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Kingston Gazette, March 23, 1816, p. 3

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wKi .-•jiC-i! t" tticli* entrance into Lacedeni oli. Jl3 the r.i'K'iinary In ..•> of ilie cuftoms are out ah'elO prevent th'J invv.rtatfon of the .f(-is of the 0"':<Ji and G>'tc;ihin.-h Ea'.t Companies hecatife i Vn-.-whit cheaper lndi'i \ ^|,3;! th'J.fc of $re BHriUi Company /.. pound of tea, however, h about ;i h-tndred tbne* the hulk or* °'1^ <>ir *&* hiyheffc prices, fixtcen fhiltfng** tual IS common; y paid for ••- .',-, filvcr, and more than two tho'.fand limes the bulk of the fame price in gold, and confqnenily jufi fb many times marc rUirkiiU to imugglcj; A TRUE BRITON. t&i March, 18 \ 6. K i Smith'- Wealth of Nr.ii'ms. Pakfs Mora! and Political Philofophy. Smith's WsM of Nations. t « hurried on her clothes, went to the door, and turned the key ; and as the man went in, and directly to bed, fhe flipped out un- perctived by him, it being very dark, and got down ft air 8, where flic called feveral tfmc«, but received no anfwtr. She ftood fome time in a room or pafTage, fhivering with cold, until ihe heard footfteps coming down Hairs ; and as the perfon rJaiTed, fhe ftepped up flairs, and got into the room flic had left, and locked the door, where fhe re¬ mained quiet until morning, when kcr friend* returned, and (he left the houfe. She de¬ clares that the voice was that of the man who ^^ was called the Land-lord. No comments are I B neceffaiy—the landlord knows who is meant. Kingtlon is filled with dram-mops, not taverns. Some of tbefe licenfed houfes have not a bed in them for travellers, nor have they the means of purehatinff more than one or two gallons of rum or whijhey at a time : victuals are entirely out of the queition : ©n Monday the i8th Ipft. at Adolphus- town, Mr. Hugh'C. Thomson, Merchant, of Kingfton, of the firm of Thomfon and Dctlor, to Mifs Elizabtth RrjTTASj, of the former place. in Erneit Town, on Tuefday, the 19th infl. Mr. Williak-.S. Mackay to Mifs Elizabeth Murry. NEW GOOD o A mate r THEATRE accommodating by PETER WETSfcL. >tfmong which are a very cxtenfive afforf- ment of Dry Goods; Together with a choice aflortment of Silks & Ribboi s of :dy TH f? y Mr. Pr^ter» ~ n , r ., victuals are eatirely out of the queilion : I am one of your Country Subrcribers, ftabies ^ ^ ^ ^ 3^ ^ and am in the habit of vtmmg^ your papers qC ^ ^^ .. ^ « mechanic, To which will be added the Farce of The Weathercock. with great attention. I t lief eft »te think my- Je»f entitled to the privilege of dating to you the grievances of which 1, in common with fhcgenerp.lity of my neighbour*, have caufe Jo complain. 1 will roll obferre that, emiofity, the primary fouTe of ad the evils o^ man, ft ill fx^rtc its influence un:-«bn.ted over the wretch- ed fmf and daughters of A lam. It is con- iupeiitly very vexatious specially to per- Xon« more than commonly curious, to meet with knotty words, r.nd in h$L whole f^nten- ces, of which they cannot with all their in¬ genuity difcover the -ve.min£. Having my- fe'ff.received what education my parents could afford nrr* nt a c.^mm m fchool, v,*here I was taught no othei language than my mo- *J\ei tongue. 1 ;r:ake no pretfnSoQS to more1 earned thui my rtisi'libors, and I am ' ° r r to who has not a bed' even for himfelf: he fleeps upon {havings, with a finglc blanket, afide the (love There is no houfehold fur¬ niture in the houfe.—There are others as ill off.—Taverns are intended for the ac¬ commodation of traveller^ : these licenfes apoear to be gi anted for the purpofe cf felling fpirits only Were there none li cenfed but creditable people, there would be no places of rei dezvous for vagabonds to fUi m their plan* in, of breaking open houfea and (lores, confequently there would be fewer robberies. The evil has become of greater magnitude than the licenfers were aware of—let them now try to remedy it. An Inhabitant of Kingston. be ftingJon> l%lh Mtrcb, 1816. Doors to be opened at SIX, performance commence at SEVEN Tickets to be had at Mr. Macaulay's Box 6/3 Pit 2/6. SEAi>£D Tenders will be received at the t Agent V-ctuallers Office, at P >int Fre¬ derick, on or before the 31ft ir.fiant, for con¬ tracting to ration the Patients and Eftablihh- ment of the Naval Hofpital. Particulars of the contract may be feen at the office. Point Frederick, March 21,1816. 42 Ladies' Bonne Gentlemen s & B H ATS. Frefh Teas, Loafand Mufcovadc Sugar, Plug, Ladies'Twift and Paper Tobacco f Scotch, Rappe, and Macoboy SnufT?. Old Jamaica Spirits, Cogniac Brandy, Holland Gin, Shrub, Peppermint, Port and French Wine. 1 * ft * - - • * • notrfh-ioed t» confefr,, have been ladly pa/z!cd, andp.t to* 2ccord;ngS that i non ed' By the la(l York mail, we received the 6th n mher of The Spectator, a pa;je- ! tely elia'-jiilhed at St Davids i^ the N:agara Diilria; edi edby Richard Codrell, Efq. If we may be allowed to J^id^e, from, its pres¬ ent appe.irences, we prefume it will prove an l.itms cuiero iia x »rr-.-- . }} ,\r:^y uTefuI eliebofhment, in that part of Sclv.olmaUe,, who h,d lately flatted d >wo .^^nx]{Yy. and m fincerdy wim it evc,T m our tow.-dliip, F«« the v:'[^U,[n/'lnr ^ fuccef fuch an undertaking may merit. ick, on or before .he 25th inftant for the fur>;"»ly of Vejretab^s to the Crews of Hfs Majedy'a Ships and VefTels on Lcike Ontari- o. The period of the contract, with other particulars may be known at the OHIce. 41 Coffee, Chocolate* Ginger, ^l!f;r'-e. Ground Pepper, Milliard, Nutmegs, Cloves, Cinnamon, Cunants, RailiQs, Fig?, Poland Starch, Fig Blue. Powder and Shot. Corn and fcfair .#100019. Window Glafs and Putty, ^xes fcrew Augurs, Steelyards, Shovels, Frying Pans. Iron and Steel ; ^d and . lod cnt Nails ; Sdand iod Wrought Naiis. Together with a general afTortment of Hard and Hollow ■ CHEAP S rx : A fic.v.;.,n of the M*g 6*e'??,?» a V n th r and lir^ a«aeh.»«.t to tlu-u- Kwg and Ow try. H,,h,m^cmU^yr-nfV^ Eevcmt f1()n my gmtarrafTme^t ; r>r, pj. p..rlii-r ov,rth,- O.midable paCa^c f.r lorn. L«;, br "ery am'y remavke,, ^ - '«; .. r, s, .., Pn \..C.s\l:? <• line liritou, -mW 'h-vi t"l^., n^y crabbed word, mnii The laft Q^iebec Gazette mentions the death uf Lt Gen. Si< George P^f-.vosT on the 4th of Jimmry lail. Further par, lieu tars w'U be given in our next. ^ \ Mew-Yo-k paper of the 4th in!>. men- tiom- the airival the-e of Lt. G-p. Wilson, ly appointed Governor of Canada. Twift Vol Icue y- C-3 rtV 1 8 1 <>. P:inter, it remauv: w.l&yo«tt ...^.enceoffochdillr^iMgm. preve-; ^ t"v ll.illf)lnied country lob- ass -v£&? ^r«xr» •IV * . 1 * 1": .. Vv.-% rti/\r/» TlMH lit* ^ j riter of the York, ?4arch f^, A new totfmAiip in the rear of Darling¬ ton, in the diilrict of t^ewcaftle, har, b?ert Curveved, an 1 is u >w op.n for the 1-xatjoa of the U. E t«ofaitfts a.id Mi.itary CUiim- a,lts__We tioderlland that bin Excellency tlu- Lient^iiant Governor, to tvflify, in the T the Store of M.fTrs. H. W. WIL- & Co. a large Quantity of fciweet-fcented Virginia, Common Plupr, Ladies Twift, and 'obaCco; Spanifh and Ajnerlcan Segars, in quarter Boxes, Lfir«e or fmall ^anUtits, tofuit Purchafers. The wh4e of whicb wlfl be fdd at 20 tirr csttl. cheaper than can b^ procured here ft m anv Market . f the U.iit-d Statts— Kingjon, tid March, 1H16. 42 I mo a Dttblic manner, « the hi'eb fenie which like we *nect a reir.eoy Would it, f.r, be more tban he entertains of the merit and fewices of the Lite hon. Richard Cartwrigbt. has been pleated to honour this Townihip with the nioie of QAM-"WRIGHT, a name ever to be remembered in Uoper Canada with grati- tude and rcfpe£t—Dignified with a fe?.t in the Lc"-;(l»tive Council, and alfo with a high b^«»»' W^SrS accord, caufe a hint, vMiw.U, ot youro f Q_ top merit the lllC ^ of ^ur wdl wither -d among rCtt,0f0ld T|Mothv pEA5L3L0SS0M. h. .816. aopoii'tment in the Militia of this Province, Mr. Cartwright difcharged tie duties inci¬ dent to thofe actuations with flcill, fidelity, and attention, Animated with the pureft principle, of loyalty, and with an ardent zeal for the prefcrvation of that noble Con- ftitution which we enjoy, he dedicated, when en Sniggling under great bodily in ft rmky, e iemaioa of a well fpent life to the fervice of his country. Nor was he lcfs perfpicuous for hi? exem- Vhe Schooner WELLINGTON, a nev\V veffel recently built and i* now lying at thve wharf-f Mr. Patrick Smytb at Kings- tom. The fubferibers being duly authonfed wii-,1 fcU the LijvcfLl to th. higheft bidder, at public aucti.m, on Monday the full day olV April next, if not previoufl/dilpofed of by private fale. Tbe Auction will commence at o e o'clock, P. M. where the veffel now MUX* Jl\ the materials f■•rfinifningthe faid veffel will be fold with her. H. Cassady, D. M* Donald. Kingston, 16th March, 1816. 41 ev- th Erntst Town, W&> ^'rrCJ MPeS"y ^« ^ ***** faa to vour paper, the eye of fome of our ta vera opened ? — •P *V 'anting gentlemen may licence-granting b be a tavern, where, attex to his family, he pahcQ tnrougu ,«e» --- ne,.tly difti»«J"i(hed for a virtuous and dig¬ nify propriety of condua, uniformly main- taining the exalted charader of a true pa- triot, '"and of a good man. NO I ICE IS hereby given that the fchooner Wel¬ lington, advertifed to be fold by Henry OafTady, and D. M*D>neid, is my P'roperry, and now in my poiieitt m, Of. au¬ thority of a bill of fale and perianal delivery ft-om the original owner. This is therefore to, advifeany perfon who ^^WJ^J" pHirchafe the faid ceffc!, that the faid Caffady a%d M'Donald cannot nttfe any legal lale ot Anthony M*Guin. ALSO, 3 do2. Coverlets, 136 doz. Worfted H fe, 12 doz. OiPdfikHit Co?ers, 3 dj-z. Looking Gla'.fts, of various i\zt% and of a fuperior quality, 30 Bbls. Mefp. Pork, 200 lbs. Hog's Lard, 300 Gallons raw and boiPd Lin feed OIL 200 Pr» Men's Bo u of different qualit.et 500 do do Shoes, 100 do Lad'es' Boots,, 500 do do Sir rs,' , 1000 do Children's Boots Sc Shoes- Caif Skins, U; per Leather, Harncfs Lea» ther, and Sole Leather. ALSO, A genera': atiortmeut oi'tn;* GARDEN SEED% Raifcd at Lebanon, and put up by the Shakers. Kingston, March 15,1816. 42f f, RAN away from the fuhf« rib'r "n the 14-tb January, David Arhland, an in¬ dented apprentice, aged 13 years. This is therefore to forbid all pern ns trus¬ ting him on my account after this date. Jas Richardson, Jan. King-ton, 1 ith March, 1816. 43 TO LE ASE, ANDimmediateDofrefTt<mto^egiven,thiit val- aMe (land for bufineff, at pref nt occupied by Henry M'Nadey. with a i?rge andcommorlious Store Room and large. Gar¬ den—Adjoining the premifes of Peteir Smith, "Efq. Application to be made to the feb&ftbefc CHARLES STUAk'T. Kingfton, March 21, 1816. 4- AKE LOST, in theftrcet, in the town of King? ton. a black Morocco • >7 —---------- 1 Pocket Book vt: ure dolh Kingston, March 19, 1816. 42 ST They relied that.J^^ !- a.thongh &*^*Stj at that {.U'cs, the **m vvo:i:an.co;i tim Ian wi ti« other quarter, i-~ ,^ - ^ n,mPf "^ Sme entreaty, fhe Ml to he, wh.n, ^jatne fiiown a remote room W the u, ^ r of the houle, where flic waned fo£ - Wk«»d >ke &'« a«a went to b^I, P-lu* out the cavdie. &c*m- ^»i. > 1 l I,., n nrv i • ' 3t the OOOl. awakeord by •* rJ?- ' a Iked wha w-j< r/T£ NATIVITY- ■ An An-uhu.-O* Ch.iftmas day laft, an old evntlc nan, rrfidl.g in the tawnflwp tf Ba.on, and v,h> was remarkable fur h,s SSk«lky in keeping wh-t ne called the Kty, Iva, vilked by fu daughters and danr!ul.-inlaw; but as the weather K. fh eve-ing. became fomewhat unpleafa-t, hey na.k « their minds to ftay w,th h,m SKta n^-t,to which propyl he very c^Tuly confented; and, bod. by In bo- T.* S\r « --W. fa; r-,f tihr.gr ot co« w» , , ^etug t.n.r,x ladies wc,eput to^-^ § r<V \^v delivered ot a new ^ poll .vc*j »vf . • rpi(*Vyaun2 y'tA «iJ old gentleman in ceicD-unb FOR SALE, -pWO very valuable TOWN LOTS, X well fitua-ed for bufinels. For terms apply to JOHN MaCAULAY. Kingston, 22dMarc», 1816. 4^3 TAKENONICE. TRAYED from the fubferiber in the contaT-.injr one half Eagk, Aneri. - 9 Sill on the Utica iBank, one Note iffttiA Charles Holden for one hundred and fifty dollars, one againlt Reuben Ppce of fifty do'lars one againd lfa.c W*m o, thirty dollars, bef.de, other Wtttmp Whoever will return faid Pocket B&Bfy with the contents, (hail have ten dollars re¬ ward by the fubfciibcr. Sylvester holdln. Kingston. March 15, 1S16. 4s the Naiivhy 5 ♦ *•*• f -V to ere H Open the door. ' shc J II V T i; '>-^ : She Bvafl y.'tfwevcd, aJked w'lat he k ' V>en the wi;l hrisb v / MARKED, ' « Official 5matt, Mr, «EHB . month of Jan. laft. a d.rk cul.red Cow, >\ith a white face, o-- l*r>e hind foot c> ac¬ count of her due claw being frozen and grow n 4 bnger than ihe other. Whoever w.l Giveinf^rreUion whe,e(he can befoul Lll be bandfomely rewarded by the Ub- Wiber. J)AV1D BURNSIDE. fCw^ton March r8, .8.6. 4**3, FOR SALE, _ a HOUSE and Lot, iituated in the A vfllage of Kingston, now occup.ed C the Artillery Officer,. The pnee w i,I , 50 pounds/Perfjnswi(hi:.g«oP..rchafe may apply to ^ g^^. . Kingston, March as. i*«5- 42tl G Sf Oi- TO be f dd by public M$fc« at the Stor^ f Meffrs Wilkiufon & Co. a ii«nntay Blankets, Haversacks^ , tn Kettles, Felling Axes, Canteens & — ^ Saletobe^onthe26th.vM^:hyt^> atoneoV^kP.M.andtobec.^u.ue.t the whole ifi difpofed of. JLi^ton,^M?rcfe,iS*6. -J1* $trafis> o then *-?A «AH FlTUHKT

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