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Kingston Gazette, January 13, 1816, p. 3

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KIww/remj January 13, 1816. • • * ■ * V ► » « C * # « v s Ma. T"r»tTO*f ft hfU been rni>fl alliihlOMOv f#t>ottf<1 *.v fhe opponent, )ti tins country, to the f..ir)- <:al(ri;.n iyltan of education, thai it has fallen iiito difrepnte iti ISnt-tiri ; li yon will give a pUre in your r. left) I paper to i he following extracts from ft I.iter Magaz»U£, it will ap¬ pear hov/ unfounded thefe i(ports av^. I am, yours, tr*»**« A FlUEHC TO EdCCATJOK* ■ ----- - ^ ' ■ Thranr.ua1 ge lend meeting oi the F.dfi- biirgh LantaiHian. Scho )1 Socifty was bekl this day in the Aficmbly rront*, G.orgc- Street. The Lord Chief Baton bavitfg been detained in the Con t of Excheot.cr. 3§r George Mackenzie, bait. wasfuggelied Co tak<r rhe rhaif. - The report of the proceeding-^ of the Di¬ rectors ttnee the date of tat* ^enerai meeting "H'as read ; and, having been approved df„ *vas ordered to be printed. A number of refutation? Seu»ix then rno- '«red and adopted, the meefinjg vot~d thanka to the Rcvd. Dr. eiandforci, for hia excellent lermnn, preached and published f^r the ben- efit of the'focietv ■; to *l:e Piclider-.u and Vice Prefidents of the fockty ; to the Dt- tee^ors, ordinary and extraordinary ; to ihe Secretaries and Treafurei i to the LaOtes Patrotitfies of the femsle fchool ; to the La¬ dies, Victors fifths female Sckot*!, U io Jofeph Lanca'.ler. The following K^b^cmen 8f.d GentienftetV were elected Off.ce-bearers for the following yea r: president* His Grfie the Duke of ^trccteugh and Queensberry. / tee if re Men*: -f- eretanes* XTiioXX The moil noble the Marquis of Queen** oerry. The Ri-h-t llono*a¥e tfie Eail of Selkirk- The Right Honorable the Lord Chief" faron John Francis Eri!;irie of Mar, Eft|* Q&traord'mary EtttsBun - The Lord Pro volt, Sir G. M'Kenv.-e, Bart- Adam Rolland* Efq- K.bt. Scott NbnctieSi E% J, Wanchop'.', Eltk Lord I'r.'-nof; , Major Miil'~* jr. Jeffrey, Efft^ H, Cookbunu £$», }i. Jardvuc Efq. A. Hutchison, Ftq. fvaroh Hi* J Sic^iS* Sir J. Hay, Yy.vrl. Ales, ttoiuir, Efe. \w. Gibibti, Efo. J. Waup-h, Efq. T. Dallas, Elq- • Lovd AUoway, Kvv. Sir H. M.inc'1dfA...cwca'o Rev. Dr. Sandfoid. General. Dnndr^s, Rev. Dr. MacKniVht, Hay Donaldlon, Efq. Ord'tuary Btriors* Ninian Lowis, Efq. A. Murray, Efquir^, Dr. T. Cochrane, Rev. P. Dickfon, Revd. A. Thomfon, A Cruick^hunks, Efq? Mr. W. Pattifon, Robt. Dundas, Efq. W. In- glis, Efq. Rev, A. Bruntoo, J Borrar, Euj 0. Tail, Efq. A. ContUblc, Efq. T. Allen, £fq. J. MoJctieif, Efq. H. Broxvn, Efq. j. Robertfon, Efq. Sir W. Forbes, Bart. Rev. Mr. Alii'on, J. Tod Efq. ?.. Johnfton,. Efq. J. Cheao, Eiq. D. Andci'fon, Ej.q. W. ft*- t'fon, Efq. Rev Dr. Flemrrinr*, and^ q^ Geo. Lyon, Efq. \V. S.J William Braidwood, jun. Efq. Treafurer. Pairomfij cfihe. Ftmak Soioc!. Her Grace the Duchtls of Buceleurh &q(Z Qucer.fberry, Her Grace the Duchefs of Bedford, Her Grace the Duchefs of Rox¬ burgh, The Mod Noble the Marcniomrta of Queenfberry, the tight honorable, the Coun¬ ted of Buchan. the right honorable the Coiintefs of Killic, the right honorable rhe Couatefs of Moray, the right honorable *he ountefs of Haddintrn»n, the rirht honora-* blc the Counteis ^i Wemyfs, the right hon¬ orable the Counteia of Leven, the ri^ht hon¬ orable the Countefs of Breadalbane, the right honorable the Cooitefs cf Glaf- gow, the right honorable the Vifcountefs Duncan (Dowager,) the right honorable Vifcounttfft Cathcarf; the honorable Lady Helen Hali, the honorable Mrs. Dundaa, Lady Baird. Viftnrs of the ftmak School, Lady Campbell, of Azdkiidafs, Mrs. Fletcher, Cattle ftreet, Mrs. Rofs, Home ftrert, Mrs. Harrlron, Mrs, Campbell, r/b- ercromby place, Mrs. T'ait, Paik place, Mrs. Inglis, Quern Street, Mm MoncricfF, Dun- daiHtreeC, Mrs.- Bronnton, y/lbany Street, Mia, DoaorYule, Mrs Rocthwtck, Oil- chritt, Mrs. Duncan. Miuto-ln,ufe, Mrs. HaluJay, Mru. Su.Ml, Dundas Street, Mi"f« Edku.-< of M*r, Miff Vang Agncw, MiU Ann Hope, Mifs TKomfonj Mrs. ,Cruicl ■ ffiank. ■ Trtf-nd M:lej\ I omitted mentioning to thee, that Jofeph Lancafter inferibed the volume from which 1 have made the two pfeceed'.ng extracts, to the Duke of Bedford and Lord '•' ^merville, who, it appears, were i;:S'v!Mandmoft friendly pat- *•■ TIv .r:-K!er will be fenfible/9 GOritiniies the author, " on peru- fiGir his, of the reafon for bii.c this book to the Duke of Bedford and Lord 8- 'mtrviie \ snd thougii dedications are founded la flattery, this lias for its bails gnu titude apd truths, But it was not done m the fuperfcription juit al¬ luded to, that they have jthown their cheerful benevolence ; for in frhe fprinrr ot 1804,1 p*cfvifed to thetn extending the fchool tfom three buridred and fifty to feven hundred boy.^. For this purpofe k was calculated the fu:n at Jeaft of i sol was neeJful \ and that if it flioutd appeir, when the experi. tneatfcad been trid their fubferip, ticn fhould remain open to enable me to extend it to a tHoufand. The exi&ftllon to feven hundred, beys was made at a very triSinc cxpencc above the ettimate, it feenis likely theium v/anted £0 erect the building needful t,, make the *prupofed extenilon t^ one thou feud boys will be about ^cdl. Tbe reafon of the differ.. ence of theeftimates for extend. ins t h e fc ho 01 to feven hu n 1 re<\ and that for one thouiand is thar — iri 'a former cafe a conti^unus bull c&z aireariv erected was made uf^ of to aid the defi^n ; aad thus la ved p^rt oi" a greater expense •vhich otherwtfe mult have been incurred. The exteiuiou from ihree hundred and fifty to above feven hundred children was a moft extraordinary thing ;. and proved At\cr a thorough * rial the Utility of the fyftettt and order eftabli&ed in the inftitution. Above four hun- ■ »rcd children were admitted as fcholarj: :n fix weeks ; znd yet increafc of num- <3 fchoo! for nearty two hundred girls all educated drl the fame plan prove that the fyftertl of order and tuition is adequate to the In ft ruc¬ tion of a thoufand children or more in the one initkution; and without any adult ajjiftant teachers. This fubfeription now remains 0- pen for public aid with a view to extend the experiments to a thou- fjnd boys." Obapiah* St,* Augusta* i z>ih% ifi month* 1816. Mr. MjM, I am a young lady poftefTed of a few zz- corholilhrnents, and altho' your doirefpond- entY. Z- is very particular,he may,notwith- ftandingj in bonfequence of a fair fortune* which 1 have, be induced to. lower his de¬ mands, and gladly accept of my hand and heart. In older therefore that lie may have iome knowledge of me, I fhall give you a fliort description of my p>nfon and qualifica¬ tions—-and conclude with enumerating what he maft poflefs :n order to obtain me. My age is exactly eighteen—my friends tell me my figure is good—difpofition amiable, hair red and moil., eves blue, rofy cheeks and dimpled—tolerably fenfible and good hu¬ mored and not a had mulician, hatmom.»us voice, no great lond of learning—fmaii feet, flender ami well turned ant'es—hfgti fpirh.cd and ambitious. Thefe aiea few of wiy ac¬ quirements j and 23 I 60 not wifh to ihr>.w myfelf away upon a teilt-n of whom I have no knowledge—I publim my \viihe6, aud.beg Y. Z. will inform me whether he conei- ponds with the following defcription. He rnuft not be nbo»e twenty lisc years of age > and providedItis situation under government furnifhes him with a good i'ala'y he wi 1 be very acceptable, together with a tol¬ erable fori on, j it he is five feet fix inches high ar/i ha* light hair, black, biue, or bailie eyes, and not very alhletii, of a iT;>od difpofition, amiable rnatiiieraj r*ot ck« truvagant, no (care on bis face u.ileis they have btrtii hor.ijrably acquired in the field of mjii'ary fame—well educated and mint go to bed every night before twelver/clock. Pro¬ vided Y. Z. aniwcr.s the foregoing deLrip- tion and has about three thoufand p»»unda, which is the amount my father is to give me on my wtrdding ony> and which fnm is India- penlioly nereffaiy for him to have, 1 will ac- ^pt of his hand, heart and Purfi with Rap- tore, .Lmiiy. a tnemVr of the Imperial parITu- mint and LF'iHer becreUj of State, and William Adams, Kfq. Doctor of Civil Laws: aud *b faid Plenipotentiaries ! aviug mxi- tually produced and fliowi. teir faid full powers, and exchanged copies of the fame, have agreed on and concluded the following ar* tides, videiicit :• Article the First. ■ There fhall be between the rer- ■ ritories of the United States of -America and all the rerri'orieB or His Britannic Majefty in Europe a reciprocal liberty of Commerce. The Inhabitants of the two cotm- this furpriftng z bers had no unpleafant effect en the fchool This great irscreafe appeared to fome of my friends who were not fully acquainted With what the fyftern would bear as likely to overwhelm every thing with confufion ; but I had the pleafure of eftablifhing the fchocl for this large number and giving a proof of the practicability of rny plan in lefs than fix weeks. \Vhenbo\sof common ability enter a new fchool there is gener - ally a degree of referve and {hy- nefs about them that does not wear off for the ixrft week or ten days. All youth are influenced by example, and like fheep follow their leaders. The example prev- lent in my fchool was favourable When ftrarjge boys were admitted as fcholars their attention was divided be¬ tween the infl icnceof: fhynefs and example j and before that fltynefe had worn off rbe pow^r of exam* pie had in fome meafure habitua¬ ted them to their duty. Thus fit* uated they daily improved in lear¬ ning and ftimuhted by the hope of reward (hortly became as order¬ ly as any boys in the fcho< 1. In the outlet of the inititution it was thought economical if one child could be educated for one guinea per annum. The extei - fion of the fchool from three hun¬ dred and fifty to nearly eight hun¬ dred in the fhort fpace of fix week* \ the eltabljfhn,ent of a Commercial Treaty* jFrotn the National Intelligencer9 Dec* 23. JAMES MADIS0H, VREStT'tNT OF THR UNITED STATES 0? AMERICA. j& all ands'tngJar to whom thifs Prefents Jhall come, Greeting : WHEREAS a Convention between the United States of America and His Bittannic M^jelly, to regulate the Commerce between ::;e Territories of the United Slates and of lira Britannic Msjcfty, wa-i figned at Lon¬ don on the third day cf July, in the year one thouiand eight hundred and fi.Occn, by Pie* nlpotentiattes vcfpcctively appointed for the purpofe, v.h:.■'; Convention is in the words following, to wit s A CONVENTION T* R<:?u!atc the Commerce between the Territories of the United States and cf His Britannic Majc/ty, The tJr.lted States of Americ ana His Britannic Majefty being devious by a Convention to reg¬ ulate the commerce and naviga- ticn between their refpe&ive countries, territories ami people, 5n fuch a manner as to render the a:vd f. ■ to good order. ame reciprocally beneficial fatisfaclory, have respectively na¬ med Plenipotentiaries and giwii them full powers to treat oi and conclude fuch Convention ; that is to fay, the Freiident of the Uni¬ ted States, bv and with the con- J 4 fent or the Senate thereof, hath appointed for their Plenipotentia^ ries, lohn Ouir.«:y Adams, Henrv Clay, and Albert Gallatin, citizens •)t the United States \ -<i.nd His Royal Hiirhnefs the Prince Re- r^ent, acting in the name and on the behalf of His Majefty, has na- trted for his Plenipotm iarlea the Right Honorable Frederick John Robinfon, Vice Prefident or the Committee of Privy Council for J rr.iL\^ and Plantations, Joint Pay- * tnaP-^r of his Majefty *s forces, and i member of the imperial pavlij- feent, H?my Gonltou'rn; Eiqutoy tries refpcctively fliall have liberty freely and f ecu rely to come with their mips and cargoes to all fucl\ places, ports and rivers in the ter¬ ritories aforefaid to which other forekn-ers are permitted to come* to enter into the fame and to re¬ main and refide in any parts of the •faid territories refpedively, alfo9 to hire and occupy houfes and warehouses for the purnofes oi* their commerce : and generally the merchants and traders or e?. #\ nut ion reipectively fhall enjoy th? moft complete protection and fee- urity for their commerce, but fubjefl always to the laws and flatutes of tne two countries rcipcaivdy. (To be concluded ne$i *l:iL ) The fb!l&mng melancholy event* faya th* Bollon\Da,!y Adverttlir of ThatfdaV, h ippened in this town [Boftnnj on jjTneffirty evening, to interrur.t ihe feftivit'y and gaiety cf 3 ba'1-room ..A young lady, apparently-in perfeQ health, while carrying down a dance, fell up.ui the floor, was taken tip nearly* iiteleU, and 'm a fa:- minu es expre-h Th:3 diltrefQug event io fuppoied to hrve been oecaijiried by the lightnsfsofaer drc(s. Is cannot fail of infpirJnjf a ia\'.:ta»v tstntion againil theexcefs of a too prevalent fa(h)07t,* K'»m o»*t frtll i,f !-,.>;...- .r, ItHs^tf A\r mi mnetr* to the young and gay, h w near may be the hours of amufemeut to the moment of dif- folution. * Wearing a Corfet. CORRESPONDENTS. « A Lovsr of Verdure and Beag^f will appear ir. our psext, although his theme is ra¬ ther out of tVaion. <? Obferven'*'will b** attended to next week, but wc mull be^ leave to revife it__» His anfwer to Y. Z. we (hall lav afidc ; hav- r i' . « * . i in^, as-we conceive, an antwer better adapted to the fubjee.t, from " Emily." MARRIED, In this town, on Monday the flih day of January, ! 816, by tne Rev, Official otuart- John Link, Jun. to Sarah Pales. On Tuefday the 9th iuit. SamucI Rees, to Maxy Ryder. On 1 hurfday the i ith ind. David Coo¬ per, Seaman, to Makgaret otormes. For Sale, N Frederiskiourjrft, Lot No. it. In th*. nrlt cf>nceiT;.)n of faid tewn, contaromw 200 Acres ; one hundred under improve r eft, with a Frame Hotiie and Barn there¬ on. There can be cut yearly fei tons 0/ good nay. Any one deftrou3 ot purcha- fiag csuisppK to the fuhferiber m Camder, or to ffe Printer in King Hon. TOHNCARSCALLAN. Camden, January, 4, i8i6. 3ltr. For Sale, By th3 fuhferiber, a few Puncheons* Jamaica Spirits, Biandy Gin, Wine, Shrub and Peppermu*„ .,, Loaf and Mufcovado S n ■• 1 ^ ujra?", rr~» ■ — tea, ' Coffee and Chocolate, Indigo, Pepper h Allfpice. ALSO, , A general affortment cf Dry Goods, Iron cc Steel, a; i Sii very low for Caih. SAMUEL M£HRILL. .iwsstQn* 3S(l Dec* iSx<•

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