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Kingston Gazette, June 22, 1816, p. 1

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I ^:^fV riri [SATURDAY, June 22, 1816.] -JS -'»•' •v if, AZ Kingston, Upper Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars per Annum. tVOLUME VI.------No. 3O nn i 1 1 asgrin,Tr.f^g^rna s 1 uBttataaaaaalagaah snf*.«wk«j Prir *tf <nh*jrl'lr-r hnoe G&x tie, RiaftiffH* ?.'w! unvit-v. x.T» full inienion. "r^d i/g cvffry fubft'qnent. Ten line* frDfl under. 3/4 firft infer- l5s*1, a;nd i/o" I'ven iuhfequrnt. 'iV'» llti-v ami upwird*, 4*/- per Irs* Crfl tnfrcti'm. and 2^/. per line every fuc- . Advertifc neut-i imaexoropanied wol vvriric'ii (lii-ft"iiMi:s n»c iukricd till forbid. en«3 I'hargttJ afiurilingly- N O T ICE. THT! fnVonl-in eefpe&fttllv infofr- llirtr friei>4» nftd the Public i< jrenenl, that ihc-v lnve for Dde, at th • &tnre tatsrly occupied bv Melfrs. Patrick f.:rv»h and Co. awl which t'.ey pi"1--.- thf'nWircfl todifoofe of at the moft r^-1 ■ ccd prices.— DRY GOODS of Every Defcritvi^n. LIQUORS, GROCERB, and " HARDWARES. T^vcv attention will be p*id to thou who wav favour them w.'th their uatror.- GROCERIES. J T*HE fubfctiberBj having commenced hvfniefsin the Grocery Line, cubei I <A h.»K file or tetuil in this place, where hcv will do I heir utmost to fupply the .mbhc on the rnoct reafonable terms. TuRRANCR iff M^LECD. Kingston, 30th May, 1816. 52 LOST, UP-POSED to haw bec-n left in tw,t ? fhop in town, about the 25th April f'lil, an nlj Mn< k. Pocket Book, contain [*»>*!-d note drawn by Jacob Germa(X, In favor of An dp.f.w KlMMBRLY, Ef;]. of Richmond, tor ^.271/. 17s. due ril. OAoha; iRiy. Alio, a bta;k Mort ;:*<:e, about 30 or /'40 in New Yo»k iiilli dated 1771, a forged two Dolla: Bill and fundi y fmall papers of no ule to any perfon except the owner.— Any per i fo'i that will deliver the f:id Pocket Bo.'k, with its contents, to Mcf-rs Thomas Markland & Co. (hall receive the reward of FOUR DOLL iRS. Kirigft .n, 30th May, 1S16 ft*4 From the Farmer*$ Cabanit. The DruSkard. Go, felf polluted, loalhfomc wretch, Thou fcourge of human kind ; Go, waite thy fubdaiice and thy health, And bcailalize thy mind ! Go, haunt the tavern night & day, Thy time thus fpend in vain ; o, league thy felf with ev'iy vice, A-d barter peace for pain. - -r*% 9i f% 1+ O *MC**-**'»^ «at-*i^*»., »■ *^!.rfV\S o o 1 S-'C T Taylor & Parker. Kingston* May *Jh »Bi6._________49 FANCY GOODS. HE fnbfenher informs the Ladies ^ of Kir.^tlon and lis vicinity, tl.a' h«.'1ia« v !t recejved and \s& for iale the ip. ii cm nfwe aJT>rtTvettt of rsgured) iwi. J hplain ail-ivo ard RI3BONS, Sliawls & Handkerchiefs— T.vvi c'.L-red for We In till* p'ae* ivh ile-faile or roi il on modi"at ■ terms. SAMUEL AYKKOVD. /,\v-,-. !, 1815. a<5tf Go, live accurft to focial joys 'l'ill life a burden i> ; Go, cou;t distafc,and death and fhame, Then mock thy mileues ! Go, like a demon tQtby home, Dtllruy each comfoit there, And from thy forrowing family, Wring out the bitter tear ! Enough ! enough ! if aught remains Of virtue in tiiy foul, Fmfake thy tolly - maddening* courfe, And iourn the trcachcious bowl.J I 6TRA7ED IJ17RQM the Kinglton Mills, a grey Mare about nine years old, b;-twte:* .4 and I 5 hands hi; h, and rr-a kc 1 J F. j U S.— A y perfen who will bring the ••hove deiVribcd ^iare t the fubieriber- ar the Ivi^'fton Mills, or to Wm vIitchell, Efqnire at Kingflon, wil be iiberaiy rew .rded. WM HAMILTON, Klngfton, ^'.li M-y, ]S16. citf \ A ! NOTI C E. y» IX perfons indebted to the late firm j -O- r.f Kormn* Pethune and Co. ?-re ^Hfl^fl^ 1*0 mjike immediate payment to Mr. HV. W. Wflkirifitn, who i» uuly ¥nv Sale, VALUABLE Farm, with hutd ing.* aho large improvetnffnts there- fevorably fitM?.ted within 2H mitei Kingston Pcrtons d ftrous of ■ ur- ehafiug to inquire of the Pii.i'er. fi'inntt.tfl. 7't'\ ro f-^l ? ?f Hudson, Sunday May 4 Samuel Dextlr, oi Bolton, is no more ! He died yetlcrday at Athens, at the hou c of his fjn ; He had coir.e thei\ \ lor the purpofe of art ending' the nuptial? •f thdt Ion—But he was attacked by a putrid ftv^r, the l'ecj| of which he had brought fiom Watlvington , and:iftcr an illnefi of only fix days, his enrti y carcei wa; terminated. His wile and two dan ghteis wert with htm* he was a ffreal •nan, and his den \\ yJJl excite fenfatiOQ in ^/aflachutetts. Speech of L or a Caft It rearh* \ln the BrU'jh Houjh of C'-mtnons. Feb. 19 on moving an addrefs to the Prime Re¬ gent* in approbation of the latt trails en teredinto by the Brifi/h government) with France and the Allied Powers* (Concluded ) It was not that we weie indifferent as to who Ihould be (bvereigQ, provided lio- '.a;i:.rc was excluded, but that we fliould ict bind omi'Jvtb to fupport a-iy partic¬ ular perion in obtaining the throne *f France. A ftrong preference undoubt¬ edly txifted in the councils of th» adics in ta\- i of Louu XV11I. not merely From pcrfonal confiderations> but upon political grounds, atid inafTording legiti¬ mate aifntauce towards his reftotution. this country, and Europe in general, would be iecuring their ov^n permanent ir:terelts and tranquility. In all the ilate documents of that period, il they were cohrted. he*"would venture to lay, that they would all pre:ent one genera. and identified courfe of principles upo that luh'fd. Above all, it was lealt pr* table that Lord Clancarty, in a let.d dated tiie gtfa of M">y, feonld drift uit • * it a dotlriae esprc-.-iy contrary to tb- le ^riuciples ; becaufe, not only his perlpi- cuity of mind and genera) lounduA.- c/I icaf ning, would have prevented futh an j no 1 a v, but, in point u{faci, his ieltu vvai 01 -y an explanatory Oiipatth, grow* 11 1- great 1 placed Louib on the hrone, IUiit'% to adhere v the condition* of the treaty of Purisj and to the fubleqnttit arrange- jrnents made at VttOtiB Bist the cafe that occuntdwas wi leiy diUii guiilir.he from thai which he bad jnfl fma^ineo* The King left France. He eeafed to exeicue the anthon'ty of government. "t he French nation was lo fupinc fo tin- mindtul of their tuc inte'es*, as to fnb- rnit to have a coulHttltipn iinpofed oti them undo the femblance of elettio". snfl to allow an unfaithful arrny to wield all the military ftrength of the countiy ag- ainlt the allied powers. Even the K y- ulitts of Vendee retired from the co uft of their Sovereign. He>e was a c»Je not in contemplation of the treaty of the 25th or Maich ; and altbongh the al¬ lies were difpofed to acl liberally and honorable towards Louii XVIII they were entitled, and indeed it wa* impofed upon them by their duty to their refpeft- live people 10 adopt precautionary nieaf- ures, and to require from (he French king and from the French nation both, lume fatzsfaftiou in mil Ration of the charges to which they had been rendered liable, and fecurclyagabft the recuirei ce ol limiiar evils. As to the treary of the 25th of March, teco'iicaUy fp*. ki-:g, the King '-'f Fi ance was no ; arty in it At ihe time it was conclude* by the foot 'allied powtrs, it was not ki t.wn il»a"v his Majelty had left Paris, It was tiue that tiie Fiecch minirters figa>fied the r^yal Hccelii«'n,but nev».rilu!ef>, in ptiial offaft 1 here had be 11 no actual acc»ffi >n on the pait^f trance to the treatr. •Lo- king, therefore, fimpiy at the di- ton, •Of ! 1 •uthorifed to receive the time. J^MitS G. BF.THUNE. Singifen-t 8th March, iSl6, 40 UIURLOW MILLS, For Sale. A ven' valuable Grift-Mill for SaV. J7k which hai jjl undergone atnoro1 repair upoM fhc improveipent of Bfvel Geer. Such a defirable pt'*p:rty is fel dom to be met with ; if will be difnofed of by the owner in confluence or m* r- C^ntile arrangements ; X#x parf'c br¬ and tn treat for the fame, apoly to Tho , masColeman, Efq. the propiietor : he aKo offers for fale feveral town water lots, upon the bank1* of the river Moira A man who well underUand* con¬ ducing Carding Machines, and can ketp accounts will meet with good en¬ couragement on application a^ above. A fet of new Card** wanted as above. Thurlo?y, March 23.1816- 43//" COME INTO the mclofure of the fubferiher on the jtii infl. a dark bay mare, four years old, one white hind foot, with a fmall blaze in her forchrvl, and fome whire fpot* on be* b:jck. The owner ir requeued *o prove property, pay charges and tnke her awav. DARIUS SMITH. 4 A ^ '- " l» #ej or fell, within five Often mi!> 9 of j Kifi^H.-n may mee' with H tenant or pur- ehnfer, by applying at ihii Office. Kinglton, Match 15, 1816. 41 For Sale, pHEWest half *:f lot number nineteen inTthe lecond conceffion of the town (hip of K-iLigflon. Apply to the Printer Kingston* July 10, 1S15 yjf For Sale, VERY low f»t cafh, or mod ki-ds or Count-y produce, three elegant wooden clocks, warranted to keen £"od lime. Enquire of Mr, Peter Van Skiver in Adolphultown, or of the fubferiher. C. MERRILL. Kingflon, : gth Nov. ifl 15. 24*f Ttlft receive 1 and for fale J this Office, at iZQMMdMS WRAPPING PAPER. A QUANTITY OF Writing Paper, Of Quality No. 2, 11 Reams Writing Pod No, 2, Kmgsotti May fa 1S16. 49'f~ A LONG LEASE, on mode- Tate termP, may be had of an ext«*nfive buildinjr lot, nearly all acre, in the vicin¬ ity of Kin.,'^n ;—also feveral Lots of one, two or three fifths of an acre each, may he had on eafy terms, either on long Igafcfi or fale.— JpthtcMr. Af'des.—april 20. ^6\x Rags ! Rags! Cash and the Iur;he?t price paid for GLEAN COTTON AND LINEN R \ G S, AT THIS OFFJCE. ditto <huo uncut. Blank Summonses For the District Courts, for Sale at this Office. Boston, May 23. Summary of iW*..f.—The roaiia 01 yeftei day brought accounts of one publn dinner—it veiai ii.U retbng tetemunles in honour of the brave—=_onc faith lire—.. i'-c ( alarmfig accident, iy ^jy^ JIC) fa^fa were! A— • «©« theory of the fpotft in the :un—two lu,Ma, deaths and one uioi fein>rniurdCr, bciide-* feveral natural deaths and a numfi^1'0* m;,i ri:i«es. Bill a the tuff' r>ng atu) mleielicJ p;oties mull be unknown to n^'doi our readerd, we mit the details. It was an obfcr-vatroii *& Elwea, the nted miiet, thnt H JT^M keep one ferveirt, our wtik wiil be■ d«ue ;— if you keep] wo, it wiil be ball A»K ; i»»d li you keep :hreey> u may do ^Y 1 * ourfelf. MAzQNiG MSftVAL. 'J"'HEfeaival of St. John the Evan- 4 geiiil, w'll be celebrated by ••odge No. 6 A. Y- Mafous on Mon lay the 24th inft. at Walkers Hotel. Thofe brethren, Civil <>r Military, who wilh to jo:n in the feftivtty of the day, wil! pleafe to lagtfify the fame to Mr ilobeit W^ker,o;'i Friday the 2tit Inft. By ordei of 'he W. M. SAMUEL SHAW% Secretary, Kisgfton, June 1 c, 1816. 2 lou the whole of ih le document?., the dedaratiou iifucd at Vienna o:. tlu ijtii f March, the treaty GgDCd on ttue Zph !»f March, and 1 he declaration illuei. at home on the 13th of April, when wera- liiietl that treaty. [Here hi. Lord (hip went into an ai- ..u.uenr: npo'. fifty u,;,.! or' mc coni.uy to Jiuterfrie in the internal Government of tnoihcr. W it hou t con tending fot a 1 h'ht of wanton interference, he a/gued from jieiM ral pvinciplcj and from politic a practice of nations, that no country wa tied Up from It*taJtfcriilg ir. the li.tte of a I" ncign country, when that date had an i'lK'etucou it»owu inter- U a««d iecutity fn [:nppoit "i htPown dodrine he refer- red to the fenntr praftiee of G. Britain, to Whigauthotity, in 1717, when the Trippie Alliance wan formed, to main¬ tain the Prote'tant fncccflion in Gieat J5ii ,i , and the fuccelfion in France and Spain according to tl) treaty of tireeht. 1-Je qnotedalfo feveral other treaties, in which tile parties mutually engaged to t'urnilh alhllaucc to each other, in caft» f iutelliue quarrel?. II As an advance to ag (utuf the tKotyuiihe 25th Marcn ^ r _,,,„_.. - ItJewuuW ieil the queilion thcrdFure up j [plomatic law, there wm n- rhin/ which ' ' * prec.tidfd the all!eA from lak'Dg ('^ ■ a view o? iheu policy ad the new u'.cnin- Itanceh .pprared to require. I>"t, nev- ei&ii-Uls, heproteSed apainft its being inferred that the a> *ed powers un&gtnea they llood eithei Injuftscc or in po'icy in he lame fltUuMon in which M«ev w< ..!^ b»«e be-?!', had no engagement wi h the King of trance tak* n place, ai.d that t»ey thcrefi ie 1u;*p fed themfelves w*r- lanted inabtlaininx from all indulgence. Enough ' f the original charufler of the alliance renamed W prevent IhW, Ml the parties cone rued were contending for the lame caufe—to relieve Europe from the military domination of France. Thia irr.pofedon the allies in equity towrrds Louia the ttdh, a difpufit'on not to ear- »y the principle r f Indemnity aad fecuri- Jty btyond t!:e Uriel nectffity (,x the iafe, hut to eudeavor to combine the gcneia! iutertfta ot the K'ng of Fra ce and the ftench nati n with thofe mcafurea of precaution which w re mdifpenfiblc for For Sale, ■ Juji pubiifucd, andfir [die at tfm (tffiee, Price 1/3. IheUFEandDYlNGSPEi CHi oiyjSLPUBE.'ili; Who was executed at Kingston or. Mon day the 41b d*y ol Sepiemhcr, 1S1 5 f"r 1 he murde. of Maiy Bevir, lu- daughter. THE PARTNERSHIP, I 1 ERETOFORE exifting between j X Thomas Beasley, John Kirby and Patrick Smyths uncitr the firm of Thorn ^s beaflcy and Co. is this day diiTolved by mutual conftnt. In future t!ie bu- Jlinefs wiil bf; carried on by the fubferi¬ her. All thofe who have any accounts a .ja nft the laid Firm are requelled to pre- lent them to him for payment—and all thofe that are indebted to the firm arc reqnefted to make payment to, Thomas Bi-asley. Ifol/ozce/l, isi June9 1816. A quantity of Oik fuitable for Staves and iquare Timber within a rea- fonable distance or" the water leading into the Bay ofQuinty. For particulars any peifou or perloua wifliing to purchafe will pleafe to call st this Office or at Mr. jofeph Vallier's Honfc. Kingfton, Dec. 9, 1815, ^ytf.j precife diplomatic rehuion that exilted at pre lent in Europe, he would proceed to confidcr the courfe which had been pur- Cned by the Allied Towers. And fhll jhc IVlfhed to purge the COnduft of the Allies from ihe imputation which by fome (foi the extreiiic view:, on all fides would [no doubt be entertained) might be c-iil 00 them of pulhmg tiie object of the iaie- ty of Europe too far. and of facrificing to it lite inlerdls and character of the French people and the French Monarch. 'As fome would contend that ei.ou«h had ihefafety of Europe, in confide»na acn uiner, in raw i 1« j;):c courfe of policy which b::d been ad- Bethen proceeded.] j opted by the a!!ies, therefore, it became an cxpoiitt.mof thc|lUKe(C|« irytoloOk at the elements of which France was compofed, for on that view [alone could the arrangements which had 'been concluded be pronounced wife or otheawile.—'1 he French nation wai fco- arable into three ertat fundamental di- triQoas In the fir fl place the allies had to confidcr what courfe of p iicy was due to rhe Kirg as a Sovereign, having lung iuftcrcd by the events of the revolution, and having invariably manifefted a (pint of conciliation, eminently calculated aj (far as his majelly's powei extended, to fe- curethe belt hopes and wifhee of Eorqpe. been done, others would, no doubt, be as ] (Secondly, they had to look at the collec- TAKEN UP, ADRIFT on Thnrlday laft, about three quarters ol a mile north of Long Lfland, anew Batteainc of about i: two tons burthen. The owner can have [well prepared to maintain that too much hud been done, and the allies ought to 'have adhered to the terms of the treaty of Pa*is — This was certamly.'a Euhjeft open to argument. If the IliprPax.ons alone of iflic treaty of the 25th ot March were cou- [(idered, it might appear, as the King <f I France was invited to accede to it, that i«4 PACKET. THE Schooner Per/everence, J G. Parker, Mallei, will continue to .ii a* a Packei. from King (lea to Sack \ .cts Harbor. Mayi§tlBi6. 5° it again by applying to the fubferiher, or to Frederick F-annan, about 12 mites below Kingilon, by proving property & paying charges. Ejlias Patle, Pittsburgh, Jume 8, l?i6. 1 ! 1 wo he ought to have been protected agaimi |any evil dT"eab of tiie irniptiotj lain hi.*, jdominions. Certainly ii Louis XVlIi [had rerr.aii ed in France, and defjclo had I [been able by her own power and author , jity to exp^l ihe iilvader, then the allies J ' would h.:ve been hound to execute the jtcd maf> of the nation which, ah hough i -me minor parts of it hud lent tl.em- felv.es to the ufurpation of /ronnpartc, 33 a, whole, had maintained its loyalty and ood d'fpoiition- Thirdly, they had to h imprehend in their flefiberatioae that I branch of the French fyftcm which had 'invrriably fiicwn it felf h.Mtile to the re- | [pvjfe of Europe, Without ihe utter lub- rjuing of which any prnfpefl of peace with France, either under Louis or un¬ der any other dynafty, mull prove fliufo? n and tranfitnt- TLeyfeJt that if the anny ot France, Organized as it was on he punt iplcft of military JHiobini't's was lltill per4nitted)as in recent times it had treatv ot Pan's in all its pr-wii'u-n—-He | jCr»;diantly been permitted, to hold it." af- wou-.* go further; even if after the Kiiig J jcendancy over the people, and to main* (had been driven out of France by his re-jjuin it- influence in ti»e councils of tfcac [brflio^S -' 'bj'CtN, or rather by h.% ret^cl- TTHK Furni'ui-c &c. ox Sir Frederick Philip ll.b.fnlon, will be fold by j ;;Ujlls ;irn,v, foT !lis fubiL^ in ?,-neral3 he Auftioo, at the (Con.mander in chief's 1 v \ \„ ,. 1 0^ it 'r. i f. r rr rA , . , „ htluved. wie ruvci icbcllious; it afte- I Houie, on 1 uelUUiy, +hz 2?th in i at K i 1 r 1 / r * i_ 1 ' , , . /' *>w m*m ttl [he);, d ceufetl ae faSa to be kvojb ft eleven o'clock. Hingsfm, June 1 $t 1816. FOBl SALE, on nnn &m&mJLrtTB$* 0U> U Apply at this Office. Kiugfton, 17th, May, i£i6. 50 [would have laid u the good fekh --f th jCoid'edcra e pcw?:s, in the e-eut of I;i> Majelly liHviu*f tc.u rulored by the Z& of liija own fubjefts, in the event of the Da tion'b having rifenagah.fi Conapartc and his army, in imitation of the energetic example of the Dutch, a;;^ having ic- nation, nothing wa? pained for tiie tran¬ quility of Eur' pe ; but t! at the Fr. neb government, of whomtbevct com;u.fed, Imuil Continue ;c be impelled by it> impc- iuous arid unprincipled di&ares, ThG iWicp were fatrVfied that if the war fhculd not p dvc fatal to 'hat body, although j^ace might he refteicd, yet it would Oc elbucdoiily for a Ihort period, jhd would preteiitn terminate in a renewal ol holliiities. He would not catf iur 1 I

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