■ i «' Ac fald fchools *fl they (hall Je^-m neccf l'ary, jn nrdet that there m.iy be n mo-e uniform lyitem of Education throughout ihc Pi evince. Atfl ^e it further enaSedby the authority akrefaidt That all engagements, coo tnit'for fnbferipM.'ns entered into by the fti*i{cribers to any common fchool in any Diftrict of the Province, with anv perlon or ocs ions, for the ereciiuir- hui*d Jng or keeping in repair any fchool houle for the purpule :»fnvlVd.or 'he "'aytnen' of the teacher thereto, foch fubferib- r or fibfcribercfhall beliab-e to be foed f tocir iuhleripMon, bv the Pni• 1 Trullccs t fuch common fenco!, or their luccefT'ir* in office, in -<my court of this Province having compel cut jurif lit^ion. And be it further euafh d by the authority afore/aid, Tint it ih ill and may be law fil fi*r the Truilce* of the c.>mmo fchooja, in each and every diuVid. of tin'-- Province, and they arc hereby required once in each and every year, to r. port to the Z?oard of Education for that pvirpo! herein after apnoiuted in each and every difbift of thii Province, the (Lite of th: C-im-nnn fchools, which fttch truftee.- ?.f refai 1 fliall hive th.- direction, of the number of ic!-.r.*ar«, the Itate of eduea- t'on.vv-ith the different branches tatisiii in the laid feh<>ol, and all other matter* and !' Ui^ that rmy t:nd to cheiiih the prolp- riry of the la; 1 com^'iu icru.oli* or ttm uf*v in anv wife bene ri: tl^e fame I in o'dr* th*!* the hid l^oard of Education] m.y 'Jport thelUteof the disMi'ct ePfQ moo fch.-oU to the Cover:.or, Lieutenant Governor,, or perfon adminiilcnng th* Government, uw tNe lane maybe laid before the 1 ccj!l turc at its lirlt meeting. for their lufpectiVn. And be it further en.ifled by the authority 3forefault Thil it (hall and mr.y be lawful for the Governor, Lieutenant Governor. [fehotarsof whicb may refine in each dis¬ trict, that the TrulreeS"f fuch fchool (hall have Ml power to moke the necefTary re •■trns as are re mired by this a*5t, and re . ceive an equal proportion of the monies fo granted f.r the fupport of fuch fchnols from each of the rcfpeclable diftriA^, in proportion to the number of fcholars lent to the faid fchool from each Dis- triS." And he it further en a fled by the authority afore faid. That the feveral lums heteby u* ranted to the feveral Did rifts of this Province*flvdlbe paid by the Receiver General of the Province, to the Trcafurer of each Diltrfct refpe&ively, in difcharge ■if fuch warrant "f warrants as fliall from rime to time be iilued by the Governor, 1 ieutenant Governor, or Perfon Admin iHeu'rig the Govcrnrne- t of this Province, and fliall be accounted for by the Recei¬ ver General* to His Majefty, Hi-: Heirs or SOvCefTtrs, thro' the Lords Commif- iioners of HisTrcafury f r the time be¬ ing) in fuch manner and form us Hi*- Ma jelly, Hi* Heirs or Succeflora fti3ll be jracionfly plcafed to direct. ifnalt it further eua-ied by the authority xfor.'fdid, That thij atf (hall be, and it ii tu reby deflated to be in foice for and du *in*r the term of four years. Commons Hnufe of 4ffembly% z\st March, i8i6. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. Boston, May 21. Fr m Span ifh America. The lateft accounts from C^rihagena. tn rhe Spanilh Maine, arc via Jamaica They fay- that the Royalilt Army >-ad been greatly weakened by ihe fmall pox. and dvfentcry ; that they had been re¬ peatedly defeated in attempts to msrch farl-tVera of antiqutjty, name!y, the diTco- very of an ancle t l)UfIj;netP trie nci^h- 1 orho d -f PaleiK;na< A broad marble l.l JlaVcaie, dcfctndi\lg^0 j}cps, ha? beer aheWy uncovered^ ardaplaccor room, | Inwhich feveral ft^tucsare llill Handing| upriglit in their r,ichei.— The further refnlts of this dift^very are eageily ex- r-efted. •. .... From the Baliimor., /fmcriCJn cf May l$- It is with pleafiv,c *ve record the fol¬ lowing inflance of noD|c fidelity and gen- erofity. fo honorable t0 the chara&er of Frencl'.men. « M. de Lava^tte, flying with his deliverer, had appTOached the frontier. The Poitmarter it* examining his coun¬ tenance, recognized him through his dif- -ruife, andinftantly a poftilli^n wasfent jofFat fu»J fpeed—M. de Lavalette urged hisderrand for hoi-fep. The pollmaUer had quitted the honfe and had given or- de»s that none (h;ju!d be fupphed ; the t.avellerc fancied thcHVlves difcovered, and faw no me-ms of clcaping, in a coun j tiv with which they were unacquainted ;| j they refolved upon defending their lives dearly. The pfitn^aiter at Irn^th ic- turned unattendetl, and addivfiing I.im- feif to M. de Lava'ette, he faid, 44 you hive the appearance of a man of hon-r, you are £oing to Brnflel% where you \ will fee M. de Lavahtte: deliver him' thefe 200 Loui«, which [ owe hi'", and which he i- no dor-bt in wont of/' and r London* April t. We believe we can vouch for the accu¬ racy of the following Pa enent :— As Marfhal Sonlt was proceeding a long one 6f the public walks at Ham¬ burg, an old Hamburg merchant, who had fuflered feverely by Davoull, came boldly up to him and faid—" Is thy name Soolt ? Haft thou brought back to ua any of our bank money V Receiv¬ ing noanfwer to his queries, he ftruck him a blow, and then caned him foundly. The Marfhal made off, and with difficul¬ ty reached his Hotel with the mob at his| heels. Polt horfes were -ordered diic&ly and he fct off for his ulterior deftination. Lon. Courier. A private letter from Paris fay?, how truly we know not, that a letter written by Bonaparte, from St. Helena, has been intercepted at Pari*. Its content* and the manner in which it was intercepted. arc n-t mentioned—nothing beyond the oircumflaneea of fuch a letter having been intercepted. «•■»•• From the Norfolk Beacon of May 3. More Spimih Atrocity. In the brig Mohawk arrived here yes¬ terday from Jamaica, came pafTen^crs capt. Matthews of the leh.-onrr Adeline of Baltimore, Philip Chai tand of do, and feveral feimen. Capt. Matthew*) hns fun iflied 1* with ithout waiting for an auf^er, he threw \ Jtne following ftatement of the villainou? the money 1 to lh.jca nrriagea-jj withdrew, 5jlin^ i"hnma:t treatment, by the Spaniard* ? driv/n bv mv bellH0ira^ t&M& who unfortunHteiy fell int) faying, you wi!l be dr:v/n by hoi'&A, a port ill ton is gone 011 to pr ivldc [relays for the continuance cf your jour 1 ney Balt[morf, May 10. FROM GAPJ2 f/EKRf. By Crptain G;r-ecr*air, of the fchr. from Cnpe Henry, Hayti, we M^f ro qn-uein, who (halt have full powe* to fn p^rif*tend fich common (ehools in the Diilr:cts of which they aro appointed and (hall annually repo;*; to the Gopcm- or, Lk-ntcnm Covcrn.r, or perfon ad- mimAering t»»e G«»vernnient, the (lateof the faid co'nmon fcimols, to be !.u"d be¬ fore the Legislature at their meeting. ncrv. And U it further cncftcl try the uutf&rity J j Qf-J af'/nfaidt That the monks granted Ly thi;« act flvdl be apportioned tn the tea¬ chers of the feveral common fchnoU in to h^ paid to the teachers ycany, or half] yea'lv, (a<i may be d:re^ed by the laid J Traftees,in proportion to the number if* fell'u?.is educated in fuch fchool as afore- fflid.) And be it further etiffSed by the authori¬ ty aforfaid% That the teacher of fuch common fchool, eflabUfhcd as aforefaid, in aiy town, townfhip, village or place in each and every diilricl of thifl Prov¬ ince, producing a certificate (ijfned by the 1\ufteesof'-iny fuch common fchool, flaring hi; having well demeaned iiioi- felf as teacher cf 1 he laid fchool for fi:c months, with the number of the fcholars Zimity, in tttaliation foraguaidof 15 being put to death th.t they left the-e- The Rev.duti Rifta at Los Remedfos li»d taken vengeance on the lloyalifla, piiton cs for their 15 o brethren thus mafTa- :red. A royal expedition was flill ftii rfng to jret into the interior of the coun- Th.- war. like moil civil wars, iv a in-?ft U'.r-gui.rary nature* Cant. Dunfcun, at Philadelphia, in 7c day? fr >m Monte Video, informs that fev ierul hundred mes lent fiom Uneno* \y €H to M.inf)'-c Ii« ntlean, ha 1 jcum*- I the Royal Army. Phe Revolutionary Caufedoes not appear to be in fo profpo- ous a train a> foi«i»ci!y. • * * Kingston* fan- April 1, By accounts received in th scitv front Penama, we learn that Admiral Biown. with the Infurgent fquadron from Bue¬ nos //yres, bad doubled Cape Horn, and got into the South Sea. where he had made feveral valuable prize* from Spain, on board of one of which the new Gover- I nor of Guyiquil was a paflcnjjer. B*owu then proceeded, on the 17th of Feb. off Puna, and after forcing the baiter ieb educated left thafl twenty in fuch fchool as afore-1 f«iid, it fhall and mav be lawful for the! Trcafurer of the Difti \St to pay to fuch | teacher hii propovtfOTl of any fum or fum.s of money that may be granted by the Legiil-iture "f ciita Pfvi'ce for common fchonjsin the rrfpefkivedtftrtcle thereof, during the continuance of this acl And be it furthr enacted by the authority af-refnds That it fliall anp may be law¬ ful for the Difrrict Boards to be appoint- cd in each and every dift:ict of this Pro vipce, to apply fuch part of the money hereby granted to the feveral Dietrich, not exceeding one hundred pounds, a& they Jha'd fee lit, for the purehafc of pro. per booki, for the ufe of the faid corn- nv*n fchoglaj and after having pi:icha fed fuch becks, to caufe the fa.r.e to be diftributed for the ufe of fuch fchoolfl, in foch manner as to them fhall fecm meet. Atu! fe -;' further enacted by ihe author¬ ity aforefoidy That the bo^rd of Educa tion to be appointed by virtue of this adl tn each and everydiitri& of this Prov- ince, fhall have full power and authority to proportion the fums of money f<T ihe Common fchools of the faid didricts ; and sfier prooortioning-the fame, to each of the fcid f'-hooh, to fend to the Treafn rerof the laid Diftrift, a copy thereof, i.i t rdcr that the Trcafurer *i afurefaid, may dileUarge the ceitiiicate? granted to the tocher as aforefald. Provided al- WiVfl, thst no allowance to any common fchool h tach :ind every Dilhid of thi^ Province, fhal! e-cced the fum 0/ twenty five coords annually. Provided always, rcve'thclefs, that no allowance whatever fhall be paid to the teachei of any com- mr.n fchool iu any diihtct cf this Prov¬ ince, unlefs the Trulleeaof the faid com¬ mon fchoo] report to the board of Edu¬ cation agreeable to the provifion of this aft. And he it further enaclcd by the authority aforfaid, That when two adjoining dis¬ trict; May find it convenient t? compofe such fchool at aforcfaid, a poitiop oi the ■ I J \»»(fc*J **»»V* %«■■%* m +m w v * w m •• • •^w-«^r tin the faid fchool, bei^gnot|jwhich defend the entrance of the river, left his heavy \effe!s ar>d went up Fot the purpofe of bombarding Gay a q oil, but bis veffel got afhore on the 1 8' h, and he was made a prifoner. It was however faul, that he wau to be exchanged for the Go¬ vernor, -^__ French Policy* From a file of late French papers we obferve that on the Kth Feb. there were two ordinances of Louis XVIII relative to premiums on the cod and whale fifiv cries. For three years all the veflels employ- I ed in the codfiihery, near the ifltfnds of St. Pierre and Miqjclon, and on the coa'l of Newfoundland, called the frreat fifhe- ry, are allowed a premium of 50 francs per man, fr' m the captain to the cabin boy. Thofe lifhin-^ on the Dogger Bank, and the great Bank of Newfound¬ land, have a premium of 15 francs, from the captain to the cabin boy. There are alfo various premiums al¬ lowed for French veflela exporting from France or from the (liberies, codfifll to the French colonies, into Spain, Poitu-| gal, Italy or the ports in the Levant. As regards the whale fifhevics, veffela I employed in that trad'* are uhowed a pre* j rniiioi of 50 francs per t<»n ; and in cafe I the vefleh have doubled Cape Horn, or eroded the (Ireights of Magellan and iifh- ed in the Pacific Ocean, havi j been ab- fent for upwards of fixteen i..onths and lefs than twenty fix, the merchant or ow¬ ner is allowed a fecund premium of 50 francs per ton, on herlafc ai rival into a pott of France. Merchants engaged in thii bufinefs are allowed, for three years% to make ufe of foreign veffels^ which (hall be nationalized French before their departure, without my expenfe : and two thirds officers and crew are allowed to be foreigners. London, March 26. Letters from Rome announce a piece (fiatelliiicncc important toalifrienda and arriving at tlie Cr.pe. not having ckaredj din-Sly fo- that place, filould be adn.it I teJ to an entry. Exfraft from the Milford's Log BocL Miy 2, at 2 p m latitude 32, go longf 74« difcovered a fail in tlie N W {landing to tbe E. look her t be an a- mcrican fchr. apparently defirous «.f j fpcaking us. At 2 *'- M- w.'thiu gun (hot flie boilred an engUft enfigo and find a gtm to windwar.l, which Ilmck within a few yards of out cutwater; when wi-. ihm h;»tl o»derr ! rp^.^ldei :;i« lee to o-pt I my boat out and bring n u ^Ll . % • r ./? pa pen «m board; at this monetil f-u , ». * g piaiSlicalj'e to ma their hards. Hi failed fmtn Baltimore on thy 4th ef Dec r815, in the I'choon Adeline, and on the [6th fp.'kea fl..-o;>, from Santa March?, bound t.> Porto Ri- ro, and was informed of tlic fufrender of |Cwthag«ia to his Catholic Majc%*i troops under Gen. Morlllo. On the 19th faw the Highland of Car- thagena, and made fail for it, faw a fri- i»»»e at anchor a Hale to windward of I the t-iwn. and fljortly after faw 5 more j v. flVUat anchor to beward of the pert. He eami to anehoi with rhe ("crooner in 2 1-J fathofiiB water, the Citsdel with the Republican flag flying about 3-4 of a rftltedtfta.it; three boati made'for as from tl-.cu frigate, tl-.eir fj.ooncrs at the lameti.oe running Ijj, the batteries of the town fired on tL-m : we were hailed fi-m the hV-re to fend our boai : mean *htle two launches full of armed men TVi ■ "arde,i a,ld to"k ^oir,-n'"" of "he Ade me in the name of the Spaiiifh Governneuu The officer and crew were plon.Wrd and (liippu! ofewry thing; order.dint,, the b-at, fent on ll.o.e. dri' •••••n 0.1 bdTritr.tb'Mj in,ti fl , ,,..r,.i r , . n wr.ii cue but trnos at racti hey rtacbed aprifon, where h;niJR aft com- enced plunr'eme, ^'^'J~'"dy ^ confioerable a-n- unt- bfles, who boarded the ";V"i^"" j'Tr ter ha'M.tfir muuCred a!J rner a . In l,,e n,ftan *£* bfar a confnh.-- :ton among tht- officers ufthr P|Vote \ r was mferacd »t w» tl ,.fr infent;nn to burn ihe Milfnrd, and v, , tM , . Jtl erther flay on board c-f t^i or w;t)l '^ crew take my boat and ,iro;.t.C(I on mv way. /SfrerremonNrnui,., wil!| ri,ecora* rr.ander fome time, flat:l|p ViM p:)rt ,.f the fchooner belonged t m> lh;it j wag a young msn with a f-:„;|y< jll(«t j,egfn nr.gthe world, and the Ifafj „f [hc rt.hoo. ner would he the tottj ru;n ()f me a„.| my fimily ; I was toTu, fa a rcconfl confu'tati-n among tht^f-Jv^ t|,;if U!1 -•ccountof .ny family th.y Wc.uy au<m. c In me to proceed on my Wir I rived thofe on J At i.iii moment 1 pc-cc beard the MiUord, hoipiY.p out the hold fome cafes of valuable difl goods* 1 im. mediately turned to the commander and informed him that thofe crouds belonged to a young man psfTeog-y on board, and the lofs of the goods wofcld bchiocenaiii ruin, y^fter pleading h rhis manner u confidersible time, he oi^-ed his men to return immediately withwhat they then had, but before they lr*t the Mi!fj<-d they broke open one ca'e of dry cjoods, and took about one half of the contents with them. On the aruva! of the boat, I and my men were allowed to g< on board the Mi!ford, and proceed on our wav. The Pirate left us und-r a prefi of fail (landing on his courfe. At 5 r. m. made fail and ftood on our eoiric ; at 6 /% m. loft fight of him. The above fchooner vas formerly the Thetis of Baltimore, nw mountir.g 6 long nines, carriage guit>, and one long 18 on pivot. They made particular fearch and en- quinefl after Spaniards, They faid they were juft out of Havama, bound on a cruize off Montevledo. They alfo da¬ ted that they had burn four American viffels lince they were on ; the names of which they did not choife to give. I recoiled perfectly well of having feen the Captain of tht thoonerin Bal¬ timore, frequently. ther, rrgether \vi:h the filth with whicl the floor uncovered, caufed a d^ily re- <TiMVi»i of fame oi their c<.rn:*ades to the hospital, from whence few ever returned The fcanty ration* allowred them were ."..mninizs kept forth for two W three lays, and the applications to Gen- Moril- , n*cl wVith \\o attention ; on the con irary it on'y ferved to increafe t'.*1 abom fnable and attrocioua c'vudufl of ihe of fieer« and loldiers, whis-h has never been equalled by that of ihc A'gerine*. On the rfith Feb. we were to be fent to Santa Martha for trial. Mule* were prepared for the fick (about one 'in'rd of our number*) and efcorted by an tuQgn, 2 (Vrj.-ant* an.l ro men. we took up our march of about 2co miles bv land, and *wo days and one night through lakes and creeks to reach r*nr place of deibnation. Frequently on the match when the men 1 oul J not keep up with thefe barbaiians, who wee alt mounted on mules, they wud«: fcneck them down with their mus¬ kets 5 and three of them actually died with fatigue* We 1 cached Santa Mar¬ tha on the 10th day. We were feparated into two prifons, and a ftrong guard placed over us, being allowed one rial and a half for our tub* f\ (la nre. During our ftay at ^anta Martha (which wai one month) Admiral Doug 'afs had made feveral applications to Mon- ta!o, the Vice Roy of Nueva Grenada, for the releafe of the Eritifli lubieds. On the 30th of March, iSlfi, the /^iitifh brig Forefter, Capt. Henry, ar¬ rived, with orders to demand their fub- j; fts, when the crews weieall given up, except Mailers, OfSjers, Supercargoes end PafTengers, whom thry pofnively re fufed lo deliver. From this we had rea- lon to Lufpeci fomething ferious was in¬ tended again ft us. Accordingly on the ■fth April, eleven of the mafteru, officers &c. of the American and Eritifh vcllcls. attempted t<> force the guards, nine of whom fuccteded in getting down to the Forester's boat, which waa waiting fur their reception. Unfortunately, J. Smith, chief mate of the Adeline, in the attempt, was run through the body with a bayonet ; and the foldicrs beat out his hiams with the outtends of their maflccts. One oth<r, a Eritifli fubjeft waa wounded and {&{** back to prif n. The number of prffoners left at Santa Martha, in clofe confinement in the itocks, were twelve, viz. Mr. Cn^er, Supercargo of the Adeline, and three of the crew; Captain Alfred Eastin, of the fchooner Charles Stewart, of N Orleans. his fupcrcargo Mr. Stunley, and two of the feamen ; the others Britifh fubjefts. The fituatiwnof Capt. Eastio waspe. culiarly deplorable, he having cxptricn* ced the most fevere treatme.it from them In conkquence of information beino 1,)(J. ?ed against him by a Portuguefe failor (without foundation too) that he intend' ed to make an attempt to cut his fchoon. cr out—Me was immediately put in chfc confinement, and threatened that he (hould never come out alive ; the execu¬ tion of which threat was rendered doubly probable after the efcape of the others. The conduft c£ Capt. Henry,. ()f the jForrciter, furpafles all eulogy, and mer¬ its our eternal gratitude : he-received the Americans as free as the Britifh fuhjettn, and his humanity to them aficr they had got onboard wasconfpicuous. The narrative give.-i above by captain Matthews, is,we think, well calculated to excite the indiVnation of every Amer- i.-an who feels tenacinttj 0f his country's honor, and fyropathffes with thofe who are the unfortunate vidims of Spanift barbarity. We hope our government will not lofe a moment in demanding the immediate releafe of our captive country men, and the most ample redrefs for the lawlefsand brutal cohduft of the Span- ifh RoyallPtfl—Capt. Matthews Mates, that a fingle frigate would be fofSdent tHaybanta Martha in ztkeA___SlireTy then, no time will be !ost in fending out a force competent to chastife their info- -ence, and enforoe a recognition of our [right* ------- ^ An BrWs WceU* Mefm*er. Mr R. Wiifon, Mcfrs. Bruce and Hutehinfon- Thi last French- papers contain the fwlownng articles ;—- Paris March 25—The affiura of r^Tev frs Bruce, HiitchmfoB, and Willon, will be definittvcly tried next mouth. \t f3 tho;tNht the caufi: will be bro.»gi)t before •he jury C:»rty in the mouth. Several queftiont of fan having been propofed by M. Dupiu. iJic defenders of Sir i<. Wi!fon; and Mcffers. Butce and Hotvh- infon, rhey ^vebecnolBctallytranf.mtted .to London, and anfwercd by three Er.g- addreiTcdto Lnrd Caflleicagh. iecciMW^I<\©Wtlw ?jr yt-lir \ ftrrfllup hvl letter from Mi. Hamilton, (Ta!cd the Trjj tranfmitting to u# feveral pr^pcta from ;,jr Charltfs Stuart, his Mujc.'ly's Au>bH8, jfador at the Court oi France, relative to {ihe Course of prccedinga which it is pro- pofed to adopt againll Sir Robert Wii¬ fon Mefirs. Bruce ;irid Huichinfon, and co which our attention is chiefly called .\ith relation to the queitions which con¬ clude t!ic flatemeut of M. lh'pin. Yliur I ordhhip calls upon us to ■ urn ifh t|ie 1 fficial itaicment requited in aufwer t0 theft qiuilions. Eager to obey your Lordthip's orders, we have the honer of {obicrvii.g, that when a foreigner is accu- led of a crime or offence agajnil :he hvf ■ >{ England, he is tried accotding t„ |],e t ules of that law—lit* guilt or innoence fa ellabliflied according to the ellabli/hed maxims of the Eng'.ifh Jaw. 44 Wiih refptdi to the right of bang tried by a Jury cornpofedpartly of Sna* lifli and partly f.>rci->uer-i, this rivht is (c- cured ttj theaccuftil by the Statute 2ofh Ed. Ill-chap. 18. & for natly recr gni^ed by the Statute 8th Henry VJ chap. 20/ Si When a foreigner tinder accnfctKmig called to defend hi.nfelf a^.iin.1 tlie char¬ ges brought againll him,he has the right of demamling that (he Jury by whom Ic is to betryed fliall be compofed half o{ foieigners, ar:d half wf Enjjliftl fuhjcQi, It is not neceflary that the foreigners fhotild be of the fame country with the a ecu fed ; if however, a lniTiciect number of thv fame cuntry are to be found with¬ in the Hailfwick, or officer charged with returning the Jury Pannenl, I hey are always chofen iti pciference. If ir ftou- !d happen that there are no! a fuffiv'u^t number of foretguem of the tune country with the accufer, tlie numberrr"aybecom- pleated by mear>8 of Englfffi fttbjefts, 11 It is the Sheriff, or the Oflifeff whofeduty ft is to return the Ml ol for* eign Jurors, and he ought to lake care to fisleft twelve of every dtferipiion, in or¬ der that fix of each twelve may he chofcfl by ba'lotto frrve on Juried. It is r»-c neceffary that the foreignJfi&vman iRould lave the fam^ qualificaliou Vvith regard to piopcry n>» the Engliih Juiyntan. Tin'., i.. provided for by the fhitnte of Henry VI to which wc have p"nc|ed« < If a foreigner and ai Englilhtnvin arc included in in*.- fame iitdiclrut- t. and Hie foreignei demandu the Jmyt.f ha r »lienf« the petfous accufed may be tried Icparately, in order to ftCUft'i.' lo uu' foreigner thcfrdvant.igeofa Jury pr l'..'!t aliens, and tn tueiin tilth n *t: th'*! ol •"• !,urjinil Jury.