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Kingston Gazette, August 3, 1816, p. 3

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bam tiirw* w Vji rS to rtVain a with ^m^n'i f*v which a» »n"» e ai-1 vwta^hw heen i»r nf*d t * '!>^T nati •, a*ftiHr^^ft1*the difpofal *f their pn'r.-t :io ihrOrv** pott* ; ind thei ww fix*ll prtcel to England, t> be paid off. The following flii:*'3, intended for the prace [^nerYIy rep^-ed that ttonaparie was! mrm hickijrah, • The Police difcovrr I •! flu I-uircr of the -u ws, and caufed fe- tftrul perform to be a-reded." fcrviec, will pr*»rc*d to Vtal^a §oh*tiy, 74 Rear-Ad-iiral Sir C, V. * T I TranJtttdfor the Philadelphia fogijtsr. CriTHAG-NA. June e, 1816. lira Excellency the Governor and j t'P'.a'ii General of this vice* kingdom, Iliadj»II received a defpatch from lieu S f Prnrofe (until relieved by the Qffee U fromEngland) ;Taeos.« -NTyini-'dcn, Satefltnej E»ne, and Wafo. Stun? of th'."e fhips have |-fttH joined u- from England. Tiie Tagus ii to return t<» Algiers from Leghorn, f^r the pnrp >fe of conveying prcfent* frcm the n<»vv Rng. Deytothc Grand Seignor, conliilm** of lions, timers, &c. His petty Sovereigni¬ ty would not he acknowledged if he did •not make th<-fe tributary ptefenia ; and he has no fhfn in n fit date to proceed to f-ai-^^HiateV. The Clorinde ha fail¬ ed forCmta Verchiav^.nd fame of ?lte ideated flawatf jwto Genoa hi tranfoorts. The Fal mute. CSptai - tfngf, whsch arriveJ \--i h J Sostthrf :>,.r, England, failed the iStb;■ iidL for G'I>-| n'/ar and St. rlcle.ui. Ga.jtiii .r'l'io I nut i.' s- his officer*, and crew, cimi ■'•ua.H colonel Don Julian Boyer, com matu** (ifa di.-ilion &t Choco, in b'jich [he informs h:m that he entered Quiddo, t!icou)t;al of the faid Province, en the izd i»f laft march. The infurgents that were there made refrttance, but were dis- perfeiS and retreated to the other fide of ■ the*'mountain that fcparatts N.»vita from jCh'ieo. Their rear guard, commanded iby the Infamous Perez, was porfbed and lo.Citk'.'n by ihc commander of the ten jai vanguard, Lieutenant Don Viacente iGnllavJo, WOO took Perez prilbner.— i Five gun veiT.L ofthe rebels were taken and tun'k in the river. It appears the .'evoliitioiids propofed ririifying rhesn- ielvcs at Novfta, when lieutenan Colonel L;c-y:r went there immediately aid dis- • ifij-vA them. The forgoing is pub- lilh-d iui the fa'i»faction <»f the troops i in- d eicw oi the Phcenis,lately led nr-ar ti.nvun. h-iy* ar j \wA the loyal inhabitmts rived licre in tranfporto. The Sp::ow hawk parts from the fleet this i&crnowb" ct Leave me," fki<lJic, "leave me flautly I do not want to hurt you, but I fear 1 (hall. — Leave nv M A* fhe defcended the fieps, he fet lip a mod piteous howl.—She hadened to her children and took them to a neighbors —Soon after, die returned, he leit hi* ro*»m, loaded his gun—went to the yard, and blowed out hid brains. This wa- •uj Tuefday morning the 9th inft. He has Irfc a wife and three children to mourn for him. Torino nt Madrid,—Vicente Rich aid, a defptcable enthnfi-ift, fufoecled oi'j j pTottlOg' to produce a counter revolution j J in '>pain, was fefzed and irnprifoned *u Madrid on the igfh of February. Or. the raek, he accufed as hi* accomplices, rronim dugafia Geo. Ga%eftet o/JJy, S. Aft unf^y"in?*e <"rcenrrence*Toiik p'ace a few davb-fiticc. in the Cherokee nation. -\ mart ttaveuinr; thiou^hfchat ct»uncr\ 1 was affaulted by >.• Indian and ftrncfe twice with a lstf^ebutcher's knife. The mm defended htrnfclfwlthaa axe, and (imdly killed the Indian. A party of the Ex-General Keuuvales, Don Ra; mon Calatrava, Don Juan O'Donoju, | | Indians was imr.eninrely c->llefted by and Dun ftian Antonio Yandiola. Ca | friends ..f the deceafccl, and the white latrava and Kenovaks flcd« but Vandiol 1 and O'Donoju, unfufpiciou* of an acca- fation fo completely gr*)tifldlt-ft, we'^ sr- tefted and thrown into dungeons. They Xverethen put to the torture, to ex:oU confefTton fiom them. O'Donoju had the nails of his hands and feet torn oft* bv the roots. His life is det'pairea or. Yan¬ diola was chained to the ground and an enormous weight placed on his bread for 48 hours. They both pcrlitUd in thtir innocence to the fell, Yandio'.a was n .t liberated from the torture until he had become fpeechleli and gone inro cottvul- lions.—He now He* dan^eroufly ill. ! man was taken* bound to a tree, and 1 (hot- chronoh with 15 or 20 haH». We ' nnderltand thai t!ie chi* K have *'-'crmifi., IfJ to crive 110 the murderers, if required! j by the United States' government, j I Ffovith; Kingston (yam.) Cbrqukk. Metenciitilv C&tastroohe. It become; our painful duty to recovd a molt melancholy cataJrrnpheivhlclioc-j The Sea/en, in Europe. A letter from Dublin to a gentleman in New-York, dated the 8th of May, fays ;—<c The fpring is thelatefl ever known, or at leaft now remembered, here. Very lew of the trees are in bloom, and there is little vegetation of any kind." Accounts from England and France agree in representing a fimilar backwardnefs in the feafon. T KINGSTON AMATEUR \ On Wednesday Evening-, The 1ih August, Will be rcprefotid tl\r mucli qJmfred COVfKDY OF The T^ay to Get MARRIED. To which will be ajded the Fa&ct of WIN, 1 F^- ALBANY, .ILLY 9. The gpotfi on the Sun whifh were secttirt April and May last- are again said t*t bv visible to the naked *»ve : rmd may be viewed in the uiorniuir, •outi alu-r sun-riMUif, .."*'•*- Kingston, August 3p 1816. TICKETS to be procured at Mr. Macau lav's. Doors to open at Half pad Six—per¬ formance to commence at Halt*pull ScV" en.—No Money to be taken the Uoors Dancing' School. Ri:SFEOlTTJLl.Y itnAjr. ' ilu. ks u, his Ciiflomci* f„, th- :.r l.herr.1 r..Fp-.ri i„ M<rr«mrife bufi Th (inct-I.e came to thu r-'acc, anj IS rm« theifl lliat he ha* n<w commenccl \j ;*,. nefs with Mr. Thomas S. Whitakeb, under the firm of JONAS ABBOT & Co. A'id are now receiving a very general aflbrtmeril of Fancy $f Stapl (* * » ■ » f » • Com mow icatioks- KINGSTON FOLICE. S.Ti-iible tnivellors, v,ho have visited Kin^-ton, and resided \\\ it loug e- nor;h to observe (he customs of tho [)taee, and the manners ofthe inhabit¬ ant-, have rn^ntioned with disgust the (Vei-UCSi a.--aults, batteries, and af- ft-ity , whi.h oeca-t in the »(<ects, to the a.'i fsemer.t of som^ people, and the dis- j t.i.I^i'.-ee of other.. Sueli broaches ot | t ..-• p a;e :;re mo*v common, and pa MR. MERIT, P ESPECTFULLY informs the La. v dies and Gentlemen of Kintrfton, tbai he intends commencing a DAN¬ CING SCHOOL at Mr. McGee's, on Tuefday next, at 4 o'clock, P. M.— \ Airy gentleman Wifting tointrnft pupils jwiai Mr. MtftlT, to be in»1ructed in this polite art, can be latitjried of his ac¬ quirements by applymg at Mr. McGee's, and alio the terms of Tuition. N- B. Mr. Merit, vrith the affidance of his friends, will be particularly cau¬ tious that none may be permitted to join lihis School, but tbofe that are tefpecta- bie.—He will give IuToqs in private fam ily's if requested. Kingston, August 3, 1916. 91 f currtd i-: tlu- town o\ Port Poyal on Tuefday mghti whereby, the Honr..-.,.|" . if 1 rv" ; inipitnUy hens than in ;il blc juc. CV.'hro'ie, feezed Lieut, of \h > j M'^r mi-; ^rlitT tt#v\ i: ul village of cqiu: tad} Hcsttr Stanhope.—Lady Heller Stanhope, who belongs to one of the fit ft families i» England, merits a pl&cc am¬ ong the moft celebrated and intrepid travellers of the prelcnt age- Thu lady, thetlKCCi the friend, and iiitimutc cuni- panionof Mr. Pi't, was not lefe attach- M.jri-yV fhio Jui.o.i, (.: m,ifl prfiinifi.tg 1 and hi^'»!yeKeemed y.»«i.g officer,) tttit with an uno.e'ited and aatlmety death. Alth.tgh we have heard much concern* ink thw ffcry unfortunate affair, t^ill we (hall forbear entering into particulars, until the deeifion of the coroner's Jury, whieb was fummoned vefterdav forenoon, I iiio'i L* kitiiw.i. ftnii ivtttrh iiu! no) tei minated its fittings at fix o'clock ye?-! prpohf^i. iVh. rh..i >t i* to be a-*cri- hrd w ■- i/^eulla;ritj -ll} the native t:*n>- vt, u- the •«.inrii »if;» 0f the iuhahil- l\' irT tiatiouul ii.it-. * tf.^ variety of tli i Iiu: -*. i {he in .-.rixcure of military ■ nd nasy-l r^idcn s (fi!„ lower elas>, ?iie \u-_ etof to. ,rhu«g and pro.<cu- fin«S i»lficcrss o: to, ih.- laxno.s »1 wiuil '•' • iier.;) o.'lluMua^istra1 ».i.«ll! ttOl to decide : biu *\u- pi v;i- ;:ir pril'C(1('C i> '■■•'■ori- n subjr.-t \>\ remark in if i^h- STJRAYJSU, ON the 28th of July, from the Com- mon.s a Light Briodk COW, with a white Face, fliort Horns, long Tail with the end white and about twelve years old. Any perfon giving iidbrma- tian at the Printing Office ih all be hand- loir.ely rewarded. o uisditvtuic yus# It i •*> n- an ^en Which he recommended :hcm to the erofity of the people of England, After the death of her uncle. Lady Hailer formed the projfd of travelling in the Levant. She fiift repuired to Malta, and from thence proceed, d to Conflantlrtople. Wifiimg afterwards to make a pilgrimage to Palcftine. She failed for the Holy Land, but had the misfortune to be fhipwieckcd oiFth^ lilc of Rhodes. Cnft on a hart en rock (he fcemed dellined to pevilli by hunger, but an Englllh ihip, which aj)pe;ircd on the following day, to-k heron board, and conveyed her to Syua. ere Ih- travelled in all directions, accompanied by Mr-Biucc, v.bo has jaft been tried for the part he took in the efcspc ot* Lava lette.—She fpent many years wandciug among the ruins of Palmyra and Hiera- polis, and exploring the vallies of Mount Lebanon. Living for whole months en rice and water, and accuhV.med to the frugality of Oriental habits, from being fet-ble and debilitated, fhe became a fliong and vigorous Ar-iakon* According to letters which fhe has add re fled to her family in England, fhe is now at the hc^d of three tribes of Bedon:u A nibs, who regard her a3 a being of furpei ior order. She has had feveraJ cliiid-cn, whom flte was fond of, brcoght to her from Eng¬ land; and fixe declares, that Ihe never will forfake that Land of the Sun, to breath the humid and cloudy atnioft- phere of Great Britain.—French Papzr. peats that about 3 o'eWc on Tu-.fd iy nigh', lore young gentlemen and fra-j men bclo icing to one or nvueo1 the men of War, and black and colored peo pie c f the town t)f p0..r Rc>ya!f! had a roiftmderllaudifg, near the wlirrry wharf, which c-tmc t.) blows and thmw tog ot brinks &c.—This dtfpute contin- oed till about ;en, when Mr. Calthmpe who was on fhjrc from the jun-m, oafs- I ing that way, noticed the duturbance, i and, as we arc credibly infumed, imme¬ diately endeavored to puifuade tbe men of wni'? people to go on board their ves- jfcl, but, while in the performance nftlii* I laudable endeavor, he received a dread- jfal blow on the br.ck part of his head from a brick, thrown by one of the op- Ipolite party, which felled him fcnfelefs :to the ground ; he was raifed by fome'; feaKten, and tiken on board his fliip, but ithe wound wa* found to be mortal ; he afterwards was conveyed to th- hofpital Sat Port Royal, where he languifhed un¬ til 8 o'clock yefterday morning. From the moment he received the (hocking wiund, till his death, he never uttered a 'word. Thcdeccafcd was a brother of the Right lion. Lord Calthorpe, and firfti Cuofia 10 Mr. Wilberforce. .!• 1'iU;', a:»lf|(.Vi.n (]i.(ant phx> 1 v'ul- nee Vit :t riul(. ^tntc *-f sorh'ty: it i InftniiKu ii .(,-iKiiii; IVature i'l the ciui!- act'T of toitr l'*divi*. Whab-wr n.:(v I be Uie<au,,,. t|l(, reputation ofthe \u\\n. ::> u.'ll a« tll:. t|-.-w|uiiit) ofthe psttwa- l;l" I'-V'io-jofiS iiihabiUnt-, is.v./7'o.w- /// allVetech „y \u JUame ; in.-! r***t • omfi •vIk r'\ \Ve have laws well calculated for thcpni^tvation "of peace, and the prevuutto^ aiK| puuishnieiu 0; breaches . of it: b'.f these wliolesonv laws am] not nUoi\.[n\ On the raulrajy, H'H*yj are, dny after day, and w< ek after work tnmolrdti^ ju ilu- feceOf the public, and v,ii!» ^%nera] impunity, it i- natu- ttj to ftiH{(tjfg9 and stran^et^ often do make Miej;n mirv, ulioiur most respon- * t 1 i? I •* * * m <imv tor \\}\s opprobium on ihti town r or mu-t i|ie responsibility be eqnaUj shared b) all of us? Let candour gm» tb.-au-.^i ;.. aadlctnll, who wi^h for the honor .mj 1>ro.pt.r;ty 0f foe place, ututetheii jIV||uence and Btrfractiveex^ (Ttio:js, tcj Afjert a rei'onriation in this uivucboi bur p0iice. IIAWKLnS. Midland DhirkU mBE Court of to ',- • { X GjcrandTcr. nihlfSi Aisi Priu. and Gc eral Goal Delivery, ••\\\ 1 e hol-di n at the Court 11 1 •" " 1%avb ol titsigbton, In Uie * '. ! j irirt. ..'- rJ 1 r. >ay iheaotlidaj id A.. 1 st? 'i tl" hour of ten of the jri' u in the forniooti. I do therefore henhy i-ive notice to all Ihosr who tfEll inos'cute agahiM any prisoricv in the jioi-on-it (;«al for the ^a-d DistricL ithni Mi'-_\ bo then there pi sfcuui topro&- i«<nit' against (hem OS S&aU be just. Aid I ih eiImo give notutttn all Justices .•! me Peace, ( hrottrrs3 IS-»i!ii)s? Cow- vtables. a'sd other Peace Otficers, ir. and fort! • Dbtrictafonjsaid,thai they i»e then and there in their own proper persons, utfli their Rolls, Records- no d otiui itemeuibiniices. to do those tiling m hicli to their several Oilices in that behalf appertain to be done. CitAtUJSSSTCAKT. Sheriff. Sheriffs Othec 3d Auau .1. 1 si B. 9 V/ell adapted to this Market; which have b en fclcfted bv one of the Partners from 'he l3?elt arrivals at Quebec and Mon¬ treal, and pnrcnafed f^r re?dy rron-y They fiatter tl emielves thtJr poccha- fe9 have been fueh aa wilt enable th m 110 fell their Goods as low as th fe who* have imported dircci Tom EurooCi The strictest attention will be paid to customers and goodfl fold at a very mo¬ derate advance. Kingston^ yl Augutft i 8 t 0. P. S. J. Abbot being abdui to re¬ move to Montreal, requefis ib<>fe who hi?e demands against hi..i, to exhibit them ; and thofe who are Indebted to him, to mnke immediate p;*ymc:.t. 9 CAKp- TIiE Ladies of thifl Tovcn ere ref- pe&folfy informed that the re¬ mainder of the FASHIONABLE MILLINERY, On hand at Nfr Brown's Boarding TIonic, will be fold off. the enfning vverk> at very reduced prices. fGngtfuhy August, 2, \^\fjm 9 ---------------------1-------------------1-----; Notice. JT is propofed to open a Ficnch C!afs, at the Public School Houfe, on Tuef¬ day the 6lh cuirer.t. The honr of at- tendance, funn 7 lo 3 o'clock in the morning. Terms of admittance, £ 2 : ic : o per quartfrTi Kingston, yl August, 18: C. _____iw NOTICE. TAKEN up in the inclo/ur* ofthe fubferi'uer, o;« the 17th May lail, a large Black, HOKSE, W'th a white face,three white feet, and a fiviich tail. Th* »vrm*r ; ' - '•' •-1- l^M •' r •■ property pay chavg^H, S- t-ke him away. CORNELIUS V\NHORN Ad'Aphf.steivn, lK>| July, \%\'\ 9W3 WHEREAS FrancotSj my ;rife hn kf» my bed and board, without any jnR canfe 01 reafun ; This in therefore tu forbid all psrioDn birhouringor trailing her on - y account as I will not pay avy debts that (lie may contract after thiE date. hi*. JAM £SX CARDINAL, mark. Kingston> July 27, \>SiG. 9W3 F or Sale, J. Covert, IT AS juft received, Dired^ from Lor.- * ■* don, and offers for fele the fol- 1 ow:n2r V vice k The Frankfort Journal contains the following relation of a ewrii-US ftrat^^em had recourfc to, to impofe on tlie credu¬ lity of the inhabitants of Alface :—A peafant was going on EaUer Sunday to church at Bloxheim. On the way he feet a man on horfebaek, who called to him—" Do you know," faM he, (luw- ing him a piece of tjold,4< thin face V9 — "Icisthe KingV'—i4 and this in— "It is the Emperor's !"—" Do you know the Emperor V—u Nv>, I never faw him."—*"Well then, I am he. All ineafurea are taken ihr.r. i may foon re¬ mount my throne." So frying he clap <Ld fpurs to his horfe and dliappeared. The peasant came to Bloxkeun, told the ffory in confidence tc afewperfons. but '. f^;rud :3o;dly, and ::; I wo days it was Fwm the Philadelphia True American. P*ery aistre/Jtng.— About four weeks [ago Mr John Benhet«. a journeyman-1 Book binder was bit by a mad dog.— Three weeks elapfed before he experi¬ enced any fymptci.s of difeafe, when the light of water began to effeft him pathfnily ; and very foon occafioned him to how] like a dog. Medical advice was called—a conciliation was held, and ^e| overheard their oncluKons—that he nuifl be fent to the hofpital the ne:t mor .ling, where he mult die. On this he took his hoe, went into his garden, clca n-d it out very neatly, and then told his wife that he knew he fhould not live to enjov any thing in it, but hoped *; might be uieful to her. At aighi two neigh- boms fet up with him fome hours, when j as he famed compofed and told them if they retired he thought he could lkep, they left him. Soon after, bid wife heat- A ruiF.>;j,L.y uixl TO Magistk.vtes. tCientlenii n y oar N>-!emn oath and the good of soeryty ea|| for yOUr gre-'testexi^rtioiis,, C an a ^lagistratc sec c»"**ry species of nilmorrilitv practiced & hi art-he name of f}ud prufan»d, and not con- [vider hii.|s,.|f raIled upon to nae hi- iiiliueeeei^ ;,in|,a.ss ftil'Cfx irre^uhirilit*-? Is fnep. ailj s-mCj., jfN or prosprity ol conduct, Jn askiug Gm| Almighty to Vw ,u> 'a-vs upon our hearts, if w • (ake 110 n;.r^ to kccii tho:c command* ourseive- ; Let u<! constd&r our izay* and mam Uhiu tiltLoa." Jlk2j$ff JA^ jLa JllL ML Geld Seals and Keyes, Coloured and plain Ear and Finger Risgs, fuch as Amethyft, Em* raid, Topaz, Garnet and Ruby. Red and White Cornelian, Coral, and Imitation Dimouds, Perral and Imitation Garnet—Steel Purfci, Gilt Chains, Seals and Ki yes. Also — For Jjie, one Gold Patten leaver Watch, made b) Rasketl, Livcr- i pooi. Kitigstori, Al^uJ 3, 3 R r 6. 0W4 A VALUABLE Farm, with both?. * mg^ alfirtlargft improvements there¬ on, favorably fitiiated within 2S mi'.es of Kingston, rerfohs dcfirous of ui- chafing to inquire of the Pi inter. ftimtftort) *Jii!y ro, i?iv. < tf Notice. . A LL perfoos \°h > are indented to I /*■ the rubferibfer, either by Koto cr Book account are hereby forbid makinir pavnaent to any ether pcrf-»n than hi*n- f.•!:", as no perton is aothorifed to receive the fame. JOHMKIXGM. Kings'™, J>dy z 7, : 816. 8w2 i LOST, YESTERDAY afternoon, a printed DISCHARGE, of Charles §om; n eir-, Btijfle l&syvt aad Corpoial ^.'a-ia- diau Regiii -nt,^ Charles Lalli^fe, Fit Canadian R jimeni —Whoever will ** ti:.u th: ;dm: 10 i-ii*. oiSce, wHl iceeJvv 4 reward 1 f fa 2 &h lungs* A7/V,. n, fojy, -2 7, 181 6. , gn \ In this I Ittbt) by i i\Ortr K r MARRIED. lown cm Saturday Evening <» Rev. Official >iu Cil'l. M r. §*fa.nt* to Mi>b Hauuiot J*W>th of Kingston. DIED, .' ' icilio.ise, in the London Di^- isiit, W»fJw o7l;, U;ti„„),nlter a wccKV :llia'-- »i vav ii^rwuK, i&tq. Bai- n.-f-M- al t .„^a„d Lieutenant Colonel 1st K-\:n t of 0\'.Md Miliiia, aged &Bruce Notice. nnHF, fnbfcribers to the V. C. B»ik jj^ Society, are informed thrvt Mr. Samuel Merrill baa takt -i the Oo-*ks and Tracl> bcion^in^ t» t^e Soeievy, and tbofe who wim tu take their dividend of booi-:s for the lail year and fubferihe *.o-' warda importing more book^ For another year, are mpadled to call without delay j I K-OOifl of Mr. G&0?fct S/^.-t. at Mi. Mi-rr.Ts Store for that purpoie. 11 JOHN YOUNG. By Order of ihe Pirjiiknt. Kingllon, Aiigutt & ib* 16. 9 eer, lf~\, F r.iofl any quantity* can*hc had a' \J the CELLAR under the Auction u ing fome noife in the room, went up to him. He wu« fitting up 10 the bed.— I! 3 * vc.::>.- ^,-j^ r \y LAIR'S Sermon*, Portcus' Lvi- J_) dences, the Canadian Viiitoi, bound o- li'igle, together with a great [■ vaticty of ufeful Bo ks and T.-ict*, for y«^ung people, for Sale at this Office ;— where acctfa may be had to a fmbllcii- colating Libraiy, three times a week, oi. moderate terms. ai'^uft 1 j 1 Si 6. 9 P. S. All persons who are iS- I dthttd to bfm, are recurfled to call ivitli- out delay, and fettle their accounts. Kingston* July 5, 1S16. y n For Sale, 'pHE West half of lot number ninetec 1 A in the fecond conceiTien ofthe tow *- (hip of Ktngflon. Apply to the Prin^r,* King!fun, July JO, Jfcre. ^4

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