Hardware Store. rHE fubfcrtber begs leave to inform the Public, that he has opened a ?:cre in the above line oppofite to Mr. Samud JylroytVs Store, where he offers for {ale a» aflbrtment of [HARDWARES CUTLERT, \Ckrpenten and Joiner's TOOLS* i5 and 7 feet Mill 5avw» crofs cut^ do ; fquare, fiat and round Iron of all Ilzes ; i-rawley and blifter tttel ; nails and fplks <*f all Vizes ; (hovels and fpades ; foe fliovels and tonga ; iron, biafs and bell plated Cundlcilicks ; coffee and pepper [Mills; burtan trimmings ; leak bta^* and weights ; fcrCW augers ; m foos ham- Imers and trowels : locks of alldcfcWp tjona; window pflafs 5 putty; black, fpanifh biown, pmfiian blue aad yellow paints ; alfo many Other articles too nu¬ merous to mention. The whole of which ba:c*>; Scotch, Rappe, and fcjaetfboyj 1^1^ fn]<j much lower than can be Sfltrif* I fporchafed at any other ft ne in Krogftofi. Sajviuel Sh.\w. NEW GOODS. OFalmoft every description jnft rccei vtd and offered for falc on teirov the moll acenmmndatinir, by PETER WETSJiL. y/.nong which are a very extenfive af- fort incut of Dry Goods ; Together with* choice aflbrtflieat 61 Silks & Ribbm « c • Ladies' Bonnets ; Gentlemen s & Boys HATS... FfelhTees* Loaf and Miucttvano So- gar, Plug, Ladies* Twill ao-1 P-DdrTo- NEW rKE fuhferiber has just received and now offers for falp, an extenfive and p chnfen aflbrtmeiit of Dry Goods, Groceries, and Hardware. JLSO, A well chofen Aflnrtir.ent of MEDICINE. NEW GOODS. , 1 f NOTICE *» ,<jH Jamnica Spirit*, Cogniac Bran*| dv, Holland Gin, Shriib, Peppermint, Port and French Wine. Coflc**, Chocolate, Ginger, ^/llfpice, Ground Pepper, Mnllad. Nutnu*j-,j Cloves, Cinnats n, Currant*, RaiftirSj Fi%«, Pwland Stateh, Fi-r Clue. Powder and Shot. Corn atfd Hair Brooms- Window Glafs and Pu'ty. y&es fcrew //ugurs, Steelyards, Sho¬ vels Frying Pin«, Iron and Steel ; 4«l and iod cut Nails; 3d and :od Wrought Nails. Tog thcr with ag neral affb fcittot of Hard and Hollow Kingston. z9>th March, 1S16. O +3* The whole of which will be fold at the fewest prices furcilh or country pro¬ duce. Ewn. J. Henderson. Kingston, 26 Janiury \%i€> 34 fOHNS & FlNKLE. Have just recieved a c-ner-- AL ASSORTMENT rtP Dry Goods AND _ Groceries : Among which are the follow¬ ing articles :—' d common Bread Cloths ; ft*t« UPERf ine an JAMES McDOUAlX k Co. WARE CHEAP SALES, AT the Store of Meflvs. H. W. WILKINSON & Co. a large jc^nnntity of Sweet-ken ted Virginia, Common Plus, Ladle* Twift9 and Twlif fohncco; White and black Cotton Cambriek* ; Superfine dreff'd and undrefPd Calicoes; Clack silk, ft&drafa and Cotton Bandan na Handkerchiefs ; /f variety of Shawls and Vcflings ; Large damafk $?U Shawls ; French Cambrick, for "Handkerchief-; ; Siicccjj'ors to the hie firm of S.\ pineLiuen Carobrickand RobeP^ternsi F'-tch (ffll C\. j j Bbu-fc, white & changeable col'd Luftri g Twill'd Sarcenetto ; Black Mode ; Gentlemen's fine buck, doc-skin and bea¬ ver gloves ; Ladies' black, white and fancy colout't! Silk do. Ladies' fancy auorted Kid do. Black, blue, giren & scarlet Bombazett^ J White fliaMoon sxik Velvets and Cotton I Shirtings ; Fine In'fl; Linen> SLnffia, Imitation and Scotch Sheeting" ; Commifiion Morclunts, MON T 1^ E * L. Q ESPECTFULLY tender their Fa, fcrvices to th-ii fnuuis and the p .M'c, f-n 3se»cy ani eommiffion Ijuh • cf>; and flatte-* t!>eulllvcs .h.tt n boofe in tlie Provi ice Lbetvr liruated 'o <rr-v? fanM"'flion in their lire, to thofe ivllo cbnofe to fjivor t'ten with comma d.s Libera] advances m-»d; on configr-mei -s,j .^hich will have the ;dvantagesufboth Montreal and Qncbc: markete, without 1 SpajjiihaadAenericanSegars.] extra comm&n. j '■ ^ in auarter Boxes. ^" I 55l,!l/:/'^aV^l?lf-, *1VM !*&•«« Black aad white Jeans* Dimities anc1 vh Large or fmall ^uanUi'mSy to full Pur * a firs k Cra.e : and Bo^i :nfl;ns Lenoes ; JLsO, ^ doz Coverlet?, 13&d 2. V/orflo! H-fe, ! 12 ddz, OiNJiaJEIfii Covm, 3 d:z. Looking GiafTea. of various fi7.es? and of a fuperior quality. 32 Bhls-Mef, P<nk. zoo lbs. Hog's Lard3 300 Gallons raw and boil'd Li.iG.ed Oil. 200 Prs. Men's Z^>ots of different ana- 1- . too do do. Shoes,. 100 do Lad'e/ Boots, 500 do do Shoes, 1000 do Children's Boots & Shoes. Caif SkinSfl Upper Leather, Harnefs Leather, and Sole Leather. ALSO, C)S Bufhels Corn. -30 Bbls, Srron-^ Bee Oats and Flower. Khigstw9 Merck ij, 1816. IV whole of which will be Ud at! 20 /^/- r.v//. eneaper than can be procti j red here from anv M::«ket of th^ U°J ird StHtts_NOT EXCEPTING SMUGGLERS 'Khalfah i*d March, ift 16. 42 OR Sale, by the fubfertbet* 30 40 Do. ico Do. 160 Do. ^o Do. it K«gi 50 Po. 30 Boxes Riefs P-k, Prime Do. Albany Strong Beer, Tar, Tobacc** Mails, all iizes, S-ap, GROVES :cLh\V:S5 tJCTOULB 11 f::rrr^ their fr*cnda and * * the public tk<r t: ey h .ve cosn- m'enced the above biSnefi rliree do r- noith of the Mirk.t, :t the fign of the Gold Watch, wb' re they arc ready to v/jft on commands.-—They will he able to do work on the Ihortest notice, and hi a foperinrstyle, hired t-J^ny falhion- Clothn and tiimttirtjg* of every d-lVap- tion will he fninidwd at the fhop *$\ I; (rin^hamsj Ribbons ^nd Lcces ; j! Fine placed fnrr and wool Hats ; 11 Oild Hat Covers. I ALSO, Mvfon, 1 Ycuns Hvfun, J- rJS^5 ; I Myloru ^ Voung Hyfun, J- AnJ Hvfun-<kin J Plug, pigtail and laJit3' twifl T-'bicco . till who flaal] favour ihem with | Hij^i proof old Jamaica Spirit* ; ■ J:^ ■ 1> A - * * ■_________x If . 1 11 11 t f~\ t*g 4 I 42 tf 1 /fei Manufactory S\!I III & BUTLER WO RTH, RESPECTFULLY acquaint their Friend and the Public in trencra1 that they hnverc-comn enced bufincfi in lUc Tew houfe ne;ir Walker's Hotel, sv!.:\c they have on hand an cxteifive of fnrtmenVof Ladies & Chi'drer.'s befl JB.-1'.crr Bonnets, G-vntlemen's beft Pea- vc:, Cafl»ir, Ronm and Kn >pt Hots; Me-.'a. Youth's and lioy's Wool Hats. L:k 'wife, I ndies and Children's Lon*j dt.jj FaflionaUe Bonnets Featberi and TntXiping* of the f*)11os>vtng cofonra j Etede Whrc, Blue, Brown, Pmp'c 8»nd Drah ; which they offer, Wholefale^nd Krtat'l f r Cam a* cheap as they can he purehaf d at Montreal. N. B. Cam paid for Bt-aver, Mu/krnt and Rac 1 n 8kins. Kingftin, 30th Oft. iStj. 2\ if Notice. THF f jbfcriber refpeafully infcrms hi frjends and t!»e public that he i& about o >eittnj( ji Store jn fioat of the new market houfe, where he v. ill Ho BUSINESS on COMMISSION Wiil buy and fell, Store & Forward GOODS Up or down the River^ Will take \\\ my orders of any dtfcripf" on in that life of buiim fs. N. B Perforin ddimiwof' cnmmi;r!n*r conu^nmenti ft. h/s clmree, tJiay know thentes of ftorage and c -mmiff; »n by calling at the iteyr eommSSon (lore; JX>HN bUMCAN. (Ion, D'-c- 30, i8tj. 25 Do. Candle«, 100 Cafl (Ieel Axes, !OQ Reams Writing Paper No. 1, 2 ind 3. 12 GtPs Tar'd Rope, ALSO, A quantity of Scythe'* SickVs, and Ho'lw Ware ; Copper Tta Kltdcfl and Sauce Pans ; Steelyards, Chains Padlocks, Gurry Comb3, y/d/cs,and oth- el Carpenters" Tools,—a large quanti'y of Glafs of almofl every detcrfplion. A general rfi rrmrnt of DRY GOODS. A few ENOU H SADDLES, And RIDING WHIPS ; Together with oilier articles, not rr.cntf ned. ALSO—One half of the prerrifes for falcon which the fuhferfber row lives, RICHARD SMITH. Kingston April 2, \H\6 ftyf For Sale, By the fubferiber, a few Puncheons, Jamaica Spirits, Brandy, Gin, Wine, ,Shrub and Peppermint ; Loaf and . Mufcovado Sugars, lea, Coffee and Chocolate, cheap, or cheaper, »h*i they can be p'o-i cured in town, and ertry favor duly ac kt.owicd^cd. Kingston, April 4, irti6, 44'f Notice. Cogiiiac Brandy, Holland Geneva ; Shrub ; Port Wine The ch' ve goods, together with a va FOR &le, the following fat*ds: t-"inga Jjartof the real eftnte cwned by the .'ubfcri!>er. r. Eaft half of Lot nnmhtr '9 i-» 'he ?d concefTion of -^do pfc«a T^tvn, oa aft bay, having a framed houfc & barn, together with an improvement thereon* containing 100 acres. i Lot number 26 in weft b.ns foutU of.tlic !>!nck river in the lit concellioi. 0 the town (hip of Maryfburgh, with buiU dings and other improveaients theicon, containing 200 actes. 3. Thre=. f Mirth? of lot number c, ft thefirfl coucehHon. wed of number t» a d v**cfl of the Rock in the towiilii) of Ma-yfbargh, wirh an Improvement tin.'e- n, c*>nt:ii!iing 1 eo aores. 4, Fifty acre of valuable yeo*yl hnd, being part of -he farm form <"y UVttSfl land occupied by fhe fvbtcrihcr, a the townfhi'. of Ad Iphir Tov■iijbeM gin the rear of the town Plot of Ho laadvilte, 4 adjoining thereto. 5 Let number 6, a-d the vr" half rff number (4 in the 2d cnficcHi •'■ of t!ie towoflilp of UicliTiond, cootaiuiiTg 300 acres. '6- Lot number 8 m the to' eonccSlcn, "oath fide of the rafl Lake \U t?K tnva- fluy ^IfJolIowelL containing zco &3« 7. Eaft half of lot anmber ^ hi rhe4th conceflion of the tov/ (hip of Thnrl.vr, on the n'vtrr Mora, withan I Mpt'OVemCirf thereon, containing too acrc*- 8 Lot number I *afl 0T V.inalllinr's l«ke in the ifi concrffi n of the (mrafhip "* of Maryiburgh, with *n imjrovenieiit thereon, cont? iinrj 200 acres. 9. I.otTinmbc. Kf hi tht pli coneoa^ Son of the towiftip f Por^arid, ecnta» ling 20i/ ncrci. j 1 o. y :,t number 29 in the 4'h c*w» j1>n . f the Cf MWiChip of Hahlimand> COO- J taiuiifj ioo acres 1 i Lot nut..her 20 \r the >th c»'ic •*- Mo., of the tovTtihitoof Pitifhur-h, eon* •an r:g 7co iere»« f2. Ln?y nmi.hcr I2^d 4th rnr.rtrTi'Mi 0/ tJft fownfn .1- , form .!y 13 in 1 [patronage. Kingston, 6th August, 1815. ddorrenr^^rr^yh^jn^l/, ., that wt.ij k v.n valHahle 0 be fold npon farm, l-t No it an.j lhc. W( rt ^(f 0f (,ot No. 10 in Ukl. fjr(l fi0nctf3ion otj Additional Fv«Am{dnbiii|rh9 tope'her wfth a good franne jj0||fi ajJij Bjrn> good Meadoxvs, and lwo Qrchad:. theie- ^n, and about one hundred and forty] acres of improved !*aiui. -fhe premi'fes are well fituatcd for ,a f^trrer, merchant, 0f Innkeeper For, fLirti^r j^nUflfUm apply |o the fubfcril:,..^ or t0 jj vVafh-! !>urn, Efq.in Ki°gu\()n# Mic^Ait Covlh. Kindlon ?otv P- u ,q,< ?c^.f 9tf .1 "IIE fuhfcWbcr offers for falc t- J[ the Pnbiic, on liberal terms ol payment* the following lota uf walK Land-:. Lots No. 22 in the 8t!i C-jn. No 9 in the 6th Con. S. Well I 2.? $:h Con. No 8 Ettt § Jth Con. of the town- Jlifp of Pits (burgh. A'-so Lots No. 7 in "trie ;:h conceflion No. 2^ in the 6ih conceflion Nos 28, 29,30,32 & $3, in 6th con- No. 23 Eaft j Hthcou.of Pitt/burgh. ALSO, Several Lots of Land of one and two ace* in extent, on the front of lot Nuni- rber 24 in the tovnfliipof Kingfton, ly^ [ing ard fcztuate on the fliore of the lake. (And iikewife feveral lots of land of one. |ouo',cor,taini*Mg f oO acre?. 14 I 0tr.utf.ber3. 4 and J" ir. tin 6th cnncefll.Tft, and h* ivnniber 3^ »"T'" Tf,i coticeffion, all in the townthip cfv.ua- ^/ nnmhef of town lors,'for falc and to leafe, in Stuartvillc, in the ?v£i of the t"vvn of Ki'V'ton. CH.VRLFS STUART. Ki'neston, icrh MvM>« t$if* ^rtf MidlandDxstria,\*'|JY vinoe <»f a To ^/r,« J [JWRIT of EX. ECUTION ifTied out of His M4feffr>, JConTt of Kind's bench, hcldn»2 civil •dca.-, fn and for the Midland D;ftrffi B. FOR &MJL, Vy N rcafonablc u.rmf!f Lot No. 22, *»/^ r/^ Concession^ t , , AT/i ^^ ir> iU *.t*i r*. ;«*, -; two and three acres on rhe rear or tm , -^-V/) ^ iroad from th? town of Kingfton to tl.e Lot ho. iQ.ln thv j nJj ^fft"<?r«^«Jrc«tjntry.—ThelMsare well adapted from The whole heme iM (},c Towulhtp of;itheir fitintion for building on them, and Lansdown, in the di^Tt^ of Jdhnftowft. |*for the '.uahlifhraen: of Cardciu ' in the For pttrti«liir^eni-j,,;re at the ofiice of j j vicinity of the town. Application to be madcto the fubfnibe-. GEO. OKH..L STUy/KT. Kw'rjlon, Sept. 6, 18*5; 14 ALLAN' MCLE,?tft £ju Khigston* August %%% ,815. T2 The Kingston Lit wraryi Indigo, Kin"* no net;. ^/TIS.SEDor.ttfie tcth ;t.ft# andKtp, -i^JL poi'd to have teen (loler;, a iMOTE-i pay.dveto Jarr-es Norri> or bca- t-.r, for d. e-pounds fifteen fhil.in^, finned by liaic Hough; there aie two er.^on.-i'-eii'.- . n On'd No»c. The public i* hereby ennttoned againft porchafing ^t, as meaf.o-rt have already been laker ,to Aop the j.^/men:. Ik \ncis Carlisle. King it en, nf/j AfriL, 1R16. q& Pepper k AHfpice. ALSO, A general affortment of Dry Goods, Iron & Steel. All very low for Cafli. SAMUEL MERRILL. KingidQn9 t'^th Dec. 1S15. ^itf II ANN \1TrITTERS^ "TOBACCONISTS. J3 ESPECTFULI,Y inform tl.e.V ' \ fn'-tid- and lhc public fit general tliaf they have opened a 6NOTP MANUFACTORY, Next to Mr. Bghhn9 Brewery^ VVhnc thev have for file NOTIC V\ , *.LL be opci. Cverv Monday from Irr^WTr cur -l V iinTlnrfc ifii i I "c "'bicribers reTpeafuily icform V Hot.lock, a- M. until 1 o clock 3 P m. at the Court [Ioi.fc. StfbfctipttOIW for Rcadin- | * the Merchant?, Traders and the :bh'c ii) general, that they have entered 1: rer of Five Pound , f r m «* a furetv ag«i„ft the (3^ regtdareneti ns twice a week ; lofs of Books. Stftfcribcrft are to com ' g T f,Jbfcnber W' lider themfclvcs fuijcC"t tothe rules of' i^"-1^ ort,y onei,ulnt l»"e of bufind". the Library. " [i»Kifl#ftoo*fiw a number of y.-arp, they M«ckoI>oyt Rappee. liifii 15 laggard, and ot.h« ! SNUFFS, otner j Which ihey offer f,Jr fale cheap fbi A hgitotii 1 ah May, t ?, j <5. ¥) Prrfons having in fcdr pofll-ffion Do. ks |**£*/*"** R,,ift attt'ntI'"» and cor- *longiiig to riws l.i!,ravy ai-e nqnefted^f-u i • rX W'" ,,ave ,,ie cU:,to ' oreturn them into &c Librarv without i ^ ^ ™turc to encourage the t delay CHARLES ANDERSON, Ar> Kiugfton, ill Ftb ^,6. 3Jtf N or i c ATT P-.r.ncJ.iL . i t-„ " ' J ,1L u:'V" or auctions a ot OoBm ^nson Smw it, deeea- I ~__________; led, arc wqwftedto make fmme4«tc!hr O^T n -, r, r ■ ." new firm. John Du\ca.\% Auctioneers. Kingston, 20th /f/>ri/> 18 (6. ';; 8; The dap of ana ions are fixed *..... j/> foreiaid, at the (ah of John Khhv of the town of Kirtgflon, in t!ic faul i;ifti^ t:ercnant agninit the landman,! (elaments which were o* Wilifam ^tkfnfun, of the :'arne place Tanner, dcce.-.fcd, at the time of hi** death in the hards and cultody of Rfcftard Caittvtfght, John Fir-rt-ion,. Nicholas Stickieand Mary Stickle, Ex¬ ecutors and ExccutMx, of thefnid Will. iam Atkinfon deceafed, to me dfrefled I havefcized and fafcen in exec't»^>,1f as bclongimT tothe fa:J WILLIAM AT* KJtfSON, dtcacfed, at the tiir.e oi his death in the hands and ctiflody i,f Rfch- »rd C—tvvrfght, John Fergiafofi, Mc'.o-' , !as St^rklpstand Mary Siicklw, Uxvoh jtors and Executrix of the fy«d WiM.am Atkmf6n, deeeafed, h't^wrotfer {9. 20, ?.iy 22 23 ntid 24, in rhe fouithconce;- ftati of the townfhipof Sidney, contaituiig j by admrafurenvnt 1 200 acfeS be thr frre more or lefs. Nov.- 1 do hereby ene no¬ tice that the hid lots or parcela of latid viil be fold and adjudged to l' c hWieft ! bidder, nt mv olSce fn t"he t-wn of ;Cnc- j Hon on WEDNESDAY the SIX¬ TEENTH day of OCTOBER next, st TEN of the clock fn the forworn at which Hole and place the conditions of j falc wiil be made known. Chari.ks8tltart, S&frjfi And every perfon or pc;forts h'^vfng claims en the above defijiibed Iiteof rand and orcmiles. by C^Ottgdge 01 other rhrht or in'ju:rbr';in*'c ".re herehyadver- |tiled ro gFve m tice to [h* fuid Skvi.T, ar his office fn the town of Kingllon, previ¬ ous t » tin* fdc thereof. Shcnfs <>0ret Mtn 5, 181 6. 0 BLANK BAH BONDS, and SHERIFF SALES, ' For gab at this Office en-, CO-.C, ntijjg a Saw Mill. W|,r-eWi «■' return faid paj>er« t„ the r..l,fc. Tb-r ftiallrecavear^arclofFonrl),,,:^.. . Thomas Parks. NOTICE XS hereby gJvesl 1 > aM rcrf •:;;; Jndeht- ed lo the Irv l!;-n erf Wrfnmm lie- fhtme o ^. of Kin^ftonj tha' uwlrfi their (LI !-• ;4rc rfuT-i i.ii.! on or Ik lore the: lJUl r»r« si 1.0, »h n n cffuntS wi • le ^^T' p< (itvd- w ith 7). // V/^/^hhj 1 • ci-lhft. J.tnics G. licihuii!•. Kin-si on, i\-h May, \\\\\\. ;:«! BLANK OKKDS AKtfWr.MG RIALS,' [;;riuie;it th- V'.'lic?*