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Kingston Gazette, February 10, 1816, p. 3

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vef«* eoirtcft-, *ria- *n i*h*'fs •• • ■ r»3 the mcMiv tain** of th'* earth ate but as dull ? and ir* What moiner can we more effectually fhow our gratitude, than by irrictly obferving that day, which HL rws cararaandetJ us to fcicp holy ? There mtil fu'elv be a remedy for th.** e- -.•il,and this r.rr.edy lhould he applied, Such practices have too long prevailed here, and i( a&ive meafures are not taken fcythofe per- fons, in whole hands powci is velted by the Government to put a* ftop to an evil of the kind, we (hall not he filiate to form card par¬ ties, freqient afiembly-ro6mfl, theatres, horfe racing and cock-fighting on Sundays. Kingston M Feb. :8t6. ^r. Editor, A$ an inhahita. nt'of Kingfton I will net longer delay thanking thofe Officer;* who have come fouvard as Theatrical Amateurs, for their praifeworthy exertions toward* gratifying the public, and 1 pwl obferve, ' confidering the peculiar difadv*nlages they have laboured under, which moll ^roafeur Companies have never experienced, that they titve proved thcmfelves snoft admirably ad¬ apted for luch an undertaking. The chafte delineation of many of the rarts allotted to fome of the Gentlemen de¬ ceives the highcil ?.nd moll unqualified en¬ comiums, but I will not nominally partici- larize, as it muft be moil (liiki-igly evident to all whole Approbation ihey vro.nl d with to receive. I mu(l itow conclude With writhing that theiV future exertions mav he crowned with merited fuccef*, ?nd I th;nV I may venture to anertthat the fame lcntirnenta animate the breads of the relt of mv brother townfiner*. A hriend t& Theatrical:* KiiigftoBi Feb* 9* e$i£. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE, \ • m m C o * • L0K90M, HOT. ! . rTiorr.Vig between.9 ami to o'clock, an a- Harming fire v?m difcovcred in the works at the Mint. The Sanita were &S km to if- |r- potiin (invite on the £>t:th of the bu'iU!; i^-> Which io:r-. an <>Mt>i ;• Kj'i i.e. "Th!:; t'.t n>r rh.rr place •> Jy re rjic fpecic is ilric£, »* is fupp'*- fed that ttrg cJttantUy tf fuel which conspufed v c £w fn that runtri was too great awl that huvinjr pwetwied thro^ith the furnc! <*i the »j*rt."i:*at the rooi and adjrfiiii •**;£ hi:*i^:n^ cauglvt the element,. Th-. iitmol't alarm #34 naturally excited at the tbrijatitic;! rigflfu^ tfbtl of this un.tKl fe concern* and ey>Mv -X- ertion maJ: u» art eft the pfo£refa of the fire. The eng'inr yf the efi&b&fh stent was irnrne- c r'tely pot ift-to p'*^7> Snd :wo*of tj*» trt\ver eTjgluta u:Ao TpcciiSy arrived to sfEit* Thru; were foM.o folio«r-cd bv a number ci" oth*aM« hut hefoie their exertum cftutd be bri.uvbt into action, tlie fire ha>3 rOTrimun-'calcd :<> the gold room, frota thence to fome count- liig lioutt'9j and evcrtuaily to the §hstt or rolling room, on t!ie eafterci fide of the fcluare. The engines vttc ably Vv0::.-ci hr th* firemen, aiufted by a great tmmbsr or artiiicera and ethers from the T«>sver. The fiimes, however, for nearly two hours* pro* ted irrefutable, atid in a ffcurt time ll&i eaf- tern and fouthem '^ing> of the oliiidiiig «?ere completely unroofed, arid the interior totally dellroyed. In thefe were conta:ne(\ the great machinery of the works, including the 10, 15 and ^o horfs power eDgTr^g* The whole of the machincrv-. therefore, maybe fsndto have besn denaoliihed The meVtin^ department, on the n;|rth fide, ef- caped umr jijred, ax did :0fo tb^ drying room Stnate behind that part of the bailditi? where the fire commenced, The mnncycr'a ball and r>JEc€3 alfo efcajicd with little in- jury. During the fire fcveral ingots were taken from the r nins red hot : and ther;e was alfo difcovcred :n one of the rooms, where the fire had been cot tinder, nearly ;; to;i and • half of copper, in (livers, half iL/crs, &c» whici: had not been much damaged. Mr. Wel»efley Pole, the Mafter, did not arrive at the Mint until i u'clnck, when he went through the concern, with Mr. Smirk, the Areilite&i M.\ Sacre, and other oK'.c^rs, ttFaia-T direction?- J5y 3 o'clock the t:rt ^•as completely arreded l:\ ^ts prcgrt 17;,. <t the northern wing, arid rontmued to tr.ra but fitghtly in the fouthcrn p?rt> adjoining the moneyer's hall. The lofs fiMl?JncJ by the deilruftir/n of f::*:h a ccucern, iv:-'i£iv$r 3ll the irnplemtnt'j machinery &« of t-fiTa great nauoijal tltr.blifhrner^, is fsa*cely cal- tillable , it l*s however, eftimated dt Icali t^ lOSOUilt tn 60 cr Hovocc/. Soldier* were ftau<-nt:vi to rre^er.t all *ttgrefa to |>i iftrng iirovwur^cd with the e*/i\- ^ertv, and every rrnrividmi! was fearched on coming out ufthe bui-Tdi 9 i^vcry pcrTua wht vv.is ••» :Hi* par; ;>f ••">c 'iluncT wvh^ie the4re r.. <-j i»i* * -.-. cian* :yd on or • v , ?r. » j£ a. p:.-.r..%- • ':..u jivt caul*? ,'l'v'"-p I-' w-'hsch -*•■ "T"- . '•-.> • . n- pUCtO was ^ NEW-YORKJan. t7, La/f/2/r<?^j Fr,/r/r^ —This fore- noon the fafh filling bricj Tom Ha¬ zard, Souther/land, arrived in 36 days from Nantz. Capt. S. in forms us, that he failed from Nantz en the 18th of December that the Treaty between France and the Allies was not publiihcd in France until the firft of Decem- ber—that the trial of Marfhai Ney was not iiniihed, but it was the general opinion that he would be condemned. By an intelligent paflengcr, We learn, that two days before the brig failed, the following inform¬ ation from Paris was received at Nantz *—That four French genet* aK went to the pritbn in which Marfhai Ney was confined, and prefer.ted to the governor of the Prifon^an order in the name of Louis the XVIU for the inimedi- ate releafe of the Marihai. The governor fufpccYmg the order to have been forged, introduced the generals into one of the rooms of the prifon, and del pitched a mcf« fmger to the King«tto announce the circunifunce and aicertain whether it was his Maieftv's pleat ure that the Marfhai ihould be fet at liberty. The King pronounced the order, which had been prefen- ted to the governor, of the prifon, ry, and iffued an order for iniDriionmcuL cf the four gen* forge the er.ik. Mis Majeftyalfo ordered 50,000 troops into Paris to guard :.g-init m .ipprehcnded infurrcction. so: ■■ and ttnpo-tantJrcr* franzr. NKW yOUK| JAN 24- Captain C»p^Taf*'d« of th • ft_->K*«>nrr M«i 'w ban favored the &dittvs of the ' rn/.elt^ with Farij T)a;.ers cftlie l>th, .tn.l Bwr:Wa;i>: :>.i- Hi- :;r.^ur- tnnt articks relnie to the trui4, t?a;>deuj»a- tirin, and tCrCtfU^n wi Marfhai K'-y ; At <h- oloie j( the trial the Marfhai ob- •VTvedj # Gentlemen, I §m a French m$ and will die a* one. They hive r:>! been willing to Heal my defer.de; ^ ; x thank thern for what fchey h.*ue done f^r ru-e, aiid what they mr.y iiltl do ; bat I prefer :u%i bcin^ defended ai all, to be irt perfectly defended . I v.ild^as . NJcreau did—appeal to Europe and poller* ltV, M, Bcllart rpi.'iie to pr«:vc.it turthcr ck . ;u •^ ' ! u.* The Chaticcllot—Defen^rs, you rr.v.- \yjt evsry arpimcnt. except fucb aa tn? Ctiamber has interdicted. The Marshal.—Since the Chamber will n./: henr.--------------(mes mover,*) I forbid rny Ativocatcs to add any thing j the Cham* berv.-iUvjrid^e me as they think proper* The finr.i requisition '.739 tlieu read.. The Frrk.ient adurtiiVJ the accuu:d : Accaledj have you any pbfervattotis to nake on the requiiirion ? The Ma;(haL—Nothing at nil, m-/Lord. The witnefs ordered [he accufed to retire, S3 well as th:s wirnciTes and the auditory. At hve o'clock we left the Chamber f.t- llng for deHberation. • — Perls* Dsc. ';.. — From five o'clock the Chamber remained *n d.;'he»-acion upon the judgment, at a quarter befor-.r twelve they decided by majority that Marfhai Ney was gu**y of'high trmfsn agarnft the (late* 131 v-.)ices condemned him to d ;ath, and 29 vo¬ ted for bnnifhment. The Marfhai -ras net prefent at the time the verdrcl was dtflivcred* We had thought ho could not hive been fhoti but it appears that there is a law that can fltpdt him, as has been pro\edby an able Hwyer prelent- The Martial is to be (hot to-mofrow (this Tram late London Papsrx. Fsz: i-rj cf Steam—Of all the m-ebarjjcal inventions—faihor:a':.-]e oriuxurioof—iicci-■ hrj or i'opernrousjin which wc cscel our con tinental ntighbors, what cm\ equal the im¬ provement^ we have made in that powerful engine, jleam ? Improvements ft-.deed fn great tliat, if I am «Ot miftaken titeSQi Will ft.on become the only power employed n aU ui.-efationa, natural as well as artitic:-l t ar.d men and horfca he left to amufe e^ :h other as wstl a- thry e^n. Already w- f-r e ftea» > 4tfi -vhich go ^^.it'nft wind ar> i tide, cer- .<•!»'.</ a molt necelfaty way of going b •v.-.(r iim. -.and which ought by alj t»ean« be emp'oyci ..:t now st Taxis, We fieam ; sn irnp'ove.rer.: of ^roat confequcr.ee at a time when fo many accidents happen by the drunkennefs of coachmen running with one another ; and lastly, the greatest im provementa of all, we are told that the Am¬ ericana envious of our steam perfection, have invented a man of war that is to fight by st<?am and difcharge, I know not how many paeons of boiling water on the «yiemy in a minute ! What a new mode of warfare will this be, and what a great favintr in the stu¬ dies of naval furgeous who will have no grea¬ ter wounds to attend to than fcald heads and blistered hands ! And what a dignified thing it will be to hear that a -rjrRt rate is a fliip of 100 kettles 1—Above ail I think it is a thing to be thankful for, that the Amer¬ icans did not hit upon this invention fooner* They never would have confented to make peace with us, if they could have boiled us down to their own terms, and I fhall certain* ly have lefs confidence in the peace just now concluded than I had, feeing how eafily they may fit out a navy ; and if any difcontents anfe, it is plain they will break th- "Treaty as fjon is they come to the boil I Certainly the motto of their new navy ou^ht to be ta¬ ken from Shakespeare who feems to allude f)x{\ to the difficulty of the invention, and fe- Condiy to the facccfd of it, in thefe beautiful lit.es— Double do u He t'il Cnd trouble ) JPire bum and Water buhele I How much farther they may carry ftcam I know not. There are projectors wko talk of educating children bv (team, and others cf increafmg the population by the fame kx\ ginc. This may appear impoSble—^bnt fo thought our anceftora of many things that we know to be poflibte ; and in an age (o ■full ct wonders ascur'-i, it does not become a phiiotophcr to be faithlefs and unbelieving. London, Oct. x. The following hah been iiT'ied from ^hc Secr^fary ot State QtEc* for tshe War Vc» 4 paftment, in Downing-lireet : — •* S;r—I am directed ciy Lord Bathurft, to acquaintyoayfn reply to your Ji'.ler of the-------, that i:is Majeity'r, ^overnmvnt have i: under co<>huerati'-'u, whether it may be ad- v.'lable to afford r.ext year l-'-rr.e degree .of •e'K-ou'-agemcr.t to per fons willing to proceed .at fet tiers C. the Grtilh pr.»vi[.ces in North- j\rn%rica> aiid that Mloop a* ihi* ^uettiott )^alloe decided, i wiKnat fell t&^ommattfeaie the advantage* which ic ;.s pu>|ial:tfd to hold uut to then) : but I tbiftk it ri^ht now to ,»o jgra'uc-, of jiius'.s will tjeitccforth be given in thofe provinces to non rcitdents beyond what the means of the parties otTering to proceed thither may enable them to cultivate. I am, "&c. ticn, command"nrr all good and inquifitj citizens to "-ad the commercial convention with England, fur the important information aforeiuid, agreeable to the fagaci us fuiges- tions of the Dercnf'.'t General of the admin- iftration, under the penalty of incurring our high difpleafure. and of being unacquainted with the important "knowledges" contain¬ ed in that commercial "parturient montca^ nafeftur ridiculus mus." In teftimony whereof, I have caufed my (6257;feal to be aflbted to thefe prefents, and Signed the Tame with my left hand. Done, in my Elbow Chair in the tet.th month of the firft year of honor (Signed) THINKS I TO MYSELF. " Nor Waved, n Nor Postponed, • " Nsr injor-naily jtrranged,*' Secretaries A Pans paper of Ncv. 7 fays :—A faying of M. De Talleyrand is circulated to-dav. It was affirmed in hisprcfencc, that the De¬ puties would fave France. « Geefe fayed ttic Capitol," replied the ex-Bifhop. • • • • Major General Sir rREDERICX RoDr?? sov, and feveral Gentlemen from Montreal- arrived at Liverpool on the 4th December. Montreal Herald. -.IrU V MARRIED, On Mondav the cti» day of Fcby. iSirS, by the Rev. M.. Ohicial Stuart, Mr. Sti¬ ffen WESSELS to Mif9 SUSAMMAH HaRT, both of Sophiasburgh. On the fame day Lyman Lvon to Mi.j RfnEccA V/iLiiAws, both of Loughbo- ough. T^ . ^ \ rrom the DtJaware Guzetti. • # • # ^MINKS I TO MYSELF, Pre Adent of the 625^. To all and singular to ivh-m thefe prefentt may come j Greeting. ^Vhereas, in the con cfpondcncc between i\ t Secretary of" St ait and cur Cpmmifiioo- rcrs^n Europe. Mr. Mtinroe, <tated— That the »rnpreU"'Ticnt of fearrtcn and SIjj- '^al blockades were the principal Caufeoftht war, That price cOtilcl only he concluded, en ;;he cxp-'"Q; condition elf having' z" Latiafac- tury {Ii-Dclfcion agauitt toipreiinMBat91— ri'hat without i'.:rh prcviiions, the United States would have appealed to anna in vain—1 That our f!eg nmft protedl th-: crew or tthe Urni-i-I T-'c-trt could not coniider them* Selves an independent nation—* That t&c {h'pulatlan raigfit be limited to t:he then ©xittfflg war in Europe— That it was imprtant to the United 3tat^9 tfhat fuch a ftipulation fllould be obtained ftor a certain fpeciried term, if occ could not b./ had during the exifting European w^r~* That the ruh;ecft of impreffrnent and cor.":- rmcrce Hj*ari;; be referred to 2 teoaiate ce?*j* tiuition— Thai %Vm : ■rrim.'ffionerg might omit any ftjfpulation cm the fubje^'t o^ imf **elTment, it fo>und sndifpcniibly neccflary tc te..finale the wfar— Awl that it wa3 highly impovtant that ^ c!c-clarat:":.n or protefl, in foo^e form or oth- er,(fnon!U be made, bating th^t ft was not the i{tfr?nti£tt of the United States in fultcring th«c :reatv to b.* Glent 01* the Q^e& of im- prvfi'.uent to ;:d ntt the Rritilh claims there¬ 's or to relinqJ^V. that of the United -And whereas the ftti-Cgouig exhibits .in ev client fpeeimeii of the " Art of S:t»ktn^ fWijatfae Mmu to the Muy» if you can*** ArMri arJaeteafi in th.e treaty cf peace we ha** foisfnd nrtb'ng it^pecling this famous fati^iac- trr v llipulaiicn, or the declaration or protcft iti ~.Ki<* ?v+m or oth«r. And whereas the K^^nal Intelligencer kind1./ undertook to divc-£\ our attention tc She treaty of'comnura* not co the treaty of peace, far divert aa4 fim- dry oiat:er3 rc!ati»»g to impreHxncnt and it- leg-fcl blockrides ; Now, theiefore /, Think* I to. Myf(lf% prefident of the 6^57 in gciier- DIED, ta ih\<\ town on Tuefday l,aft, Mrs. Mart Smith, wift of Mr. Richard Smith, Mer- chant, aged 41. / jth his houfc in Erncft Town, on Tuefday f the &tn of February indant, in the 47th year of his age, Wm. Fairfield, Efq. ar ter-a confinement of 9 days, with a bilioua fever, accom[>ar)ied by an iuilamatioti of *r. liwr On Thurtday hia funeral was atten¬ ded by a numerous circle of relatives, friends ana neighbomg. Mr. Fairfield has left j widow and feven children to mourn fh - "r reparable Infs. This U the firft link th : has been broken in a family chain at twd bvotherd and filters, all arrived at years 1 f bucairoirie Townfhip and Di(tridt jiave lo:t a vd! uable member. He waa engage J in mcic«utile biifinef-3, both in the villa^r: of Em eft Town and the town of Kin-rftor.. He Was one of the CommiUioncrs for ex- pending the public money on the roads Formerly he wag a member of the Provin¬ cial Parliament, and for many years he has been fn the Commiflion of the Peace. j1% a magistrate and a man, he was charicftenfed by intelligence, impartiality, independence of mind and liberality of fentiments. £ Communicated* tl **r*T • w T.. Uui Kingston Amateur THEATRE. ON Thu-Tjay evening, February ftjd* 1816, willbe performed the much admired Comedy of JOHN BULL, OR AN Eng lijh m a u 9s Ft re fide f To which will be adcled} by yartzcuiar ri queft. the Far^e oi' Mils in her Teens. Doors to hd ojvrisadi $(X o'clock, pre^ifely, and the Curtain i>j rifedi \ before SMJT&N. Boxes 6/fc Pit 5/I N. D. Ticket-?, to be had at Mr* John M4AuIav?s ; Foit Office. IJtRoO^S having claims on the Amateur j^ Theatre are requeued to dclrver therr aecouz tsat Mr. GiiTord's Office, Point Fre¬ derick, o: or before the 13th iaft. x^be^e payment of the lame will be made- on the i^th tnft. Chair Store. THE fubfcr.'ber9 bare removed to the Sign of the White Dear, where thef intend to keco on hand a variety of CHAIR S, OrdifFerent DatUrns.—They irte--J con'Trr- *ii •!- b:!&aela if the public encourage: them Fu;ftcient)y- a HATCH & Co. Kingston, Feb. S, 1816. 36tf MR. MARSHALL, Membrro^ th« RuyaleottegC of Surgeons, London, ha» removed from Nfr. Earl*« Houl* to Mr. Patrict Smvth'3 Stone Hfc>uf<:, Watc# Street. » r- ■

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