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Kingston Gazette, July 6, 1816, p. 2

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Tho JriMetg—! j:i,or Rogers,—Cxptaiu fflas Ward,—C*pi '•" J' lui ?t,ltu Fn- the liotne Dhlrid* LitUte :a .t CoUvci Cbovvctt*—Wsj« Al*an.—Major Wihnoi,—Capb Pet Rubinfon,—C3pt. Hewnrd- For the District of Gore. Colonel BcaJfcy,—Licit. Col Bradt, —-Maji* Haiti—Major Simons. . Fur the Niagara Diflrld Lieutenant Clo-ei the Honorabh Thomas Clark,—Lit ntetikftt Colone Thomas Diekum.--Lieutenant Colon* Warren,—Lieutenant Colonel NcIIcs,— Msior Unbc;tfons—Gapt. J ho Claik late Afiill. Adjt. Gen. For the Lond'jn D'fricl. Colonel Talb-n,— Lieutcn*m Colonel jvJiJu;!,—Lieutenant Colonel Kynlbn — Lieutenant Colonel Boilwick,— LiVu- t?h;mt Colonel Burwcll,—*Major Salmon —Captain Rapefe, late Incorporated ed miKtia officer, non comnuiTrmed ofii- .er, &c- belonged, or other officer of the ine, O' Miliita, who command^l in the Bum in which, or at the time when, he '-- killed, or mortai'y wounded, to M- r fe thfi name, or names, of his child, j i hildre i, to be infe'ried in the Provin- a Penlion lill. I Senior officer of •he Regiment of Miliu\iw Jo hereby certify :hat .-f the Re, merit of l/vlilitia, was killed u aftion, at n the day of 181 Given under my hand, at in the DlftriQ, this day of 181 "Militia For ths Wtrtern DlstriB. Lieutenant Colonel J. U Baby—Ma¬ jor Reynolds,—Cap'.. Elliott,—Captain iViilkdi McCormick,—Capt. J.ihn Mc- By Order, . FDtTARD M-MA HON, slUlng Secretary. TForra cf Certificate to be figned by .Nihe uirvivfftg feotcrofficer of the icgun- en, or detachment, pref.;nt, t*> which th~ de.-eaf«d Militia Officer, n»n-com- miffi.incd officer, Sec- belonged, or otlw. officer of the Line, or V'iiicia, who com- rranded in the action in which, or at tl.t umewhen, he *rai killed, lo authorile the infer lion of the name of his VYiioft in the Provincial pcuuon lift 1 I denier officer of" the " R-girncnt of P.' !itia, do herebv certify that of the Regiment of Militia, was killed rn a&ion at on the day of and that JS the ow of the fi:iJ Givru under my hand at in the Dill id, this day of i S i I l8l w Id- £F rm of Affidavit which the wi bws of Oifi.cn, non com-niifionrd Officers, Pwv-ite Militia rr n, or TratnfterSj entr tied to the Provincial Pci.fion, whole hufhnndfc have * ecn killed in aflion, or by "•>• cafualty or accident, (as the cafe may he.) on aftual fervice, re required by i 'i a£t of the 56th ye*r of Hi* Mfljc»- Ty'- R- if»n, to take and tranfmft, kftc\ the expiration » f evcy half year, (o to [Form of Affidavit which the Guar¬ dian cf the child or chrildren, or the ex- ecot r or sdoitniitrfttnr. of anv oiEcer* uon-cemmiffioned offi-er, Private Militia man. or tramftcr, in cafes where fich. ■'h;l-hen are entitled to the Piovincial "c.frvn, arc required hy the act of lite -6\h year of His Majclly's Reign, to \ ike, and traufmit afiei the tKpiration of '••« ry half yea1", (oor.mcncing the firil of January and full *>f July-} until 4 he vouneeft child thai] hive aiuucied the full ;iy;e M iixteen year?*, t» the genera! agent fur the payment of Militia Penfifins, at the fat of Govertfioefit, to enable them to receive the lame in advance.] I do fjlemnty fwear, that I verily believe, that the of the late a*'d that lixteetl years of ige. Sworn before me at in the DifiiiA this day of , 1: p: Comtnffioaer Jar adminijhring the satis to Militia Pmstonsru is who is not 181 fFoitn of Certificate to be fijned by the furvivm? ;• nior 1 Sccr of t'»e regtm- felf and my two coonhymtfn. Alrhcugh wehaveiubmittedoirf. lve& to the French law in eonfequenceof:he accofatiirt- rg- ain!l up, we have never loll the priv:l^e t.f -invoking the la\Vof nations. Rtwi orocJty among nations is the fi. II article «f all'treaties ; and aa fa England French culprits have the right of deman¬ ding a jury cempofed half of Engl.fhmen and half of foreigners, it appeared to n* that the fame right, or, if you will the fame favor conld not be refufed to us :n Fiance Wi:h this view, we fnbrnitted to eminent lawyers of our own nntfon fev eral qnellions.thefolution of which might juftify the right of which we fpeok Strengthened by their decifion, \vc Ihould have been juih'fied in demanding the fa¬ vor of jury half French and half Engiilh; but, gentlemen, the jullice which has heen rendered us by the Chamber of Ao cufation, (in acquitting us of ai.y plot against the tranquility of Europe, and particularly agaiidt the French govern¬ ment,)—wehave determined to renounce »>nr right. We, theicfore, abandon our. felvTrs fully, and without tefei've, to the hottor ard confeience of a jury entirely compofed of Frenchmen, we do not even ] make thclenlt challenge. J If. fiot\vith(landi;'jj, we think it r.ecef j fary to make a fpecial declaration, it is | to esprefs that we only reponnce thf] r'iglit a. far as we are perfonally «onccr- j ncd, and to prevent' any precedent being at in confecjuenc^ of being munfodi 'j drawn from om cafe "gainft thofe of our the laid is incapable if earn I compatriots who may heartier be !n the i"g a livelihood. Given under toy hand, at tin** day of iSr enable tliem to receive the famc( Ja ad vance. j I ^ do folemnly fisf4rj thnt I am the widow of vvho died from difcafe contracted -hilc^un fervice. Sworn 1 fore me at in the PiUiitf, this day of 181 Cmrniffiontr for adminijlering ffjS Qatb$ to Militia Pcttfwners. [Form of Certificate to be finned, ev¬ ery half year, (as foon as may *>c after the fird of January and firfl of July) m all cafes of difability occafi'.((ed by wounds received in the icrvice, /except¬ ing th ne ir> which fiom the kfs or r. iimb, total disability obv;Oufly appear--) hy any refident furgeon in any Uillrict who m:»y be duly apptanted for 'he pur- pofe ; or by any furgeon of Hffl Majes* ty'8 Military Naval, or Marine Forces, to authorile any office!", non-eoflWniffioil- ed oifieeror private militia man, wound¬ ed or djfsbicd in actual fervice, tx>t hav¬ ing at the t:me a wife* of child, or chit- Jien. and thereby ivi:dered incarable < f! earning a livelihoood, to claim the half yearly PellliciuJ I Surgeon, do hereby ctr- tify that I have carefully examited of fete in the' RcQ'irrient of Mi!na, ard n>tkcjng the fi' i* 0* J . iuary and fit «l of ibk* thctO to receive the fare July.) *o eiia in ajvaucetj 1 do folcmn'y fwcar, that I am the widow of , who v*aa k." led tUc memy; Sworn before me at So the Diftria, thra day of 1S1 ,■.. ?■p- Cssmmffimcr for Aaminiftering the oaths to Militia Ptt/tencrr, - - TForm of cerrflicate W be fignec| bv tiie fui vising fenior officer ef the re^im- ent, or Detachment, prefent, to wh'jh !lie deceafed Miiiiia officer, non-comm:f- (ioned offi *er, &C. belonged or other offi¬ cer *n the Line, or Miiitia who comman¬ ded, in the aclion in which, or the time wh^ii he was moitallv wounded, to au- th.-rife the hiferticn nf the name of hi- mdo.vinr.be Piovincial Penfion lf'Kj I ^ Senior Officer of the R.egirr.r*lU of Miiitia. do hereby certify that ent or detachment, prefent, to which any « fli-er, noiicommiiEo'-ed oTtic-°r, private militia man, or teamftcr, wumded ordif ubled on fervice, belor^H at the time, who may chim to have his name inferted j in the Fiovincial Penfi n !i'! ] 1 * fen 1 of oSccr of the Regiment of- Vu'Iitia, do hereby certify tint of the Regiment "f Militia was wounded in action with the enemy, at the day of 181 Given under my hand ;*t thii day of 181 ■ [Form of Afiijnvit which officer*! rion-comrnihicvied officers, privitc mifxtJ 1 :pCT, and t<?.m!lers emitted to the Pro¬ vincial f'er.fioti, are required by the act rtf the 56th yeai of His MajV«y*s rei-n, to take and tran&nft after the expiratfttn of every Iialfyear, (commencing the i)-(\ \ of January a$ i full ofjaty) fo the Gen eral agent for the payment of Miiitia Penfi na, at the feat of Government, to enable them to receive the fame, in ad vance J 1 'of I^kUuN IN 1ELLIGKNXK.| Trhl of Sir ROBERT WIL j SON zvd McMs.JBRTJCE andl HUTCHINSON, relativcto the ffcapc of ilic convid LAVAL ETiE. Paris Ahril 23. Affixe Court of the Depnrtmmt of I the Seine. Sitting of the ltd of April Tlu fc pel ions appeared hefore th * j r\fl7ze Court, together with Jacques E- bcrle, turnkey of fhchr.ufv iif Jnfliee; Jean Baptiiledc Kergnfciec, lieao Gaol i Of the farneprifou ; Gueiin. alias Ma rengo, Madatne Lnvalette'*; chairman ; u.cl Benoit Uoflnevillei vaUt f M. La- valette, chained refoeflivdy wiij| havin" taken a parr, more or !cfs clitccl. in tl. efcapeof La vale* tc* The trial which attraft.-d an, fannenfe auditory, atftong whom we t^ma|.^cd ai great number oi Er-hfh men a,,j E„g j I am the ot the Regiment of Mi ]i:ia was wonnJeJ in action at on the day of 181 and d'^d in confe-qt;ence ; and that is the widow of the faid Given under my hand, at 3 tiie Diilridt, this day of ]8t of the townhVp in :'ie Difnictj.iate in the Regiment «.f j Militia do folemnly fweai that- perfon whofe name has been heretofore inferttd in tl;c PenCon Lill of this Province. Sworn before me at i». the^ Difiriftthi* ddy of 181 J- p Gommiffioner for admini/lsring the caths lo MiaHa PtnftcwTs* fame fituation. We cannot r,nd will not j prejudice their right;*. In fatih whereof ! we have finned out prefent declaration. M. liupin (Adwocate for the JZnf*- 3 iilhmeq)—Will the Court be pleafed to enter this declaration Ofl the record ? M. Una, Advocate Genera!. Th'* (leclaratioo ificatculattdtoaftomth ! To claim in France for an offence committed in France the privilege of a foreign legist j • ntr.re, is to fet St no'ifcht tiie fivli prill- J riple* official ordet ; the form in whlth ] the pretenflqri5W urged does not at all change it* nature .We Qppofe the en¬ tering thin piotcll or declaration on the record* M. Dupfn maintained ih^.t no Fr-cnch law piohiiiited the convpufitton of a jury half of Frenchmen and naif Bf foreigner*. ri was a qucfljon entirely new, whi-h might f.iriy he decided againll the arctf- fed ; and ihey howeve*, rer>60nce the difctVilion, but ia icnouncing it they wid. their declaration to be recorded. "They will 0:1c day return to their country, and they do not wifh to expofe 'themfclvetj c^J to the reproach "of hflving facvifi-:',d the j I right which crru'rirntly b< I^ngs to an En- fvijffi citizen — that of maintaining, even in chatn^i the prerogatives of a free man. _ , M. the /Advocate GenefjA.—To fay luh ladies, commenced at ehvc.n r:viock j * hn\ thev fobrnft to he tried by die Frenc M Ro-Tiaiii de S,ze, f m of t.l)c j»CCf lfr: lawiattvfrfy that if they did r.ot fuhm! th t name, fo honorably di ^fn?u;i1,(.tl J I -he tr;::l co«ld not take place. It is thi- himfelf by I119 defence of Lour ^yr fit j j pr, tenfion which 'I repel for the Hatfontfl aiprcndent of the Court, '^'{IC ()liKr Judges were MelTrs. Plaiiatrl jj, C'lnt- eau- Dclavillc, Decerny, DtAuty^ 1)^,. mete-fury Madane de Lavaletfc, tiie young lady her daughter, and their old female uo- meftic, have not been fumuioned here as witneffes at the reqoefl of the public nro- fecutof, but of the prifooer Eberl- $ therefore they will not be heard tillafttf he charges are gone through. The prefideru here fucccfTively inter- jrogated the accufed ; their anlwers re* fetred to the details already given in the indictment*. We pafs over in filencc the long inter- togaturies of Eberle, and the debate which they gave tife to between him anJ Kerguidccj as no new fact refnlted frora them. Eberle Hill appeared to lab.*r ui>- der the moil unfavorable prcfnmption*, while the keeper of the prifon was only fo far culpable, that he had omitted fome precautions which he did not think ne- cefTary, .and had fhewn fenfibility whei he fliould have fhown. only vigilance. Tears di Timed his fight; a goaler ihould never weep. M. the Prefident made the fiiflowng obftrvation to the goaler "On the 20th of December, being informed by one of the advocate? General that the execution of the convict, Lavnh-tte was to tal.c place next day, you went to coniult Vl. rhe Cnt.-nt Angles, pref^cl of Police. Yon Did to him, 4t Madame Lavalctte i* in the onion : mini I tear her fun the ^rms of h-^r buiband ?" M. th* Count Angles fsid to you, * I give you no ad¬ vice ; fee your fupenVrj : it is f>r yoa to know what are the duties of your fit- naticn. You area man ; but you a'r a goaler.* I do not fay* added the PivlVlcnt what you ought to have done; but aC ieaft yon (hould have redoubled your vin To be continued. rtlaifce. * [Form of Affidavit which the wid owd of oflicerfi, non-commiMioned officers private militia men, or teamllem, enti¬ tled to the Provincial Pcnfion,whofe huf- band-have died of wounds received in ac¬ tion, or by any cafualty or accident on BCtuai fervice, are required by the adl of! the 56th year of His Majclty's Reign, to takfi and tranfmft to the general agent for pbc payment of militia pgnlions, at liie feat of Government, after the expira- t;on of eve. y half year, (commencing the irfl of January and lint of July,) to en- abJethernto receive the fame in ad¬ vance j * A do folemnly fwear t«ar I am the widow of who died of wounds received in a&ion with the Rucmy. Sworn before me at W the Dffrria, this day of * iS;i J. p: Coinmfjf-mer for adihlnljlerln* ihc Oaths io Milii'u P&mtmrr. [Form of Certificate ro be fi^ntd by th-- feni'u;; officer of 0\t: "eg; ivrjt, or de- Hchincnt, prefent, to wlycb the ckteaf- I [Form of Certificate to be figned, eve- !i ry half year.(as foon as may be after the fii ft of January, and fird of July ) ;:1 a]] 1 cafes of iocap ibility of hard labour, (ex fecptfttg thofe ia which from the loft of a limb, total difability olwioi.ily appears.) by any rcfider.t furgeon in any Diftrid, who may be duly appointed for the pur- pofe ; orhy any Surgeon of His Majes¬ ty's Military, Naval, or Marine Forces ; to authorffc any officer of Militia, DOtt- jcommiffioiied officer, private, or teamlter wounded or difabled, in aclual fervice, (avsdefcribed in the atf.) examined by fich furgeon, to claim hi* half yearly Pcnfion/] i ^ fnrgeon do hereby Certify that I have carefully examined of ^ lace in the Regiment of JWilitfa, and that in confequence of being wounded, »hc faid is incapable of hard labor. •■ Given under my hand at this day of 181 ([Form of Affidavit which the widows of officers, non commiHioiled officers, pri¬ vate miiitia men, or teamfiers, entitled to the Provincial Penflon, whofe huf- buuds have died from difcafe contracted while in fervice are required by the ni\ of the 56th year of Hi:i Majefly's Reign, fO t;.keand tranfmit, after the expiration- ff every half year, (commencing the full of January and firlt of July, ) to the gen¬ ial agent for the payment of Militia Pcnfions, at theftat of Oove^ment, to M. Hua, the Advocate Gv nerah w,:- charged with the f.nf-i m ofhithTic r o ' fecutor. The jury coufifted r.f i^ ,.u?-lc I bert, Tin n, DuplefTes, l.cm . There mn, Guillou de Chaj-4]Ie, Ed^, F-Lia- vilhera, Marze, D^icgef ?Iercvraiy. Cottorcnu. The accufed v?tr\ iutrodti }J ced, and placed orr different hg-ncbe*! ac '! cording fi the nature of the different cliargea sgainft ihero. GenerJ WiMbn was fa jrrard uniform, and ornamented with b.ilIrani decorations oj f-ven or eight oiders of different Rates of Europe one of which was the G'and tiordon of the Ruffian order of Su Aim.-, Capt. tlntchinfon wore the uniform &nd deco- 1 aliens of hia rank. At 11 o'clock, M De^cze, j.JrK the Prefident of the Court opened the Cuing in thefe terms ;- -"The Ouirt U going1 to Submit to the inveftigatiou ©f the hi ryfeveral accufed per Cms, Fiench and] foreigners, in a caufe which l»as fbi a long time fixed the public attention* The- Court is convinced that tbe ncrfon^ admitted to this ;ilicmbly will ij^t ;n any way diilurb the public trauquttjfy • th .1 they will obftrve that religion (Hence which is due to the prefence of law and of jiu'licc." PRINCKSS CHARLOTTE. From the Official\Lbndcti Gazette* May 4-. Carlton Hmtfe% May 2, 1 8 1 6. Thi? eveuifg, at Q o'clock, the folem- nity of the marriage of her roy.rl high- nefsthe Princefs Charlotte Augufta, dnughter of iiis royal IJighncfs Georgi AuguHus Frederick, Prince cf Wale«i Regent of the United Kingdom of G. Britain and Irtland, with liL* (brene high* nefi Leopold Geo?;/e Fivd'-iiek, Duke of oaxe, Margrave of Mcillen, I *nd- g.ave of Thuringnen. Prince ofCohpu'g of oaaifjeld, was performed in the Gr\*at Crimfon Room at Carhon Bottfe, by hi3 Grace the Archbifhopof Qjuteibu¬ ry iu the pn fence of her majelly the Queen/his royal highnct the Prince Re- cot, their royal hi^hneffca the Dukes of Yoik, Clarii-ce and Kent, their royal uighnerti^ iU< Mnceffes Auguta So^>a Elizabeth and Mary, her royal hiVhncf* the Duchefs of York, her highneft the Piinccfs Sophia of-Glouce^er, their ie- refie higbneffea the Duke and Madencot- felle D'Orlenns, the Duke of Bombou, >he gT^at officer erf (late, the a.Tibafladora ".nd mini Iters frrtm foreign ft ;rcK, tin of- Rcera of the hotvfehold of her maj- fly the Qjjeen. of his royal highnefs the Prince Recent and of the younger branches nf the royal Family^ aiiilling at the ceremo¬ ny. Immediatelyafter thcconc!-:llon .■ fthc -n-H'ii.tge, the park and tower guns wjrc fired,-arid the eyeiiing eonclnd-jd with other public dcnionllmlions of jljy thro'- •ut the niciroo<*li3. iVarCJfr:, May 4,' rSffc His royal highimtV the Prtuce Uegent- has hcvn pleafed. iivihe name and oi» the Sehalf of hi? majtiiy, to appcint his !e- ie:.e highnefs Leopold GcOfge Ficder* r\fe, Prince of S?xe, Cobdiog t>f SaiuV ri.- m' ,„ ~e tk» Hi-;n^«ai '\ ""v! iic^f &c. to be aGeucnflin the army. conm'I'Ction 01 t.TC cimiinal coik oil J France, the Court declare; rhat there is honor and int^eft. It matters little whether in your hearts you fuhmit to the French Iegiflation ; you sre fubmit ted to it by neceffity. Crime h a tfifny petuliarly l.-elovginj» to local piiifoiclior:. The offVnce was committed in Fraiice ; the profecution of it beIong;> exclnfivcK to the F-eneli law ; Englifll prifoner^, therefore, (land on ,-y«ur defence!- ( Ac ruft- An*hns defende caufam.) The Coon after a ithort deliberab'on, prononnccd the pulowing decifion •*-*». ■' Beca'ife rvery • fff»tee committed rn a Territory is an object of juuftii&?on,&nd 1 hccauie th? fxception demanded by tlu j linglifh priloners.i.^ not allowed by an] : no ground for the recording, at the r«- (juefl of the Kuglifh [>rifbners the dec¬ laration now made hythera ; the Couti 'herefore, ordered the trial to proceed.*' Here the Clerk tend the arreil of the | -.ct of accofaiion drawn up by the P10 t curenr Ge-cral Eellart. The reading lasted more than two hours. The Hdvocate Gcncial retraced 1a pidly the fo£is of the indictment and fix¬ ed the attention of the jury on the prin¬ cipal points; he applied himfelf par¬ ticularly to tfie diclinclion in the cafes of the diflerent pvifonera. Some have to anfwer for a crime ; others for an of- fence only. He remarked that the 1 he accafcd being called up^ to give Chamber cf Accufatiou had ren.itred to Iftcti names, lumames and qualir;cs gavel, the three Engliflimen the charge of hav- their defcriptiouA as before mentioned :ne ML Bruce [aid with energy—{ arn an Enn-lifl) citizen. Mil The Prefident then obferyejf that ^though the tliree Effgm^nm relied upon the correct knowledge which they appeared to hav. 0f (\lt, French language, and did not, afc for an ntcrpreter, yet the law of Fr^nCe al-' ays a law ofproteftion, willetj t|,?t t]K. accufed (hould not be deprived of any means of facilitating their JuIIJiioittion, even when unclaimed t the Court therefore, named t* that office fcf. John! Robert, who accordingly took ihc ufuall oath. M Bruce {seating fa Fr*nck fm ^«/^)—Gentlemen of the Bvncli and Gentjjjmcn of the Jury? I '»avc n dedar. ation j:ng confpired agalun the legitimate gov ernment of France. I now leave (laid he) the fa ft ft to developc themfelves ; it is right that you ihould receive yonr iirli impreffionpfrom the evidence. Y<;u vvili obftrve with coolncfsartd determine with ci o!nels._ 1 need not tell you; jrentUmen of the jury, that jullice, whofe im pa (five organ you are, h?is no regard ro the diiliitcTiiont eitabliUved in fociety ; weak or power¬ ful, rieh or poor, native's or forrjoncrs, in ail the accufed, juftice fees only men ; it koowTDOthing of ther qualityfft vviili c^s to know their aftion.s ; but wlial more Cin Iadcltothe dignified fentimcrit whicli you entertain for yonr functions ? When the quellioti concerns equity, jtpu tice, honor, \ need ufc no furth.r r'ecom- Extraordindry exertions are now ma-" ting by the Spanifh Government to pre¬ vent epirU3ary conefpondence witTi En¬ gland. Secret orders have been tnuf* mined to all dir^tuos of P;!T' Q""ce% commanding, whenever thev reeeive let* »C!s from it.N country, which ihcV ima¬ gine are fufpicioms, to cite the perfon to whom they are ducftcd, and :t open and r-ad the iame m Kj prt|ince ; and if Rich letter contains any p'olftical fixpref- fron, he is to be confined til! his ftfroes. tys pleafurs iskifown. Orders have all fo been iflucd not tofonvnrd anv letters to England the portage of vvbfch^js not prevtoufly prid. a trquifite hithtrft) nun. fi.'ril, and of which the objeft i^ evidtnr. 'l'he entry of all foreign books hrf« alio * * been prohibited ; and to pofTefs, oj to be f.-en reading an Englilh Ntwfpaper, Is equivalent to highjivaf. u. te raaic to you in ;hc 6sm of my. mtndaUon to ^ TrcMch jury. - * *( ExtraS 6f a letter Jt;teJ Frv<htor.t Barlfo does y May \ fith. r <c Matt-ial hwh tlill in force. Our oulina arc very much harrirlied ly rhe ecmltant and vigi!vj;{guard th^\\yc for¬ ced to keep, aid by their fr- qiiorrt mar. ches about the country in fc":r_h of in- fnrgents, and' in efcartm^Uhc-Ti that aft* coudiTmned ?o be haA^fd, "*a ^'eir d'Hrr-' eni places of eKecuuou on th' :i owei's plantations. The "great ru:^ *. r ri pfif- >ncrs on board t!»e prjfoji fliirm requtr<i a perpetail guard. The pTcctHe> 'I tbe« tviititi in the cour( «»f inquiiy mt\t\ Li t!ie court martial, f/o on but lh w1- . * >%d w> know not who .': will ^ u& *• 1 :-kK >'

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