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Kingston Gazette, April 20, 1816, p. 4

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For Sale, Bt tlic fubfcriber, a few Puncheons^ Jamaica Spirits, ' Brandy, Gia, Wine, Shrub and Peppermint ) LoaFatid Mufcbvado Sugars^ Coffee and Chocolate, - Indigo, Pepper k Allfpice. ALSO, A general affortment of I Dry Goods » o 6C S All v£ry low for Calk. SAMUEL MERRILL. Kingston, zM Dec. iBlj, 3«t William M'Lean & Co. d a large aflbitment '% AVE jnfl e jeivec of thefl! fWtbg Lienors & G f T •Arnair.a Spirits, Coo-nhc "Brand v, Bed Holland Cm, P< rt and Madein Wines, P^prenv.inr and Shrub, Loif and "Vlufrovado Sugar. fine's Arrns.") Pine Apple, Chef] ire, \ Cheefe. w Bfooiij and Sutland EaiCns, Kyfon and GjeetiTea, Fi.-s, &c. kc. ALSO, An e!<-g:.nt afibftment of Pill: TnmmingS of t-very dc-fc n'ption, L^dtesand Gcntlsriieri's Black and Coloured Silk Hofe and Gloves of-a fuperfoT quality; As the ?bove articles were bought at an eai'y fe; Ton, wholefale pur chafer c;m- be fnp- phed on term* more advantageous than they flow r.in be in N*ontrea). - Kingston, ? 9 ih Dec. 1815. 311 f 1 For Sale, IN Fredenekflrarghi Lot No 11, in the fiWr e>>hCeiiion of faid town, containing; 2CO Acres ; one hundred under improve- inert, with a Fiame Koule and Barn there¬ on. Then can be cut yearly 30 tons of good Hay. i:y on e defir us of purcha- fing ean^pply to the fubfcriber in Camder, or to the Printer i. Kincfton. JOHN£A"SCALLAN. Camden, January. 4, 1816. 3 itf. JUST received by the fubferihets* a Con- _ firmer t of 200 blue Flufhing G RE AT COATS ; price feven dollars.—A?fo, a few Blue Jackets, and Trowfers of a fuperior qua'ity. A. MACPHEUSON & Co. * ' Kingston} 6/h Jan. 1816. 31 tf -w - » . Ktfgvs / R## 7 Cash and the highest pi ice paid for CLE ftJN COTTON AND LINEN ; r a AT THIS OFFICE. FOR .SALE, (On rsafohable Terms,) A JKT1> immediate pofftffion given, if ap- ■*-*- ph'ed for hjon, a vain b*e Farm, ly- fcg in the PoivnMip of Soph-alburgh. For terms apply to the fublciber. JaC<>b Harrington. _$0phiajbv.rgh, ^pri'l 6, 18 J 6. 45\v3 NOTICE. A LLPcrffiis indebted to the fubfcriber, ** Ei:b. • hy note or book, Mtift make pay* fftent by tfie firft day of June next c r other- wife must expe& to fettle with an attorney. DAViDBURNSIDE. _ Kmgstosr, April 12, [816. 45 THURLGW MILLS, For Sale. Avery valuable Grift-Mill for Sale, which has juft undergone a thorough repair upon the improvement of Bevel Geer. Such a defirable property is feldom to be met with ; it will be difpofed of by the ow¬ ner in confequence of mercantile arrange¬ ments ; for particulars and to treat for the fame, apply to Thomas Coleman, Efq. the proprietor: he alio offers for fale fever al town water lots, upon the banks of the riv. e-r Moira. A man who well underftands coimduct- ing Carding Machined, and ch.i keep ac¬ counts will meet with good encouragement on application as above. A fct of new Cards wanted as above. 'Thurlorv, March 23.1816. Apf 200 FOR SALE, undies Straw Enquire at this Office. March 30 Notice. TO be fold or rented, as may fee agreed up¬ on, that well known valuable farm, lot No. wand the Weft half of Lot No. 10 in the firit conceffion of Additional Fieder- jek?butgh» together with a good frame Home and Barn, good Meadows, and-two Orchards thereon, and about one hundred and forty acres of improved 'and. The pre- miff s are well iiruated for a farmer,merchant or Innkeeper For further particulars ap¬ ply to the fubfcriber, or to D. Wafhburn, Efq. in Kingfton; MtCHAEL COYLE. Kingflon, 20th Feb 1816. 35tf well NEW GOODS. HE fubfcriber has ju.t received now « ffcr. fat laic, an exteiVUVC chofen affortment of Dry Goods. Groceries, and Hardware. ALSO, A well chofen Afibrtmerit MEDICINE. an J Of A: ulund District, 1 r^-n H E Court of Gen- io zint. § J era! Quarter Sfef- fions ui Lite Peace for this Diutuct, wilr* be ho 10*en at the Court Houfe rn the town of Kt,. un,on Tofi<;ay the 23] day of April, t:t 'lie hour ui ten o'Clock in the forenoon j rr i'i:.: i'jie, uli jubtice-cf the Feace, Coro¬ ner-, Cor tables, and all-.'her Peace Offi¬ cer, ^ c 1 asaij'.-J' that have any b .fiuefs to iran «t\ al fiiu Coun, a>eheicby rcquhtd to c»k>. . li.e, and give iluir attendance ac« cor ■■■■• tt<y. i harlcs Stuart, Sheriff'. The whole of which will be fold at the lowest prices for cafh or country produce. Ewd. J. Henderson. Kingston, z6 January j8». 6. 34 Juft pMifhedi and for falc at this Office* Price 1/3. The LIFE and DYING SPEF.CH of JOSEPH BEVIR; Vv7ho was executed at Kingston on Monday, the 4th day of September, 1815, for the murder of Mary Bevir, his daughter. Letters remaining in the Po(t Of fice, at Kingston, on 5th April, 1816. Jonathan Allen, Jofcph Amdins. Jane At- lins, Charles Bargeron, Barnabas Beach, Etiems Bedard, Benjamin Bovg, Baptists Bougard, jofcph Brahidamour, Jofcph Brant, Anna Brown, Edward Brown> John Bruce, Mr. Beeks. Mr. Camp, Madame Cedru, Daniel Cote, Thomas Co'eman9 Mary Gombst Jean Con* Jtantineau, Simeon Corb'm, James Carney, Ellas Champion, Antoine Chabotte, Francois: Chenier, Captain Crowtherf John Cuzzens$ Duncan Campbell. Jofcph Dufault, Henry Dugue. John Esteil. Arrio'itie Fournier, James Firm. Jofph Gobeille, a. G. Oofs, William Gibbard. Mrs. Harden, Davis Havuley, Samuel Howe, Jeffs Hofiins, John Hill. Ebenezer JewAl, Baptiste Joinville, Mr. Juhcn, John Jcro. Pierre Lab a die, Francois Ladlbaurhe, Made. Landre, Mr. Lamarche, George Lang* don, Rofwell Leavanf, Pierre Lavlelle, James Long, John Louman, Louis Lucas Mr.Luis. Daniel McCrimmon, James McDonough$ Anthony McGuin, George McLean, Robert Madden, James McNabb Simeon Melevier, Patrick PA or an, Nicholas Morin, John Mur- duff, Timothy Oliver. A V Page, Peter Paitcrfon, Jean M. Pet¬ tier, Jojhua Pitt, Pkrre Pivin, Obadiah Price, Andre Provo. Jofph Robert, Donald Robbfon, Sarah Rogge, William Rofs, AUgustin Roffau, .'/din Sanger, Fleori 0'/. Jean, Rowland Sherman, Elizabeth Slmpfon. Margaret Stmth Henry Spa u If bury, John Spoor, Blualf Sprague Jofph B. Smyth, J Jams V homasn J chit Thsrp. Nicholas Valin% JJ^omas Wallers, Alex. Wat [on, David Wdcock* Thomas U Won \aines Wilfon G. Tale. J ' \ Plat MMtfaBo ! SMITH & BUTTER WORTH, RESPECTFULLY acquaint the.r Friends and the Public in general that they hav« re-commenced bufmefs in the new houfe near Walker's Hotel, where they have on hand an extenfive affortment of Ladies cc Children's bell Beaver Bonnets, Gentlemen's beft Beaver, Caftor, Roram and Knapfc Hats ; Men's, Youth's and Boy's Wool Hats. Likewife, Ladies and Children's London Fafhonable Bonnets, Feathers and Trimmings of the following colours ; Black White, Blue, Brown, Purple and Drab ; whick they offer, Wholefale and Retail far Cafh as cheap as they can be purchafed at Montreal. N. B. Cafh paid for Beaver, Mufkrat and Racoon Skins. Kir.gfton, 30th Oa. I Sic. 21 tf. Notice. THE fubfcriber refpe&fnlly inform? his friends and the public that he is about opening a Store in frout of the new maikct houfe, where he will do Bu sine fa on Commiflion Will buy and fell, Store & Forma GOODS Up or down the Rher9 Will take in any orders of aiy description in that line of bufmefs. N. B Perfect* deurous of committing con- figuments to his charge, may know the rates ot (lorage and commifiion-by calling at the new comailFion ftore. JOHN DUNCAN. Kingfton, Dec 30, 1815. 30 •TENDERS wi'l be received at the A- * gent Viauaikr** Office, Point Freder¬ ick, on or before in* 25:0 mftant for the fupply of Vc £etab!tb 1 o iflfe Crews of His Majeliy's Ships rnd Vcffelson L&ke Ontari- o. The period-of the contrail, with oilier i particulars may be known at the Office. 41 ""FANcfmoSiT THE fubfcriber informs the Ladies of Kingfton and its vicinity, that he has jnft received and has for ii:le the mofl exten- iUe affortment of Figured, Twii'd & plain SILKS RIBBONS, Shawls & Handkerchiefs & Everoffeied for fale in this place, whole* •klc or retail on moderate terms, SAMUEL AYKROYD. Deer. I, 18 I C. 26tf • "K~"HE fubfcriber refpec^fully begs leave I to inform his friends and the public, ihat he has received a £:eat variety of Dry Goods & Groceries, 7 • as cloths, flannels, calicoes, flocking*j rea¬ dy made coats, trowfers and waillcoats, pa ndkei chiefs, fhawls, linens, overfoeks, initts, women's (hues, tippets, bomb?^etts, umbrellas, earthen and glafs ware, muftard, f-ap, candles, raiSi**, loaf and mnfeovado fugar, Sec ladie's trimmings for coats, clofe bruhhes, (hot, powder, indige, pepper, tea, &c. and will be fold at the lowed terms. John DoWlan. Kingston, 25th Jan. 1816. 34. NOTICE. ALL perfons indebted ro the late firm of /* Norman Bethune and Co. are redueft- ed to make immediate payment to Mr. H'y. W. Wilkinfon, who ia duly authorifed to receive the fame. JAMES G. BETHUNE. Kingfton, 8th March, 1816. Ne w 1 ine 0 HpHE fubfcriber has commenced running a x LINE OF STAGES from Montreal to Kingtton twice a week. It leaves Mon¬ treal on Mondays and Thurfday3 at ei^ht o'clock A. M. and arrives in Kmgiton/on Wcdnefdays and Saturdays, and leaves King- fton at the lame time and arrives in Moutie- al on Wedncfdays and Saturdays. Perfons gravelling in this line will find good teams & careful and experienced drivers, with covered ileighs, made comfortable for the putf,ofe. Another line will leave Ogdenfburgh for Utica, every Wednefday and Friday for the convenience of traveller* into that part of ti?e jCOOntry, 1'he Books to enter ihe names of thofe who may wtfii feats in the Stage, will be' kept at Samuel Hedge's in St. Paul Street, in Montreal, aid at Robert Wa/Lrs Hotel, iiv Kingttwn. JiAJ?narx^ nlrirrwsmJ NOTICE. TpOR fate, the following lands, leiu^ a part *~ 1 i the real eliate owned by tie luI i [her* 1. Ealt half of Let lumber 19 in the rd concefficn of vfdolphus Town, on call bav, having a framed houfe and barn, together with an improvement thereon, contains 100 acres- 2- Lot number 26 in vrsft bay, fouth of the black river iii the ui conceffion of the towulbip of Maryfburgh, with buildings and other improvements theieon, containing 200 acres. 3. Three fourths of lot number 5 in the firil cor.ceffion, welt of number I, and welt of the Rock in the townlhipof Maryfbargh, with an improvement thtrcuii, containing < 150 acres. 4. Tiftyacre of valuable wood land, be¬ ing part of the farm formerly owned and oc¬ cupied by the fubtcriber, in the icwnfhip of A<\* lphus Town, being in the rcaroi the towb Plot of Hoiaudvil'e, and adjoining thereto. 5. Lot number 6, and the welt half of number 14. in the 2d conceffion of the town* fhip of Richmond, containing 300 a< rei. 6. Lot number 8 in the 2d concern, fouth fide cf 1 he eatt Lake in the townfliip of Hollowed, containing 200 acres. 7. Eait half of h*t number 6 in the 4th conceffion eft h e townfliip of Tbarlow on the ri»er Moira, with an improvement there-. . . on, containing ico acres. 8 Lot number 1 call of Vanalftine's l^ke in the lit conctfli^n of the townftip of Ma- rysburgh, with an improvement thereon, c»l- taining 200 acres. t 9. Lot number 14 in the 51b conceffioQ of the townfniu of Poriiand, c.mtafmag roo acre*. 10. Lot number 29 in the 4th conceffion of the townfliip of Haldimand, containing 1 2co acres. I 1. Lot number 20 in the 5th conceffion of the townfliip of Pittfburgh, containing 2CO acres. 12. Lots number 12 and 13 m the 4th coucefiion 01 the townflfip fer»ctly calfcd Efeutkj now Yonge, in the diftrld of Johnliuwi;, containing400acres. 13. South half of lot number i6 in the 810 coftceffiofl of the tpwnfixip of ^ngnlla, likewife in theDiftriAof Johnilown,coiitauH. ing 100 acres. 14. i.ot nun ber 3,4, and 47 in the Otn conceffion, and lot number $5 vu the 7thcon*; ccifion, all in the tow.dhip of,Camden, con-v taining 800 acres. ALSO, j \ i i ;••' w w ***** A number ot town lots, for fale and to leafe, in Stuartville, in the rear.of the town! o£ Kingston. CHARLES STUART, Kingston, 15th March, 1816. :^nf For Sale. Ac Iv of / Land UAMY STICKLES. Kingston, March 1 3, 18 16.: 41 cierthe firm of B A LL perfons indebted to the late William- ** Fairfield, Efq. and the fubferiber, un- enjamin Fairfield & Co. at, Erneit Town, or in the name of William Fairfield, at Kingston, are iequefted to fettle, their accounts without delay ; and tbofc'who have demands agaiolt the faid concern are, defired to prefent the fame to the furviving partner. Benjamin Fairfiel®. ErneftTown, March 12, i3i6. 4ttt" .«- ■ - Notice to Settlers n^HIS is to give notice that fuch fettlera as may have received Location Tick¬ ets previous to this date, and are not actually and bona fide, eftabiidling themfelv'es' on their lands by the 24th of. ^pril next, will be flruck off the lift of Settlers and their lo¬ cation Tickets will be cancelled as well as ev- ery other allowance of Provifion, Sec. Sec By His Excellency's Comrnand. SIDNEY BECKWrrti, ^. Mn. Gen. Broeliville, March 4, 18 \ 6.. . 40. J. G. HANNA, * * TT AS juft received 1 it Cannrfters of the 7 genuine Irifli, Prince Regent's mix- ture, and Rappee SNUFFS, Snuff Boxe^f Dreiling Cafes, Fifhing Tackle, &c. kc. 8cc.' Kingston, 15th March, 18?*, 4ltf. o FOR SALE, - ■ / N reafonable terms, Let No. 4 2, in the $th Concession No. 23, in the 6th. Concessiony AND Lot No. ZQj in the i \ih Concession- The' whole beinr fu the Toivnfhip of LanS- down, in th? district of Johnfbwn. For ftarticlora Minn ire »i the office * r (Sart/clurs enci

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