[SATURDAY, June i, i3i6.] [VOLUME V.------No. 52.] STON Kingston, u7per Canada-Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES—Price Four Dollars per Annum pfia of adver fifing in the Gazette. Si* lines and lahjer, 2/6 hrft inferuon, and .»/- evcrv fubfeCjuent. . 7 Ten lines and under, 3/4 Btft mfrrtion, vvl l/Sev«?ty fubiequent. Ten lines and upwards. *£ per line irft .nferuon, and U per line every >ueceeding '"'Aa^iremeotsunaccompaniedI with writ- ,,n itaion, «e i-fcrtcd till fab* and sharped accordingly. 7 1 t »/; KmgsiW Library O ri!X be open every ^nday from II ;V o'Ciock A. M. uui.i i o'Cl>ck, P. \l" at the G««n Houie. \ ; ■- • .• fi%* ft (fading will be receiv- Subcnotions toi iv.acmi -. |,,iber,are tocoaf.der {*«&*» fi*§M* the roles of the Library. k Kingfton, ill Feb. 181&------------55_^ Notice. » l L Pcrfons i..dcb.«l to the Ejbte of 4.,ue'Ud to make i«*t*«« *^To U* A'L Mac'ean Efo -d thofe••£ ^ demand.,, are rcqueltcd to exhibit «« fa-«#fttt«l. MARTHASMITH, AimMtiriiU-he' Kingfton,Feb, 2^1016 For Sal -THE West ta« of lot m.mber nme ccn • 1 ihciccondconocuh.^tbetovvnlhipo, Kington. Apply to the Pinter. Kingston* •/»'>■ '"■ lSl>: For S TTFRY tow f.t call., or <W.ft V** f \ / I «« ,lu—«" elesattt wood- V Country produce, tin.e e..g,»i.i Jol >a, wa.-a.ned to Uee, good tn, Eu.i-.ire of Mr. Peter Van blu.u ■> A- vhnfto«noroftheW,Knbe.ERRiLT__ Kino-fton, tcth Nov. lSlJ;---------?i',-:- uit" received and for fete at this Office, no RE J MS WRAPPpG ■ ° PAPER. A OUANTITY OF WRITING PAPER, Of Quality No. 2, ii Reams Writing PoftNo. 2, ditto ditto unent. F A 1&£ A quantity of O-.k fui table for Staves and fquare Timber within a reasona¬ ble distance of the water leading into the Bay of Qmnty. ' For particulars any peifon or perfons wiming to purcbafe will pleafe to call at this Office ox at Mr. Jofeph Vallier's Honfe. Kingfton, Dec. q, i8re, 27»f. FOR bALL, A number of Town Lots near the French Church. The terms of payment will be made eafy. II. E A. R L. Kingfton, Sept. 23, 1815. A LL perfons indebted to tnc r<uc ir «»«.». •*• * Fairfield, Efq. and the fubferiber, lin¬ ger the firm of Benjamin Fail held & Co. at .Smell Town, or in the name of William Fairfield, at Kingston, are leqnefted to fettle their accounts with*■-i delay ; and thole who have demands again u the {aid concern are defired to profent th" '.'ame to tlie furviving partner. TLrnefi Tr/n, ; :aroi; ii, 1M6. \%\$ FVBLiC notice^"' THIL fuhfcrilnr-^ t>i the $Ltngtfa*i 'Ste&n ->, B'Qfft* art? herebv feqtmcd to Jivake •minedlate o^vi\»e:*t t« \'^t T'lcnfore^ tif ^Ke .'>■) rey wl/ci. U liiil due on tluii f^vcial fuk> tei tptionp. GiO. Hi M/'.RKLANIv, JAMES McDOUALL & Co. Succejfors to the late firm of 5. JRfcA /2/2^/ C^7. Commiflion Merchants, MONTREAL. RESPECTFULLY tend** their fer- vices to their friends an! the pub¬ lic, for agency and commirlion bidinefs ; and flatter themfcUcb that no honfe m the Prov¬ ince is better lituated to give fa^i>fad\ion in their line to thofe who choofe t« favor them with commands. Liberal advances made on config-nments which will have the advanta¬ ges of both ./I/ontreal and Quebec market, without extra commiflion. Montreal* February .20, 181& 47W12 For Sale, . 1250 Acres of Land, lying in the townfhip of Sidney.—Enquire of the fubferiber, in Kingston. M.-/RY STICKLES. Kingston, March 13, 1816. 41 NOTICE. THE fnbferhVrs refp^dfilly inform their friends and the Public in gene¬ ral, that they hv/e for fd*, at :he store late¬ ly occupied by MefTrs. Patrick Smyth and Co. and which they pledge thenielves todif- pofe of at the mofi reduced prices.— Dry GOODS of Every Defcrip- tioa—LIQUORS, G8 0CERIS & HARDWARES. Every attention will be paid no thore who may favour them with their Dacronaee. Taylor & Parkf.r. Kingston, May y'h ltW6. HANNA & RTTiERS, TOBACCONISTS. RESPECTFULLY inform their friend* and the public \\\ general that thcy have opened a , SNUFF MANUFACTORY, Next to Mr. Robins' Bravery* Where they have for fale Muckoboy, 1 Rp,°Pt,e- ' SNUFFS, lnlli biaggard, 1 and other j Which they offer for fale cheap for Cam. Kingston, iotb May, \'6\6. V) NOTICE. HE fubferibers refpcftfully inform the Merchants, Traders and the public in general, that they have entered into co-part- tierfhip, and have opened an auftion room in front of the New Market, in the back part of the houfe belonging to John Dun¬ can, where they will have regular auctions twice a week; and being that the fenhr fubferiber hath been the only one in chat line of bufmefs in Kingfton, for a number of years, they expeft by the!- strict attention and cor- eftnefs that they will have the cu^to n of the place in future CO encourage the new firm. John- Darlet, John Dunc.in, Auctioneers* GROVER & LEWIS, Tailors* NEW GOODS & AL ASSORTMENT OF D ry AND Goods WOULD inform their friends and the public that they have commenced the ,j above bufinefs three doors north of the Mar- HAVE JUST RECIEVED A *ENER; ket, at the fign of the Gold Watch, where they are ready to wait on all who fhall fa¬ vour them with commands.—They will be able to do work on the (hottest notice, and in a fuperior style, fitted to any fafhion. Cloths and trimmings of every defcription will be furnifhed at the (hop as cheap, or . cheaper, than they can be procured h town, Among whlC* aiC the following and every favor duly acknowledged. articles :---- Kingston, April 4, 1816^ 44tf G us : CHEAP SALES, AT the Stoie of MefTrs. H. W. WIL¬ KINSON & Co. a large Quantity of Sweet-kented Virginia, Common Plu^, Ladie> Twift, and Twift Tobacco; Spanifh and American Segars, in quarter Boxes. Large or fmall Quantities, to fail Purchafers* The whole of which will be fold at 20 per cent, cheaper than can be procured here from any Market of the United States— NOT EXCEPTING SMUGGLERS. Kingflon, 2id March, 1816. 42 FORS ALE" TWO very valuable TOWN LOTS, well fituated for bufinefs. For terms apply to John Macaulay. Kingston, 22d March, 1316. 42ni3 Su Whit Super > perfine and common Broad Cloths; liite and black Cotton Ca»»■ bricks; superfine drtff'f! and undrtflTM Calicoes; Black silk, Madrals and Cotton Bandarf- na Handkecchic-fs; A variety oi Shawls and Veil tigs ; Large damafk siik. Shawls ; French Cambrick, for Handkerchiefs • Fine Linen Cambrick and Kobe P^tcrns; Black, white & changeable col'd Lufirhig \ Twill'd Sarcenetts ; ^lack Mode ; Gentlemen's fine buck, doe-fkin and bea¬ ver gloves ; Ladies' black, white and fancy colour'd. Silk do. Ladies' fancy alTorted Kid do. Black, blue, grren & scarlet Bombazetts ; White fhalloon silk. Velvets and Cotton' Shirtings ; Fine Irifii Linen, Ruffia, Imitation and Scotch Sheeting-- ; Black and white Jeans, Dimities and b'a<. k Crape ; 49 Hardware S T fTH HE fiibfcfibcr h€T§ Uzv? to aoforni the Public, that he has opened a Store in the above line oppofite to Mr. Samuel A\Lroyd's Store, where he offers For ia'e an aifo'tiricnt of HARDWARE & CUTLERV, Carpenters and Joiner's TOOLS ; f> and 7 feet Mill Saw-;, crofscnl do ; fqnare, fi it and round Iron of ail ii/es • crawlev and blillet lUel ; nails and fpiks of all fizea ; (hovels and fpades ; fiie lliovels and tonics ; iron, biafs and bell plated Candlcll i'.-ks ; Coffee and pepper Mills*; bureau trimmings ; fcale beams and weights ; (crew augers ; mafons hammers and trowels ; locks of all descriptions ; window glaf; ; potty ; blick, fpanifh brown,orufiian blue & yellow paints ; alio many other article* too numerous to mention. The whole of which will be fold much lower than can be purchafed at any other ftoie in Kingfton, Samukl Shaw. 43^ Jackonet and Book Muflins, Lenoes ; Ginghams, Ribbons and Lact-s ; Fine plated furr and wool Hats ; Oii'd Hat Covers. TEAS ; Kingston, 2%th March, 1816. Kington, 20th April, 18 16 N. B. The days of audions are fixed on Tuefday and Friday. ±6 NOTICE. MISSED on the mth inft. and (updo. fed to have been fiolen, a MOTE, payable to James Norm or bearer, for eh-v. Vponuds fifteen (hillings, figned by [fee Houffh ; there are two endorfements on laid Note The public is hereby cautioned a- aainft purchafing it, as meafures have alrea¬ dy been taken to ftop the payment. Francis Carlisle. Kingston, lUh April, 1816. For S OST—On Thurfday Evening la.lL fomewhere about the Goal, two Lca.- Hyfon, Young And rlviv^i-Mviii 1 Ping, pigtail and ladies' twi(l Tobacco ; High proof old Jamaica Spirits ; Cogniac Brandy, Holland Geneva; Shrub ; Port Wine.;' The above goods, together with a vauety of articles not mentioned, v.iihbe f ld^st tlie mod reduced prices for cafh. We ten del our thankful ?cknowledgn*etUs to our cu^ tomcrs f;>r pall favors, and lolicit a conpnuj ance of their future patronage. Kingston, 6th August, 1S15. gtf ADVERTISEMENT. THE fubferiber offers for fale to the Public, on liberal terms of payment, the following lots of walk* Lands. Lots No. 22 in the 8th Con. No 9 in the 6th Con. S. Weil $ 23 8th Con; No 8 Eaft § 5th Con. of the town-» fliip of PittPourgh. also Lots No. 7 in the 51b concefiion No. 26 in the 6th concefiicn Nos 28, 29, 30, 32 5: 33, in 6th con. No. zjE'aftf 8th con.of Pitthjurgh. ALSO, Several Lots of Land of one and two acres in extent, on the front of lot Number 24 in the townfhip of Kingfton, lying and fcituate on the more of the Lake. And likewife fcveral lots of land of one, two and three acres on the rear of the fai<l lot No. 24, lying and fcituate on the road from the town of Kingfton to the country.—The AVERY valuable and pleafantly fitua¬ ted Town Lot. For terms apply at this Office. Dec 22. 2(;tf TO LET, AND pofTeffion given the firft of Jon the houfe now occupied by David Burn side as a tavern Apply to PATRICK SMYTH. I j fomewhere about the Goal, two Lea,- ^ ^ ^ adapted fronvrheir fituation fov es, running from Government to-Stephen buiJdi on lhem> and for the eflabliihment Fairfield, and releafed from the laid I airtieia q{. Garden8 in the vicinity of the lown. to me ; alfo, a Contract between Daniel Phelps and the fubferiber, concerning a Saw Mill. Whoever will return faid pa¬ pers to the fubferiber, (hall receive a reward of Four Dollars. Thomas Parks. Kingston, April 16, 1816. of Gardens in the vicinity of the lown. Application to be made to the fubferiber. GEO. OKILL STUART. Khigjlon, Sept. 6, 1S15. >4 F • 46 1-8 it>. 5itr Kingston, May 2 Charcoal Wanted. ^ BUSHELS, to be deliv- 20,OOU ered bcforc the dole of the navigation of 1816, at (rated period, or Se- ven Hundred Bulh.ls to be delivered week- i» until the end of March, i8«;. e,l tenders «>«»"-"—-•.-- Point Fredeiick in tlie 31 ft nit Naval ford, Ki»5<eo"< l\r,. • - STRAY HOUSE'. OT RAYED from the fubferiber about ^ f„„ weeks fmce, a dark forrd Hod* ttUdlhR fi-e. eight yrars old. f«J^ hi, forehead, and fqnarc dock. ^ boevej Jffl return faid l.orfc to the iubfenber Adl be! h»ndfomcly rewarded and all necehary charges paid. DAVW KILL. . Kingaon,May2S. ,8'6- • 5 llf BlankS u m m o n F„r the District Courts, for Sale A VALUABLE Farm, with building aLo large improvements thereon, fa- vorably fixated within 28 miles of Kings, ton. Perfons deftrous of purchafing to in quire of the Punter. K'uviston, July to, 181 e. #« SY ANY Gentleman having a farrfl to let e.T fell, within five or ten miles of KinrrlVon may meet with a tenant or purchaler, by ap¬ plying at this OlT.ce. Kiugllon, Maich 15, 1816. 41 'BLANK. 15AILUONDS, and SHERIFFS SALES, ^ • -.t^*.