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Kingston Gazette, April 6, 1816, p. 4

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For Sale, 3y the fubferiber, a few Punebeonj, Jamaica Spirits, Brandy, Gin, Wine, Shrub and Peppermint ; Loaf and IVIufcovado Sugar % Tea, Coffee and Chocolate, Indigo, Pepper & AJlfpice* Aim, A general affortment of Dry Goods, Iron & Steel. All very low for Cafh. SAMUEL MERRILL. Kingston, 2%th Dec. 1815. \ *lt£ Plank & Boards. TTT7ANTED to he delivered or the 3 : ft ii.il. and during- the month of Febiu- ary. Sealed Tenders will be received at *Jii- Yaid on the 24th ir.ft. Plank, 2 «4 n ± A- Naval Yard, Kin-non, 1 nth Jan. 1816. y 20CQ 1500 2O.64QI q8co EWD. LAWS, Naval Storekeeper. 39^ • - "William McLean Sc Co. 1 AVF juft e .awed a Urge affortment r( the f.»i* winr* Liquor* &? Groceries. J~maic:a Spirits, Cogmai; Brandy, Befr Rofiaiid CBn, P'*rt and Madeira Wines, Peppermint and Shrub, loa' and Mufrovado Sugar, King's Arms. ^ • Kne Apple, > Cheefe. Chef*-ire, 1 B!norn and Sxiflanri Raiiins, Fvfon nnd Green Tea, Figs, &c. &c. ALSO, An elegatit siforttnetit of Sflk Tnmrnines rfevery defcription, Ladi^sand Gentlemen's Black and Coloured Silk Hofe and Gloves pf a fuperior quality. As the above articles were bought at en ear'y fer.fon, wholefale purchafers cai> be fup- plfed on terms more advantageous than they now can he in Montreal. Kingston* 29th Dec* 1815. 31 tf For Sale, good T~ 1N Frederiekfburph, Lot No it, in the firft ennceffion cf faid town, containing 2CO Acres ; one hundred under improve¬ ment, with a Frame Houie and Barn there* on. There can be cut yearly 30 tons of ay. Any one deaVoirs of pur cha¬ fing can apply to the fubferiber in Csmder, qr to the Printer in Kingfton. JOHN CARSC ALLAN. Camden, January, 4, 1816. 3 I tF. JT*ST received by the fuhferi! er- a Co'n- Hgnrrent of 200 blue Ffafhfng GREAT COATS ; price feven dollars___A'fo% a few Blue Jackets and Trowfers of a fuperior quality, A, MACPRERSON&Co. Kingston, 6th Jan. 18 16. 31 tf / Rags ! Rags J Cash and the highest price paid for CLEAN COTTON AND LINEN RAG S AT 1HIS OFFICE. 300 Dollars REWARD. Tp RGKEGaol on the night of the 4th J'-' fnft and made their efcape therefrom, three Criminals, by the names of Cornelius H vvey, Jofeph M'Load and Ifaac Ingles. Vv U-ever will apprehend the above villains, and ledge them in any gaol in the Province, Ihall receive the ab« ve reward, or one hun¬ dred Dollars for eaeh man feparately. ROBERT YOUNG, Gaoler. KmgfHn, March 5., 48x6. ' 40 THtTRLOW MILLS, For Sale. A very valuable Grift-Mill for Sale* /j which has juft undergone a thorough repair upon the improvement of Bevel Geer. Such a defirable ptoperty is feldom to be met with ; it will be fpofed of by the ow¬ ner in confeqnence i mercantile arrange¬ ments ; fcr particulars and to treat for the fame, apply to ThomasColemat** Efq. the proprietor : he alfo offers for fale feveral town water lots, upon the banks of the ri» er Moira. A man who well underftands coundutt- log Carding Machines, and can keep ac¬ counts will meet with good encouragement on application as above. A fct of new Cards wanted as above. ¥ burlaw * March 23, 1816. 43'/ EOR SALE, 200 Bundles Straw Enquire at this Office. March 30. $fT Subscriptions for the specta¬ tor, a Paper lately established at St Davids, andedited hy Richard Cockrell, Esq. St re re¬ ceived at the Post-Office, Kings for. III. ■ . ■ ■■ ■'------■ ■■ - I ■ MM. sin appeal is made in the Qjelec Gazette of the 2 2 d February loft, to the Philanthropy of the Briliflj Society in the CanacLs, which forcibly calls upon the feelings and recolhH'wns of a large proportion of the Inhabitants of this provi::e in particular, to afflrd their mire In aiding a mnjl benevolent Infl'.iution eflabiifhed in Scotland* tofofler the Genus of Education and relieve from a State of Comparative ignorance, many of the remote Inhabitants of the Highlands and ffies of Scotland, who from Local Caufes are Without thofe means of obtaining [njlruction whirl' arc fo liberally extended and enjoyed in every ftoer pact of t he Britifh Do m in ions. The obj eel of this Jnjlilntion is to encourage and fiipport Gaelic Schools for the phvpofe of teaching Reading in the Mtigllfb and Garlic Languages and to procure an Edition of Strip- lures in which the Fng/if and Gaelic Jim idd be printed together on corresponding Pages* In a Country peculariy the choice of the chil* dren ofCah'donia. where they have alnrf inva* riahly been bleffhd with comfort and prttfperity* Jiichan appealcannot failin reviving the mojl grateful rcmemhranas of their native land, and Create a warm and generous define to add to the permanent happinefs of thofe who have not been fparated from the land of iheir forefathers 7 he Rtport of the Proceedings andprogrefs af the Injlitntion are to le fern at the fores of Mr. Alex. M'Dot aid, & Mefsrs. Wm. Mc'Lean & Co. who w'dl receive the fraaUefl donation and care- fudy iranfmit the fame to the agents at QgehcS-% in aid of this laudable andpralf worth defigrt. Kingston, 30th March, 18 16. N b fic£~ 43 w3 The fubferiber refpcctfuHy informs hit friends and the public, that be has entered in¬ to co-partnefhip with Mr. Ge-rge H. Det- lur, and that the bufinefa will in future be carried r«n under the the Firm of 1 HO MS 0 N isf DE TL OR. He returns his unfeigned acknowledgments to thofe who have fo liberally afforded him fupport, and hopes that the new Firm will merit a continuance of hoir favours. An it n the fubferiber's wifh to clofe his former bufinefs as toon as poffible, he will thank thofe who are indebted to call and arrange their refpedtive accounts* H. C. THOMSON. 23d Oa. 1815. 39 Notice. '| O be fold or rented, as may be agreed tip* * on, that well known valuable farm, l«?t No. 1 1 and the Weft half of Lot No. 10 in the firft conctfiion of Additional Fierier- ickiburgh, together with a good frame Houfe and Barn, good Meadows, and tw*o Orchards thereon, and about one hundred and forty acres of improved land. The pre- mifes are well fituated for a farmer,merchant or Innkeeper For further particulars ap¬ ply t<-> the fubferiber, or to D. Waihbum, Efq. in Kingfton. Michael Coyle. Kingfton, 20th Feb. 1816. 38tf ' new goods: rr^ HE fubferiber has just received afid I now offers for fale, an exteniive and Tvell chofen affortment of Dry Goods, Groceries 9 and Hardware* JLSO, A welJ chofen Afibrtrrent MEDICINE. of The whole of which will be fold at the lowest prices forcafli or country produce. Kwd. J. Henderson.- Kingston, 26 Jan ti3Tv 1S16. 34. Ht ManufaBory < SMITH & BUTTERWORTH, RESPECTFULLY acquaint their Friends and the Public in general that they have re-commenced bufinefs in the new houfe near Walker's Hotel, where they have on hand an extenfive affortment of Ladies & Children's heft Beaver Bonnets, Gentlemen's beS Beaver, Caftor, R.oram and I'lnapt Hats ; Men's, Youth's and Boy's Wool Hats. Likewife, Ladies and Children's London Fafhonable Bonnets, Feathers and Trimmings of the following colours ; Black White, Blue, Brown, Purple and Drab ; which they offer, Wholefale and Retail Br Cafh as cheap as they can be purchafed at Montreal. ft B. Cafh paid for Bea-er, Mufkrat and Racoon Skins. 2! tf. HE fubferiber refpectful'y tnrorma hi* fnends and the public that l^e is about Kingfton, 30th 061. 18! 5^ Notice. T opening a Store in front of t lie new market houie, where he will do Businefs on Co mm iff on Will buy and fell, Store & Forward GOODS Up or down the River, Will tske in any orders of any defenptien in that line of bunYufs. N. B Pcrfons defirous of committing con- Isgninentfl to his charge, may know the rates o- ftorage andcommfffion by calling at the new com million ftore. JOHN DUNCAN. Kingfton, Dec 30, 1815-. 30 r reder- 'T'EKDERS witLbe feccked at the A- * gent Victualler's Office, Point ick, on or before die 2j:h inft-'nt for the fupply of Vegetables to the Crews of His MajenVs Ships and Veffehtm LnkeOmari- o. The period of the cor.tnict, with other particulars my be known at the Office. 41 FANCY GOODS. THE fubferiber inform* the Ladies of Kingitoii and its vicinity, that he has j"ft received and has for fale the racft extcn- live affortment of Figured, Twi'M U ria\a c:TiL^.'o H RIBBONS, Shawls & Handkerchiefs Ever offered for fale in th;s place, whole¬ sale or retail on moderate terms SAMUEL AYKROYD. Deer. 1, I015. 26tf t. & 'HE fubferiber refpeflfully begs leave J to inform his friends and the public, that he ha« received a g»eat variety of Dry Goods & G rocenes ? as cloths, flannel, calicoes, ftockin^, rea¬ dy made coats, trowfers and waiftcoats, banc kef chiefs. fha\yls, linens* overfoeks, mitts, women s fhuCP, tipoet«, bomb'jz'etts. umbrellas, earthen and glaft ware, muftard, I^ap, candles, raifm-, loaf and mufcovado fagar, ^:c. ladie's trimmings for coats, clofe bmlhes, (hot. powder, indigo, pepper, tea, 6cc. and wiil be fold at the towed terms. OHN DOWLAN. J1 Kingston, 2Ctk Jan. t8i». $ 4 n o r 1 c E. ALL perfonsindebted to the late firm of Norman Bethune and Co. are requefl- ed to make immediate payment to Mr. H'y. W. Wilkinfon, who ii duly ;.:;thorifed to receive the fame. JAMES G. BETHUNE. Kingfton, 8th March, 1816. 40 New Line of St n^HE fubferiber has commenced running a 1 LINE OF STAGES from Montreal to Kingfton twice a week. It leaves Mon¬ treal on Mondays and Thurfdays at eight o'clock A. M. and arrives in Kingfton, on Weelnefdays and Saturdays, and leave; King¬ fton at the fame time End arrives in Montre¬ al on Wedncfdays and Saturdays. Perfons travelling in this line v/ill find good teams & careful and experienced drivers, with covered fleirrhs, made comfortable for the puqx-fc. Another line will leave Ogdenfburgh for Utica, every Wedncfday and Friday for the convenience of travellers into that part of the country. The Book* to enter the names of thofe who mriy vvifh feats in the Stage, will be kept aV&amttel Pledges in St. Paul Street, in Mo.-trual, and at Robert Walker's Hotel, in Kingfton. *f. BARNABAS DICKiNSOW. Montreal, I ^iaiy ill, i^^. %t Hy. Wm. Wilkinson & Co. fj AVE just opened at the (hop lately oc- * * cupied by Norman Bethune, k. Co. an extenfive affortment of Dry Goods. Con fisting of every article in that line fuit. able to the feafon, together with a very choice aff-Ttment Silks, Sattfns, Sarfnetg, Crapes. Thread Laces, Trimmings, wreathi Lace Veils^ filk ShawU, Scarfs, Handker¬ chiefs, Tippets, &c. Sec. AL SO, rdwa re. Ha Earthenware. 7 Groceries & Liquors. Which they will fell on the mcKtreafona* ble terms, whol-f-ilc and retail. Kingston, 19th January, 1816. g^tf. JOHN SIMSON TJAS received by the Fall arrivals fron_ -*- A England, and v.ow offers for fale, and- gattt affortment of Drv Good Confiftinff of f»Hoei*finc and common Cloths, white an$ calotited Flannels, Flufhingn, 3, 3 1-2 and 4, Poi"t Blankets, black worried Hofe, worfleJ Socks, boy'.- and girl's Hofe, Tartan Plaid,. Turkey Stripes and Checks, Shirting"Stripefr 3-4 and 64 GingHains, Garment and Vur- niture Calicoes, black and coloured Can- brics, 6-4 and 7-4 Printed and Imitation Shawls, Bandanna and Mad-efs F*ar.dker. chiefs ; white Cotton ; Leno, Bocit and Spriged Muflins ; Dimities ; Thread and Cotton Laces ; b:ack and coloured Velvet; plain andfigur'd Satu'n, Twil'd and ^ pla'n Sarcnets ; " Lufires ; TahinettB ; Imitation- Sarcnet' ; Poplins ; flifc Nett ; black Crape; black filk HandJcei chiefs ; fewing Silk? ; Ribbons ; and a number of oiher ufeful ar-* liclefi to be difp -fed 1 fby wholtf^le,on rea- fonable terms for caflt, or flioit approved credit. t United State's Bank Paper ta«en mpay* merit, by allowing the difcount. $2tf Water'Street, Kingfton, Jan, 13, i8r6. James G. Hanna, Oppofite Smith y C-oVs Store, OflVra for fale the following Jewelry, vir. Gold Chains, Seals and Keys, colored and plain Gold Ear Rings* Amethytt Am. her a«r! jrtA (Id. ^QStiij^ftc *Mi Qa]fL SfJ. cues, do. do do. Pins, Topaz and Pearl fetts ; Pearl, jett and Cornelian Rings ; gold Box Rings ; Ladie's and Gentlemen's pU,'n do. amber Necklaces; gold and enameled Fnuce Mcntees ; Do Lockets ; Silver v'i\i Snuff Boxes ; Mourning fetts ; gilt Rftunr and Ear Rings ; filvcr frr.it Knives, and Fountain Pens \ do Spoons ; fib'erand bla- ted Spedaele*? ; do Segar Tubes and Thim¬ ble ; rift Clafps and Snaps ; Razors m cafes and without; fportmens Knives ; Pen' 60 ftom 1 to 16 Blades ; do do with Snuff Boxesarid Sciffors; Pafte Cutters -f Ladies' Tortoife flit-U Combs; Bed policed Reel Sciffors: Naval gilt Dirks and Belts ; gilt and ft eel fword Swivels; Plated, Brafs and fteel overall Chains ; fling Telefcopes; gilt be_J Mountings ; brafs bullet moulds • Watches of different defcriptions, warranted good : Watches and Clocks of different de-~ fcnptions cleaned snd repaired i» the befr ■ a manner and expedition. Watch Glaffes, Dials, Second, Minute $; Hour Hands, Gold and Gilt. ^Kivg^on, Jan. 13, 1816, Jf For Sale, _ On reafonable termp, 25 Sett Heavy DUTCH HARNESS. A. MEICALF.- Kingfton. 4th Dec. 18 ry 2Jtf. BLANK BAIL BONDS, and' SHERIFF'S SALES, For sale at this Office. TAKE NOTICE. STRAYED from the fubferiber in the ■ month of Jan. la ft. a dark colored Cow, with a white face, one lame hind foot on ac-- count of her due claw being frozen and grown out longer than the other. Whoever will give information where ft»e can be found fliall be handfomelv rewarded by the fub- ienber. David Burnside. Kingston March 18. J 8 t 6. A^v% FOR SALE, A MOUSE and lor, iituatedin the village of Kingston, now occupied by the Artjl'ery Officers. The price vrlll be 79c pounds. Perfons wifaivj to purchafc may apply to John Brass. Kingston, Ma rcb 2tt 1-316. dtit

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