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Kingston Gazette, June 29, 1816, p. 1

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-li • 4 [SATURDAY, June 29, 1816.] GA M*W l'*>V41KV4 [VOLUME VI____No. 4.] Kingston, Upper Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars per Annum. %? Price of aaocrtijh.g in the Gazette. Si. ii!tr"> and under, 2/5 aril inlenion, had i/^ every fubfequent. Ten linv-s and under, 3/4 firil infer- tion, anft«t l/8 every fubfequent. Ten lire* and ttpvnfd*, 4^/. per line lirff !'rfert;.n: and 2 J. per line ever)' fuc- ceulintr ir.fevtinn. Advertifcrnents unaccompanied will, ■writ en <:irr&iou« are inferted till forbid, and charged ?.ccorclingly. ■ FANCY GOODS. THE fubfeviber informs the Ladie^ of King ft on and its vicinity, tha he has joft received and has for lule the rr'.ft exttnfjve affo.tment of Figured, Twil'd e. plain SILKS and RIBBONS, Shawls h Handkerchiefs— Ever ottered for falfi in this place, w'ttolefak or rcti.ii on moderate- tenr.s. SAMUEL AYKROYD. Deer, l, 1815. 26tf n~o r 1 C E. A LL p"rfo,r.?> indebted to the late firm £% of Norman Bethune and C<>. are requeued to rv.akr i:r.meciate payment to Mr. K'y. W. Wllkinfon, who is duly authci'ifed to rrctivr the fime. J.;\MES G. BETHUNE. . Kingftoo, 8vh Match, i8i6._ 40 GROCERIES. rHR fubferibers, having commenced bufinefs in the Grocery Line, either wholtfale or retail in this pUce, whert ;hey will do their utmost to fupply the jublic on the niost nafonaUe terms. Torrance & M'Leod. Kingston, 30th May, 1816. 52 STRAYED 17ROM the Kingllon Mills, a grey Mare about nine years old, betweer <4 and 15 hands hi^-.h, and marked J F. U. S.—sfny perfon who will bring the tbove Jefciibcd Mare t - the fubferibcr. at the Kingfton Miiis, or to Wm. Mitchell, Efquire at Kingfton, will be libcraily rewarded. WM. HAMILTON. Kingfton, 24th May, 1816. 5 1 tT i F or Sal A VALUABLE Farm, with build ' * ings also large improvements there on, favorably fituated within 28 mile uf Kingston. Pcrfons defirous of 1 ui- chafing to inquire of the Printer. Jt'm?tt"n. "TW'V jo. l"K. 5 tf A tV^T Lrc.nleman h:ving a fern t £*? or < * * ■ THURLOW MILLS, For Sale. Avery valuable Grift-Mill for Sale, i which haalufl undergone a thou*1 flepali' upon the improvement of Bevel 1 let fell, within five or len miles of Xingfton may mee> with a tenant or pur- eliafcr, by applying at thi- Office. Kingfton, Match 15, 1S 1 6. 41 For Sale, n eer. ,,.:,-. a defirabk property is fel- 4*<n to be met with ; it will be difpofed of bv die cwrfter in cmfequence of mer- e^tttile arrangement* ; for particulars itiul to treat forihe fame, apply i»T»Q- mas Colkman, FA4 the proprietor : he cite offers for fale fevual town Mtei loMi »»pon the bank* of the river KSoira \ man who well underlUndJi com- during Carding Machinal and can keep nccounH will meet with good en- COtirajTcmcnt on application as above. A fct of new Caid* wanted as above. Thffofh March 23, 1816. 43// yHE West half of lot number nineteen *• in the Iceond conceifion of the town fnip of Mi'igfton. Apply to the PriMei &mgftttit% 'jh*y lOj 1815 St For Sale, John Si ins on, 'Li AS received by the Spring arrivals * from London, Manchester, and Glafgow, a choice affortment of feafotia- hle Dry Goods, Particularly fait able to this market, which he is nowr opening, and difpofing •_>f at veiy reduced prices for cafli or fhort credit, VIZ : Cotton and Woolen Hofery •if all fizes, Grey & Striped Nankeens, Beaver, Kidd, and Buck (kin Gloves, Thread & Cotton Laces, Black Lace Veils, \ Fancy Muffins, Black & coior'd B >mbazetts> Garment and Furniture Calicoes, Imitation & Printed Shawls. VJadrafs Handkerchiefs, Striped & Checked Cottons. Turkey Stripes, ■ India Cotton, Roe and common Cloths, Corduroys and VeU'e;ee:isv Black and coior'd Velvet, BkvkSilk Hdk'fs. Black Crape, Danby Fuundatioo Muflin. Wellington h Heffian Boot-. An.! *»*iegMTt aflbrimeni of Englifh Silks, Ribbons 1 POETRY. LORD BYRON—the Poet. The following aft'edingaddrefMs from 1 he pen of lord Byron. The reader need •carcely be informed that lady Byron, the beautiful andacconij.liihcd daughter if admiral Sir Ralph .Vi baiike, has late- 'y left ht6 lordiliip's liuufe and rctmiied toher fklher, taking with her an infant hild, after being little more »h-m a yeai manied. N. T. Columbian. FARE THEE WELL. Fare thee well I and if forever- Still f <r ever fare thee well— Itven though unforgiving never 'Oainii liter fhn'l my heart rebel — Would that hreait were bared before thee Where thy head fb oil hath ftin, While that placid flee? came o'er thee Which thou ne'er can'll know again ; Would that breast by thee glanced over Every imnott thought could (hew ; Tht-n thou wouidMl at laft dlfcover 5Twas not well lo Ipurn it fo— rbo1 the world tax ihh commend thee, € I " A LONG L1' ASE, on mode- Tare term*, may he had of an estenfive bttildimj lot, nearly an acre, in the vicin¬ ity °f Kin.Hton ;—Atso feveral I ots "f one. two or three fifth* of :"i acre each, may be bad on cafy terms, either on Jong le;tfe« or f.iie.— Apply to Mr. Miles.—april 20. 46tf Rags I Rags ! Cask and the highest price paid for CLE AN COTTON AND LINEN RAG S, AT THIS OFFICE. VERY low foi cafh, or mofl ki«<js or Country produce, three elegant 'v<»o4ff» rl'r-lc% warranted ro keec* ffW&\ ti-re. Enquire of Mr. Peter Van Skiv. r in Adolohuituwn, or of the fii!;fctib-:r. C. MERRILL. Kinrrfton, : ct!) Nov. iHic. 24tf uft received and for fale at this Ollice, 30 REAMS WRAPPING PAPER. A QUANTIFY OF Writing Paper, Of Quality No. 2, It Reams Writing Pod No. 2, 9 ditto ' ditto uncut J * IVC. Blank Summonses For the District Courts, for Sale at this Office. i THE PARTNERSHIP, ERETOFORE cxiliin^ heiwecn I A Thomas Beasley, John K'trly and \Patrick Smyth, under tl.e firm of Thorn j as Beafiey and Co. is this day diflblved H Juji publijbed, andfor fale at this Office, Price 173. TheLIFEandDYINGSPEPCH [by mntwal confeot. In future tbebe- {finefs will be carried on by the fubferi- ber. of JOSEPH EEV1R; Who was executed at Kingston on Mon day the 4th day of September, 1815, fur the murder of Mary Bcvir, his daughter. For Sale, A A quantity of O *k fuirable for Staves and fquare Timber within a rea- fonable distance of the water leading into the Bay of Quinty. For particulars any perfon or pcrfona wifhing to purchafe will pleafe to call at this Office or at Mr. jofeph Vallier's Houfe. Kingftcry Dec. 9,^815,______27^ ^ TAKEN UP, DRIFT on Thurfddy laft, about thiee quarters of a mile north of Long lfiand, anew Batteaux of about two tons burthen. The owner can have it again by applying to the fubfaiber, or to Frederick Fannan, about 12 miles beW Kingllon, by proving property & paying charges. Elias Patee. Pittsburgh* June 8, lgi6. tV% " FOR SALE, A "umber of Town Lots nc?.r t^e ** French Church- The terms of pavment will be made eafy. H. EARL. All thofe who have any accounts a- ^a nfl the faid Firm are requefled to pre- [fent them to him for payment—and all thofe that are indebted to the firm are requefled to make payment to, Thomas Beasley HollowelU Ut June j 1816. IW4 PACKET. THE Schooner Perfeverence, J G. Parker, Matter, will continue to un a<* a Packet from King (ton to Sack rets Harbor. May 15, 1816. 5° NOTICE. THE public are informed the Vendue of the furniture, &c. of Sir F. P. Robinfon is Poftponed. Kingllon June 22d 1816. Kingfton,Sept. z%y iB'IS- } 6tf. ADVERTISEMENT. TO he fold, a lar^e and excellent NORTH IVEST CJNOE, ttirty fix feet long, with Paddles complete.— j Enquire of the Prir.ter 3 FOR SALE, Four foot LATHS. gO.,OOO App|v at this Office. j Kingfton, 17th May, i8i#. 50 dders frum ihe co,lutlv w;n h? par licularly attended to, atld' nil kinds of produce will betaken in payment. Kingston> 2ld June, 1 S 16. 3 Mhllanrl D-fncltlTU\L Sale of th. to wit : \ l.-juds and Ten?.- menta of DAV1 D JOHNS, taken i.^ Execution at the fur of Gain* Dean, heretofore arlverrif'-d to be fold by me01 Wednefday, the fifth Any of Ju ic p.ifl. is now pol^Doned till Monday ih< TWEN r-SECOND ('ay of July next. and then to take place at my office, in the Town of Kiutrflon, at the hour of TEN of the clock i" the forenoon—al which time and place the conditions o: fale wili be made known. Tharles Stuart. Sheriff SherlJ's Office. June % 2, ! 8 1 6 ' 3 STOLEN OR SIR TED, i^WO Mares one of which i. a jet blacky three years old, with a fear up i>n her left hind fetlock, the other i- 2 hay, wi»h a white ftripe in bisj forehead, two white hind feet, with afcar upon her left thigh, 9 years Old. Whoever wi 1 give Information Concerning them, fo that the owner may get them fhall have ten Dollars Reward. John N. Woodcock. Frcdriclfburgh, "Jnne I *]ih 1 816. 3013 For Sale, AVERY valuable and pleafantly fu uated Town Lot. For terms ap¬ ply at this Office. Dec. 22. ap totf rhou^h it fmilc upon ihe blow, E'en its ;>raifes tnuft offend thee, Founded on an-, ther's woe— Though • y many fnulte deface me, To inflict a corelefa wound ? Yel—oh yet----hyfelf deceive not— Love may fink by flow decay, But byfuddeu wrench believe net— Hearts can thus be torn away ; Still thine own its life retained] — Sti.l mutt mine^though blceJing,beat, And the undying thought which paineth Is, ihat \vc no more may meet. Fhefe are words of deeper fonow Than the wall above the dead, Hoth fhlll live, but every morrow VV-ke us troin a wMow'd bed. V 'd when thou would1 ft f>lace pather, When our child'stirft accents fl w, •Vjit th«U Leach her tofny, « Father!" Though his cares flic mull forego? Vhfn her liu'e hand fhall preft thee, When her lion to thine is prefl, [ hinkoj bin)whole prayerflr.dlhUf? tliee Think of him thy love had bkf/d. Should her liiiea-neutr. refeuil>lc i hofe tlr >u never more may*ft fee, The 1 thy heart will Iwi'tly tremble With a pulie yel true to me. Ail my faults perchance thou kneweft, ■Ml my mad no fa, none can know ; x II my hopes, where'er ihou goeftj Whither—ye»- with thee they go, Kvciy feeling hath b<en lhaken, Pride which not a world could bow, Hows to thee, by thee fuUken, Even my foul forsakes me now, ;^'it 'qs done, all woid- are idle, Words from me are vainer dill ; ^>.t the thoughts we cannot bridle Force their way without the will, /.He thee well ! chm difumted Torn from every nearer tie, '^enred in heart, and lone, and blighted* More than this 1 icarce can die. near it I fuppofe there were not fewer than 25.coo more. The lady inadem- oflelle about 25 years old, not hand* tome, andjirft btforefiie Uarted locked very pallid, and I thought frightened, though I dare fay much lefs io than the thou lands who were looking at her, but the moment flie begun to alcend.'W compefure returned, and (he waved twa white flags whicli fl»e held iu her hand with much grace. From a London ftrftft Corrosive Sublimate —There is now, >r was very recently, living in C«tf.&aa- tinoople, a very extrordinaty man up¬ wards of one hundred years of ap.e, ffc- uerally known under the name of %i Soi- :mon: the eater of Sublimate." This man, when young, aceuHomed himfelf, as the Turks do, to fwallow opium ; hut having taken by degrees a large quantity, without producing ihe defiled eff.ct. he adopts the u'e dfublimate, and for up¬ wards of ihiry years, has taken a dram of fixty grains, a day-----He would fome- times go to the (hop of n Tutkifli Jew and call f>r a drachm of Tublimate, which he mixed in a glafs of water, aiuf drank :t up immediately The firll time, the apothecary waa verv much alarmed for fear he fhould he charged with pwif-ning 'he Turk ; but he was (bue\ with a- ma'/enicnt when he faw the fume man again on the rtesi day who called £*r another diiie. Lord Elglne, Mr Smith, an 1 feveral gentlemen now in Ettgfand, have met this exuaordmafy man ;a J have heard him fay, that the fenfation !»e experienced after having drank ihrt extremely active poison* Was the m i\ '\Yu cious he ever enjoyed.—Such is the force ofhabii ! It u geaerally thought tl-at fince the day-; o?:Miihradate«, no-^n-. h?.d ever made Couftant ufe of fijeh a fub- Itr.nce. -------1 THE 2d wife of 3 butcher of the name of law in Jieland, v?j$ fate y delivered of a daughter. The veteran of the cleaver is now in the 98th year of his age ; hi. fori, by |r> tor- <r.er marriage has jull artermed |m . jfith year ; and his infant daughter h grrst aunt to nearly 70 men, women ic chdi¬ re n. 1 In London, Mrt. Freeman, of Obev, was delivered of tour children, and c the following evening, (he was buried in 'he fane grave with the wi. de of tnr off p'i'tg. The children wc.e of C\ nfi- der.ibie f!7/*, inf^much that the rac-thcr was ur.tkr the necetTity of keeping her bed for Wcc-kd previous to the deivciy. Mr?" F. was a widow, and had had two hi-.fbmd , by neither of wh-.me had (he any child. The frther of tlufe children i-a married man, wh » Hkewife has child Lv his wife.—Londi no ion Papers. B7 AUCTION. WILL be fold on Monday, I day of July next, at the Commiffiarlat IfTning Stoie, the following PROVISIONS. 12,829 Lbs Flour, 8,47^ do Biscuit, 616 285 49 6 do Sugar, do Rice, do Cocoa, do Cheefe, 30C1 do Pork, 38co do Salt Beef. Sale to Commence at 11 o'clock M. Kingston, June 2i, 1816- 3 W2 TO RE SOLD, ANUM BJE^ uf valuable Towu bta in the villu^rc of WeUington. A Dilcripiion of the']ar,da, n:ay be ften at the widow Ferru/ jn ;he townlhip of Ktugfton, DECLNT FROM * B.ALOON. ExtmS of a letter to a Gentleman hi New Tc.L datedy Paris, March 24. I was yetlevday at the Champ dc Mars and faw Ma lenv.delle Game 1 in ateend into the air by a Balloon, it was a moll extraordinary and painfully intereiling fitjht- She was feated in a kind of wic- ker b.fleet and fufptuded 20 feet, per¬ haps by cordo from the balloon, with the parachute floating looi'e between her and [the balloon. At about 20 minute* after 4, the balloon was fct at liberty ; the wind was very flrong from N. yet the balloon was fo well chaiged, that it as¬ cended at an angle o\ about 60 degrees, and at the rate of about a mile in 3 mini utes. In two minutes from the time {he llarted, Ihe difengaged hcrftlf from the balloon at fhe height. I fliould indirc of 2 500 feet from t'ue ground, and defcen-j Jed like hVhtcr.ing a 'hort dli>«uvce,wlien the paracnu^e opened and fhe was j^en'ly let down to her mother earth, after an abfence of about 5 minutes. She light¬ ed near a mile from the Champ dcMar*. and within two or three tods of the bank of the rivci Seine !— Thoufmd* of peo¬ ple immediately furrounded her, and e*- rorted her on ho'fc-baek, Cafe surd found jhack f-o her f;ither and half diibaclcd motlter and lifter- There was abo'it Sogo pcoplo within thcChampde Wars, who paid 1 franc adnufiiou ; a few paid 5 and even 1; francs to go within tut cuclufures. This moncv went, it i-t laid tothediftuffed inhabicants or SoifTont. On the otrtS 1c of thecha.un .!; iVf.:rt & Th: following fin^julr.r cr^fe is copied [from a London paper of the 6th of .pr. 'Uft. A gardinerN wife at Vienna tea*, at the age of 24 years, fcized by a violent headach, which continaed for feveral years, anJ drove hei almod to difpatr; She was at lad adviled to take fin.if as z remedy, in oidet to promote a difclm.-- of mucus. Happening to have i'me afi .fcetida in the h fe Pie mixed ft with the fuuff, "i» the fuppofition that it might rucreafe the .ficct. The conk cjuence was. that a worm was difch.aig'-d from the uollid umilar in appearroce to the common grub. This circumftuncc induced hei to uie the m ixture of afiafa:- tida and fnuff. ElQ'ht 'uore worms were discharged. In Hio.t by the ufe of the remedy, 48 worms in all were difebarged^ ..J the headache was c -o'piet;!y re i- ve.i. Dr*, Frank, who relatTH the cafe, fuppofes that ihe w inns had been iodv e,l 111 the frontal fin *•"• CT— Two faUors we - obferved bafily mployed in lifting an A'- t»ver tlie wall ^ if a pound, where he was confined On aficing the reafon, the tars, with true Unrnanity and in character, made the following reply :—M Why h ok ). .nal*er% w*. faw ihts here aunima) ?gro- uud without vj. i r.tls, d'ye fee, nt.d lj ny melfmatc and I a« ecd to cut h?.^ ca- ole, and give him bis liberty, becanfrwe 'iave known, before now, what it :; tc b : at (hort aUowauce. J) is ft? ngvifbed hilerg ?ity. W' undcrltand that Elias Bovpi- ■iot, L:.q. the worthy Prci.den: 1 'i •»avencan Bible Society, has prpfente-j > that inftitutiou the gencroaa donn- ion of Tm riiotJ.SA>. Dollaks,-

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