M.«urlt I [SATURDAY, April 6, 1816.] '•• -• ' i * * ./ ■■ ■ [VOLUME V. mm No. 44 0 S KiMGSTON, Upper Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars per Annum. ---------~?~~ T--------------------------!---—-------------------------_________________ <* Afc x «••.•>: Price of a river tip: ig in the Gazette, Six lines and under, 2/0" firtl infertfon, and j/<$ every fubiequent. Tor. line" and under, "§f± fir ft, iniertion, and j/8 every fubfoqm nt. Ten lines r-ni3 upwards, 4*/. per line fir ft pd" line even/ fuccecding jnlerti-m. Adrertifements unaccompanied with writ- ■ ten d-rtctiona ate inferred till forbid, and charged accordingly. *.•*%: rur*+* h*** '«^ir ^;ih*j » ^ '*i /.■«« ,& tn.^rrtl<>a.j :rid -t/. £ ,* o £ 7 / y "¥"£ 7 ! LL be open every Monday from 1 l VV o'Ciock 'A.M. until 1 o'clock, P. M. 3t the C-Hirt Ho life. Sobfersptimis &r Reading will be receiv¬ ed by the TrtiiVrer. Wm. Mitchell Efq. at thirty ftu&rags per Year, or tea (hillings per Quarter, payable on fabfenbing, and a de- pofit 'eft with the TVafurer of Five Pounds a^ a fnretv agpinft the 3o& of Books, Sub- feribersare tr> confide? themfelves iubjcdt to theuuVsoftbc Library. Perfons having in their poffeiSrii Books belonging to th:s Library arc tequetled to return them into the Library without dA 7. CHARLES ANDERSON, Secy. Kinaaou, 1 ft Feb.■ i316._______35?-_ JUST received and for falc by the fubfcri- ber the following GOODS, to wit : Cordage of different forts and &zes, Spun Yarn ; Ropeing, fewing and Saiue Twine i Houfe and Mar Line ; CanvaD, Sail Needles & Palm Irons ; Ship Sirapers ; Paint and Tar Brumes ; Steering CompafTes ; Bloeksand Grunnets ; Spikes, Boat Nails and Oakam. A lame aflortment of Iron Hollow Ware. Stone Jars, Jugs, Crocks, and Fitchew \ Children's Toys and Dolls ; Backgammon Board?, and Damaue Plays.' A genera! affbi tment of t* 9 *-*^--* DANIEL BROWN, fnigh Robin/oil's Brewery.) t-T AS jufl icceivtd, and for fale, a large * <*■ and very valuable affortment of . ' ■. *. Gard Seed NEW GOO Johns & F t 0f every kind neceflary for the molt ex- tenhve Gardens. Among them are nine different kinds of Lettice feed, early, late and red Cabbage, Culhflower, Savory, Kail, eight kinds of kidney Beans ; early and other Peafe, Wind- for Beans Celery, Garrett* Parlhip, Spin- age, Parfiey, early and late Tur-.ip, lang Prickley Cucumber, Squafli and Melon feed, Thyme, Marjoram, red Seet, &c. &c. /4 large part of them were imported di¬ rect from England, and the others were raif- ed in this country, and are all of the be?t kind* and firft quality. Kingfton, Feb. 26, 1816^ 39 'ocenes - Seamen's Slo 'i f?s S By C Noti be ft \s SON ecaUu, a. ■_ A LL Pc-rfca* inJab»M m the ERatf of reqiic"/..-'] t0 stak" BRCRcliaie payment to A.Ian Mac Lear, Efq. and thofe who have derpjnd^,are requeued to exhibit the fame for adioftiment. MARTHA SMITH, Admiiiislrainx, Kingtton, TS. 2, T816. to wit : Great Coats, Pe:i jackets, Blue Jackets, ana Trovvfers ; Summer Vefts ; Cotton and Flannel Shirts of the quality. Lady's, young Lady's and Children's be!> Beaver Bonnets- Gentlemen's be!t Beaver Hats ; \Vi:h fundiy other articles, tooteiiou; to n ion. All of which he will fell cheap ■ 2 y MONJEAU k StGERMATN, Spirits, Rum, Brandy, Stirub, Gin, Pep¬ permint and Wines. ALSO, An afT>rtmentof Dry Good AND ■ Hard Too numerous to mer.t« >n. Ki'i.- t >n, zq h Feb, 1S16. 39 Have just recieved a generai assortment of • Dry Goods AND G ■ Among which are the following articles:— Superfine and commm Broad Cloths ; White and black Cotton Cambrick* ; Superfine drtff'd and undrefPd Cali.oe?: Black silk, Madrafi and Cotton Bandan¬ na Handkerchief*; A variety of Shawls and Vefivrg*? ; Largfe dam?.{k siik Shawls : French Cambiek. for Handkerchief ; Fine Linen Cambu'ck and Kobe Patern*; Bla ;k, white & changeable coLd Laiftring. Twili'd Sarcenetts ; ^lack Mode ; Gentlemen's fine buck, dpe-fkin and bea¬ ver gloves ; Ladies' black, white and fancy colour'^ Silk do. Ladies' fancy afinrted Kid do. Black,, blue, grren BE scailc-t Borebaz^ts» White lhaJloon silk Velvets and Cottoi! >ir»mer« • d Shir* ings for cafh. ALSO, A larje nff.rtmcnt 35 For Sale, S K 1 - HE Wc'.t 'half ■■rjo* Tioir.V'ti'.irtdii »n tlw fecond concefTu-n of the townihip of Encft^n* & t^nlv to the Printer. T s and Boc Of a" kinds, with Goods D.) ANO Kims i>'ic «?t G rtes i: -^fERYiow for caHu or mod Hidfl of V Connfy produce three elegant wood- €n cVxk,. wanted to keeo g. od n- e. £r«qnirc of Mr. Peter Van Skiver in Adol- ,huitownorofthe^b(c^,^R^LL As ufaal. Ja ies, Richardson, Sen. Kiftgfton, iglh Feb> rRi6._______39v^ 7 Duncan. • Ad _. TOTICE is hereby ftWtl.to a!! fuch as Nj are in any vvh, bidcb^d to the Es- „e of the hu Haft.'n^s Cteff**. *^?y «j F.SPEC PFUi.LY inform? fanMeiiKh E\. ?,|id the pr.bliv-. that he ha? received from Qnebec and M ntfe.d- an t4«*p(»nt afX fortment of Mirror and drefllng GLAS.°.- F.S. f'-nm one to co dollars each, of the firft quality ever in Uoper Canada.—Belt Tur¬ key Can etinpr, Furnitinx Paper and B-ir* detin?;- Lady* woik. Card ar-d Cott >n b \%* !otnw:|",>--.- -- eQ^—Cnnin pins and Riiefs, Bell pulL,Brafs ?lace of abde in the twaftw of. Amelias- ^^ fc Hr,; pbg ^ aflbrtment of 1 a- bue, on or before the fir It dayot May next, d n(1 Gentleiwwa* Beaver Bonnets ard 'I -11. o„J t'n^t n|| i HatR,—Boxes of Colours, with Camels hair Pencils—Crockeivnnd Glafiware, &c. &c. ALSO, Jamaica Spirits, Brandy, Holland Gin, Pc.prrmint Shrub and Irifh Wh:fkey—all which be will fell low for Cash only. New CommilTi <n Store, Kingjlori, March 2. 1816._________jgtf J?'U4 bALE, A number of Town Lots near the French Church. The terms of payment will he made eafy. "• £»AKL. Em.2ftoss, Sept, 23, 1815. . i6tf. - THE I'uhfcribers keep con'lantly on hand, In 4ii ui Shop, at thr fijrh of the White Bear.avnvi.tyof W-.tcr'. », Windlor, Roek and Children's chairs. BUKEAUS for fate* Shop Painting, lik.-wife, dime by F (7 HATCHrJCo Kingston, \6th March. 4-t Fine Irifti Linen, RuflTa, Irnitatlcm an Scotch Sheeting" ; Bbck and white Jean1?, Dimitteg and bia» k Crape ; Jaekonet and Bo^k MuOm?, Lenoeb; Gingb<tms, Ribbons and Lacts ; Fij.e plated furr and wool Hats ; * Oil d Hut Covers. Hyfon, Yotrtig Hyl And Hvfor Pltjffj Diffta 41 SO, } 1 CH F V SALKS, • «M^, or they n-.ay relt affured that a 1 £ de^nwlll the, be placed m th, pof- fcffi™ of his Forney for ^,^0; =nd ,fo eCid Efate.'U requefted ****** ** AM to the li,Wc«*b«* « b,efo'et tbe U,d &a day of may next for adjmWnt. } David Henesey. Administrator. uft rece.ved ind toi * T the Swe of M (Trs. H. *V. WIL- J_\ K1MSON & C". a large Quantity of S;vect-{centcd Virginia, ('...nrnriOM Pl« r, Ladies Twii't, and Twift Tobacco; Spaniih and American in quarter Boxes. Lane or frail ^anll/Us, to fail Pur chafes. The whole of which Will be C id at 20 , nicr'nil and ladies' t.wifl Tobacco: nigh pro it old Jamaica CKpirtu ; Cogniae Brandy, Holland Geneva; ^hrub ; Pott Wine. The above goods, together with a variety of articles not mentioned, will bef-M at the moft reduced prices for cafh. We tender out thankful acknowledgment? to our co*. toniers fiit palt favorr,and folitit a tout.e.u- ance of tbeir future patronage. Kingston, 6.'h August, 1B15. 9tf" ADVERTISEMENT. 1 Segars, t c.v'n^ Office, QO REIMS WRAPPB ° PAPER- A QUANTITY Of ?/*■ ... TICE. THE Partnerfhio heretofore exiting between Patrick Smyth & ^Uau Taylor, under the firm of Patrick Smyth & Co.i* this day dilTdvedby mutual confent, Thore who have any demands againit them, are defired to fend in their accounts for pay¬ ment—and all Lhofe who are indtDted to the following lots of wade Land*. Lots No. 22 in the 8th Cn. No 9 in the 6th Con. S. Weft i 23 8»-h Con. No 8 Eaft (5th Con. of the {hip of Pict(burgh. also Lots No, 7 in tbe {thcpncefliotl lilt v»i..»»v — »------ . No. 26 in the 6th eoncelT:-n pr cent, cheaper than can b^ PJ^g^f N(Vfi 2g, ^ ^ 53 & 33. h 6th con- from anv Market of the United Stttea^ ££ | ^ ^. ^ phlibllf&fe ALSOi Several Lots of Land of o-- and two acres in extent, on the fro-1 of lot Number from anv Market 01 u.e un.«« u-- NOT EXCEPTING SMUGGLERS. 1816. 0.2 T /w»? fa, 2 2.7 .MigrgpL _ For SAI.E, WO very valuable TOWN LOTS, well fituated for buGnefs. For terms apply to Tohn Macaulav. town of Kingfton to tbe c nmtry.— (ire lots are wtl! adapted from their fituafoM for Trrn rrt^n D 4 P F /? «tl hrm are reqnefted to fettle tneu acct s JF/J // /A(? PAr&K, immed:a,ely, asaftei the M day of Anl Of Quality No. 2, II Reams Writing Poll No. 2, n ditto ditto uncut. For Sale, A quantity of Oak fuhablr for Staves and f^uare T„r,tK-r witliln a rcafona- ble distance of the water leading l«to the Bay of Qnin-y. For pariicuiars any pc. for, or perfmTw.fting to porcbau- wrjl p.cafc M tali at this Office or at Mr. Joieoh I aHw s llonfe. p Kingfton, Dec. 9, i8i>, *7«- next their accounts wdl be given to L>. Wafliburn, Esq. to be collected. Patrick .Smyth, Allan Taylor, TO IJ-T, & polTeffion given ift May, That valuahle Hand for buGnefo now oc- cun.ed by thefubfciiber. Cvp f Patrick Sy.rrH. ^ Kinofton, February, 24th 1S16. 38 fo be Let 24 in the t«>\vn(hip of Kin^Hon, lymg ix% fcituate on the (hore of the Lake. And likewile feveral lots d land of one. two and lUtiN lu.^aux,^- three acres on the rear of the iaU lot Nnjs Kington, 22d March, 1816. 4^? 24, lying and feituate on the road horn tue ?_____________-----------■------------- ____ .vf Tr:,.rrft-nn m the country-—Hte Hardware Store. rf-iHEfubfcribcr begs leave to inform 1 the Public, that he ha-: opened a Store fa the above line oppofite to Mr. Samud Ajlroyfs Store, where he ofters for faie an HARDWARE W CUTLER*, Carpenters and Joiners TOuLS ; 6 and 7 feet Mill ftwf, cofs cut do ; fqnav, bliiler ileel ; nails and fpiks of all fo,i , (hovels and fpadea j fee tornb and u;ngs ; iron, b.afsand beft plated Candle-1 ,ckS ; CoiFee and pepper MilU 5 bureau tumnu.^s ; Lie beams and v-'ci^hts ; iercw anger, ; mufons hammers building on them, a^d for the cftatf.ifnment of Gardens tn the vicinity of the town. Application tn be made to the fub'enber. GEO. OKILLSTU^KT. K'mgpn, Sept. 6, 1815. *•* F S e A VALUABLE Farm, with building* £*> &ho larrre improvtments thereon, kj. vovabW fituated within 28 miles of Kr.i;,\$ ton. Ferfons defirous of purchafing to iq quire of the Prihter. ^ ftin.TSton. 'July l©» I'ot£ ' 5* and trowels j locks of all V/I For Sale, VERY valuable a::d p*ea€iaUy ■Ti f nfl • li.ru ted i *.vj! L*;-t» i?Cl at Pi) THE Farm now occupied by John La- Prife being the eaft part of lot bu* b,r fc2 e'e : i-he (econd conceffnn of the SS»T ^ Kingifco. Forthe term3ap- tvtolhe fublcnbci. fefcriptnUI «'indo>v Rials ; pqtljrj h.K«, £,»£ brow-.pmfT.,, blue & yellow p«»U| 1 m, othe." wiiolM too nmoeroo? to i„bn/ Tfce ,We ofwbkh WU be fold ™A lower than can be pBrd»fed at any of vaccine or cow pock matter ,K; , t^n, t#th x':n '• »***• .1 r'tf A this OHkcf ttiii iSOMJi MARKLAhn. other ltote in KingiLm. Samuel ohaw, 49tf \ Uei.ikn.a,. n-i- •! k'-»«" t 1 hi o" fcll, v.-ithin tlvcor ten mil-..- H R i'-. . mny mcei with a tenant or purehaler, by % plv'ing -^ ";i^ Orriet. Xidffttfte* Mwcb 15, iSi5. Al