NOTICE. rrHE fiibferibus refpcftfully inform * the Merchants, Traders and the public in general, that they have entered into co-partncrlhip, am! have opened an un&iQU mom in front ofthe New Mar¬ ker, in ;he bach part of the houfe be¬ longing to John Duncan, where they will hav-* regular auctions twice a week ; and beinrr that the fenior fubferiber hath 'been iheoniy OTIC in that line of bnfinefs inKinijfton,foi a number of year:-, they expert by the!-- stiidt attention and cor- rednefs, that they will have the custom of the place in future to encourage the new firm. John Tjarlet^ j JOHX DUNCAV, du$hneer$* Kingston, 2Oft Afrih lSi6. Sf« B. The days of au&iooa are fixed on Tuefday and Friday. 7 RAG \ AT THIS OFFICE. 200 FOR SALE, Gaits, linseed OIL. JOHNS 4 FINKLE, Kingston, July ■ C, 1816. fj-f i LOST—On Thnrfday Evening |aft, fomcuhere about the Goal, two I-euies, nmiiing from Government to Stephen Fairfield, and reefed from the M7«HkU>0 me; alfo, a Coittraa between Daniel Phelps and the fubferi oer concerning a Saw Mill. Whoever wn return faid papers to the fnbfcriber. ihall rec«ve a reward of Four D,.I!arP. Thomas Parks. Kington, spril 16, 18 16. 46 Blank Summonses For the District Courts, foi &a!e at fins QffiCCf MidlandDhtri8%\ Vj Y virtue pf a To V/ir: j I J WRIT of EX¬ ECUTION iffued out of His Majdly,« Court of King's bench, holding civil pleas, in and for the Midland Dilrifl 3* fiirefaid, at the fuit of John Kirby ofthe town of King lion, in the faid Diilrift* merchant, againii thelandsand tenamcni3 which were of William ^ikinfou, of (he lame place Tauner, deceafed, at the time of his death in the hands and cullody o« Richard Cartwright, John Fergt'fooi Nicholas Sifckteand Mary Stickle, Ex¬ ecutors and ExecutrtK. of thflfaid W3U iam Atkinfon deceafed, to mc directed, 1 havefeized and ukm in execution, as belonging to the f.id WILLIAM AT¬ KINSON, dtceafed, at the time ofltffl death In the hands and cuflody of Rich- aid Cartwright, John Fergufon, Nicho¬ las KticJdea, and Mary/Strckfea, Esecftj, tors and Executrix of the laid WjJJ«m Atkinfon, deceafed, lots number /q , 21, 22 23 and 24, in the foui th conccJ Hon ofthe townfiiip of Sidney, CohUiaim by admeafuicment i20oacre^ be the fame more or lei's. Now J do hereby give ao- ti'.e that the faid lots or parcels of land will be fold and adjudged to the higlicft bidder, 3t my office in the town of King. Hon, on WEDNESDAY the SIX. TEENTM day of OCTOBER next, at TEN of the clock in the forenoon, at which time and place the conditions of fale wiil be made known. I Charles Stuart, Sbcrif. 'And even/ perfon or pcrfons having claims on 1 he above defcribed lots of land and nremifes, by mortage or other right or incumbrance- are hereby adver¬ tised ro give notice to the fard Sheriff, at hi* office)u the town of Kingfton, prev;. one to the fale thereof. Sheriff's ojftcc, May 6, 1816. ___ 4 BLANK DEEPS and MEMO". RIALS, for fale at this OiHce. For Sale, A quantity of Oak fuicable for Staves and fquare Timber within a rea- lonable distance of the water leading into the Bay of Quinty. For particulars any perfon or peifons wifhing to purchafe will pleafe to call at this Office or at Mr* Jcfcph Vallier's Houfe. Kiugflon, Dec. 9, 1815, fjA For Sale, A VALUABLE Farm, with build- ings also large improvements there¬ on, favorably fituated within 28 mi!e3 of Kington. Pcrfons defirous <»f pur- chafing to inquire of the Piinter. ft in ?s/ntr> July 10, 181 c ■ $ jj Public Notice. ALL perfons indebted to the fubferi¬ ber are requefted to make immedi¬ ate payment to him, and not to any oth¬ er perfon, as no perfon has authority from him to receive his debts. CHARLES MERRILL. Kingston, 18th July, 1S: 6. 8tf RLAIR'S Sermons, PorteuV Evi- ^^ dences, the Canadian Vifitor, bound o; (ingle, together with a great variety of ufeful Books and Trflfts, foe young people, for Sale at this Office ;— where accefrt may be had to a fmall Os¬ culating Library, three times a week, on moderate terms. augufl i9 t8if. • p

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