^ -. •*• SkBf ^ i: -^-' JT [SATUH0.W, A:mui. i 1816.] [VOLUME V. ,..-.*-• <n o '# k * *■•» fl h A * . KnrtWTOir, IjraHR Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars per Annum. jPW/:<? of jaViTii/ng la to J Ga-zclic. Six iiitea and under, 2/6 fir it inlenion, and l/s{ every fubfeouent. ' Ten lines and under, 3/4 firft infertlon, and i/"8 cwy fu'.O.quent. Tc: iir.>:.-; and upsv^'ds, 4^/. per line firft VjrVru-Mi, and 2//. pvi" Iktc every fuececding •uiVrtion. Advevtife<n&\H unacr;»..ipanied with writ¬ ten direMoua **■« iiifcrud till io. old, and ;.,\*^sr« w«* 7:-4>*:>f-*-» »*. ?*. ^ , iharged Accordingly* n* rf/ z /ft ^ j f 0 9 1,1 i) ra ry \y 7 ILL be open every Monday from 1 i V o'Ctock A. M. uiiul : o'Clo^k, i\ M. at the Court Honfe. Sub'tcriptiotiti for Reading will He receiv¬ ed by the Trealurer. Wm. M'tcbc'l Eiq. at shirty (billies per Year, or ten (hillings per Quarter, payable on fubferibing, gud a de¬ posit left with the Trenfurer of Five Pounds as a f iretv aaainft tiie lois of Be k- Sub- icriben are to con Oder thernfclvcs iubject to •he rules of the ! ibrrn y. • Perfows having In their pofTc-fli »n Books belonging to tliH Library are leanettfd to return the'v- into the Libra1 v w'lh.nit delay. CHARLES ANDLRoON, Sec'y. ^ ■ .King(Ion, id F.b- J 8:6.______35U Notice* LL Pc-rfons indebted to the Eifate of /"\ Doctor A n son Smitr, dceea{ed, a!e tequefKd to make immediate 1 ayment to Allan MacLean FTq. ««d thofc who have demands, are requited co exhibit the fame for adjaliment. , MARTHA SMITH, A. !,n m 1st-rat rtx. Ktciffftoit, Feb. 2, 1S 16. 35 F *** S T TIE West h If nflcM number nineteen in the ("econd eoncefii-n <>f the townfhip of iCintrVn, Ap.hyV.^::?vwftcT. F VT.RYl^w f-.t enfh, of moft kinds of Country produce,tb-ee ekgant fc-oed. en cLcks wi»rwtd to keen good tt €. Enquire of Mr. P.-ter V.m Skiver in Adol- phuaowno,ofthe^b^r^RRU^ JCIngfVm, lithj^ov.^^_____a*f~ Advert Lfesicni. NOTICE is hereby g'Wn to all fucb as ar€ in any wife indebted to the Es¬ tate of the late Hading Carpenter, dccca$d, t^ke payment to the ^.berv« h,. J1Cc*rf abode in the townfhro of AmcV I;;. on or before the ftii d,y of May nex , wfunV or they -ay red .(lured tha: al Z\, demand, wiH then be placed ,n th. pof- vfhta ^torney for cc-HcAion ; .md firft d:,y ,f mlv «eXt for a,T..ft.nent. 0 ; David Hi nesey. . Administrator. ftw^^j^^SLl^ 4°6 yFrweiveS ana tor ialeat this Office, <ZO RE<iMS WRAPPING ° PAPER. A QUANTITY OF WRITING PAPER, Of Quality No. 2, Ream3 Writing Poir No. 2, ditto ditto uncut. D RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public, that he has received fiom Quebec and Montreal, an elegant af- fortirie.il of Mirror and drefling GLASS¬ ES, from one to ,o dollars each,of the firft quality ever in Upper Canada,—Belt Tur¬ key Carpeting, Furniture Paper and Bor¬ dering, Ladvswoik, Card aud Cotton box- es,—Curtiij pins and Rings, Bell pull*, Brafs Nails, Sc Hat. Pins. Jn afibrtment of t.a- dvs and Gentlemans* Beaver Bonnets md 4 Hats,— Boxes of Colours, with Camels hair Pencils—Crockery and Glafs> ware, &c. &c. ALSO, Jamaica Spirit1-, Brandy, Holland Gin, Peoptrmint, vSlirnb and In'fh Whifliey—-all which he will fell low for Cash only. New Com million Store, King/Ion, March 2,1816. jgtf DANIEL BiiOWN, fnigi) RobinforVs Brewery,J XLT AS jud teceived. and for fale, a large -*■ ■* and very valuable aflbrtment of Garden Seeds. NEW GOOD Johns & F l 1 r* Let OP every kind neceflary for the molt ex- tenfive Gardens. Among them are nine different kinds of Letlict feed, early, late and red Cabbage, Cnlliflower, Savory, Kail, eight kinds r.£ kidney Beans ; early and other Peafe, Wind- for BealW* Celery, Carrett, P.irfnip, Spin- arre. Parfley, eaily and late Turnip, long Prickley Cucumber, Squafhand Melon feed, Tiiyne, Marjoram, red ueet, &c. &c. A Jarse part of them were imported di- reel from England, and the others were raif- ed in this country,.and are all of the beft kinds and firft qnaluy. 39 Have just recievld a gknura?, assortment of D r 1 j n 1 trooa AND c wcerits Kmgfton, Feb. 26, tSj 6. - r I NHE Fa- m now occupied by John I-.a- X Pn'fe, being the eaft part of lot num¬ ber fevrnteen, in the fecond cnnctffioo of the townmip of Kingllon. For the. terms ap¬ ply to ihe fubferiber. 7NOMAS MARKLAND, Kiagfti>n, 19th Feb. 1816. 3* For Sale* 7 By MONJEAU h StGERMAIN, Spirits, Rum, Brandy, Surub, Gin, Pep¬ permint and Wines. ALSO, An affortmeat of * >. *-■ Hy. Win. Wilkinson, & Co. HAVE just opened at the ihop lately oc¬ cupied by Norman Beihune, k Co. an exiCiiiive afl"orime:.t ot Dry Good AND Hardware D i s. loo num rons to mesttoa. Kin > t -n ,.'Q !j Feb. 1816. Ainoncj which are the following • 1 ° articles :~^. Superfine and common Brond Glbtfes 5 White and black Cotton Cambr:\;k< ; Superfine dr./TM and undrefT'd Calicoes-; Black oilk. Mndrafs and Cotton Bandaa- na Handkerchiefs ; A variety of Shawls and Vem.n£s j Large da mafic silk Shawls ; French Cambrick, for HandkrrchIA~ ; Fine Linen Camhrick and ^obe P temp; Black white & changeable coFd Luihir.g- Twill'd Sarcenetto ; ■ Z?lack Mode ; Gentlemen's fine buck, doe-flcin and bea¬ ver gloves ; Ladies' black, Silk do. Ladies' fancy aflorted Kid do. Tj'ar-k, blue, gnen 5c scarlet Bom" az«it* ; White HuJloun siik Velvets and Cot.on Shirting? • aciies' biack. white and fancy cnloui'u - Coufis'.mg of every artich £L. that b'ne fuit- ab'e to the feafofi, together with a very choice :<(T it.ne:,-t oilks, Saitins, SaiTnets, Crapes, Thread Laces, Trim'ning-., ivrtaths Lace Veils, ink .Skawit, Scarfs, Handker- chieis, Tippets. &c Ac. ALO, — Hardware^ Earthnivare^ Groceries & Liquors. Which they will fell on the mobt reafo'Hn- b'e t- rw, whoiefaW and retail. Kingston, 19th January, 1816. 3+'of. ames G. Hanna, OpP'fiie Smi h bf Cwk's St<>re, -Hers for fale the following jewelry, \\7j„ Gold Chains, Seals and K«*y^> coh.m^d and plain Gold Ear Rings, Ametbyft A--». ber Had jett dc: Pearl jett and G«M Br. ;a« ches, do. do do. Pins, Tooaz and Pvarrl fetts ; Pearli jett and Cornelian Rings ; ^o,,d B« x Rings; Ladle's and GentU m^n's plafn do. amber Ne«.kli'«.s; ys-d and enamel^ , Fav.ce Montee* ; Do Lockets ; Silver girlt Snuff Bosses j Udoarning fctt> ; gi'-t Rin^) and Eat Rings ; filv«'t fruit Knives, a:ft<J Fountain Pens ; do Spoons ; iil--erand coa¬ ted Spefla^.es ; do Kegar Tubes and Phii^. ble ; it Clafpe and Soaps ; Razors $q cafes and without ; fportmens Knive ; P<.-n do from i to \6 blades ; do d^ with Sn if B xesand Sci(ToiV; Palle Cutters ; l.acHe^ T-.-TtoiC- (h U Combs; Reft p-difb- d <b <.] Sciif.)i> : N ival gilt Dirks and Be'tt> ; gilt and fteetfword Swivels; Plated, Bvafe and fteel overall Chains ; ding Felefcopes; gjjfo belt Mournings ; brefs bullet moulds . Watchea ^different defc.ioti n;, warranted rr.od : Watches and Clock- of different d^- fcriptious clean d and repaiied in the beft manner md expedition. Watch Glaffe*, Dials, Second, Minute & Honr Hand-, Gold and Gi't. Kinatlon, Jan. 1^, 1816. 32 ton. oALi', A mimbcr of T-wn Lots vz-.r the Frevh Churrh. Tne terms of oavm nt will be made eafy. H. EARL. Kingiion, Sept. 23, 181c. i6tf. AIK S T TE tublcribern k^ep conllant'y on hand, * in their Shop. »1 tht tgh € the While Bear, a variety .1 V.7 terl o, Witidfor, itock and children's chair*. -/L<r>, BUREAUS for &H Shop Pamtin.;, :ik- wTc done by C HATCH, 6P " .0 4T G11E A SA j •• s AT the Store of M Mr- H. W. WIL- KiNSON i Co. a lar^e Quantity of Sweet-fccnted Virginia, Common H11;, Ladies TwIiK atii T-vitx Tobacco; Spaaifh and American Segar?, in qiiafter Box Fine Irih ^ Linen, RuHia, Imitation and Scotch She ing \ Black and white Jeanv7 Dimities and b a^k rnpe ; ■ Jackonet and Bot-k Mufiin*, Lehcxrs ; G.inghams, ilihbons and Laces ; Fine plated forr and wool Hats ; Oil d Hat Covers. r or\ Hvfon, Y.ur. -yion, I &&A&.J And H-'fon- kin ) Pug, pigtail and iadits' twlft Tobacco j Hii.h proof old Jamaica lip.-ic- ; Cogrjiac Brandy, Hollan ) Geneva ; 5*hrub ; P'^rt Wine. Th* above go >d«, o ge^er ^i'.h 2 w;:ty of a tides not mentrated, wil! bef-i l»e m >ft reduced price: for caffe. We tender on: thankful ackiiowledyi: euts to our cus¬ tomers for pafi favors,and Tolicix a co'iuna- ance of their fnture patrp^at'fi. Kingston, dth /ivgnsly 1815. 9rf L arZe or (mall $u*M% tofrnt Pur&afirs, The whole of which will be fblo* at 20 per cent, cheaper any Matket th 111 C 14 n be procured here fro m NOT EXCEPT IN of the Unit d States— } SMUGGLERS. />r,.', 1 s 10. 4" gfajrjfat,__________ WO very valuable TOWN LOTS, Wvll fitnatel for bufine s. For terms apply to JOMN MaCAULAV. KIncrcton, 22d March, iS j6. 42013 T II 9 For S Bay of Qninty Or p call For Sale. On reafonable term?, 5 Sett H & oinnti.v of O.k fuitable for ^5 °^\\ ,;» '"O * X^i^^&Zt A. ME1CALF, For partfCli! a rfSTwifrii* to p»taft will pjnA » I:iUi Q&x or at Mr, JoiefL V-Hier « LIcufe. Kingftoa, D-e. 9, 1B15. s-tf F ■> "*♦, ^ jai '. VERY valuable and p eai- n-.ly C.ttm- +, ted Town L^t. h (Office. D.c. Ztt* Iqv tfcjms apt 9o 14 • i v at Kingfton, 4th Dec. 1815 FOR SALE, A HOUSE and Lot, fituated in the village of Kingston, now occupiej by the Artillery Officers. The price will be 7^0 pounds. Perfons wifhing to pur chafe may apply to John Brass. Kingston, Match 22, 1816. 42'Jf Hardware Store. rHEfubfcriber be^s leave to inform the Public, that he has opened a Store in the above line oppofite to Mr. Samml Aykrcyd's 5tore, where he offers for laie an Hardware u cutler^ Carpenters and Joiner's TOOLS ; 6 and % feet Mill Saws, crofs cut do ; fquare, flat and round Iron of all fizes ; crawley and biilier tiee ; nails and fpi&s of all i17.es ; (hovels and fpades ; fe AoveU and tonga j Jl0n, b-ai-and berl plated Candleft.cks ; coffeeand pepper Mills ; bu/eau tammmgs ; fqale beams and weights ; Lrew augers ; m.fons hammers and trowels ; locks ot all defcrip'ions; window glafs ; putty ; black, ipar.ifn brown,pruffian blue & yellow pain j r0 many o her articles too numerous to entibn. The whole of which wjft he I I much lower than can be purchafed at any ether ftore in Kingfton. Samukl Shaw. ADVLRT'Si.MENT. ij"'HR fubfetiber ••ffc-s for lalji t • '.he Jl Public, on libe.l tenr.se:' paytneitCj the following lots of vfte Lands*. Lots No. 22 in the jStli Con. No 9 in the 6thCon. S. Welt 23 8:h Con- No 8 Eaft \ 5th Con. of the town- ■ {hip of Pitt (burgh. " also Lots No. 7 in the 5th conceiiion No. 26 in the 6th conn (lion Nos 28, 29, 30, 32 & 33, \v> 6\\\ con- No. 23 Eaft \ 8th con of Prttibuf^h. ALSO, Several Lots of Land of one and two acres in extent, on the front of-lui Number 24 in ttie tr.wnfnip of EingQooj lyiog and fc'.ua'e on the (bore of tlie I :ke. And likewlfe feveral lotfi of Ian ! ol on-, two and three acres on tlie rear of the faid lot No. 24, lying and fcituate on the ro«<! Som the town of Kingfton to tie country.— 1 <»e lots are well adapted from their filiation (or budding on them, and for the eSlab'ifmtieuc of Gardens in the vicinity of the uomi. Application to be made to tr;e fnbicriber, GEO. OKILL STUART. Kingjlct2i Sept. 6, 1815 __________.____________________ _________ 14 For Sale, A VALUABLE Farm, with building* also large improvements thereon, fa¬ vorably iituated within 28 rriiles cf Kingti*. ton. Perfons dtfirous of , urchafing to ia ire of the Pi inter. htmston. fuFjf io.jRic _. r ff A air m NY Gentleman having a farm t-- let or fell, within five or ten miles of Kingfton may meet wan a ten ant op purchanr, 5 »p* pjv' - sis - a. Kingfton, ■ * " • «• iiLANK. BAIL BO^DS d SHLKlFF's SALES, For &ak at iki> Oific^ 4.1