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Kingston Gazette, June 29, 1816, p. 4

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NEW GOODS OF &w*'A every* sfcriptionjuft rcecs ved md itffcrcd for falc on terras trie moll accommodating, by PETER WETSEL. ^fnong which are a very extenfiveaf- fortment -if Dry Goods ; Together w:th a choice aflortment Silk* & Ribbons of Ladi Bonnets ; Gentlemen's HA & Be? f TS Loaf and MufcivaJo Stl- *far, Flag* Ladies' Twill and Paper To- 'iv.ccoj Scotch, Rappc, and Macoboy SnufFs. Old Jamaica Spirits, Coeniac Bran¬ dy, Holland Gin, Shrobj Pjppevrr.int, Port and French Wine. j Cafe*, Chocolate, Ohorer, ^HfaiceJ Hardware Store. rHE fubfaiber begs leave toinfen the Public, that he has opened Store in the ab.-ve line oppofite to M [Samuel Ajhroyd's Stare, where lie offn for fale an aflbrt merit of HARDWARE iff CUTLER! Carpenters and Joined * TOOLS [6and 7 feet Mill Saws, crofs cut d.-> fquan. flat and round Iron of all fize* : crawley and blifler Itccl ; nails and fpik ■f all Vi7.es ; fhovrls and fpades ; ii flvwels and tongs ; iron, b;af* and be • olated Catidlefiicks ; coffee and peppc Milk ; bureau trimmings ; fcale bea and weight* ; fciew aus>er.« ; mnfons ham mm and trowels ; locks of all defcrip Mons ; window glaft | putty ; black, fpanifli brown, prufGan blue and yellow paints ; alfo many oilier article* too '>u rousto mention. The whole nf which fold much lower than can be purchafed at any cither (lore in Kingilon Samuel Shaw. Alnzs'n. 28M March* (816. 4V* NEW GOODS. I \ ell ive1 will be HE fuhferiber has just received and now i.Mt.rsfot fale, an extenfive and chofen affortment &f Dry Goods, Groceries, and Hardware,. ALSO, A well chofen Aifortment of MEDICINE. The whole of which will be fold at the lowest prices for call, or country pro- ducCt E\VD. J. H/'NDliRSON. Kingston, 26 January i8i6« 34 NEW GOODS. Ground Pcpaer, MuOard, KFatnriegfi, M (_. |H[ J^tXr odLr.O, Cloves, Ci.,..i.B..n. CWn:S Ra.TmU ^ q( y^^ w 1 ^M Starch. F.g Bb» j ,-Y WILEINS0N & Co. a larg- Powder and Shot. Cor.* and Hair 5iooms. Window Glafs and Putty. A-^ fcrew rffttgtws, Steelyards, Sho*| vets Fiytep PstQ«, Iron and Steel ; 4.d; and tod cut NaiU ; 8dand tod Wrought Kaih. Together with a general nflovtrrent of Hard and Hollow WARE. JL--0, ■ 3 do/.. Cocerlvts, ! t^fid»z. Worfled Hi»ftjj 12 doz OiPdftikHtl Covers, 3 d< z. linking Glaffc& of various f;xe-<, and of a fnperior quality. 30 Bbla. Met* Pork, 200 lb'. Hour's Lard, 300 Gallons raw and boilld Linfecd on. 2co Prs. Men's Zfoutfl of different qua- 1it>V- 500 do do Shnesg loo do Ladies* Boots, 500 do do Shoes, x 000 do Children's Boots & Shoes. Catf Skin*. UppCr Leather, Harncf^ Lcnther, and Sole Leather* ALSO, 98 Bulhcls Corn, 30 BbJs, S"ron,j Beer, O.its and Flower. Kingston 1 March 1 j, 18 16. 42tf Hat Mfuiufactory S\H FH h BUT 1ERWORTH, RESPECTFUU V acquaint their u Friend-, and the Public in genera' tliat they havere-com nenced bnfincls in thv '.ew houfe nerir Walker's Hotel xvh.rc i!r;yh.ivf on hand an e\te .five »f« fnrt merit of LadtVs 3: Children's be!! Bwver Bonnets, Gentlemen*s bell Pea vei'i Caii r, Ror-im-and Knnpt Hats ; N'w'*. Y01 rh'sand Boy's Wool Hats. Likcvrife, Ladies and Children's Lon- dnn Fi-'horaMe B6nnrt?| Feather? and TtitPTriiips of the followivjr colours ; Black White, Blue, Brown, Purple and Drab ; which they offer, Wholcfaleand Ri t jii for Cafh ac cheap as they can be purHi.-ifed at Montreal. . iQuaoirtj ot "owcet-fcented Virginia, Common Plu^, Ladies Twift, and Twift Tobacco; Spanish and American Segars, in quarter Boxes. large or fmull ^uani'il'ies^ fofuit Pur chr.fe-s. The whole of which will be fold at ZC prr cent, cheaper than can be procu¬ red here from anv Maiketcfthe Uni¬ ted State—NOT EXCEPTING SMUGGLERS- Kligpjn, ZZd March, IS 16-____42 IT OR Sale, by the fuhferiber, 30 Ebb, Mefs Pork, 40 Do. Prime Do. 100 Do. Salt, 160 Do. Albany Strong Beer, 30 Do. Tar* I 5 Kegs Tobacco, 30 Do. Nails, all lizes, 30 B«iXes Soap, 25 Do. Candles, 100 Call fteel A:;es, 100 Reams Writing Paper No. 1, 2, and 3. 12 C-il's Tar'd Rope, 2CO Hoes, ALSO. A quaiitity of Scythe's Sickles, and Hollow Ware ; Copper Tea Kettles and Sauce Pans ; Steelyards, Chains, Padlocks. Curry Combs* y/d/.es,and otll- •r Carpenters'Tools,—a latge quantity »f Glafs of almofl every defcription. A jren^-al aflortment of DRY GOODS. A fewENGLl-H SADDLES, And RIDING WHIPS ; Tojrethei with other articles, not merti ?»rd. jfLSQ—Olte half of the prenr.ifes foi •a'e on which the fuhferiber now lives. RICHARD SMITH. Kingston April 2, 1816. 44tf JAMES McDOUALL & Co. Succeffors to the fan firm of 5. F'trb and Co. Comniiiiion Merchants, MONTREAL RESPECTFULLY tender their fervices to thei* fnenda and the .> iblic, for agency and commiffion bull- iefe ; and flatter themhlves that no houfe h the Province Is better fituoted to give hjhfx&ian in their lin% to thofe who ehuufe to favor ttiem with commands Liberal advances made on confignments, hich will have the advantages of both Montreal and Quebec markets, without extra commiffi »:i. Montreal February 2^ 1816 47wi2ii . '«** ^rape , ----------------------------------------------:------ Ij'jckonei and nook Muflind Lenoes Johns & Finkle liAVE JUST RECIEVED A GENER AL ASSORTMENT OF Dry Goods AND ^ Groceries : Among which are the follow¬ ing articles :— StJPERFlNE and common Broad Cloths : White and black Cotton Cambrick^; Superfine dttff'd and undrtff'd Calicoes Black silk, Madrafs and Cotton Bandan¬ na Handkerchiefs ; A variety of Shawls and Veilings ; Large da mafic silk Shawls ; French Cambvick, for Handkerchiefs ; Fine Linen Cambrickand Robe Pa'terrii Black, white & changeable col'd Luitri: g Twill'd Sarcenetts ; 51ack Mode ; Gentlemen's fine buck, doe-skin and bea¬ ver gloves ; Ladies' black, white and fancy colour'd Silk do. Ladies' fancy >flbrted Kid do. B'ack, blue, grren 3c scarirt Bombazett White (balloon silk Velvets and Cotton Shirtitigs ; Fine Irifh Linen, Ruffia, Imitation and Scotch Sheeting-; ; Black and white Jeans, Dimities and in «♦ ■ Wool Carding. rHE fubferibet h*> eredled a Card-i i ing Machine h.lf a mile north of j Mr. M'GuinN Mill o j Ginghams, Ribbons and Lacts ; j Fine plated furr and wool Hats ; Oil'd Hat Covers. ALSO, in the towuftup of K:-; ton, and haa it J now in complete cdtr f-»r Carding Collin's Crerk,ljHyfon, Younjf Hy And rlvfou-t. Wool. All perfons who will favor him with their ciiftom may he afTured of hav¬ ing their work roiiCWt.il. Puce, 6d. per 11). P. J FiTCH. fon I u-ikui J TEAS ; Kingston, yum- R//>, i S I 6. 2tf B ROME into flie enctofure of tn fubferihrr, \\\ Adalphustowo. oni or about the fifteenth d^y -if Mav. l8l6 a bright Bay H0R5E, about fifteen handshiyh» fevtn years old, and natural trotter. The owner may have the fanje hy pTovfn^pro,,ert^ :ind r;aYi; ^u: ^. Thomas Dor land. • 1836. Plofr, pigtail and ladies' twifl Tobacco ; Kij^h proof obi Jamaica Spirits ; [Cognise Brandy 1 Holland Geneva; 5hrnb ; Port Wine. 'l'he above goods, together with a va¬ riety of articles not mentioned, will be f Id at the mod reduced prices for cafli We lender our thankfu] acknowledge ments to our customers for palt favor*, ar.d foheit a continuance of their future pationa^e. Kingston, titb August9 1815. r;tf • 1 2 SR9 , Notice. j^ he foU <"<r rented, w may b«-agreed lf '."pon, tl.at will known valuable ram, \\., jsfg ,, and the Wtft half of l,ot No. 10 in the fiill concolTion c Addiii with f MW'ivr •.$;•. me wt, :o N. B. Cntlx j>a:d for Beaver, Mufkra: and Racoon Skin?. Kingfton, 30th Oft. 1815. 21 tf. Notice* r"PRF, fubfeiiber refpectfully inform1 I httf'fKends *"<$ the public that he is about opening a Stoie in front of the new Blanket loufe, when he will rfo BUSINESS en COMMISSION Will buy and fell, Store & Forward GOODS ^ Up cr down ike River, Wfll take in any orders of any defevipti- 011 in that line of bnfnnfs. N. Ii Perfons diln-uus of committing confignmenls to his charge, may know the ratea of Horace and comniiiiion b} cal.ing at the neurctvmnrilSnn (lore. JOHN DUNCAN, Kiagftoni Dec 2 NOTICE. MISvSED on the roth fnft. and fup. pofed to have been flolen, a NOTE, payable to James Norris or b^a- ref, for eh-venponnds fifteen fliiliinp*-, :irnied by Ifaic Hough; thtreaie two KfndoHementfl on fcid Note. The public •■* hereby cautioned agninft purchafn.g H% as mcafores have already been taken to liop the payment, Francis Carlisle. Kingston, \\th /tpril, 1816. 46 IIANN \ & RITTERS, TOBACCONISTS. ESrECTFULLY inform (hair friend! and the public in general that they have opened a SNUFF MANUFACTORY, Next to Mr. Rohins9 Brewery. Where they have for fale Ma^kohoy, "1 fy* , I SNUFFS, Irifn dlaggard, and other J Which they offer for fale cheap for Cafli. Kingston* IOth May, ifli6._______:49 Charcoal Wanted. on AAABUSHELS,tobedc ^U1UUUliverdbeforc the clofe of the navigation of 1816, at dated peri- ■ds, or Seven Hundred Bnfheh to be delivered weekly until the end of Marcii, 1817. Any perfon wifhing to undertake the J .livery of the fame arerequefted to fend foaled tenders to the Naval Storekeeper's Office Point Frederick on the 31ft inil. Naval Yard, Kingston* glif 15//; May, 1816 PUBLIC NOTICE. rH£ fubferibers to the Kingston Steam Booty are hereby required to make immediate payment to the Trea- utrer of the itfoney which is llill due on thtir feveral fubicriptions. ■ Glo. H. Markland, Secretary. 8th May, 1816.______________4c;tf Bi.ANK. BAIL BONUS, and SHERIFF'S SALES, For sale at this OHice. tonal Frederieksburjrh, together *a good frame Houfe and Barn, good -\fc.ac]0VVi^ ai d iwij Orchards there- on, an^j u\)0Vt oX]C hundred and forty acrcfI0l" impr-ved fend- The premiies are we o fitunt^d fcr a farmer, merchant, or ^n,) keeper For further particulars aPP'y ;tothe fuhferiber, or to D. Watb- burn» Efq.inKingfion. Michael Covle. K^fffto», ?otl F*>h Rt/5 tSrf FOR SALE, *^* [3 rea for able terms, Lot t%. 22, in the cth Concession. No. 2$9in the 6th Concession^ Lot No. 20, in the I lib Concession. k he vho'e bciu;; ir» ihe Townfhip of *o\vn,in the ih'pnict of Johnllown. I - ans.; *'°? pavticlurs enquire at lite office of ALUa$] MCLEAN* Sfy ffifysim, August 2S, 1815. 12 The Kingston Libra ry WILL be open every Monday from I r o'CIock. a. m. until 1 o'clock ? M* at the Court rloufe. ^^'■fciiptions for Reading will be re- c.e!ve'-r by the Treafurtr, Wmf Mitchell, j^a:** thirty fnilirugs per Year, or ten wuhqgaptr Quarter, payable on fnbfcri. b,ng>and a depoiit left with the Trcafu- rer ol Ffve Popnda as a furety againft the lots sf Books. Subfcribers are to COB- BtetJhtmGAva fuhjed to the rules of the Library. P^'*>ns having in their pofleffion Book- beloiwing to tju-s Library are lequetlcd toret^rn fam jnlo ,jK Libmry wiihoiit delay. CHARLES ANDERSON, S*ty: K,,i^ton, id Fib. 1816. .35tf Notice. ALL Ptrfons indebted to the Eftatt °f Doctor Anson Smith, decea- lcd' arc r<queftcd to make immediate W** lo Allan MocLean Efq. and thoi. wjlo jlavc demwrf^ arrr rcqueftcd ^ exhibit the fame for adjuftment. MARTHA SMITH, v Administratrix. ^"gflon, Feb. 2, 18X6. np^HE fuhferiber offers for fale t !L l'ltr Public, on liberal terms of : ayment. the following Iota of walk Lauds, Lots No. 22 in the 8th Con. No i) in the 6th Con. S Weft 2\ 8th Con. No S Eaft J 5th Con. of the town ifhio of P'*tiflu»rjrh. also Lots N'>. 7 in the 5th conccflion No- 26 in the 6th conceiTion Nos 28, 29, 3c, 32 & 33, in 6thcotu No. 23 Rail i 8th con.of PittPourgh ALSO, Several Lota of Land of one and two acre* in extent, on the ftont of lot Num¬ ber 241*11 the town Chip of Kingfton, ly¬ ing and fcituate on the fh<»re of the lake. And likewife feveral lots of land of one, two a»".? I hire aces on the icar of the fair! !■••: No 24, lying asd fcituate on the road f»om the town of Kingfton to the country.—The lytsare well adapted from fheir I'liK.tion for building on them, and for the eftabi"foment of Gaidens »n the vicinity of the town. Application to be made to the fuhferiber. j GEO. OK ILL STUART. KingJIony Sept. 6, 1815. 14 notice. ' nPHE fubferibers refpeftfully inform the Merchants., Traders and the public in general, that they have entered J into co-parti.erfh'p, and have opened an nudtion room in front of the New Mar¬ ket, in the back part of the houfe be- longing to John Duncan, where they will have regular auctions twice a week ; and being that the fenhr fuhferiber hall. been the only one in that line of bufinefd inKiugflon,foT a number of years, they expe&by thei- stiidt attention and cor- .•ednefs, that they will have the cu&tOTi of the place in futuie to encourage the new ikm. John Darlet, John Du\>cav> Autlioneers* Kingston, 20th April, I 8 1 6. R B. The days of auctions are fixed on Tucfday and Friday. ^ LOST—On Thuifday Evening la(l fomc where about the Goal, two LCafeB, running feom Government t, blephw Fuirfidd, and relcafed from the laid Fau-ueld to me; alfo, a Contran between Daniel Phelps and the fnbfcri OCT, concernii.g a Saw Mill. Wbwm wil return (aid papers to the fuhferiber, lhall receive u reward of Four Dollar.. Thomas Parks. " Ktngston, tyU x 6, 1 81 d < 6 NOTICE. FOR Taic, the following land-, being part of the real cftate owned by the fuhferiber. 1. Eafl half of Lot number 19 in the 3d conccilion of y/dolrhus Town, on rail bay, having a framed home & b:irn, together with an improvcmeiit threjn, Lautaining 100 acres. 2. Lot number 26 in weft bay, fouth of t*hc black river i»; the lit cOncelTiu- of the u-wnfnip of Maryfeurgh, with buil- di'ngaaud other improvements thereon, containing 200 acres. ^. Three fourths of l^t number 5y the firft concefllon, well of numl ^r nod well of the Rock in thetownftup of Maryfbai^h, wiili yn improvement there* on, containing 1 50 acres. 4 Fifty acre* of valuable wond land, being part of the farm formerly-owned and occupied by the fuhferiber, in t!»e townfhip of A6 iphua Town, being in the rear of the town Plot of Holland ^i.le, S: adjoining thereto. 5. Lot num!>er 6, and the weft half of number 14 in the 2d conccfiion of the townfhip of Richmond, containing 320 acres. i 6. Lot number 8 in the 2d c«~T.ecflio:j, I Couth file of the eaft Lake »u the town¬ fhip of HollowelL conraitiing 2-c acres, 7. Eaft half of lot number fS in the 4th conce.Tion of the townfhip of Thmlow, on the ri^er fvL>iia, with an improvement thereon, <vmtatntrtg 1 co acres- 8 Lot number r rail of\rJUultline*« like in the ill conedfion of the townfiiip of Marysburgh, with an improvement thereon,conta' ling 290 acrcA. 9. Lot number 14 in t!ie 51 h concc?- fion of the townfhip *.f Portland, contain¬ ing 20® acres. 10. Lot number 29 i I trie 41I1 Cf»*VCC<- (ion of ttie towndup ol i'aldimaud, con- taming 200 acres. X 1. Lot number ZO h- the eth .-.Mices- lion of the townlhiuof Ttttlburgls con¬ taining 200 acres. ?2. L<»ts number T2 and !<• in the 4th conceflion of the tovvtlflvip thtmttly alhd Efcnth, now Yorv-e, u\ thedi(lt»c* f John flown, containi^ji 4:0 acres. 13. Sotl*h half of lol number (6 in the Sth conrehTon of the townfhip -f -fftt* crnfla, lilc-wilc in the Diftciti ofjuhua* ow",containing 100 8cre«« 14. Lot number 3,4.and 47 in thertth concefllori] and 1« 11 uwh1 r 3" in thr 7th rroncefRon, all in tf-.r townflrip of C-»a- den, containing boo acres* ALSO, A number of town lotr?, for faV and to leafef in StuartTtlle, in the tear of the town of Kingston, CHARLES STUART. Kingston, 15th March. 1^16. a Iff 01 MidlandDU;ria,\ r>V virtue (.f a To IVir: J HWRIT of EX¬ ECUTION iJTued out of HI. Majcfly*, Court of King's bench, holding civil olea-s, in and for the Midland Diftri& a. fuefaid. at the filit of John Kirby ofthe town of King ft on, in the fa id Diil.vft, merchant, agninft the landsand tei-ariienis which were of William y^ikinfon, of the fame place Tanner, derenfed, at the time of hit; death in the hands and cuftody of Richard Cartwright, John Fer^ufon, Nicholas Stickle and Mary Stickle. Ex* ecutora and Executrix, of the fa id Will¬ iam Atkrnfon deceafed, to me direded, I havefefzed and ts>keii in execution, z% belonging to the faid WILLIAM AT¬ KINSON, deceafed,at the time ofhis death in the hands and cuftody of Rich¬ ard Can wright, John Fergnfon, Nicho¬ las Stickles, and Mary Stickles Execu¬ tors and Executrix of the faid William Atkh.fou, deceafed, lots nv»mher 19, 20 2t, 22, 23 and 24, in thr fourth conres- fion of the town/hipof Sidney, containing by admeafuremt lit 120c acre* be the fame more or lefs. Now 1 do hereby give no- tice that the faid lots or parcels of land will be fold and adjudged to the higheft bidder, at my office in the town of Kim* (ton, on WEDNESDAY the SIX. TEENTH day of (DCTOBER next, at TEN of the clock in the forenoon, at whichtime and place the conditions of fale will be made known. Charles Stuart, Sheriff. And every perfon 01 per ions having claims on the above defcrihtd lot a of land and premifes, by mortgage or other right or incumbrance, are hereby -stiver* tiTed to >>ivc notice toth. f^u] Sh*rr:T", nt his office iu the town ofKingftodi previ¬ ous to the falc thereof. Sheriff** ojiee, May 6, \ 8.6. 49 NOTICE IS hereby given toall porPm? indebt¬ ed to the laic firm of Nfrman B<- tiune ijf Co. of Kingflon, that nultfo their <Ubts are duly paid on or before the 151I1 proximOj ttuiracco'Hir* will he de- pidiicd withi).///v//7w//lKI<, t-.colLa. James G. BcJiune. Kingston, 1 lib May, 1M16, jctf * * -** — - _^______________ _ ___ BLANK. DEEDS and MKMO- RIALS, forialcat this CMike

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