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Kingston Gazette, May 4, 1816, p. 2

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Order of the Lieutenant Governor in Council. PROVINCE OF UPPER-CANADA U T a Council for the Affairs of the Province, held at York, in the f?ii Province, on the Eighteenth day of April, in the Fiity Sixth Year of His Majefly's Reign, and in the year of our Lord 1816. PRESENT HIS EXCELLENCT THE LIEUT. GOVERNOR. w / HEREAS by an a& made and parted in the lad Sefiion of Provincial Pailiament of Upper Canada, intituled M An act for making temporary provifion for ihe Regulation of Trade between this Province and the United Slates of America by land or inland navigation," it k among It other things enacted, that for and during- the continuance cf the laid aft, it fhall and unay be lawful for the j Governor, Lieutenant Governor, or peifon adminiflering the Gov- nmenr for the time befog* with the advice and confent of his Ma¬ cro m jelly's Executive Council, by order, or order?, to be from time to } tfmeiflued and publiihed, to fufpend the operation of the whole, or part of any a&s of the Legislature of this Province relative to trade of his Majefty in this Province, and the people a id territories of the Schedule of Duties io be received on Articles of Manufacture the Growth and Produce of the United States of America, under the Ordei being of in Council of the 18th April, 1816. *»■»•->» vi*. •■* i.«3>jp"m *j?nr Bw, Anchors, --.*.„„.. Bran?, Iron or Steel Locks?, Hfogca, I-It'->, Anvils and Vicetj - Beer, Ale or Porter, in Calks—per Gal. ad va^or:m\ $er cent. I 22 Do , in bottles,—do. Books Blank, Src P; roaches, ... ..„„_ Cables andTafred Coidage,—per lb. Carriages, or parts of carriages, Cards, Playing,—per Peek. Wool and Cotton,—per doz. Candles of Tallow,—per lb. Spermaceti < r Wax, do. C*ne*, Waiting Sticks and Whips, C ticn Good?, Cabinet Wares, Chairs rnd Manufactu- turea of Wood, :'#.•-• Cordage Tarred,—per lb. » - - - Un tar red, do. • .. • Cotton Woo), do. ... Cloathing ready made, Fifli Dtied,—per Quintal. . *- Maekarel,—per Barrel.. Salmon, do. All other Pickled Fifth do. * "Furs cf .11 kinds undrefiVd, Glafs, Window, not above S by io per roo fquaie feet. do do toby 12 do above 10 by r 2 All other manufactures ih reof, Glauber Salts,—per cwt. - - ,~ Glue,—per lb. - - - Gun Powder,—per lb." • •".'.'• Hair Powder,—per lb. r« - » . ■ xiemp,—per cwt. - .... - 1 Indigo,—per *!•. Iron, Hoop and Slit,—per cwt. - - ! Sheet do " - - ! Lead and Musket Ball, . All other Manufacture in which Lead i» the Chief Article. Locking Glades .... l.IaU,— perbufheL - - Nails,—per )b. - - - - . Paper of all descriptions, - • • j Pack Thread and Twine,—per cwt. 7$ 22 \D 6 r I 35 35 35 35 2s 55 1 1 5 3i 6 \ S 7i f a « I i I do do do c"o do 35 • 1 - . Free. * "30 ■ - ' ---------------------- t ■ 5 6 10 5 12 J3 16 O I 3 2 I 6 9 3 X L* 22 . . . 22 40 . 7 1 I i I 5 4 6 9 6 6 j Rate Board. Parchment & Vellum, * Pictures and prints, j Salr,—per buihtl of 36 'b. ; Starch,—per lb. - ^ oteel, per cwt. - • Spirits Dialled from Gf*h Firft Proof, per Gallon K Sc-o.!(l da. tl Thud do Fourtfi do Fifth do Sixth do : Spirits fiom MoiaffeSj "° ;j Men? and Women* 8Ii©# of all <\d- ^ qrirtton* made of Lcnf-her, per pair. Children* c^, <j0 •Soap, per pound , Si'UiT do m Tobacco Uumanufaftl]rej Manufaftnted^ Tallow, Types for Printing, , Weating A.ppatd & p^rfonal bagga< Wood Manufactured, All other Manufactures and Go^ds of the Growth and pro-doce of the United S. of Anrierura not oth¬ er wife enumerate^, Except Wheat, BarlCy, Rye, Oats, Pease, Deans P;»t a^d pCarl A Hies, Stave?, Heading, Oak and Pine Timber, and other lumber, Beef, Pork and Live Cattle, Cheefe, gut¬ ter and all other Pus-.ilions, which m3y be admitted FREE. a J valorem ', per crr.t. •35 35 £ I s. * I D> i 19 ,1 31 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 S"c> Ft 20 Free. *5 * 35 I 1 2T- 12 per Cent upon the above duties to be paid en fue'i articles as are . imp01 ted in foreign velfels. Every fliip's boat, or veHel, ex¬ ceeding 5 tana Burthen, belonging to the lubjefts of the U. States of America,"entering any port or Har¬ bor within this Province, to pay a duty per Ton of so !;4 5 7 9 9 3 9 ll 4 7 i ti 6 JOHN SMALL, C'crk of we. Executive Council. FOR SALE, Ihe Schooner WELLINGTON, a new vf flel recently built and 1*9 now lying at the wharf of Mr. Patrick Smyth at Kings-* ton- The fobferibera bein^ duly authorilld will fell the faid veffel to the higheh: bidder, at public auction, on Monday the 13th day of viay next, if not pr vioufly difpofed of by private fale. The auction will commence at Jf one o'clock., p. m. where the veffel now tics. j4)\ th? materials for finifhing the faid veffel will be fold with her. H. Caffady, D. McDonald. Kingston* $Olh April, 1816. 4S NOTICE. THE Congregation of St.Geo's. Church, in Kingilon, ire requeued to attend a meeting in f«;d Church on Monday, the 6' h A/ay, to take into confidc^ation the pro- priety </f railing more funds, in order to de¬ fray expencea rrecefTaTfly incurred, and for the regulation of fiicb other matters and things a^ may i"-e exj>«-dient. / IE NRT B1L TOW, Clerk. Kingston, April 27, 1816,. 47 GROVEPv & LEWIS, ' Tailors. TXT-OULD inform their friends and the public that they have commenced the above buiinefs three doors north of the Mar¬ ket, at the fign of the Gold Watch, where they are ready to wait on all who {hall fa¬ vour them with commands.—They will be able to do work on the fhortest notice, and in a fuperior style, fitted to any fafhion. Cloths and trimmings of every defcriplion will be furnillied at the fhop as cheap, or cheaper, than they can be piocured in town, and every favor duly acknowledged. Kingston, April 4, 1816. TEN DOLLARS REWARD. OST on the iff tndant, between the honfe of Mr Heniy Caffady and John Cum¬ in ings Efq. a Red Morocco Pocket Eook, containing, (among other papers which will be of no uieto any other peifon than th« ow¬ ner) one army bill for 50 dollars, indorfed ■ by Samuel M'Nabb Efq. Any perfon de- liveiing the faid Pocket Book, with its con¬ tents, to Mr. Duncan M'Doneil, merchant, will 1 eccive the above rt"ward. Kingston, May 2d, 1 8 I 6. To the Electors O F T H E United States of America, any law, statute, cuftom or ufage to the contrary notwithstanding .• His Excellency the Lieutenant Gov¬ ernor, by and with the advice and confent of the fiid Executive Council, doth hereby order, that the operation of all acts paffed by the Legiflature of this Province relating to the trade and commerce between the United States and this Province, by land 01 inland nav¬ igation, in as much as they ^egulate the duties to be received on Goods, Wares and Meichandize imported into this Province, or admit the (hips, boats and veflcls ufed by the fubjects of the laid U. States, into the Ports and Harbours of this Province free of Tonnage duty, be fufpended, and the operation cf the faid acts in fo much is hereby fufpended. ^nd His Excellency the Lieut. Governor, with the advice and confent of the faid Executive Council, doth hereby order and direct that Goods, Wares and Manufactures of the growth or produce of the faid United States of America imported into this Province by tend or inland navigation, fiiall refpeciively be liable to the payment of the duties declared in the fchednlc hereunto annexed. And it is a.'fo further ordered, that no Furs of any description be exported from this Province to the United States, under Penalty of Forfeiture of three times the value of any Furs fo exported, one half to the u!e of hi* Majelly and one half to the informer, to be recover¬ ed of the pe-fm exporting the fame, by Ml{9 Plaint, or information before any Court of competent jurifdietion. JOHN SMALL, Clerk of the Executive Council. V a 48 wA 44tf PEASE. WHEREAS Elizabeth, my wife, has left my bed and board, in my abfeuee, without the leaft provocation, and has carried off fevcral articles belonging to me ; this is therefore to forbid all perfons harboring or trufting her on my account, on pain of bcin<>- profecuted to the utrr.oft rigor of the law! I fhall pay no debts of her contracting after this date. • JOHN YOUNG. Kingston April 15,1816, 4 6 «/f. rpWO Hundred Bufliels Prime Boilers, for fale by Patrick Smyth. Kingstont April 19, 1 3 1 6. 46 A For Sale, VERY valuable and pWantly fltua- ted Town Lot. For terms apply at this Office. Dec. 22. 2Qlf County of Frontenac. V V Proclamation hath been .ffued for th, purpofcof calling together a I e„;n ,- Council and Houfc of AlbMj ^jj-g -mce of Upper Canada ; and, Whereas by -certain act of this Province, baffi.H ; u Four Eighth year of hi, prefect % # Re,gn, „K«„l,d an ad for the better repr^ lentation of the Commons of thk P. • in Parliament and to ,epeal psrt a| an ^ paffed m the Fortieth Year of hf« r Majefly's Reign, intituled an act f^the more equal reputation of the Commons of this Province, and for the better defining the qualifications of Electors, ft U declared0 aud appointed that the c-.nnty of Frontenac fhall be reprefented in the fid Houfe of Affemb v by one Member. ' And Whereas by a certain in<lrument under the fijra Manual and ,fealed with the feal of his Excellency Francis Gore, Ef- qmre, Lieutenant Governor of our Province of Upper Canada. I have hem nominated and app .inted Returning Officer for the faid county. And Whereas by a certain Writ under the Great Seal of the Province of Upper Cana¬ da, by me received, I am thereby directed to catifeone Knight GH with a Swo i rhe mod fi% anddifcreet to be freely and indifferenrlj Ch^fen to repicl.nt the faid counry in Afem- biy by tbo-re who iha = l be prefent at the day of Election. NOW KNOW YE that by virtue of the faid nomiinatio-i and appoint- mem, and in O! editnee to Hi? Majefty's laid writ, I fhall at the Conn Houfe in the town cf KingfloJ, on the Twentieth day of May next, attend at ten o'clock in the forenoon, and proceed to the El. ction of One Knight to rcprefent the laid county fo the fnid Houfe of" /iffembly, and hereof;,1I FreehoU den of the faid county are to take notice and attend accoicii.-'g!y. JOHN KIR BY. Returning Officer. — — - ^-^ - «-«w - - 1 Kingston, joftj April 1816! 4« TO THE ELECTORS of the COUNTY of FRONTENAC, Gentlemen. Having had the Honor of reprefentirjr the county in Parliament forfeveial years, f a"- •it am beor leave to offer myfc.f 83 a c:Jldi4^tfi at the enhitng Election. I have the honor to be. entlemen. Your mod oht. and very humble fcrvant. ALLAN MacLEAN. Kingston, ^d May, 1816 * 4$ TO THE ELECTOR _ of the Incorporated Counti^ 0f LENOX and ADDINGTON. ^XKERE^S His Majehy* Royal pf^ Ciamation hath been ifTued for thc purpofe of calling together a Umfkme iciKtiiitiu minis i.oyjnce, pau'ed in th< Forty Eighth year of his prefent MajcfV Reign intituled an act for the battel repre- fentatbn of the Commons of this Province, in Parliament and to repeal p?rt of an a.*l pa{fed in the Fortieth Year of his prefent Majefty'i Reign, intituled m act for the move equal reprefentation of the Commons of this Province, and for the better Defining the qualifications of Elector«», it in declared that the counties cf Lenox and Acldfngtoa fhall be reprefented in the faid Houfe of AtTembly by Two Members* And whereas by a certain Inflrum'mt un¬ der the figa Manual and fea'ed with the leal of Htt Excellency Francis Gore, Kf- quire, Lieutenant Governor of cur Province of Upper Canada, I l.ave been nominated .and appointed Returning Officer for the counties of Lenox and ^ddinrt-n. And whereas by a certain writ under the Gieat Seal of the Province of Upper Cana¬ da bv mc received, I am thereby directed to caufe two Knights Girt wi h SVords the mod fit and difcrect to be freely and indfff.-r- . ently ehofen to reprefent the faid counties of Lenox and Addingt*«ii Li^fTembly by thofe who fhajl be prefent at the d ty of Election, NOW KNOW YE that by virtue of the " faid nomination and appoin Bient, and in Obedience to his Majclty's faid writ, I fha!I at the Court Houfe in the townfhi;) of Ad«'l- phufrowu on the twentieth day of May next attend at ten o'clock in the forenoon, and proceed to the election of Two Knights to reprefent tke faid countfe? of Lenox and zd- dington in the faid Houfc of AfTembly, a«d heieof all Freehtilders of the faid comines 1 f Lenox and .Aldington are to take notice and attend accordin<yly. CHARLES STUART. Returning Qflicq;* 3C//' April% 1816.

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