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Kingston Gazette, April 6, 1816, p. 2

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NOTICE l&Oft Talc, tiicfollowing land - being© part •*• of the real eft ate owned by the fub'«ctib« u I Eall hat?of Lot number 19 in the 3d conecilion of ^dolphn> Town, on eaft bay, having a framed houk and bsrn, together tvi h an improvement thereon, containg 100 acres. 2 Lot number 26 in weft bry, fouth of the black river in the ill conceiTttm of the ■ fcownfhip of Maty (burgh, with buildings and *)ther improvements thereon, containing 200 aces. 3. Three fourths of lot number 5 in the firlr. conceliion, weft of number 1, and weft of the Rock in the townfhip of Maryfbaigh, v£h an improvement thereon, containing ^ro acres. 4. Fifty acres of valuable wood land, be¬ ing part of the farm formerly owned and oc¬ cupied by the fubferiber, in the townfhip of ^fdolphlla Town,beinginthe rearofthe town Plot of HoUandville, and adjoining thereto. 5. Lot number 6, and the weft half of number 14 in the id conceflion of the town- ihip of Richmond* containing 300 acres. 6. Lot number 8 in the 2d conceflion, fouth fide of the eatl Lake in the townfhiD of Hollo we'll, containing 200 acres. 7. Eaft half of lot number 6 in the Ath C&ncefiion of the townlhip of Thurlow on the river Mc'ira, with an improvement there- on, cortaimng jog acres. 8 Lot number t ^afl of Vanalftine's I jke in the ift conceflion of the townfh'p of Ma¬ ry-burgh, with an improvement thereon,con¬ taining 2«o acres. 9. Lot number 14 in the 5th conceflion of the townmip of Portland, containing 200 6cres. 10. Lot number 29 in the 4th c mccfllon of the toWnfhip of Haldimaud, containing 200 acre?. 11. Lot number 20 in the cth conctfiicn of tl^.e townfhip of Pittfburgh, containing 2co acres. 12. Lots number 12 and 13 in the 4th cfcnccfkon o£ the townfhip formeity called Efc■•■th, now Yonge, in the diitricl of Johni1. own, containing 40b acres. 13. South half of lot number 16 mthc 8th conceflion c£ the townmip «f ^/ngufta, tfk< wife in theDiftridt of Juhuftown,contain¬ ing too acre6. 14. Lot number 3, 4, and 4? in the 6th conceflion, and It minnVr 3 c in the 7th con¬ ceflion, all in the townfhip of Camden, con¬ taining fcoo acres. MM, A number of town lots, for fa!e and to Jeafe, in StuartviUc, in the rear of the town of Kingston, CHARLES STUART. Kingston, icth March, 1816. 41 tf • - — ublic Notice. r* 1T-J p. fnbfcribers to the Kingston Ste?m- * boat are hvpby* requeued, to make an IffftnecHate payment .T out fourth of their fuhicription, to the Treanirer, in order to advance theneceffary fnjns vtmoney to the workmen. « Geo. H. JVIarkland. Secretary. K ingstch, I Oth M1 vch, 1816. 41 tf F S J Acres of Land, / A lyt'*g i»» the townfhip of Sidney.—Enquire aftllv fubferiber, in Kingston* MAM STICKLES. Kingston, March 13, 18.6. 41 * 4 ___ LL perfonsindebte'd to the late William Fail field, Efq. and the fubfciibrr, Un¬ der the firm of Benjamin Fairfield & Co. at ?'ii'j'! Town, or in the name of William F infield, ar Kingston, are requehVd to fettle Iheir accounts without delay ; and thofe who ha-e 'rrras ds acreinft the Lid concern are deimd to prefer,t the fame to the furviving partner. Benjamin Fairfield, ErneftTown, March 12, 1816. 4itf Notice to Settlers, npHIS rs to give notice that fuch fettierg a3 may have received Location Tick¬ et? prtviui" to this date, and are not actually and b fia fide* eftr.blinSing themf <ves on ihei lard* by the 24th of J^W next will be (fro. k t £F the lifl of Settlers and their lo¬ cation Ti. ket' wi'l be cancelled as well .is ev- eiy other a*1 wame of Frovifion, &c. &c. jb .' r i-Excellency's Command. fil&NEY BECK WITH, , 0 Mr Gen 'fonffctfe Mi . h 4, fB16 40 ■ >•' '■•:.:" - ' FS. Snuff B..xes| NEW GOODS. OFalmo'l every defctiptton juft received and offered for fale on terms the moft accommodating, by PETER WETSKL. ^mong which are a very extenfive afTort- ment of * *** ■ - t «r»cr^v KiNostoN, April 6, 1816. to ihemeAt* of thecaufc.Vihich you fo ft.or.o. ly au vacate. • " 6 COMMUNICATION 0 • ■ i Dry Good Tcgether^vith a choice afTortrhent of Silks & Ribbons ; Ladi GentL B & Boy 5 ■\TS Frefn Tea«, Loaf and Mufcovado Sugar, Plug, Ladies' Twid. and Paper Tobacco; Scotch, Rappe, and Mac boy Snuffs. Old Jamaica Spirits, Cogn»ac Brandy^ Holland Ginj Shrub, Peppermint, Port and French Wine. Coffee, Chocolare, Ginger, /fllfpfee,, Ground Pepper, Muftard, Nutmegv, Cloves. Cinnam-'il, Corranib,. Raiiin:., Figs, Poland Starch, Fig Blue- Powder and Shot. ' Corn and Hair i?roorri*. Window Glafs and Putty. j4xxs fcrew Ancuv', Steelyards, Shovels, , ron and Stee; ; 4' and lod cut NniL ; 8d and lod Wrought Nails. Together with* general aflottment of. " Hard and Hollow Mr. Editor* Be lo good as to give a phce in your paper to the folio-wing letter, addrefled To Candidas* " When fome brifk youth, the tenant of 2 Rail, _ • Employs a pen lefs pointed than hh awl, Leaves his fnug fiiop, forfakes his ftore of fh--ea, ^*t Pluius* quits, and cobbles forth? mtife, Heaven« ! How the vulgar (tear ! How crowds applaud ! How Ladies read ! and Literati laud ! If chance fome wicked wr.g (hould pais his jeft, *Tis fhecr ill-nature ; d ont the world know bed V Byron. My hand has never been ftretched out to put down the poor, nor have I pleaded the caufe of the tyrant or the proud op^r.fTor. li my cap be adorned with fpngs, they are few, but they have been dearly gamed. ■ A TRUE 3RiT0N0 Kmgjfati 4*J April, i3i6. - *Piu(Bft) anong the Heathens, was as* counted the God of riches. f 1 havi once more ventured atranfiaiion cf my motto, particularly tor the benefit of my fiome-ipun acquaintance oia iirnoiuy. • * to 4< Front! nulla fides."- Beware. + - ; ■ ■Juvenal. Mr. Editor, I cannot forbear exprefling it y0:i the aa. flxiimcnt esctied in my min-j, by the pcru- ial cf your co.-relpouduu the 4* "i'rUe jfot. on'o" iail comnjunication. j had no idea Lnat knumenis io devoid of candour and iibeia*- ty could be uttered by even the melt delWc" able oi beings, and cuniequenciy was uuab.c to conceive now they c Sir, %tt > v v Ar« 1 9 ■ ALSO, 3 do2. Coverlets, Ij6do2. Worded H fe, 12 do-z. Oil'cl fi'.k H«.t Covers, 3 d z. Looking GlafTes, of various fizes, and of a fuperior quali-y. 50 Bob. Mefs Pork, 200 lbs. Hog's Lardj 30c Gallons raw and b-.uTd Liufeed Oil. • 200 Prs Men's i?-> ts of different qualities 500 do do So, es, . . 100 do LadV* Bo:t.% 500 do do fih e(?, loco do Children's Boots & Shnas. Calf Skins. Uopei Leather, Harnefs Lea¬ ther, and Sole Leather. A general afibrtment cf frcili GARDEN SEED\ Raifcd at Lebanon, and put up by the Shakers. Kingston, March 15, 1816. 42tf • ______ j^ AN away from the fubfethVr on the 'a 14th January, DavidArhiand, an in¬ dented appremice, sged 1 3 years. This is therefore to forbid all perfons truf- ting him on my account after this date. Jas Richardson, jun. Kingston, j 1 th March, 1816. 42 I much admire your (hrewdnefd and penetration, and mull allow you to polTefs an eye equal to thai of the Lynx's.—Pray, Si;, li..vv long have you been a monitor l— x^ you have be«*n fo eondefcendioS as to faint out what you, in your candour, c<mild¬ er errors and defects in die communications pi the True Briton, v;i:l you have the good- neis t«- anfiver a tew more quelildiis ? Di "j not ihe propiietbrs of the fleam-boat apply to 6iv Sidney Beckwi'th, to intcretl himielf with the Government, for the pur- p »li or having the necefiary iron work ex¬ ported- from Britain free of expenfe ? Did th'-\ nut, on thai ace■»unr, pn.mife goveni- roent i'mz preference m conveying any goods, tlorc*, or other commodities from one port to another, >—Wiil the public, in general, de;ive any advantage from fuch a fcheme ? \Va- not tlie fecond edition or' this memorial framed by a few only of the owners, and ieu to Y ik without the a-Jvice and knowl- co^e of trie others ? Be, fir,for 011a candid, alio give to the public clear and iatLtaCt. ry in u-Jon of th ft quell ion's. it mud iuiely «sppea< Very ridiculous in the eye ot every inteLigent and reflecting p.rum, wnen uc fees Ameiiean iab- uier» aid meehatnes e nployed ana liberally paid by mric vay peribuK, who are pr^yigthe L»^ifUuue to exclude them from tlie Prov¬ ince, ouch.itj the e-icoura^ement field out to our houclr, fathful, and wed tried mechan¬ ics. Is it net lir, a wife and tiuety patriot- > 1 vviii luMer htm to enjoy without m^ieitacior; hss imaginary triumph*, ior he may reft allu¬ red that i will not clutiirb his ic;f-coinp!a- ccricy by cncounteiing jinn on iueh vwor* thy g.ouud^. tic Has indeed propofed a multitude c£ queitionb, with regaid to.rhe proceedings of tuc Ottaui-Boat iroprk'tors, fome of which are evidently written, for the ible purpofe of infii.uaLiug the groilest and most palpable fatlchoodj, and aie for that reafou totally ur>- deicrving of a feiio us icply.' The conduct and motives oi theie gentlemen reruire no expla u-tion, httce they are thoroughly un» dei stood and properly appreciated by the public in general. JL>id they req jjft fupporr, it is weil known that there are peifoffii am-' ong then number who are fully adequate to the Laik of exculpation, and if the **-Tiue Mnton" ftiould apply to them for an eluci¬ dation of what he might imagine my^teriou3 in their notions, he would uuquestiouabiy ^e* ceive it in a latisiactjry manner But who can behold without amazement this audaciau9 attack on the characters of a body;of men, ievend of.wh.de names rank among the mull refpedabiein the community. iicurr:itance on •.on ic plan A piece of woik Kgwe-n to two Amcri' can fpectllat-rf*, Meffers Chapman and Tie- b .ut. tor which job they aie to receive £ 70CO. i heie partners go to the United . ... ----------- **ucie is the' State*, and bring in with thorn 40 or 50 2^*^* „ * Plhc^ing ? Had the aot-e of their country-men,' who a\ e let at V /l,e ftf,ton»" before hazarding his i!I-f„n rncan (b,pwnght8 m the consfrudi.,,, nftt Stca^-BoA Iw.lid.mand where is % TAKE NOTICE. OST, in the ftreet, In the town of KlfllT- tun. z black Morocco Pocket Book. containing one half Eagle, one five dollar American bill on the Uttea 5ank, one Note arrainft Charles Hold*n for one hundred and fix*y dollars, one again!} Reuben Pierce of fifty dollars, one again A Ifaac Baldwin of thirty dollars, befide3 other writings. Whoever will return faid Pocket 27ock, with the contents, fhall have ten dollars re- Ward by the fubfciibtr. David Burnside. Kingston, March tj, 1816. 42 FOR SALE, Ct \ . / N reafonable term3, Lot N$. ii, in the $th Concession* No. 23, in the 6th Concession? AND Lot No. 2d, in the 1 \th Concession. The whole being in the Townmip of Lans- down, in the district ol JohntloWn. For particlurs enquire at the office o»f ALLAN MCLEAN. Efq. Kingston, August 28, 181 C. 12 work \n building this Seam boat. But Mr. Goudie, a man, eminent in his ■profefTton, in never once thought of.— Was there not, or, a fine field open for the difd y of generally, liberality and public fpirit, by Use employing i-f Mr. Goodie of fome other perfon, a Well qualified for fuch a bufinefs, with 40 or 50 mechanics from the Lower Province. / We all well know, trnt perfons, capable of undertaking fuch a b ifioefs and carrying it through, can be obtained fomewhere in the Canadaa; and \l they fhould not be found, they are furdy to be got in Britain. Mr. Molfon's hands were, I am pierty confident, Europeans and Canadians. Then why do we hold out encouragements to the mechan¬ ics of the United States (of wh -fe enterprif. log fpi.it we have daily proofs,) and pic-nd £0 ftroogly again(l the introduction of their inanufac^turea and works of art ; Let it not be faid to our triarre, that we cannot produce as Hcillful t>-adefn:en as the United States. Ought not every honeil Englifh heart to be fired with indignation at iucli an infult I Though an individual U not authorited to forgive the injuries done to f >ciety, he is called upon to affert his- fepa- rate (hare in the public refentment. I would purfue the advocate of fuch an oporefllve poiicy through life, and try the la!l exertion of my abilities to preferve the perifeable in¬ famy 61 his name, and make it immortal — What mud the public think of you, " Can¬ did us," who warmly cfpoufe and fupport fuch felfifli and narrow mea'fures ? Had fuch a fcheme been in agitation and <Jed and .mperttnen* remaps, ?Wnc,d but , u j i_• r tf* "' — "w«'u Hirer have made hirrle t a.quamted. with the ffi mars or rhe bufiAdk, which he has C2 med to cenfure. After fuch a precanr^n" hecouldhavehainoreafmtost^S cd ath., ow, bare-faced effrontery, 2n SJ which mn-t now inevitably occur, if evc fpark of feeling be not extmgui.^d i„ XL u ?***< h^ve "WW of fome men.berofthec-omrniuee of managemeuV and he would then have learnt that eUrf«6 fori had been made to procurc Canadian JLfc Wrights, but that unfortunately fbrv had pro. ved uravai'ing. He wouId ^ ^ ^ informed that while engaged in this fruitlef* parch altera pcrfon, among our fellow fife jecw competent to cotiduci an enterprise of inch important t«ro Americans, on whom the greateft ^Lnce eould be -placed, prefen- ted themfelvcs before the commitiee, and nfferrd to contract for the con- immediate cr>n- firuction of this large v.ffd on moderate terms. Ir. is needlefs to add, that, as this was a bufinefs which would admit of no fe. lay, their piropofalg were accepted. SufT,- me now, Mr. Editor, to put a qneftion in cay turn, which, I venture to fay, quill merit a reply. H.I5 the " Trne linion" antf knevy. ledge of a Steam -irbat which a band of (fan* fa conjunaion with a few in<Jividi'ia!« in tbif Province, iiuwortXy of the name of, Britons, have h in contemplation to build on theCa'- .naimn fliore, with rhe exprefs defionofeva- oing the duties, winch they exDfdt to fctim* pofed on American fitippine ^nnug thep::c- fent or the enfuinsr feffion of rhe LegJflatnr.i? If he Bl an kS ummofises For the Disfrict Courts, for Sale at this Office. i Jujl pubtijhedj and for fale at thm (office, Price 1/3. The LIFE and DYING SPEECH of JOShPli BEVIR; Who was executed at Kingston on Monday;, ftenm-boatpat that time, would have l„ra of ttie h.^belt importance to this cofihtrj lj>«,lir, no foontr is the war ended, tann «h.« p-arii t«emt„g w;t|, if,,m,„fc iiw — «c« to the ,,„b:;c, U c,nce,tfd. Another body of men,,lvIght, tv.th a; much propriety, havered the hnjfe „f affemWj.. f!# the «' /• b Che machinery for this Amtnaui Stf.ia Boat d« e5 not come from Great l^rirain, Ijit on ttie contrary is to be imp'ii'teH fmrn the United Stat**, no great depth of per:e«ration is req:ii:ite to diTccrn t!i? caufe of thaj? ir.Mn- per:ite averfion, manifefled on ail oeca/ffw* by W\- lin-nlany/vv/?/writer, to the imu'-fi- ■i mi of duties on articles of Affl«*can n)inC0

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