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Kingston Gazette, July 27, 1816, p. 4

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NEW GOODS. F altoofl 0 OF alm»ll every ♦ cfcription jnft recei vcd ^nJ • ff^^d fi>r faltf oo term* {he mutl accommodating, by PETER WETSKL. ^f-flong ttiftich arc a very extenfive ai- fortment of Dry Goods; Toir-'h-T whh a choice aHortflWiH Q* &tti & Ribbons; Ladies' Bonnets ; Gentlemen's & Boys' HATS FrcfhTeas, Loaf and Mufc^ado Su¬ gar, Pfug- Ladies' Tvvta and Paper To- ba.ro ; Scotch, Rappe, and Macoboy Snuff- OH Jamaica Spirits, Cocn-ac Bran¬ dy, Holland Gin, Shrnb. Peppermint P<^r and F-ench Wine, Coffee, Chocolate, Ginger, /filfpice, G'onnd Peoper, Muflaid. Nut'negs, Cloves, Cinnamon, Cu*;ant3, Raifins, fig*, P>i"nd Starch* FiV 31uc. Com and Raff .Stooms. Window ivkft and Putty. rffxrfl (crew ^ugurft, Steelyards. SKo-j veK Fry:ngPan\ Iron and Stec' J 4*'* an-' icd cat Nails; 84and iod Wrought Tvg-'ner with agwjeril stflbrfrceftt of //;/r</ tf?n/ Hollozo WARE. ' AL SO, 7 d .£ Coverlets. X56 !z. Worded H fe, 1? .*oz- Qil'd&kHat Covers, 3 d z. Lo khsg GlafTrs of various fees, -nd>fa fopevior quality. jjo 3bla. Mefs Poik. 200 lbs. Hug's L;:rd, $00 Gallons raw a.id boii'd Linfeed GP- 2~o Prs MenV*i?->ot3 of different qua- iitfe»- jco do d > Sli-es, 100 do Lad&»* Boats, 500 d*7 do Shoea, loao do Children's Boots & Shoes. Calfskins, t? .per Leather, Karucf Leather, and cole Leather* ALSO, yS Rufbefe Corn, 30 B'->!s, fcron [ Beer, O as and Fiower. Kingston, Match 15, 1816. 4?tf //.y£ MamifaEtory SVl HI & BUT i ER WORTH, }^> KSPECTFUi.**Y acqtiaS'-* their V Friend • -i.d the P« l»Kc m general that 1 hey h »c rt'-tom-r-enced bufinefa hi! tin new Lotde near Walker's Hotel, Wi r' th y have on hsod an exte*. ?)'? af- f ;i.ne.t of Ladles & Children^ beftj Iv vei Dimncts, Gentlemen'* bt-il Bea V&\) Cafl r. Rorafll and Knapt Hats ; Men's, Vouth'iand rW's W-»ol Hat*. L k ■ w;Of ^.adfes and Chi'dun's ' on- d" ■ Fafhco&S > Bonnets, Feather* and T- - 'nungs of the following colours; P-1 :..;!•: White, B!ue? Brow , Purple and Drab ; which they offer, Wholefaleand K »Hil f r pafh a? cheap as they can be purchased at Montreal. ?v 3 Caflt paid for Beaver, Mufloat ar'■! Racoon Skfn9. Emgftmi, joth 06L 181 j- 21 I AcfveftlseBieiit, HE fnbfcriber ofiera for fale the fi^Io-A'!* g Lots of Lands. Lots No. 14. 1 j, t?i J 8, 25 and 26 in the 9th conceflioa of the townfhip of fhurlow. No 4, in the 8th conccfTion of Hun- tint*'or. No. 9> in the 10th coiiccTion of Row- drn. No. 31, Eaft half, 2d conceffion of Sidney 2C0 acres in the 4th and joo in the 6th concefllon of the Goie between Er neft Town and FrrdrnVkfbutgh. No 18 and 19 in the 8th conceffion of Murray. N.». 34 and 35 in the 4th conceffion of the townfhip of Vawcrhan. ALSO, Three Town Lota i • the town of Kingston, ' f one fifth of in acre each. Wm. CRAWFORD- Frcde*ricksbm-gh, %fi h [unc, lHi6 4 CHEAP SALES. I^FIE fubforiber has just received and now nffer&foi fale, an extcnlivcaud well ch jfen afTortmcut of Dry Goods, Groceries, j and Hardware. ALSO, A well chofen AiTortmcnt of MEDICINE. The whole of which will he fold at the lowest prices forcaih orcountijr pro¬ duce. Evvd. J. Hp.ndfs.son. Kingston, 26 January 1S * 6 54 John Sfmsou, \ NEW GOODS. Pj AS icceivcd by the Sprhg arr.v h * from London, Maochestei, and I \Tthe Store of Mcffrs. H. W. \ WILKINSON & Co. a largr Quantity of Swect-fcenter! Virginia, Common Plug, Ladies Twift, and fwift Tobacco; Spam{h and rlmericatiSe^ars, in quir;er Boxes. Large or {mall Quantifies, tofuh Pur- Wool Carding. THE fubfcrJbei has efe£»d a Card- fog Machine h;:lf'a mile nc-th of Mr. M^Guin's MiUon CoJIiWCretk, in th'* tuwnflifp of King»tcjn, and has it now in complect order fnr Ctrdinff Wool. All perfoAfi who will favo? him | with their etulon) may heaiTured^fhav- «itg their work done well. Pi ice, 6d. per tb. P.J FITCH. Kingston, June 3:/-, 1 S i 6. vS Notic ■ 1 La ft C rs Tic whole of which will be £>ld at 20 prr cent, chenpt-r than can be procn Jr-'r! herefrom anv Market of th- ITni iri-d StatM—NOT EXCEPTING Giafgow, a choice afToitment of fcafona- ble • Drv Goods, Partieularly faitable to this marJcev, which he i^ OO-si opening, and .li'p '•»" of at very ivJuccd prices for calh or fli rt credit, VIZ : Cotton and Woolen Holer) of all fizes, Grey & Smprd Nnkaens, Beaver, Kidd, and Buck lkiii Gloves, Thread & Cotton Laces, Black Lace Veils, •Fancy Muflhs, Black & coloi 'd B >nibazetts, Garnx.it and Furniture Calicoes, Imitation h Prnted Shawls, MadraCs- Handkerchiefs, S n#e&& Checked Cottons, Turkey Stripes, India Cotton, l'i ic and common Cloth", Coi'duroys and Velveteens, Black and coior'd Velvet, Black Silk Hvk'fs. it} 1 /I Black Grape, Dauby Foundation Muflia, Weliijie;ton & Heflian Boots* And an elegant affortment of Englifh Siiks, Ribbons, NEW STORE. 1 !£ Subicrib.r * ikc^ this oj'portufli ty of acquaiii^ing hi** friend* *4 the public that hv. hafifet up a STOiiJS in the townfhip of Crarnahej neir the Prefque Ifle B&f$ where he prop ofe* to k^cpconrtantb/o'» ha d, a g'n.ral at> lortment or Dry Goods AN* Groceries, Iron and Steel;] With ?. General ^ffortrrent of HARD WARE, Glass Sf Crockery x y TARE. 42 \ rj-n Notice. fuhfrriber refpefltfully 5i f^rrr.: \\\* friends and tl.e public ; !:i:t he h about f:c!.i.?4a Store in front of the r»cw marjft '---.our, where he will Jo BUSINESS on CO vlMISSION Will bay and ful, Store & Forward GOODS Up or dawn the liiver^ W;!1. 'ake in any cnVr* of a^y defcripti or» tn tr.fl* lire of hulin l< ?J I' i c lonft deiir u* -.-f committing tonli^" Tc-i-.- to lii* ;h:t^c, rnav know th- rate offlorageand enmmi^on by cal .n^r a: thenWc *mmiffi<sr iVore JOHN DUNCAN. K.n*'ft ^, D:c 30, 1815. 7 Ti.ii rece'vei and for fale aL e t'.is Office, SMTTGGLFRS Kingjlm* 22// Mi\rch> 1816. 1 OR Sale, hythe fubferiber, 30 \S\A«. Mefs Piirfc, 40 Do. Prime Do. loo Do. Salt, 160 Do. Albany Strong Beer, 30 Do. TV, lS K^g3 Tobacco* 30 Do. Nails, all fizeo, 30 Ji. >:<.-- S: ;ip, 2J Do. Candle^ 100 Call fltel Axes, 10O Reams Writing Paper No. I, 2 and 3- \? C-il's TarM R.pc, 200 Hues, ALSO, A quantity of icyfhe'fl Siefele?. and [Hollow Ware; Copper T- a Kitties and Sauce Pane; Steelyar -qi Chains Padlocks, Curry Comb*!, y/dzc«,an-! oth¬ er Carpenters'Tool*!—a laic^e qnantiCy of Glafa of aImo(! every ddcriptiofl* A general -.fTitinent of DRY GOODS. \ fewF.N'ClJ H SADDLES, ftnd RIDING WHIP-i ; Together with other artic.es, not mentioned. A J SO — On ha^f "f the prcrrifes for 'aeon which the fuoO;rihcr ROW lives. RICI'.IRD SMITH. Kingston -kpn'12, 1816. 44tf tob iceoNis rs. 3 F.SPFCTFULLY Inform fair ; friends and ihe public in general j [that thevhave opened a j SNUFF MAKUF4CTORY, Next to Mr. Robins9 Breivery Where they have for f-ile Mackohoy, 1 Raonee I ^ Infh Bla^gard, ! and oth- r J Which they offer for fale cheap for O-fh. Kingston* toil fay* r%\6 PO he fold orreoted, as may be^^rcedi'} * npo^, tiiat well known v*wabl?,{ farm, lot No 11 and th- Wefr Mf of <f t.ot No. 10 Ip the lhit concefSou v.i] Additional Frcde^tck^ibiirgjju t rctherj with a gsood frame Houfe and Earn»j good Meadows, and two Orchard ibere-j op, and ahout cue hundr-d and forty! acres of improved land. The p; mifes* . are well fituatcd fer a farmer, mcrdtaobh lc - ... , , or Uuluxva For fertile, par! :u!a«UV""** »'« betaiCT in payment. &e* Sec, Order* fr.-n -he country wjll he par olarly attended to, and all kinds of apply to the fubferiber, ur u> i). WnhVl burn, Elq- in Kltl^ffon, MlCHAFL C.OYI e. Kmsrfln" so*'- P< h \^ »S*f I FOR HAUL, N reafonahle term*i t 4 0 Kingston, Zld June* IS r 6 3 At? S3»w &v 6tf) Qo^cmmnA] KfcA. Dbfi w-rc of -4A\P f,<7/ TVi?. 2o, m //^ i ;//j Cwcessim* \ 1*< »»e W'\\A I c hci:i-T in 'hr ToWiAiin -f* Chhhu Glafs y Earthenware. I . H 5 frtbfci'iher daily exfjeA1? to have i a vt-y ex ten live afTartroent of China GLfsand Kr'hrnware CoinprHioB; eve y article in that lh c— vihtel .. . d Erthef->vare, f all defcripti'ins, Dcnb^e F:Jni snd eomm n do. Bunnflifd Grid lines and plain China, Burhfillad TYafctts, Do lii :v t Set * Phi i#p>iiUed t.-bVan^ rlfferi Cervices, i'v.-wn line.-', hlucand {recen edged.&c. Tab'e a::d Defct Services. The al'"vc cofle^kion cf G»odfi, 1 compriiin^ o: c of the be(* affortment: [ever irn;.i>U'.ci into thw Provit.ee.—was Jpurchafed for Cafljj and will be fold at ______ t jlhc Mcttttfta! Prices, villi the addition |ri^, arc icqiiv!led 10 imifcc immeriiaTej||cf 40s. per Crate for tvanfport to this. n>vnenr to Alia" i&ieLcan Efq. ahdjjpkit'e. All oidcifi wi!l be pnnttuaJly at- ?'uMle who have demands.are requcCed {tended to and Crates repacked on thr cu- exhibit die fa<ne for adjnflmvnt. j (horteii notice. MARTHA SMITH, PATRICK SMTTH- Administratrix. \ ^ilm, firf» *. •«»«• ' 6 _Kin;rflon, Feb. 2, 1816. 3J HURLOW MILLS, • ■ «• ' ■ For narttcluP! enq :ire csr 'he o.Tic. t>J 1 AlL! A\T MCLR.-hM;.] \\ 1 *Kh#Am<Augmli&* iBif. "• || All of which he will fell,-wholesale and retail on the moft reafor.sbie term-. He has alfo built a Wiiarf> and a large Store for receiving and F<rwarding Goods t6 any part of the Dill rift of New-Callle, and to receive and forward any kind of Prod nee to any part of Lake Ontario.— Th.'fc who may oleale tn leod Goods or Produce to hi--care may depend on thj greateft care and attention being paid '$ them, and on the m.oit teafoiiable tcrnw, All kinds of produce will be taken fcS payment, eith-.r fjr Good.-- or Sioravie. Cafh will not be refnfed, but no crtdrt i z yen James Richardson, Sen. Prelquelflc. 18th July, 1816. 7W6 James G. IIanna, ESPECTFULLY inf-rms hii fricnfls and the public fu general that Ik ha« juft received lome elegant Clocks, , Filhing Tacke, ChciTtnen, 3;*3 mxnra^vi Boards Game 13iesf Pocket £ ?;npafle$| Dice, Fans, 6'i!vtr 1 c* Sj>oons, Sugar To gs? Fifh Knives VJflting Cards, Jewelry, &c. &;c. N 0 (i ce. V Lr- Pctfunfi inc:-b" i to tl c Eflstf * ofDo&or Akson ^MitHtdeeea- 1 \ For Sale. very val..aS!e G.-,'('.-Mill for Safe, A LONG U ASE, on mode- jiate terms, may be had of an extepfivr [buildinglot, nearly ar. =icre, in the vfcti _________ 1 MidlandJ)istriSt\ 1 Y virtue nf • To IVtr: J OWRIT of EX. ECUTION ffliied out of His Majefly'g Court of King's bench, holding uv\\ •lea , in and for the Mi-hand Drftn&fc f-n-cfr.id. at the fait of j.-rn Kiiby ..fthe town of K/nglion, in the faid Dillrifl, •^errliant. againfl thelandaand teuAmeuti which werrof William y/:kinion, of the lame place Tanner, deceafed, at the time Oflxh death in the hands and cuilody of Richard Cartw right, John Fergufod Nicholas Slfck IC and Mary Stickle, Ex. ecutors and Executrix, oft lie faid Will, mm Atkinfon deceafed, to me directed I havefeized and taken in execution, rj» ! which ha>- jau un<ierjr(;!ie a thno' r- 'r>3,> upon th; irr-f>n.vcmc.!t of BerctM.10^ hc^dontnfy terms, either op Stxt. Such a defirabk pioptrty is «r!-jj,r'^ !cafes or «a— |«lo*n to be met with ; k will he di&ofedj \APPhl* Mr- Miles.— ;ipni 20. NUrrs, °* by the owner in enfequence .-f mcr- CBfttiie ai'rr.ni'rmcMts ; for carticnl?rsl to treat forth* fame, apply to 1 ho ; M ^Coleman, Efq. the prs-pu'etcr - he; I 46tf NOTICE. r_pHE fnbf(:rf!)crs refpeclfuHy inform the Merchants. 1'raders and the I i _____w Charcoal Wanted. rjA aa/-j BU^riELS, t' be de ^v/,uuU|ivcra,w,ri, thc doft of the navigation of \Si6, at Itated peri- \fa% or .Seven Hundred Bnmels to be delivered weekly ui.til the end of March 1817. ^\ny perfnn wifhing to undertake the delivery of the fa lie arerequefted to fend jfra'ed rerde- (o the Naval Storekeeper's Office P int Frederick on the 31(1 inil. ^i offers for fale fev-ttal town witerl public in general, that they have entered *°^, upon the bank? of the river Muira.ijinto co-partncinip, and have opened an ^t man who uv.!l underflandfl con- [audton room in front of the New Mar- ow&tng CaiJinr^ Machines, and can -ket, in the back part of the houfe be- fec^p accounts will meet with good eu-{j longing to John Duncan, where they c 1 r^gement on application as above. {.will hav^ re^i.laravctfons twice a week ; A let ofnewCtfcfa wanted a:, above. Tburlaw, March 25, 1816. 2 %p Q O Pi o ?MS WRAPPING PA PR V. A OUANIUT OF // inng Paper, j .. ::.vy No. 2, II \> . ... VWill; ., I'oil No. 2, JJ Cltto Oi'.L'J UBVUI. . Naval 7'arti, Kingston, I j//j May. 1 Si6 4'/ BLAN& BAIL BONDS, and SHERIFF'S 5ALES, P'or ale at this Office. - - ■ ■ ■ ■ *--, — DiUViED afhoic a fhort diftmce below the iciideoce nf the fubfeu- |.n,onthe N-.rth Ihore ofWoifc Ifland, A Small B OA T. 'howne ca 1 Jiavc ii again by proving property, paying charges, and applying to the furw'iber. Isaac T. Barrett. Weiie A^wd, July i», 1^16. 6^'ji Jujl puNi/bcd, and for fale at this C'ffiee% Price \f%. iheLJFKai.dDYINGSPEhCH ofJOSEPH BEVIR ; Who was executed at Kingston on Mob clay the 4th day of September, f8ic, j i r the murder of Maiy Bcvir, his diiogtirer. FOR SALE, AVERY valuable and pleafantly Bt. uatcd Town Lot. For tcims ao- ply at this Office. Dt-c. 22. 2Q'f STOLEN OR STRAYED Hbelonging to the faid WILLIAM AT- iw KINSON, deceafed, at thc tiine ofhii htyol Kindlon;--a Lsokveral LotiQffl -Ira^h in the hands and cuftody of Ricb. |nue two cr three lifthi c.f an acre eachi :rd Cctwrighc, John Fergufon, Nicho- 'as Stickles, and Mary Stickler, Execu¬ tors and Executrix of the faid William Atkinfon, deceafed, lownrmber 19,20, 31, 22, 23 and 24, in the fourth conces* (ion of the townfhip of Sidney, containing by admealurement i20o;:cres be the fame more or !cf&. Now I do hereby give no¬ tice that the faid lots or parcels of land will he fold and adjudged to the higheft bidder, at my office in the town of K>o-. lion, on WEDNESDAY the SIX, TEENTH day of OCTOBER next, at TEN of the clock in the forenoon, at which time and place the conditions of fale will be made known. Charles Stuart, Sheriff. And every pcrfon or pcrfons having claims on thc above defcribed lots of land and premifes, by mortgage or other right or incumbrance, are hereby adver- tiled to give notice to the faid Sheriff, at his office in the town nf Kingfton, previ- au$ to the fale thereof. Sheriff office, May 6, 18 i 6. 4 BLANK DEEDS and memo. RIALS, for fale at this Office. jaiid being thai the IVutOt fubferiber harh 43./ (been the only otic in that line of bufiuefs tin Kingfton j for a number of years, they (expect by their J-tiidt attention and cor- re&nels, that they will have the cu>tOT i jof the place in future to encourage thc new firm. Joim DaxleT) John Duvcan> \ Auctioneers* Kingston, tolh April, 18(6. j N. B. The days of auctions are fixed Jon Tuciday and Friday. 7 LOST—CnThurfday Evening lafl. ] fomewhere about the Goal, two Leafes, running from Government to Stephen Fairfield, and rehafed from the &td Fairfield to me; alio, a Contratf For Sale, A quantity of Oik fuirabie for Staves and fquare Timber within a rea- - £ then, {o, tMt the , w«er may get them ihaJI have till Dollars Reward. ^ • 3 Blank Summonses For the District Courts for Sale at this Oilke, A NY Gentleman having a farm to let or fell, within live or ten miles of Kingfton may meet with a tenant or puf- chnfer, by applying at this Office. ' EiiigftoSj Maich 15, ib t6. 41

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