Miitant* *n pi>* av.ert^tR -our toart!a' kw« All the nei^hb-mna ill ind , fiorn wiich we ham beard; were put'end i jnailialUwi a» toBli a* |4icy received in tcllitcncc of 'lie inlurrettion in Bar tain h. Th (laves iu thofe iflandt*, a cJ •In Demermy, were fecrtt'y 'apprised cy the plan* fours* aid were only uviiio;' to hear ut its fuccef., to follow the exam pic ** In conrfe of their tiiab fume o' therm conhflVd, that they had Kikco a dreadful oath, cemented by tnc talle o) j hum;*n blood, to deftroy tuc white men, and prelcrvc the women and chiidten. About one thoufand of tlic MifutgcncvJ Rave already loft their live*. The flaw j fhow much fitlfcinefa who remain quit: and keep "at their work. . • ' niU'tJrfiofaffhotir, and on their -rittfrnH . T> A . ~ f! - lecla.ed, -Ebcrle ("he turnkey, fentence- M*J AuiOlIOll, Lo two years I ^prtfonraentWuitty of banting,facilitated, by his negligence, the escape of LavaJette ; Roquette, Bonne tfiKcj and Gucrin, not guilty ; Hutchin- fon. Eruecand Wilfm,guilty, (fentenced ;•» three mor.tha imprifonment ) Kingston, July 6, 1816. From a London Pafir of April \ J. * A lettei from Jet fey givfes the f-it'ow *{ag interetting particulars *>f the late <:ie laneholy (hipwreck of the B?d~m.e, v lai^e French tranfpoit, Capt. Le S.^v, Laving a crew of 24 men and- 84. ••■A'-xu ger«j nWfiiy women and cliildrev., &p«i j " Havre'-de-Grr.ce, bound to St. Maloe*, to be put o'n hoaid a frigate that w^ ready for them there, to convey thrm to St. Pierre'and Miuuelon, "where ihey wcr'O to fettle. Thdy had-tinned the whole of their "property in France fate Te?oy mcuey,.and brought titeir cmCfi'i fortunes With then. — It"was very dark vhen the vefiel (truck on the rocks -vbrrs her head was fixed, aud bcr fte*n ti.Iv ?bove water. The ride was nearly iput wLtf. fixe ftruck,thc weather mod ra 15 ti i z uitliTa «;' I irrmy of the women. &c j got or; oeck ; but the ware:* riGng by GO gice* j;av. tluPm no hoi.es cf CCapC irorr the wave*. The .omen uiung to tin ringings holdfo.7 rfvir chf'tfreu in thci; arms, and the (briclja and fomentations of dofpair were fisThoCxIy hard. So-Vc bnats reached tb.'mYt the L.^ik .if d$ya fiorn R.yzel ; 36 betfons however, men.! ■women, rind childre*", were dr.w.'.ed bc*j fore the boar? came to their ;:ifola"ac , j on the laft boat leaving her, (he went i • Hazily to pieces. ' When the inf »rtu- On T'lefday morning laft the body of a rule Infant was found M floating in the e I'jre of the water oppout'e to the main soard Houfe," fuppofed to have been ■•ut.in. the w^terthe night previous.— <\ reward of 2CO dollars has been offered bv tire Church Warders, "to any periou whofe information (hall lead to the con- 'iftjonofthe offender or off;;;den con f-erned in the unnatural diltru^ion of film uhfoitunatc Infant.". From t be Peiersturgh TntctUgenqtr* . Mitriino'iiai "Lottery. On the 2)fl of December Jaft, I wa^. r-.afTi.njr through-the flatcof South Carp- Ima and in th" evening arrived jn the f:ib irb* of thr* town of---------- where I.had iii spqnjuntatfce. on whom 1 'called. 1 w»8 qnick-y informed that .the f imily wac io'--'t'-d to a wediing r.t a neighboring honfe. and on hein-T recjufefted 1 changed *nv clothes and went wich them. A^ foon aR the yonn^ crxupie were married rhe company wns .&^tea, and a p.-ofound Glwce rt.fued—(tin-man .of the-Jjonfc Will be sold on • TUESDAY the tyb 7ULTi at th'a' Government H-iu'sCy iheliOUsEHOLD-PURNJJURE. &c. &cJi?jc. belonging to Sir Fredeh- i6k Robinson.-------(j~/*3£tc to com¬ mence at TEN o\ -ock. Furniture^ ittc+ &c* I Carpet, JO feet by 20, I do 35 by 15, 1 do lyby 20, 3 hearth R-Ug« ele¬ gantly worked, 1 dazen Chairs and Set tee perfectly new, 2 Joz Rufh bottom ed Chair^ 6 painted Rulh bottomed do. new, 1 fide Hoard, 1 fett of Dining Ta- hies, 2 half Rounds with Jeaves, and one three leaf centre do. fuflieientiy larffefor 2C perfons., 6 t^een cloths (for tabled,) 1 Pemhrook Table, % elegant Card d.-, I [ Chery do 4 cheft of Drawers, 2 Mahogany Writing De"fks, 1 Card Box, c pairs Fire IroiiR, Shovels. Tonga, Po¬ kers and Tenders complete, t handfome Tea Cheft, 5 Red Silk Damafk Cur¬ tains with handfome filk fringe, 2 Can¬ teens complete, with- China Furniture, plated Spoons, Knives, .Folks ^c. 5cc. 1 Piano Forte with addition.1 k'^)'8| fl.u- teJ legSj made by John Brojgwood & Sen London* Bed RQom Furniture, Effjf. .4elegant cn^rry Bcdlleajs with chintz Curtains, fluted lt%& and perfectly new, 1 Wellington liedilcad and Mutraf;, 6 Beadilcada without Curtain?, 6 Feather Bed-; with Hair MiuralTcs. 8 hair M-uraf fes, 4 Flock do. 4 Drefling Glafhs, 8 Atl.AhuQ* eye tJamafk do. * * 1 ./* Utt^^fji KINCi^TOV A'/ATkoH oa:le Na. kuia m lots, andfervants tabLv J /-.-v # *• ym + f^ >-» ^-, elutlto, with a large quantity of articL*i I J J Jid Js J. J[± J^j 9 too numerous to enumerate. .. " BOOKS. Voh. • * + * * .- • .- '.V a ... x ^ , -'r .1 M bed room C3»'pci!j, 4 wath stands, l i.T.ali r j j'itj '1 ' I medicine ch<'K| O wlnie Qnnt-t, II tans rrife and addrefP-d the company vend • tl - . .* .,. N<^., . *; ,. 'ondforre^y, snd in finifhi"£ hi.- difeonrf-! [ bcjp'wl !e •"* ^o ofFer a new fcheme of! • nimoiiy w::;ch he bJiev.cd and lioped | would be hcncScfai, And en obtaining aa*r people were landed, they v/c^c b o,' i.ito theWnack" at ilozel, and exhiyil 'o *« t* fd the mod ftiockinrr fpcftaclc All haftenedto render them affijance ; f?nc fed on'their kt:ees with Uplifted hand , cry rag octi Gratitude, gratriude ! while Others frantic, called f»-r their parent-, their h .ftands, wive:-, children, &c. One inaii loft hi^ father, mother, w?fe and, lv* young chiWrc » Never vva» thcie i'eene of greater d i il re Is witneffed. 'i Lvj Wiiole of the pnfTeng *rs were aln ofl lii- II ^'•a'.\y uAeil. Mis. M-K.LU2!--, I tie \«- dy of'Capt M'K-cnzie, of the Sih R. V. was iuderaiijfabie in her care ol Ute uo- ..in*n. rubbing tl.eirleyi, hei'umnytrd with cold, and rdWiiig life to the children bj pn'iting them i*» hei bed, &c. 'llieit ^•eie 10 h'dieo in tjie cabin, who,, when informed of the 'dcf.ierate Rate ot* the vcf fel. iclnfv-d t * go 011 deck- and wnc all drrnvned. Som^ of the fat'orr, r.bottt 1 • o'clock on Saturday night got ii:o th • • finall boat, aiftl without oars, faiia 01 rudder were initantly-carricd d'd from /•the velTJ, and drifted, by she greatei; clia.ice into the middie of Rozel Haven; •End had it hot been for this providential circnmllance.tidt a (angle pcrfon on boat! eould have been faeedj as it was thVfc Gil lors that a)dr:rcd the village, and caiif 1 "ed the boat-* to be fent out to the nfiift leave lie propofed-; Th?t one man. i- the company ftottld be fdeCled a^ pref:deul : th^.r this prefi- j de,(t fhouhl be duly fwo'n 10 ke^o entire- [ !y feer.ft -.all the commmiirations that J (hould be f.vwarccd Zo hup in bis rffi* \>J j •le-i-rtment t'-at ni,rhr ; and that («-achj ^nPH'n'H <;cntlcm?,.i 3|id bdv (h*MiTd| j write his or Her name on a ptace of pa {r.er. and ixv.&W it plucethc p^rf:;n^ naine] uhom. they wfflKrf to.maviy ,• then hand it to the prefidcut fo* infpeftirn and if new Ruffia Linen Sl|«t$, 8 pairavCflll coe do. 2 pai^s laigc'o. 12 piilow enfe-, B'dtlers, ptiiows, //lankets. Window Curtains, &c- Fhlcd Ware. I pi.'r fup'-rb Candleliicks wiih bran cTica%4 pairs CandfeSieks, 1 ptilr bed .00m difl 1 Tea and Coffee Pol, 1 Tpftfl Rack, % C.uet Stanza aild Ciuets com- ^oletfi wiih filvct ton*. VoItafrefs Tiieatre, ohakefpeir* - Goldfmhirs F.naland, ------ ■ Greece,- ■ ■ -------Rome, l^anghorn's Phitaich, ■»• . Revolutions Romaii.fi, Hoole'fl MetaflalH, Frede> iek le Grand^ . • - Spe&ator, - - , Children's Friend, ^uthrtcV Grammar, I-ady Rulkl's Letters, Cooper's Sermons, Morfe'a Practical Piety, - Pilj»rim\ ProgTcfs, MelfoJl on the Chmch of-Enoland, Italian Grammar, French Geographical Dittioi.ary, French Grammar, French ijnd Ei[gHfll Pronouncing Didonarjy - Lee's Memoirs of tire War in the IT. States, ' i SheT>lierd*s Mb ' - 4 Smith's Cooverfatton, ' - Triwviiii* of Temper, a Poem, The Mine, The Sneaker, Waits' Poems, 1 8 9 f; 2' I 7 4 z 1 3j 2! OnWKl)\j;SDAYF.Vl;;!%G WiT b' p-rfoi 'i-rd: (o-.i^t- V c r.lofC -f the KittgiW 4maieur Theatre- fur -ilxc lealon.) th. Com Jy cif A Care for the. Heart Ache. To which will be added a favorite tyrsc* Doo>s to fo opened at half f,r.!! i/X, performance to commence Mi \ S^VkN. Tickets ro he: had at"1* Jr.' Vnriiday's. Admittance to the Bnsea One Dollar Pit Half-, Po'iar.. ' <&Kp Money mhe t^ken.at the door, »r children admitted. . ^ r* •. ■ ■ . do. - 2 ■ I 2 I 2 I JVanted j or IIis MAJESTY'S SERVICE, 1,000 Bushels [ ■\ - •j Horace, - - — e* r n ' * y Ro'ieby, a Poem by W, Scott, — . * 2 G.'iard, CA wna* \ ttjiy ^er.tleman and lady had reciprocal])* . i.ofen each other t!:e pr^Kdent was ' to wce| 3' lar0c Jujj'. - 3 ^stfgejar^f f ftft Fen*-Service white cHdjihid edge*. 1 fefebreakfeftsaid Tea •Service with Pbtetj i do/.en corlorM P'ares. i iV.al! Drtii^ Service~{P*encli China ) 1 e'eeant Dinner Service com olete, 1 f«tt M-u* mj whhe Dinner Ser-j inform ^^ch of the refill' ; and thofc who had ;»ot been reciprocal in their choices, Fllimid have their choice kept entirely fc.ret. After the np-cifitment of rhe prefident the cotninnilcatlons wcr.* acconrnslv J l'.an>^ up ti* tHicel./ir,'-iuc! it was iotmd .'ha* twe've young gentlemen and ladi'* hnd made reciprocal choit.es; but whom t"eyhadeh 'fen remained a fee*si to all hut themfelvt-* and the prciiJent. The i onveif»tioii chiroged and ihe company | •eirorliwiy retired. GAi/j Ware, • 3 Pairs \z-w cut hecanters, 2 do Pint do. I dozen Wine Q^.u% 23 blue Fin j/er Olafis*! 2 Gl«, Sugar Bowls, r «!' /. -n Cuilard Cupv 7 fa^ ^jnC Qjaf i-s n Champ o_>ne di.. y let;, 2 .^yoonyrsed ue, Pelemachiift, • - ^ 1 Fly Ttforo V.fpanol, - - • — Suanilli Gr-mmar, . - >— Portiiguefe Diiltumary, - . — Fo-nch and Englifll Vocabulary, — Ma-r^zin de-* F.ufans, - 2 l^lenunt.of.Fteiuh converfation, i CuuniiighumS Miliuty Tactics, ■— Army lluiej and Regulations, '— French vocabiliaiyi . , - . — ----------Grammar, * - • , * — Lc Novfau Secretaire de la Cotir, — L'F.i'pioT. dans Let conn? dj Puniea CliieiiVnncK, - - — '. Tveity on the Arts an-f Sciences, — Frerciiaud iLneli^.Exeicilea, — —,------Couvei fatipn, • - — A Trtatife en the foul of man, — Ifitrotlu&iofl to theChriftian Knowl- ism, 00 Bushels Oais, 20 Tons IIA Y. * I The whole to be delivered.into the Comon.Taiiat Ma^ar.ine^ at Kingston* by,<he earliest pradicable peri.id. Tenders for thr above Supply will be received at this Office aatH the 24th |u- Commissariat Office, Kingston, 2\lb jutte, 1816. edge, :- ■ L f ROM the the town of Kingflon, ah- out b meeka agpj a Young. CO;*7, of the following dei'cript.'on —Small fi/.e:—c..lorf dark red, with a white fxe, and white fpots down her hack—fore reet White—fhort hor^s ; and is iv>-v with calf. Any pcrfon tl.It wi'l rfturn her to the Fr'jiter, or.gi.e infirmatim where (hecan be found (hall ht hanffoTi^ !y KW6yr4«d|i and any perfor. foun.i ke-.> in-her after the date of this a.'vc toe- oienr will be prosecuted for fj J >In^ \litl.ea Woodley, - •. — La Brttgov the Ic6, hy W»n.de Gerlis, npo_>ne cii.. yitvSft cm rt^MJ'i Vi,...^'^ Sti'iclnica, - 21 1 rge W.ur lXcant. r«. -? doacu Lj^ ()f Mofw# . . . , J SI»enlloiK-N Poetical Workn, — Poetical Monitor, - - — Wild Flowers, a povo hy BldQiofield, — !ioe through the fame place on the 14'hJ t March following a*'d w^n Informed that eleven ^f the twelve matcliea had been folcmi)»/.**d and that the ymncr <rcn- jtiemen of rifhl eo-rplei of the eleven had declared thit their diffidence wasTo great that they certainly (hould u,>t have ad- drtiled their vtfp.^Jve wive-, i< the ab «*ve fcheme h*ul i:6t been futroduced. ' 3'Geit'emen under 20 ar.d ladies un der 15 were exclu Jed as unmatflagable. You will be p-eafed to k't the public Tiimhlii«, 1 pair d« m& z*h edge^, 4: do/ Glaf-* Bottlest jhefiddinlotsof4doi. iviichcn Utensil. — Tin Ware. I Large Rwaller turn* 2 Spits, 4 Fifli KctMes with Strai:.e-S2 Boilers, 3 C f flee Pots, 8 Sauce P*.ia various Bed mw hear ncconcluljon. 1 was oat Hr. ti j -p v .rt-, , ,.,;,. J^nliendars, 3 lea h<Ur, I pan Tins, 4 do/en Candi- dicks. nee -of the unfortunate pcopic on board J hear^jfthi?fcheme, and J I.ope it will .' productive of much good, by being . / ■ Qife of Sir Robert T. IVilfon^nyd *§. c -, Brilijh fyij General-j-.o: in c8iv fervie*) .. Ivl'rchucl Bruce, g$£ihin<mx aged 26; Jcbn H. iTutchinfpn, aged 26, Cap. -.sf vcghnenl Grenadier Guards.to the King cf England—the two former lorn in . Ettgltnd^the latter in Ireland. -\ Their trial, for affilting in the efcapr "of La vale tie, [die Rolf-M after Cen.j ended before the court of Affize,;\t Pari* ■Sarh. April. The trial appears to have been quite frrtereftefflg. The fpeeche^ on the laft' day bfllie trial of M. Dupin their advocate, Wi.foh and Br.ucc, are worth pernfiug. .Tfec conduti of thu accufed, in refcuing LavaJette, panowk ofciiivalrv and romance—-their fcittiaieors areca:>did and hold—aud being reieahrd, -as they were, from tlie original charge . X){ attempting to fubvert the government of France, they open the receffes of their heartvexoofe their iornoft tho-'ts and Lonelily plead guilty to the accofurion .ofaffirtinga (U.ie criminal in hi-, con- celement ai.d fin.d cfcape. Their m» tives vyere the force of political opinion and bumai ity. Tiic f'Ccdoril of tf/tidinv doubt:et"|)e!oni;"-d them : and h >wevei their daring aod-in^enuoub conduct and generous iJtv.»*ion may he admired, yei u is d.'nbted !jy many whether they can utviaoicatcd ft: thci'* lutcifercncetofavea mancondemoerl to death I x ureja-vs r.f •nc ftjte in wbiVh they rdided. It re Sc^s credit on the' French Court of •rtlii/c<, in that, whej*Vhry ^could hiive wnteflci'd them to'aay period of impi;- ioument, they or.V'fenU-rtced. them tu the ih;.,f ft .x>iod poinblc./ ' '•• Pnllu^nt fiinmcd ub \)u charges '--"•.fence; ThfejiMj rcti-cJ for three'; 1 • 1 • t Jinn's Hog*> author of the Qiteen's \li;ahe has publilhed a n-w poem called MadcrqftheMoor.- fc^>- Notice. ■ 1 \S the.'Office of Cor.firmation wil beadmi.iillered by the Lord 2?ifh r>p of QjiebeC en or near Sunday the 2 t Tl day of Lois month, thofe o the Military ■2nd Na\'y who are defirovisto avail them felves of the opportunity will p*eafe t lend their nr.rnes and place of reildence te t!»e Rev. Mr. Stc^rt. Kingston, $J July, 1816. r MidlandDUtriQ, \ '|"KE Cmirt of to tvit t y. i. Genera' Quar¬ ter Hefltons of rhe Peace for this Diitnfl, will be holden at the Court Eioufi in the townfhip of Adolphuilown, on Tuefdzy the 9th day of J. dy, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon : Th.nfore, all Jullices-of the Peace, Coroners Conlta b.es, and all other' Peace Officers, as well is thofe that have any bufinefs to tra-f ict at laid Court are hereby required lo cake notice, an J give theii attendance ac¬ cordingly. Charles Stuirt, Sheriff. ■8te*if '.* Office Tfid- 1, 181(5. 5 - For Sale, A Vy/LUA tJLF- Farm, with bttifd 1 * ings aljO large irriprovtmei,ts there on, favorably fituated within 20 mi!e« of Ki'ig-fon. .Perform dcfirous of M* isifiue to inquire of the Printer &$falMf 'o,l?fjr ;. 5 :f Copter and iron Ware. t Large copper: Sauce ran, X Iron Boiler, (5 Gallons,) 1 I'on Tea Kettle. 4 pairs Smoothing Ir.'ir, t Fire Shove! -ind Tongs, one fett Tin .Scales., with #rafs Chain^,! Iron bake Oven. 2 Drip* ing Pan-, 3 Frying Pans, 2 Grid Irons. badctiery. $£& tstc* &c. I Lady%» Saddle, \-ery elegant, l Gen tleni3'**s S?d^\ ■ with fluffed flaps ar.d plated Cantlc &c. 1 dp Huffed (Lipsdon>| plete, 2 plain dodo, 1 fett or handfome /frafs mounter] Harn.f< complete, 1 fett do for Curricle or Tandtun, with (! el hits, One Sett ftror.g Waggon Harncf;, One Pn'*(lied Steel military Bridle com¬ plete, 2 do hunting do, 1 do hard and] (harp do 2 fmocth racing fur.fflc Bridies, 1 fmoorh fnaffile do. 3 good Rugs, 2 Blanket*, 2 pairs Holders^ 3 pairs fpan • fh Panniers, 4 watering fnafatf Bridles, J I*ienry and Acidto, a Pitcin '* — Enchanted Piants do — Lara, dr> ; — Ulbomficld's Farmer Boy, ' - * — Uur.il Ta'cM, • * — F,no!'ih Gnimmar hy Murray, — Oiffeifted maps of Scotland and [leland Poetical P«eceotor, - - — !.!f^ofCowp«4r, - - - — Elements of Fnglilh corxverfation, — Rjlunfon C'ufe .. . • # - • ,2 French Vocabtflary, * m 1 fhe Alhi DCatechiftn, - — Oeographrsmd Hilbry, - — Waikifi^i^m's Arithmetic, — Mafo \\ PrayetS, - • • — Nugeut'a Dictionary, , - - ■-— Sate, BY rhe ruHfcrtbers, 40 FOXES FINJE Yp'Iow So^r»> CUE»P for Cafh. . Thomson h Dctl'ir. King/ton, July I. 181(5. ;tf To be Sold, 800 acres of laud in the town hip of Loughborough. - 200 acres hi the townfhip of Flun- gC1 fo id. . P25 Renard. C'4^ '# CIURD LX/ HEi^EAi; on the morning of the cjh ind. a man by name cf RI Ef BARKER* tan away from Picfcott, Upper Canada, with ah- {.out 1 oco dollars, the propcity of :hc j f:ibj'c:iber. A.ny pcrfon or perfons "'ho will annrehend and fecure the fa id A Sau- Mill and Grift \fi!l iViih iwo j iwelliiig houfes, out h aife*, (tabic*. ic« j .vith 400 acres of li-rf, a —own Icafe, ';n the townfldp of Fittfbu'gli. \k ALSO, A njmbcr of Trainable Town Lot* In the village of Wellington. For ^eroWj apply to ^ jIMOS AhSLEY. Kingston* j'dy 5, 1816. j O^hlic Notice." >;/:> I polilhed llccl bic and Ba-dmn E.ic!!e,j, jn/ g;u,irhtr% fo that hc 0,,v W hlWl\ 1 wanw2ale, 3 liable Collars, 1 oJack military Iiu:rt\ Plate and Crupper, 2 >rown do do. r biue cloth ShabracS rT"HE rubfetiber will commence run¬ ning a Stage JVa.?:gQii Frouj Kiagfton, to Erncll Town viil *ge, daily; to leave B. Otcott'a ta«erji, -»t Kznjffton, every mbrntn^, at fix o'cl u k, and leiurn theia'r.^c eVcnin'r. To .-■• fS ' -ompKte, 2 do faddle cloths, t white do. : cotton horfe Net;,?. Bnffalcs Skins, 1 ! Sear SkU) Apron, t Leopard Skin do. I 1- ;o'}'.dice, lifall rice;vc*he above r&ward hv apolviurr to the fubferiber at IVcfcott, LJppcr Cauadp. j He is a man about twenty fix years} of age, five feet fix inches high* fre/hj complexion, light hair, blue eyes, round •nenc-j on Monday, the firft day of Lr*v. Every accomrnbdatioii will be affordjd cufhiotis. Horses. 1 chcinut Horft 1f; hands high, x do lo is\ do do 1 capial Canadian Poiuy to pafiengers a:vi ha^gage. SAMUEL PURDT. Kingston. yum 29, IS 16. $ Noti ce. t.ffuch a character. /turgsj wood. PrescS'tt U C. J.^e 8/i, IH16- S of the mo!i ufefu! dclcrlptiofi. Sundries* 3 Watering Pots, 1 cast, boxes Garden S - ^jyruee ;■ ; 'ots, i ca;ti ' Rifts 2 -r^ p m^ft any qnantity, can be bail at eeds, $ bgf .Shotdiffer- \J K\xt CELLAR j»Am the Auction Room id Attn Charirt Short. , . JOHN YOUNG. ' P; S. All persons who ;ire in d.bted w hiui, arc requeued local! with¬ out delay, jridicttlc ihcfr accotniU. Kinsstoni'Jidy J, |!o6. f rglKE cnpartnerflrlpheretoforeexiTtlnj -™ between tarries Cunningham and [ohn Lii'k, isdiifolved.—The tubicrii>er wfii not pay zny debts 1 hat the laid Cunningham may coi*tra& iH then-meof the firm, after the firfi d y of April [aft. JOHN LINK. Kingston, Julys* *I& 'tit ii/cs 2 chefa ^aiirJs and men, 2 lan- 11.*^ Nttt:;. 4 new ]-i:.iv carpet B.ufn">• and. fever al old &. 4 I ndi.m Ba kcts, p Fimi'ig LutC*^ Tackk £<Ci 2 boxes So: p, j a qcsnthy of Laid in Jars'of 6 or 7 lb, each, i excc!!ei;t Cov*,, A large and excellent NORTH lVEi:T CJNOE. 36 feet long with pfc ;dtcs cumpltte." ' 'ttftDtmft Tahle Chtha of ntfftw u/es. 4 dozen &inged N»n!.'b?*1 6 cotton F— FOR SALE, A VERY v*)..:iv-lr and p1c::f«ii.t1y Ot £\. uatcd T<-w. }..Jt. lri>. V-"'> 3;. !y :k t!r!u 0(Eec. 5W5- For Sal e 1 •/IW a>; - • r \TERY low for cafil, or mod kinds or ' Country producer three elegant wooden clocks, warranted to keep u tu! tine Enquire of M., Peter Van Skiver [}n Adolphiillown, or pfthc fubCniher. C. MERRILL. Kingflon, :5th Nov. iSij. 24,'f for s >u:y Four foot LAT&S. • . ^O^OOO Avv\? at this Office Kir.gftOT,-rrth\Jav,i8^ 5*0