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Kingston Gazette, February 3, 1816, p. 3

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• -in' _m t-------------*""• "**"• „\-^.-^ *■ - -•---------------— Kingston, Fkimul'^v .5 ..... ....... • • • • • • • • coM:-r(7\-icj-^ox^' N* .. Account of m,:v ^WttM »** e*- 4^ for the ufe ol rhc fcrw bobool, L-- feph Lancaster, Qih month, l*fc£. CoBMUdt ,lrt £xpendfd, I ft boy Tuition in *| Reading, Writing, and [ Arithmetic, IJs. per an- ' rum each. J x- d 84 H XO,ooo Quille, (niuTons.) «/"6 per thou fan 4. u Purfes, lettered, icf) m Silver Pens.. il.-gs&. L rj HalfCfOwns. engraved. ; VA reward for merit." 18/. .1 500 Toys &c. a^ premi¬ ums. 3 <*5 d »7 ? 18 5 Coals for firing, one Chaldron. ^ Expence of fi< MCuruaa* to Wandf vcrth,: ^laph'dm, Sy¬ denham Norw..o<\ and Black Heath, with $% %0> c 124 fcoys at a fieme, *s a recreation and reward oi atV.'-uon to thdr teaming * a dote:; WriR«g&w*» *°r fcovs unable to pay tor them. Q 10 dozen Siites* 4/i ?** ^zen x 2 do*en Uriivcrlai Spelling Books, 3 dozen &u. by Mark.- . l>am. * t I>oa«i BvW.d'i H*mfts^i d»£en pfcfttHdti* lens. 4 dozen Hifita 6* cwwrea, I Printing *GO ( BilU) • «* Direc- s lions for wntin'g with accura¬ cy/' 300 Cards, do. Do 1503 Commen-iitcrv Tickets, * . 130 leather do lettered" A toward for merit/* S-'C. I- -w ,w.....•._________ - - *-*■" feary and CLaft 13 oc k* - I *3 4 t6" <f n o 3 ° 1^ <j * o 12 o r 6 £&f£c -:- *c J f. 1 16 9 n« »o c -* H. *- The fchoc* circulating library eontifts of above 300 voir, calculated ■-<> fm- prove the morals of youth, which they a*e •emitted the ufe oi gratia accOriinir to P nt. Number of Tree Scholar? admitted 134 Gone to place, or apprenticed, 13. 7 ex* peiledfor brv.l behaviour, or 110 n-attendance. 1 dead. 8 7.1 l»-efent number of free Ccholsa, : t 1 Excluiive of the free fchool, above too Scholars have received iatiru&iofi aX about half the common price. From fucti as w«.re unable to p?.y, Free Scholars are felcc'ted. By fitaplifying the t'fual methods of tuition confidcrabie benefit has artfen to the ir.ftitii- tion ; "and from establifhin^ a tegular Ivstem of order with correfpondent ar^d -cciprocal checks, cne.ich dependant part, fntjeh of its tnergVjufefulners.ajnd reputation has been de¬ rived. Premiums and rewards for merit have proved highly krvicable ; it is proverbial that the " hope of reward fweetens Lbour,>r and the practice hns verified it. In many instan- eesthat which without them would have been an unprofitable toil has become a t»leaf- ure. luition in this fchool is conducted fclely by the fenior boya employed as teach¬ ers ; the master treating th^rn with peculiar attention, and not fparing fukable encour¬ agement when merited ; fuch is their activi¬ ty and dili^nce thai no other aUUtance is necefaiy at pxefentor likely to be iu fa fu> tUre- wJ- i-^ can fay with truth thnt owing to thefe advantages he ha* no morp labour •with 250 children than he fo-mtrly had with 8o, and can do them iuperior justice in tui¬ tion. Having thus fucceeded beyond ex¬ pectation he iooks with picafurc to the pub¬ lic and to thofe benevolent perform who have hitherto aided his defigns for future and en¬ ergetic fupport, and trusts the >efult will prove a fimilargratification to their minds in the future profperity and ufefulnefs ol the in- •tituticn." Jame» Street, Bo-ough-Ro-.d, 25th, 6th month, (June.) (803, OdaDiah. St. Juputa, i^ihof ijit mmt&t i8:6. Mr- Editor, lefS afubferiber to the Midland Di*- trict School ^ocietv, and anxious to fee an •n.tmjnwt pr-fgnant with i.mn^ide n.lvanta- ^fjtq th.'riGng gmc-u.o;;, idvance as ra- P'-Uy a- p-tftble, I v. H grr.ulv lur[,n1cd to Cm.en nn the i^th inft, had been pubiim- ed in yoviriaft paper.^I however called on the S-e'-rctary to day to learn what was the i(Toe of that meeting; He fnowed me his hooks, an I informed me, that he was dirk¬ ed by the Prefide.ut and Tiullees not to pub- lifh a'i*r more of their pr<icec'i:,p,9, n«"«r s\- low any lublcriber to publifh th<-m until the an. [\z\ meeting in May.—1 obferv«Jthat he had got a number of copies of the fuhferip ti^n lift printed for the iiguatur^s of fubferi- btr% that the Treasurer had collected£190 th:-:t feve/al fublcribers had refufed to payj and that there was to be a meeting of the Ollheevj on Monday the 29th inft. for the pnrpofe (if petitioning Parliament for the grant of a lot of land on which the fchocl- honfe mould he erected. Pray, Mr. Editor» what can be the caule of all thisfecrccv and mylU'rv ? T* it in the power of the Prefi- dent and Trtii'tees to prevent any fubferiber frorn printing their documents ? How are the 1'ubfcii'heiH to kn >w what their rcpTefcrt- tativcs are doing ? iX may tie anfwered, that ihfv huve, at all times, acccls to the Seere- tarvN books ; add that it iy as convenient Sc aa chcf!p to tzl\ tsti him as it is to prifat the docunv nts :h his hands. But, Sir, is it not really very convenient and fcaConablft for thofe fublciiberb, v/ho live, at i'niiit* dilla«C«! ffbm ihtB y>hc£i to call on him f—Is it not now well known, that, notwithivanding all the exertions of the Treafu-er, a preat deal of the monev mull be Ji»tt ! a::d who is to be refponfible for it } No perion will doubt, that if that geatWari had been properly an- thorifed, lait M^y, to collect the fuWcrip- tions, nearly the whole might have eafdy been, colkaed, Now, Mr. Editor, if none of the documents relative to the focisty can be publiPued till the annual greeting, it h very evident, that if the oiTicers have not faithful- ly difcbai'^ecl the ti uti which baa been foj o'nn'.y a-.vifacredly repofed in them by the fublcribers, a vute of cenl'nrecri/v, atthean- rual rre.'tir.T, can be paiTed on their con¬ duct. Ought r.ot agentg to have been long ago ?£tr<int£d in a^ the difFcrsnl towaihipi of this Diitria to receive fubfcriptijn« for piomothig the advaaccmen: of this beacvo- 'k-nr in-fl 'tT'.:--»n The method tohe purfued to obtain pay- meftt i:—: them who refufe to pay, is veiy pl-^M. " r<- W:t an act of the LegilUure,. and let us enforce it. Whi'" I *m on tli'^ Impoifant and inter.. CRt?J«^ fi«h'-gr, fi'ff- me. Mr. >'.<iitcr, t.(, n>.tke\ Jh^t disre" >n. The ireaturcr ha^ thought Ot t'» -i-^ on the Ht relV.ution o|£ the 23d '.-c. /v.v i-cctuiry ttcliafl lknoww dpi, V r that rc%iutif>n certainly does not r- rftak*! ft'ill and void the 2ad icfolution of the - 3tKt July. The fame refnohfihility, the '- lafn-e liability to Se exiled un by the fubfert- " hers for interest, niA c;;;-t. That refolc- - tion rt still in full force, and there is no ■> »■♦ arc allowed too rrmdi inJuIgence, with refpeft to trading, by trie late Treaty, ihall not they, who have fought and hied for us and otir country, while we remained quietly at home, reap fame cf the advantages of the Peace, which they have dearly earned ? Shall we, who have made our fortunes during the war, have the pre* iumption to alk from Parliament a privilege, to the [utter exclufion of thofe who have fuffered the mod ieverely in the late unnatu* ral conflia ? Are we not fatisfied with what wo have already gained by the war, from our fortunate fit* uation, and muft we alone enjoy all the advantages to be derived from the Peace ? An Act of the kind paffed during the entiling feffion, will appear little lefs than tyran¬ ny. Now, Mr. Editor* if the Amer» icans are cue oil from intercourfe with us ; our markets will be bad* !y (applied ; and we lhall again be obliged, as formerly, to pay the lame extravagant prices to our merchants for Tea, Sugar, Cloth¬ ing, &x. and to our farmers for gram and hay foi our cattle, and proviiions for our families, I believe, fir, that there is not anin^^bitant in tins place, but will piifchafe from him who fells the chcapdl. Then, why prevent the Americans from bringing their jy produce an<t inanufadu res :o our markets ? This policy, Sir, though may emich feme individuals, will be very pre.unkial torhe,,gen~ erallntereft- Of the cxttwtrj% and ought not to he fuDnorced nor c- veil countenanced 3 tjiii^et \ylLtl l'C.i.1 CUtlCCTfl T 7T the welfare and profperity '1 my countrymen, 1 have thus ventured Mr. Kditor, to commit my tho'cs to paper and fend them to you, with which you may make what¬ ever uie you pleafe. J1 A lr.\M< Briton. th'iS^nVs foprrd f;r the *"** •L^etacntn*:nt «>f troons » -ill We underftanrl that oned ar all .1 i jo- (they Z'C t0 be itat«- MARRIED, ^^^ On Sunday Evening, the 28th Timarv hy the Rev. M.Offielal Stuart, Mfw^' mam Gibson McLeak, to Mifs ]AKZ In the Townfhip of E Mond rneft 1 own Ami on Wcdnefdav, the vft fanumr.- Ea^is, b^h of Wolfe li:an(j. Kingston Amateur THEATRE. N Wednefday evening, 7th frfaft wifl be performed the inirei Comedy of mucbi Speed the Plough} To which will be added the Faree <$ The REVIEW " OR. i it w Kingston) Feb* i, 1816. datlfein the m tdnhlteu 61 the $*& Eke. - ' mrar^*vr" r^r-rrr r rr>T?%Tni? which mattes it null ,vA voub ttf Treaf- - FOREIGN ffl TELUGENCE. <- ' ut:t ought to be aware, that not th least refponubuity with rcioc:: to veiling tlie - niorrey atiutercAt iipwresUwith the Prcfi- - dent p.nfl Trustee&, out the whole r->-.s with • him c'.zr.:. T;; ii G H 0rro? T.\ a z d 1 v s 0*G■'.o£» Kingston, z6i\: jur;. ie 1 '. _ Mr. Editor, I have been very much pleafed and graritieJ to fee our markets to well fupplied with all kind^ of." provisions* and the the town ib well ftocked with various kinds- of xnanufaclures, fmce .Uic etefirig of the navigation. I hoped that we ihould, lince the ratification of the Treaty of Commerce, eir'ov, not only the comforts.' but even the 0 * luxuries of life", at a much cheaper rate than we have ever hitherto done ; but thefc dazzling prof- peels appear to be of fhor: dura¬ tion ; for I am credibly informed that rwo petitions are to be pre- fen ted to Parliament for the pur- pofe of preventing io extenfivean intercourfe with our neighbours the Americans as at pfefenl e^ifes. One petition, I am told, fir, is of a moil lingular nature, and which, I think, when it comes before His Excellency the Governor, and the members of vhe Legiflative Coun. cil, will not reflect, much honor on the generolity of the petitioners. The object to be gained by this Memorial is, that "the owners of the Steam-Boat here, {hail have an excluiive right of navigating the waters from Prefcott to Queens- • • • * • ■ Cozficr ■ Extraordinary. Nurr.erou3 p no e. arc m& cliini; thro! Par* is, nipht 2"d dav. The yfrenadiefs o* the guards and the Gendarmerk of Bath iire on foot. There are»<rrsat nurnhef of recent French EniigTanta at Conih-intinorle. The "communication to be rmde to the Chamber of Deputies this evening, has for its object, the cilabliiliment and organization L-f .. Pievi tal Couits. Thev aniiDuec 10: to-morrov/ the departure cf Loid Cafderengh. Conflunflnopki Se*>t. 2 a tinues to put in the bell ft'atc of &cl< ti'C fne forts of the Ijufuhorus, and the two batteriea of Terapia, opposite the mouth of th: Vienna 03. 78.—Merchartt8*letters fi'osn Lrody of the 24th October date that Gen. i h Porte con- Wags of IVind/o: Boxes 6/3, Pit r,/: Doors to Icvpmcdat^lXo^lcch^.rtc^, end 4he Curtate to rip at S'£ VEN. Pcrfons i)oiTe(TiPK Tickets who xiid not gam admittance to the \A\ reprefentation are requeHed to ceturnthenj to Mr. M^ulav, where the money will be repaid or other Ticket'; given in htu. U. B. Ticket^ robeh«d at Mr. John M^Aulay'a > Ppfi C)fhce. Secretary. in 1rev.. i ^ i f:._______________I < 7'he Kingston Library TILL be owe:i everj" Monday from 1 x o'Clock A..M- until 1 o'Ciock, I M. at the Court Houfe. » Subfciipvious for P.eadin^ will be r<!c^ \' ed by the Trcafmxr, Wm. Mitchell Efq. at thirty (hillings per Year, or ten (hillings ptr Quarter, payable.on fubferibing, and a de- p»lit left with the TrcafUfeV of five Pound3 as a furetv a^ainit the lofs ol Books. Sub- fcribcr=;arc toconfuler themfelvcs fuTjwCl Co the rules of the Library. Pertons haVrjua in their polfeluon 3oo.;=» belonging to thin Library are tequetled tt> return them into the Library without deb -.. CHARLES ANDERSON, &>; Kingllon, ift Feb. i3t6. * 3>>lt WHEREAS, A NOTE Executed by John Miller arvi Henry Baker, fume time to the year to fcrvc Thefe are to caution any and every ptrfon agaiult ta¬ king the faidNote in payment, as wc arc dc- termi.iedr.cvc: to pay the fa:ne. 'JOHN MILLET-?, HENRY BAKER, Kinr^on, yl Febuary, 18:6^ Kr MARSHALL, Member^ the 1804, vrm given to Adam Staarir.g in lieu of an Arbitration Bond. 'J 3 S*f Brosy 0/ the 24th Uctober itate mat uen, -« ,j r. MAKSrl//hL, eacmocr 01 uxv Bennifon hid for 14 dayi his head quarters _[\_L Royal eoUegeof Stirgeona* Lofljkm* at Odeffa. The ramora of an approaching v.as removed from Mr. Earl'a Houfe io Mr. warb -tv/een Rufila and trie Porte full main- Var»:.-ir Smvth'a Stone Houfe, Water ton. To what a pitch has theiove cf monev tranfpurted us ! What ! e- war b 'tween RiiSla and trie Porte full main¬ tained their ground, not with llanding their imDrubability, DUTCH* MAIL. Jjrt(tse!i, Nov. 11.—Orders were received. h-re on th-. 8th in(l. to prepare every thing tirccfTc'rv in this c'.ty and neighbourhood for ?. PrufHan array At 70,000 men and ^c,ooo h:rfes, compoiing th?: cth and Ct)i corns of :\\: Pru;i:an army, which were to march through here on their return from Franc*. All theneceirary measures were taken when srwi arrived that upon the French frontiers, o:j-jrbh:id beer, received for the Pruffian ar- rfty -.<_ bait and go into cantonments until The Pruilian troo ps have confequenfly fpr;ad themfflvs along the French fruintiers, even to the neighbourly. >d cfLi'-e, which cauko no ftnall uneafmefa In that city. It is remarked that fine* that time tlie duty of the French fortrelTts, Conde, Valenciennes and Bonchain, is again perfo; med with ihc greatefl itriftnefs. The gat^s ;»re opened very lute in the morning and (hut isgam very early. The ou"works are well occupied. Thifl gives nfe to various Patrick Smyth's Stone Street. K i 11 a f on, ' ft Feb, 1. S r6. fAZsi vstx n htiinthin YK a wholefale or retail store, a yc;ur.- m: n •*► for whofe integrity and capability he can produce good vouchers. A litte addreifed to S. W. and lodged at JSi* oih-e will bo attended 'u. 3^ LOST farther orders* o N Thurfday evening the 25th inst. at _ the Theatre, or between that and the old Barracks, a Lady's Gold BRACE¬ LET. Whofoevcr may have found the (ame an<l will return it at this office (hall b< haodfomely rewarded. |4wa£ Notice. conjoc"turcs. Several Pruffian regiments have already pafTid throurjh Mamur, to go by way of A LT-Pcrfons indebted to the EftaCeof J\ Doftor Anson Sm.th, deccafed, are r« quelled to W Ac immediate payrrcnt to Allan MacLean Efq. and thofe who have demands, are rcqueftcd to exhibit the Umc for jdiuttment. „..,.^t» J MARTHA SMITH, AJminlslratrtau

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