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Kingston Gazette, June 15, 1816, p. 4

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NEW GOODS. OFs'lmoft every defcripi ion juft rccei ved and offered for fale o;i terms '.'.w' n:oft aoeMD-modatina:i by PETER WETSLL. AmOVg which are a very extenfweaf- fdrtmeat of Dry Goods; Together with a choice affortwient of 6Y//b & Ribbons; Ladies' Bonnets ; Gentlemen s & Boys FIATS, s Fr-»fh Teas, Loaf and Mufo»*ado Su- Harchvare Store- rHR fiibfcriber'begs leave to inform the Public, that he has Opened #u ?tore in the above line oppofite to M'\ Samuel AylroyJ's Store, where be offers I for falc an affortment of HARDWARE &f CUTLERS Carpenters and Joiner's TOOLS. 6 and 7 feet Mill $&&** crofs cut. do ; fquare, flat and round Iron of all fixes ; crcwleyand blifler ft eel ; nails and fpiks of all fi/es ; (hovels and fpades ; fire (hovels and tOflgs ; iron, bials and bcfl plated CaiuHetHcka ; coffer and pepper MilU ; bureau trimmings ; feale beams and weights ; ferewaugers ; m.'fons ham mers and trowels ; locks of all defcrip lions; window glafs; potty; black, ipanilh brown, pnsffian blue aud yellow paints ; alio many other articles too too UU- gar, Phsg, Ladies' Twill, and P«per To- [herons to mention. The whole of which barcoj Scotch, Rappe, and Macoboyj vvill be fold much lower than can be pin chafed at any other ftore in Kingfton. Samuel SiiAW* Snuffs, Old Jamaica Spirits, Cojjniac Br3n- dv, Holland Gin, Shrub, fVppernJ.it, Fon and French Wine. CnTee, Chocolate. Ginger, iA-Hptce, Ground Pepper, ftfnftard, Nutmegs, Clove*. Ciitnam* n, Currant*, Itaifina, Figs, Poland Stircb, Fig Blue Powder and Shot. Corn and ! lair JBtQQttiS* Window Giafs and Putty* Axes fcrew //ugurs, Steelyards, Sho¬ vels, prying Pans, Iron and Steel ; 4dj and rod cut Nails; 8 J and lod Wrought Nail* Together with a general aflbtiment of Hard and Hollow Kingston, 2?/h March, 1K16. 43tf it TAR ^7 ALSO, 3 C?07.. Covcrlrti, 13$ dc*. Veiled H.fef \z doz. Oil'dfilkKat Covers, 3 do/. Locking Glaflts. of various Szesj and of a fopcrior quality. •7 0 Bbk Mefs Pork, 2co lbs. Bog's Laid, » 300 Gallons raw and btuTd Linfeed Oil. 200 Pvs. Men's 5oots of different qua- lkie?. jco do do She.es, ice do Ladies' Boors, 500 do do Shoes, fOOO do Children's Boots & Shoes. CalfSkins, Upper Leather, Harriet Leather, and Sole Leather. ALSO, oS P.ufhcls Corn, 30 Bbls, Strong Beer, Oats and Flower. Kingston* March 15, 1816. 42 if **^ 1 ■ ■ ^ ■--■- -* - — -^—■ — -- - - -j ' Hat Manufactory. SMI I'M & BUT 1ER WORTH, I> ESPECTFULLY acquaint their \. F iend^and the Public in general that they have rc-comrr.enced bufinefs in the new houfe near Walker's HotcL where they have en hand an exfenfive af- fwirnent of Lad'tS & Children's befl Leaver Bonnets, Gentlemen's befl Bea¬ ver, Cafb r, Rorarn and Knapt Hats j Men's, Vomit'* and Boy's Wool Hats* Like wife, Ladrna and Chlldien's Lon~ don Faffionable Bonnets Feathers and Trrniroings of the following colours; Black White, Blue, Brown, Purple and Drab ; which they offer, Wholefale and Retail fir Cafli as cheap as they can be purchafed at Montreal. N. B. Cafh paid for Beaver, Mulkrat and Racoon Skins- Kingfton, 30th Oft. 1015. 21 tf. * Notice. THE fubfenber refpe&fully informs hi-* friends and the public that he is about Opening a Store in f»o it of ihe new market houfe, where lie will do BUSINESS on COMMISSION Will buy and fell, Store & Forward CHEAP SALES, AT the Store of M*flrs. H. W. WILKINSON & Co. a largf [Quantity of Sweet-icen ted. Virginia, Common Plug. Ladies Twift, and Twill Tobacco; Spanifli and American Segars, in quarter Boxes. Large or final' Shitinlhics* tofuil Pxr- i/::'J'crs. The whole of which will be fold at 20 p?r cent, cheaper than can be procu¬ red here from any Market of the Uni- Seed States—NOT EXCEPTING SMUGGLERS. King/Ion, ttd March% 1 8 \ fi. 42 1* OR Sale, bv the fi.hfciiber, 30 Bbls. Mefa Pork, 40 Do. Prime Do. 100 Do. Salt, 160 Do. Albany Strong Beer, ! 30 Do. Tar, 15 Kegs Tobacco, 30 Do. Nails, all tlzes, 30 Boxes Soap, 25 Do. Candles, 100 Call fteel Axes, ico Reams Writing Paper No. r, 2, and 3. I 12 C. i!Ts Tar'd Rope, 200 Hoes, ALSO, A quanuty of Scythe's Sicklr?, and Hollow VVnrc ; Copper Tea Kettles and Sauce Pans ; Steclyardsj Chains, Pad! P( U>, GOODS or down the Ri-vcr^ Will take In any orders of any defenpti- on in that line of bufioefa. , N. 13 Perfon* defirous of committing r>on(lgnmen*9 lo h.:s charge, rrav knov. the rates of (lonige and ec*tnn;JHIon by calling at thcnevvcomniiflioiiflo'e. JOHN DUInCAN. KIngfton, Dec. 30, 1815. 30 notice! " MISSED on the 10th infl. and fup- po&d -to have been llolen, a NOTE, payable to James Norris or bea¬ rer, for ckvenpounds fifteen fliiliin^s, (igncd by ifaac Hough; there are two endorfrrnents on fa Id Note. The public Js hereby cautioned againll purchaling it, ab mcafnrcs have already been taken to Hop the payment. Francis Carlisle. Kingstont llth April, iSi&. 46 'Ks, Currv Ccrnba, ^dzes,and oth¬ er CarpenteiV Toolsi,—a large quantity r>f Glals of abnofl every defcriptlon. A general afTortmentof DRY GOODS. A few ENGLISH SADDLES, And RIDING'WHIPS ; Together with other articles, not menti iK-d. ALSO~Q\\<l half of the prcmifes for falcon which the fubfeiihcr now lives. RICHARD SMITH. Kingston, April 2, 1 S16- *Hr f For Sale, By the ful.feriber, a few Puncheons, Jamaica Spirits, Brandy, Gin, Wine, Shrub and Peppermint j Loaf and Mufcovado Sugars, Tea, Coffee and Chocolate, Indigo, Pepper & Allfpice. ALSO, A general allbrtment of Dry Goods, Iron & Steel* All very low for Cafh. SAMUEL MERRILL. Kingston, 28ft5 Dec* 1815. 31 tf HANNA & RITTERS, TOBACCONISTS. Q ESPKCTFULLY inform their s\ friends and the public in general that they have opened a SNUFF MANUFACTORY, Next to Mr. Robins9 Brewery, Where they love for (ale Mackoboy, "1 Rappee, ? R Irifh Blaggard, I ° and other J , Which they offer for f«ilc cheap for iXiugtior^ IQtb Mflj't j8i6, 49 NEW GOODS. THE fuhfehber has just received and now offer* foi fale/an extenfive and wxll chofen aflortment oi Drv Goods, Groceries, and Hardware. ALSO, A well chofen Affortment of MEDICINE. Tlie w!»ole of which will be fold at the lowest prieej forcaih or country pro¬ duce. Ewd. J, Henderson. Kingston, 26 January 1S16. 34 JAMES McDOUALL& Co. Sucecffors to the late firm of 5. Fiteh and Co. CommiiTion Merchants, M 0 NTREAL. RESPECTFULLY tender their fervices to their friends and the public* for agency and commifiion bull- Defi ; and flatter thenifclves that no hot»fe in the Provir.ce is better lltuated to gjts fctdsfafllorj in their line, to thoic who ehoofe to favor them v/ith command?. Liberal advances made <in ronfi^nments, fcvhich will h;ive the advaiUaap* of both il/bntreal and Quebec markets, without eKtra commiffion. Montreal* February 20, l8l6- 47WI2 GROVER & LEWIS, Tailors, OfTOULD inform their friends and NEW GOODS. Johns 1 & FlNKLE, HAVl- JUST RECIEVED A (JliNER- AL ASSORTMENT OF Dry Goods Groceries : Among which are the follow- in?; articles :— Superfine and common Broad Clorhs ; While and biack Cotton Cambrieks ; Superfine drcfPd and undreff'd Calicoes Black silk, Madraf* and Cotton liandaiv na Handkerchiefs ; A variety of Shawls and Veflings ; Large damaiK silk Shawls ; French Cambriek, for Handkerchiefs ; Fine Linen Cambrickand Robe Paterns ;| Black, white & changeable col'd Luftring Twill'd StttncUi ; 53ack Mode ; Genrlcmen'a fine buck, doe-bkin and bea¬ ver gloves ; Ladies' black, white and fancy CoIouiM Silk do- Ladies' fancf afForted Kid do. Black, bine, gfren & scarlet Bomba/.ctt- White (balloon silk Vdveta and Cotton Shirtings ; Fine Irifn Linen, RuiCa, Imitation and Scotch Sheetings ; Black and wb'te Jeaus, Dimities a«;d bbvk Crape ; Jackointt and Book Wnflma Lenors ; Gingham.", Ribbonj and Laces ; Fine plated furr and wool Hats ; Olid Hat Covers. JttSOs NOTIC I-,. T7OR fale,thefoI!ov/iTiy; land,, \m\$% * part of the re.^1 cftatc own^dbvib; fubferibcr. I. Eaft half of Lot number 19 fn :L^ »d conceffion of •/dolplm* Town, ou eaft bay, having a framed houfc S: barn, together with an improvement tlureon, containing 100 acres. 2 Lot number 26 in weft bay, foutK of tTie block river in the rll conccfTion of •he townfhip of Maryfourgh, with bails dings 2ud other improvements ihercoaj containing 200 acres. (Hyfon, 1 Yonnir Hyfon, V TEAS : And Hyfon-:kin J PtuRi pigtail and ladrea' twiil Tobar.oo ; High proof aid Jamaica SpJrita ; Cogntac Brandy, Holland Geneva $ Shrub $ Port Wine. The above goods, together wi'h a va¬ riety of articles not mentioned, will be »■ !d a: the mail reduced prices for cam. We fcndci om tibnukfu] acknowledge .vcnis to onr Customers f>rJpafl favors, and luiicit a contintiance of their future patronage. Kmgsfon9 6th August, 1S15. 911 the public that they h^^e com¬ menced the above bufinela three doors north of the Market, at the fign of the Gold Watch, where they are ready to wait on all who lliall favour them with commands.—Th y will be a!>lc to do work 00 the (hoi test notice, arid in a fopcrior style, Cited to any fafhion. Cloths and trimmings of every defcrip- lion will be fiiffliflvec at the (hop as cheap, or cheapn, 'ban they can br pio cored in town, and every fevpr duly ac j knowledged- sXittgston, April 4' i3if*». 44*f Notice. T0fiC^te^^^VmVyte^4j "P°'*J, tliat well know'; va'wabfe InpHE fubfcr.'bcr offeM for fale to farm, lot i\,0 ,, nnd the Wsft |,,|f 0f j J[_ ,he Public, cm libera] terms o< l.aviTient, tiie followiog lold of walk I: £M 5 acsm mxn f.ot No. I0 ,n t|,e fj,-ji conctffion of Addrtional| Fredericksburirh, together wi:1' a K>,>od frameHoufe and Bam,| ^ood M^.c_;ow.Sf aild two Orchards thcie. on, and a'H}Ut one hundred and forty acres of ini|pr„ved ]anj. jfa pmnffes .... ----- , t are well Htiuatcd fOI. a fnmWi m.-yh*',*, i jfin'p of Piufbun/h. Lands. Lots No. 22 in the 8th Can. No 9 In die 6iit Con. S. Weft ; ?$ 8th Con. No S Hall ; 5th Con. of the town 3. Three fourths of lot number j, iu (thefirft concefilon, well of nuirhcr r, and welt of the Rock in the townfhip cf MaryJbarj/hj with an impiovtinemthcie- on> containing 150 acres. 4. Fifty acres of valuable wood land, being part of the farm formerly owncj and occupied by the i'^bfci ibei. in the townihip of irfdolphus Town, beingiatln rear of the town plot of HoHsndville, i adjoining thereto. 5. Lot numbn 6, ar.d the weft half of number 14 in the 2d coftcefllon of the [ townfbxp of Riclimoud, contairong 300 'acres. ft. Lot number 3 in the 2d COnceffioBj foi.ih fide of the ^a'i f.akc in the u>wn- (hio ofHollowc'l, eoataininj^ tvo ans* 7. Eaft half of lot number 6 in the^th concefi >n of the towiuhip of Thttrww, Ion the rivet Moiia, wiitl an improvement j thereon,containing 1 coat-res. j H. Lot number 1 eaft qXVma^uA (Jake h the ill conccdon of the cownflitp t;f M-ii'yablirjrb, wi;h i.n improvemeot ibereofi, coivts Ing J»o acres. <j. Lot number f^ in the 5'h coneef- fiop of the towmhip uf Portlands contffl* iitg zqq acrev. 1 r. J-or utimber zq in the4th eoncc*- riffti 1 if rhe townibip of Haldin»aud, coo' i 1 Lo! number 20 :n the jth coneys- Hon of the townfhip of Pittiburgh, con- tatnang 200 acres. 12. Lot* number 13 and 13 ':1 r'ic 4-tb conceifiiin of the townflup lotmmy c.-dL-d Efcoth, now Jf^ngc, in ilicdiftna uf Johrflown, containing400acres. I-J* South hclf of lot nurruVi 1^ »' the 8th conccfllon <,f i!n- townfijip «f^w- ig"fla, likewife in the Lhihitl ofj-hns- own,containing 1 ^o acres, 14. Lot number3, 4.and 47 i" tht^'n Iconcefliun, and lot number 3^ iu i!»c /f» {,rortr"fTT'>n.#-i]1 m the trtvyi wlf •' Caifl den, containing 800 acres. ALSO, A number of town lots, for fafean<J to le;ife, in Stuartvilic, in the rear of vlit town 01 K [ngston, CHARLES STUART. Kingston, 15th MarcHi i8t6. j.i»f or InrikcepJCr I?Grfurther particulars apply t..thlc fuhfcibfr, or to D. VValli- hura, Efq.. m Kingfton. Mil HAr.J. C.OVLE. Kineftoi?, SOth Feb iStfi. ^«if M FOR SALE, N r'^if(>nable terms, Lot No. 42, in the sib Concession, No* 4^1 in the Gth Concessiony also L«'ts No. 7 in the 5th eouceffion No. 26 in t!jc 6th eouceffion No* 28, 2ij9 30, 32 S< 33, in 6th con- No. 23 Laft 4 8th con. of Pitt/burgh. ALSO* Several Lots of Land of one *md two acre- in extent, on the front of lot Nnm- Obri 24 in the townihipof Kingfton, ly- N F^vfonablff terms. ing and fdtuate on the Ibore of the lake. And likewife fcveral lots of land of one, two and three acres on the iear of the I Cud lot Ko. 24, lyinjj and fcituateoo the , ~- [rt)ad fiorr. the town *>f Kingflon to the Lot No. to,in the I \th Concession* j country—The Iota are well adaotcd froif . . ----------1 c-. Fhe whole being in the Townfhip off then fjluatfo.. for banding on them.aud J.bnfr.ng to the Jj«d WILLIAM AT- Lansaown^jithedisttiaof Joboftown. (for the e/bWifljment of Gardens in the jKINSOH, dccealed,at the time ofhia J'or paru,.],,,., enquire ai the office 0/ [vicinity cf the town. Application to br madcto the f'lbfrribei CtO. OKILL STUART. Kiftgjlotfi Sept. 6, 1815. 14 I"tJknri[DisfriB,! [)Y virtue t,r" , To IV,t: J IJWRIT of Ex fiCimpN iiTi.ed out of Ilfs ^ajdly's Court of King's bench, holding civil pleas, in and f(^r tbe Midland D»(K&a«- forefdiil. at the fait of John Kirby of the town of Kingfton, in the faid Diftrifl merchant, agajnfl thelandsand tcnarnent:! which were of William Aikmlon, of the fame place Tanner, dtceafed, at the timr of hi 1 death in the hand* and euftody of Richard Cartwright, John Fergufon,, Nicholas Stick'e and Mary Stickle, Ex. editors and Executrix, of thefu'd Will, iam Athinfoii dtceafed, to me dire&ed I havefei/.ed and taken fh execution. 3c, f -■"-■*#|1 ^UUIflf^ fit IJ ALLAN MCLEAN* Bfy Kingstoii^ August 28, 1815. 12 SNUFFS, The Kingston Library \f\I ^e °Pcn evci7 Monday from VV M u'CIock. a. m. until 1 o'clock p M. at the Court Houfe. Subfcripttons for Reading will be re¬ ceived by the Treafurcr, Wm. MuchoJl, Efq- at thirty fhiliings per Year, or ten fliillings per Quaiter, payable on luhfcri- bing, and a depofit left iviiii the Trtafu- inform ' NOTTCE. ^HE fubferibers refpeflfolly tlic Merchant", Traders and the j public in general, that they have eoteredj into co-partne;fhip, and have opened en auction room in front of the New Mar¬ ket, in the back part cf the houfe be- i death fn the hand* and cnilody of Ri;!:- hrd Cartwright, John Fergufon, Nicho- Has Stickles, and Ma*j Stickier Execu- j tors and Executrix of the faid Wilifaqj lAtkinfon. dectafed, lotsmfiQher 19,20. 21, 22. 23 and 24. in the fourth corjeeg. fi'on of the towefnipof Sidney, containing by admeafurement 1200 acres be the fame more or h-fs. Now 1 do herehj give no¬ tice that the faid lots or parcels of land will be fold and adjudged to the highefi bidder, at my orTie-e it\ the town of ICiog- &on, on WEDNESDAY the SIX- -----------------j. Perfons having in their poficflion Books belonging to this Library are icquetlcd torcturn them into llie Library without delny. CHARLES ANDERSON, SccY Kingfton, 1 ft Feb. 1816. 35tf Notice^ ALL Perfons indebted to the Eflate of Doctor Anson Smith, dccca-J fed, are icqucfted to make immediate paymeiit to Allan Mac Lean Efq, and) thofe who have demands, arc rcqnefted' to exhibit the fame for adinftmeni. MARTHA'SMITH, Administratrix. Kingflon, Feb. 2, iftiQ. 35 BLANK BAIL BONDS, and SHERIFF* SALES, Lor sale at this OiHce. pcci by reftnefs, thatihey will have the custom joi the place in future to encourage the new firm. John Barley. John Duncan, Aailioneers* Kingston.t2Qth April, 18 16. N. B. 'ii,e daya of auctions are i:xed on Tu«fduy and Friday. 4^ And every perfon or peilons havin; c'ai^ns on the above defcribed h:ts et land and premifes, by montage or oi!;er ri^ht or incumbrance, are hereby adver- tiled ro Rive notice to the faid SI.'einT, ar his office in the town of Kingfton, previ¬ ous to the falc thereof Sln-riff's office* f'\v6t 18 \G. 40 T OST-Or. Tlmrfday Evei.iW. lafl, i_/ Umewhefe ;.boul the- GoaC two Lcfes, numing flom Government to g^nFMrficldfand reh-afed from tbe aid Fairruld to rne 5 alfo, a Cout.afl between Daniel Phelps and the lubfcri ocr, concerning a S&W Mill. Whoever Jffl.return faid papers to,he fnbieriher, fball receive a toward of Four Dollar.. Thomas Parks. * tUtfgsm4 4ft3 16, 1 bi6. 46 NOTICE JS hereby given to all pcifons indebt¬ ed t*> the lare firm of Nnrwan Be- tbmt & (lo. of Kingfton, that wnlefi tiieir debts are duly paid on or rcfVctl.e »j!h proximo, their accounts will he de- politcd with D. ir<f/MnrntE(q. toco\M. James Ok BetJiunc. k'injston, nth May, 1816, yeif BLANK DELDS and MEMO. RIALS, for die at this OiKcc,

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