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Kingston Gazette, January 27, 1816, p. 1

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[SATURDAY, January ±% 1816.] .1 GS [VOLUME V Kingston, Upper Canada—Printed and Published eby StI ".'. * AWW»VT»f« MILES—P UPPER CANADA. Francis Gop.e, Veut. Governor N "g^lDo^AM per AnnUm. (Jborgs the Third, by the Grace of Cod, of the United Kingdom of Gr<« DnU » and Ireland. King, defender of the FkJl To our beloved and fc.tl.ful l^gu,at,ve CaunfclW. of our ProV-nee of Upper Canada, and to our grigfe*. Cit«cns uid BurcefTes of our faid Fro«n«, to our Provincial Parliament, at eu* 10.« oj ^^ ^ ^ fi;r ^^j aad cor^ York, on the Tbirtifin day f ^^^ • "£ motl;f.,,« felling Hod,, Barns, and alaf^ to be commenced, held, called ana c*tt- . . .. , .....u- ed, and to every ^^^ WHEREAS fty our JWtoaU.™ "For Sale, or to Lease, Til AT valuable Farm in the towrft. {hip afAdotyhvi To'tvn, adjoining the villaggc .of Holland Ville, Ovvucd and lormerly occu.j. r.itd by ihe fu'bi'er.beF. Fell {Hon of thhe T,'cmiY--sto be giveri on the first day oiAprify \\i\().—J<f.:Q,'V\rdX valuable Farm No. fy, iikiiat :-d arid |- - £ --1 cr in the townihip of FieJrj. Government Contra ti. 1*7 ANTED for the F,bi;c ferv.ee at V V Jti|Ig«on and dependencies, the foi- 7i - £OR SALE, JNG Off ICE. 1NT~ p ot r ;eJrl cricl'....bijr^iia-.'ditiond, containing 2CO acreei> N. HAGERMAN. tf. our Provincial Pa-.lian.cnt, to the day of Tat.uar? n«t,-at which B«^U ItV" ; 200 Toifts of Srone, or thereabouts* 3.000 Cufut-lsofSmd, , 3.000 ditto of Lime, 2o,occ Brick, 8 X4 x 2, ; 4,000 Bulhcl* v.: Charcoal, [part at KingUon, antiLpSBt at Point Henry') To be delivered at Point Henry. Deliveries to commence as foon as pra^.c- • able, and to be concluded in the Sonne when Tattoo V T» the Bay k clear of ice. P S * ' j OHNS " & 1' J NK LE ----------' . HaV£ Jus* mcievsd A GENEvlL NEW cay 01 ju-.,........ ■ ?nic;.n.VVned and I54,aad S^cwile feveral iowdl^j town of foik, yc^«wr..1.J-1 . , ^ cf ^ fefi ... (.. iUllg,ton, fome 4|)f "•BS^JS^a ^^o; .hie:, nre ^ug on ,. road to Lowe,C^ confidcration, rtc; cafe, and convene. our loving !&£&*> have *pl¥ht fi" % 1^ \viththeadvace ,f our EkccuUvc couuc:-. ,0 relieve you, a^^eacUof you, ot your a„e,. dance at the time, ^tcr^aia, u- ^ w» king, and bv &«* Patents c^ni:^ ^;- ' and each of you,-^ on the 6«tli d.y o. •,hrnarvneKte,r:::pg,VOumeet W » ^ IU the aanal dilpal,h oi fuhlic Lufiruf. tbe.e In tale into cotrndcratiou,^ .^.a- welfare of w Cad W«» «? -"f;;. ;" In teili-nony where--f, « ^ «^ Ottfo M Letter, to te^V*^ ano the great bc^ot o«t — to be hei-conto sfee^ IfUuV a; >d 1 ad-3, and others on the road leading to life Bav o'FQuintc Kiiiffston8 2id Dec. iB1 g« -?;: • F A cuan;:.'; ^...... of Oak [\utapfe ffcr ^^ardfqu.reT'Tib^-v.'fc ri ^ w.f • a* tic di ta:-ceofthe ^<tter leading mte- rth*: Bay of Qubtf. for parti^iar- rT .icfion or Willi wt'bnig t. p-.re'.ale will ^a.- to .C4n« tku Oniceot at Vr J6fep* Vaiiieti 1 H -n>. f ELipgHo^ Dec 9; tRi5, 277«. Large quantities of Boards m& Plank, 3--4 inch, and 8 incites wide;, i inch, 1 1-2 do. 2 do, f 2 1-2 dd. .3 do. Larg't quantities of Pine Scaril:*!:^ 3X4 4x4. 6x6 To l>e ftrruiihed a* Point Henry as er.rly in the etifuiajgr fprir.,r, d6 the materials can be traiifport'ea by urate?. - • ASSORTMENT O? Dry Goods ■ AND Groceries : Which are the fblicv/i/i^ articles 5x6 on JBandan. 12 variety of.Sfiawl 3d. 1 v ' ^ v/eh bcioveu t .a^^ 50 pieces ot tiicKcry, 1 , . ,, v. coof.etoriq.nveEim?10^ «*«» So Bufdel<of Hgir, J^Kw^ 2*0"oo feet of Oak Flank, to be delivered at Point: HcnrtN To be furnifhed littttiedidtefy; Efqoir.,, Mcutc-.::^ Oovev.HH V -;; feid Province irt Y. fk, thn --'— ^ ,r ;> -V*-. 'v the 7*V ^ |4or^ one d;ooi>nd ei^ht in*r«»c«l_n::a f If <•,::, ind it: the fifty ton y.nv ->f o-u re.^11- V. G. rpAKCT »P »J? rh^: fttMerr^r, on the ;ift ^ ^ ^ fe ^m aijontthet^i fi f rv u.:-r •-■•• to krig-them np Th»< • ••a- ui ■'■-"■• tprtii Tfd t<-< «*rovw" pr»'4w.er»y ■ -■ u«*tt?cs, and takclhrm »*v 'Y- ___,_ ,s and Vert? ,9 5 large damaik silk Shawls; French Cambnck, for HanJkerehiefs ; mw Linen Camhrick and Robe Pate, ns i Black white & changeable col'd Luftring; TwOJ a Ssrcenetts ; 6 Mack Mode ; Ga.tkmen'o fine buck, doe-ikin ver gloves } Ladiea* black, white and fan Silk do. :in and be.3-: ' „*>A aricy caiou;'d ta- F*r the ivttcles named in the two fiifl o^r- r r"» r /i aarapha, tender, v di be received at this oiScc fef« , [^ af^ Kid do. muil the zcth Janua-v, and for tii: latter nn- g*g "jg *«*■»* ^^'f Bombazetts; »;i «a,, , -.• . : i-i • , e . ^« White flialloon gnk Ve vers »n/i r«*»— tjj the tot!'} o« wiijcii u rrf every perlon Wtl] fei rtnUV v-Oi-aynr,'..^ with the lefult of V/m. jAftvit, u-^:'.'^.y Einelafla J:!,r -ry * r8v5- , * *. n T o i L I antes 1 i * • <? I tf Kingston, lst, Jan. tSlC :- -. ' ■ "1 k i -07 ore Vfar or .vior^, the w&e lajl of ^* ^ XilicnitVUi^ framefeufe^fta- ge thereon, aisd b*-> rowis, iaquwf o* ^ fobtcriber on tk p.^i>^. lu • Th->:ri?.s Gralvrn* Ekston, i3.hT-?ov- -H_^_____|fL^ Stolen, FROMovt cf the fofefaribwi enrria-e, «M ,-:n, fernd in .^ho^y. ffiib fonn,i:on where it ro.y be found /all D- bn^'jffiely rewarded by For 'THE Vi'e.tbdf ofV r.'..r»hcrn;P"r-.rr. h *■ the &oaid eonceffi«n tf the K •••:-? r" Kbefton. Apply t:' the "'"'**' • Offer* (.»■ rat- '.'••• P '.<•'- • «lfy. «*• Q01,1 ." .f.13. ,'f. :-..! " '••"■ «rtji *ndp!wn f.M ... -'. '. »X*f,^ bev ndjetl 6 ^ ' I ietl - '^ l a" ,hes,do do. do T 1 W ^ f«f retf. ; Pearl ktt sn. . ■ .' iK ■■ ; : " 1 Box Rin<i, ,, Ladie's <ih3 ■ oilWfl * ?•*• ,lo.-HTi'-rN,cW:ca- ;; .-J and en.me.ed Fwce Mortal Oo U =s«i fW«;; gtU and Ear KmgM «««' * * !,t , ■f* r.,,,,,, ,i, rCi.*. d-- 'J *J f»l«erand pi?- ted «peAiel« : d .'- - t "«****>* ; h'!?' ble,,r .:•;•: C'.fe and *j »««• * dhfion '.•-■' '•■' ■• - do 3',VUtJr ,•'•; Bexes and SciiTors ; rafc Corf ■■■ ■; . !.«v Sa-ifi: -<: N-.V81 gat Turks •- ;\B^/»; ;i.„ W f.eord S«-ivA ; 1 -~. '-- »■» HIRTYTnrce BarreU of exceUeat ^' //sa/';i 1 ,r fak very lov/. Enqmre of Km?shm,0d. z$ 1S15. '^itf. /•' fl/<J rr* ••1 T Norm ah Btthtne S Co's. Storcv fe00 Pisces Fancy Calicoes, various pat- tefna. eo Pfeces Super;., t Chintz, do. ^o Pieces VTclIington Fancy do. By the Trunk »*' Piece. r CalhsNaih:, %D<i> i6d, i^» **<*» 7d> 4^ 2 Ca'es bottle J Muilard. i Cafe tndigo. ■«.'«.. The whole will be fold cheajs for cafhyon- Sh^/ngsi V..veLS and Cotton feh^ce^IgP-, Stiija, rmri n avJ Black and white Jeans, Dimitiei anr4 blatk C.ape ; Jacfe<J!i«t and Bcok Muflins, i.enoea j Gingm'nu, Ribbon? and Laces ; Fine plated fori and wool Hats • CnTd Hai Covers. ALSOt Hvfon, 1 Young Hyfon, V 'TEAS ; And Hvfnn-fekui J Plu'i, pigtail > »d ladiTs' twift Tobacco; High pro if old Jnnaica Spirits ; Cogniac Brandyi Holland Geneva; A'hrnb ; Port Wine. The above goods, together wi«h a variety of articles not mentioned, will bci"d at the molt reduced price--? For caih. We tender ouv thankful acknowledgments to ocr cus¬ tomers for '^ali favors, and folicit a contina- ance of their future patronage. Kingston, 6th August, l§i$. Qtf ♦ . «- feloveraltChaineje^l^P^Nf1 belt MotfrttfegM bn6 «1«* «««^« .i'. f^'- ^ PS ;.. r r\ i ^ Kingston, JufV lO- ^ < >• r t*. \,'i / » Wm. White HOC tTXV'U'"-1".:-,-' 9 . _ ,"% vt4chESoFdiffc!e«tdc(cnpy=o5,^3rrimtcd fciftion. cleaned and repaired » to* "eft manner and cxpeditwn^ , , . Watch Glaffee. 0kU >-'-'-^> M«i«te8t Ho<.;r Hands, Gold and Grit. Kio2fton,Jaa»iJ.^16' Kindlon, 2$:'i OuO>r lSl> »_*ell 41 '/• c \ ~n E8-PECTFULLY informs hi« aW that he will re-c^on enc kts ouiinef> ^np tite of Cook & Smith's, on W^dnetd^y m««J where tfcofe who will fcrowr hi'n who t^;:t com.Tia'.:d? maydepen? on tteatticf*, oaf«<t«- .Inw i rVsoatch. B?wH!»'fo keep coo- tiantly en hand Lt^tbcr ci al! kinds w* £ak. , . N. B. 5;ixor (even goo:I wfF^aien a* ine ttg four hundred and thirteen acres more or ,S ; and known by the name ot Lots No. :, J4, tc, i6and 17,being part of a itnp tflandbeuveen the 2d and 4th ccnecinons o. a,arlotter.burgh. For tomsjJPgT^SL JAMES G, BTlHUNE. A ADVERTISEMENT. THE fubfciihe? offcra for fale to the Public, on liberal terms of paym^Jj the follov.i g lots of wnite Lands. Lots No. 22 in the 8th Con. No 9 in the 6th Con. S. Weft j 23 3th Con. No ft Eaft { 5th Con." of the towu- (hip of Pittiburgh. /.lso Lota Mo. 7 hi the 5thconceh*ion No 26 in the 6th conceflion K0S28.29, 30,32 & 33, in 6th con- &o. 2.3Euft *Bthcon of Pittfhurgh. ALSO, .ots of Land of one and two \ y e } 22tf ^-' • A/c eucoUfagc- above bufinefs will find the belt toent, and elirir wsf^ paid in fpeci^ eve;y Saturday night, and offcr.er if re :n.rr-o. Jlir^ton, 2d December, i-UlS- b or Sale. HERE AS D^?W JE. ^-; L£N, of the Town or *?" J- htbva Power of an Attorney, authonied Slere^ jt . botnk coilea cettain Monies ana rro?er; ^ h the -^WO hundred Cords of Fire Wood wan- ^ tcd to be delivered during this and the Ht month. Sealed Tenders ^:o be re- ,:,tcl at the Hofpital, Point Frederick on ,IC„„I, January, irJ. at twelve o^clock. i-i. fi; Sureties will be required for the liae performance of the Cont.acV. ,.I THOMAS LEWIS, Svrgeor \TEJYW few caft.-*r »»p^ kl'H'5 *f 1 Country product, ihree etegiJKt w^3U- en clacks, warrant ed to kee*,s ^••'i- **fa®* Enquire of Mr. peter Van Skiv:v i.. Adoi- phuitown or of the fubfwriber. C MERniT-I- Kuipftotij : $ t h N 0 v - 1 - 4. f • a*. «,tS.nWonx :r ^-feintheU. ;., the ProvWCC ot Cans^. --;■ ofde. „:tcd State, of ^--r,ca^ f-d- ^^^ For Sale. On reafonable term* 25 Sett Heavy UTCH HARNESS A. MELCALF. ..Kingdon, .4thDec^i8i5. - ^7tf- Sevenu---------. — acres in extent,*6n the front of lot Number 24 in the rownfhip of K;ngfton, lying and Situate on the (hare of the Lake. And likewile feveral lots of land of one, two and three acres on the rear of the faid lot No. 24, lying and fcituate on the road-fiom the town of Kingston to the country—1 he lots are well adapted fromtneir htuation tor building on them, and for the efUblifhment of Gardens in the vicinity of the town. Application to be made to the fubicriber. PP GEO. OKILL STUART. Kingjlon, Sep. 6, 1815. J4- For S A VALUABLE Farm, with buildings J\ -,lso larc-e improvements thereon, ta- VWhtnated uhhin 28 miles of Kings- vorably Utuaxcu ^rrbafmr to m- ton Perfons dtfiwm PI purchaimg ro qoire of the Prmter.

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