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Kingston Gazette, April 20, 1816, p. 3

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o [tijit be* written fo large brazen capitals, "' BKHOLD THE " GHOST OF CAl'O THE CENSOR" AND THE "SOUL* OF LIBERALI- 1Y AND **BaiJNTf." as a Further pio»f of my hij»h efltcm, 1 wf;! permit him during the winter, to being tip occafiou.ilH'» ™ hi" «»rirt5e, on-or tw;j jo¬ vial comoanions toeltifi bun in draining the fi arlciing bowl, which will be formally pre¬ sented hi* by n e in my capacity of uup- btarcr, btH let him.beware how heabm-:s this privilege, f<<< Ik mail not include in the nnm- b«*f any perfon who may be addicted t-- the cJifgnilW; habit of " BtLemm"— or of live feme elafs of H«kdKA*LSta as that pir.k ofjcntiliivai'd minor of public coudeicui- tion, Mr/bloneltus. • flMOTIlT JPmSMSZOSSOM* Erncft Town, l£lh April, 18 i 6. .vas C I at fiie Sic The Oei tiemen who have devoted fo auch of their time to me highly interefcg amufeme.nt of private Theatrical perfoitoan-. ces, (.<ommo ivesthe moll benevoleitt and fftife wwthy,) favoured the town on Sfkn- for i*s-feiatf *a». with the reprcfentuion of the Tragedy u* Dou^ak, The admiration pad applaufe, whi- h the* tail* and talents had on every fo.mei occafion cxciud n the audian.-e, WM* m the prefi nt JutU *e renew, ri with additional rtitffr ot er.thuiiabr..-- Totally unacquainted with the ipUtd and £:;i!iK-drcp«efentatu>usof the Loudon boards I *m unable to judge of the mevsts «f the amateur p.,f rmers by ttuapanfow, and «a Kfi entirely to feeling I: the ****** by which to ctlin.ate their perle& if,o*,~-Av UeUi- er or not t!\U he a eorreci ciencn, 1 amttn- able to lay— vet, 1 am il.v.n«ly induced to btlirve,lh..ti\wpcrfo»3 could M$™ ™ ■« lefinenieniofnanne: or jritnet. ct co^e-* tion.thati war dffcovere.i by 4* gci*«w«« wh.- rr.nii.trvncd «W diffctfn* char-ct.-n in thiscclcbr redTra^y. The proud »m- anions y^r-^&g lh\ «^**a:* Lli^ofa ***> **%^ viOwft. «•*■* rufcwnn and hatred urged him <n to rue as raifed, and frccrtiited,%i the Provinces rO BflaJa* a fho.t time previous, to the en$a meticemeat of the late War with the United States of Amuina, have tended greatly to¬ wards the prefer vat ion of this Piovince du¬ ring the late War, that they reflect gr^ honor on the Etegin&nt, have exhibited fel bravery, loyalty, and military qnah'tks of d native p. pulanon, in a not confpfcuoms P"int of view, and inst.lv entitle Lieut. 0& Pattersby. the oiUcers, Non-Commilljo-ed Oiii-ers, and Privates thereof, to the things of tl e Commons lionfe of Affembly of the Pr-'vince ofU^ptr Canada. 2)d. Rejblved. That the fneaker do, in the name, and in behalf of the Commt-na Huiie of AfTemV.lv, thai.k i.icntenaiU Col. Biiitcrfoy. the Officers, Non Commiflioiied Oiii;ers, and Private'0 of the Glen^ary lie- gin; nt of Fencible Light Infantry, for th=h" unift;rrn gallantry and bravery in defence of this Province, during trie late war with U»e IJt ited States of America. 3d. Refohed, That, a* an additional mark of the refpe&i entertained fo: the chaf- acler and Esvicea ot Lievtenint Colonel Bat- teribv, afwoid, value, one hundred Guim.as, be p: efented to him. 4th. Refohed, That with the concur¬ rence of the Honourable, the Legfliutve Council, that a joint ?idtcfs be pre<ented to Hia Excellency the Lieutenaat Go-en or, reque'ting hita toiCue his Warrant tor fehe faid fim of one hundred Gtnneas, in fav.^ or fuch Pc; Ton, a- he may chopfe tf. apt oint WV the above purrofe, atTuiiftg him tiiat -*ie CommOAfi H.'nle of AlTemb'y will, with 'p-e concurrence of the Honorable* the Lrg na¬ tive Council, at the next ^effion of the t'°- vinciai Parliament make good the fame, i!yl that h" vvi'i be plcafed to direcl the fc»*d {word to be pi tie; ted in inch manner as to him ibali feern meeti Paired the Co-ivmons, Koufe of AfTemViy, 27th Ma-cl;, 1816. A True Copy from he Minutes. Upper Canada* . ■ • Latest from Europe. ARREST OF SIR R. WILS.»N, &C. Copy of a Note addrrjfsdto the Enrjifi Amlaf- fador by the Due tJe Rfcjjeleaui Paris, Jni 13 i8i6. It is with molt hVy feelings of pain and regret that the underlined fees himielf ..b- ligedto make known to His Eeeedmcy Sir Charles Stewart, th it feveral fubjecl-: of his Britannic Majesty appear to have taken an active part in culpable mar.ee -vves direct¬ ed against the Government of che King His Excellency will fee by the letter here¬ to annexed which the nudei'li^ned has jufl received from, f'ie minister of Police, tJ: Sir Robeit Wiifon, Mr. Bruce, and ;.n ither iudividul, who is believed to be an Engl.lb gentleman, areaccufed of having favored the elcape of Laval'tte. Their trial i^ gov g to commence ; out the under figned, in an¬ nouncing it to Sir Charles Stewnrt, is -for¬ ward at the fame time, to give him the af- fnra-ice, ih^t they wiil enjoy folly all the fa¬ cilities which our laws afford foi their juUt- fication, and that the protecting forms of tri¬ al will be 1 eiiffioufly obferved. towards them. , v The tindcrfi-rned. in making this commu¬ nication to the Englilh Au.bail'ador, as a con- feqaence of the particular regard which thfo court on every ocofion eutfitalns U w.uds KINGSTON ^#ATF' T?» T 11 E A 1 B £ I ..... i * • OM MONDAY EVENING, Th: 22:' Of ipRJl, Will b< perfovmed 'he CQMEDTid ■\ CURE FOR IHE H A C H To which wid he added the F-riR.CE of Love a la Mods. Doors to be obene.-i at SIrXy ptformance +o Commence at SI1 VEN" ' Tickets to be had at Mr. jBacaaW's. I Admittance i\ the Boxes ift fid'urf^ will he One Dollar ; Plr ff^u a Dollar. • ■ £TNn Money to be faked at the Door. ■ T/MB \\ Qi1 n ■ e-.i F.:r e 0'ial- I .,. A Sir.—I have learned with furprifc that C :lo. P T11P l J"'lu':!,e» nnf third *'*^ f% he 30 feet lou.r, Red Pin? j™1eth'"^",ie xvcw j. L.ir,* 1 other 40 tcei loj g. J Any pevfon -.vifhrr-^ to deliver a iWcmrd quantity of the faid timber mitS ten 'e. for two thirds Oak and one third White Pi ;e. Sealed Tenders will be received at this C * jgfi *d) • ' Ornn^fno'! of cria'irs th'- fr.oft atF-vciousj s ^1 .n;n im* . V* w....... ^ ca'red f nth tlu: bcil uk*t* of the gent e- Sir, YORK, April i, 1816. man wuo phy< d the part of G,:na;v.;n^:nu %bo playedit 10 a Ityie v-hichn » «W|!« to mWine could be excelled. Chal.neU si.d ditcvftrneu; were obfe:v.::,K- thu-u^hn;.t the irtereiH- ehaui^r rti Loue^^v oeh wa» piayco wi(K gtcai d:am ul eiuc—the fe-tt feene was V. t>t c an - — ten occurs of ,In.;.ingthe (<#! nnrnce o, fcmak rbamarrs to gentlemen^ l ni c,dtv, however, w:.s on the pr.Cnt occ;-lion ma.k^dby partieutai excel- ,rS and culled forth t|w'«Ht ulatvciu „ the auWe. Otur ci tfe i/-^ $?* ulu.:,that .€c. then,{VKes •^nv.t: iue- lvicaUn;,ciati...nsi^ thc^^edlty ^t oF* 1 L ....^rx.t^A f^i . I - I'M** i nis oral* <o^U*1 avoided by thevariom and m,i tclv ^kntsofrluuent^cm.n to w.iom t . e 1. .-•->-• r.fii<r -ed. The pa:t of Lady Kind.-.'lph was c^'diuctinvr oovTrms of hope, anxiety, and alarm, preceding the deaih oi her ton, and ihe -"la attend?.!.! on that event, aiTo-ded this c'-ntlcui.'.n an oppurlunHy wuiua was Ont loft, of difplaying hi.' iliini'.g abilities in the dra-i 3tic ii.'e. Tin- chf'actws of Cord Raiidol; h, of vld Noi-v?'., and ol An.ia, al- lhv>ugh of left c mlVqeence in *he perform- ance, were uipported wi,h ..qu.'i fucctfs, T.\d affoi ded the audianee an additional opportu- nity of admiring the iukuts cf the gentle- men who played them. The dfehes were el.-gant and appropriate-—the fcenery which had been prepared for the occafion, letrr.ed t" have De-n executed by the hand of an ar- tiil. The regularity evii.ced m everything relating to the theatre proved that the man- ap^mcut ci it was in the bands of a mailer of order and «-!egan?e. Th. evenings arnufemenr. ended with the ** recitation" of a favorite farce. CIV1S. In Eckncv'cdgino the receipt of ytir favor of ve UTdiry*a dare, . ovcrnu/ t!.v i«U>- Ir.noi..- o! the Hooft of /vliemb.'y ox t'fper CaiiHdi, exprtiSnjj the thai k- of'-thai h- or- ai'thod) to the oftiv-J-Ts, N.ni-Cvj-n.j-iMii-c.l. OfikerS, and Priv.it b of the G.€ti^ery i\t- gin-em, to< their ya> o «.o.. it e.t Ouriwg u.t la'c war wi h 'he United ftt te.. of yi'n.cika', allow ait 1.. il..i, uauic to e.p:-- sl U:u vuii' wi) convey to ine Ho« O'al le houlc ot y/<^- ecn'n.y, ijic be-artfelt fa;irfaci:on with wliiclU th.-y regard ti.is te-.inr«.i.nia'o' approbax:o?i ; ruid;r<d nice highlv cm", it vis £\i> ibeii kci~ W%* by the cireiin,.-uinee of many ci the mcu.bei° of the honfe having been t:itir com- paniolib in the a'di.oui • im^le in which it 4 * * wa, Lhe gc>d iorlnucol the Gicr.gar) LLUt Infantry to beai a pa:r. Tne particular nark o. cs.teun which the Le^ifiaAure of Upper Caivdj h .> becu p'teafed to confer up¬ on me, will a.ways he conlidored as my ;uoa- dc&t honor —In graieiuilv aceeount» it i cm* bvace the opportutrtiy of fevtrui Enji'liffe Gemlenien. arooas whoa- are General 6V Robert WiUun, Mr. Cravvfoid Brace, and Mr. Hun himVm, have been ar¬ rested this morni .c;, th.it iheir papers nave been feized, and that th. v have been convey- ed to the piiion.- oi title city under the direc¬ tion ot tin Mmi.ier of Poiice. «.-a .u n »* «* , i ~ /ft,. ^.1 , -r , j . m Yard on the fit May, exprefim ' the prices fin \ have repeated y maniresteo to your r ... . . . j1 '..•-> rr i- \ > .• j* t> *eir de.iMrrjiiff it in or 01.tt/t iiie wafer, when lLxctluncy my octernnnation to extend, the * .1 ° - ' j<t"ottc.tioM of my fovcrcgn to no perle.n wli.'.it conduci e danger., the faf«ty m this Govjinment, 1 llmnid have beer, ila.ui._d, if a1- Britilh amb 'f.dor at the Court of Fran*, e 1 had been l.o:.oi d w'th a cotnfitqnication f»*om your Excel ciicy, which mi^ht have pievei.ieJ tlic iico-iiiiy oi an ofiieial explana¬ tion of the moiivc; ibv a proceeding of tiiis na' me towards iudividiials v.moie lervicers and rank in lome meafurfe guaianiee the loyalty ol tiien conduct. the panzer aic requeued to atuu i. EWIf. LAWN, A^cntfor receiving ibejV.d Ttmfrr, Naval Ya:d- Kin.jiUi.., *) J , Jitni 20, 18 i 6. j" *6t* "VALUiBLE ROPE~WlLK^' - PHE ful-kiiljcr offer-i f.rlVe OBr&fgfN* • « /^ Paris paper'fays, " that proof h^s al¬ ready ween ob-.u.ieo, that o..c ui the... oci- fiuully ailillro in the tfeape of LavaleUe ; t -at h: frpplied hini with the uniform oi an l.n.dilh G'.m -ral, and a paifpt)it f'-.ni: the am- baii.ir.or, autl ef© ited litin as tar an the fron¬ tier, wearing lifmiciftht dlltiutttvfi mark^of feiaraniij and bctug accunipauicd by un Uiii- ctr ct liis naf.itin.,; • ♦ • • • » • • i • • • CORRESPONDENTS. " Clfcrveri' two pieces have come to hand ; and although he may diicover fume merit hi his productions, we ready do not and have therefore laid them " up to dry J? ,:-^ DIED, In Ernest T>wn 0.1 tiie 1 2th i-.itant, ?-!ifs brace the o.pom.my ot oeciarmg aiat 1 R m , ^ eUc(l ^^ co„hde. this dlitmguiihed o.vnuv a, a reward ^ ^ bs ^ rvin Fail:ai> Efq; one of the obtatnec^by the zeiioyn, exc.rt.ons ana cordial ^^ j parliame^ r<<-ooert tion ot 1 he Giiiv.eiS I have aaa the , •• . _.• ...j.._. i_a \.i» iir.n:.,^ having orieina'dy beionged to tlie'lstc \V .1- limn MilU, .-,f »« -•-. ,1-.-, 1-, .. r- foi.f was carried on, on a moil extenfive and*. advantage- us 1 a e Any Gomnmuications on the l*r:: jv^, di- refted loth? fnbfciibei, aid p (t paid*9 w 11 be duly attended t^. J \MES GORDON. Amhri-Jibnrihs U. Ci.'UiJi I i6;/» Much, iS16. j 4^,:-'4- • Kingston, April 19, iX;6. •yHE OMtrers of, and S-bioiber- t... the *■ Midland Diftrift Sch-ioJ Society, are requeued to attend at t^- Efifoonal Chnrrh in the town of lihigftoi) on M-mdiy the I '..'.6 Man 1816, a' the hour of fweUe o «i k, tor the uurpoie 01 examimag the annua, re¬ ports of the Society, and of eh, 0^4 a Pre- . fident. Secretary, Treafoie-, ^nd h>: litis- tees, Cy order oft&e Prendei>t* »---*-^ W? ^ci*J^^W^-^^---' ■ — _- «.-V ^ •• " *?V - GLENGARY REGIMENT. TORK, ut April, 1816. I have much pteafwe. in communica- filR, co-oper«-lion of the oScers 1 have had tiie honor t'.' « ornmand, and by the v.dour, steadi- i;ef5 and ioidieriike qu.oities (»t l.'.e brave Canadians who filled the ranki of tin Glen* gary Regiment 1 thank )0u, fir, foi the very handfome terms iu which you are plea fed to exprefs vow individual feeding towards rr.yfe'if and the Corps, and acn9 with fincere esteem, vour iro.-[ obedient 4 humble fetvant> FRANCIS BAT TERSffl, Lieut, Colonel', Gle-.gtiry lJ. Infantry. ALLAN SPLBJ& 4/7 Speaker of the lioife of Aj/embly. members oi Parliament. In this town, on Sunday sail, Mr, IVliham GUhfpie^ in tiki 65th yearot hi; age. A LONG LEASE, on moderate terms, may be had of an extenfive building lot, nearly an acre, in the vicinity of lvngl- ton • tin eafy terms, either on long leafes or tale, Api'iy to Mr. Miles.—april 20. AD 6 "Willmm :v;i:k.rii.l, hecy. 4 w - M ,__.,lso feveral Lots of one, two or •■'** fifths ..fan acre each, may be had on 46a ISSED.ontiie loth in ft. and fuppo- ____fed to have been Hole;., a Nu L'E, payable to James Norn's or b. art, for e:e v. en pounds fifteen hh'Tinrrs S^ued^by 1-J'a ao Hough ; there 3ie two eu.Ioifem^n :. on fa id Mote. 1 he public is hereby cftwtiomfd h- catrll purchaffng it-, a- rneafnre- iiave alrea¬ dy been taken to Itop the piymcnt. FRANClij CaRLLSLc. 1+ Kingston, \\th April, 1816.___ 46^ ~ O^T^Qa Thurfday ^Evtning la!:, fom<- where about the Goal, two Le.f- running from Government to Stephen *• 7 — r^ Fairrieid, and rehafed from the faid Fatrfchl to me ; alfo, a Contra l.t bet we n D.micl We are much pleafei to find fuch an hon¬ orable tribute paid to the acknowledged worth of Lieut. Col. Battel(by, and the «...........-•- r ..._, , r.r known gallantry of that dtfingniuhed co^os, gallant Oflicers, Non CommiiTnmea Vtosm$ ^ Qlengary Light infantry, which will be and Soldiers of the Glenga.y Regiment ot obferve(j m 0ur columns of this day. ■ tina and fending the inclo'.ed Refolutions-by dc&e of the Houfe of Afumb'.y. Could I offer a tribute of praiie to y--n, fir, and the NOTICE. q^HE fubferibers reipectfully ^f:rm tlie -1 Merchants T.sders and thePy^ia general, thatihey have entered into c°-pait" nevlhlo, and have opened an audion room in font of the New Mmket, in && b^k pW ' ^ the fubfcribei, conc'-T^tr 3 part (f the houfe belonging to JcM »**& s.lv/.M;li% Whoever will ittu-n uu\ pa- cim, where they will hav* iCirular auctions , .., r , r -,'_ n...u. ... r ... _.......... 1 twice a week; and being that the fcni.nr fnbforiber hath been the only one in that line ofbniinefs foi a number of years, and they esDsCt by thei* stiiet attention and corertne'.s that they will have the custom of the place in per? to the f.ibfciiber, fhait receive a rew nd of Four Dollars* Thomas Parks. Kingston, April 16, 1S; 6. ^ future. FenciWes. beyond whit is txprelkd in the Refolutions now conveyed, it would be my trft wiill, 1 ftar my pen is inadequate to iealize what my heart feels on thisoecahoa ; 1 111al 1 therefore forbear, lest your extreme diffidence and fenftbiiity rnirht feel rhrence. • I have the honor to be, fir, wi h much •«oniK.1eration, your molt obedient and very humble krvant. Allan M'Lza&9 . Speaker* Commons, Houfe of Aflcmbly, Lf. C-J. Rat*eats** &c* tfc &* I>i. Reftj'vcl. That the very di-tinguiih- ed ftoviec.: of the G.eu^n.y R'oment of Benriblr L.Mlht itfai-*jat «*iu*"b !?-.i^^-- During the late arduous conteft with the United States of America, their pr vvefu in the Field was fentihly felt by the Kneniy, wherever they hr.d the opportunity of com¬ ing i» contact, and there were few occafions dm in* the war, in which they did not bear a confpicuous p:-.:t, never filling to evince, that tins infant colony, can fun ifh Herling (luff to protect its liberties, whenever iaiult- cd by a jealous foe. Imprtlfcd with a jufl fenfc of the import¬ ant fervices of this le-riment, we fully think it highly merits the encomium*, and marked diflmotions which it ha? pUafed the Honor¬ able the Houfe of AlTembly to bcltow upon John Darlft, John D a n ca v, Auctioneer s^ Kingston, 10th April I 8 16. N. B. The days of att&ions are fixed on Tuefday and Friday. . 46 ' PEASE, rpWO Hundred Bufhels Prime Boilers, * for (ale by Patrick Smyth. Kingston*' April 19. 1^16________46 WHEREAS LlZABETH, my wife. h:s hft my bed and board,tn my abfenee, »:thwit k: ■ NOTICE. THE Congregation of St. George's Churcli, in Kiurv-ton, arc requested to a?tea9 a meeting in faid Church on Monday, the 22d inst. tor choohng Church Wardens, and other p.irifh bufmef. By order of the Minister and Church Wardens. HEN'RY K,MTnw r!:-i ■"'tr tl lea'.t provoeatiottj aud has cani : rF eve aitic'c-. belon.inu to me ; .thi* i--> tln-ef > e •.•; to forbid all pe.tons haiboii.tg or -ufU her on my accoont, on p .in of bei pro'.Vcu-ed to the utmoil 'i-:o- of tic l.t v. I (hall pay no debts of her conn«ciii-g a ter thio date.

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