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Kingston Gazette, April 20, 1816, p. 1

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• • • 1 -»• ■ [SATURDAY, April 20, 1816.] '*2§&t. ' * [VOLUME V.-----No. 46.] &»*& ■ . « 3L ' Kingston, Upper Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars per Annum. v j *r* -* -v -"-.^. "*>*".'*;■ T'.; «»->^** V3 e Price of adverting in the Ga%e!(s. Sh Vines and ittidef, 2/6 firft infertion, and _very fubfcqnenr. Ten lines and under, $fy fit ft infertion, and i/"S every fi»bfcv?utnt, Ten lines nnd upwards, Ac!, per line firft infertion, and id. per line every fucceeding ififertion. , . A dvertifements unaccompanied witn writ¬ ten dii-c&i<>»* are incited till forbid, and abaiged accordingly. R John D 7 A' / 7 ra r 7 "* T ILL be open every Monday from I l /V o'Clock A. M. uolil i o'Cluck, P. M. at the C uirt Ho-ofe. Sub-fetation, for Reading will be receiv¬ ed bv the Trc-afurer. W.n. Mitchell Elq. at tbi.tv {hilling per Year, or ten (billings per Quarter, pavahle on fubferibing, and a de- M& left with the Tvcafarer of Five Pounds a^af-,retya,aIn(tthelofs f**f* £«£ feriber. are to confer thcmfelves lubject to the rules of the Library. Perfons having in their pofllS^n 'Books belong to thn Library are tvqueticd t.0 Ktwn th«n into the library vabudi: delay. niiA RLES ANDERSON, &<v. f informs his friends and the public, that he has received from Quebec and Montreal, an elegant af- fortment of Mirror and dreftrig GLASS¬ ES, from one to co dollars each, of the firil quality ever in Upper Canada,—Bell Tur¬ key Carpeting, Furniture Paper and Bor¬ dering, Ladvs work* Card and Cotton box- ea,—Curt fa pins and Rings, Bell pulls, Brafs Nail-3, 5c Hat Pins. An aflbrtment of La- dvs and Gentleman*' Beaver Bonnets and Hats,— Boxes uf Colours, with Camch hair Pencils—Crockciy and GUtfsware, && &c. ALSO, Jamaica Spirit0, Brandy, Holland Gin, Peppermint, Shrub and Ir.'ih Wh;fkey—all which he will fell low for Cash only. New Cocnmiffion Store, Kingftm, March 2, 1816. jrjtf DANIEL BKOWN, (nigh Robin/on s. Brewery,) HAS juft leceived, and for fale, a large and very valuable aiTortment of Garden S NEW GOOD o. d F Qf every kind necefiary for the molt ex* tenfive Gardens. Am<>n£ them are nine different kinds of Lettice feed, early, late and red Cabbage, Culbflower, Savory, Kail, eight kinds of kidney Beans ; early and other Peak, Wind- for Beans, Celery, Garrett, Parfaip, Spin- age, Parfley, eatly and fate Turnip, long Prickley Cucumber, Squafh and Melon feed, Thyme, Marjoram, red Sect, &c. &c. £ 1ar"-e part of tht:n were imported di¬ rect from" England, and the others were ra'f- ed in this country, and are all of the beft. kind- and fir*! quality. Ki.)g(lon, Feb. 26, 1316._________39 Have just recleved a genlp.aIi assortment of ry AND Groceries : To be Lc For S 1 K'ngilon, 1 (I Feb. iH ;6. 35 if - • HE Farm now occupied by John La- _ Pi-it, being the eaft part of lot num¬ ber fevtnUtn, in the fecond cmctflion of the townlhio of Kindlon. For die term* ap- ply to the fubfcrihei. 7 HO MAS MAR KL AND. Kfejcftttt, 19th Feb 1816. 38 By Among which are the following articles :— Superfine and comm >n Bto3^ Cloths; Whiie and black Cotton Cambrick* ; Superfine drtffM and undrt -(I'd Calicoes; Black silk, Madrafs and Cotton Bandar na Handkerchief-: ; A v-trieiy of Shawls and Vctl.hgs ; "" Large damaflc si k Shawls ; French Camb'ick, fur Handkerchiefs ; Fi.-.e Linen Carnbriek and UpB.e iVlC^? ; MONJE AU & St GERMAIN, Spirits, Rum, Brandy, Shrub, Gin, Pep- permini and Wines. ALSO, An affurrgieat of Black, white & changeable col Twilt'd Sarcenetts ; jBlack Mode ; uftrii. '< L J ' D N • 7 LI PcrO-ms indebted to the F-ftate cf _, ... D;i(!\or Anson Smith, eececiUd, aee reqnc'.lrd to make insmediate payment to- Ai!a.\ Mac'.ean Kfq. and thufe who have ■dciirnd-t, are requetieti to exhibit the fane for adj nil meat. MARTHA SMITH, shlmin'istratrix. Kuigfton, Feb. 2, 1816. ^^^_ 35 For Sale, •W?. ^'v'ti bait of lot number nineteen \r\ the fecond conceffi -n ot the townmip oi KiioQon. Ap'.dy t«> the printer K'ui\r<ion. 7u!y 10, 1 S 1 5 Hy. Win. Wiliuinson, Jc Co. HAVE just opened a' the (hop lately oc¬ cupied by Norn<Ki bcthune, & Co. an e&terifive afibrtiiventJoi Dry G( Goufimmg of every article in that line futt- ablc u. the facfoa. Wgtther with a very choice aT.rtmct Silk^ Sztu^, barUew. ns C AND H ods. Too numtr -u« to menti m. Ki .: t .11, 3g-h Feb, 1816. 39 A number of 1'own Lots bear the French Crapes, Thread Laces, " limmn.g'i, wv^.' Lace Veils, iilk Skawii, Scarf., chiefs, T.ppet,, &c St* I-Ia-mke . I 1 w Church. The terms of paymx nt «ill be made eafy. H. EARL Kino (ton, Sept. 23, 1815. 16tf. 1 AL -0 *■ ' 11 ctf. F Sale, VERYioW forcaftut* nn..a kiudi of Country prortuo , U.vce el^-.nt -v»oJ- e„ cV.ck,. W8rra»t«.1 to keep r« «•*■ Enq.urc cf Iffr. Prfer V«n »k«w « A**- ' K!nPn..n, r^t«teJ»»fe,-----2-+-.f-.- 'uft received and tor Ma at this Oifice, OO REAMS WRAPPING V-x -rv 1 r\ r* n (7 E'lrmraimr?, yru's & Lim Whiih thev will Mi on ffee pvifft r,-alu„,a- ble t-rms wliolefaTe mo retail. Kin"*n>n, 19th January, i8-v6.____3 iitf. fHti lobfcriben keep conftantlyoij hnH, in their Shoo, ai tlV: u> >f the Wiltt Bear, n variety ot W •tjri^o, VViudior, Rock and Children's chair^. BUREAUS for &fc« Shop Md« «S**gJt -0 ( H j a to e s ffett for folcthc fotW'OK J-«';'.rv. v.,z. K'w'Sion* \6'b ^{<ircb. 41 \ CHE A PAPER. A OUANTITY OF- WRITING PAPER Of Quality No. 2, 11 Reams Writing PoftNo. 2, ^ ditto ditto uncut. pin GoUChainsVSeal and/Kef* cdewt±& m piam Gold Kif ^«^» ^"f^*^* bera.tdjctt do. Pearl jett and Lrold bv--a. ches;do. do do. ?:,% Tyoaz and P:ar fens ; Peaii jett and Cornell* Slings; gjoid Buz Riftfts; Ladic*^ and Gentlemen's plain do.amb.-r Neeklaces; gold »d ename^d Facce Mdnteee; Do Lockets ; Sjwr^lt Snuff Bow, Mo-KmngCettS:? gdt K^m and Ear Rin^s ; hlver fruit K-uves, ^d Fountaii Pen.; do Spoo^ filtsrand ^a. A r the SWC of M-.ffrs.H. W. WIL- ^ K1NS0\T & Co. a larjie Quantity ji Sweet-fcerited Virginia, Gentlemen's fine buck, doe-(kin and bea- ver gloves ; Ladiea5 black, white and fancy c >lo*/<j Silk do. Ladies' fancv aff »rted Kid do. r Bdackj blur, gvten 6k scarlet Bcmba7:ett« ♦ White Ihatloon siik Velvets and Cotton Shirtings; Fine Ififli Linen, Ruffia, Initati.n and Scotch Sheti^g ; Black and white Jeans, Dimities and bla* k Crape ; . Jackonet and B-mk Minim.-?, LenoesJ Ginghams, Ribbons and ^ac-.s: . Fiie plated furr and wool Hits ; Oil d* Hat Coveis. AL SO, Hyfon, "I Yu.;:i(; Hyfon, V TE IS ; And Hvfon-skin J ; Plug, pifttafi "d ladita^ tw • ;-ubacco, . High j rp f old J imaiea Spirits ;' Cr/niar Brandy, Holland Geneva; J%nib.| P. rt Wine. The above goods, together wi'h a vauety of articles not m- ntiowed, will be fold at the mod reduced prices For caflw We t itler out thankftd ackuowied^ remn t<> our eii* tomefs f>r pall f;tvorK, and fo^icit a continu¬ ance of their fuiure patronage. Kingston^ 6th Jug.si, 1815. 9tf.. _______ . ^ V F Sale, ^quantity of 0-i fail ^..Ipndfouare Timber w.thrn fuitable ior Staves and (quare Timber w,thin a reaf^- call at this Office or at Mr. Jotcuh Valb.r s gonfe. Kingfton, Dec 9, X»1J* Comraon nu^, Ladies Twift9 and Twill Tobacco; Spanirn and Amerkin Scgars, in quarter Boxes. fhe\vh.le of which will be iM at 20 x ,u«^ . . .- • , ..... - ^- , M.,, ^ cent, cheaper than can be procured here ted Speaaeles; do Se^ar Tube, and f^. f M,lk, t of tbe^ Mrtg Lie • ill Clafo, and Snap. ; Razor, ;n QT EXCEPTiNG SM0G&UE.RS. bIe'• " »-■—.■>* * nation. 2tdM*nB, 1^x6. 42 v rpol SALE, ADVr.RTiS M.ENr. J r-rrVHE (ubfcribsr oifera for fale fro the JL Public, on libeial terms of payment, the following Ion of walte i anus. f . . t cafesatid wit hour.; (p^tmen>Kntves 5 fen do from i to 16 Blades; do do with ftjtaff B^esand Sctffors; ^f^^i ^^ Trtoife Hiell Comb:,; Bell p^»H feel Sciffors: Naval gtltDhks and bets; ^ and tleeKword SvviveVM PWled, M* ana fteel overall Chains; (ling 1 eletcopes ; gl!t T 7* F S VERY valuable and jjteafaJi% fitua- ted Town Lot- For tnms aPl,ly at is Office. ' - Die. 22. 1 29'f ■■ b^ Mountings ; brafs Bor« moui^ • \£tcbes .f different dtfenVt, ms warrat,tcd CT„od: Wa.ches and CUck, of &fo«M£ Lietioas cleaned and reb.tred in the beft manner and expedition. Watch GlalTes Dials^Second, Mmufe & Hour Hands, Gold and GiU. Kingiion, Jan. 13, I-Bi6. WO very valuable TOWN LOTS, well fituated tor bufmefs. For terms apply to John Macaulay. Kingston, 22d March, 18.6. fSffj C 4 3* HE petfon or perfens tnat .er.ts Lot No. _ rt. in tbe fecond eor.ceffion, from ! ho „.« flrktand, Efq. ««* take nouee that T For Sale. On leafonable tetmf 5 Sett H iernment bouncL" me on tint ioad. SOLOMOiM ORbiLK.. Kington, March 6th, iftlfc *5« ICingfton, 4th Dec. 1815. A. METCALF. 27^f. TTAsstiilonhandacnildaa^eq,antc- JT1 tv of the bevt l A tv of the t>e^t JAMAICA SPIRITS, ,,,;,„ he i- riifc Cng ,f nt -vv-euW b) FOR SALE, HOUSE and Lot, fituated in th 'A vilhse of Kingston, now occu{.ied ;• & Artillery Officers. The Pnee Vi,i A g 750 ponnds. Peifons wifning to pmc^ Watei-FTrtev, Kiu^>tci«i, [ Kin^stoiu March ^: 1816. 4111 Hardware Store. 1 -HE fubferiber begs leave to inform E. the Public, that he has opened a Store in the above line oppoiite to Mr. Samuel Aykroyd's Store, where he offers for fale an aiTortment of HARDWARE tsf CUTLERT. Carpenters and Joiner's TOOLS ; 6 and 7 feet Mill Saws, crofs cut do ; fquare, fiit and round Iron of all lizes ; crawly and bliller tteel ; nails and fpiks of all i 1 /. s ; {hovels and fpades ; fiie (hovels and tongs j iron, btafs and bed plated Candk-llieko ; C(-ffv.-e and pepper Mills ; bureau trimmings j fcale beams and weights ; fcrew auger* ; mafons hammers and trowels ; luck* of all descriptions; window glafs ; putty; black, fpanilh brown, pruffnn blue 5c yellow paints; alfo many 01 her articles too numerous to mention. The whole of which will be fold much lower than can be purchafed at any other (lore m Kingiion. Samukl Shaw* Lots No. 22 in the 8th Cc.n. No 9 in the 6th Con. S. Weil . 2}8rh Con. No 8 Eaft § 5 th Coft. of the town- (hipofPitifburgh. also Lots No. 7 in the 5:hcor,ceffion No 26 in the 6th concciTifin J Nosz8, 29, 30,32 6c 33,in6hcoB^ No. 23 Eaft i 8th con. of PittlbUrgh. ALSO, Several Lots of Land of one and twe acres in extent, on the front of lot Number 24 in the townihip of ICinirfton, lyin^ and feltuate on the fnofe of the 1 ake. And iikewife feveval lots *»;' land of one, tw- and three acres on the vem of the faid lot No. 2±. lvm«- nnd fcituate on the road f:o:r. the town of Kingfton to the country.--1 he lots are well adapted from their frttiftfioa for buildiiig on them, and for the edalriHrnent of Gardens in the vicinity cf the town. ; Application to be made to the fubferiber. GEO. OKILLSmr/llT. Kingjlon% Sept. 6, 1S15. »<. * For S 4 A VALUABLE Farrn^ with building aUo large improvtments theivon, f& vorably fituated within 2S miles of Kings¬ ton. Perfons dc-firous of ,urehafing to w quire of the Printer. ANY Ucuilciiuu n-.^iog •- l*iq l ict or fell, within live or ten miles o* Kin^ftou may meet with a tenant or pufchaler, by «•?• plv'inj/ at thi< Oak-e, 'Kingib.u, Ma>ch ie, 1816. 15LANK. BAIL JiU DS? and 3KIFF*i SALES, Al Kingston* 28.'/; March, l$v& «w .c For tale at this Ouiee.

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