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Kingston Gazette, April 6, 1816, p. 3

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1 » . "• rcfhi i from "hn^hter at the ridm'3*H* note, in w'lii'.h he give* Bi lo fin.cri!.,...] ihat woen Alnrtl Mater I c wnrcnnvp".!!"*! 1ik» a f n it hi trtharti'Tvej wit th<j met -line of:!i.fieult pafla- ,s jn learned aurli'HS with thi foveaf of his bro-w ! Surety the cade originally denounced z.-w\\\ Ad'-n ivi tntmkd ouhl*piJllenty,kasi aWr.htw-a w:th r.i uv th-m <>• diWy (evrn'ty on the bead ofiki-ut* FateJ hvlivilua' ! I rouft indeed aw w that 1 am invfe'f very r.u.ch in- ' I 1 | . • fay T on Tbch occafintw, and if I fail in the- convent nnkrd; 38 they never fleep in &un$ pexfoi maoec'of one tittle 'f my promifeaj' clothes. Thofe that W-MC burnt **•»•«• •>"" when put to the teft, then all the world may exclaim again It me and lay that my name is noti ,Timothy Peaslblossom. Ernest Town, $d April, 8 i 6, P> etiiu'd to c ii filler him suiitr of a trifling ex- C* eratiJii, for I cannot lupp le that a: y paf- ■>uld ;d A. it it W1^ tT fajfecoukl nave roquueu mucii hammeringi v.liiie there was llatioiud at his *-lh >w hii favorite bo k m*i reaiy a Hill ant, a ^uotaiton piShnarj. 'Nor cm I conceal my futpieion |]iat this bonk was the'true and only Alma Mater, to whofe f iltei?' g care, ru (lands in* dehted £>»• his whole fund of literary ac¬ quirements. A fter examining attentively his prolix af- lertijms concerning 'ihs ile.m boat and duly cot.u lerlu^ theit tenor, the following fimple "queues will narura^y arife in the uvud of every on prejudice-. I reader, Wb > U the wri¬ ter a .id what ate his motive"* ? Can he be what heaflVrts, a disvu'er fl<d perfon \ The reply to fuch i terro^atoriv^ will i-eadtly prefent itl' If, a d will doubth f' be to this effect,— The dmnrereftednefa and sincerity of thai man may piftly he difpnted^ who abafes him- It by diffeminaiing f wifehood, and by afper. _ to the utmoft of his power the charac¬ ters of respectable peri'ons from wh* m he has never received the flighted caufe cf of- fence. Some motive f>r fuch unwarantable <condu& mttfi afTuredlv exift, and what it snay really be, I leave id be inferred by that fesernng judge, the public Having now 1 truft put your readers fuf- Sciently on their £'>ard, aa to the iutentio ,s o\\h\«. counter ft! u B»lXo&9" I have attained the objec't for which I appeared m your pa¬ per. J. uSal'i Uenccf»rth bid defiance to the il'iheral re&c&fofia, the groimdlsf*? i:ifi^--.ati- ons, and in fluvrt to the itt^tffi '-fFortJ* of that "vind-'Rive maVce i'nrn rei.t in the n:\tur? of this eehforious writer. His future eiTofio »s I fhali te^ard as the ravjuga of a fp'enctic afid diiiem^ned iina^iuatioii, and they witi ac« to'dinaly receivefrvni me th?t decree ofat- te-i.i'.uj which is proportionate to their red tneriis, fo.i I Ih'ilt invariably treat them with •fdcut aad profound contempt. CAKDIDUS. '<iris jfan. I 2 —It is now (Vongly re¬ ported that the #-itifh troops are falling back upon Paris. Orders have been given in feveral of the village* about the capital to prepare for the Englifh the quarter* al¬ ready occupied by them. The month of January has been long looked to by the Pa- rifiansas pregnant with feme extraordinary event ; any public occurrence of the le?:(l importance, or in any degree indicative of a revolutionary movement is enquired into with anxiouscurnfity, and the confequence is, that the mod alarming, but in general the mod extravagant rumors are afloat eveiy day. Even the terror of the law againft the pror>a- gation of feditioua rumo's is not fufficieit to redrain the public curiofity and credulity of the French. " This defign is even Incited upon as ha¬ ving difclofcd itfrlf in the violent fpirit chat has broke out in the chamber of Deputies ; the reported return of the j9rit = (h troop*ii attributed to the King's f.ars fromthi* qusr- tr-r. The palace of the Thulleties U ftrongly guarded ; there are at leaft four hundr d m;n, cavalry and infantry, of the new army, bar¬ racked round the Palace ; but the only qrar- ter from wh'ich real danger appears, is fwm the revolutionary party. " There are no longer 5onapartifls and. Republican*, they have formed a coalition, and openly call themfelves—*'the admiiers of the revolution.' The general diltincVon of political opinion h Royaltfts and Amide la Revolution. This party was active, cV- ino, even under #ir.aparte, and is inw ftiengtcned by the acceflion of his adherents. The French government it is fsid, hasal- ready difcovered a fyftem of affiliation fc mon.^fl them. Tisey iul>ant]y recog-'.ze each other hy-fignaj like the Free Maf-os, and are fworn to fecrecy. One of the w.Vccn words is iviiJ to be—i U lion endarmi ' il So extenfively has this fyftem fprcad, that it has reached even the barracks, wfene were icea at the windows till th- flnne- con fumed them. There was no means of favin^ tht-m, as the windows were (trongly grated with iron, and only one door which they could get out of, which was tntitely enveloped in flames. The fire was occafioned by a nun's making fvvcetmeatn She had placed her « ■ r • - r . __ roN-AMViiiw^ H E A. T R E ON MO\'OAY EVENING, The \ sib of *PR/L. Will h<- pekot i-.erf the TR.1Gh.Drof DOUGLAS-..- She riarj place fire on a table, in a fmall earthen ftove, and mn-r c \ left it unextinguished ; the heat of the ftove To which will be added the FARCE oft the ' ' - • ' ' -- - Boarding Houfe- o made the refill in the wood to fry out ; it is fuppofed a cinder had fallen, and the con¬ vent being built of the fame kind of wood as the table, it was foon in a blaze. The next night we had a tremendous fall of rain ; the watrr-couifes were filled, and run a different way ; in confequence of which fourteen per- fons were drowned in their houfes. 44 The fales of y/mericam produce is very dull at prefent, owing to the market being overftocked." Doors to be opened at SIX, performance to eommence at SE VEN. Tickets to be had at Mr. Macaulay's. Admittance to the Boxes in future* will be One Dollar ; Pit, Half a Dolt ar. CS"C4o-Money to be taken at the Door. inea u> an ciiuruiuua micul, uy »«•»•■ in office ; the evidence of which the •' hitherto been too fuccefsful i < devifing T fee hv ynir. Mr. Pr.iKrra. r.-Tal| Gazette that the " True B it on*1 h\* himlelt undertak.'n t • point Ovit a vcncly fur the ni-'Oi'vei.ienee of widen t COmplained' This a6t >f kind icfs and con defcention rtfl.clion him the greatest honor and t tender him my thanks f >r his uneom- rr\ n civility to unlettered p-o;)^ He has been graci->ufly pleafed to tell us that he h.'lh'&es there is fuch a thing \\\ the town of Kingltou as a Quotation Dictionary, by which I prefumehe me;,-n« abo<-k, coft- tatning a collect: >u of phrafe^ a-d ientenccs iehe'ted from foreign language-j, with an En * r____ 'a!i% tranfeu.* itti«»* I" the paforw 8 ' ofthischa iuhli ad. h^ever, he ha* -V to Kingft»" fov the purpoie '» "="^'"S ;Jrv (h.»p in the place, and if I fl»,uld not .» .,. for We in any (hop, I. will f .How rate as a dunce, ami y«n by a dexterous u of a Qjotaiion Dictionary* he may wear the ap0earai.ee of hein^ wondrous learned and witty. A* foon, Mr Printei, as the roads become tderably good, 1 will make a jo.ir- cey to Ringilon fjv the purpole of fearching he pl'atlOll IUI la**. ... _-y the advice of the " True Briton,?-and apply io-Mr. Candidus, who may perhaps poilcfs furfi.-ient influence to borrow it from 1-me Gentleman in the town. In cafe all thefe endeavors mould prove unfuccefsfnl, I. muft in the lad refort apply to the " True Brit- en" himfelfj who I am certain will not re- fafe me the loan of bis copy of that work, and then with ic in one hand, and a giey goofe Squill in the other, 1 am bold enough to fay ■ . wiihout a fpak of vanity, that I hope to be- . •d-me in a (kait ti'ne as wife^ as my kind friend, who by the bye if I may compare great thinirt; with fmall, refembles very much a Jack Daw flrutting in bonowed plumes. 1 mull avow my utter inability to exorefs *in appropriate terms the gratitude with which tny heart isburtling for his good lervices in recwmmending poor inquifiave Timothy to ihc [\]\)^ lucrative iituation of Butler or » Steward on board the Steam Boat. Such an overwhelming ad of benificenze could not Surely have been performed on any ordinary bccafion. and 1 am confident that the good cr-'ature's heart mutt have been expand d by the kindly infi.ience of generous wine. It mud have been the ove.fl >wing of a loft fpir¬ it, »u the hour of convivial hilarity. 1 can only find wot as to lay tint it was ditcovere 1 by the eovernment. it 16 r c i« it i in coulee] lence or this dtlcovery, that a n "Ti¬ ber nf French officers have been arrcled within the 'all few <.J.ays. Paris i» r\i:l as full of French military as ever Sczrc\y any of the Officers who feeved Boiiapatrte have been received iot > the new auny uuy are to be feen Wandering about ii ali qu»*r* ters, wearing the red ribbon of the Legirou of Honor ; they look at the officers of li'.he royal army with envious dcrifion. The hat¬ ter have as yet fcareely acquit ed the air of foldiers, and thry are for the moft part, front! the province™. 44 Nothing has been lately heard of L.a* valette ;—a very humorous caricature of ihis efcapc is privately ci-c>rlatcd ; it reprel'^uts him efcaping in a £rotefque female difgni^e. too palpable to co-.ce.d him, and followed by a dog, holdi'g a (lick in it» mouth, wAh a hmthorn at both e.ids. This dog is call¬ ed tin cheiii Barba, and intented to repre- fe:t 6'arbe Marbois, the Mini tier of Jti&i<t. whofe conniva ce is reorcfented bv the two lai therhs, with which he lights the prifoner th Tough the pafPages of the Conciergcie. London, Jan. 18. The rumor in the higlutt. Court circle now is, that a marriage is actually agreed on between the amiable Prineefs Charlotte «nd the Prince de Cobourg. This uni >n has the perfect approbation of the Princefs her- felf, and the Prince Regent has given his coufent. It wil have this important re¬ commendation to the i?riti(h people, that it b' gets no connexion with any of the prin¬ cipal powers on the Continent, by which we might be involved in their difpntes ; and the Englilh people have the proud feeling, that the prefumptive heirefs to the JfritKh throne neither requires nor could obtain any aggreu- dizement, fortune or interell by marriage. Lavalette___On the 9th in ft. the fentence of death againll M. Lavalette was executed in effigy. The fentence attached to a gal¬ lows on the place de Gieve, from ten to four was in the following words :— 44 The fentence of the Court of Paris on the 22dNov. 1815, which condemns Marie Chamont Lavalette, Ex-Dire&or General of From the N- T Evening Pofl. Intereflino extrabl from the Speech of Mr. Randolph. —The following extract contains a promife to bring foon before Congrefs proofs of fuch a fcene of collufion, corrup¬ tion and public robbery, as never was brought to lij ht before, in any age oi nation. We are well pleafed that it has fallen into the hands of fo able and fo honed a champion to expofe the frauds which ive knoivt not merely believe, but we know have been prac- tifed to an enormous extent, by men high y have g means to fnother. While Wm. ******* lives, Conorefs have it in their power tc exhibit to the world fee res of turpitude and profli¬ gacy that would almoft awaken the dead. 44 After fpecifying fome particular points, upon which he intended to animadvert on Monday, he declared that he fhould not be as libera! as Mr. Gallon was, on this occa- ii in ; he would require ft-curity—an en- dorler. That gentleman, he faid, was out in his reckoning, if he thought that govern¬ ment could be brought to account, by any provifions they could make for the pur- pofe;—for his part, he would not give a pepper-corn for their accountability.— who is your auditor ?—Who is your comptroller ?• he exclaimed. Do you Gxtjfe& any effectual control over an admin id ration, through the medium of men who hold their offices bv its gi*t, and are dependent on its will and plea- Midland Distria, 1 jp H E Court of Gen. to wit: . 3 j[ eral Quarter bef- fions of the Peace for this District, will be holdenat the Court Houfe in the. town c£ Kingston, on Tuefday the 23d day of April,*" at the hour often o'Clock in the forenoon : Therefore, all Justices of the Peace, Coro- - ners, Con tables, and all other Peace Offi¬ cers, as well asahofe that have any bi.fmefs to tranfaft at faid Court, are hereby required to take notice, and give their attendance ac¬ cordingly. Charles Smart. Sherif, Sher\fs Office. April 4,1816. 44 - NOT M <<» }r fu\v ? Look at your accounts ! They are fucu accounts as no court would receive from a guardian or executor—nor anv man ot common fenfe receive from any other pcr- fonr unlels it were in the cafe of a friend, to whom he might fay, t4 I'll take your word for it." No, no—no account can be had from them, but one geneva", fyHematic pro- fttatton of law and morals." 44 You cannot go even through the ave- nues .f thi^ Houfe, faid he, without meet¬ ing the public defpoilers with faces d-effed '• in funics, aad bodies bending into bows; but \( you are known to look deeply into them, if you are fofpected of k-epiug then fteadily in your eye, and of fearching them through—they lo >k at you, juft as the night¬ ly robbei looks at the honed mall ft", lying before the door which he wi(hes to break open—/ know .them, and the nation Jhall know them. -I (hall not be deterred by de¬ licacy, or etiquette, as it is called, from putting home quellions on this ftoor j and if thofe queltions (hall be fandtioncd by the votes of this Houfe, 1 will lay before you fuch a fcene of collufion, corruption, and public robbery, as never was brought to li^ht before, in any age or nation. 1 kn nv what I fhall have to pay for this—but I care not : had I confulted k\^([\ policy or perfonal eate, 1 fhould never have left home 1 know what it is to roufe the guilty hod. I kn w the pi ice I am to pay for my duty. I know that the affafGn of reputation al¬ ready nibs his pen for me ; but they (hall not deter me from a proceeding which I owe to my country—wheh I owe to my- feif—which 1 owe to my God." The Houfe of Reprefentatives at New- York, has rejected the bill for incorporating a Steam-boat Company for Lake Ontario - yeas 49, nays 75 * JLX. contracl for fupplying the .Nival-" Yard at this place with fuch KORSES and OXEN as may be wanted, arc requefted to feud in fealed Tenders, and to attend them¬ felves on the twentieth inftant. The contract • i to commence on the tenth of may 1 >< 16 and end on the 31ft January, 1817. Proposals by the day, and by the job for hauling tim¬ ber out of the water to any place in the Yard at per foot. A drivet to every fpan <»f- hor- fes and one to every two yoke of Oxen. Ed. Laws, Naval Storekeeper. tth April »Si6. J * - MASONS' WORK. , ANY Pcfon wi.ling to m.dntnke to build Stone Walls indifferent ^ces IB this Yard, are requeued to fend fealed ten¬ ders on the twentieth inllant. They will be expea-dto find all the material,, lit they will h*ve the liberty of quarrying Stone on the Government ground. The proooiils to be by the fquare foot. Ed. Laws, Naval Hiorekccp r. Naval Yard, Kingston,} 44- ah April, I016. j • * jj OR Sale, by the fubferiber, 30 BSla. Mefs P--»k, 40 100 Do. Prime Do. Do. Salt, 160 Do. Albany Strong Beer, 30 Do. Tar, -- 15 3° 25 .• 1 4 Kegs Tobacco, Do. Nails, all fizes, Boxes SoapJ * Do. Candles, . 100 Caft fteel Axes, .. 100 Reams Writing Paper No. !,2,&3r-, 1 2 Coil's Tar'd Rope; 200 Hoes, ■ • ALSO,. A quantity of Scythe's Sickles, Hollow Ware ; Copper Tea_ Kettles Sauce Pans; Steelyards, Qbm, Padlocks, Curry Combs, ^dzes, and other Carpen- :vs> Tools,—a la. ge quantity of Giafs of _ a ft * and and te [ ot almot\ every defcriptbn. A general affcrtment c DRY GOODS. . A few ENGLISH SADDLES, And RIDING WHIPS J ;a c ToRether with other article, not menu *c ALSO— One half of the premtfM to.- B (lioiild ',, ftv f,v luOh-ll Jn'.U to th, t.me of « j„iiymmtd%fi • y«»; ff'-»«l«. t'l f.r the pnft, aged 46 Y™™' a »atn:f ai ^ frii**. .06, Rue de Genede ft, Ge, - m£ to> punifhment of death for fcgfc *£Si it, upon a carria,e, J«^ terials which ferve to form a fcafUd tor .x. ecutions. Puerto Oratavt ~fr*0&) Dec. M. rti|. .. We had a dreadful fire here a few dm a<ro Which confumed a large convert for S nA I a-n forrv to velaie, feven ua- ,vomen, and, n lor v ^ hap„ v,a.ms M WW > hours wa< a^f U wt firfi diicovci ahout ,0 .uld he The DhirSng Occurrence.-Yt&vtaj mo.n- Jflg, about fix o'clock, George Bender, a fca- 2£. on board Mr. Mosier's fchooner fell from the crofs trees to the deck, and .r.fiant- Iv expired—U is foppofed he had a h^_ He was the only fupport of an agsd n.o.her. on which the fubferiber «»K*. RICHJRD SMITH. Kingston, April 2.'i8>6 4^ GROVER & LEVV1S, 7 ^3 4 ♦ • • • • • * * MARRIED, Ontbc3.stult.bytheRev.Mr.Chc.al Stuart. Ma. PAOt Peterson,o:th«rtown- (l,;Pof Adolphustown, to M.fs SaraB Merrili., of this place w OUI.D inform their Mend* and th-. VV pubiic thai they have commenced ths fe«*i Wmet three do.rs net., ot tn. Mar- above bull «sg^.^raBSp£>c*:IZ'™ PUBLIC NOTICL. 1816. ii.*.i iri.. «»■*«" «*•*** flfL, PoslOJ/ice, Kingston, u/ AfriU A Mail to Montreal will be made up at this dfto ^ice awc.k. Thed.y.oi- de- .„.-will be Monday aiidThOrfday at ten LXatthefign of the Gold Watch wo- ite* are read? to wa.t on ad wh. Ik . 1 U^ vour them with command; —1 tny win D- Mltodowo.kontheftortean.tnc.ano in i fuperior *tyle, fitUd to. ny ta^u. Cothsand trimmings of tver) d.-'V-.c. WJH t. tHJfoA at the fc.P as cheap, or Viap-, ^an they can b;piocure..nto,U, „d every W,dtrjack.cxvtadB«d. p '.rt WJk aV a a n-.'«-.:;-x - C A ai.ci every

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