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Kingston Gazette, January 6, 1816, p. 3

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- . . • m y% *-. * - f^K ■"' J** 'm _ ' t% * • ! \* ■f/-*^ •■*-*- # . —# rSAtlTllr>AY,M/.RCii 24 1 Si 6.1 >!: • • • . ? [VOLUME V____No, 39.] * M ■ ■ ^^ • , Kingston Tji;per Canada—Printed and Published BV STEPHEN MILES.t-Price Four D OLLARS PER ANNUM. rz« a »»• Price of addertijing in the Gazette. Six fines and under, a/o" firll iftfertioa, and |/jj every fubfequent. . •. . . Ten lines and under, 3/4 firft infertfrn* fcnd 1/8 ewry fubfequent. Ten line* and Upwards, \d. per line firft jnfertion, and IcL per line every fncceeding infertion. > Advertifements unaccompanied with writ¬ ten direction* me inferred till forbid, and charged accordingly. ; 2% Kingston Library WILL be open cveVy Monday from 11 o'Clo-_k A. M. until 1 o'Clo.k, P. M. at the Court Hoiife. ' Subfewutious for Reading will be ffWi* ed by the Treafurcr, Wm. Mitchell Eft}. W thirty Mlin&s per Year, or ten milling* per Quarter, payable cm fubferibing, and .a dc* poi\t kftCritfa the Twrfuw of Five Pounds as ;■ t-tr^ty againft the lofs or Books*., r.ub kfcrfHer*Ire to coriider themfelvcs fubjec- 811 b • £&ft**fclre tocorinicr themieivcs- uu.jtct t-o thehilcBofthe library. ^ , P-rfoas having in their prnTcftton Book? VjongSPr t» this Library are lequeltcd to ietnrn them into the Library without delay. CHA RLES ANDERSON, 6V> 35*r -KiRfificJnj Notice. For Sale, or to Lease, THAT valuable Farm in the tcwri«< (hip ofAdMjusTo<wn, adjoining the village or Holland Vilie, ov>ned and formerly occu¬ pied by the tublcrfber. r^oilcffiou of the prcr.ufes to begiveli on tlie firatday o*April, 1816.—'/Hso9 That valuable Farm No. 8? fituated and lying in tile townfhip of Fred- erichsburgh addvttrnal, cout&iiiing coo acre?9 rhoic or lefs, together with a large and com¬ modious dwelling Houfe, Barns, and a large imp-.j-^ment thereon, formerly owned by fc&ftrkifc the lat*- Hailetoii Spencer, Efsj- defecated j "*a * poffefii'Mi alio to lie gjv&n on the first day of ■April, 1816. ALSO, . , . lyitraf on ihe croia g to the Printing Office, and !iea"lv opp.ifue thereto, being lots No. 147, and IJ j., and likewife Several Town Lots ill tHe rear oT Uie town of Kingston, force ftF y/tiicli are lying on the road to. Lower Can- ada, and others on the road leading to the Bay of Qiimtei Clurle Ruigstodi 2 gd Dec. 181 y- 51 «6S <. oqi Utun 30i^Q stqj ^g pSApDSJ aq _|Jia\ sap • r-vu 3aoc>e aqi j6X[ddnj at|t aoj. BjipuajL * pajjdnjri^.f) aq in>3 sj^udjeuj 3ip se *?uijdj SintitH?^T|j ui k\vz$ s»2 X.t'iaj.T iuioj pne y?\ -4?p?ij[ J'liOjj 'uoty3ui}{ ig patjjiainj scj oj. FOR SALE, Two Potash Kettles. Entire of the subscriber in A ■ D0LPHUlT0'lVN9 OR AT THE PRINT- • •. ■' 1. 1. turn ofiicl* N; HAGERMAN. , Kingston, i qth August, 1815, 11 tf. T*" jo ??jlnuGnb •op NEW GOODS 4 i wo i own Lots, •op c--t «; ■op 1 s Johns & Finkle? IlAVS JUST REGiEVED A GENERA? . ASSORTMENT OF •op z--\ c, 13 Ul - I » D * Street leadin ^S Scuart. Hmi& BDtpui g dub Hj.^ni'- (c syu:2\(^ pn« sp.ieocj[ |.o sshnu^nb 3»8iierj 'I'sooiufj^) jo spnjugooo'i *g xi xji *^i"|-U 000*63 'atUtn jo ojilp ooo*5 'P^^^spujnq ooo4S •SIA *S3pii.tt! Sui.*Acqfoj ?\\\ 'sppnapuadpp ^. buv Unis^m^ je aoi.'Jac: oritiiia 3m "Mod. v G AND ift Tcb. ;oi6. WHEI 5 A NOTE Wcnted by f^hii Miller and \ Henry Baker, fome liSfe in ttie year For Sciie, A qiilntity of O.ik fultabie feif Staves a»id f.iuare Timber wit!iin a reafmia- nai \ which are the fclld^vihg article t— Su^erfi^e and common Broad Cloths j White ar':d black Cotton Cambrlck*; . Superfine drtfPd and uiidrefPd Calrcoe^; Black silk, Madrafc and Cotton EandSii" I * * ha Kandketchiefs ; . ^ - ■ - fto* «m givai to AaanvStdannfl.to &m In lieu of an AVbiti'atiou JMfL ,!!«« «re tn caution any and every ptrfc* Bg^ntt. la. U!c distance of the Waler lead'ii*^ into the *ftt)ii d9-j 3 kinu the fjiid Nore in payment, as we arc ce- Ui-niined tiever to pay tl-.e fame- - TOHN Mi ?ll£NRY BAKE ft, "Wanted, HonlV. Kintcllon, Dec. 9, 1815, g7h -«r. ? };OPv the &}*pljr«f{& MiJCot>% Forced # at this Ptn.t, From 14to i5 ooc pounds of ruwd MerchainablcKRKSII BKEP per-\\V.ck. Deliveries to commence on the r>t of May next, and to be continued to the 3 rat De¬ cember 1816. < . •• Propofals for ta^i abnve itirfply will be re¬ ceived at this Office until the tct April next; on which day perfous Having tendered vvill be made acquainted with the refolt o.f their pVOpofals. * ■ - ^otf •• Kingston, z-jih J\a. i 8 10. - ' ... - _ Notice. LL Perfons indebted to th'! ILvkte of ____Doctor Aksos Smith, deccatcd, a>:c . tequelted to make immediate ; ayment tq Allan Mac Lean. Efq. and thofe who have demands, are requelled to exhibit the fame for adjullment. . . tVIARTHA SMITH, Ailmlnis(rritr':x. in.l pjaln LioUi l« nr KailffS, rvmanyn .-.-r.- beraidjett do. re.n'jcu and Gold l>r.-a. C%e9, do. do do.. Pi'.s, Topaz avid Pearl Qpfofiie Smith ccf C)ok%s SloYe^ Oflers for iiile the 'followiiuc Jewelry, vh* Gold Chains, Seal-? and Keys, coloured and nlain Gold i; nr \€mt, Ameihvft Am- b ch.., - JTetW; Peail, jett and Cornelian Rings ; gold Box JtoflgV^tf-" a,,d Gentlfmeh's plain do.ambrr Necklaces; gold and enameled Fauce M.uitees ; Do Lockets ; Silver gilt Snuff Boxes; Mining fetta; gilt Rings and Ear fUnga I Hlver Fruit Knives, and F.nntain Pe.is ; do BpeO;.s ; hWf and pla¬ ted Sptuiacles ;. llo S^ar 1 tubes and Thim¬ ble j Gilt fcfefjS' SmS -nsPs ; »<azors fn cafes and without ; fpor.tmens Knives j Pea, do fiom i to 1*6 Blades • do do with SnnlT Boxesand Sciffors Mew Line of Stages. THE fubferfber has corrrr.rnced running- a LINE OF STAGES from Montreal to King (ion twice a week, it leaved Mori- tieal on M6:idayiJ and Thurfdays at eight o'clock A. M. arid arrives in I'm^iton, en {\oi> at the ici-ne time unci arrives lii Montre¬ al on Wediiefday* and Sdtttrdays., Pcrfoiid ti-qv^-Vi"^ 1*1 |hw bne rv:il Find jrtiod teams ft c:irat»U as.J experieneevl dri^r.., ^}»yl- rnvcrfn flviffH made con>fortable for tlie pwrpofe. Another line wid leave Orfen&ufRh tor Utic^evcrv Weduer.l^v w4 FrMay for the conveuknet Ot traveller, into that part of the Tine Linen Cambnck and Robe Filterng : Black, white & changeable feol'il Lullnng j Twill'd Sarcenetts ; jflack Modei ..... G'-ntlecien's fine back, doe-fkin and §?a» ver gloves ; Ladies' black, white and fancy colour'tl oiik do. I^udies', fancy afforted Kid ^o. &H$h9 Wnrv jj»re-?i ^ swr^t }>m^rwiya*!« * ( White (haliooh silk Velvets and Cotton Shirting.v; ... Fine irifti Line*.?, RuiTus, Imiution and Bc«4:h Sheeting;____. ,,t -,:- ,„____ country. _ r , r The Books to enftr the names of thofe who mjywirt; feats inVne Stige, will be lepi at ^;te/ ^^ in St. Pnol Street, in 'Montreal, and at ft*T* »W^i Hatc,» :,lKInBltBARNADAS DICKINSON. Montreal, January iftj i3i6. 32 ______ !T3 "V7fl iacfioriei and Bo«Ie Minims, Lenoes % Gingiiams, Ribbons and Laed ; fine plated furr and wool Hits ; H^fon, ... Younj£ Hvfon, Oil'd Hat Covers. ALSn } PadeCulteip ; Ladies' Ti-vtolfc Hp-H Cvnnbs; Bell pwliuVd ll.el SctlTo^ •• Naval gilt Dirks and Belts ; gat F f*. t Kin^ilon,Feb.;2,_i^6:___ For S anil (le.lfword Swivels; Plated, BM, and ftcel overall Chains ; Ptiig Telefedpes : belt ' Mounting ; bvafs ballet moulds : Watches of different defcnptionsv Warranted v/ood : Watches andCtoeksof difeient dc- fcriptioiis cleaned and repaired in the heft manner and expedition. Watch Glaffe?, Dials, Second, ivlmnte & Hour Viands, "Gold and Gilt. Kin?'.Ion, Jan. 13, t8i6. . 32 » i ^HE ^esthalf of lot number nineteen «1 1 »trii fneohd conceffion of the tovvnfinp o! STRAYED away from Mr. Badgley's ^.ble.a Dark Bay HORSE, about rr«\VO h A valuable tract, of land lying m the /> lownlhlb of Charbttcnbutgh, ^ntam- ;n-f>ur hundred audthiiteen acre-: more or lefs 5 ^d kiown by the name oi Lots No. iVtA 15. I»M* :7>^lgpant of a Rrid Of land between the ed and 4th ccmcclFous ot Chanottenbi:-h. . ffj^^^,^ JAMES G. BTEHU3E. . aid October 1 8: 5.- 2itf, •' •.______________________________________________________________________ 11 Hospital, K':>rrstr.n, \ ]lhl,'.nuxr\\ 1S16. \ Kin cfl on ^nclrcd r ;otds of Fire Wood wan- Shrub ; Port Wine. " _ , The above goods, fogether wit}> a .ianetjl cf articles not mentioned, will be f--ld at the fnod reduced prices for cafh. We te'ndfr our thfcnkfui acknowledgments to our cus¬ tomers L.r pall favors, and folicit a cohtinu- ance of their future patronage. Kimstfiu. Sib August, 1815. 9tf - . . • _ _ _^____ . , ADYt.RTlSEMENi\ rjhHE fubferiber offers for fale to the jl Public, on liberal terms of payment, the followjng lots of walte Lands, Lots Nii. 22 in the 8th Coil. No 0 in the 6th Con. the Kingdom Apply to the Printer Kington, July ics iSift^ For S 4 twelve years old, with a fm.ill white fpot on hi< Forehead. Whoever will tang M «» Willi?.™ Evar;"'at K"1?11011* ih"il be v?rded for their trouble. , ^ Kin?ffton, Jan. 10, I 8 I 6. 3£t* 1 ^f TTERYlow foi cafe, of moll kinds o^ V Country produce, three elegant wood- *n clocks, warranted to keep wf ^ Enouire of Mr. Peter Van Skiver tn Ado.- phuttown or of the ^Q"™!'nT), j T C. MERRILL* 4tf. r 1 Not A ted to frf delkered during th^anJ tl.e next montl.. Med Tenders will r,e re- Mived «the HnCpltal, Point Fre-Vnck en tiw joth J*wy, Snft. h tw^veo clock. N. B. Snretics will be requ^d for tlit d.:c perfoimancc of the Contiac*. . r-lo 0 : . \v e , 39 THOMAS LEW lb, HERE AS DAN E. Jt- of the Town o* Survi'tj-'. Kwgom ?cth No^jHi: ' CA 6^0 r£ [ F V fekglk f*s iy a Power rf%^f^\ authorifed £^-^^ 7^ of tos phee,jo ., r. _....:., MathVq arid Properties both CO For Sale. An reafcFiable termr, Sett H avv V THE fu'ofcribers have removed to the Sign of the White Beat, where Ucaceuain Monie^ and Properties ft* 2 g O^LL i^^ St, tf^e Province of Canada, as slfb in the u- - ^ -j ti 4 & MF&R l;^s of ^meria on fuipici.m of de- 7)0 TLH tl A Kl\LdO tney Wad to keep on hand a variety of • "Of diW patterns.- Vhey i^.tcnd comity vingbufmefs if Ihe pubhc cncour.ge tbdB Efficiently. ^^ gA&C&V&i fom making payment to faid J**»l on ac count of the fubfcribeiv. it metc:alv. KingdV/n, 4thDec._l«TS'. S. Welt I 21 oth Con. No 8 Eal^ § 5th Con. of the towfc fliipof Piuliuirgh. . «Lao Lots No. 7 in the 5tKcoWrerooii N«>. 26 in the 6th conceltion K08 28, 20, 30, 32 & 35, in 6th cor . No. i % ESfS -I oth con. of fiitfiiurgE ALSO, Hevejal Lots cf Land of one- aM two acres in extent, on the rroi t c.:l>t Number 24 in the tpwnthtp of Kingfton, lying and fcituate on the fnuie of the Like. Ami likewife feveia^. lots «nr land uf one, t-.o anrt tiiree acres on thcjf rear of tf.e faid lot No. 24, lyin^ and fcituate on the mad fiom the town' of Kingfton to the country.,—The lots are well adapted from their fituation for 27tf, For Sale, Dan E. Allen* Kington, Jan. I?, 1816. 33 tT I Kingston, Feb. 8, S^O M &* f » ^ *\ V?0 ur three Journeymen Tailors, who will find Heady employment IfElrlck SmyT ttntt. ^ Kiisa'AftW* '" o !'.;'- llfl I : " > Wattr l ; • 1 ft bv anph'Wg to JOHN DAWSON, Tailor. A Fn provement ; a framed hoofe and barn, and ?n o.chard of 200 apple trees ;—22 bufhels of Wheat now in the ground. Said farm lay? on the road leading to York, about three miles and a half from Hollowell Bridge.— Enquire of the fubferiber on tUe premife^ ISRAEL BOWEMMAN, building on them, and for the eftablifnmcnc of Gardens in the vicinity of the town. Applicaiion to be made to the fu^fcr'hfer'i GEO. OKI LL STUART. KhgPn.S^L 6, 1815. 1 + For S A VALUABLE Farm,A with building* aUo large improvements thereon, Ur vorabh fitoatcd within 28 miles of King¬ ton. Perfona deliro«6 of purchaling to 1^' nire (f the Prnhcr. q« Feb. 14, 18:6. w*t h in± si 01* »>h \ : ■> 18*?. ji*

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