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Kingston Gazette, February 3, 1816, p. 1

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. ■ . • A ■ . . . ; * ' Kingston, Upper Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.-t-Price .Four Dollars per. Annum. UPPER CANADA. '/*! Francis Gore, Lteut. Governor* 1Osorge the Third, by the Grace of Gel, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, King, defender of the Faith. To our beloved and faithful Legiflative Counfellors of our Province of Upper Canada, and to our Knights, Citizens and ' BurgelJej of our laid iV-vmce, to our Provincial Parliament, at our town of . York, on the Thirtieth tifry of December, ,kto be commenced, held, called and elect¬ ed, and to every or you, GREETING. >■ WHEREAS by our Proclamation faring date the twenty-fecond day of Novem¬ ber Ul\9 We thought fit, by and with the ad¬ vice of our Executive Council, to Prorogue our Piov:uc;ai raruamemt, to wic *-*** <Jay of ifttti»Tf next, » v/hieh time at our 1 town of York, you were held and coniuame to appear, tut W£,.taking in:o our Roya coi:iideraHofc, the eale »d«WurerHm« »i our loving kbjeft.;,.hav.e thought & by and v-ith,the V.d vice of o ur Efce^tive council, to relieve you, and eaer. of you, of your atten¬ dance at tie time at"orcfaid> |eftby eotfv*-- .iug,ar.d by theft prcient: Tnjoiatng you ftndeachofyou.thit 03 the B|xih n-y of rebiur Fof Gale, of to Lease* . . Ti TAT valuable Barm in the town- fh;p oi^ldo'phui "To-vjn, adjoining the village or Hi lhuid v';!le,cv/ned and formerly occu¬ pied by th: fubferiber. PofieliioQ of the pren.if'a to begiye^s on trie lira: d&y of Apr\l\ if id,—/2iSGt That valuable F«urua No. 8, fituatt'd and lying in the iawtifhip'of Fred- erickvbut'gh additicral, containing zoo acres* tr.ore or id, together witha large and com¬ modious dwelling Honte, Bams* and alafge improvement ^hti-eon, formerly owned b/ tiie late Hf.'iklor: Spencer, EU[. deccafed ; potTriEon alfo to Le.giv.u cii the urocd^jf oi ApnL i3;6. *P ■ * | ■ Two Town Lots, iyfnor on the croft street leading to the Printing OJHeu, and ucariy oppofiie thereto, being lots No. 147, and 154, and likewife ie.eial Town Lots in thi rear of the town ot Kingston, l'ome oi which arc lying 0.1 the road to Lower Can¬ ada, and other* on the road leading to the Bay of Qilints. Charles Stuart. Kingston, 23d Dec. iHi 9. 31 pSS . *&$Q irurjfiuiuiO'^) 1 ' ". -TpiBJ^ tjjc: •IHC PAOUjli 3l[i JO Ajddt'J 2\») iCJ bj^puoj^ 1 . ■ • ' • •:uiT».A Xq p3ModjUR.il ^q uk?' >.[P'.i;>3Eirj sqt se 4i1mid} -.i2p3uj; ;uioj *i!Oi|ouT-vlj ic paqiiumj 'jq ojr^ » EOR SAL*., 7zuo Potash Kettle:, Ex&JRL OF THK SUESCRJ3SP. iff S.' Z)0LVHUS7(i!YN) OR AT TB£ P^JNf- ING OFFICL. % : s L-* J 9*9 ... ^ $ 1: V ft ' -t- x ^ • • •• ' tv h , 1L.1JAGERMAN., R&igitoni j ')tb August, 1815, 13 & GOODS, - ! •Oj) l~l t "op : c ?bp t—i 1 jOimS & Fl>7KLE-} i-feyi JU3T R^ar/rs ^ ftE»B*ki- • / c>rr<ii B&rptij g put 'qmiii'- b 'TTtivT^* pue spjiiv.g jo sMauuanb ^Hiv^ ': xrsg *3[*>u8 000*03 .,<auafrj jo ^\\$ oco'5 • I 1 <pttg lo bptp% oao«£ Vt[& HPl'»:%lt UuiAojpj ^qi .'s^u^jju^dr.p * pirn uolaSwv ;e ^;'-~-S ^I^-cI ^ HO-^ ASSOR.TMENT OF Drj;, G/jod: .' :2m. 0 ._ ^ f For Sale, aax A quantity of OJ* futtable for StaVess and fuuare Timbrr within a rcafona- Lie-distance of ihe water leadijig into the liav of Qmnty. For pai tienlarj. any pel (on 1 . « » 1 1/ Z/-AJ tit/ J 1 Lie/ dilij JUUXJ Anidng which ,are the £M6wmg i articles :-^-.. . SupERrrjS and common Broad Cloths x White ami bhrik Cotton Cam bricks ? Superhne dri^rd and undrefT'd Calicoes • ••: Black silk> Madrafb and Cotton BbuJan- Ca Handkerchiefs-^- } . ■ w variety cf Shawls and Veflii /3 ; Lar-glB dainaik siik Shawls ; 1 v>-ei rare c 1 out uiu. i'..u»i..v.v« »••• -■■------ - - . ■ * - .. 1 v ^ «»i*« j. *.».■• . —•■ • •» .....• j 1- — io:ao mar feem ttecfcSary., Herein fail f.o|. . rr p,«£iiM wiilung to pt.rchafe will pW«. to In teit'unonv whereof, v/c., h^Ve ca^^d ^lt^ tliis OiLee or at Mr. Jofeoh Vallier'a hefc our LeCers Co b: m:<de pa'eni, Bfule. and the g,fe-t S-alofour faid Hrovmce to be he: -lunto alri-.edc • VTitn«*f» oi;r tnilyand v.tii hu^^vl frahciS Gore, jt't;uire, tJicuttiw.i i.'Vo'WW* «• /ir !Vid Piovinee at Vo'rk, thi.. Tlo-:i".h '^av of Uecemlfcr, in the year ol o T llord one ihnwlsw^ ^tjl hundted ..net itftueniand ial^'tfij, fx:h year ,.t ou: Eingtloit, Dec. 9, .181 J> -i/tf. ----7 T-T S •. I - U. fe G » » • Wm. J as. Vis, 'S&rttary V To 13c Let v Y^Ort or^: y*» crm^re, the o:.c hah o: 10: 1? N^ 14,ind M-art-of^M5, J»4tiiog ** fcataiuque, m thriutt.cor.eeinon of KiugVvon fdtnes G. f-ianna. . ifyfyfitc'Sz&h & Cook's Stnr.\ OiTeVs f'»f fatt l..' ioli(^vin'r |e\v^lry, m/. Goid Chains, Sea.s ai-.d Iveys, rolouit-.i und plmw Gold Rw 1' &£*♦» An-inyit Au,- feerjhh*I3v*t u«>- iVirijeii: anc Gold Broa.- L;.r, iyr. do. do. Pins, T( pa? n:;d Fear! ; tU . *\«.ri, 'Ltthnd Ci-.-ni■•..-.:; Kings ; g«,ld I-iox Ilings; Ladie'. ;*std Gentlet7jei:*s plain r-o. amber Necklaces; gold and >::arr.elec! Fauce Niontces;: Lo Lockets ; Ldv.r ,t;ik ;.:flufF lit :.es , Mourning fetti j g9i Rings ;md Lav iiir.rrs - hHev t/ftfe Kiuvc: nd o H-ith a imaU couvement frame houle vm ** ble thereon, at.d bam n-om, L^uire m u.c iubferib-r on the pr-imit'ea.. - Thoinns Grahaiv:. Kingrtcn, 13th N.w. 1B15- ^tfi % ■ 1 Stolersj ^ROM out of the fobisribeta carnage, J* ftandmg m his (Uble, a Venetian Blind, fainted ^'een, 4n&i £ , mahogony^ will: a metal ip,in£ lock, Whoever «iU g.vc in¬ formation where it may be fbaiid uul fe. ^d^^reV"gml FERGUSON, ■ /««&• ^^Aug™*l»Jfil: Oil For Sale tom::am Pens ; do Sp^o^is • iil-'erand pla¬ ted Speaaeles ; do S« gar Tube* as d.Thim- t lo-* ; :i'i Chips &4 t""eps ; Rasors ir. cafes and without , fportoens Knives ; Pen jo from : to 16 Blades*; do do w it h Snufi Boxes and SeiiTcrt \ Paite Cutter;- Ladies* ll'orione (hell Coin'U i Bcft poLfned fteel Ccitfhrs: Na..«l jiilt Di.: c and Belts; gilt and fteelfvfo7d.Syiv.el*,t. Plate^ Brafs and itcel overall Chain* $ ^l% iV-dccpes; gilt belt ^ouftttftZJ ; t ^6 bullet moulds , V/?tchcl nf diffcrtflt defctmtion«, warranted rood-: Watches and Clocks of; different de- fctiotions cleaned and rtpairtq ^ ifee bef; manner and expedition. • . j ■; V/atch: Glafiet, Dials, Secund, Iviinutc & Hour Hands, Gold and Gilt. Kingfwm, Jan. '3, \U<k ■ . .9 JVwu £ttt^ cf Stages* HpHE fnbfctibt'r I it corr.me*:- ;cd ratt-nitig i. * LIKi:OF.STAOE-Siio* Montreal to Kiii«ltiiii twice a wee!;. . It leaves Mon¬ treal o^. Monday3 and ThnrfdaVs ti cischt -;" ■•o(k .\. M. and arr-'-.-cs in Ivingltcru, op "'ui ;u the i. me time -und Brrivta in MoUtr-tv ^» on \YediVffday» and S^imdays. Ferfcns t-r .vtliiiig in this lific will rind good teams & 1 reft*) and experienced drivers, wi:h covered kfctghS) :*rud'.- comfortable for tiie j urpoTe. J An •"fterlifw. vill leave Ogdchjburgh for L " a, every VVcdr.cftky andrriday for the Ct-'nvenicuj'. of traveilejj i.uothat partoi the The BooV^ to enter th-? names cf thole v:iO may \,-ifn feats in thi Srajrc, v»iil 1"* p lpt at Saraud Zicd»crs in St. Paul b;r ;•% \- Montreal, and at il&bcri lVutk-r\ Kote!a lli King it on. BARNABAS DICKI.rSON'. ' M-..ntrcal, Januar: ill, iS'Ja £i 11 ^J < * i • 6eabIcco.d Luftrihgi ra ;Oarcene:ts ; jSlac.'; MtoJe;--. • . Pfndcm^n's due buck, doc-Ddn and bea» Ladinf black, white end fancy colourM ouk do. »....;■■ J-.adieM'-fincy aiTurred Kid do. • : "ilia.ii, feW«j o**f-;i r-* —".»-' li^- . :tZ'.tt'»i While l.'iadoon siik Veivet3 and Cottou onirtmff8 j - Einc Irifh' Linen, ?.jHa, Imitation aud Scotch ,0tic-:*ting* ; • : J BlacS and white Jear.8; Dimities and b!ii&, Cryue j ^ : . J?.':konH and Booi Moflint, Ler.oes J Ginghama, Ribbons and Laces s . Fine plated fnrr and wool Hata ; Oil d Hat Covers* ALSO, And plug, pigtail and ladies' twift Tobacco J :iigh probloid Jamaica' h-pir^s-;; Cogniac B^ndv. Holland Geneva; iyioOi ' J f foungllyfon, i 7&lf; \nd Hvfo-n-skin V • ' • ;- • : HtilTi** Three Bafrets ©f' excsllsfct - ; .... WHISKEY, If'to (ale very low. • "Ln^uh-e of . - ' • • .THOMAS &AK&Yo> • * &fi*JthniO& 2C, l Sir; ; itx. A valuiHle irrft of land lying it! X^ townihip cf C.hr.rlottenhurgh, contain- ir. * _ . Shrub $ Fo;t Winc.:; v: • Th: above goods, together wiih a variety of articles riot mentioned, will he foid ac (he moft reduced prices for cajh. AVe tender oui thankful acknowledgments fto our cua- tomers Rvr ps': favoi^, and folicit a continu¬ ance of the.- future patronage.. Kir":ton> Oh Augustt i«ic. Qtf ~ ■» ■ the f" or "% four hundird andthlitecn acres mot lcfs ; and known by tLe name ofl^ets No. * THE West half 01 lot number ru'iettvn in, the f-cond concculon of the lowulhip of Kingaon; Apply to tlie Printer. - i* t h if* '• LVKjr OTRAVLD away from Mr. badgiey's 1$, l4, t|, 16 and r-7»be:n^ part- of a drip O Stable, a/Dark Bay HO RSE, '-boat cf, ^ between the ^ and dh concefiions oi ' o^0£ MAR m 'White* R" ESPECfrCLLV h.^ins 103 oui Cuftcmers and the Pubhc in g«**uiij, lhat he wiS ic-commcn- his.bu^i£is oppui:;s ' of Cook & g*JtV%£on \^edneLdav; next $ where thofe who will.favour him with the: commands may depend on neatrnv^ punctu-^ irlitv and dispatch. He will alfo kctffc coi> ftantly on band Leather of ail kinds for fale. ' . - , N B" Six cr feven good workmen at tf.c CUiiottenburffh. For terms apply to lAMffi G. BTEHUNE. . Eitngftcus, 5lit October 1815. 2 I if. E town- • warded for.tueir trouble. . r 7rt.^ Mto V K Sthjttovuryt 1816. 5 rp\VC handled Coids oi JFae Wood wan- - tedtobeda:vc-rcdd-r;ng this a^d the Wxt montk. Beaied j^enders isill be r$- «&ed at the Hofpital, Poiat Frederick on lie zoth January, inu. --,: twelve o'ciocV. N. B. Sureu-s v.Ill he required for the dl,,. r ia-t'-e Pfovi'nc-- of Canada as alfo- m the I'- taxed Stater if ^merka, on fufpickB oi. -■ ^__ leperfcriiur^*A" the Contiacu 4 THOMAS L):V7;3, • • A • FT" ^* Kingston, 2d December, I r> 15- T ■ i'Cr 5aie, ■ For -i 1 f> count of Lhe fubfenber.- ' Dan Kington, Jan. ;S, 1816, fillen*. On icafcnaUe termsj &£ Sett Heavy. ' ;ADVERTISEMENT. " '• .» «IIiL lubfcribe offers for fale to th«, j| ; "Public, on 1... :.ral terms of payoi;ai9 the following lots oi" w^fle Lands. Lots Ko. 22 in • ie Sth Con. KTo 9 in the 6th Con. Si Weft .1 2* Sih Con.-; ■ > 0 No 8 Fall {';thC-n. oftb' fliip of Piafbnrglv. • &&5fi Lots l\o. 7 in thv 5ih concculon No. 26 m th oth concenion •' •» Nv a 28, 20. ;o, 32 oi 33, ir.;6th eon- Na. s^Laii | 8th con.of Fitifoui^h. - .-^LcO, ,->fV =i Several Lots of Land of cftc and twtf acres in extent, on tl*» fiont of lot.Number 24 in the to.vr.fhip 01 K.'ngftoii, lying and: icituate on *.'i.': fho»t pf the Lake. And; Kkcwife lever:'! Iota of land of one, tAvo and three acres on the tear of the faid "lot No, ^4, lying and fcituatt on the road horn the town of Kin^tton to the country.—The lots are well adapted from thelj fituation foe u-jildioe on them, and for flre eilabli(hment of GurJcna in the vicinjly 01 the tu\vn. ' Application to oe mioV to the (lihferihcr ■1 &q yv^ ^^r**.*/ geo..ok:ll stuart. . nUTCH HARNESS. JS**^ *»^. ___± v ERYby fjT earrM or moft kinds or V Country produce, three elegant wood¬ en clocks, warranted to keep good ti»ne. Enquire of Mv- Peter Van Skiver in Ado.- ohultowu or of the i'^HcnVvev. ?/3^/j ritPfl 1 - .: A. MEIX3ALF. Kinrflcn. <.th V><*. 181?. 27tf. For Sale, TWO or tLree Journeymen Taiiorv, who will find foeady employment by W?^ D AWS0N; Tailor^ be, ^ cafy. t LOR SALE, A number of Town Lots near the French ** Church. Thele.iAof payn^nt will li.LARL. .. A. VALUABLE Farm> ^vith buildir.sra *[*•; also i3"ge improvements thereon, ia) vorabl-" htuatcd within 28 miles of Kings¬ ton.. Perfons defiroua of cuahaiing to fu- to quwe.Qf the Pmiier.

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