NEW GOODS „' V F -: n )ft ev.rycetVipriuii jnit W 1 J «ed ;ind rtffrred for &'*€ oil t-:r ;:, mod tecotnmoJatfng* by PETER WETSEL. z&iOflg which arc a very cxtenfive ailment oi Dry Goods ; Together with a choice aflbrtment of Silks & Ribbons; Bonnets ; aaies Gentlemen s & Boys Frcfil Tea?, Loaf and raufefwado Si- . v, Plug, Ladies' Twift anu Paper Tc .1 en; Scotch, Rappe, ar.d Macboj ejtmffs. Oi.l Jamaica Spirits, Cogniac Bm •Jy, Holland G!:, Shrub, Pkppermhl |*ort and French Wine. Coflce, Ckoeolate, Gmgcr, ^Hfpice '■-ro-.nd Pepper, Milliard, Nutmegs, Poland tStarch, Fig Blue, Powder and Shot. Corn and Haft" /fronro*. Window Glafs and Putty. ^fe» (crew Uigurs, Steelyards, SI— veK Frrnq Pans, Iron and Steel ; 4' ;;n'J rod "cut Nails; 8 J and WrongluJ Tc^.'thcr w!ih a general aflbrtment of d and Hollow Advertisement. . ■ HE fubferiber offers for fale tl. following Lots of Lands. .ots j\To. 14, 15, 17, 18, 25 and z thegthconcelHoB of the tuwnihip of 'MV 'OVV. No. 4, in the Slh conceflbn of Hur- Mijlorr. No. 9, in the icth conceffion of Row .n. No. Jl, Eaft half, zd conceffioti of idney 2 go acresin the 4th and ceo in th •h conceffitm of the Goic between Hr jit Town and Frcderiekfburgb, No. 13 and 19 in the Stfa coiicefTion d •array. N<>. ^4 a :d 35 in 1 he 4th conceffion o feT« of Vai NEW GOODS. , - HE Ub&ribn ha« just received a.:. I now offers foi folc, an cxtenfive an oil ch lien a'.fortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, r> •ie townfntp or vanghan* ALSO, Three Town Lots in the town of K'ngston, vi onr lifth of an ace eac'1- Wm. CRAWFORD Fnrdericks'jnrgh, zG.\i June, 1816■ 4 /> -. 1H E A P Har, 1 V* A R E 3 d.^z- Coverlets, *3<Sd z. Worflcd life, 1 2 do/. 0»Pd Gik Hit" Govern, 3 d./. LookiJIg Glaflcs, of various f:/es. sod iifa fu pa-Mr quality, co PoU. MefsVovk, 200 lbs. H '-g's Lr.rd, ^00 Gallons raw and boil*d Liofeei' On. 200 Pre. Men's jZtootedFdii&rent qua- 50^. do do Shoes, it io Ladle/ Kocu, 500 ■> do Shoes, loop do Gbfldren'a F>ooti& Shoe--.. Ca f SLJns, Upper Leather, Hafntfl Leather, and Sole Leather* ALSO, 30 33b!s, Srrov Beer, O.its and Flower. Kingston, March 15, 1S16. 42tf $#i Manufatfory SMI m & BUT rER WORTH. \% ESPECTFULLY acquaint th-.'.! .£ V Friend.*and 'he Public in genera tiiat they h.;vere-com,Tenccd bttOnef^ i; the new houfc near Walker's- Hottl iv"hef< th'*y have-on ha»^J qji exte.iiu'e af- P>Ttmetit of Laiics oc Cui'dten'fl befi Vj;: '.r V: mncts. G<ntlr mfn'.s bt ft Bea ver, Cafl r, Rotara and ftffapt Ha'- ■ Men's. Youth's and Buy'« Wool Hat*. Likewife, i.aaies and Childrr/s bdu- di>n Fi*Oic?:ahle Bonnets, Feathers a>" Trimiin^fi of the fi>llowmg colours : Biz;k White, Blue, Brow -, Purple and Drab ; which fchty offer, Who^efdle and Rei •*'! fT Cafh as cheap as they can be pur-h-'fed at Monrrtal. N. B Cadi paid fur Beaver, Muflcrat \ Tt-'e Store of Mxflrs- H. W . I WILKINSON & Co. a )&rH Qiianlity of Sweet-fcented Virginia, Common Plusr, Ladies Twill, and Twift Tohacco; SpanvCh ai d American Segar^i • in quaffcr Boxe*. Larg? or fmall S^anlitus, to full Pur The whole of which wil! be f H ai *»0 per cent, cheaper than c?.n bf proci '•".i here from any M*k-t ;»f the Pni K»d Swtcf-^NOT EXCEPTING SMUGGLERS. KlngJIm^ t%d March% 1816- 42 and Hardwar A well cbofen AlTortment of MEDICINE. The whole of wh;ch will be fold at he lowest prices Lrcafli ui country pro- ucc. E\\-o. J. Hlmdi-rson. Kingston, 26 Jajuary lSf6 J4 Wool Carding. HE fuhicriba 1ms oecled a Car* |_ ing \rachl«ehalf a mile north of Jr. M4Guin\ M-lon Collin's CreiK, 1 the towiifi-.iV. of xi.iystwii, and has ow townfliip of £iiigstiMl« and has it iu comphtc order fur Carding VooL All ccrfn s who will favor h ii (til their custom awqf bealTured ofiwv ; tieir work dose well. Pi ice, 6d. per ib. P.J FITCH. Kingston* June &/•, 18! 6- 2tf P.OJi Sale, , by the (iiWeiiber, 30 ol:^. Mei's Pork, ^.0 Do. Prime Di>. ioo Pa Salt, 160 L:o Albany Strong Beer, 3° Do. 15 Kc;/ Tobdceo, 30 Do. lailfl, all fi/.es, 7) Boxe ^ *nr>, Notice. pO be fold r-r tested, as may be agrefd j * upoii, tblt vpcM knpwn va!»aV-i farm, l«*t No- ir a*d tlu Weft half f» ot No. 10 ui tie firll concdSon 1 f: Additional Fred< Ickfiburgh, together j John Bimsoju I AS received by ihs fyri-j: arru J fnm i.o-don, MhucI^c , :■ Hafgow, a clioice ^fToitmct ot tofoti 11 r* Dry Goods, Part.'cwhrly fijltaUle to ihis t wi.icli lie 1- now opening, a^d di»p-^ ■f" at verv reduced prices, for calh or fh t credit, VIZ : • Ootton and Woolen Hoiei f alJ fizes, Grey & Srriped Nrrk^ens, BeaOer, Kicid, and Buck fku Gloves, Threads Cotton Laces, Black Lace Veils, Fancy Muflins, Black & co or'd U imbazetts, Garment a:;d Furniture Calicoes, Imitation & Printed Shawls., Madrafs HaadkereMefs, Sniped 6c Checked Cottons. Turkey Stripes, India Cotton, Fine and common Cloths, I Corduroys and Velveteens, Black and color d Velvet, Black Si!*: Hdk'fc. Black Crape, DanbV Foundation Muflin. NOTICE. -»Ort fa'e, the feliowm<j land*, brin?| part of tiic re4 eflatc owned by 1^ blerlbef 1. Vi$ half of Lot Number iq En ifcg ' cr r.ctHion cf ^"colpiiui Town, on L ;.-iy, having u framed houfc & barn, ucther wi h an improvement th-reon* /jr.ta'ning too acres- 2 Lot number 26 in wed bay, foutk if fiie black rivc-r in tin i it eo 1 '.:..o i .if MSi tovvnfnip of Maryfburgh, with buiU ■ingiflnd other improvements thereon, oirtai'iing 200 actea. j, I'hree fourths of lot number 5, fa '.e Grft conceflfcn, weft of number 1, d weft of the Rock in the townfhip of farvfbargfh, \v;th an improvement there*. *, containing 150 acre?*. 4. r*ifiyarre-: of valuable wood land* being part of the farm formerly or\ci and occupied by the fubferiber, in the r.»w»fbip of ^d' lphus Town, beingin the .car of the town Plot of Hoila:idvil!e, & adjoining thereto. 5. Lot number 6, and the weft half •f number 14 m the 2d conctflinn of the townfhip of Richmond, containing 300 fcvres. 6i Lot number 8 In the zd concern, fmufa fide of the eatt Lalce in the town- Ihip of Hoilowe'l. cabining roo acres* 7. Eaft half of lot number 6 in the 41b CODCefilOn of the townfhip of Thurlnv, on the river Motra, with an improveiTiwt thereof j containing ic-o acres. 8 Lot number 1 er.ft of VanaHline-9 \#kc in the 1 ft conceffian of the townflirp ! ! - Ki-iufr.-'n, 30th OiS. iBlJgp it tf. Notice.., nPKE fufafi-riter r^'pefi/iilly inform- -. i.; frienonandtlicpabJic iljatTie» 3 ovt Oj cnitij; a .Store in front of the ncv^ Riarfcci houfe, w here he w;l*| ilo BUSINESS on COMMISSION Wilibuyandiell, otore & Forward GOODS. or down the River, 25 Dp. Candles, ioo Call flarl ^Kes, 100 Keams \\ t.ig Paper No. I) 2, .-id 5. 12 Ci':* Tai-'J Rope, 1 zoo Hoes, ALSO, A qna-tityof Scjfhe'? Sft'felcft, sod rJI.!hnv W.r, ; Copper Tea K :; - and Sauce Pa-;s j Steetyarrfs, O 1 ,| Pad lor ks, C urry Comb;., ^fdze.«pand ."J- • Corbcnteru* Tools.—a Itiigc oitenti' a Glafs of ,'nnil! every defenutiuni A general a{T nvtveorof DRY GOODS. ^ few ENGLISH SADDLES. And RI'OINO U'HlPr ; Together with oiherartic'es, not ^ntt ned. A! SO'-One half of the prm>iftt &■ liaieoji whicji 'he fubfeftber now lives RICHARD SMITH. Klng&ion \pril 2, 'Hi6, 44 f HANNA c^c RITTERS, TOBACCONIST";. y F^PECTFULl.Y mform ihri ' friend4 a;:d the public :hat th.-V have opened a SNUFF MANUFACTORY. Next in Mr. Ih^s* Breuery Where the y have f.,r fale Mackoboy, ] • Irifli Bteggatd, ! SNL"FS> and oth. r J Wi-ich theycfTer for fale cheap fo Kingston, \oth May- r^i6. ^ with a pood fta'-C Houu: and Barn,] good Meadowy and t^r"' Orchards there-] en, and about one hundred and forty] acvcsof itnpr^ved hfl*I- «w pr^miTwij irewcil fituated for a farmer, merchant,] or Innkeeper Frfi further ipply liithe fi.l fcither, or tc D. Waih- >urn, Ekj*ui Kinoihuu MiriiAFL Covi.r. Wellington & HeuiuTi Boot?, iof Maiysburgh, with an improvement „? *,. Jl . ^-.^ m/R. «^^..... «f T/^^l^l. l*kcttAn., ^a.M .ImT /InA ar^c And aneltgaut ^nbrtn:enr of EflgHfft Silk*) Ribbons, /VS* '■r Orders from the country will be par ticularly attended to, and all kinds of product will betaken in payment. ICir£s'e»s 2;.'/ Junet 1816. 3 11 'hereof* conta ting 200 acres. [ , 9. Lot number 14 n the 5th conce?' i uon of the 'ownfhip <.f Portland, contare* ing 200 acres. 1 o. Lot number 29 in the 4th c^ncc# (ion of the townfhip of Haldimand, con* raining too acres. 11. Lot number 20 in the jfth concrt' Son of Che townfliipof PIttiborgh, con* tiMtung 200 acres. 12. vux sale, r..;/ Ari). 22, fr» fA* y/A Concessit. No. 23. /-• / ^ 6th Concession, Lot No. i*>%in th$ I i/A Concession. The wh-,l- iK-in;.. f,. t]tf ^wnfiiit* dI j- •«! 'un.fn thk dwttict of J.'bn'town- Forpartvelof^ enqtme at the ofiiee oJ //L/.;^V MCi;L\fr% y? Kingston^ Augitni 2$, rsi 9. t? A LQNGLSASE, on mode •rate termSj nay be had of an ejeteofivt ■ bufl'Intg lot. nearly an acre, io ihe vici"'- |?fy©1 iiii t.flon :—.\t^o fcveral Lots f I'vo )r three fifths of an acre each, either ! 1 r.:.y be had en safy terms, !|>i.t' leaks of fi.lc___ tyfyU Mr. Miln — apri"! .'O. <»ii 4Ctf JSi in gene • . Will lake in any orders of any defenpti on fn r::at line ufb»£iic& N. 0 Perfons d- firops o£ comrrittir,^ confignwentg to b/i charge, may Jcnow the r;:tes of florae ai d o-mmifnon by calitng at the i«?w-coimniffiupilore. JOHN DUNCAN. E ugftoc, Dec 30, 1815* . 7 uii receive i and for fale ar this O/IIce, . - * OO RE.tMS WRAPPING -PAPER. A QVAi if ft OF Charcoal Wanud. on nonBUSHEIjS,tol)e^ uW^UU!mTcdbef:^ the cl-', >r the navigation of 1816. at Rated pei i d-^or Seven Qmdrcd Bufheli ro b- delivered weekly until the end of March 1817. fi ny nerfpn wafting to undertake th. -I -livery of the fa»nc are requeflcd to fend ftaiei renden tot^e Naval Storekeeper Office P lint Kreden'ck on the 31ft in». Nova/ Yard, Kingston^ ±1/ l$tf> May, i«i 6 once. \ tf- Perks , mde!)<ed to ttic Kflat-• \ 0* Doclo; Ar;tos Smith, de.-^ d, arc i-tq-ic;iv,i fc0 make immtdiate I wmewfto A%« ftlseLeafl Iliq.- -:::d ivle wrho havt Icmaitds, ar' regoefled ". exhibit the -<,nc for adjustment, M iRTHA SMITH, sii!i>iir,'u;rt7tri.\ Kiiijf.'Jan, Fi},.^ x fi 16. 35 - HURLOW MILLo, Foi Hale, i very vah .,„;, Gri'ft-Mfll f >r SaV. 1 which h j.jf1 undergone a thoro' ?aii* tfpon th. Itfrpnivemeut oi Bevc* •tcr. Such a rieuiahle piopcrty h l( in to be met ivfth • it will be dffi>of« by the ovenei i-, confequct^ce of m ■ ;;ti'e 9*rm&tneft*t B* Vpartici&M :-.d tO trtfat forrfu f^me, xpr/ytoTK- m isCoLEMAN, Kfq. the proprietor : i d.o offers for f-'e fevcral rown w.ti' ):s, upon the banks of th.- river 4 man wlm M]| ur.derfrands co. Sing Cardinj/ Machfees, and e;i. ^-p accounts will meet witlr good < - r::gement o:' application 2< above. _ A fet of new Card- wanted a> above Thurkty} March 23,1816. 43// Juji publfocd, and for fale at ihi Cffice, Price \)\ hcLlFtari(il)V]NGSPEECr ofJOSEPH B&Vffi ; t5irho wasexectitrd 3t Kingston on M01, lay. the 4th da- of September. 1815 the murder of Marv Bcvir, hi )V nn ADVERTISEMENT. "TT^HE riibfciiher offers for fale t- jl the F'tbl'd on liberal terms < f Myment, the folJowing Jois of vvai-e Lauds, Lot* No. 22 in the WJi Con. Noy in the rtfh Gcfti. S. Well 2? 8th Con. No 8 Eaft I 5th Con. of the tow Vr of Pitti&vr^h. also Lots No. 7 in the 5th cenceffio No. iG'w the 6th ronceflSon N^s 28, 29, ^o, 32 5c 37, in 6*,hc< No. 23 Eafi ! 8thc0O.ofPittfl>orgh ALSO, Several Lots of Land of One and twi c*e« iji estcntj 011 the fto^t '^f lot Nun:- 1 24 in the townfhip of Ktngfton, ly- ug ncd icitunte on the fh'>re of the lak*.. * I'd bkewife feveral lots of land of 01 »# ' wo and three acres on the rear of th aid lo^ No 24, lying and fcituateon th. ■^d from thf town of Kingflon to th" ■' ('t try.—The IntS zre we!! adapted fro« heir fixation fo': building on them, and •"•>r the e/l.':b!i(1):rcnr of Gardens in tlit "• fnfty of the town. I pplfcation 11 be ^radetr; the fubferfbet. GfeO. OKILL STUART. Khiyjlm^ Srft. 6, 1815. '4 .-. Lots number T2 and 13 "n the iiii eonceflton oi the townfhip formerly called F.fcoth, now Yofige, ii» the dift^f of John flown, containing 400 acres. t 15. South half of lot number rtf «P the Sif. concefiion of tin tnwllRtp°»J^ KttAi, likewife in the DiftnA «f John3* own,containing too acres. ^ ?4. Lot number^4.nud 47 in tht^j1 7 th crvnoeflion, ami Ii t mmiber 39 in llw conccITion. all fn the trnvnfiiip of ta*"- at 11,; too a- »■'«. ^L.90, A number of town lets, for faftWj lc?.fiv in Sfnartvilie, in tlie»ear 0f tU t »wn of Kingston. CHARLES STUART. KingT.icn, ryth March. 1816 $ MidlandDistr\a:| |\Y virtue 0f • To ///rv J [jWRIT ofFX r.CirriON ifllied out of Hi? Majd$ •Jcurt ot Kinp's bericfi, holdiiig ,[v:i CT's nericn, noidiug r\q .;le3=, i.i end for the Midland Diflrjft^ ;*-rcfr.iJ. at the fnit of J()hn Kir'tjy rfrfo t.wi. of Kingfton, in tlie fair! i>;frrifl •erchant agalnfl the landsarid feurtaii A-hfch were of WilJiam ^i^in/on, of the arn«* place Tanner, dccea&d, at Mie ti"mc »fhi* death in the hand- and cu.'lody o( "ich-Hrd CartwnVht, John Feiwp&i \Ticho!as Stickle r.nd Mary Sticldt, E,! •cutois and Executrix, of thcfairl Wil '•tm Atf;jnfon deceafed, to me diredei I havefeized and tpken in execution. a' belonging to the fajd WILIJAM AT; KINSON, dtcczfcd.a: the time ofl.i, ieath ii the hands and chflody of Ricli. •rd Cartvmght, John Ker&ha, Nicho- as St.ckles, and Mary Suckles, Execi;- ! >r« and Executrix of the (aid Will/am ' tkinfon, deceafed, lots nrmber 10, 20, • l. 22.. 23 and 24, in the i'.iurth conces' fioij of the townfliipof Sidney, enntaininjj j by admcafiirement 1200 acres be the &n-| la 1 •■phter. ry NOTICE. pHE fnbfen'bers refpecifully inforn tl;e Merchants, Tfcadcra and tl.: j"? aowraiwrcment i2( >':b!ic in gineral, that they have eitere 11 ";orc or 'efs. Now i do hereby r/ive no. 'to c0-p3rinerfi.Jp, and have opened ;u j :-ce t!iat the faid lets or parcels of/and wll he fold and adjudged to the hijrlieft ^iHder, at my office hi the town of King. uncan. where thex j I()r,» °" WEDNESDAY the vSI>'. ions rwfcea week : 1'EENTII d.iy of OCTOBER no, ht fu&fcribci hnt! c TEN of the clock in the forenoon, at •vhichtime and place the conditions of ••ale will be made known.. ChaHlzs Stuart, Sheriff. And every perlon or perf.ns' hdvinff caimson the above de-fcribed lots of ildiofl mom in front of the New Ma» :ct, in ;be back prut cf the houfe he o'gii-g to Jubfl Duncan, where tb TrJ3 have fegiJafaufi' -»d being that the fen »?ea the only otttit-n that line of buBueA n Kin^ftoir,foi a number of years, thej -xpc6thy the;-stiid attention and COJ •xlncfs, that they will have the cu-to- >* the place i'n future to encourage thc •ew fum. ? r /r / _- />«/ /■y Or Quality No. 2, II Rcarai \Vnti!;g j?n« No. 2, 0 di«t» ^itl»' uncut. PUBLIC NOTICE. : HE fubferibers to the Kingston Steam Bout, are hereby require m.,ke Jinu.cdiate payment to the Tru •'ure- or the A»bney which is Kill dueo:: their feveral fublcriptions. Gno. H. Markland, Secretary: _SthMay, 18.6. 49,f ~BO~~Ds /"Oa sals, \ Valuable L-.t of Land, lying in tl r '_*• full conceffijn of Lcughboiciirl: witfi 25 acres of fmprovenu-nf, a fn llream of water running through it3 vh 'iheradvantnges. The abo>e lot "wfl M difpofed of at public falcon Monrfv i the fix teen th of September next, unlet! old previously at private fale. ALEX AP MULLEN. Loughborough, Jxne 2<5, j 816. J'jhs Bu\cak, Aup.ioneers. Kingston. 2C/4 April, I 8 ,6. ' N. B, The days of auctions are fixe, -n iuclday and En'day. 4«'4 • SHEKlFF»s 34) Eft * i'or sale at tiii- Oihce FOR SALE,; . /% VERY valiable and ple?.fant r\ »ated T«wa Lot, F«r tern ;>ly at .t.hii Office ai i f OST-_OnTh,:rfdsy Evening fafi Vr fomavhtlc *bo,.t H.c Goal? ,„„ eph,nrairndd,3;idrdfafc(1 t..on •dRtriWd to nVe, ,ir„, , Con.rafi ^ween Dan.el ]>help, a„d t!>e fnbfcri ef| concern,,^ a Saw Mill. Whoever illreiuiii laid t,-m.~f fn -u rir T fhallt* • i-ip-.s ro •.he ETibfcribee, ^,,/ - Thomas Parks. [' and and premffes, by monpagc or other rwht or incumbrance, are hereby sdve»»g 'fed ro gtVe notiVtotrr- find She-iff, at' hwoffieefn the totwi of Kin-.,1on, prcvi- M»«to the faJe thereof. . JS&Cgf# office, May G, I 8 j (5. . 4 iU.AiVK DEEDS and MEUO- RIALS, for fale at this Office- ■ For Sale, l quantity of Ovk "fnirable for Jtaveii and fquare TimbcrA-i'thiii a re* ' >icb!e distance of the water leading inttf lie I)ay of Q^inty. For psru'cnbr* 3ny oei fon or perlon» V.-i(hing U> j.Mit:ch»fe •vill plcafe to call at thib OiHee ur at Mr. fofepii Valller'n Honfe. Kfngacn, Doc. 9, *8lC. 5:^-