w . MISCELLANEOUS. p « I • • • # • • Retigtotu InteSigcncei * * * v TIES." w THE SEMN WvKi 0 r r-iiL^. Sifrifrtibt not, %ViiI pcr- *«.-wiih Lralj interest, the, Mlo-vinu letter in rclnii ui to the preisnt staf? oj tli ■ &W Chm Aes r/' /fe'"ff. i'1'"!';",'; in th* liMthr C iupt rs f the It d - |> a of St, John.— ( &M« dsht* BR1TMAA FOREIGN BlBtCK>ClE1rVi ;%\/, art ^ffl Liter from the Reverend it Ltxvsjr. Ch-'pl;vr of the Em- fyixM QfObntfamin>p&n relative to tke pres&tt slate of tha dfaxnfgptfc Lint. "he?. CotfiTAsrisopWt Jan. 10, 1810. A\ In' ! laathrroto in you., ! was or: *V p .in: .-.f setting; out on a short c\- rr.i-'i.T. hrto A-ia Minor: travelling ir^ti'.v.as 1 ttwi conrtrainjfd to do from the rircimstaneee of piy sit-iati- f?r.. ths information t cmtUl procure vi, nt cc"':ii»lv sup :rSc:a1 aud ui^n?!^- factory: n-. however. 1 distributed the !': w hooks of the so fety m l.irii I was jfebtataftirry with mo. I think it necrs- jarytogfrc •©m«a<,f<wnl oftho course 1 trick. The reenter it!fc*Vrnt*rscfll Kn- fl.r.id with Sp»v'hui,"-v. ill enable yon to procure as artimili'-'-intviii^nce of it^ present state as 1 can pretend to offer. Front the convert Hon I had with the &r»c& Bishop ami the Clor-y, its well r - various well iitfcfrmt d "individuals I am led tosn.p;>osp. tint, if the pnpt;la«* itoii of S:.:»rn*Jje estimated at i 10,000 i habitants, then-are from 15 to 20,000 Gu-eK$« 6.009 Aiwnlaii«9 3*000 Oi- thottat, 110 iroUstaats, and 11,000 Jews •■ - Affca SmrniKfhc 6i?f plnro I visited Has Kpfessusj ffeather (as the site u nr-jt€f3itC the *ain«?) Aia-atick, which •Con*irf5ofab.>ut I j p ' r entires. 1 f: neither* bat three'chrwtiaiiK, two f,i;!th«TS.fc hr: k?eo a -mall shop, and a pardoner Tte?jrnreall three drojks aad their ign iraneq is lamentable in- d -wL In that pb.ee w hich was bless* d en !'-r.!T ^'i(!i ;:•» Apostle's Labors and IhftSiftrfhi* /• ilousas>htan« ^aiTtViri-- rnti*- v. in have not so ruiich h* hoard oi i;in< Apo^Ho. ar Sr?n) only to rocognize the najoj' of Paul as oafl in fli;' Calen¬ dar of their Saii.S. ():vo of tliem I r»und •-.' 1? turcftdn Httlft, nmllrfr -.vith him ■.'!• New Tv.tamrnt inaiicicnt and rMt»d»rri (ircck, *a!i!; If h" rxprcssc*d n strops d iir-.' to rrad, and promNVd me h- wmi "d not in'*- *lnd\ if hlncn IT. Inil h»udit to Us fri'Tuishi ih^ neiyhboiir- ing tfllTa;cs. .My e.exi object was to S'-c Hanciccii : i'i Ciss r ftd to this 7s Gu'cl-htsar, a larsfe to;vn. uith o!ie church and 'tout 700 Uhrbt&tuSi In e^iit^rdifij; w'ifu tlio. I^iests hete/ I fi liud thejn so Uft'e ac [uaiitfed «-jfh t!. BiblC) ^r .*r y r!).* ?icw Tcstetne^tj ia a*1 Aa/;rc form, thai t^'-y had nodis- f:r.r* k-to^ ledgi* of tits books it contain- i . ^;'-vor.j\ fh- four G rp -Js, hr:^ rnon- I •tioin d ?h?m indi6criminatt>Iy niiii va- rion 'n*;!-^ !\;":>d- and Utira of Saints, C ha^: ^cni ihltij^rthree e*^>iesof tlrf IModtiifn (Jr« teTe itamcut since mj re* turn. Abont thr^e nnlcs from L'». di- tv.^i« D.Mu/li. nhich has been styled. brt i nm inrl-nvd to think fTroncous'v, th '^ucicnt Colo-so ; it .is n ronsid^ra- blctowa, with about 400 Christians, Gfu&krf and AnneuiaTJS, fach of icborn ha«' a church. I regret however, fo sa% thai here also the mo'St cxlrcYJiranr tut a of mirach.s, and ftbulouaaccounts of .\x\«•:|s(t#S^i;its.% and Jt;dir>-, had so u-uro--d e!ip place of the Scripture?, as to r. nd* r it very (TtfficuU to separate in thi-ir minds, divine troths from human inventions; i I frit that h'cre that un- bappj tinu; uascon..%\vhcn mm should "tarn av.ay the*r ears from the troth, and be tuni-d unto tkbleS/11 iVhad withmnsome copies of the Co pi iiiAucieni Greek, which I dis- tri!.»u*cd ii-'re a.in some othor places tiij'ou^h which 1 had pawed. E^ki-'hi- tar, ca<ose (O nhich are the remain-; of ancient L'.oduva, contains about lift) p-o'inhabitants, in which number are but two chrirtUns, vrbo live together in a small mill; unhappity- noUJwr of thrnu-ouidreadat ail : (he copy, (herc- foi-o. of the Nw Testament which I .iivtcndfd for this Church. 1 left with t at oi Dcnr/ili, tbe olTspriHgaad poor r^Gmaaw ofLacdJ^a and Colossc : the praytrs ef the Mo>quo are the onh prnyers wliich are beai'd near the ruins of C'iodic.ea,o.vi irhicji th.* threat seems to i-ave been fully executed, and its itfter n jitrtion m* chorcJl- f.teft it for rhilsidelpbia now Alah- dvhr. K-was ffratifyiug to iind at Jr.< t some Furvivin* fruit* of early zeal, h-re, atJcaf(, Khatcver may be lost of the tpfrit of CImstiaaity, there is still tiie/^n//,>fa Christian Church—this has he-.-n kept twin Hie hoar of tempta- tion, which dUOC upon ail ihe Christi¬ an world. There arc licrc about 1000 Chrisfians^chieily Greeks, who, for the mnsf part, speak only Turkish ; there .arc twenty-five plnces of public wor- (Jdp,*firaof which are large regular Churcbcfi, (o these there is a resident\ Hi-hepi ^*'cl1 twenty fatfen A pop) of the .nioden» Grrck Tcsfa- Qfeiit «as reeeivrd hv HlG Bishop with ^rrattfttinUfi Inraift "l quitted Abih- diehr, deeply disappointed at Hk*. stato- nvut 1 received there of the Giinrcb of Sartiis. I trusted that ia its Utmost ri- t!<, it would \mi h.ave been suffered t- perish utterly, atid i heftrd vritb sor- prtse t:»ht nol a ve-ti^e ef :t remained With wrlwrt sati^fw^fin, theu, did I !-:;don the p!^n ;«" Swdto, a small Church estabtUla'd : the few Chrisf:- jr.s \v!e dwell arou«d modern Sarta w^r<j aavioes to s-ril ■ titer ■■ and **y<*e[ a Chureb, as ibey v. ere lii the habit <•!* faectin^atea h other's houses For the exorcist of religion: ffcom this design Ihev v.ei'* pr-(.bit »l by Kar.O-iir.au ().;la. tlie Turkish ^TCvaiVr of the dis¬ trict, and in conejuenc.^ about fit? years a^tliw built ft church upon t!i-- i)lnin. «i!h: i view of ar:cient Sarni-. and there thry tnaintarned a 1'rie^t. The place lu>s gradually risen into d litllc vittag-^s now called Tartar-kennv; thither the finv Chrbtians Of Savt, who amount te servnjtfnd those in if; im-* niedtnte vicinify, resort for public wor¬ ship, and form together a congregatimi of aboat forty. There appeal-? there -fill a remnant i: a fov, names, even i>. Saixlb," v.hieii have been preserved. I cannot reper.t the crpresriniis ofgrat'i- rycte Wiih v, Ideh tluy recei\vd a cop) i;fthe N©M T<"lament, in a lau.iua^ with uhichthey were tamiiinr. S, rcr- al crowded about rh»- l'r./sl, to h; ar i( m (In* spot: and I Lefi tliem thus en. ;aget!« Ak-h*e;ar.the ancient Thyatim. is said to contain aboi i 3Q;0MQ i. hah- iicMits. of v. horn ;iOe(0 arc Christians; a!! (Ireeks, rxeepi a|>ont '2^0 Aimcni- ;ms. There i^, however, but one (Jreck Church, and one Armenian. The su- oerior of the fir *k C'uircl;, lo whom ( prce? t d i lie Itomaic JLesianicut, es¬ teemed it so great at reason; that he enr- nc&tly pressed me, if possibly to spare iin f her that i e. might besecun d to the i'liuivh, and fieefrem accident, while tiie other w -m round among the peo- l»i«', for their private r-ndiu^;. \ have, ih -ivIVre, >;'u" ;n\ return hither, sent hie. four c^pro^ The Church of Prr^imo^ in respect to nuiiibei«, niajh b" -a'd lo Hourish still in l'er.;nmo. The toV^U \< 1 '■-**» than A k-hhat- but the numb ?r ef Christians me about as gr^at, the prcportioit &i Vrmefiians t»» Greeks nearl) the ^ame, and ea<*h nation also hns one Church. The Bisliop ef the district, who oeea- ;i'u»n|iy r* idi i there, wih at thsA time absent, and 1 ovporie:.*- d wir!i d■.,ej> n-^ret. that thi KPsidrgrttdirg} werete- feiTiy incapable of estimating ih.' gift I intended them f f :V • f. re delivered tlso Testament to the fay V'uzr of the i*iKh"p, a' hi. ur^r'tf rcqu.-^f, he !-av- i;»C raored me, that ih" Bi hep irruld ! hj^ltlj prize so riloablft a-: ncfjnisiflan i to the Church, and he se«*aKd ranch pleased thai the benighted state of his natini had excited (lie aU\uUi:n cf trae.^r1.. Thus, sir, I have left, nt least one] copy ef rh<Mn:nLUdffvrat"'i word aifClicU at each of the sevefi Asiatic Charch«( •f Apocalyp-e, and 1 trust they are ;»ol j ut(erl\ threivn away, but-whoever ma? plant, it is (rod oidy vrho Can ghe file increase, And From his goodness, we may hope they will, b due time, bring forth frutf,M some ttiirt*/, some sixty, and seme an hundred fold f" Believe mo sir, ever *'ours, most fcmly, ' HENRY LIXDSAf. fenor Clergy, to the two feafl which cnv;ron orr jflaud, and tlv neck of land between them a* mounting t.. rcareeTy«4 m\\&3 ^averifc to the idea of a junftion, f0 aa lo open a commttoicatioo ncrota th,. kingdom, and tlit-rcbycut offtlw ktag dangerous oavi- gation by the La-uPs E^ ^nd the Pent- land Frith ; an object ,>f Vj(1 utility, and which wa« at lull '^pily completed, on t \c z8th July, 1790- «< This great and arduous undertaking was 22 years in completing. *i*lie cantlf ;„ its courfe, pafies over ten lafge^ an<i 33 fmall acqueduct bridges ; beftdes numberiels rocks, precipices and qyickfaadi j croi fes two caultderabk rivc^ the liAviw and the Luggie»a5 wellqs many rivulets and roads ; in fotwe (daces it mm th«o' i deep mofs ; in others it i5 banked 20 feci high ; an J there are jj Jraw bridges •ver t!:: navigation. This great inland navigation is fupplied with water by 7 refervoirs, covering 400 acre^of giotmdi and eoocaialng 12,679 loekfuiis cf wa¬ ter ; and when the uicreale of trade (hall require it, the comjmy ofpropri etors of the Forth and Clyde Naviga¬ tion have it :n theii power to add other two refervairs, capable of Containing 15 9;8 lockfulU more. The affaiis of this company were orfgmatty under the dircQion of two general mectinws • one ht!d at London,the other at Edinburgh; each of which met querteily, and the iirlt ofthefe choofe a committee of man¬ agement annually. But ?!i-:r orders to 1 he committee being fomeumCfl contra didory, an act was palTed in 1 787, for¬ ming a new conititution, whereby the dirccaion was placed in a governor and council at London, tnd a committee of management at Gla%ow ; who met monthly or ofu'ner. I!cth are chofen by a general meeting m London, in March yearly. At Jauuary ift, 1791, the company had expended in this »n dcrtakfnR about (',530,000 ; the .-.que du6t bridge r»ver the K*Wn alone h.v- innr coq £%t$Qq. Stote 1777. the Tonnage and wharfage dues have great- fly rnen af'd, but m >re particularly fince the Jutuftionof the two (^s» in 1 790. as communication between Iceland, and t'-v Eaft fca is the:;by fhorte^d a* -.ve Soo miles The "grofs r-vrn"" in 179!, w/.-c expected to exceet! ,l?l4.COO, u: confequcncc ofwhii h fin original Oiaics in company's (lock (\Vhli '* '" '/77 WJ at 90 per cent, (are n"\\ fel'ing .'.5 prr cent above par/' The pxvreme lenjjlli of the navigation from lo-.'; No- I 0 »the Forth, to Lock No. jq °^ ^ Cly ]~-, U 57 mile-. ; ditto nf t|c cctJ,t^n1 cur to Gl&fgow zl% an-! tVl>m port Dumb* to the IVfonfcTand bn(:vni , m;]e. The lu ■ m t of the h'ad h,...);, , -^5 foel ,.__ medium width uf the I'm face 56; fen-rth of the \ncki between ln0 p.ille, -+f/ct. V?ffelaofi9 feet Lv rPt jc; ferl ^d asiddrattirtg nearly^ f.tt w r.,Tf C;MI paft along the qaviwatiun, t':e bank' havfo/r bcetiniAd a feft| fi :c. 1787.— t!»e chief part of the 1 evjnue ariFea frr>m grain and t^iber- 'I bere w-w 33(5,1 44 balls ef gram ca:r!e| along it fror lit January 17y* to ift January 1792 ;— with 6,14a too* of flay*, and 17,323 tont- of timber. ^/■am *fo PhilaJsbkht True dnurUm* • • • 1 * « Fee in the Reifgirws IfifelU^cnccr. BIBLE "SOCIETIES The contributions to the British and Foreign Bible Society, from March :;i, IS\ J, to AJairh 31, 1815, arc £<}f.i.X0i 15s. Gti. rtorling. Thr number of <h/' Scri|)turcs issued during that period, ^\ as Whist BIBLES, 123,776 VtiSTAlllfiriftk Making a total issued from the com* menccrotmt of the institution to thai period, of S16?170.Bim>K5?. 7l%778 TEST.VMENTS. The following anecdotes of the cno- fm^td.peivioua my f-^17 « *« beings fiib as they we« thecvetung lu fore, when ihc A me, tern uiuy _w rs here; f,r, continued he, I am rryfrli a marricdman-*havefevcrai f-A-ect children, ?nd venerate the faniti-es of lliC conju- gal and domrllic relation*-" . OnmvobiVvin^toGen. Rofs,uvva, a part pity thai the elegant library haj been burnt With the capudl—he replied with much concern ; I lament molt hn- ccrely that I was not :ippr;Ted of the cir- cumrtance, for h^.d I known it ill time, the books would molt ceitainjy havebcen fiived. Nci' her do I fuppofe Genera!,- faid L you would have burnt the Picfnieut's houf<\ had Mrs. Madifon remained at h -me ? « No fkt* raid he, " I m^ke war nei¬ ther agtiinfl Tetters not ladies ; and 1 have heard fu much in praiic of Mrs. Wadifon, that 1 would rather protect thanbnn a honfe v.-hich fteltered fach an excellent lady.*1 In praifiig Commodore Barney for h'u behaviour at the battle of Bladens- hllljr—" A br;-v.- officer, iii'," laid he. :* He had only a handful of men with him, ?nd yet he gfcvfi us a fevere [hock. I am forty he wa? wounded ; bowever T immediately gSve him a parole, and hope he wiil do well. Had half your anov" Cantinurd he, " b^en compofed of fuch rren aa the commodore comman¬ ded, wi'h the advantage you had iu cho'Cne your p'-fnion, we mould never have got to your city." VVhat evinced more the nv-gnanimlty of this officer, he ntver uttered an ex- pvefHon in my prefence, agamO the P';es- idvnt or any nf the officers of govern¬ ment ; but often «*&pr*ffed the deeped rerrTctth3t wtt had taken p'ar*e between [tvn nations f» marly allied, both in con- ■ runtrumiryand inrered. I can, moreover, truly fay, I never faw the fun beam or .one cheerful fmi'e on G^n. Rofs all the ■ *i'r.e he wao in Wsdhmgtork His eotift- tena-'re feemexl conftantly [hiended In the clofc lhr.de^ of a thonghtftil rohid. j Four diftingt'tfhttd «Iturensbf Alt. m- idiia, waited - n \dmiiaj Co-khurn wiih , terms iif rapiiulatinn. He replied urith ehar::ft-/vi(iic brevity, —** Gcntlcinen, 1 have nothing to fay* nil y m In ft cell me whtUicr Captr.in Gordon 1*3 in light of Alexandria or ret." They replied he \vae not. <( Well th.« n, Gentlemen j I am ready to negotiate with you; .md now,all 1 have 'o. f.v •:-,., \\\.r, Vv, wr& p»m '■ •** »» d mud have them—But let mc V].\ yon, for evc-v article we take, you Ihall beal- lowed a fair price- " Sc.'trc-.iy hu 1 thefe gentlemen left the ivom, when one of the olftceri entereti, and i"ud, tltat ifir ba :k could net be burnt ivithouc injuring prKiite property. « WrU theo,w i.iid he Jtcrnly, ft pull it dttw&,9i j 11 Admfr.d" 6td h c< yui do not wi.1i j to bum private properly." M No, 'fnd j he, 4i [d-0 not ; b'lt th?S 19 pulUc pf> J pcrty" «NoRiV continued F, "the UiuVd Stato have no bank here now—tliiy U ahog<thei' private propoLy." 41 Are youcptum of that ?,f faid he— *'. Yes iSIrs I pledge vtiy hononru i^ |sn [ yatc property •'"' WelHhfiu" feid lie toj the ofl]<--r, ,c let it a'one." rtl.-/' and reached me out •• pstc.J cf gol \. fix doubloons. I rxcniv i myf« f from taking fo lar^e a fee. « Large, rns g.-W)d Sir/* fnid he, w we arc only mor. idW.l to think it is fo fmal!, but it is I afuiac yo-», all t!,e fpecie we have with us. If you wiil accept a bill from our govcrnmentiWe will make it better worth , your fervices." I"no>i the Dt:tchkss On-jiitvuR. nj&uffxty or a Tom to see your >- sT.tn:. Afo mini! Au«vsl, 1815—/Twenty ono yddrrf old to day, huzza! Having" and Iiarv.\-t done mounted old Dubbhuv with m> Jnjudnycloths on, and a tea dollar bill in t.iy pocket, goibg to see Vork <Uite. Never was out ofConnec- ficut in my life- Took cou -in tchahod In my route, and got niy d.uner for nothing.—r-Cro.-»sed t!n» -linj fast 1)-:fnre night------doft'fc' see but Vork. rta.fr- folks are civil enough-------v.outlrr rf th»-y know Iiow to read! Saw $K icjiool tinnsn, thowgUf they had noucv hero. Siopj). d at t:tverr*nnd put up—-4 rood suppt^r and good I.-d^ine—don't *ee but Uv\\ tlv folk1* live a^ \\c\\ here as fhoy do in Couri.cflcut. • ' l\a\<■/./// woni'M?.-------Fits and s?t [w»ncp fonriy-------v,onderhn»r tlwycaii '•(»'oit Vork money—pl.i^nr;;- unliamU' Mcu!T:tf»d *>;>!>:;» and jogged on------mrf • % rjuater and enquired the mad tf Poughkrep irt-—appeared civil aad clever enough-------tVouder what they ii-eu ro hang then. for. Good Sam!— tjuess the\ may raise great pnciphin^ aud onions hero. Turnpike g.itcr—g^t a bottle of beer of the tf?in£a------ prcttv -*eod boor, wonder utile) made it- Men making biick ;q»tecr thinj3 lo mix moiter with-------winder what 'hey call V-i, (!ot into Pou^!ikeep-i«" nboul no.Mi------houves fhici as sp&tte* ------ivyrr aw a city before in my HW -------v.r'r* to a tavjrn and pful old Pob- biii up fo -i:iv-------jjatsoroc dumer aud rh-M. »v;iii;"d nut to see the w.oedcrmeiu- rri t!*e place. l'\ Ucs loolied a* ftav a t if Ihey wero fcoiiisj to me'Ctin:;------- \V"iu!oiil'tli"< have meetings here------- •mios ?h'*\ di'------bco so:ad st« eph- $trfriM i»on'uels fh«- indies woar------pull 'eui down nvei-Tli.'ir faces, as though ih<-) n:t»r" ^'die^io the galtovr^, cr ha.d "i.* rv'v-lniv" ;il! Ihe baekd ide nt :'*'?• li-:)d- u- " i'l------.firk their llfUf rittl ol condis—mistoojc tho bacJksidc c a larKs head, wiih or.c of those tjv i? boms;1** OU, for h; rfnee-------thou^i^s]! iook< d nt mo a* nioti>h I \va> a 1UM ,. c •r a doctor, or some groat thing-1' - tuade her v.ieit eouMU I"hnbod cal!a u ijnarkr facad bdwy before I found to? .. iiiMaki ! SIjui drenk, il^ht V"orfcvt&ie: fashloM, Wo;ii r « hut the gce.tletnort .-.ejr boot4 for this hot vi:e*ithef—- €'tT<v»* Ihrir -torkinj? arc dirty, or efe* luiv'nt u<:t any-------boot tassels------ j jiswd things to keep r^' lU^a------fly ■ hair Tether way; nil on the fop of '1 ■..•ir h*'nii, braidedaudtwktcdaud s-iuim: d round aud ronod, like as; [Vc :V!j A I r VJ. :ly ^vind vp n bed cord t.> ' i.'i! i3 ;» k-'tt!" tx kill tJie bays; RiL r *v!ut thev call it------mo:j!,iv * • i hire of wafliinglon, are fele&wl fro^jlfrom him he beckoned to an En;«f|'<h f>i Dr. Ewell*a account oftheevenr, Theij^li r to come to hi*-iili-t *nec. ri iie fol-j Do&oria a gentleman ofchar:;ft ?.ri | dier n.itanriv ilenp'-'l nvyatid rendered the! the ofli.-r, -let it a one. j i ,//;/\ „,v be a -od nam S (*/m As com; Barney lay on |k battle! |Va«keoKn(fHbo<hvheiiJijctlioin | p-ound bat% wound..-,! and hdplds and j __r_i f!] .-:r foretcp?Grer fhdr . hu own by Uij own order rM:j -----mil It a fVtfw richer------tel^a exclaMve of C JjO^S,circulated iyotn<lp- .positorie--abroad : In all, nm wiUioti tico hundred u;id tftncttf nine thousand tieo hundred </>?d etghty~tv:o. SCOTLAND Forth and Clyde Navigation. By thefe rivers, Scotland'^ almofl di¬ vided into two parts. The Forth falls into the Eaft fca below Edinburgh, and has an eafy communication with the whole Eattern coall of Great Britain*; with France, Oftend, Holhmd, Hamb¬ urg Pruffia, Dantzfck^ RnfHa, Stye den, Denmark, Norway ami Greenland. The Clyde falls into the at Ian tic ocean below Glafgow, and communicates with | the weftcin coah of Crcat Britain : with Ireland, the fouth of Franc:, Por¬ tugal, Spain, the Meditcrancan, Ameri¬ ca, and ilic weft Indies. Fhefetwo riv¬ ers, thus falling in oppofue-dircrTtiona in- » - re^>edtabilityi and hie flatement stay be! relied upon. EXTRACT. 11 la flic mean tine :. " R^f*gan>e up, to whom I was introdnueX Be had jufr come iu time to infer fom what Ad- miral Cockhurn had fald that my houfe had been robbed. In a tone that vili forever end^r him '^rreai %~perfe8 gtntkma&t -^ ©bfrrved that he wa* very forry to hrar that my houfe bad been dJftilVbed, and begged I wonlri te'l him which u war, and lie would order a fen- tinel to g-uafd it. u Thi< f« my he.uff, fir," fard 1_ with an amiable embarraiTment he re- ph'ed, w why fir, thU i^ the houfe we had pitched on tor oftr hr "1 ^uartens/' 1 told him u I vv;i., glisd of it, and re grctcd that he had m»l tvken it earlier, as my property would then have been protected," Jie obferved, €i he x'ould not think of trefpaifirig on the rep^fe of a piivate fj- mily, anj that he w: uld order his ha*-/- ga^eOQt of my houfe imrrcdiatelv." I carneflly begged he would fliiicoh- fider it as his head-qu-int:rs. " Well fir/' fail] fcr, M fi.-.ce ycu arc fo ftood as t^ infifl on our flaying at you houfe, 1 confent ; bu< I will endeavour to give you as little trouble r.< polliblc. Any ap.utmcut umLr your roof will fuf- fice mc." Ia/kcd him to actfompa;:T me end 1 would (hew a loom. He aHenied, aud I conduced him to rt^y own bed'cham¬ ber. He refufed En/ fome time to ac¬ cept of it, and inlKK.d I flmuld go and bring Mia, Ewdlhci#0 obiei^ingthat -----fflil it a ;;•*,'//.* r r-eduinny to eat:di me, J* jf«^^. *n-k like aspiiu< i------VVeitf hn k I !o' rfq;:ircd f'-'-vifv '•■'••h .. Jf-riry.—" Y<'U arean^We fellow" faM the cwrnmndore, e< ?nd I am Prry I have n^t a pwrfe f"r you; hut hci«;"« my gold w.jtch, you are weh-ome to it." '*" No Sir,'* replied [the Kn^iehman, UJ can ajist abrade man I without being paid for ii.,y An An encan gentleman obferved to admiral GockJ>uin, that if Wafhiagton had been alfve yoo would not have irot- iten to this c:tv fo eafy." u No .Sir," re- plied the admiral, " if Gen. Wafln'ngTOl h;>d been prdident, we fli on Id not have thought of coining here." On the 2 jtn in the afternoon, as the Genera! and admiral weie ftandtngon the pavement r,t my door, a dirry loekinp weman, Rained with blood, came limning jby, cxclain.ing thut a Britifii feiior had killrd her, Cockbnrn with every mark of indij-. nation, inflantly give orders for the (ail OKI to be mattered on parole, and t!;a£ the man wh'-m (he dcfiguatcd a« the p-r- Ipurntorof tl:ead, fhould be (hot 'with¬ out delay. Onexamining her wound?,it was found they were quite fl Ihy ancf^ighn The admiral afterwardsfc.it for me and faid, "We were determined, fir, to have the failor dot, wh> (tabbed that poor wo- j«»«#; hut it gives us plcaiure lo lean, that It is your opinion her wounds are not mortal. Abftfhaa however, been wounded, and more than pftnfmbfa by <u,e of oar own men, we think it hutjti-ft that flic fhould be cured at our own ex- pCt fe- That part of the bullncf, we fli dl be obliged to confide to you, and fo. your trouble, wcb.g of \ou to accept of this I 'ho Mrern and ordered old dobhiu rflf!: qtnfrtsof oafcj------esttera clever fell* ^. - Id rite uUeboutihti customs'/-rnd wjen- fafamiu o[ thn place------;coiildV ^ims«s, till fhoy told me, what made Ci indies waJh so nighty strait and p;un:f> -------*a'\s {hey wear Coaselefs or C* srlt* or( />• «"/.v or something; I've fo>-;- 6 tjie» -me— fc< What the dace k tbn ;' mp 3-------cfl Wby, tis a kind ot'l.^;..' . 3fiy& he :; tluif/hfv we^r" * * # .* » Weil, I'M b- ^.sm>/dif that don't:-, a S------uwei heard of .such n' i\e, I ■ 'fore-------hoiifa love (o sc.eVm ;.■ :; !l:i\ all d:w with tiieir Cosfietfi o*a----- m b Sirf^f *lwy*d achfi before m-|;f BiHV J Im which of the Rev/n semes do ;. av [know thai ? says f------shouldn't kn ff if tlu-y uen* fifty COSsefft* c* O tM s easy eiumfjhy says he:i can tolTev/i c' -r Ri fossaestreet * W.oihLt why -•• fi of the ladies w-;»r their ?>wns so »• i t ------.'lueorfii-hi.'m------jackbootswotMii hflrdljr reneh *run—^-heard a \»"";' j buck my he didn't cure n dam how !;..h fhev carried thu fafthloHr— .f e-s ii\;->*d looK comical if they cflrrieuH •rriK h higher, faith.------Promised &« h u I left homo, to j;et ".i-*fiflp Molly a n;w •monet : went into a. milliuer's Eh |>,' and told{hnwoman 1 wanted a bomi ( fi»r my sbtor -Vlnlly, of the t^p» *: fashion. « Vea Sir " says she, <% 1 lia •", some livjit from Voik,..of the »'/' I'lnlity and foil sst f:i 'felon : herev r '•ir, that I presume wilt -uit your u ' r 1 * \aefl>." Lonkcn at her bound ! i-t like her old lasf-vem-'s one. A • ;iye, ma'am, jou needn't think to y '• ma olfwilh \onrold di.dsnud trun.o : idorft catch old birds wiih rhilf:! "' ' ' I